How to implement casading select lists  in ADF?

I have three select list, when select list 1 is changed appropriate value needs to populated in select list 2 and similarly when select list 2 changed, select list 3 should be populated. I'm a newbie to ADF, any ideas are appreciated. Also, really appreciate if someone can point some sample application which illustrates some of these features.

This will help

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    Cascading LOV's .. refer
    In table just set the PRR on column 2 for the column 1 component. Also set the AutoSubmit/PartialSubmit to true for the column1 component.

  • Using multiple select lists in ADF

    I am trying to use a multiple select list in my JSP page, and have a method in the ApplicationModule be called when the Struts action is called. I am following the example ADF tutorials, where the method is added to the ApplicationModule class, then dragged onto the Stuts Flow diagram (to associate it with an action).
    I am able to create a dyna form bean for the page that contains the multi select as a type "java.lang.String[]" (string array). I am able get that values that were selected in a normal action's "execute" method. For example:
    msf = (DynaActionForm) form;
    String[] statusSelection = (String[]) msf.get("multSelectList");
    However, I cannot seem to get the "multSelectList" values into a method in my Application Module class. The "multSelectList" is defined in my dynaFormBean as a String[] type. I am passing it in as an argument like the following....
    public void setParams(String multSelectList[]) {
    This results in the method not being called at all. I am not sure why. Does this have something to do with a String[] not being serializable??
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    Does anyone know how to use multiple select lists in conjunction with ADF?
    my multSelectList looks something like this:
    <select name="multSelectList" multiple size="5">
    <option value="ALL">Select All</option>
    <option value="preferred">Preferred</option>
    <option value="standard">Standard</option>
    <option value="approved">Approved</option>
    <option value="interim">Interim</option>

    I got this working by changing the signature of the Application Module method to use ArrayList rather than String[], then you can marshal the Struts FormBean contents into an ArrayList to pass up.
    To do this, subclass the DataAction by using "Go To Code" off of the context menu and then override the initializeMethodParameters() method:
      protected void initializeMethodParameters(DataActionContext actionContext, JUCtrlActionBinding actionBinding)
        //Get the String Array from the Form Bean
        String[] selection = (String[])((DynaActionForm)actionContext.getActionForm()).get("multiSelect");
        //convert that to an ArrayList
        ArrayList selectionArr = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(selection));
        //Add that object to the Arg List for the AM method
        ArrayList params = new ArrayList();

  • How to get Saved Selection list in javascript?

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    Mark is right, it's not possible.
    But do you know you can assign selection to a variable, and get back to it simply like this?
    var sel = app.selection;
    app.selection = null;
    /* your codes here
    app.selection = sel;

  • How to make a SELECT LIST READONLY

    I have a form to update the existing values in a table. Primary column is based on a Select List.
    So when user goto update screen they SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE the primary filed(means the value display in the Select List).
    SO to make this one I have make that select list read only. But not like other items even when we make select list read only it still allow user to change the value. So basically read only property not working for select text.
    There are many post in this regading same issue. Some of them recomended to make it disabled. But when we make a item disabled then when user POST that form, Apex not POST any disabled item values. Basically disabled items values not passing next form. So making item dissable also not a solution.
    I have read almost 20 post in here regarrding this and didnt get any solution for this. So please let me know if anyone knows how to make a select list read only (which is working same as read only text boxes, means that value pass when user POST the form).
    Thanks in advance...

    You define a function(this is based aorund jQuery selectors) in the page header like
      var makereadonly = function(selector, makeReadonly) {
              var select = $(this);
              //remove any existing readonly handler
              if(this.readonlyFn) select.unbind("change", this.readonlyFn);
              if(this.readonlyIndex) this.readonlyIndex = null;
              if(makeReadonly) {
                  this.readonlyIndex = this.selectedIndex;
                  $(this).css('background-color','#CDCDCD'); //Adds a background colour to readonly item
                  this.readonlyFn = function(){
                      this.selectedIndex = this.readonlyIndex;
                  select.bind("change", this.readonlyFn);
          //For input items
    </script>and apply it using a jQuery selector (call it in the "execute on page load" or any other JS code)
      makereadonly('#ITEMNAME1,#ITEMNAME2,#ITEMNAME3',true);Not that all of these methods(that act at the client side) will only prevent the user from modifying it 'normally', they could manipulate these readonly items using Javascript(or using firebug or any tool like that). So its better to make sure that your don't use the item value(from the page) for processing.

