Images are not displayed in Details Page of Open script

I am trying to record a web application with open script.
After recording the images are not displayed when playing back the script.
Are there any option we have to enable to get the images.

As per default OpenScript will ignore any URL that contains an image, to change the filters you can:
View -> OpenScript Preferences > Record -> HTTP Module -> Select the URL filters Tab to add/remove or edit any filters
You can un-check the first one on the list to enable image recording.

Similar Messages

  • Images are not displaying(PHP MySQL)

    I've created a database table (MySQL) to store file path of images stored in a folder but the only problem is that the images are not displaying on the web page. Here's the procedure that I've used:
    -Placed the cusor at the insertion point (div).
    -Then selected 'Insert image' from the insert menu.
    -Selected 'data sources' in the select image dialogue box.
    -Selected the 'path' field in the recordset containing the image details of the images I want to display.
    -Then OK.
    Here's the code generated:
    <td colspan="3" nowrap="nowrap"><img src="<?php echo $row_rsBanner['path']; ?>" width="950" height="141"/></td>
    Here's the client side code generated:
    <td colspan="3" nowrap="nowrap"><img src="C:/xampp/htdocs/Dirwebclient/banner3A_mod.png" width="950" height="141"/></td>
    But the funniest thing is that if I pull the image as a background of the <td> (table data) it displays perfectly.
    Here's the code:
    <td colspan="3" nowrap="nowrap" background="<?php echo $row_rsBanner['path']; ?>" width="950" height="141"></td>
    Can someone please give an idea of how I can pull the image using the <img> tag and not as a background.

    Here's the source code from the browser for pulling the photo;
    <td height="126" colspan="3"><p align="center"><img src="C:/xampp/htdocs/Dirwebclient/banner3A.png" alt="jpeg" width="950" height="124" /></p></td>
    And here's the source code for the whole page (It's quite long because I had not yet mastered CSS);
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title><style type="text/css">
    @import url("links2.css");
    body {
    background-image: url();
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    <link href="style1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="style2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    a:link {
    text-decoration: none;
    a:visited {
    text-decoration: none;
    a:hover {
    text-decoration: none;
    a:active {
    text-decoration: none;
    <link href="links.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="copyright.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <script src="jquery-latest.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="jcarousellite_1.0.1c4.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
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         text-decoration: none;
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         text-decoration: none;
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         text-decoration: underline;
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    When you are finished setting style properties, click OK.
    Note: Clicking OK without setting style options results in a new, empty rule.
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                    <th class="copyright" scope="row">&copy VISUAL CONCEPT MEDIA 2011</th>

  • Images are not coming  in jsp pages in linux os

    i done java/j2ee project in windows its working fine, when i deployed that project in linux. JSP pages images are not displaying..
    IDE--- eclipse.
    server--- tomcat.

    Doublecheck the image paths. They must either be relative to the current context or just absolute.

  • SAP Webdispatcher :Images are not displayed after using the URL filtering

    I have installed the SAP webdispatcher 7.3 on Linux redhat 5.4 in front of the Portal 7.3.
    I wanted to restrict the access just for the IRJ prefix so for this i used the parameter wdisp/permission_table = PermFile
    with Permfile as follows:
    #Denial of the useradmin URL from the WebDispatcher
    P /irj*
    P /irj/*
    The filtering is working well except that for IRJ the images are not displayed so i was using so i added the following line to disply the images to the logon page
    P /logon_ui_resources/*
    P /logon_ui_resources*
    but i still have the same issue for the irj page where no icons are displayed and i can do nothing.
    The same issue also happened when using the icm/HTTP/auth_xx
    Do you have an idea how to deal with this issue?
    Thanks in advance;

    After checking the HTTP code of the irj page on IE,  i foud the needed URL to permit so i modified the permision table and it works fine for the moement
    P /irj*
    P /irj/*
    P /logon_ui_resources/*
    P /logon_ui_resources*
    P /AFPServlet/*
    P /AFPServlet*
    P /*
    P /*
    P /webdynpro/resources*
    P /webdynpro/resources/*
    Thanks for you help,

  • Images are not displaying properly i.e Broken

    images are not displaying properly i.e Broken .they are not opening in any website even in facebook

    Hi Himanshu,
    Tools>Internet Options>Advanced tab, click the "Reset" button.
    Close all open IE windows and then start IE and try again.
    Post consumer questions about IE to (Help>Online Support menu from IE.)... at the answers forum you have to select what version of windows and IE you are using with your question...
    which you did not stipulate here.
    You can also choose at answers your preferred language and receive an answer in your preferred language.
    Also include with your questions to answers, the FULL address of any websites you are having problems with... so that the support engineers can visit and test the web page...
    Just saying Facebook is not sufficient as when you say 'pictures' are not displaying...perhaps you mean 'video' pictures... also websites like Facebook have different addresses for different parts of the world.
    eg. or
    This forum is for questions from System Administrators who manage 100's of computers that use IE with IEAK and GPO.

