How to create a dynamic action from link column in classic report

I Have an apex page that display a modal window utilizing jquery. In the modal window I have a classic report with a link column that I want to capture its click event.
I was thinking I could create a dynamic action with selection type=jquery selector. Not for sure if I need to do anything on link column and do not know the syntax
for jquery selector. Would appreciate any help or direction???

Thank you for your response. I am very new to Jquery so don't understand all that well.
What I did:
I created a dynamic action
Event: Click
Selection Type: jQuery Selector
jQuery Selector: tdheaders
Created True Actions
I created an alert to see if this is being executed.
Alert 'I made it here'
What I have:
I created a report region with the following query:
Select empno, ename, 'SELECT' from emp
where (ename like '%'||ltrim(rtrim(:P2_SEARCHPU))||'%'
or :P2_SEARCHPU is null)
I created 'SELECT' column as Link Column
Report Attributes
Link Text Select
Target Page in this Application
Page 2
Region Header
<div id="ModalForm2" title="Employee List" style="display:none">
Region Footer
This report is displayed in a modal form when a button is clicked.
Code for modal window in Page Header
<script type="text/javascript">
$( function() {
{ modal : true ,
autoOpen : false ,
buttons : {
Cancel : function() {
function openForm2()
function closeForm2()
$('#ModalForm2 input[type="text"]').val('');
I am trying to capture the click event on the link column of the report in the modal form. I want to pass a couple of column values
back to the main form and close the modal window. I do not want to do the submit that happens if I click on the link column and link back to the main page(2)
If I let the submit to happen, all other entered fields are cleared on my main form.
Just don't understand the jQuery selector. I have no problem catching the button clicks on the modal form.

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    Thank you

    Oracle supports feedback form metalink was; "What you exactly want to approach is not possible in Htmldb"
    I can guess that it is not
    exactly possible since I looked at the forums and documantation etc. but
    couldnt find anything similar than this link; "
    t". But this is a very common need and I thought that there must be at least a workaround?
    How can I talk or write to Html Db development team about this since any ideas, this is very important item in a critial project?
    I will be able to satisfy the need in a functional way if I could make the
    select lists in the tabular form dynamic with the noz_id;
    SELECT vozellik "Özellik",
    htmldb_item.select_list_from_query(2, t2.nozellik_deger, 'select vdeger
    a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = 10') "Select List",
    htmldb_item.text(3, NULL, t2.vcihaz_oz_deger) "Free Text"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    But what I exactly need i something like this dynamic query;
    vozellik "Özellik",
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NOT NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.freetext(' || rownum || ', NULL) ' || vozellik
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NOT NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.select_list_from_query(' || rownum ||
    ', NULL, ''select vdeger a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = ' ||
    t1.noz_id || ''' ) ' || vozellik
    END AS "Değer"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    Thank you very much,
    Best regards.

  • Need Help calling Dynamic Action from Link in Interactive Report

    Hello I have an Interactive Report. I would like to have a Dynamic Action called when the user selects a row (Clicks a Link).
    I am running Application Express on Oracle 11gR1.
    Any help would be great.

    Hi VANJ,
    Sorry for the poorly written original post. I will be much more specific.
    I have a Interactive Report on page 40. That report has a column named X_UID that is a link back to page 40 and sets a text item named P40_X_UID in a Region we will call "Form X" with the value of the column. That page refresh also then calls a Automated Row Fetch process to fetch all the values needed for the rest of the page items in the "Form X" region. Also "Form X" region has a conditional display on to only display when P40_X_UID is not null.
    What I would like to do:
    When the user clicks on link in the IR for X_UID instead of the "Form X" region becoming visible I would like to become modal. I am trying to use a Plug-In named "ClariFit Simple Modal - Show". I have it working with a Dynamic Action when you click a Page Item. But I would like to to work when the link is clicked and the data populated.
    I hope that helps some.

