I just entered the podcast world. I am having trouble with my rss code. This is the error i recieve from itunes when trying to submit the url. Error Parsing Feed: invalid XML:Error line 64:XML documents must start and end within the same entity

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"
<title>KPNC Regional Toxcast</title>
<description>KP Toxcast test podcast</description>
<webMaster>[email protected]</webMaster>
<managingEditor>[email protected]</managingEditor>
<pubDate>Tue, 27 Sep 2011 14:21:32 PST</pubDate>
<category>Science & Medicine</category>
   <url>http://kpssctoxicology.org/images/kp tox logo.jpg</url>
   <title>KPNC Regional Toxcast</title>
<copyright>Copyright 2011 Kaiser Permanente. All Rights Reserved.</copyright>
<!-- iTunes specific namespace channel elements -->
<itunes:subtitle>The Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) Regional Toxicology Service                  Podcast</itunes:subtitle>
<itunes:summary>This is the podcast (toxcast) of the KPNC Regional Toxicology Service. Providing                 Kaiser and non-Kaiser physicians with anything toxworthy</itunes:summary>
   <itunes:email>[email protected]</itunes:email>
   <itunes:name>G. Patrick Daubert, MD</itunes:name>
<itunes:author>G. Patrick Daubert, MD</itunes:author>
<itunes:category text="Science & Medicine"></itunes:category>
<itunes:link rel="image" type="video/jpeg" href="http://kpssctoxicology.org/images/kp tox                   logo.jpg">KPNC Toxcast</itunes:link>
   <title>KPNC Regional Toxcast Sample File</title>
   <description>This is the podcast (toxcast) of the KPNC Regional Toxicology Service. Providing                Kaiser and non-Kaiser physicians with anything toxworthy</description>
   <guid isPermalink="false">1808@http://kpssctoxicology.org/Podcast/</guid>
   <pubDate>Tue, 27 Sep 2011 14:21:32 PST</pubDate>
   <category>Science & Medicine</category>
   <author>[email protected]</author>
   <enclosure url="http://kpssctoxicology.org/podcast/kptoxcast_test_092711.mp3" length="367000"                   type="audio/mpeg" />
   <!-- RDF 1.0 specific namespace item attribute -->
   <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><strong>Show Notes</strong></p>
   <p><a href="KPNC" _mce_href="http://kpssctoxicology.org/">KPNC">http://kpssctoxicology.org/">KPNC Regional Toxicology Service</a> is comprised of               Steve Offerman, MD; Michael Young, MD; Patrick Whitely; and G. Patrick Daubert, MD.               Awesome team!
   <p>Download <a href="KPNC" _mce_href="http://kpssctoxicology.org/podcast/kptoxcast_test_092711.mp3">KPNC"> http://kpssctoxicology.org/podcast/kptoxcast_test_092711.mp3">KPNC Sample               Toxcast</a></p>]]</content:encoded>
   <!-- iTunes specific namespace channel elements -->
   <itunes:author>G. Patrick Daubert, MD</itunes:author>
   <itunes:subtitle>The Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) Regional Toxicology Service                    Podcast</itunes:subtitle>
   <itunes:summary>This is the podcast (toxcast) of the KPNC Regional Toxicology Service.                   Providing Kaiser and non-Kaiser physicians with anything
                   toxworthy </itunes:summary>
   <itunes:category text="Medicine"></itunes:category>

Please when you have a query post the URL of your feed, not its contents.  Is this your feed? -
You have a number of cases of a string of spaces in titles: you also have one in a URL which will render that link invalid.
But what is rendering the whole feed unreadable is your category link:
<category>Science & Medicine</category>
The presence of an ampersand ('&') by itself indicates the start of a code sequence, and in the absence of one, and its closing character, invalidates everything which follows, and thus the entire feed. You must replace the ampersand with the code
Additionally, your opening lines should read thus:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd" version="2.0">
(with the 'purl.org' line if you like).
If you are going to submit a feed to iTunes you might want to reconsider have 'test' in the filename: apart from the Store having a tendency to reject obvious test podcasts which may not reflect the finished version, you will be stuck with this URL and though you can change the feed URL it's an additional hassle.