  • While using stumbleupon images are not displaying on homepage only links to images

    when i log onto stumbleupon and go to my homepage or any other users homepage in stumbleupon the images are not displayed. Instead there is a written description(link?) in its place. I have not excluded images in firefox preferences. I have updated all my add ons, plugins and exensions. I believe it started after i updated flashplayer or another add on and i had made stumbleupon my homepage in firefox. Also just updated to firefox 4 thank you for your help. another clue when i am downloading sites in stumbleupon the images are in the larger + size not the usual - size. normally they are in the - and you click and they enlarge(zoom?) to the + size click again and they go back to the -. Hope that helps.

    when i log onto stumbleupon and go to my homepage or any other users homepage in stumbleupon the images are not displayed. Instead there is a written description(link?) in its place. I have not excluded images in firefox preferences. I have updated all my add ons, plugins and exensions. I believe it started after i updated flashplayer or another add on and i had made stumbleupon my homepage in firefox. Also just updated to firefox 4 thank you for your help. another clue when i am downloading sites in stumbleupon the images are in the larger + size not the usual - size. normally they are in the - and you click and they enlarge(zoom?) to the + size click again and they go back to the -. Hope that helps.

  • Images are not displayed into gridPanel

    I use a gridPanel to display dynamically images.On the first load of the panel the images are correctly displayed.Then I have a button used to display other images when I click on.
    I had an exception of duplicated component id . So on each load I do a
    grid=new HtmlPanelGrid();grid is the panel in which I display the images.
    And due to this I have not the previous problem
    But after the click on the button I still have the previous images.My action listener works correctly.But I don't know why images are not displayed.
    Can you please help me.
    Thanks in advance .

    As per default OpenScript will ignore any URL that contains an image, to change the filters you can:
    View -> OpenScript Preferences > Record -> HTTP Module -> Select the URL filters Tab to add/remove or edit any filters
    You can un-check the first one on the list to enable image recording.

  • After upgrading to 3.5 from a library of images are not displayed.

    After upgrading to 3.5 from a library of images are not displayed. All images are filled with black. Ifoto the same library looks fine.

    Yes, they are compile errors, which state 'xmlObject cannot be resolved to a type' on this line: protected XmlObject xmlDocument = null;
    and on an import line: import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
    the compiler states the cannot be resolved.
    I have three classes that deal with xml objects and all three have the same errors.
    Also I'm getting the same type of errors on an import

  • Edge animation-images are not displayed on my dreamweaver-site

    Hello, could someone please help me?
    My animation, which is inserted into  a Dreamweaver-website, shows no pictures - only text elements when you open the page in the browser. In the live view and preview in the browser the images are displayed but on the Website they are not display. I have already set the file permissions to 777 - but it did not help.
    When i open the Animation without my Dreamweaver-site - only the Animation in the browser the Images are displayed correctly.

    I've just found the error! One file was not uploaded... sorry !  Anyway thanks for the quick reply!!!

  • Images are not updated in jsp page

    Hi experts,
    I have developed a website for show events and display images of the event, when the user saves the title of the event and event content these things are go to database and at the same time i am creating a directory on the server in which user can upload manually(as user's demand).
    but after pasting the images in the directory when i test for the image page, the content and title are shown(content and title are coming from database) but images are not, images are shown after minutes. I have checked that image's path are right. And when i type same path on the address box of my browser, it shows...
    The requested resource (/xxxxn/image/NewsImg/xxxxxx) is not available.But after minutes, like 30 to 40 or after i restart my system, it is showning me.
    I have disabled the page cache of my jsp pages.. but problem remain. i am using tomcat 6.0.26 for testing.
    Please guide me how can i resolve this issue.

    Ha ha ha,
    I have done it myself...
    what i am doing is to, generate a random number by using random class and attach it with image's path like "url rewriting" technique. Like this:
    Random ran = new Random();
    String imgPath = "./img/img_file_name?" +ran.nextInt(99999);and pass this to the "img" element of html.
    I think that this trick forces browser to recollect the data from server and not to use cached data.
    But my question with experts is that... I have used on jsp page these code:
    response.setHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache" );
    response.setHeader( "Cache-Control", "no-cache" );
    response.setDateHeader( "Expires", 0 );to tell browser not to catch my page, then why browser is caching my page??

  • OA_MEDIA images are not displayed after importing VO

    My requirement is to add a custom check box to MES Operator page. In the process I extended CO, VO successfully and the check box functionality is working fine. But we found out that some images (coming from $OA_MEDIA) are not displayed. There are two image columns in the page. Images in one column are displayed while images in other aren't. Also what I have observed is, missing images are displayed until I run the VO import on server.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Can anyone please help me with this issue?