  • OnMouseOver displays Tooltip from hidden column of classic report

    What: The Goal:
    Make easily available more information than fits on one line of the screen without using multiple fixed lines.
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    A couple data items can be long (20-30 characters) compared to the screen width. The right-most data item might run 100 characters.
    Proposed Strategy:
    1) Display the first n characters of the long item(s) on the report.
    2) On onMouseOver display the entire item.
    Proposed Approach:
    1) For each column with long data, hold the entire value in a hidden item.
    2) Display long (hidden) value in tooltip (bubble?/balloon?) upon onMouseOver of that value.
    Note: This is not ToolTip/Help for a column but display of the long value for a specifc item in the row of a column.
    Sought After Feature:
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    Given other approaches you know, is this a good approach to achieve the goal? Alternative approaches?

    Well it took a while and you really made me work for this. :)
    For the end result hover on the Job Ln Nm column.
    I added some old code I had laying around. It adds a bubble that will stay up for 5 sec or until you click away or hover on another record.
    What I would do at this point is just truncate (with a substr) the length of the Long Nm to something short. Use whatever indicator you want for the hover. Like for example these glasses <img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#Fndview1.gif"> It's really up to you.
    You'll see there's an AJAX Callback PLSQL where you can retreive and format the content of the popup to whatever you want. You could make it real pretty.
    Here's what I did:
    1. New ShowJob javascript procedure.
    function ShowJob(pThis,pId){
         this.dGet = dGet;
         this.dShow = dShow;
         this.dCancel = dCancel;
         var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'),'APPLICATION_PROCESS=FULL_LONG_NAME',$v('pFlowStepId'));
         function dGet(){
               this.dTimeout = setTimeout("this.dCancel()",6500);
         function dShow(){
               if(p.readyState == 1){
               }else if(p.readyState == 2){
               }else if(p.readyState == 3){
               }else if(p.readyState == 4){
                     $x('rollover_content').innerHTML = p.responseText;
                var l = findPosX(pThis)+pThis.offsetWidth+5;
                     var t = findPosY(pThis);
                $x_Style('rollover','left',l + 'px');
                     $x_Style('rollover','top',t + 'px');
    // This math would center on the vertical           
    //                 $x_Style('rollover','left',findPosX(pThis)+pThis.offsetWidth+5);
    //                 $x_Style('rollover','top',findPosY(pThis)-($x('rollover').offsetHeight/2)+($x(pThis).offsetHeight/2));
                   document.onclick = function(e){
               }else{return false;}
         function dCheckClick(e){
              var elem = html_GetTarget(e);
                        var lTable = $x_UpTill(elem,"DIV");
         function dCancel(){
              document.onclick = null;
               get = null;
    }2. Rollover div on the page footer (div id="rollover"...). Of course this could be a region also.
    &lt;div id="rollover" style="display:none;color:black;background:#FFF;border:2px solid #369;width:290px;position:absolute;padding:4px;">
    &lt;div id="rollover_content">&lt;/div>
    3. PLSQL AJAX Callback. : FULL_LONG_NAME
    -- select your value with apex_application.g_x01
    htp.p('You hover over ' || apex_application.g_x01 || '<br>');
    htp.p('Here is the Full Long Name: XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX 1234565');4. Changed Long Nm column to be a link with the onmouseover call that calls the new procedure ShowJob. I made the assumption that with the NUM parameter you could fetch the full record of what you need.
    That should be it.
    Let me know what you think.
    Edited by: jrimblas on Apr 22, 2013 1:05 PM: Added code to post for completion

  • Dynamic action in column of classic report

    Good day master!
    Hi im new in apex,, so im dynamic ondering if its posible to create a dynamic action in the column of classic report in apex?
    i'm trying but its not working my problem goes like this..
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    i can do that in apex form but i dont know if iits posible to clasic report?
    please help!