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  • XML document structures must start and end within the same entity

    Hi there,
    I'm working with a client/server application and using SaxParser for reading in xml. I get the SaxParserException: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity. I understand what that means, but it isn't applicable! The xml data being used is well-formed. I checked the well-formedness with Stylus Studio to make sure. Here's the data:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    </vcmessage>The parser generally stops around the </bgcolor> tag.
    I'm using Eclypse as my IDE. I'm wondering if there's something wrong with it? Or maybe there's something wrong with the class I'm using for reading in the XML? Followng is the class.
    Please advise,
    package vcclient;
    import java.io.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    public class XMLDocumentReader extends DefaultHandler
      private VCClient client = null;
      private Writer out;
      private String lineEnd =  System.getProperty("line.separator");
      private boolean haveSourceType = false;
      private boolean haveUserName = false;
      private boolean haveMessage = false;
      private boolean haveProcessEvent = false;
      private boolean haveLinkedListIndex = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = false;
      private boolean haveShapeType = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
      private boolean haveShapeLocation = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningXCoordTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningYCoordTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
      private boolean haveBoundsWidth = false;
      private boolean haveBoundsHeight = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningThicknessTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningIsFilledTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningImageDataTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningTextDataTag = false;
      private boolean haveFGRed = false;
      private boolean haveFGGreen = false;
      private boolean haveFGBlue = false;
      private boolean haveBGRed = false;
      private boolean haveBGGreen = false;
      private boolean haveBGBlue = false;
      private boolean haveThickness = false;
      private boolean haveIsFilled = false;
      private boolean haveImageData = false;
      private boolean haveTextData = false;
      private VCMessage vcmessage = null;
      public XMLDocumentReader(VCClient value)
           client = value;
           vcmessage = new VCMessage();
      public VCMessage getVCMessage()
           return vcmessage;
      public boolean haveSourceType()
         return haveSourceType; 
      public boolean ParseXML(InputStream stream)
         boolean success = false;
         // Use the default (non-validating) parser
        SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
             // Set up output stream
            out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8");
            // Parse the input
            SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
            saxParser.parse( stream, this );
            success = true;
        catch (SAXParseException spe)
            // Error generated by the parser
            System.out.println("\n** Parsing error"
               + ", line " + spe.getLineNumber()
               + ", uri " + spe.getSystemId());
            System.out.println("   " + spe.getMessage() );
            // Unpack the delivered exception to get the exception it contains
            Exception  x = spe;
            if (spe.getException() != null)
                x = spe.getException();
            return success;
        catch (SAXException sxe)
             // Error generated by this application
             // (or a parser-initialization error)
             Exception  x = sxe;
             if (sxe.getException() != null)
                 x = sxe.getException();
             return success;
        catch (ParserConfigurationException pce)
            // Parser with specified options can't be built
            return success;
        catch (Throwable t)
             return success;
        return success;
      public void startDocument()throws SAXException
          emit("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>");
      public void endDocument()throws SAXException
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
      public void startElement(String namespaceURI,
                               String lName, // local name
                               String qName, // qualified name
                               Attributes attrs)throws SAXException
          String eName = lName; // element name
          if (eName.equals(""))
             eName = qName; // namespaceAware = false
          if (attrs != null) {
              for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
                  String aName = attrs.getLocalName(i); // Attr name
                  if (aName.equals("")) aName = attrs.getQName(i);
                  emit(" ");
                  emit(aName + "=\"" + attrs.getValue(i) + "\"");
                haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_SHAPELOCATION))
              haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BOUNDS))
                haveOpeningBoundsTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_FGCOLOR))
                 haveOpeningFGColorTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGCOLOR))
              haveOpeningBGColorTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGGREEN))
               System.out.println("See BGGreen");
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGBLUE))
               System.out.println("See BGBlue");
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_THICKNESS))
              haveOpeningThicknessTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_ISFILLED))
              haveOpeningIsFilledTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_IMAGEDATA))
              haveOpeningImageDataTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_TEXTDATA))
              haveOpeningTextDataTag = true;
      public void endElement(String namespaceURI,
                             String sName, // simple name
                             String qName  // qualified name
                            )throws SAXException
           if(sName.equals("") && !qName.equals(""))
