How to Modify the Header/Footer that's created when printing to PDF?

Hi all,
How do I modify the header/footer that is added when I use the Adobe PDF printer in another application, like MS Word? Currently it adds the entire path of the file as the header, which is really annoying.
I'm not talking about the Header/Footer command in Acrobat's "Document" menu. In fact, that command doesn't even recognise the header that's generated by the Adobe PDF printer.
I'm using Acrobat Pro 8.1.3, btw.
Thanks :)

Generally you should set the whole look of the page in your application and then print to the Adobe PDF printer as you have been doing. If you are using a browser, there are header and footer commands for the printer that are typically set by the browser - those can be modified there. The PDF should look just like the preview in the application, that is the point of a PDF.

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    You need to open your Template.dwt tile and ensure that you have Editable Regions for doc title and <head> tags.  Otherwise those elements are not editable from Child pages spawned from that Template.
    So your Template must contain these important bits of code.
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    Nancy O.

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    You Can Get the Vendor number after Calling the Transaction 'XK01' as below.
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              WA_MSG TYPE  BDCMSGCOLL.
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               USING T_BDCDATA
               MODE 'N'
               MESSAGES INTO t_msg.
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                                                                    MSGNR =  '175'.
    <b>Note: Bcoz the XK01 will issue this message</b>
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    And you can also Try the Other method i.e. after the Call transaction statement
      WRITE:/ V_LIFNR.</b>
    Reward if Helpful.