    Dynamic action on report columns is possible but not as straigth forward as on items.
    First you can't select "report colum" as selection type for the dynamic action. Use jQuery Selector instead.
    See the [url]jquery documentation  on possible selectors.
    I prefer to use something like[name='f01'].
    Use the developer tools of your browser to see the name of your report column.
    Because you can't submit a single report cell value with the action "Set value".
    You have to use a combination of a action "Execute javascript" and a ondemand process.
    The javascript code is something like
      var elementId,idParts,row;
      /*Determine the id of the element that has triggered the dynamic action*/
      elementId = String(;
      /*The id of a item in a report column consists of to parts the name and the rownumber*/
      idParts = elementId.split('_');
      /*The second part is the rownumber we need that to set the value in the right row later on*/
      row = idParts[idParts.length-1];
      /*This calls the ondemand process*/
      apex.server.process ( "MANAGER_EMAIL", {x01:$v(this.triggeringElement),x02:row}, {success: function( pData ) { $s(pData.r,pData.d) }} );apex.server.process(name ondemand process,values to be submitted,options)
    This submits the values of the triggering element and the row on which all the action is happening.
    x01 refers to apex_application.g_x01
    {success: function( pData ) { $s(pData.r,pData.d) }}
    The succes option defines a function that is executed upon succefull completion of the ondemand process.
    The ondemand process returns a json object. Which we can refer to in the javascript function with pData.
    In our ondemand process we are defining the json object as having to properties.
    d and r . d is the display value and r is the id of the element to be set.
    $s(r,d) is a [url]apex javascript function that sets the value d to item with id r.
    Now the server side code. This is an application process with process point Ondemand.
    Which is something like this.
      cursor c_emp(b_employee_id in number)
        from   oehr_employees emp
        where  emp.employee_id = b_employee_id
      v_regel       number;
      /*Get the employee email*/
      open  c_emp(apex_application.g_x01);
      fetch c_emp
      into  col_emp_email;
      close c_emp;
      /*Calculate the rownumber do this only if the triggering element is a popup lov*/
      v_regel := to_number(apex_application.g_x02) + 1;
      /*Create the json header*/
      /*Print out the json object*/
    end; For specification of the JSON notation see [url]
    To see this in action I have set up a [url]demo.
    Change the manager and the manager email will change.
    I hope this is enough to get you started.
    If you have a problem in translating the above code to your specific situation set something up on Then the help can be more specific to.

  • How to create a dynamic link in a Form to link to a specific FOLDER

    I have created a reports of all employees of my department.
    This reports shows me the empno and ename
    When I clicked on a empno ( for example empno = 1 ) then then I got a MASTER DETAIL FORM about that employee(empno = 1) .
    Who he or she is and which course he or she had followed.
    I want create a dynamic link in the MASTER DETAIL FORM which shows me directly the folder of that employee ( in this example folder 1 ).
    If I clickt on the report with all employees of my department on an other number ( for example empno = 3333333) then if I click on the dynamic link in the MASTER DETAIL FORM I want to see the folder of employee 3333333 !!! You know what I mean ?
    What I want to know is, how to create a dynamic link that shows me directly a folder which is dependent on which empno I had clicked on in the report ( report with employee numbers and ename )
    Is there any way to pass some parameters into a link to a Folder ? Is this possible in Portal ? Does anyone know how to do this, or do you have a suggestion how to solve this problem ?
    Thanks a lot !!!
    Chu Lam

    Hi Chetan,
    I am glad that someone had replied on my question.
    I will explain it to you again.
    I have created a report that shows me all employees. If I click on a employee number then I get an MASTER DETAIL FORM on my screen with all the information(where he works now and which number I have to dial ifhow can I reach him by telephone) of that employee on which number I clicked on.
    I really like this mechanism. (You click on a number and the information that you see in the next screen is dependent of the number you clicked on ! )I have created all this. It works fine.
    What I want is to expand this example.
    Every employee has a FOLDER (yes, those ones in Content Area ) which they can insert text or image into that folder. The folder name is just the employee number. ( employee with employee number 3303, he owns a folder which is named 3303 and an employee with empno 9999, he or she owns a folder with the name 9999. )
    Every employee can tell more about himself in that FOLDER by iserting text and images. For example : What he likes, pictures of his vacation, something like this.
    What I want is this :
    If I click on the first report,which provides me all employees on screen, on a employee number 3303 then I get a Master Detail Form on my screen with all information about that employee with employee number 3303. And I want in this MASTER DETAIL FORM to create a link that shows me directly the FOLDER of that employee ( 3303), so I can learn more about employee with employee number 3303. But I don't know how to create this link.
    That link had to be dependent on the employee number. The difficult thing about this link is that this link had to be dynamic.
    I hope this will make it clear to you :
    (report all employees:)
    empno ename
    3301 john smith
    3302 peter clark
    3303 wilson jones
    If I click on a empno ( for example 3303) then I get a MASTER DETAIL FORM which provides me information.
    EMPNO 3303
    ENAME wilson jones
    department New York
    mobile number 98908763
    Company tel. no day
    AOL 097485838 monday till wednesday
    Oracle 04848584333 thursday and friday
    (what I want is to create a link here )
    If I click on LINK in this MASTER DETAIL FORM then I want to link to the FOLDER of this employee ! ( In this example it is FOLDER 3303.
    I just want to know how to make a link like this ( create a dynamic link to a specific folder ).
    Thanks in Advance.