              sName = qName;
              haveSourceType = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_USER))
              haveUserName = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_MESSAGE))
              haveMessage = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_PROCESSEVENT))
               haveProcessEvent = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_LINKEDLISTINDEX))
               haveLinkedListIndex = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_SHAPETYPE))
               haveShapeType = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_SHAPELOCATION))
                haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_WIDTH))
               haveBoundsWidth = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_HEIGHT))
               haveBoundsHeight = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BOUNDS))
                haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGRED))
               haveFGRed = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGGREEN))
               haveFGGreen = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGBLUE))
               haveFGBlue = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGCOLOR))
                haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGRED))
               haveBGRed = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGGREEN))
             haveBGGreen = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGBLUE))
               System.out.println("See closing BGBlue");
               haveBGBlue = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGCOLOR))
                haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_THICKNESS))
               System.out.println("XMLDocumentReader: Step2");
                haveOpeningThicknessTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_ISFILLED))
               haveOpeningIsFilledTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_IMAGEDATA))
               haveOpeningImageDataTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_TEXTDATA))
               haveOpeningTextDataTag = false;
      private String makeStartTag(String tag_name)
           String start = "<";
           String end = ">";
           return start.concat(tag_name).concat(end);
      private String makeEndTag(String tag_name)
           String start = "</";
           String end = ">";
           return start.concat(tag_name).concat(end);
      public void characters(char buf[], int offset, int len)throws SAXException
           String s = new String(buf, offset, len);
          if(haveSourceType == false)
               if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == null)
                   int sourcetype = Integer.parseInt(s);
                  catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
          else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE)
            if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE && haveUserName == false)
            else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE && haveMessage == false)
               //When the parser encounters interpreted characters like: & or <,
               //then this method gets invoked more than once for the whole message.
               //Therefore, we need to concatonate each portion of the message.  The
               //following method call automatically concatonates.
          else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.WHITEBOARD_SOURCE)
               if(haveProcessEvent == false)
                 catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
               else if(haveLinkedListIndex == false)
                     catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
               else if(haveShapeType == false)
                     catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveOpeningYCoordTag)
                                //reset all flags for ShapeLocation, X and Y coordinates
                                haveOpeningXCoordTag = false;
                                haveOpeningYCoordTag = false;
                                //haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningBoundsTag)
                         if(haveBoundsWidth == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveBoundsHeight == false)
                                //reset flag
                                //haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningFGColorTag)
                         if(haveFGRed == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveFGGreen == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveFGBlue == false)
                                //reset flag
                                //haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningBGColorTag)
                         if(haveBGRed == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveBGGreen == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveBGBlue == false)
                         {   System.out.println("getting BGBlue data");
                                //reset flag
                                //haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningThicknessTag)
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningIsFilledTag)
                    else if(haveOpeningImageDataTag && vcmessage.getProcessEvent() == org.jcanvas.comm.ProcessEvent.MODIFY)
                    else if(haveOpeningTextDataTag && vcmessage.getProcessEvent() == org.jcanvas.comm.ProcessEvent.MODIFY)
                    haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = false;
      // Utility Methods ...
      // Wrap I/O exceptions in SAX exceptions, to
      // suit handler signature requirements
      private void emit(String s)throws SAXException
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
      // Start a new line
      private void nl()throws SAXException
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
      //treat validation errors as fatal
      public void error(SAXParseException e)
      throws SAXParseException
        throw e;
      // dump warnings too
      public void warning(SAXParseException err)
      throws SAXParseException
        System.out.println("** Warning"
            + ", line " + err.getLineNumber()
            + ", uri " + err.getSystemId());
        System.out.println("   " + err.getMessage());

    Just out of curiosity what happens if you append a space to the end of the XML document?