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    You'll need to use JavaScript...I have a complicated example and a simple example, however, I cannot really understand the complex example but I know how it works. The looping is too complex for me.
    First you'll need to populate a server side variable...depending on how often the data is updated you may want this to run each time a new session is created...this example is run each time Tomcat is started and the application context is initialized:
    package kms.web;
    // Servlet imports
    import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;
    import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
    import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
    // utility imports
    import java.util.Map;
    // domain imports
    import kms.domain.LocationService;
    import kms.domain.DeptService;
    import kms.domain.PatentService;
    * This listenter is used to initialize
    * the Maps of Locations, Patents & Depts used to populate
    * pulldown lists in JSPs
    public class InitializeData implements ServletContextListener {
        * This method creates the Maps.
       public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
          ServletContext context = sce.getServletContext();
          LocationService lServ = new LocationService();
          // Create the Maps
          Map campuses = lServ.getCampuses();
          Map buildings = lServ.getBuildings();
          Map floors = lServ.getFloors();
          Map locs = lServ.getLocations();
          // And store them in the "context" (application) scope
          context.setAttribute("campuses", campuses);
          context.setAttribute("buildings", buildings);
          context.setAttribute("floors", floors);
          context.setAttribute("locs", locs);
          DeptService dServ = new DeptService();
          Map depts = dServ.getDepts();
          context.setAttribute("depts", depts);
          PatentService pServ = new PatentService();
          Map patents = pServ.getPatents();
          context.setAttribute("patents", patents);
          //I did this one myself
    /*    CodeService cServ = new CodeService();
          Map masterMks = cServ.getCodes();
          context.setAttribute("masterMks", masterMks);
        * This method is necessary for interface.
       public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {
       // I have no clue what the heck this is for???
       // Let me know if you do!
    }So now we travel into the PatentService method called 'getPatents();' which in turn calls a PatentDAO method
    Map patents = pServ.getPatents();
    Below is the code for the PatentService object:
    package kms.domain;
    import kms.util.ObjectNotFoundException;
    import java.util.*;
    * This object performs a variety of dept services, like retrieving
    * a dept object from the database, or creating a new dept object.
    public class PatentService {
       * The internal Data Access Object used for database CRUD operations.
      private PatentDAO patentDAO;
       * This constructor creates a Dept Service object.
      public PatentService() {
        patentDAO = new PatentDAO();
    public Map getPatents() {
          Map patents = null;
          try {
            patents = patentDAO.retrieveAll();
          // If the dept object does not exist, simply return null
          } catch (ObjectNotFoundException onfe) {
            patents = null;
          return patents;
    }It may be useful for you to see the code of the Patent class:
    package kms.domain;
    /*** This domain object represents a dept.
    public class Patent implements {
      private int codeGgm;
      private String name = "";
      private String description = "";
      private int creator;
      private String creationDate = "";
      private int used;
       * This is the full constructor.
      public Patent(int codeGgm, String name, String desc, int creator, String creationDate, int used) {
        this.codeGgm = codeGgm; = name;
        this.description = desc;
        this.creator = creator;
        this.creationDate = creationDate;
        this.used = used;
      public Patent() { }
      public int getCodeGgm() {
          return codeGgm;
      public void setCodeGgm(int codeGgm) {
           this.codeGgm = codeGgm;
      public String getName() {
        return name;
      public void setName(String name) {
 = name;
      public String getDesc() {
        return description;
      public void setDesc(String desc) {
          this.description = desc;
      public int getCreator() {
          return creator;
      public void setCreator(int creator) {
             this.creator = creator;
      public String getCreationDate() {
          return creationDate;
      public void setCreationDate(String creationDate) {
             this.creationDate = creationDate;
      public int getUsed() {
           return used;
      public void setUsed(int used){
           this.used = used;
    }And here is the Database table which stores the Patents:
    So, we then travel into the code of the PatentDAO to see how the DAO object executes the DB query to get all of the Data we need for the select list:
    package kms.domain;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import kms.util.*;
    * This Data Access Object performs database operations on Patent objects.
    class PatentDAO {
       * This constructor creates a Patent DAO object.
       * Keep this package-private, so no other classes have access
    PatentDAO() {
    * This method returns a Map of all the Dept names
    * The key is the Dept id
    Map retrieveAll()
           throws ObjectNotFoundException {
          Connection connection = null;
          ResultSet results = null;
          // Create the query statement
          PreparedStatement query_stmt = null;
          try {
            // Get a database connection
          Context initContext = new InitialContext();
           DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env/jdbc/keymanOracle");
           connection = ds.getConnection();
            // Create SQL SELECT statement
            query_stmt = connection.prepareStatement(RETRIEVE_ALL_NAMES);
            results = query_stmt.executeQuery();
            int num_of_rows = 0;
          Map patents = new TreeMap();
             // Iterator over the query results
            while ( ) {
                patents.put(new Integer(results.getInt("code_ggm")), results.getString("name"));
