Issue in reading the XML file

Hi Gurus,
I am dier need of one of the xml issue which I am facing right now.
I am reading one of the xml file which is like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <GEBIZ_ORDER xmlns:xsi="">
  <DESCRIPTION>Purchase Order for Air tickets for SOT to Korea (from 17th - 26th Sep 2011) off PC(RPO000ECN11000100)for SAS</DESCRIPTION>
  <PAYMENT_TERMS xsi:nil="true" />
  <BILL_TO>One-Stop Centre, 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, S(738964)</BILL_TO>
  <JUSTIFICATION>Please refer to attached approval email.</JUSTIFICATION>
  <TERMINATE_REASON xsi:nil="true" />
  <TERMINATE_TIMESTAMP xsi:nil="true" />
  <NAME>Safe2Travel Pte Ltd</NAME>
  <CONTACT_EMAIL>[email protected]</CONTACT_EMAIL>
- <SITE>
  <NAME>ravel Pte Ltd</NAME>
  <PHONE_EXTENSION xsi:nil="true" />
  <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
  <ADDRESS_LINE1>10 Eunos Road 8</ADDRESS_LINE1>
  <ADDRESS_LINE2>#08-03 (North Lobby)</ADDRESS_LINE2>
  <ADDRESS_LINE3>Singapore Post Centre</ADDRESS_LINE3>
  <PROVINCE xsi:nil="true" />
  <STATE xsi:nil="true" />
  <CITY xsi:nil="true" />
  <AREA_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
  <REGION_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
- <SITE>
  <NAME>ravel Pte Ltd</NAME>
  <PHONE_EXTENSION xsi:nil="true" />
  <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
  <ADDRESS_LINE1>3 Lim Teck Kim Road</ADDRESS_LINE1>
  <ADDRESS_LINE3>Singapore Technologies Building</ADDRESS_LINE3>
  <PROVINCE xsi:nil="true" />
  <STATE xsi:nil="true" />
  <CITY xsi:nil="true" />
  <AREA_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
  <REGION_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
- <SITE>
  <NAME>Safe2Travel Pte Ltd</NAME>
  <PHONE_EXTENSION xsi:nil="true" />
  <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
  <ADDRESS_LINE1>3 Lim Teck Kim Road</ADDRESS_LINE1>
  <ADDRESS_LINE3>Singapore Technologies Building</ADDRESS_LINE3>
  <PROVINCE xsi:nil="true" />
  <STATE xsi:nil="true" />
  <CITY xsi:nil="true" />
  <AREA_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
  <REGION_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
- <USER>
  <NAME>Sally Ang</NAME>
  <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
- <ITEM>
  <DESCRIPTION>Return Air Ticket including Airport Taxes and Fuel Surcharges (2 staff and 24 students)</DESCRIPTION>
  <MATERIAL_MASTER_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
  <MATERIAL_GROUP_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
  <PLANT_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
  <ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
  <INSTRUCTION_TO_SUPPLIER>Purchase of goods/services is subject to the Terms & Conditions found in and/or in the ITQ/ITT Specifications. Please liaise with the Contact Person for delivery details. Invoice MUST be addressed to the Contact Person. PO number MUST be included in the Description field under e-Invoice Details section at Vendor@Gov.</INSTRUCTION_TO_SUPPLIER>
  <NATO_STOCK_NUMBER xsi:nil="true" />
  <MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER xsi:nil="true" />
  <PART_NUMBER xsi:nil="true" />
  <CAGE_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
  <CAGE_NAME xsi:nil="true" />
  <ITEM_CONDITION xsi:nil="true" />
  <MINIMUM_SHELF_LIFE xsi:nil="true" />
  <SHELF_LIFE_REMAINING xsi:nil="true" />
  <EXPORT_LICENSE xsi:nil="true" />
  <DELIVERY_DESTINATION>Republic Polytechnic, One-Stop Centre, 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, S(738964)</DELIVERY_DESTINATION>
  <NAME>One Stop Centre</NAME>
  <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
  <PROJECT_DISTRIBUTION xsi:nil="true" />
  </GEBIZ_ORDER>I was able to read this kind of file structure but due to some constraints now they added supplier sites and increment that one which will be like variable kind of thing now.
