InDesign Placed Text Linking Issue

Hi - I've just recently updated to CS6 and am having an issue with linking placed text files.
When I place the Word Doc into the InDesign file initially (not in position), the link to the original document is present in the 'Links' window as expected. However, I need to transfer this text into another text box on the page and of course when I do so the link is removed.
Therefore, I tried placing the Word Doc directly onto the page in position (I have an autoflow setup that I need the text to run through) however when I do this no link appears in the window. To clarify, I have three separate text boxes setup on my master page that I need this linked text to flow through.
Any suggestions how to solve this? I have run through the preferences and ensured everything is as it should be.

Sorry for the double post! I've solved it - for anyone else in the same boat, I created a Master Page with the linked text flowed through the 3 separate text boxes. I then selected to override the master objects on the realtime pages and relinked to different documents from there as needed.

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    You have some problems with your code and they are showing up in Internet Exploiter and Firefox because they are less tolerant of those errors.
    Your code suggests you need to understand that an ID happens once on a page. You can re-use a Class.
    IDs are set up in your CSS with a hash:
    #header { }
    Classes are set up in your CSS with a dot:
    .left_content { }
    Use the W3C Validator to check your work, fix the problems and you may find that everything looks just fine in Firefox nad Internet Exploder.

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    We just updated Suitcase Fusion 3 to address this issue. Download the update from this location:
    Jim Kidwell

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    That means the text is overset. Likely causes are either it's set to align to the baseline grid and there is no grid line in the are of the box, or more likely there is something else on the page next the text frame and there is text wrap applied to that (did you put a full page background in, for example?).