  • Images are not displayed in Cp7/SCORM/HTML5

    Hello, everyone.
    I am a Japanese Captivate7 user.
    Captivate7 is a good authering tool for us.
    I am belonging to some projects and using this tool.
    In project-A, we are making a SCORM1.2/HTML5 content incuding 150 pages, many images, many advanced actions, 10 quizzes but not including videos, sounds. In this content, some of images are not dislpayed on the specified slide (Quiz No.6 or 7), refer to Fig.1.
    Note : no images in green line
    In this time, HTML data between server and client is funny, PNG images are recognized as txt/html in server side. Normally, I think an image is recognized as image/html in server side.
    Refer to Fig.2
    This is issued in only Safari (IOS7,6 and Safari5.1.7).
    Please help me ASAP.

    Dear Vikram,
    Thank you for your reply.
    >Are you working on Windows or MAC ?
    >Make sure you have CP 7.0.1 update installed.
    >Does this issue (Images not appering) occurs when you open the CP 7 published output ? (On your computer, not on SCORM 1.2) ?
    C:\Program Files\adobe\Adobe Captivate 7 x64\utils\opt\win\pgnquant.exe
      ”ファイル名または拡張子が長すぎます。” --> Translated by me  : "File name or Extension is too long."
    >As you mentioned iOS7, are you viewing your content on iPAD or on MAC computers ?
    Other information:
    Our sever is based on CentOS : 2.6.32-431.
    Moodle 2.6+ is also installed.
    Best Regards,

  • After forward, relative paths images are not displayed

              I have two web archives (war1.war, war2.war) and a jar with
              common code (jar.jar). war1.war contains jsp1.jsp and
              servlet1.class, jar.jar contains common.class, and war2.war
              contains jsp2.jsp.
              The user brings up jsp1.jsp in a browser and clicks a button
              which invokes servlet1.class (via post). In turn, servlet1.class
              invokes method forwardTo(...) of the common.class which brings
              up jsp2.jsp in user's browser. In the forwardTo(...) method I am
              using the servletContext for war1.war to get a dispatcher on
              which I then apply forward.
              The problem that I am seeing is that the images (.gif) in
              jsp2.jsp are not displayed at all. They are defined in the jsp
              file using a relative path as img="images/img.gif". It is as if
              the web server gets confused and does not know that the images
              should be based in the war2 application and is looking for them
              in the war1 application.
              I do not want to store the absolute path in the definition of
              the image (i.e., img="war2/images/img.gif").
              I am using WLS6.0sp1. What could be wrong?

    maybe try this
              instead of
              "Vladimir" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Hi,
              > I have two web archives (war1.war, war2.war) and a jar with
              > common code (jar.jar). war1.war contains jsp1.jsp and
              > servlet1.class, jar.jar contains common.class, and war2.war
              > contains jsp2.jsp.
              > The user brings up jsp1.jsp in a browser and clicks a button
              > which invokes servlet1.class (via post). In turn, servlet1.class
              > invokes method forwardTo(...) of the common.class which brings
              > up jsp2.jsp in user's browser. In the forwardTo(...) method I am
              > using the servletContext for war1.war to get a dispatcher on
              > which I then apply forward.
              > The problem that I am seeing is that the images (.gif) in
              > jsp2.jsp are not displayed at all. They are defined in the jsp
              > file using a relative path as img="images/img.gif". It is as if
              > the web server gets confused and does not know that the images
              > should be based in the war2 application and is looking for them
              > in the war1 application.
              > I do not want to store the absolute path in the definition of
              > the image (i.e., img="war2/images/img.gif").
              > I am using WLS6.0sp1. What could be wrong?
              > Thanks,
              > Vladimir

  • Pictures are not displaying in jsp page

    hi everyone,
    i want to display background images in my jsp page
    also some other images which are not background images
    plz tell me the way that enables me to place images in my jsp page

    <body background="pic/love.gif">
    --- jsp code
    out.println("<img src='pic/vijay.jpg' height='100' width='100'>");
    --- jsp code

  • Background images are not displayed (CSS, other images ok

    I tried clearing cache, looked at about:config for weird configurations, did a private browser window and disabled all extensions. None of these had any effect.
    Test pages: and - both of these pages have background images loaded by CSS. For example, Amazon's logo at the top left is a background loaded from a CSS page. The image itself can be viewed raw:
    So can this image:
    But why, why why do these images display on their relevant webpage? I see Amazon, eBay, and many other websites without a full complement of images. Especially the ones used for menus and other important navigation buttons.
    Here is what I see on the Mozilla page mentioned above: I see the text, but no repeating star image. This works in other browsers and on other computers in Firefox.
    The page I am typing on right now has no blue background, the entry windows are not correct (like the search window is not a rounded gray box) and the search magnifying glass is missing. So this experience makes even simple pages impossible to use.
    Firefox 32, Vista

    You did make sure that there isn't a high contrast theme selected in Windows like I posted above?

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