  • How to create a dynamic mapping of columnar at the Runtime using ADF or JSF

    How to create a dynamic GUI at the Runtime using ADF or JSF in JDeveloper 11g.
    What I am trying to build is to allow the user to map one column to another at the run time.
    Say the column A has rows 1 to 10, and column B has rows 1 to 15.
    1. Allow the user to map rows of the two tables
    2. An dhte rows of the two columns are dynamically generated at the run time.
    Any help wil be appreciated.....

    Oracle supports feedback form metalink was; "What you exactly want to approach is not possible in Htmldb"
    I can guess that it is not
    exactly possible since I looked at the forums and documantation etc. but
    couldnt find anything similar than this link; "
    t". But this is a very common need and I thought that there must be at least a workaround?
    How can I talk or write to Html Db development team about this since any ideas, this is very important item in a critial project?
    I will be able to satisfy the need in a functional way if I could make the
    select lists in the tabular form dynamic with the noz_id;
    SELECT vozellik "Özellik",
    htmldb_item.select_list_from_query(2, t2.nozellik_deger, 'select vdeger
    a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = 10') "Select List",
    htmldb_item.text(3, NULL, t2.vcihaz_oz_deger) "Free Text"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    But what I exactly need i something like this dynamic query;
    vozellik "Özellik",
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NOT NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.freetext(' || rownum || ', NULL) ' || vozellik
    WHEN (t2.nozellik_deger IS NOT NULL AND t2.vcihaz_oz_deger IS NULL) THEN
    'HTMLDB_ITEM.select_list_from_query(' || rownum ||
    ', NULL, ''select vdeger a,vdeger b from tozellik_deger where noz_id = ' ||
    t1.noz_id || ''' ) ' || vozellik
    END AS "Değer"
    FROM vcihaz_grup_ozellik t1, tcihaz_oz t2
    WHERE t1.noz_id = t2.noz_id
    AND t2.ncihaz_id = 191
    AND t1.ngrup_id = 5
    Thank you very much,
    Best regards.

  • How to create a .DLL file from a .C file ?

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    I'm looking for a method how to create a .DLL file from a .C file .That Dll file will be used to perform a board to measure voice quality accoding to the international standard named PESQ (perceptual evaluation of speech qualty) P.862.
    Can anyone help to start dealing with Dlls and give some advices to avoid errors ?
    Attachments: ‏37 KB

    Hi sinaps,
    You mention that you want to create a DLL from a .C file. Just to clarify, are you using C (.c file) or C++ (.cpp) to write your code?
    Also, if you are using C++, are you using Visual Studio? (The reason I ask is because this forum is geared towards Measurement Studio, which is an add on to Microsoft Visual Studio).
    That being said,
    If you are using C: National Instruments provides an ANSI C Application Development Environment called LabWindows/CVI which makes building dlls a snap. It has templates for DLLs and you can build them either as stdcall or cdecl dlls.
    Developer Zone Tutorial: Building a DLL with LabWindows/CVI 8.5 for use with LabVIEW 8.5
    If you are using Visual C++: Look at the link that Al provided earlier.
    MSDN: Walkthrough: Creating and Using a Dynamic Link Library
    If you aren't using CVI or Visual Studio, then really the best bet is to do a google search for "Create C DLL" or post or a forum for the appropriate environment that you are using.
    Message Edited by Jervin_J on 03-14-2009 02:02 PM
    Jervin Justin
    NI TestStand Product Manager