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    Good afternoon All
    I wonder if you could help me.
    I am currently trying to centre pages and get my fireworks/spry website menu to work.
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    When I created the templates for the website, I used the basic version supplied with the software that was supposed to centre the pages.
    Below are code examples:
    " CODEPAGE="65001"%>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/advertising_privacy.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Viva's Advertising Rates</title>
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <style type="text/css">
    @import url("../menu_viva_fashion_site/viva_fashion_menu.css");
    @import url("../menu_useful_health_contacts/useful_health_and_beauty_contacts.css");
    body {
         margin: 0;/* center layout */
         padding: 0;
         color: #FFF;
         font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
         font-size: 100%;
         line-height: 1.4;
    /* ~~ Element/tag selectors ~~ */
    ul, ol, dl { /* Due to variations between browsers, it's best practices to zero padding and margin on lists. For consistency, you can either specify the amounts you want here, or on the list items (LI, DT, DD) they contain. Remember that what you do here will cascade to the .nav list unless you write a more specific selector. */
         padding: 0;
         margin: 0;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {
         margin-top: 0;      /* removing the top margin gets around an issue where margins can escape from their containing div. The remaining bottom margin will hold it away from any elements that follow. */
         padding-right: 15px;
         padding-left: 15px; /* adding the padding to the sides of the elements within the divs, instead of the divs themselves, gets rid of any box model math. A nested div with side padding can also be used as an alternate method. */
    a img { /* this selector removes the default blue border displayed in some browsers around an image when it is surrounded by a link */
         border: none;
    /* ~~ Styling for your site's links must remain in this order - including the group of selectors that create the hover effect. ~~ */
    a:link {
         color: #999999;
         text-decoration: underline; /* unless you style your links to look extremely unique, it's best to provide underlines for quick visual identification */
    a:visited {
         color: #FF0099;
         text-decoration: underline;
    a:hover, a:active, a:focus { /* this group of selectors will give a keyboard navigator the same hover experience as the person using a mouse. */
         text-decoration: none;
    /* ~~ this fixed width container surrounds the other divs ~~ */
    .container {
         width: 1100px;
         background: #FFF; /* the auto value on the sides, coupled with the width, centers the layout */
         margin-top: 0;
         margin-right: auto;
         margin-bottom: 0;
         margin-left: auto;
    /* ~~ the header is not given a width. It will extend the full width of your layout. It contains an image placeholder that should be replaced with your own linked logo ~~ */
    .header {
         background: #FFF;
    /* ~~ This is the layout information. ~~
    1) Padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the div. The elements within this div have padding on their sides. This saves you from any "box model math". Keep in mind, if you add any side padding or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width you define to create the *total* width. You may also choose to remove the padding on the element in the div and place a second div within it with no width and the padding necessary for your design.
    .content {
         padding: 10px 0;
    /* ~~ The footer ~~ */
    .footer {
         padding: 10px 0;
         background: #CCC49F;
    /* ~~ miscellaneous float/clear classes ~~ */
    .fltrt {  /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
         float: right;
         margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
         float: left;
         margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class can be placed on a <br /> or empty div as the final element following the last floated div (within the #container) if the #footer is removed or taken out of the #container */
         font-size: 1px;
         line-height: 0px;
    #apDiv1 {
    #apDiv2 {
         background-color: #CCCCCC;
    #apDiv3 {
    #apDiv4 {
    #apDiv5 {
    #apDiv6 {
         background-color: #000000;
    <link href="Vivavocefashion.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    .style1 {color: #666666}
    #apDiv7 {
         background-color: #000000;
    .style10 {font-weight: bold}
    .style12 {font-weight: bold}
    .style14 {font-weight: bold}
    .style16 {font-weight: bold}
    .style2 {font-weight: bold}
    .style4 {font-weight: bold}
    .style6 {font-weight: bold}
    .style8 {font-weight: bold}
    #apDiv8 {
    #apDiv9 {
    #apDiv10 {
    #apDiv11 {     position:absolute;
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        Consumers can't wait to get there hands on the latest must-have item or information on what the new season has to offer. Team information like that with business and celebrity gossip and what do you get? A heady mix that accommodates the tastes of a sizable share of the fashion and beauty market. </span></p>
      <p class="Bodytext">With technology advancing at a galloping pace that has ensured Internet users exposure to information and convenience shopping facilities in an instant, more and more companies are realising the importance of getting their brand noticed through this medium than waiting on the production cycles of others.</p>
      <p><span class="Bodytext">Time waits for no man. Neither does fashion. See below for advertising rates or contact us directly for collaborative advertising campaigns. </span></p>
      <p><b class="Header">WHAT'S AVAILABLE/ADVERT SPECIFICATION</b></p>
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          <td width="250" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="Header"><div align="center"><strong>Banners</strong></div></td>
          <td width="250" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><div align="center" class="Header"><strong>Tiles</strong></div></td>
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          <td width="250"><span class="Blackttext12"><b>Dimensions:</b> 120 x 240 pixels or</span></td>
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          <td width="250"><span class="Blackttext12"><b>Dimensions:</b> 125 x 125 pixels</span></td>
          <td width="250" align="left"><span class="Blackttext12"><b>File size:</b> 20K Max</span></td>
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          <td width="250" class="Blackttext12">4 Business Days</td>
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      <p><b><span class="Header">PRICING</span></b></p>
      <table width="500" border="1" align="center">
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          <td class="Blackttext12"><b>Cost per quarterly period</b></td>
          <td class="Blackttext12"><div align="center"><b>4 weeks</b></div></td>
          <td class="Blackttext12"><div align="center"><b>12 weeks</b></div></td>
          <td class="Blackttext12"><div align="center"><b>26 weeks</b></div></td>
          <td class="Blackttext12"><div align="center"><b>52 weeks</b></div></td>
          <td colspan="5" class="Blackttext12"><div align="left"><b>Tile Adverts - For 24hour Advertising Presence</b></div></td>
          <td class="Blackttext12">Pounds Sterling</td>
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            Please note that all rates and conditions are quoted in pounds sterling and are subject to change without notice.VIVAFASHION.CO.UK reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order without cause, at any time. </p>
      <p class="Bodytext">For more information with regards to rates, special advertising packages/campaigns and specifications please contact us at:<a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="Bodytext"> <br />
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    Stores Opening
               Look What's Just Popped UP!
             From New York to London, the month of September will see a series of Pop-Up stores opening to celebrate achievements past to present or to herald the launch of a new fashion collection . . . /
                             Must do
             GARETH PUGH, M·A·C & MILK team up for ny fashion week film
             Gareth Pugh has collaborated with cosmetic giant M·A·C to present his new film — directed by Ruth Hogben — at Milk, (located in the Meatpacking District of New York), this Sunday the 13th of September . . /
                     Product launch
             Treat your neck
             In recent years, scarves have come into their own fashion spotlight, with many fashion houses taking inspiration from Hermès to produce signature scarves that have become must have items each season. And, the luxury fashion houses are not alone . . . /         
    WEBSITE launch
               The Glam Show's High Street is just a click away
           The Glam Show in association with Nicky Hambleton-Jones has come up with a practical way to help you prepare for your visit to The Glam Show (this October) . . .
               Guess which celebrity was spotted wearing Vidler & Nixon . . .     
           Watch Martin Solveig’s latest hit single Boys & Girls for fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier featuring Martina, the electro-pop singer from Dragonette here. visit: MaDame for the free download
               The latest UK Retail sales figures have shed considerable light on the true state of consumer spending, reveals the British Retail Consortium and KPMG . . . /         
    Cheap and fashionable products continue to deliver profits at ABF's primark
                 Despite having to tighten purse strings, consumers wishing to update their wardrobe with cheap fashion fixes, are heading to Primark . . . /
    Quiksilver adapts to challenging times
                 Quiksilver, Inc. [NYSE: ZQK] announced a decrease in consolidated Net revenues from $564.9 million to $501.4 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 . . . /
    Paul Marchant made Chief Exec at Primark/Penneys
                 The insightful members of management at Associated British Foods plc [LSE: ABF], are to implement some senior personnel changes to ensure the company's current success, continues well into the future . . . /
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               Find out how retailers share prices are performing on the London Stock Exchange . . . /
    Forthcoming Fashion Weeks & trade shows dates
           Synchronise your diaries with Viva Voce's list of trade shows, exhibitions and fashion weeks . . . /
                          Paul Marchant made
               Chief Exec at Primark/Penneys
           The insightful members of management at Associated British Foods plc [LSE: ABF], are to implement some senior personnel changes to ensure the company's current success, continues well into the future . . . /
    26 - 29 November 2009 —
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         31 October - 1 November 2009 —
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               1980s Fashion Revisited       24 - 27 September 2009 —
                 TENT LONDON
               22 - 27 September 2009 —
               My Chinese Zodiac and Other Animals
               By Sylvie Fuller — Lillibule Ceramics
               19 - 29 September 2009 —
             The London Design Festival        17 SEPTEMBER – 22 DECEMBER 2009 —
               SHOWstudio: FASHION REVOLUTION AT SOMERSET HOUSE       3 - 20 September 2009 —
           Sylvia Ji's Nectar
             That's more like it. An effortless way to improve one's looks without too much effort.
               Savvy sleeping beauties have enlightened us with a natural remedy that is fast becoming Britain’s best kept secret — sleeping on silk . /                         FANTASTIC NEW OFFERS
               If the answer is yes, then luxury hair and beauty website Want The is well worth visiting . . . /                              skincare . . .
                 Forever YOung?
                 Log into our WebTV Show for revolutionary advice on anti-ageing without creams or cosmetic surgery
                 Show date: Tuesday 8th September '09
               Show time: 3:00pm – 3:15pm        
    Celebrity Smack       Lust for Life        Painfully Hip        Socialite Life               Style Bubble       The Daily Mash      Tout Nouveau       

