How to create a Dynamic Datatable with sorting functioanlity

I am new to JSF and need some help can some one please tell me how to create a dynamic datatable with sorting functionality. I am reading data data from a database table and wants to build the datatable dynamically based on the columns returned. I know how to created a datatble with a fixed number of columns but can't figure out how to create a datatable dynamically with sort functionality. Any small example will help.

Here is what I have so far and can't figure out how to add the sorting functionality. Any help is appreciated.
Managed Bean:
private List<MyDto> data ;
    public HtmlDataTable getDataTableOne ()
        if ( dataTableOne == null )
            populateCheckBoxes () ; // Preload.
            populateDynamicDataTableOne () ;
        return dataTableOne ;
    public void populateCheckBoxes ()
        data = new ArrayList<MyDto> () ;
        MyDto myDto1 = new MyDto () ;
        MyDto myDto2 = new MyDto () ;
        MyDto myDto3 = new MyDto () ;
        MyDto myDto4 = new MyDto () ;
        myDto1.setChecked ( true ) ;
        myDto1.setValue ( "myDto1" ) ;
        myDto2.setChecked ( false ) ;
        myDto2.setValue ( "myDto2" ) ;
        myDto3.setChecked ( false ) ;
        myDto3.setValue ( "myDto3" ) ;
        myDto4.setChecked ( true ) ;
        myDto4.setValue ( "myDto4" ) ;
        data.add ( myDto1 ) ;
        data.add ( myDto2 ) ;
        data.add ( myDto3 ) ;
        data.add ( myDto4 ) ;
    public void populateDynamicDataTableOne ()
        dataTableOne = new HtmlDataTable () ;
        UIOutput header = new UIOutput () ;
        header.setValue ( "" ) ;
        UIColumn tableColumn ;
        tableColumn = new UIColumn () ;
        HtmlOutputText textHeader = new HtmlOutputText () ;
        textHeader.setValue ( "" ) ;
        tableColumn.setHeader ( textHeader ) ;
        HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox tCheckBox = new HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox () ;
        tCheckBox.setValueBinding ( "value" , FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ().getApplication ().createValueBinding ( "#{row.checked}" ) ) ;
        tableColumn.getChildren ().add ( tCheckBox ) ;
        // Set output.
        UIOutput output = new UIOutput () ;
        ValueBinding myItem = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ().getApplication ().createValueBinding ( "#{row.value}" ) ;
        output.setValueBinding ( "value" , myItem ) ;
        // Set header (optional).
        UIOutput header2 = new UIOutput () ;
        header2.setValue ( "" ) ;
        UIColumn column = new UIColumn () ;
        column.setHeader ( header2 ) ;
        column.getChildren ().add ( output ) ;
        dataTableOne.getChildren ().add ( tableColumn ) ;
        dataTableOne.getChildren ().add ( column ) ;
public class MyDto
    private Boolean checked;
    private String value;
    public MyDto ()
    public void setChecked ( Boolean checked )
        this.checked = checked;
    public Boolean getChecked ()
        return checked ;
    public void setValue ( String value )
        this.value = value;
    public String getValue ()
        return value ;
<h:dataTable id="table" value="#{}" binding="#{myRequestBean.dataTableOne}" var="row" />Thanks

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    Hi Stuart,
    In this sort of situation, you will need to be a bit creative.
    I would suggest a pipeline function called as if it was a report.
    Then you can pipe out the required fields.
    Since you will have a variable number of fields, you could use two of the multi row field names for your field names and values.
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    I suppose the Getter method is only called once when the JSF page is loaded for the first time. By calling this Getter, columns are dynamically added to the table. However in my particular case, the dynamic list is not known until the user choose to view a table. That means I can not call loadDynamicList() in the Getter method. Subsequently, I can not execute the for loop in method "populateDynamicDataTable()".
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    Many thanks for any help in advance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    flyeminent wrote:
    However in my particular case, the dynamic list is not known until the user choose to view a table. Then move the call from the getter to the bean's action method.

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    I can guess that it is not
    exactly possible since I looked at the forums and documantation etc. but
    couldnt find anything similar than this link; "
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    a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = 10') "Select List",
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    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
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    'HTMLDB_ITEM.freetext(' || rownum || ', NULL) ' || vozellik
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NOT NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.select_list_from_query(' || rownum ||
    ', NULL, ''select vdeger a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = ' ||
    t1.noz_id || ''' ) ' || vozellik
    END AS "Değer"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    Thank you very much,
    Best regards.