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    Hi Nilesh,
    If this is what you are looking for
    get the combobox plug-in
    I have not tried this though. Found it while searching for some other plug-ins.

  • Implementing multi-select lists in Oracle Forms

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    My mail id is [email protected]

    Some years ago I wrote (using Forms6i) utility MSLOV for such purposes, and even wrote an article about using it, but, of course, in Russian :-)
    I successfully use it in my Web Forms6i project and also test it in C-S Forms6i and Forms9i.
    If someone interesting, I also have short english usage description.
    It will be nice to hear your comments.
    At first, you need a code, which can be downloaded from
    At the end of article there is a link to Get it.
    Compile MSLOV.fmb and MSLOV.pll
    Run demo forms: EMP_DEMO.fmb, ORD_DEMO.fmb and see how it works.
    It requires Scott's tables: emp, dept, ord, item, product. You can create these tables from demobld.sql
    Below description about how to use it.
    You can show to user only one column, actually it can be expression (so, you
    are not limited here to one database column only ).
    Specify this column/expression by label_in parameter to fp_mslov.show_lov
    For example, if EMP table contains first_name and last_name columns and
    you want to show to the user full name do this:
    IF fp_mslov.show_lov (
       label_in => 'first_name || '' '' || last_name',
    Parameter id_in - this is what will be returned to you as a developer after user
    made his choice.
    For example, you want to receive array of EMPNO:
    IF fp_mslov.show_lov (
       label_in => 'first_name || '' '' || last_name',
       id_in => 'empno'
    In some cases you need to return more that one column.
    You can specify up to five additional columns for such purposes.
    For example, you want to return not only EMPNO, but also SAL and COMM columns:
    IF fp_mslov.show_lov (
       label_in => 'first_name || '' '' || last_name',
       id_in => 'empno',
       col1_in => 'sal',
       col2_in => 'comm'
    Also, you can use expressions in place of these columns:
       col3_in => 'sal + NVL(comm, 0)'
    From which table we must query?
    How to order by or specify some conditions(Where clause)?
    Where the place for GROUP BY?
    For all these questions you must use from_clause_in parameter.
    In our example we will query emp table and want order by salary in descending
    IF fp_mslov.show_lov (
       from_clause_in => 'FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC',
    Parameter title_in to fp_mslov.show_lov is a self documented.
    This is a title for MSLOV dialog.
    So, to invoke mslov utility, we construct such call:
    IF fp_mslov.show_lov (
       label_in => 'first_name || '' '' || last_name',
       id_in => 'empno',
       col1_in => 'sal',
       col2_in => 'comm'
       col3_in => 'sal + NVL(comm, 0)',
       from_clause_in => 'FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC',
       title_in => 'Select employees'
    This function fp_mslov.show_lov will return TRUE if user made selection and
    FALSE if user press CANCEL (similar to SHOW_LOV builtin).
    Now, if it return TRUE we need to process returned rows (selected by user).
    I store it in global record group.
    But to work with this record group, you can use fp_mslov package, which
    provide desired API for this purpose.
    At first, you need to declare a variable of FP_MSLOV.OUT_RECORD_TYPE type.
    Actually this is a record type declared in fp_mslov package specification.
       returned_rec  FP_MSLOV.OUT_RECORD_TYPE;
    To process selected rows we need a loop from 1 to a number of selected rows.
    Such number can be received by fp_mslov.rowcount function:
    FOR i IN 1 .. fp_mslov.rowcount
    To return one row we can use fp_mslov.get_row function.
    FOR i IN 1 .. fp_mslov.rowcount
       returned_rec := fp_mslov.get_row(i);
    Now, you can do what you want with returned row.
    RETURNED_REC record has the following fields which correspond to parameters of
    fp_mslov.show_lov function: id, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5
    You know that in id field will be empno column, in col1 -> sal, etc
    So, you can process them:
    FOR i IN 1 .. fp_mslov.rowcount
       returned_rec := fp_mslov.get_row(i);
       message('Empno: ' ||;
       message('Sal: ' || returned_rec.col1);
       message('Comm: ' || returned_rec.col2);
       message('Sal+Comm: ' || returned_rec.col3);
    Remember that returned values always are varchar2 values.
    So if you need, for example, a date you need explicitly convert it to char when
    fp_mslov.show_lov and then (after fp_mslov.get_row) convert it to date with the
    same format mask.
    For example:
       IF fp_mslov.show_lov (
          col4_in => 'TO_CHAR(hiredate, ''DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS'')',
       ... TO_DATE(returned_rec.col4, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
    To clear memory structures which used by global record group and others
    you need to use fp_mslov.clear procedure.
    And now all together:
       returned_rec  FP_MSLOV.OUT_RECORD_TYPE;
       IF fp_mslov.show_lov (
          label_in => 'first_name || '' '' || last_name',
          id_in => 'empno',
          col1_in => 'sal',
          col2_in => 'comm'
          col3_in => 'sal + NVL(comm, 0)',
          from_clause_in => 'FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC',
          title_in => 'Select employees'
          FOR i IN 1 .. fp_mslov.rowcount
             returned_rec := fp_mslov.get_row(i);
             message('Empno: ' ||;
             message('Sal: ' || returned_rec.col1);
             message('Comm: ' || returned_rec.col2);
             message('Sal+Comm: ' || returned_rec.col3);
          END LOOP;
          NULL; -- User press Cancel
       END IF;