  • Using text links to open accordion panel

    How do I use text links (from the page's main menu) to
    programatically open a particular panel.
    here is the page:
    for example: I want to click on "Resumes and Cover Letters"
    in the left hand menu to open the first accordion panel (by the
    same name). I have this set this page so that all panels are closed
    i know i'm missing something because this obviously does not
    work: i've looked for documentation and this issue is inadequately

    twinflame wrote:
    > i know i'm missing something because this obviously does
    not work: i've looked
    > for documentation and this issue is inadequately
    Not really. The problem is that you have attempted to create
    JavaScript object called accordion1 before the accordion HTML
    is even
    loaded into the browser. Moreover, the script that
    initializes the
    accordion is already in your HTML where it should be (after
    accordion), but it uses Accordion1, not accordion1
    (JavaScript is
    Remove this after your menu.
    > <script type="text/javascript">
    > var accordion1 = new
    > </script>
    Change the links in the menu to Accordion1.openPanel(0),
    etc., and it
    should work.
    David Powers
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • All the implications of placing text from another file

    Hi all,
    I have a large document with masters that I use for my proposals. I created all the masters I need in this file, then when I get a request for proposal, I just copy out the masters I need for that particular one (depending on the products requested).
    The original file is getting pretty big (175 MB), and I'm looking for ways to make it smaller, as it's starting to drag. I was thinking of cutting all text out of it, creating Word docs, then placing the text back in, but I had some questions.
    1. Will this really shrink the file size that much?
    2. How will the Word document be affected if I change text within InDesign? Do changes in InDesign change the original document?
    3. Will all of my character styles stay (such as highlighting the area where I need to fill in the customer's name)?
    If anyone could point me to a good reference on placing text or help me with some guidance I would much appreciate it. This is a big project and I want to start it correctly.

    Before you do anything try file>save as and save the file that way.

  • Woes placing text; need benefit of your experience! [CS4 + JS]

    Hi-- I'm working on a routine for importing a number of text documents into InDesign, but have come up with odd behavior when placing text. I'm working with ID CS4 & javascript; all the actions perform the same when doing them manually.
    I start with text--actual unformatted text originating from a Word document, but saved as a text file--and with the text tool place it at the cursor position in a paragraph in 'body text' style; the text picks up formatting different than the style, namely the font from 'Headline' style, although pt size & leading are still 'body text' style.
    Yet when I cut the same text from a text editor, then paste it at the cursor position, the text appears as I expect, in body text style with no overrides.
    This is a small improvement: When I first tried placing the text,  it had been coming in with a character style applied. I noticed that the character style being applied was selected in the Quick Apply menu. Un-selecting the character style in the Quick Apply got me to where I am now.
    It's driving me nuts that I still can't figure out where the Headline-style font is coming from! Any pointers?
    Thanks in advance...
    p.s.: I'm trying the text import angle to avoid other problems I'd been having importing Word documents, namely importing any Word97-2003 document with highlighted text would crash ID, Word character styles adding direct formatting to the text in ID, etc.