             if ( patents != null ) {
                      return patents;
                    } else {
                      throw new ObjectNotFoundException("patent");
           // Handle any SQL errors
         } catch (SQLException se) {
           throw new RuntimeException("A database error occured. " + se.getMessage());
        } catch (NamingException se) {
          throw new RuntimeException("A JNDI error occured. " + se.getMessage());
          // Clean up JDBC resources
          } finally {
            if ( results != null ) {
              try { results.close(); }
              catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(System.err); }
            if ( query_stmt != null ) {
              try { query_stmt.close(); }
              catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(System.err); }
            if ( connection != null ) {
              try { connection.close(); }
              catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); }
    private static final String RETRIEVE_ALL_NAMES
          = "SELECT code_ggm, name FROM patent ";
    }Now when you wish to use the 'combo box' (also called select lists), you insert this code into your jsp:
    <%@ include file="../incl/patent.jsp" %>
    depending on how your files on your server are organized, the "../incl/patent.jsp"
    tells the container to look up one directory from where the main jsp is to find the 'patent.jsp' file in the 'incl' directory.
    I need some help creating multi-level select lists with JavaScript:
    Can anyone explain this code:
    <%@ page import="java.util.*,kms.domain.*" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="campuses" scope="application" class="java.util.Map" />
    <TR><TD ALIGN='right'>Campus: </TD>
    <select name="campus" size="1" onChange="redirect(this.options.selectedIndex)">
    <option value="0" selected>No Campus</option>
    <% LocationService ls = new LocationService();
       Iterator c = campuses.keySet().iterator();
       Map[] bm = new Map[campuses.size()];
       Map[][] fm = new Map[campuses.size()][0];
       Map[][][] lm = new Map[campuses.size()][0][0];
       int i2 = 0;
       int j2 = 0;
       int k2 = 0;
       int jj = 0;
       int kk = 0;
       while (c.hasNext()) {
          Integer i = (Integer);
          out.print("<OPTION ");
          out.print("VALUE='" + i.intValue()+ "'>");
          out.print( (String) campuses.get(i) );
          bm[i2] =  ls.getBuildingsByCampus(i.intValue());
          fm[i2] = new Map[bm[i2].size()];
          lm[i2] = new Map[bm[i2].size()][];
          Iterator b = bm[i2].keySet().iterator();
          j2 = 0;
          while (b.hasNext()) {
            Integer j = (Integer);
            fm[i2][j2] = ls.getFloorsByBuilding(j.intValue());
            lm[i2][j2] = new Map[fm[i2][j2].size()];
            Iterator f = fm[i2][j2].keySet().iterator();
            k2 = 0;
            while (f.hasNext()) {
              Integer k = (Integer);
              lm[i2][j2][k2] = ls.getLocationsByFloor(k.intValue());
       } %>
    <TR><TD ALIGN='right'>Building: </TD>
    <select name="building" size="1" onChange="redirect1(this.options.selectedIndex)">
    <option value="0" selected>No Building</option>
    <TR><TD ALIGN='right'>Floor: </TD>
    <select name="floor" size="1" onChange="redirect2(this.options.selectedIndex)">
    <option value="0" selected>No Floor</option>
    <TR><TD ALIGN='right'>Room: </TD>
    <select name="location_id" size="1">
    <option value="0" selected>No Room</option>
    var cNum = <%=i2%>
    var bNum = <%=jj%>
    var fNum = <%=kk%>
    var cc = 0
    var bb = 0
    var ff = 0
    var temp=document.isc.building
    function redirect(x){
    cc = x
    for (m=temp.options.length-1;m>0;m--)
      temp.options[0]=new Option("No Building", "0")
      if (cc!=0) {
        for (i=1;i<=group[cc-1].length;i++){
          temp.options=new Option(group[cc-1][i-1].text,group[cc-1][i-1].value)
    var group=new Array(cNum)
    for (i=0; i<cNum; i++) {
    group[i]=new Array()
    <% for (int i=0; i< bm.length; i++) {
    Iterator bldgs = bm[i].keySet().iterator();
    int j = 0;
    while (bldgs.hasNext()) {
    Integer intJ =(Integer); %>
    group[<%=i%>][<%=j%>] = new Option("<%=bm[i].get(intJ)%>", "<%=intJ%>");
    <% j++;
    } %>
    var group2=new Array(cNum)
    for (i=0; i<cNum; i++) {
    group2[i] = new Array()
    for (j=0; j<=bNum; j++) {
    group2[i][j] = new Array()
    <% for (int i=0; i< fm.length; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j< fm[i].length; j++) {
    Iterator flrs = fm[i][j].keySet().iterator();
    int k = 0;
    while (flrs.hasNext()) {
    Integer intK =(Integer); %>
    group2[<%=i%>][<%=j%>][<%=k%>] = new Option("<%=fm[i][j].get(intK)%>", "<%=intK%>");
    <% k++;
    } %>
    var temp1=document.isc.floor
    var camp=document.isc.campus.options.selectedIndex
    function redirect1(x){
    bb = x
    for (m=temp1.options.length-1;m>0;m--)
    temp1.options[0]=new Option("No Floor", "0")
    if (cc!=0 && bb!=0) {
    for (i=1;i<=group2[cc-1][bb-1].length;i++){
    temp1.options[i]=new Option(group2[cc-1][bb-1][i-1].text,group2[cc-1][bb-1][i-1].value)
    var group3=new Array(cNum)
    for (i=0; i<cNum; i++) {
    group3[i] = new Array()
    for (j=0; j<=bNum; j++) {
    group3[i][j] = new Array()
    for (k=0; k<=fNum; k++) {
    group3[i][j][k] = new Array()
    <% for (int i=0; i< lm.length; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j< lm[i].length; j++) {
    for (int k=0; k< lm[i][j].length; k++) {
    Iterator locs = lm[i][j][k].keySet().iterator();
    int m = 0;
    while (locs.hasNext()) {
    Integer intM =(Integer); %>
    group3[<%=i%>][<%=j%>][<%=k%>][<%=m%>] = new Option("<%=lm[i][j][k].get(intM)%>", "<%=intM%>");
    <% m++;
    } %>
    var temp2=document.isc.location_id
    function redirect2(x){
    ff = x
    for (m=temp2.options.length-1;m>0;m--)
    temp2.options[0]=new Option("No Room", "0")
    if (cc!=0 && bb!=0 && ff!=0) {
    for (i=1;i<=group3[cc-1][bb-1][ff-1].length;i++){
    temp2.options[i]=new Option(group3[cc-1][bb-1][ff-1][i-1].text,group3[cc-1][bb-1][ff-1][i-1].value)
    This produces a related select list with 4 related lists by outputting JavaScript to the page being served. It works the same way as the first example that I describe but I don't understand the looping...maybe someone could explain how to go from the single select list to a double and/or triple level drill down?