  • How to use a select list value in a PL/SQL function body returning SQLquery

    Hi Friends,
    I have a select list P6_TEST with values 'nav' anf 'jyo'. I am trying to create a report using "SQL Query (PL/SQL
    function body returning SQL query)". In my report query can i check if P6_TEST='nav' and do something like the
    code shown below.How can i do that.
    v_sql VARCHAR2(3000);
    IF :P6_TEST = 'nav' THEN
    v_sql :=
    * from department';

    What you have should work. Give it a go. Post back if you run into issues.

  • How to create Dynamic Selection List containg file names of a directory?

    I need a Selection List with a Dynamic List of Values containing all file names of a particular directory (can change through the time).
    Basically, I need an Iterator over all file names in a directory, which could be used for Selection List in a JSF form.
    This iterator has nothing to do with a database, but should get the names directly from the file system (
    Can anybody tell me how to create such an iterator/selection list?
    I am working with JDeveloper, JSF and Business Services.
    Thank you,

    Create a class like this:
    package list;
    public class fileList {
        public fileList() {
        public String[] listFiles(){
        File dir = new File("c:/temp");
        String[] files = dir.list();
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)  {
    return files;
    Right click to create a data control from it.
    Then you can drag the return value of the listFiles method to a page and drop as a table for example.
    Also note that the Content Repository data control in has the file system as a possible data source.

  • How to position a select list in the create region

    I would like to position a select list item in the create region, I think we can do that somehow using javascript but I don't have an idea how to make it.
    Thanks in advance!

    In this example you can see how to position the elements:
    You don't need javascript for that. The element attributes are enough for that.
    Denes Kubicek

  • How to make multi select list as dropdown??

    Hi friends,
    using apex 4.0
    i want to make multi select list as dropdown,how can i do this??
    thanks in advance.. :)

    mn123 wrote:
    using apex 4.0You MUST include the following information with every question:
    <li>Full APEX version
    <li>Full DB version and edition
    <li>Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener)
    <li>Browser(s) and version(s) used
    <li>Region/item type(s)
    This cuts down on the need for a lot of follow-up questions or second-guessing. Appropriate solutions may differ according to any of these variables.
    i want to make multi select list as dropdown,how can i do this??Please define exactly what you mean by "multi select list" and "dropdown".
    Do you mean displaying a multi-select enabled select list as a drop-down list rather than as a list box? If so, this is not possible using standard APEX/web browser controls.