    As promised, here is the code, as it stands, for whatever help it can be. The code is specific to my particular uses, but the approach of tagging various direct/character styles from Word, wiping all formatting then reapplying ID styles and removing the tags may be useful.
        Problem: importing from regularly styled Word templated documents to CS4 can be a mess. Even if import presets are exactly set,
        if the Word doc has character styles, text can come in with layered character styles. Applying correct character styles and then
        removing  overrides won't fix because character styles and direct formatting are layered on every bit of text and formatting is not
        at all standard. To fix, all character styles AND overrides must be removed to wipe out the strangeness. This script shows one approach
         to keep italic, bold and bold italic direct formatting, and perhaps other stuff to preserve what the writers intended.
        The approach: tag formatting outside of ID's usual facilities, wipe all formatting clear, then apply the proper styles & character styles.
            --A word import preset has been set...
            --Will need to trap for missing fonts? (e.g. Windings Bold, which is faked in Word; doesn't actually exist!)
            Left @: Works reasonably well. Probably should be run on before layout has sections.
            --Document includes a paragraph style named "Body Text"
    * @@@BUILDINFO@@@ ConvertWordBrute.jsx !Version! Thu Oct 11 2011 10:52:08 GMT-0700
    #script "ConvertWord"
    #target "InDesign"
    function main(){
        try {
            var docRef = getActiveDocument();
        } catch (e) {
            alert (e);
        var confirmWarning = "Note: bold, italic and bold-italic will be turned into character styles, then this script clears all overrides--" +
            "any character spacing applied outside of regular paragraph and character styles will be erased--OK?";
        var myConfirm = confirm(confirmWarning, true, "Text change alert!");
        if (myConfirm == false){
        var jumpTextCharStyle = "Body jump text";
        var jumpLineChars = 30;
        //saveTextReflowState & turn it off to avoid adding pages...
        var smartTextReflowState = docRef.textPreferences.smartTextReflow
        docRef.textPreferences.smartTextReflow = false;
        //Apply HTML-like tags to text with formatting you want to keep
        //what you search here depends on how your import preferences were set... did you map incoming word styles? to what? Normal -> Body Text?
        tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, "Body Text", "Bold" , "b");
        tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, "Body Text", "Italic" , "i");
        tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, "Body Text", "Bold Italic" , "bl");
        tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, "Normal", "Bold" , "b");
        tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, "Normal", "Italic" , "i");
        tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, "Normal", "Bold Italic" , "bl");
        tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, "Body Text indent", "Bold" , "b");
        tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, "Body Text indent", "Italic" , "i");
        tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, "Body Text indent", "Bold Italic" , "bl");
        //Convert Word styles to ID styles, then wipe Word styles
        //Re-apply all paragraph styles with no overrides or character styles
        formatTaggedCharacters(docRef, "b", "Bold")
        formatTaggedCharacters(docRef, "i", "Italic")
        formatTaggedCharacters(docRef, "bl", "Byline")
        // Replace jump lines character style, since above makes all bold-italic into Byline style
        formatJumpLines(docRef, jumpLineChars, jumpTextCharStyle);
        //re-instate text reflow
        docRef.textPreferences.smartTextReflow = smartTextReflowState;
    function getActiveDocument(){
    //returns reference to active document; otherwise undefined
        //if a variable is not assigned a value, its value is undefined
        if (app.documents.length == 0) {
            throw ("No documents open");
        //returns value for variable docRef back to call statement
        var docRef = app.documents.item(0);
        return docRef;
    function tagFormattedCharacters(docRef, paragraphStyle, fontStyle, fontTag) {
        // Searches for characters in paragrapfStyle, fontStyle in docRef, enclosing any characters found
        // in HTML-style angle-bracket tags containing fontTag
        var myStyles, s, stylesRE;
        //First chk if passed paragraphStyle exists
        for (var s = docRef.paragraphStyles.length-1; s >= 2; s--) {
            //get a list of pipe-separated styles, but not the default styles in brackets, since they'll screw up a RegExp pattern
         myStyles = docRef.paragraphStyles[s].name + "|" + myStyles;
        stylesRE = new RegExp(myStyles);
        if (!paragraphStyle.match(stylesRE)){
        //Clear the find/change preferences.
        //Set the find options.
        app.findChangeTextOptions.caseSensitive = false;
        app.findChangeTextOptions.includeFootnotes = false;
        app.findChangeTextOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;
        app.findChangeTextOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;
        app.findChangeTextOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;
        app.findChangeTextOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
        app.findChangeTextOptions.wholeWord = false;
        app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = paragraphStyle;
        app.findTextPreferences.fontStyle = fontStyle;
        var myFoundItems = docRef.findText();
        openTag = "<"+fontTag+">";
        closeTag ="</"+fontTag+">";
        //Note: gotta iterate from the end forward, otherwise tag insertions will skew insertion points
        for(i=myFoundItems.length-1; i>-1; i--){
            myFoundItems[i].insertionPoints.lastItem().contents = closeTag;
            myFoundItems[i].insertionPoints.firstItem().contents = openTag;
    function cleanupTags(myObject){
        // To correct for faulty formatting resulting in badly placed tags, e.g.: tags on both sides of paragraph returns.
        // To internalize search routines into this script, it uses a series of searches equivalent to FindChangeByList,
        // captured with RecordFindChange_CS3-CS5.jsx .
        // Note GREP search strings MUST be enclosed in quotes with all internal backslashes & quotes escaped,
        // e.g.: \\ becomes \\\\, findWhat:"( becomes findWhat:\"(
        var myChangesArray = new Array();
        // a few changes to clean up placement of formatting tags which may be funky from Word direct formatting
        myChangesArray[0] = "grep    {findWhat:\"(<[^>]*>)(\\\\s)(</[^>]*>)\"}    {changeTo:\"$2\", changeConditionsMode:1919250519}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false}"; //Nix bolded white space of any kind
        myChangesArray[1] = "grep    {findWhat:\"(<[^>]*>)(\\\\ )(\\\\[)\"}    {changeTo:\"$2$1$3\", changeConditionsMode:1919250519}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false}"; //move spaces (only!) in front of bylines before tag
