How to identify a change on parameters value using match code

Hi everybody,
I would like to know if it's possible to identify automatically a change on a parameters using match code.
For example : In my wiew i set XXX in  my parameters, so i execute XXX treatment. Now if i change this value to YYY, i would like to treat the YYY treatment without press enter key.
My requirement is the following : According to the values filled in this parameters, i need to display different views in my WD application. So when this value changes, it's neccesary to modify the displayed views.
Does anybody can help me on this problem ?
Thanks in advance.

i think ,when you start a application with application parameters your first requirement is realized. However , the second requirement need more clarity.
When you start a application with parameter XXX, the application is displaying a view-X. How and who will change the value of XXX. Without triggering a roundtrip to server you cannot check the value if it is changed and on top of it, you can not bring new view assembly  So keep this in mind and design your application..

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    Edited by: Sangaran.81 on Mar 9, 2010 12:07 AM

    Sangaran.81 wrote:
    I am writing an IMAP Web client using Javamail.This forum is for Sun Messaging Server IMAP server software related questions which has nothing to do with MS Exchange or JavaMail.
    If you need help with JavaMail I suggest you ask on that forum:

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    Ok, so there is a way, but it's not available during submission. You can use the findRequests api. From the result set, get the "Requests.Consolidated Data Value" value. In this information, you will get an xml formatted data. It provides the list of users on the request on the left side after submission. After the request is completed, this value is available. Upon completion, you could get the request information, get this value, and parse the information for user ids.
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    Yes, but something needs to send that message. You can't just take an arbitrary computer and send an SMS, it does not have the hardware to do that.
    So either you have a mobile through which you do that or more likely - you use some sort of online service to do it. Whatever choice you make will determine what code you will have to write to get it done. Nobody is going to deliver the code to you, that's your job. It is also your job to figure out what service you are going to use.

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    Hi Manas,
    this is very lengthy process i found very easy way to get it done.
    keep this code in wddoinit of component controller.
    * enable context change log
        data: context type ref to if_wd_context.
        context = wd_context->get_context( ).
        context->enable_context_change_log( ).
    then write one method in component contoller like get_changes.
    keep this code in get_changes.
    CHANGES     Returning     0     0     WDR_CONTEXT_CHANGE_LIST          
    method get_changes .
        data: context type ref to if_wd_context.
        context = wd_context->get_context( ).
        changes = context->get_context_change_log( ).
    in above code what ever the chagnes are done it will come into chagne table.
    in debug mode you can find the table values.
    if you want more details you can refer to the WDC: demo_context_changes as refered by Leka.
    Thanks Leka.

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    Hope that helps.
    Recent Technet articles:
    Property List Editing ;  
    Dynamic XAML

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    Thank you.

