XML document structures must start and end within the same entity

Hi there,
I'm working with a client/server application and using SaxParser for reading in xml. I get the SaxParserException: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity. I understand what that means, but it isn't applicable! The xml data being used is well-formed. I checked the well-formedness with Stylus Studio to make sure. Here's the data:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
</vcmessage>The parser generally stops around the </bgcolor> tag.
I'm using Eclypse as my IDE. I'm wondering if there's something wrong with it? Or maybe there's something wrong with the class I'm using for reading in the XML? Followng is the class.
Please advise,
package vcclient;
import java.io.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
public class XMLDocumentReader extends DefaultHandler
  private VCClient client = null;
  private Writer out;
  private String lineEnd =  System.getProperty("line.separator");
  private boolean haveSourceType = false;
  private boolean haveUserName = false;
  private boolean haveMessage = false;
  private boolean haveProcessEvent = false;
  private boolean haveLinkedListIndex = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = false;
  private boolean haveShapeType = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
  private boolean haveShapeLocation = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningXCoordTag = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningYCoordTag = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
  private boolean haveBoundsWidth = false;
  private boolean haveBoundsHeight = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningThicknessTag = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningIsFilledTag = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningImageDataTag = false;
  private boolean haveOpeningTextDataTag = false;
  private boolean haveFGRed = false;
  private boolean haveFGGreen = false;
  private boolean haveFGBlue = false;
  private boolean haveBGRed = false;
  private boolean haveBGGreen = false;
  private boolean haveBGBlue = false;
  private boolean haveThickness = false;
  private boolean haveIsFilled = false;
  private boolean haveImageData = false;
  private boolean haveTextData = false;
  private VCMessage vcmessage = null;
  public XMLDocumentReader(VCClient value)
       client = value;
       vcmessage = new VCMessage();
  public VCMessage getVCMessage()
       return vcmessage;
  public boolean haveSourceType()
     return haveSourceType; 
  public boolean ParseXML(InputStream stream)
     boolean success = false;
     // Use the default (non-validating) parser
    SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
         // Set up output stream
        out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8");
        // Parse the input
        SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
        saxParser.parse( stream, this );
        success = true;
    catch (SAXParseException spe)
        // Error generated by the parser
        System.out.println("\n** Parsing error"
           + ", line " + spe.getLineNumber()
           + ", uri " + spe.getSystemId());
        System.out.println("   " + spe.getMessage() );
        // Unpack the delivered exception to get the exception it contains
        Exception  x = spe;
        if (spe.getException() != null)
            x = spe.getException();
        return success;
    catch (SAXException sxe)
         // Error generated by this application
         // (or a parser-initialization error)
         Exception  x = sxe;
         if (sxe.getException() != null)
             x = sxe.getException();
         return success;
    catch (ParserConfigurationException pce)
        // Parser with specified options can't be built
        return success;
    catch (Throwable t)
         return success;
    return success;
  public void startDocument()throws SAXException
      emit("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>");
  public void endDocument()throws SAXException
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
  public void startElement(String namespaceURI,
                           String lName, // local name
                           String qName, // qualified name
                           Attributes attrs)throws SAXException
      String eName = lName; // element name
      if (eName.equals(""))
         eName = qName; // namespaceAware = false
      if (attrs != null) {
          for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
              String aName = attrs.getLocalName(i); // Attr name
              if (aName.equals("")) aName = attrs.getQName(i);
              emit(" ");
              emit(aName + "=\"" + attrs.getValue(i) + "\"");
            haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = true;
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_SHAPELOCATION))
          haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = true;
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BOUNDS))
            haveOpeningBoundsTag = true;
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_FGCOLOR))
             haveOpeningFGColorTag = true;
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGCOLOR))
          haveOpeningBGColorTag = true;
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGGREEN))
           System.out.println("See BGGreen");
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGBLUE))
           System.out.println("See BGBlue");
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_THICKNESS))
          haveOpeningThicknessTag = true;
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_ISFILLED))
          haveOpeningIsFilledTag = true;
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_IMAGEDATA))
          haveOpeningImageDataTag = true;
      else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_TEXTDATA))
          haveOpeningTextDataTag = true;
  public void endElement(String namespaceURI,
                         String sName, // simple name
                         String qName  // qualified name
                        )throws SAXException
       if(sName.equals("") && !qName.equals(""))
          sName = qName;
          haveSourceType = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_USER))
          haveUserName = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_MESSAGE))