  • How to create the dynamic report

    please help me, how to create the dynamic report

      Try this..
    DATA: p_temp(30)  TYPE c DEFAULT 'ZTEST_REPORT'.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_abapcode occurs 0,
            row(72) TYPE c,
           END OF t_abapcod.
    INSERT REPORT p_temp FROM it_abapcode.
          SUBMIT (p_temp) AND RETURN.
          DELETE REPORT p_temp.

  • Unable to create a dynamic action ALERT to be generated on a Select List when particular value is selected.

    Hi everyone, this should be so easy, yet I am stuck.
    I have a form region with an item P110_VESSEL_ID.   This item is a select list.   It is based on the query: 
    select distinct v.vessel_name, v.vessel_id
    from vessels vessels v, frequent_fishermen ff
    where ff.dea_permit_id = :G_PERMIT_ID and
    ff:vessel_id = v.vessel_id
    select v.vessel_name, v.vessel_id
    from apex_collections a, vessels v
    where collection_name = 'SUPVES_COLLECTION' and
    a.c002 = v.vessel_id
    If the user decides against the values in the select list query, they may opt to SELECT ALL VALUES.  This SELECT ALL VALUES is a POST ELEMENT TEXT on P110_VESSEL_ID.
    <a id="popVessels" href="#"><font color=blue>Select from ALL Vessels</a>
    This all works fine.
    The issue is that when the user selects a vessel name = 'UNKNOWN' and it's corresponding vessel_id value, I would like an ALERT to appear indicating that they should double check that the vessel is UNKNOWN and not that the is no vessel. 
    I created a dynamic action
    event= change
    select type = item
    item = P110_VESSEL_ID
    True ACtion #1 is the ALERT.
    I currently have no other logic, but cannot even get this to work.  Any thoughts.   I have also tried the SELECT TYPE = jQuery Selector = select[name='P110_VESSEL_ID'] but that does not work either (though I am not certain if the value should be P110_VESSEL_ID or the static name of VESSEL_ID).
    Any help is appreciated.
    ps.  the page is not submitted when the vessel is changed.  There is other data that needs to be entered both in this region and others and many validations run when submit, so the submit would not be an option.
    thanks again,

    KarenH wrote:
    I created a dynamic action
    event= change
    select type = item
    item = P110_VESSEL_ID
    True ACtion #1 is the ALERT.
    This should work.  Sometimes I've see where there is other javascript on the page that may have some errors and is causing the dynamic action code to not be executed.  Use your favorite browser script console to try and determine if this may be the case.
    P.S. Your jQuery selector can be: select#P110_VESSEL_ID

  • Tutorial Announcement .:: How to Create a Dynamic RSS Feeds  ::.

    .:: How to Create a Dynamic RSS Feeds ::.
    Using Adobe Dreamweaver 8 and InterAKT Rss Reader Writer Extension.
    Hello everyone...
    RSS feeds are very useful within sites, as they allow integrating for you website content in an automatic manner. Just share the source for the RSS feed, and when the original content changes, it will reflect in the content you share with any one who subscribed in this feeds on your site.
    In this tutorial i`ll help you integrate a RSS feed into one of your pages. This will display the content of your website to feeds subscribers with up to date content.
    The main purpose of this tutorial is to create a page that allows visitors subscribe to the RSS Feed that they want to see from your website content, or even enter their own in a text box by searching through feeds. also you can define feeds categories if your website is online store, merchant etc...
    :: Online Demo ::
    :: Go to tutorials ::
    Best Regards
    Waleed Barakat
    Developer-Online Creator and programmer

    Hey Waleed,
    thanks again for this great stuff -- and thanks for removing the login protection :-)
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • How to create a dynamic property in JavaFX

    public class Person() {
    private SimpleStringProperty _Name = new SimpleStringProperty();
    public final String NameGet() {
    return this._Name.getValue();
    public final void NameSet(String Name) {
    public StringProperty NameProperty() {
    return this._Name;
    private SimpleStringProperty _SurName = new SimpleStringProperty();
    public final String SurNameGet() {
    return this._SurName.getValue();
    public final void SurNameSet(String SurName) {
    public StringProperty SurNameProperty() {
    return this._SurName;
    How to create a dynamic property in JavaFX ?
    ObservableMap, ObservableMapValue, MapPropertyBase, MapProperty
    Which one should I use. Can you give an example?