    Well, it was a little circuitous, but I figured out the solution to my own question.
    I recalled I had read about the sapbexDebugPrint macro in sapbex.xla in one of Peter Knoer's posts in this forum. So I thought, maybe I can use that to get the before and after refresh values of "Last Refreshed" in the workbook. Well, I was half-right: I could only use sapbexDebugPrint to get the workbook's after-refresh values of "Last Refreshed".
    But it didn't matter!
    As long as the after-refresh value of the workbook's "Last Refreshed" value was later than the after-refresh value of the previous workbook in the processing queue, I knew the refresh was successful and the user didn't cancel. There were some other logic permutations I had to factor in, but basically that was the answer.
    Here are snippets of my code from the main procedure, for anyone's who interested:
                '   **** Refresh query ************************************
                ' Get the previous "Last Refreshed" value
                ' We're going to need to compare this to the "Last Refreshed" value
                ' after running SAPBEXrefresh function to trap the possibility of
                ' the user canceling via the SAPBEx status dialog box
                PrevLastRefr = GetLastRefreshed()
                ' Reactivate the source workbook, just in case
                 RefreshRetVal% = Application.Run("SAPBEX.XLA!SAPBEXrefresh", True, , False)
                If RefreshRetVal% <> 0 Then
                    blnProcessingErr = True
                End If
                ' Get the current "Last Refreshed" value and compare it to the previous value
                CurrLastRefr = GetLastRefreshed()
                If CurrLastRefr = "NOT FOUND" Then
                    ' Refresh canceled
                    blnProcessingCanceled = True
                Else    ' We found a valid current "Last Refreshed" value
                    If PrevLastRefr = "NOT FOUND" Then
                        ' Refresh okay
                        blnProcessingCanceled = False
                        If CDate(CurrLastRefr) > CDate(PrevLastRefr) Then
                            ' Current "Last Refreshed" value is later than previous value,
                            ' so refresh okay
                            blnProcessingCanceled = False
                            ' Refresh canceled
                            blnProcessingCanceled = True
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                ' Reactivate the source workbook, just in case
    And here's my function which retrieves the "Last Refreshed" value by calling sapbexDebugPrint macro in sapbex.xla:
    Function GetLastRefreshed() As Variant
    ' Get the SAP BEx "Last Refreshed" value by calling
    ' SAPBEx.xla's sapbexDebugPrint procedure and creating
    ' the special diagnostic workbook.
    On Error GoTo GetLastRefreshed_Error
        Dim TextCell As Range
        Dim TextCellAddr$
        Dim TextCellRow%, TextCellCol%
        Dim LastRefreshedVal As Variant
        Dim NumWorkbooks%
        ' Initialize
        GetLastRefreshed = "NOT FOUND"
        LastRefreshedVal = "NOT FOUND"
        ' Turn off screen updating until the end
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        ' Get the number of currently open workbooks
        NumWorkbooks% = Workbooks.Count
        ' Call the SAPBEx.xla's sapbexDebugPrint procedure
        ' This'll create a diagnostic workbook with all the information
        ' about the BEx query that was previously refreshed
        Application.Run "SAPBEX.XLA!sapbexDebugPrint"
        ' Let's double-check that the diagnostic workbook actually
        ' got created
        ' If there's any error at this point or if the number of workbooks
        ' isn't more than it was a moment ago, raise custom error
        If (Err.Number <> 0) Or (Not (Workbooks.Count > NumWorkbooks%)) Then
            Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, , "sapbexDebugPrint failed to create the diagnostic workbook"
        End If
        ' We'll need to look at a worksheet named "E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS"
        ' in the diagnostic workbook
        ' If this worksheet doesn't exist, then we know that there
        ' was no previously refreshed query during this session
        ' (We could loop through the collection of worksheets in the workbook
        ' to see if that worksheet actually exists, but we'll use
        ' error handling to deal with this instead)
        ' Find the first cell in the "E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS" worksheet
        ' with the text "Last Refreshed"
        ' (If the worksheet doesn't exist, an error will be thrown...)
        Set TextCell = Sheets("E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS").Cells.Find(What:="Last Refreshed", _
        If TextCell Is Nothing Then
            ' Can't find the cell, so we know the user had canceled during previous refresh
            LastRefreshedVal = "NOT FOUND"
            ' Found the cell, now we're in business
            TextCellAddr$ = TextCell.Address ' $F$11
            TextCellRow% = CInt(Mid(TextCellAddr$, InStr(2, TextCellAddr$, "$") + 1))
            TextCellCol% = ColRef2ColNo(Mid(TextCellAddr$, 2, InStr(2, TextCellAddr$, "$") - 2))
            ' The cell with the "Last Refreshed" value is going to be 2 columns to the right
            LastRefreshedVal = Sheets("E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS").Cells(TextCellRow%, TextCellCol%).Offset(0, 2).Value
            ' Ensure the "Last Refreshed" value is a valid date/time
            If Not IsDate(LastRefreshedVal) Then LastRefreshedVal = "NOT FOUND"
        End If
        ' Err.Number -2147220991 is my custom raised error:
        ' "sapbexDebugPrint failed to create the diagnostic workbook"
        If Err.Number <> -2147220991 Then
            ' Close the diagnostic workbook and return Last Refreshed value
            Workbooks(ActiveWorkbook.Name).Close SaveChanges:=False
            GetLastRefreshed = LastRefreshedVal
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True   ' Turn on screen updating
        Exit Function
        Select Case Err.Number
            Case 9  ' Subscript out of range (which means "E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS" worksheet doesn't exist)
                LastRefreshedVal = "NOT FOUND"
            Case Else
                MsgBox "Error encountered during getting Last Refreshed value." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
               "Error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbExclamation, gstrErrBoxTitle
        End Select
        Resume GetLastRefreshed_Exit
    End Function
    Like I said, the solution was a little circuitous, but it works!