          haveMessage = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_PROCESSEVENT))
           haveProcessEvent = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_LINKEDLISTINDEX))
           haveLinkedListIndex = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_SHAPETYPE))
           haveShapeType = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_SHAPELOCATION))
            haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_WIDTH))
           haveBoundsWidth = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_HEIGHT))
           haveBoundsHeight = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BOUNDS))
            haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGRED))
           haveFGRed = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGGREEN))
           haveFGGreen = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGBLUE))
           haveFGBlue = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGCOLOR))
            haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGRED))
           haveBGRed = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGGREEN))
         haveBGGreen = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGBLUE))
           System.out.println("See closing BGBlue");
           haveBGBlue = true;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGCOLOR))
            haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_THICKNESS))
           System.out.println("XMLDocumentReader: Step2");
            haveOpeningThicknessTag = false;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_ISFILLED))
           haveOpeningIsFilledTag = false;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_IMAGEDATA))
           haveOpeningImageDataTag = false;
       else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_TEXTDATA))
           haveOpeningTextDataTag = false;
  private String makeStartTag(String tag_name)
       String start = "<";
       String end = ">";
       return start.concat(tag_name).concat(end);
  private String makeEndTag(String tag_name)
       String start = "</";
       String end = ">";
       return start.concat(tag_name).concat(end);
  public void characters(char buf[], int offset, int len)throws SAXException
       String s = new String(buf, offset, len);
      if(haveSourceType == false)
           if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == null)
               int sourcetype = Integer.parseInt(s);
              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
      else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE)
        if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE && haveUserName == false)
        else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE && haveMessage == false)
           //When the parser encounters interpreted characters like: & or <,
           //then this method gets invoked more than once for the whole message.
           //Therefore, we need to concatonate each portion of the message.  The
           //following method call automatically concatonates.
      else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.WHITEBOARD_SOURCE)
           if(haveProcessEvent == false)
             catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
           else if(haveLinkedListIndex == false)
                 catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
           else if(haveShapeType == false)
                 catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                     else if(haveOpeningYCoordTag)
                            //reset all flags for ShapeLocation, X and Y coordinates
                            haveOpeningXCoordTag = false;
                            haveOpeningYCoordTag = false;
                            //haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                else if(haveOpeningBoundsTag)
                     if(haveBoundsWidth == false)
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                     else if(haveBoundsHeight == false)
                            //reset flag
                            //haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                else if(haveOpeningFGColorTag)
                     if(haveFGRed == false)
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                     else if(haveFGGreen == false)
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                     else if(haveFGBlue == false)
                            //reset flag
                            //haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                else if(haveOpeningBGColorTag)
                     if(haveBGRed == false)
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                     else if(haveBGGreen == false)
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                     else if(haveBGBlue == false)
                     {   System.out.println("getting BGBlue data");
                            //reset flag
                            //haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                else if(haveOpeningThicknessTag)
                      catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                else if(haveOpeningIsFilledTag)
                else if(haveOpeningImageDataTag && vcmessage.getProcessEvent() == org.jcanvas.comm.ProcessEvent.MODIFY)
                else if(haveOpeningTextDataTag && vcmessage.getProcessEvent() == org.jcanvas.comm.ProcessEvent.MODIFY)
                haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = false;
  // Utility Methods ...
  // Wrap I/O exceptions in SAX exceptions, to
  // suit handler signature requirements
  private void emit(String s)throws SAXException
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
  // Start a new line
  private void nl()throws SAXException
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
  //treat validation errors as fatal
  public void error(SAXParseException e)
  throws SAXParseException
    throw e;
  // dump warnings too
  public void warning(SAXParseException err)
  throws SAXParseException
    System.out.println("** Warning"
        + ", line " + err.getLineNumber()
        + ", uri " + err.getSystemId());
    System.out.println("   " + err.getMessage());

Just out of curiosity what happens if you append a space to the end of the XML document?