        myChangesArray[2] = "grep    {findWhat:\"(\\\\r)(</[^>]*>)\"}    {changeTo:\"$2$1\", changeConditionsMode:1919250519}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false}"; //move close tags before graf returns
        myChangesArray[3] = "text    {findWhat:\"<bl>^_</bl>\"}    {changeTo:\"^_\", changeConditionsMode:1919250519}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false}";    //Replace em dashes that somehow get bold italic
        findChangeByArray(myObject, myChangesArray)
    function convertWordStyles(docRef){
        // Converts Word styles to ID styles, then wipes Word styles
        // To internalize search routines to this script, this uses a series of searches equivalent to FindChangeByList,
        // captured with RecordFindChange_CS3-CS5.jsx .
        // Note search strings MUST be enclosed in quotes with all internal backslashes & quotes escaped, esp. important for GREP
        // e.g.: \\ becomes \\\\, findWhat:"( becomes findWhat:\"(
        var i, p, stylesRE;
        var myChangesArray = new Array();
        //note: findChangeByArray does not trap for
        myChangesArray[0] = "text    {findWhat:\"^p^t\"}    {changeTo:\"^p\", changeConditionsMode:1919250519}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false}"; // remove tabs at the start of paragraphs
        myChangesArray[1] = "text    {findWhat:\"n\", appliedParagraphStyle:\"Heading 1\", appliedFont:\"Wingdings\", fontStyle:\"Bold\"}    {changeTo:\"^8\", appliedCharacterStyle:\"[No character style]\", appliedParagraphStyle:\"Headline 1\", changeConditionsMode:1919250519}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false}"; //replace square bullet in Heading 1 Word style to standard bullet Headline 1 + Bold
        myChangesArray[2] = "text    {appliedParagraphStyle:\"Normal\"}    {appliedParagraphStyle:\"Body Text\", changeConditionsMode:1919250519}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false}"; // replace Normal paragraph Word style with Body Text
        myChangesArray[3] = "text    {appliedParagraphStyle:\"CallOut\"}    {appliedParagraphStyle:\"Callout\", changeConditionsMode:1919250519}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:true}"; // replace CallOut Word style with Callout
        myChangesArray[4] = "text    {appliedParagraphStyle:\"Normal Indent\"}    {appliedParagraphStyle:\"Body Text indent\", changeConditionsMode:1919250519}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:true}"; //replace Normal Indent Word style to Body Text indent
        myChangesArray[5] = "text    {appliedParagraphStyle:\"Body Text\", fontStyle:\"Italic\"}    {appliedCharacterStyle:\"Italic\"}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false, kanaSensitive:true, widthSensitive:true, ignoreKashidas:true, ignoreDiacritics:false}"; //replace direct formatted body text italic with character style
        myChangesArray[6] = "text    {appliedParagraphStyle:\"Body Text\", fontStyle:\"Bold\"}    {appliedCharacterStyle:\"Bold\"}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false, kanaSensitive:true, widthSensitive:true, ignoreKashidas:true, ignoreDiacritics:false}"; //replace direct formatted body text bold with character style
        myChangesArray[7] = "text    {appliedParagraphStyle:\"Body Text\", fontStyle:\"Bold Italic\"}    {appliedCharacterStyle:\"Byline\"}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false, kanaSensitive:true, widthSensitive:true, ignoreKashidas:true, ignoreDiacritics:false}"; //replace direct formatted body text bold italic with Byline character style
        myChangesArray[8] = "text    {findWhat:\" -- \"}    {changeTo:\"^_\"}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false, kanaSensitive:true, widthSensitive:true, ignoreKashidas:true, ignoreDiacritics:false}"; //replace space dash dash space with em dash, no spaces
        myChangesArray[9] = "text    {findWhat:\"--\"}    {changeTo:\"^_\"}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false, kanaSensitive:true, widthSensitive:true, ignoreKashidas:true, ignoreDiacritics:false}"; //replace space dash dash space with em dash, no spaces
        myChangesArray[10] ="text    {findWhat:\"  \"}    {changeTo:\" \"}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false, kanaSensitive:true, widthSensitive:true, ignoreKashidas:true, ignoreDiacritics:false}"; //replace double spaces with single space
        myChangesArray[11] ="text    {findWhat:\"^p^p\"}    {changeTo:\"^p\"}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false, wholeWord:false, caseSensitive:false, kanaSensitive:true, widthSensitive:true, ignoreKashidas:true, ignoreDiacritics:false}"; //Nix double paragraph markers
        // section to put in headline jump reference bullets
        myChangesArray[12] ="grep    {findWhat:\"\\\\>  ?(from \\\\[\\\\d\\\\d?\\\\])\\\\s?\\\\s?$\"}    {changeTo:\" ~8 $1\"}    {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:true, kanaSensitive:true, widthSensitive:true}"//add bullet before end of word, replace space (optional space) 'from [' digit optional digit ']' optional space optional space end of paragraph with space bullet space + the rest
        // Changes any imported paragraph styles to Body Text, imported character styles to None, nukes imported
        findChangeByArray(docRef, myChangesArray)
        // clear overrides, both character & paragraph
        // first set what paragraphs to check
        stylesRE = new RegExp(/Body |Heading /)
        for (i = 0; i < docRef.stories.length; i++) {
            //only mess with stories with a bunch of paragraphs & only paragraphs of Body* or Heading* styles
            if (docRef.stories[i].paragraphs.length > 1) {
                for ( p=0; p < docRef.stories[i].paragraphs.length; p++){
                    if (docRef.stories[i].paragraphs[p] {
    function clearFindChangePrefs(){
        //find/change text preferences
        app.findTextPreferences = null;
        app.changeTextPreferences = null;
        //find/change grep preferences
        app.findGrepPreferences = null;
        app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
        //find/change glyph preferences
        app.findGlyphPreferences = null;
        app.changeGlyphPreferences = null;
    function findChangeByArray(myObject, myChangesArray){
        //a shorter version of the supplied FindChangeByList.jsx to allow internalizing search strings
        // Note search strings passed MUST be enclosed in quotes with all internal backslashes & quotes escaped,
        // esp. important for GREP, e.g.: \\ becomes \\\\, findWhat:"( becomes findWhat:\"(
        var myFindChangeArray, myFindType, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions, i;
        var myStyles, s, stylesRE, searchOK;
        // Prepare to trap for non-existant styles
        // get a list of pipe-separated styles, but not the default styles in brackets, since they'll screw up a RegExp pattern
        for (var s = myObject.paragraphStyles.length-1; s >= 2; s--) {
             myStyles = myObject.paragraphStyles[s].name + "|" + myStyles;
         stylesRE = new RegExp(myStyles);
        for (i = 0; i < myChangesArray.length; i++) {
            myFindChangeArray = myChangesArray[i].split("\t");