  • How to make a select list to return value to numeric column?

    I do have a select list with static values (STATIC:01;0,02;1,03;2,04;3,05;4,06;5,07;6,08;7,09;8,10;9). The problem is that I am returning a value to a numeric column. Therefore I have set 'Post Calculation Computation' as "to_number(:P73_MRGRATING, 9);" however I am getting ORA-01722: invalid number. How, (or when and where) to properly convert a character from a select list representing a numeric value into column of NUMBER data type?
    Thank you for your time.

    It is because I am not able convert a value in a page item (:P73_ID) to number. On a page before, I have assigned a value to an application item (APPL_ID). On page 73, I want to assign the value in APPL_ID to the page item P73_ID . The value assigned to APP_ID is numeric. On a page 73 I also have a computation in Page processing section. It is an 'After Submit' processing of a static assignment of application item APPL_ID to page item P73_ID. Unfortunately it does not work. (ORA-01722: invalid number). I have tested this also with a 'Post Calculation Computation' on page item P73_ID (to_number(:P73_ID, 9999999999);) and I am still getting ORA... error. Only way I can make it work is to create a page item P73_ID as a text field, then when I run page 73 and enter a value into P73_ID manually - then it works and I can save the values from the form into database...
    The strange thing is that I am using application item APPL_ID on a couple of pages, in where clauses and it always works, even when I am comparing APPL_ID against a numeric value like select * from a_table where some_number = :APPL_ID, this works. But when I would like to create an entry form and assign application item APPL_ID to the page item P73_ID that is referencing a numeric table column – then I am getting ORA-01722…
    Is there any application (sample application) that is doing this and it works so I can check it and learn how to create this process appropriately?
    Thank you for your time.

  • How work with tow select list

    Dear All
    i have tow  select list item
    first one is country
    and the second one is city
    how can i get all city for selected country?
    please help

    The simplest way
    a. Make Country a select list with submit.
    b. Make City a slect list based on query and in the query add the condition
    and country = :P1_country -- where p1_country is the item in step a abovec. Make City conditional by adding a condition on the item of the type Value of Item in expression 1 is not null, and in expression 1 enter p1_country.
    This way when the user lands on the page only Country will display. Once cuntry has been selected the page will submit and now the City item will be displayed with the values returned by its query.

  • How to do dependent select list based on parent select list

    Hello... I have the following bit of code...
    *parent select
    htmldb_item.select_list_from_query(1,null,'select program_desc_eng, program_id from myfps_programs')
    * child select using parent value
    htmldb_item.select_list_from_query(2,null,'select sub_pgm_desc_eng, sub_program_id from myfps_sub_programs where program_id = <VALUE FROM ABOVE?>')
    I know this is easily done using the select list form items and such but I need to use the htmldb_item function. On screen when a user selects value from the parent select list, I want the child select list to use the value of the parent as a parameter into its own select list. How can I reference the parent? (ie can I use htmldb_application.g_f01(1) or something of this nature?) I realize I may need a bit of javascript to have it work correctly but I'm just wondering if its possible?

    This is not a trivial task.

  • How to create dependent Select Lists?

    Found in the documentation that to create dependent select list we have to do these 3 things:
    1. In the parent select list, choose the option "select list with submit".
    2. Defining a branch that branches back to the current page.
    3. In the child select list sql, use the value of the parent (eg. :P6_PARENT_SELECT_VALUE).
    When I change the value of parent select list the page is getting submitted and its going to the parent page. I've a branch that goes to the parent page but how to create a branch that comes back to the same page and then use it in parent select list?

    Hi Hozy,
    1. Make the branch conditional...
    2. Create a new branch while will run when you make a selection in parent select list.
    Also check this site to create dependent select list without sumbitting the page....

Maybe you are looking for