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    <rss xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"
    <title>KPNC Regional Toxcast</title>
    <description>KP Toxcast test podcast</description>
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    <category>Science & Medicine</category>
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    <!-- iTunes specific namespace channel elements -->
    <itunes:subtitle>The Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) Regional Toxicology Service                  Podcast</itunes:subtitle>
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       <itunes:name>G. Patrick Daubert, MD</itunes:name>
    <itunes:author>G. Patrick Daubert, MD</itunes:author>
    <itunes:category text="Science & Medicine"></itunes:category>
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       <guid isPermalink="false">1808@http://kpssctoxicology.org/Podcast/</guid>
       <pubDate>Tue, 27 Sep 2011 14:21:32 PST</pubDate>
       <category>Science & Medicine</category>
       <author>[email protected]</author>
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       <!-- RDF 1.0 specific namespace item attribute -->
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    Please when you have a query post the URL of your feed, not its contents.  Is this your feed? -
    You have a number of cases of a string of spaces in titles: you also have one in a URL which will render that link invalid.
    But what is rendering the whole feed unreadable is your category link:
    <category>Science & Medicine</category>
    The presence of an ampersand ('&') by itself indicates the start of a code sequence, and in the absence of one, and its closing character, invalidates everything which follows, and thus the entire feed. You must replace the ampersand with the code
    Additionally, your opening lines should read thus:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd" version="2.0">
    (with the 'purl.org' line if you like).
    If you are going to submit a feed to iTunes you might want to reconsider have 'test' in the filename: apart from the Store having a tendency to reject obvious test podcasts which may not reflect the finished version, you will be stuck with this URL and though you can change the feed URL it's an additional hassle.

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    Not currently possible.
    A computer/catalog is a unique construct.
    An iOS device can only sync to one computer/catalog at a time.
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    <!-- Simple example to demonstrate the List Control -->
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    public var selectedItem:Object;
    <mx:Model id="mystates">
    <state label="Alabama" data="AL"/>
    <state label="Alaska" data="AK"/>
    <state label="Arizona" data="AZ"/>
    <state label="Arkansas" data="AR"/>
    <state label="California" data="CA"/>
    <state label="Colorado" data="CO"/>
    <state label="Connecticut" data="CT"/>
    <mx:Panel title="List Control Example" height="75%"
    paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10"
    <mx:Label text="Select a state to see its
    <mx:List id="source" width="100%" color="blue"
    <mx:VBox width="100%">
    <mx:Label text="Selected State:
    <mx:Label text="State abbreviation:

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    source.dataProvider = [
    {label: "Alabama", data: "AL"},
    {label: "Alaska", data: "AK"},
    {label: "Arizona", data: "AZ"},
    {label: "California", data: "CA"},
    {label: "Colorado", data: "CO"},
    {label: "Connecticut", data: "CT"}
    and removed the dataProvider attribute from the List tag.
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    2 2 b
    3 3 c
    4 1 c
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    Any ideas?

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    I have 3 minutes of video.  It contains a person making a speech.  During parts of the speech I want to reveal a graphic image that will be discussed.  The speech will begin with the speaker full screen.  Half way in, the speaker will shrink down to 45% in the lower left corner of the screen.  While the animation occurs (the shrink, move and cropping) it will reveal the graphic below.  The graphic will take up the full screen with the speaker at 45%.
    I put the video in Video 2 and the graphic, a GIF image in Video 1.  The scene begins with the speaker talking at full screen.  After a minute, I animate the move of the speaker using Motion: Scale and Position and Effect: Crop changing Top, Bottom, Left and Right sides.  The animation occurs over approximately 8 seconds.
    I am manually adding keyframes at the start and end of the animation.  I set the ending state of the video image in the end keyframes.  The interpolation between these start and end keyframes should be managing the animation.
    At the beginning and end of the animation – usually 1-3 frames from the start and 1-3 frames from the end, where the change has barely begun or almost ended, I get these problems.  On some frames, the video (in Video 2) completely disappears only showing the Video 1 GIF image below.  On other frames, the video image turns black with horizontal red bands half way across.
    I’ve tried deleting all start and end keyframes and moving the start and end earlier or later to see if I can fix this, but the problem continues to show up in these new locations.
    I have added a few screen shots.
    1:32:15 is the start of the animation change and 1:40:22 is the end of increasing from the mini video speaker to full size (on top of the GIF).
    At 1:40:16 the video image completely disappears only showing the GIF below.
    At 1:40:17 its back and slowly increases in size through the interpolation until it is full size at 1:40:22.
    Let me know if you need anything else.