            //The first field in the line is the findType string.
            myFindType = myFindChangeArray[0];
            //The second field in the line is the FindPreferences string.
            myFindPreferences = myFindChangeArray[1];
            // Trap to ensure the style exists
            //The second field in the line is the ChangePreferences string.
            myChangePreferences = myFindChangeArray[2];
            //The fourth field is the range--used only by text find/change.
            myFindChangeOptions = myFindChangeArray[3];
            // Trap for non-existant paragraph styles; ID will choke on searching for a style not in doc
            // Look for paragraph style in find string
            if (myFindPreferences.match(/appliedParagraphStyle/)){
                // & that the search is for a style existing in the document
                if (!myFindPreferences.match(stylesRE)){
                case "text":
                    myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                case "grep":
                    myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                case "glyph":
                    myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
    function myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
        //Reset the find/change preferences before each search.
        app.changeTextPreferences = null;
        app.findTextPreferences = null;
        var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
        myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
        myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
        app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
        myFoundItems = myObject.changeText();
        //Reset the find/change preferences after each search.
        app.changeTextPreferences = null;
        app.findTextPreferences = null;
    function myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
        //Reset the find/change grep preferences before each search.
        app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
        app.findGrepPreferences = null;
        var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
        myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
        myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
        app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
        var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGrep();
        //Reset the find/change grep preferences after each search.
        app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
        app.findGrepPreferences = null;
    function myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
        //Reset the find/change glyph preferences before each search.
        app.changeGlyphPreferences = null;
        app.findGlyphPreferences = null;
        var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
        myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
        myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
        app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
        var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGlyph();
        //Reset the find/change glyph preferences after each search.
        app.changeGlyphPreferences = null;
        app.findGlyphPreferences = null;
    function removeImportedStyles(docRef){
        // Changes any imported paragraph styles to Body Text, imported character styles to None, nukes imported
       var paraStyle = docRef.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text");
       var noneCharStyle = docRef.characterStyles.item("[None]");
       for(var myCounter = docRef.paragraphStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
         if (docRef.paragraphStyles[myCounter].imported == true ) {
            docRef.paragraphStyles[myCounter].remove(paraStyle); //Replaces w/paraStyle
       for(var myCounter = docRef.characterStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
         if (docRef.characterStyles[myCounter].imported == true) {
    function formatTaggedCharacters(docRef, fontTag, characterStyle){
        // Searches docRef for text between <fontTag> </fontTag> tags & applies characterStyle
        // then removes the fontTags.
        // For characterStyle = Byline, If found text is greater than jumpTextLen in length, apply jumpTextCharStyle instead
        // First verify the passed charstyle exists...
        // use your standard GREP search & replace
        app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
        app.findGrepPreferences = null;
        // note ? mark in following GREP search string, the non-greedy modifier. Thanks Jongware!
        var myString = " = {findWhat:\"<"+ fontTag + ">(.*?)<\/" + fontTag + ">\"};";
        myString += " = {changeTo:\"$1\", appliedCharacterStyle:\""+characterStyle+"\"};";
        myString += " = {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:true};";
        app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
        var myFoundItems = docRef.changeGrep();
        //Reset the find/change grep preferences after each search.
        app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
        app.findGrepPreferences = null;
        //OK, the tags are still there, so wipe 'em
        removeTag(docRef, fontTag);
    function removeTag(docRef, fontTag){
        // Use a GREP search to replace the given tag in docRef; don't mess with styles, as that should've been handled already
        // Reset the find/change grep preferences before each search.
        app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
        app.findGrepPreferences = null;
        var myString = " = {findWhat:\"<"+ fontTag + ">(.*)<\/" + fontTag + ">\"};";
        myString += " = {changeTo:\"$1\"};";
        myString += " = {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:true};";
        app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
        var myFoundItems = docRef.changeGrep();
        //Reset the find/change grep preferences after each search.
        app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
        app.findGrepPreferences = null;
    function formatJumpLines(docRef, jumpLineChars, jumpTextCharStyle){
        //  Since previous convertWordStyles() changes all bold italic styled text to Byline char style, change any that are
        //  >jumpLineChars to 'Body jump text' style.
            app.changeTextPreferences = null;
            app.findTextPreferences = null;
            var myString = " = {appliedCharacterStyle:\"Byline\"};";
            myString += " = {includeLockedStoriesForFind:false, includeLockedLayersForFind:false, includeHiddenLayers:false, includeMasterPages:false, includeFootnotes:false};";
            app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
            var myFoundItems = docRef.findText();
            //Reset the find/change text preferences after each search.
            app.changeTextPreferences = null;
            app.findTextPreferences = null;
            //Note: best to iterate from the end forward, avoiding any potential insertion point skew
            for(i=myFoundItems.length-1; i>-1; i--){
                if (myFoundItems[i].length > jumpLineChars){
                    myFoundItems[i].appliedCharacterStyle = jumpTextCharStyle;