  • How to identify the version of InDesign application used to produce an InDesign document

    Is there a way to identify the version of the InDesign application(CS/CS2/CS3) where the Document was originally created?
    Can we use InDesign CS3 server to open a CS2 document to do some relinking and save it again as a CS2 document without converting the document to CS3 version? If not, how to identify and not open the documents produced by previous versions of InDesign application?
    Thanks in advance.

    you can test the Creator. In addition however the document must be opened. If it is a CS2 document, closes document again without to save. I did not test it. Would have to function however.
    JavaScript Example:
    try {
    var creator = app.documents.item(0).metadataPreferences.creator;
    alert( "The creator = " + creator );
    Greeting Andreas

  • How can i measure SNR(S/N)value using FSP Spectrum analyser

    hi ,
     I want to measure S/N value using spectrum analyser.i already installed rsspecan instrument driver.I also configured span,center frequency ,RBW,VBW etc but i am not able to get measured S/N value.I have attached my vi here could i measure SNR Ratio??can you please help me!
    Unbenannt ‏77 KB

    Hi, first of all I'd recommend to contact the R&S customer support center to be shure the measure the correct value. Did you really measure the actual noise, or do you measure the noise which is "only" displayed?
    But anyway, did you have had a look at this example:
    There is the setup of one noise marker shown. With your already existing marker value this should do the trick, also in case of two noise markers; just use the rsspecan Configure Marker Noise again with input parameter <YourMarker+1> of the "Marker" input of the VI.
    Hope that helps?

  • How to change InputField background color using Java Code

    In my application use will enter some set of Cost Centers in a table and submits request.
    In return i will get a list of invalid cost centers which i need to display in a table with input field
    In that table all cost centers will displayed, but invalid cost centers should be highlighted or background color should some other color. like red or yellow.
    Is it possible using java code to change a input field color.
    Please help me.

        declare a error message in message pool and declare a method say "checkCostCenters " and in this method, u can check whether it is a valid cost center .. if it is invalid cost center , then throw the erro message using the below code :
                        inputfieldattibutePointer, IMessageProgramPlanComp.ur error message,
                        new Object[] );
    for getting pointer and label use the below code:
    IWDAttributePointer inputfieldPointer = URNODEELEMENTElement
              String inputfieldLabel = wdContext.nodeURVALUENODE.getNodeInfo()
    hope it helps..
    Thanks and Regards

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    Hi, Thank you for responding to my query.
    The below are the details of my code.
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    w.write(" ");
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    3) Is it possible that the JDBC username and password are read from properties file?
    Thanks for your help in advance!

    Thanks for the reply.
    Are you saying that i have to configure the data source authentication to the backend DB2 using the JAAS-J2C? Correct me if i am mistaken. I guess i am unable to do so as the application server setup only contains one data source, and the server hosted a number of applications. Every applications has their own JDBC username and password supply to the data source (the ID supplied at the DB2 side will decide which resource can access) and thus, i have to supply the username and password at runtime. Talked to the server guy and seems that it is not feasible to have seperate datasource for each applications as considered to the volume of applications hosted inside the server.
    Any suggestion?

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    define "launch".
    - You want to run a new java program in a separate process? (see Runtime.exec())
    - You want to run a method in a specific class in the jar? (add jar to application classpath and then simply instantiate the class and call the method)

  • How to identify the change in the field of a screen

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    1. How do I identify there is a change in the structure-A or Structure-B values. Beacuse if check the values are the same.
    2. How do i force it to always enter the PAI irrespective of the change.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hello Siva,
    Thanks for the reply.
    Currently the issue there is no change in any of the fields. I think thsi is the reason why the PAI is not called. Only in the PAI we have set screen to 0 and leave.
    Without any change in the screen elements how do i force it to enter the PAI
    when i call a screen statement as Call 102, how do i ensure that it returns to the call routine back irrespective of the PAI being executed.
    thanks and regards,

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