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    Kind regards,
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    Use the following code to get a dynamic pdf document created in your <b>wdDoModifyView()</b> method. Make use of the firstTime flag there if required :
    <b>IWDInteractiveForm iForm =
    setDynamicPDF(boolean) nmethod has been deprecated in 04. Moving forward to 04s, you will have a different set of APIs to deal with such requirements. Hence the abiove mentioned method will be taken off with the next major release of NetWeaver.
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    Chu Lam

    Hi Chetan,
    I am glad that someone had replied on my question.
    I will explain it to you again.
    I have created a report that shows me all employees. If I click on a employee number then I get an MASTER DETAIL FORM on my screen with all the information(where he works now and which number I have to dial ifhow can I reach him by telephone) of that employee on which number I clicked on.
    I really like this mechanism. (You click on a number and the information that you see in the next screen is dependent of the number you clicked on ! )I have created all this. It works fine.
    What I want is to expand this example.
    Every employee has a FOLDER (yes, those ones in Content Area ) which they can insert text or image into that folder. The folder name is just the employee number. ( employee with employee number 3303, he owns a folder which is named 3303 and an employee with empno 9999, he or she owns a folder with the name 9999. )
    Every employee can tell more about himself in that FOLDER by iserting text and images. For example : What he likes, pictures of his vacation, something like this.
    What I want is this :
    If I click on the first report,which provides me all employees on screen, on a employee number 3303 then I get a Master Detail Form on my screen with all information about that employee with employee number 3303. And I want in this MASTER DETAIL FORM to create a link that shows me directly the FOLDER of that employee ( 3303), so I can learn more about employee with employee number 3303. But I don't know how to create this link.
    That link had to be dependent on the employee number. The difficult thing about this link is that this link had to be dynamic.
    I hope this will make it clear to you :
    (report all employees:)
    empno ename
    3301 john smith
    3302 peter clark
    3303 wilson jones
    If I click on a empno ( for example 3303) then I get a MASTER DETAIL FORM which provides me information.
    EMPNO 3303
    ENAME wilson jones
    department New York
    mobile number 98908763
    Company tel. no day
    AOL 097485838 monday till wednesday
    Oracle 04848584333 thursday and friday
    (what I want is to create a link here )
    If I click on LINK in this MASTER DETAIL FORM then I want to link to the FOLDER of this employee ! ( In this example it is FOLDER 3303.
    I just want to know how to make a link like this ( create a dynamic link to a specific folder ).
    Thanks in Advance.

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    :: Online Demo ::
    :: Go to tutorials ::
    Best Regards
    Waleed Barakat
    Developer-Online Creator and programmer

    Hey Waleed,
    thanks again for this great stuff -- and thanks for removing the login protection :-)
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

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    Some one suggest, how to create database dynamically in oracle standard edition with an example.
    Thanks in advance,

    I'd ask in the
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  • How to create Hyperlink dynamically

    Hi All,
    In my application , iam using one table , one of the field in that table is input field,
    when i entered data in that field at runtime, automatically that field value should become hyperlink, to show another table.
    is it possible to do, if possible please help me in this how to create field dynamically.

    Hi Sushma,
    What I get is that at runtime, you will fill the input field with some value & wish to have the field changed to a link.
    Adding to what Armin has said, keep the input field as it is. Add a new column in the table, create the TableCellEditor of type LinkToURL (if it is a URL value) or LinkToAction (if some value).
    For LinkToURL type, set the 'reference' property to the same context value attribute as the input field.
    For LinkToAction type, set the onAction event where you call the appropriate code.
    You can also set the 'text' property as Link or bind it to this context value attribute as well.
    Hope this works.
    Kind Regards,
    Edited by: Nitin Jain on Mar 25, 2009 9:14 AM

  • How to create a navigation bar with custom made buttons?

    I'm used to work with a similar program as Muse. In there we can create a single button and link them together into a navigation bar. I have tried all sorts of tutorials but none of them is discussing this possibility.
    To summorize. The idea is to create a button in photoshop and to use this as a theme to build a navigation bar. Possible or not and how? Thanks for assistance. Rgds Rufin

    Hi Brad,
    Thanks for your reply.
    No, not really. I used to work with XARA up till now. And being an Adobe Cloud user I think it a bit silly using two different systems. In XARA I can create a custom button and turn them into a navbar. For your information I include a few links to sites I created with Xara and I would like to know if I can create the same type of navbars with Abobe Muse. I already found out that all the other functions are available and some work a lot better in Muse, but I’m stuck on the navbar issue. I know I can create a button in Adobe PS and use it in Muse. But I didn’t manage to figure out how to create a navbar in Muse on basis of a button created in PS. or or
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    Van: Brad Lawryk
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    Onderwerp:  How to create a navigation bar with custom made buttons?
    How to create a navigation bar with custom made buttons?
    created by Brad Lawryk <>  in Help with using Adobe Muse CC - View the full discussion <>