  • Acrobat 9 - hyper link issue and print in larger font

    I am using Acrobat 9 and have two issues :
    When I try to convert a web page to pdf file i.e. through the print command in FF, the text links are there in the new file but without the underlying hyper links ?
    How can I print the files with a larger font. It is okay for seeing it on monitor but too small for me when I print.

    Do as AbhigyanModi suggests or use the Adobe Acrobat plugin that should be in your web browser if you're using Internet Explorer. This happened because you "printed" to convet to PDF. You have to use either AbhigyanModi method or use the Internet Explorer plugin to save active hyperlinks.
    In terms of the font size -- You can set up the web capture preferences first. Explore the menu that AbhigyanModi suggests or use the built in help. It's there for a reason.

  • Why does InDesign CS5 modify linked PSDs with each Save?

    I'm using Creative Suite CS5, Mac OS 10.6.6. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and how is it fixed?
    Every time I save an InDesign document with a linked PSD file, the PSD file's modification date changes as well, which in turn shows up in InDesign as a link that needs updating. After I update the link in InDesign and Save, that psd file's modification date changes again, and it shows up again as a link that needs updating. There seems to be no limit to the cycle, and it isn't specific to any particular file...happens in every similar scenario.
    This is makin' me dizzy!

    This is caused by a bug in a Suitcase update. Extensis issued another patch almost immediately.

  • PDF to InDesign and text threads

    I have only a PDF of a 300+ page book. I tried using the PDF2ID plug-in to transfer to InDesign CS3, and it looks clean. However, each page comes in as a separate, unthreaded text block. Is there some way to thread all the pages at once?
    The book is pretty much straight text.
    Alternatively, are there other plug-ins that would do the job?

    PDF to InDesign and text threads
    Hi Sandee,
    Thanks for your quick answer. I tried the trial version and couldn't get the text frames to link so I wrote to recosoft and got the very puzzling answer below. So I'm wondering how this works. Would you know or would you know the direct contact of the gentleman who spoke at the InDesign meeting in SF in January?
    > I notice a couple of things, however.
    > 1. Converting a whole chapter, I notice that the text boxes are no longer
    > linked.
    Text Frame linking is only performed within a page and that also PDF2ID has
    to perform responsible Text Frame linking otherwise frames that shouldn't be
    linked will.
    A PDF file doesn't contain any kind of text frame linking information.
    PDF2ID makes this on its own.
    > I believe one of the new features is to thread text frames.

  • Change text "link" color only in Spry Tab content area

    I need to have multiple text link colors in my site for light
    and dark background colors. The only regions in my site that have a
    white background are in the Spry Tab Panel content area. I can't
    figure out how to change the text color for text links in the spry
    content only. I tried to add a:link ..etc... to the style sheet,
    but it did not effect anything
    (I also need to clean my style sheet (s). But that comes
    is a Link to a Sample Page in my site