  • I'm having trouble with my macbook pro, I have only had it for three months, when I plugged a camera sd card into the sd slot it isn't appearing anywhere on the computer and i can not access my photographs. can somebody please help me?

    I'm having trouble with my macbook pro, I have only had it for three months, when I plugged a camera sd card into the sd slot it isn't appearing anywhere on the computer and i can not access my photographs. can somebody please help me?

    Shootist007 wrote:
    Clifton I must disagree with you on the above statement. It is my opinion and experience that you should never connect the camera directly to any computer, Mac Windows Whatever.
    It is always best to Remove the memory card from the camera and put it in a card reader, whether an external reader or one built into the computer, to copy images from the card.
    Hi Shootist. I would be interested in hearing some reasoning on this. I almost always use a USB cable to connect my camera to the MBP for transferring pictures, and have moved about 30,000 this way over the last 6 years since my photography went digital. Recently, on the rare occassions when I have only a few to transfer and I was too lazy to go for the cable, I have used the card reader; about half those times I have difficulty getting the MBP to recognise the card. I find I have to press the card very hard into the slot for it to be recognised.
    My rationale is quite possibly wrong, but I feel that the USB connectors are more robust and hard-wearing than the flimsy connectors on an SD card. Also, I haven't measured it, but I think the data transfer is faster with the cable. (I just came across this test, which reports noticeably faster transfer for cable than built-in card reader, but the computer was a PC)
    Chiara, sorry for hijacking your thread.

  • TS3274 my ipad is having trouble with my music... i had recently gotten a new one when i signed into my icloud the music that i had on the original one was not there.... some songs were in fact there but not clickable ( it was there only gray)..anyone kno

    my ipad is having trouble with my music... i had recently gotten a new one when i signed into my icloud the music that i had on the orignal one was not there.... some songs were in fact there but not clickable ( it was there only gray)... i was looking for help on how to get the music on the ipad

    my ipad is having trouble with my music... i had recently gotten a new one when i signed into my icloud the music that i had on the orignal one was not there.... some songs were in fact there but not clickable ( it was there only gray)... i was looking for help on how to get the music on the ipad

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    Well I am feeling a bit silly now because that was all I had to do. In the past Workgroup Manager had always opened right up to the list of my users, I never even thought to click on that but apparently that was all that was needed.
    I still am not sure how the iChat Server preferences changed themselves on me, but it is not the first time I have had weird "settings" issues with our Snow Leopard Server.

  • Since installing the new OS i am having troubles with different appliction icons showing up on my main page twice (upper left corner), and not allowng me to select certain ones (app store specifically).   Anyone else having this issue?

    Help - anyone else out there having trouble with the new OS system on their ipad 2?    I am not getting mutliple copies of several apps ont he main page.  They are "collecting: in a pike int he upper left corner and the original application icon is no lobger working.    I have tried a hard sync, and that didn't help.

    It should only be able to have one copy of an app on the iPad. Have you tried a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.
    Do all the apps work ? In the past a few people have taken a screen shot of their iPad screen and that has then become their background picture - so some of the 'app's may actually be on your wallpaper picture and not actual apps. Have you tried changing the wallpaper to see if that makes any difference ?