    I'm not sure what you mean by "dynamic property"; can you be more explicit?
    Your code creates two properties that can be read, written, and observed for changes, though it's probably better to use the standard naming scheme for the methods (e.g they should be getName(), setName(...) and nameProperty()).
    An ObservableMap is an extension of the java.util.Map interface that can be observed; i.e. you can register a listener that will be notified if a key-value pair is added or removed from the map.
    ObservableMapValue is an interface that defines an observable reference to an ObservableMap; i.e. it has a get() method returning an ObservableMap and a set(...) method taking an ObservableMap. You can register a ChangeListener which is notified when the set(...) method is called. It additionally functions as an ObservableMap, so you can also register listeners that get notified when key-value pairs are added or removed from the underlying observable map.
    MapProperty and MapPropertyBase are effectively partial implementations of ObservableMapValue. SimpleMapProperty is a full implementation.
    If you just need a single ObservableMap (i.e. not an observable reference to one), then the FXCollections.observableHashMap() factory method will provide one.

  • How to Create an XML document from XSQL servlet which follows a particular DTD struct

    how to Create an XML document from XSQL servlet which follows a particular DTD structure.Could anyone send me a sample code for this.

    You'll need to associate an XSLT transformation with your XSQL page that transforms the canonical result into your DTD-valid format.
    For example, given an XSQL page like:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rss.xsl" ?>
    <xsql:query max-rows="3" connection="demo" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    select title,id,description,url,to_char(timestamp,'Mon DD') timestamp
    from site_entry
    order by id desc
    </xsql:query>and an "rss.xsl" stylesheet that looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
    <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" doctype-system="rss-0.91.dtd"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="ROWSET/ROW">
    <rss version="0.91">
    <title>Do You XML?</title>
    <description>Oracle XML Website Demo</description>
    <xsl:for-each select="ITEM">
    <title><xsl:value-of select="TITLE"/></title>
    <link><xsl:value-of select="URL"/></link>
    <description><xsl:value-of select="DESCRIPTION"/></description>
    </xsl:stylesheet>You produce DTD-valid output against the rss-0.91.dtd DTD that looks like:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE rss SYSTEM "rss-0.91.dtd">
    <rss version="0.91">
    <title>Do You XML?</title>
    <description>Oracle XML Website Demo</description>
    <rss version="0.91">
    <title>Do You XML?</title>
    <description>Oracle XML Website Demo</description>
    <rss version="0.91">
    <title>Do You XML?</title>
    <description>Oracle XML Website Demo</description>

  • How to create a purchase requisition from the EP

    1. How to create a purchase requisition from the EP & What are the pre-requiste?

    You need to create a SAP transaction iview for purchase requisition transaction and link it to the role and to the user to view purchase requisition transaction.
    First you need to create a system in portal to link to the R/3 system. For creating system check this link.
    For linking portal with R/3 and view the Purchase requisition check this link
    Configuring EP for connecting to SAP R/3

  • How to create a Sales order from multiple quotations?

    Hi All,
    Please tell me how to create one sales order from multiple quotations?

    Hello Maddy,
    To create the sales order from multiple quotation, you should put the value "F - Only at item level: Always with selection option" under Quotation determination in your sales transaction type.
    It will give you a pop-up to choose your quotations item while creating the sales order.
    Some per-requisites are there:
    1. Copy control should be maintained between your quotation and sales order.
    2. Quotation should be error free and should have the status "Released"
    3. Sold to party and Organization should be same in both transaction.
    For more information you can check the below link:
    Processing Quotations - Sales Transactions - SAP Library
    Best Regards,

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