  • How to create the dynamic report

    please help me, how to create the dynamic report

      Try this..
    DATA: p_temp(30)  TYPE c DEFAULT 'ZTEST_REPORT'.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_abapcode occurs 0,
            row(72) TYPE c,
           END OF t_abapcod.
    INSERT REPORT p_temp FROM it_abapcode.
          SUBMIT (p_temp) AND RETURN.
          DELETE REPORT p_temp.

  • How to create a dynamic action from link column in classic report

    I Have an apex page that display a modal window utilizing jquery. In the modal window I have a classic report with a link column that I want to capture its click event.
    I was thinking I could create a dynamic action with selection type=jquery selector. Not for sure if I need to do anything on link column and do not know the syntax
    for jquery selector. Would appreciate any help or direction???

    Thank you for your response. I am very new to Jquery so don't understand all that well.
    What I did:
    I created a dynamic action
    Event: Click
    Selection Type: jQuery Selector
    jQuery Selector: tdheaders
    Created True Actions
    I created an alert to see if this is being executed.
    Alert 'I made it here'
    What I have:
    I created a report region with the following query:
    Select empno, ename, 'SELECT' from emp
    where (ename like '%'||ltrim(rtrim(:P2_SEARCHPU))||'%'
    or :P2_SEARCHPU is null)
    I created 'SELECT' column as Link Column
    Report Attributes
    Link Text Select
    Target Page in this Application
    Page 2
    Region Header
    <div id="ModalForm2" title="Employee List" style="display:none">
    Region Footer
    This report is displayed in a modal form when a button is clicked.
    Code for modal window in Page Header
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $( function() {
    { modal : true ,
    autoOpen : false ,
    buttons : {
    Cancel : function() {
    function openForm2()
    function closeForm2()
    $('#ModalForm2 input[type="text"]').val('');
    I am trying to capture the click event on the link column of the report in the modal form. I want to pass a couple of column values
    back to the main form and close the modal window. I do not want to do the submit that happens if I click on the link column and link back to the main page(2)
    If I let the submit to happen, all other entered fields are cleared on my main form.
    Just don't understand the jQuery selector. I have no problem catching the button clicks on the modal form.

  • How to create an unsolved cube with awm???

    hi all,
    I readed the "Oracle Olap developer's guide to the Oalp api" and I found there's 2 type of Cube: Solved and Unsolved Cubes. And this document says: "... if all the data for a cube is specified by the DBA, then the cube is considered to be Solved. If some or all of the aggregate data must be calculated by Oracle OLap, then the cube is unsolved ..."
    I tried with awm to create an unsolvedCube but I can't. All cubes I created are solvedCube. To know if a cube is solved or unsolved, I wrotte an program in Java to read informations of package mtm.
    Some one can tell me how to create an unsolved cube with AWM ou other soft please!

    SH is not a relational OLAP data model which is quite different from the GLOBAL schema which is based on an Analytic Workspace.
    If you change the aggregation method you will need to re-compute the whole cube which can be a very big job! You might be able to force the unsolved status be de-selecting all the levels on the Rules tab in AWM. However, I think by default analytic workspace OLAP models always provide a fully solved cube to the outside world. This is the nature of the multi-dimensional model.
    Relationally, as keys are located in separate columns a cube can be unsolved in that the key column only contains values for a single level from the corresponding dimension tables. If more than keys for different levels within the same dimension appear within the fact key column then the cube is deemed as being solved.
    Therefore, I am not sure you are going to get the information you require from the API. To changes the aggregation method you will have to switch off all pre-compute options and also disable the session cache to prevent previously calculated data being returned when you change the aggregation method.
    Hope this helps
    Keith Laker
    Oracle EMEA Consulting
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    2. Does rowsource statistics gives some kind of  understanding of Extended stats ?

    You can get Row Source Statistics only *after* the SQL has been executed.  An Explain Plan midway cannot give you row source statistics.
    To get row source statistics either set STATISTICS_LEVEL='ALL'  in the session that executes theSQL OR use the Hint "gather_plan_statistics"  in the SQL being executed.
    Then use dbms_xplan.display_cursor
    Hemant K Chitale

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