  • Confusing error message from iTunes when trying to use AirTunes

    Hello everyone,
    I figured since other folks might run into this issue that it's worth posting about, since it's both annoying, irritating, and none of the Apple support hints address it properly ...
    If you're one of those folk like me who has to deal with corporate proxies for pretty much everything while at work, but don't have any local proxy issues at home, you might use something called Proxifier.
    Be aware that the way it works (as a kernel module, intercepting socket calls and transparently mapping them through your defined proxy) will screw up iTunes unless you explicitly unproxy it (it implicitly proxies everything except what you tell it to).
    The error message I kept getting was "The remote speaker is not compatible with your version of iTunes", and after spending 20 minutes or so with ktrace, watching socket calls, I gave Proxifier a poke and told it to stop proxying iTunes. Lo, and behold, AirTunes magic returned.
    So if you use both of these applications, be wary of the interaction between the two, as it can be confusing and produce undescriptive and unhelpful error messages!

    Hi Mars-
    It sounds like your NI-DAQ installation may have become corrupted. I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the DAQmx 7.4 driver to correct this problem and ensure that you're up to date. This download is available here: NI-DAQ 7.4
    If the problem persists you may want to uninstall and reinstall LabVIEW and then NI-DAQ in that order. The error message will usually give an indication as to which VI the error occurred in. Please let us know which VI is failing if you're unable to avoid the error with these suggestions.
    Have a good day-
    Tom W
    National Instruments

  • HT201210 I have got error number 11 on itunes when trying to restore my iphone 3gs, please help.

    Please help, I am trying to restore my iphone 3gs, but i keep getting errors like 11 which is not listed in this site and i alos get error 1 and -1. please help.

    Did you manage to fix the issue?
    I have exactly the same issue as described above : I installed the update 5.1.1 on my iphone 3GS and since then, I can not turn it on anymore. In Itunes, I get an error 37 when I am doing a restauration and it stops.
    This error has nothing to do with firewall : I tried to restore the phone on several computers, including in an Apple reseller and it did not work anywhere.
    I spent several hours on phone with the hotline from Apple which arrived to the conclusion that it is a hardware issue, but the phone was working perfectly fine until I installed this update!

  • Need a recommendation on using the book module ...having trouble with choosing the best template and adjusting text etc.

    Having trouble working with photo text box and normal page text boxes.  Cannot seem to consistently grab the handles of either and re-size.  Is there a good tutorial out there? 

    Adobe TV is a good place to start. See if these video tutorials help:
    Book Creation
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/getting-started-with-adobe-photoshop-lightroom-5/lightroom-5-cre ating-and-publishing-a-book/
    Modify Layouts of Images & Text
    Backgrounds & Favorites

  • Getting 8010 errors from iTunes when trying to download app updates.  What does this code mean and how do I fix this?

    I have a 2009 iMac running Yosemite.  I was having no problems at all until I had some router issues and since I resolved those connection problems, iTunes has been giving me these 8010 errors.  My internet connection is good because I can get email and surf the web.

    Hi there I've just installed CS4 Pro on Windows 7 64bit and got exactly the same result as you. Did you manage to find anything out, because the thing that bothered me was the limited functionality (what ever that is). Is it just a case of Windows 7 having a newer version of ActiveX already installed?

  • When I copy a section of a document or email and copy within the text where does my Mac store it.

    I have a mac desktop and I am using OS X Yosemite
    When I highlight in Blue a section of the document I want or email I tap and get a window that allows me to COPY that highlighted section but can't find where it is saved so I can retrieve it.My friend told me his goes to CLIPBOARD which I don't have.

    The Clipboard is hidden by default.
    Usually when you copy something you can immediately paste it by performing the same action as before, and choosing paste.
    Alternatively you can use the keyboard shortcuts, command + c to copy and command  + v to paste.

  • I am getting an error message on my itunes when trying to back up my iphone 4s, itunes could not back up iphone because an error occurred.