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    CrystalDecisions.Shared 12.0.2000.0
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    It sounds like you're using Adobe Send for Outlook.  Correct?
    Unfortunately, there is no way to change the default text that is inserted into your message. You'll have to change it each time.
    I will pass along your request to the Adobe Send team.

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    Add a formula field to the page header.  The formula field will need to contain the following text on the Content tab.
    Add another formula field, once again add the following to the Content tab
    in the example above, Field_101 is the field id for the first formula field you added.
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    "AAAAA" , "BBBBB" , "CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC" , " "2010-02-01 07:39:13" , "DDDDDDD"
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    How do I organize/fix this??
    (I'm obviously not very versed in Numbers or Excel)
    Thanks so much for your help!
    Message was edited by: diafiro
    Message was edited by: diafiro
    Message was edited by: diafiro

    Two ways I can think of:
    Select the column (click on the column letter). Up on the toolbar click the "wrap" checkbox. After doing that and while the column is still selected, increase the width of the column to your liking.
    Or select the column then go to the Table Inspector and where it says "column width", click on "fit". This probably is not what you want because it will expand the column so all text fits on one line.
    One other thing you may also want to do is go to Print View and reduce the size of the contents (i.e., your table) so it fits on one page or at least to the width of a page.

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  • I have the recovery discs that I created when I bought my computer,

    and now can't figure out how to use them.    When I insert 1/2 in the DVD reader, I expect it to start the process.  Instead I get the contents of the DVD.  Shouldn't there be an execute file or run file? 

    Insert the first disc into the CD/DVD drive and then restart PC - the computer should then boot from the inserted disc and start the recovery process.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

  • How to modify the layout  and coding for 'RVORDER01' after copying ..

    Hi all,
       I am trying to modify standard script layout SALES ORDER for Quotation,
    i.e. I had copied standard form 'RVORDER01' to 'ZBAT_RVORDER01'.
    and now I am trying to compress the information box. But no box in the layout  was selecting while trying to resize it. Can any one help in this issue.
      And I also want to know, how to modify the coding in that standard script. i.e. to add a perform statement and etc..
    Thanks in advance,

    GOTO SE71, and give the form name as 'ZBAT_RVORDER01' and Language as DE, try to compress the box according to your requirement, save activate and return to SE71, now change the language to EN, you will see the compressed window in EN.
    The casue of your problem is the original language is in DE so window changes, character formats etc can be done in DE language or change original language to english,
    TO change original language to EN, SE71 ,FOrm name Language DE click change, goto utilities--> change Language.

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                Thanks for your email.Can you please be bit clear.I am new to this area.
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    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 26 février 2012
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    I have looked everywhere. But I cant seem to be able to figure out how I delete contacts off of my Skype. It was easy to do With my old computer wich had Windows 7. But noe With my new computer With Windows 8, it doesnt seem like Im able to delete co

  • Importing on Itunes 10.4 ist extremely slow!

    After i updates to 10.4 my macbook pro i5 takes extremely long to import tracks! When i try to import the beach ball appears and it takes like 15 min for an album. Anyone can help me?! Thanks

  • Disable terminal auto start

    When I start my mac the terminal icon pop in into the dock. How can I configure that application (Terminal) as not to start running at computer start up?