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    that creates a set of bar charts.  EG:  one chart per product in the tablix detail grouped to site level.
    My issue is I would like the start and end of the charts to be the same for all charts and the only way I get it to work is with a chart that continues to show each date on the chart. 
    I have the graph start and end points set and scaling by month as I would like but each bar is a day instead of aggregating to a month level.   My issue I hope to find a workaround for is if I go to Category Groups and define the grouping
    to group with a year and month function the series is no longer treated as date data and I cannot control scaling.  It works fine if all months have activity, but I can't figure out how to always have all charts start at "May 2012" in this example. 
    The only start and end point that I've been able to get to work once doing this are integer based, eg normal start would be 1 for each graph, but 1 doesn't equate to the same month from chart to chart.
    I hope SSRS can provide the solution.  I do know I can write a query that creates a ZERO value for each month/product/site but I don't want to leave the client with a query like that to support.

    Hi cybertosis,
    If I understand correctly, you want to display all month category label in the X-Axis. You have configure the Scalar Axis, however, it cannot display the requirement format.
    In your case, if we want the specific data format, we can configure Number property to set the corresponding Category data format. Please refer to the following steps:
    Right click the X-Axis, select Horizontal Axis Properties.
    Click Number in the left pane. Click Date option in the Category dialog box.
    Then, select Jan 2000 option.
    Please refer to the following screenshot below:
    If there are any misunderstanding, please feel free to let me know.
    Alisa Tang
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alisa Tang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How can I make a brush that starts and ends in a thin line?

    I am looking to make a brush that I can use for cartooning in CS6 that starts out thin, gets thicker with pressure (I have a cintiq), and ends in a thin line. Does anyone have the expertise to make one?
    Thank you.

    I watched the first half of the tutorial from your link and some parts of the rest. It is a good tutorial. He is using an art brush which profile was created from an elliptical shape with sharp corners which gives that ink kind of appearance which is good for this kind of style. Most of the time though I prefer the appearance of the rounded ends of the calligraphic brushes. Also one advantage of the calligraphic brushes is that it can change its size or the size of the selected strokes with the [ and ] keys on the keyboard while with the art brushes this is done by changing the stroke weight which also can change the weight of calligraphic brushes in addition to the [ and ] keys.
    Like in the tutorial I often use a similar workflow ending up with the brush strokes converted to filled paths but I simply use expand appearance then remove the unwanted parts with the Eraser brush which can be made pressure sensitive in the options that you get when double clicking the Eraser tool. This is less precise than the technique the guy is using in the video tutorial but it is quick, I like  the hand touch appearance of the imperfections, and it also allows me to paint the white (transparent) highlights like for example the highlights on the booths of my cowboy. The Blob brush is the tool above the Eraser in the Tool panel and works basically the same like the Eraser but it adds to the fill of a path and it also has these and more options when you double click it. I use it most of the time in a combination with the Eraser to add or remove final details of illustrations started initially with brush strokes and then expanded. And like in the video tutorial I also like to keep a copy with the stage before expanding the brush strokes in case I need some changes on brush stroke level.
    I also use a different technique for adding new color fills on the illustrations instead of cutting paths with the knife. I don't like the knife because I often do not like the first cut which I may realize later when undo is not the best workflow. What I do is copy paste in front the path and use the pencil tool set to edit the selected paths and change the shape of the selected path similar to using the knife but the pencil has to start and end on the path. The advantage of this for me is that the new fill with the different color is overlapping the original fill behind and when later I decide to change its shape I don't get gaps between the two colors which is what will happen if the knife was used.