    Please help me!!!! I have tried all of the steps that I have found listed for this issue. I am not sure if I should try to contact my phone provider or not. I am getting an error message without an error code. That says:  Itunes could not back up Iphone because an error occurred. Please if anyone one knows any steps I should take please let me know. My iphone and Mac and iTunes are all up to date.
    Itunes: Version:  11.0.2
    MacBook Pro:  OSX: 10.8.3
    iphone4s:  iOS 6.1.3
    Thank you

    Please note the following:
    Note: iCloud Backup does not back up music, movies, and TV shows that you did not purchase from the iTunes Store, or any podcasts, audio books, or photos that you originally synced from your computer. iCloud Backup will restore your purchased music, movie, and app content from the iTunes and App Stores during the background restore process. Previous purchases may be unavailable if they are no longer in the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBookstore.
    The above comes from this article:
    Choosing an iOS backup method (Should I use iTunes or iCloud to back up my iOS device?)
    Best of luck with this.

  • I am getting an error code of 1150 from itunes when trying to sync and back up my ipad

    Need help can not sync or back up ipad4 to computer.

    Settings > General > Restrictions > Install Apps = ON

  • How can I make a brush that starts and ends in a thin line?

    I am looking to make a brush that I can use for cartooning in CS6 that starts out thin, gets thicker with pressure (I have a cintiq), and ends in a thin line. Does anyone have the expertise to make one?
    Thank you.

    I watched the first half of the tutorial from your link and some parts of the rest. It is a good tutorial. He is using an art brush which profile was created from an elliptical shape with sharp corners which gives that ink kind of appearance which is good for this kind of style. Most of the time though I prefer the appearance of the rounded ends of the calligraphic brushes. Also one advantage of the calligraphic brushes is that it can change its size or the size of the selected strokes with the [ and ] keys on the keyboard while with the art brushes this is done by changing the stroke weight which also can change the weight of calligraphic brushes in addition to the [ and ] keys.
    Like in the tutorial I often use a similar workflow ending up with the brush strokes converted to filled paths but I simply use expand appearance then remove the unwanted parts with the Eraser brush which can be made pressure sensitive in the options that you get when double clicking the Eraser tool. This is less precise than the technique the guy is using in the video tutorial but it is quick, I like  the hand touch appearance of the imperfections, and it also allows me to paint the white (transparent) highlights like for example the highlights on the booths of my cowboy. The Blob brush is the tool above the Eraser in the Tool panel and works basically the same like the Eraser but it adds to the fill of a path and it also has these and more options when you double click it. I use it most of the time in a combination with the Eraser to add or remove final details of illustrations started initially with brush strokes and then expanded. And like in the video tutorial I also like to keep a copy with the stage before expanding the brush strokes in case I need some changes on brush stroke level.
    I also use a different technique for adding new color fills on the illustrations instead of cutting paths with the knife. I don't like the knife because I often do not like the first cut which I may realize later when undo is not the best workflow. What I do is copy paste in front the path and use the pencil tool set to edit the selected paths and change the shape of the selected path similar to using the knife but the pencil has to start and end on the path. The advantage of this for me is that the new fill with the different color is overlapping the original fill behind and when later I decide to change its shape I don't get gaps between the two colors which is what will happen if the knife was used.

  • Why can't I set calendar events with start and end times down to the minute?

    Hi everyone
    Unless I've missed it, it's not possible to set events that have times that start and end to the minute rather than 5 minute slots.  I work shifts that start at individual minutes. 
    Is there actually a way of doing this, other than on my Mac?  Siri is a far too long-winded way of doing it. 

    Do you not get this popup sheet where you can set the number and timeframe?

Maybe you are looking for

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    How can I convert a .pdf file to an Indesign CC file which is editable?

  • Error update core/linux-3.2

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    I am implementing ISE and have run into several locations that have used consumer brand 4 ports switches to connect multiple workstations on one cable.  I realize there is a list of supported Cisco switches for ISE, but I was wondering if anyone has

  • How to maintain Purchasing Info Record

    Hi All, Here i am facing one problem how to implement the below requirements in SAP. I have got a quotation from my vendor like below 1-5 pcs per run                US$ 200 per run 6 - 9 pcs per run                US$ 350 per run 10 - 19 pcs per run