    Here is the SpryTabbedPanels style sheet in my site. I can't
    seem to figure out the changes I need to make to effect the content
    I tried to add the following (see .TabbedPanelsContentGroup
    a: link {
    color: #0099CC;
    text-decoration: none
    a:active {
    color: #99CC33;
    text-decoration: none
    a:visited {
    color: #0099CC;
    text-decoration: none
    a:hover {
    color: #99CC33;
    text-decoration: underline
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryTabbedPanels.css - version 0.4 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights
    reserved. */
    /* Horizontal Tabbed Panels
    * The default style for a TabbedPanels widget places all tab
    * (left aligned) above the content panel.
    /* This is the selector for the main TabbedPanels container.
    For our
    * default style, this container does not contribute anything
    * but it is floated left to make sure that any floating or
    clearing done
    * with any of its child elements are contained completely
    within the
    * TabbedPanels container, to minimize any impact or
    * interaction with other floated elements on the page that
    may be used
    * for layout.
    * If you want to constrain the width of the TabbedPanels
    widget, set a
    * width on the TabbedPanels container. By default, the
    TabbedPanels widget
    * expands horizontally to fill up available space.
    * The name of the class ("TabbedPanels") used in this
    selector is not
    * necessary to make the widget function. You can use any
    class name you
    * want to style the TabbedPanels container.
    .TabbedPanels {
    margin: 0px;
    float: right;
    clear: none;
    width: 82%; /* IE Hack to force proper layout when preceded
    by a paragraph. (hasLayout Bug)*/
    padding-top: 0px;
    padding-right: 0px;
    padding-bottom: 2px;
    padding-left: 0px;
    /* This is the selector for the TabGroup. The TabGroup
    container houses
    * all of the tab buttons for each tabbed panel in the
    widget. This container
    * does not contribute anything visually to the look of the
    widget for our
    * default style.
    * The name of the class ("TabbedPanelsTabGroup") used in
    this selector is not
    * necessary to make the widget function. You can use any
    class name you
    * want to style the TabGroup container.
    .TabbedPanelsTabGroup {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    /* This is the selector for the TabbedPanelsTab. This
    container houses
    * the title for the panel. This is also the tab "button"
    that the user clicks
    * on to activate the corresponding content panel so that it
    appears on top
    * of the other tabbed panels contained in the widget.
    * For our default style, each tab is positioned relatively 1
    pixel down from
    * where it wold normally render. This allows each tab to
    overlap the content
    * panel that renders below it. Each tab is rendered with a 1
    pixel bottom
    * border that has a color that matches the top border of the
    current content
    * panel. This gives the appearance that the tab is being
    drawn behind the
    * content panel.
    * The name of the class ("TabbedPanelsTab") used in this
    selector is not
    * necessary to make the widget function. You can use any
    class name you want
    * to style this tab container.
    .TabbedPanelsTab {
    position: relative;
    top: 1px;
    float: left;
    padding: 4px 10px;
    margin: 0px 1px 0px 0px;
    background-color: #CCCC99;
    list-style: none;
    border-left: solid 1px #CCC;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #999;
    border-top: solid 1px #999;
    border-right: solid 1px #999;
    -moz-user-select: none;
    -khtml-user-select: none;
    cursor: pointer;
    font-family: sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #000000;
    /* This selector is an example of how to change the appearnce
    of a tab button
    * container as the mouse enters it. The class
    "TabbedPanelsTabHover" is
    * programatically added and removed from the tab element as
    the mouse enters
    * and exits the container.
    .TabbedPanelsTabHover {
    background-color: #99CC33;
    color: #000000;
    /* This selector is an example of how to change the
    appearance of a tab button
    * container after the user has clicked on it to activate a
    content panel.
    * The class "TabbedPanelsTabSelected" is programatically
    added and removed
    * from the tab element as the user clicks on the tab button
    containers in
    * the widget.
    * As mentioned above, for our default style, tab buttons are
    * 1 pixel down from where it would normally render. When the
    tab button is
    * selected, we change its bottom border to match the
    background color of the
    * content panel so that it looks like the tab is part of the
    content panel.
    .TabbedPanelsTabSelected {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE;
    color: #000000;
    /* This selector is an example of how to make a link inside
    of a tab button
    * look like normal text. Users may want to use links inside
    of a tab button
    * so that when it gets focus, the text *inside* the tab
    button gets a focus
    * ring around it, instead of the focus ring around the
    entire tab.
    .TabbedPanelsTab a {
    color: black;
    text-decoration: none;
    /* This is the selector for the ContentGroup. The
    ContentGroup container houses
    * all of the content panels for each tabbed panel in the
    widget. For our
    * default style, this container provides the background
    color and borders that
    * surround the content.
    * The name of the class ("TabbedPanelsContentGroup") used in
    this selector is
    * not necessary to make the widget function. You can use any
    class name you
    * want to style the ContentGroup container.
    .TabbedPanelsContentGroup {
    clear: both;
    border-left: solid 1px #CCC;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #CCC;
    border-top: solid 1px #999;
    border-right: solid 1px #999;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    color: #000000;
    a: link {
    color: #0099CC;
    text-decoration: none
    a:active {
    color: #99CC33;
    text-decoration: none
    a:visited {
    color: #0099CC;
    text-decoration: none
    a:hover {
    color: #99CC33;
    text-decoration: underline
    /* This is the selector for the Content panel. The Content
    panel holds the
    * content for a single tabbed panel. For our default style,
    this container
    * provides some padding, so that the content is not pushed
    up against the
    * widget borders.
    * The name of the class ("TabbedPanelsContent") used in this
    selector is
    * not necessary to make the widget function. You can use any
    class name you
    * want to style the Content container.
    .TabbedPanelsContent {
    padding: 4px;
    /* This selector is an example of how to change the appearnce
    of the currently
    * active container panel. The class
    "TabbedPanelsContentVisible" is
    * programatically added and removed from the content element
    as the panel
    * is activated/deactivated.
    .TabbedPanelsContentVisible {
    /* Vertical Tabbed Panels
    * The following rules override some of the default rules
    above so that the
    * TabbedPanels widget renders with its tab buttons along the
    left side of
    * the currently active content panel.
    * With the rules defined below, the only change that will
    have to be made
    * to switch a horizontal tabbed panels widget to a vertical
    tabbed panels
    * widget, is to use the "VTabbedPanels" class on the
    top-level widget
    * container element, instead of "TabbedPanels".
    /* This selector floats the TabGroup so that the tab buttons
    it contains
    * render to the left of the active content panel. A border
    is drawn around
    * the group container to make it look like a list container.
    .VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsTabGroup {
    float: left;
    width: 10em;
    height: 20em;
    background-color: #CCCC99;
    position: relative;
    border-top: solid 1px #999;
    border-right: solid 1px #999;
    border-left: solid 1px #CCC;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #CCC;
    /* This selector disables the float property that is placed
    on each tab button
    * by the default TabbedPanelsTab selector rule above. It
    also draws a bottom
    * border for the tab. The tab button will get its left and
    right border from
    * the TabGroup, and its top border from the TabGroup or tab
    button above it.
    .VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsTab {
    float: none;
    margin: 0px;
    border-top: none;
    border-left: none;
    border-right: none;
    /* This selector disables the float property that is placed
    on each tab button
    * by the default TabbedPanelsTab selector rule above. It
    also draws a bottom
    * border for the tab. The tab button will get its left and
    right border from
    * the TabGroup, and its top border from the TabGroup or tab
    button above it.
    .VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsTabSelected {
    background-color: #CCCC99;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #999;
    /* This selector floats the content panels for the widget so
    that they
    * render to the right of the tabbed buttons.
    .VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsContentGroup {
    clear: none;
    float: left;
    padding: 0px;
    width: 30em;
    height: 20em;

  • Is there a way to right click a text link to add it to bookmarks?

    I can't find an add-on that lets me do this either.
    If I highlight a text link, like the shared link on a youtube video, there is no option to bookmark that link directly.
    Why is it not possible to do this?

    It shouldn't but it was one of the few things I could think of in the realm of possibilities.
    It's more than likely the GET data then. They format it in such a way that it's a random string.
    Isn't that an issue that not all links are able to be processed in that manner?
    I mean for something as popular as YouTube.
    I hate to keep using that, but similar instances are becoming increasingly common.
    Obviously I'm new to mozilla's support but maybe it's something worth mentioning, if it made me ask this and I rarely even use this type of feature.

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