  • Hyperion Planning dynamic forms based on start and end date across years

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement where i need to be able to view a form showing periods across years that are dynamically built depending on the start and end dates. If i have a start date of 01/11/2009 and an end date of 31/7/2013 i want to be able to view a form that shows all of the periods (Jan,Feb etc) in a form that is driven by these dates, in addition it will need to show the actual scenario up to the current month and the forecast from the current month to the end date. So basically if a user inputs the start and end dates the form will display the relevant periods driven by these dates.
    Any tips very much appreciated!

    This is difficult to realize, but you can get quite far with a workaround. The first question is, where do you want to input your selection of time periods? Assuming you have a webform with the complete timeline in months and years and you type in the start period and end period.
    Webforms have the option to suppress rows and columns.
    This can be extended with option of empty cells or not empty cells.
    You will need to apply your creativity on this.
    Put every month-year combination in a column and add the suppression.
    Calculate the timeline between start period and end period with a dummy member, so data exists for these and columns will show.
    Maybe you will need to copy the required timeline into a separate version for this, to avoid having periods which were outside the selection and still have data.
    I hope these hints help a bit in this challenge.
    Philip Hulsebosch

  • Product View - Start and End dates

             I have a material that is externally procured from a vendor to a location. In product view, I have few purchase requisitions. When i double click on it, it takes me to the details of PR. I am trying to understand what start and end dates of the PR are.
    For some PRs, the start and end dates are same but for some there are is some times a day or two and even 3 in some cases.
    I am wondering what makes the end date differ from start date.
    There is a safety day's supply of 2.5 days
    We have a transportation lane with transportation duration 23hrs.
    Any of these play any role in the end date delay?

          Thanks for the reply. The vendor and the receiving location have a transportation lane defined.
    What do you mean by the  time duration that shows up in the T Lane corresponding to the inforecord?
    Here are the times I see in transportation Lane;
    Product Specific Transportation lane:
    GR processing times (checked) : (No value defined) days
    Planning Horizon: 0 days
    Partner Horizon: 0 days
    Horizon for Expctd receipts: 0 days
    Horiz. Fut. Aval. Whse Stck: 0 days
    Planned Delivery time:  (No value Defined)
    Means of Transport
    Tsp. duration: 23 hrs
    Bucket offset: 0.5
    Period factor: 0.5
    and no other times defined.
    Are any of these effect the delay?
    My ECC is EST and the timestream is EST. Should I change the product view (also my own data) to EST or UTC??
    I have a product that has no delay between the start and end dates. The difference I see between the one that I am having problem (the start and end dates are apart ( I'm calling it bad one) by atleast a day) with and the one that has no delay(I'm calling this good one) between the start and end dates is the "Planned Delivery time.
    The good one has 1 day and the bad one has nothing defined.
    Does this make any difference?
    Edited by: Raj G on Jul 17, 2008 3:36 PM

  • Why can't I set calendar events with start and end times down to the minute?

    Hi everyone
    Unless I've missed it, it's not possible to set events that have times that start and end to the minute rather than 5 minute slots.  I work shifts that start at individual minutes. 
    Is there actually a way of doing this, other than on my Mac?  Siri is a far too long-winded way of doing it. 

    Do you not get this popup sheet where you can set the number and timeframe?

  • Landscape and portrait in the same document

    Can anyone help, please?
    I want to produce a doc in pages which is mainly laid out as portrait, but has a series of tables (1 per page) which i want to be laid out as landscape.
    I have tried to use layout break, at the start and end of the pages with the tables, but when i highlight the area for landscaping, the whole doc goes landscape. similarly if i dont highlight, andif i use section break instead of layout break.
    thanks for your ideas.

    You can rotate the tables! Press Command key and drag one corner. If you hold down Shift at the same time it will rotate with 45 degrees increment The table has to be floting, not inline!.
    Here are some other posting on this issue:
    and quite a few more.

  • XML Publisher pdf output need each page wise start and end number

    Hi ,
    I have xml publisher out put in PDF. Now i need on each page header and detail part.
    In header for each page it should repeat and should be print the min and maximam number of the columns.
    I mean in the header start and end number of the column value for that particular page.
    I did many ways but there is no luck.
    Can you please suggest me how to do.

    pls give me reply on this if any body have the answer

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