And below mentioned is the script which I am using right now for reading that xml file
  lv_supp_file     XMLTYPE;
  lv_hdr_error     VARCHAR2(240);
  lv_line_error    VARCHAR2(240);
  lv_line_loc_err  VARCHAR2(240);
  lv_dist_err      VARCHAR2(240);
  l_file_name      VARCHAR2(300);
  l_folder_name    VARCHAR2(300);
  lv_sysdate       DATE := sysdate;
  l_file_name     := p_xml_file;
  l_folder_name   := p_folder_name;
  -- this clause to check whether is xml file or NODATA FILE.
  IF upper(substr(l_file_name,instr(l_file_name,'.',1)+1,3)) ='XML' THEN
    lv_supp_file  := xmltype( bfilename('XMLDIR',P_XML_FILE), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'));
    dbms_output.put_line('P_XML_FILE '||P_XML_FILE);
-- Initially insert data into 11g table
-- This is to read xml datafile
   (ministry_code                ,
    department_code              ,
    order_code                   ,
    external_system_code         ,
    amendment_number             ,
    variation_number             ,
    description                  ,
    status                       ,
    status_date                  ,
    payment_terms                ,
    bill_to                      ,
    justification                ,
    create_timestamp             ,
    terminate_reason             ,
    terminate_timestamp          ,
    order_type                   ,
    sub_business_unit            ,
    cost_center_group            ,
    buyer_code                   ,
    financial_system_order_code  ,
    user_nric                    ,
    supplier_code                ,
    supplier_name                ,
    gst_number                   ,
    contact_name                 ,
    contact_phone                ,
    contact_email                ,
    contact_fax                  ,
    supp_site_id                 ,
    supp_site_name               ,
    supp_site_phone              ,
    supp_sit_phone_ext           ,
    supp_site_fax                ,
    supp_site_email              ,
    supp_site_add_line1          ,
    supp_site_add_line2          ,
    supp_site_add_line3          ,
    supp_site_country_code       ,
    supp_site_province           ,
    supp_site_state              ,
    supp_site_city               ,
    supp_site_area_code          ,
    supp_site_zip                ,
    supp_site_region_code        ,
    user_code                    ,
    user_name                    ,
    user_org_name                ,
    currency_code                ,
    currency_rate                ,
    currency_rate_date           ,
    currency_rate_type           ,
    currency_amount              ,
    tx_field_2                   ,
    agency_code                  ,
    admin_fee_sgd                ,
    buyer_orgn_code              ,
    buyer_orgn_name              ,
    buyer_name                   ,
    buyer_phone                  ,
    buyer_fax                    ,
    buyer_email                  ,
    ao_code                      ,
    ao_name                      ,
    line_no                      ,
    line_status                  ,
    line_status_date             ,
    line_description             ,
    unit_of_measure              ,
    line_qty                     ,
    line_type                    ,
    unit_price                   ,
    line_total_amount            ,
    material_master_code         ,
    material_group_code          ,
    item_category_code           ,
    line_admin_fee_sgd_amt       ,
    instruction_supplier         ,
    period_contract_line_no      ,
    goods_inspect_flag           ,
    pr_code                      ,
    pr_line_number               ,
    nato_stock_number            ,
    manufacturer_part_no         ,
    part_number                  ,
    cage_code                    ,
    cage_name                    ,
    item_condition               ,
    minimum_shelf_life           ,
    shelf_life_remaining         ,
    cert_of_conformance          ,
    export_license               ,
    line_location_no             ,
    line_loc_status              ,
    line_loc_status_date         ,
    line_loc_qty                 ,
    delivery_destination         ,
    delivery_date                ,
    delivery_terms               ,
    port_of_origin               ,
    recipient_code               ,
    recipient_name               ,
    recipient_phone              ,
    recipient_email              ,
    dist_line_no                 ,
    dist_line_status             ,
    dist_line_status_date        ,
    dist_line_qty                ,
    chart_of_account             ,
   SELECT --Header Data
          ministry_code                ,
          department_code              ,
          order_code                   ,
          external_system_code         ,
          amendment_number             ,
          variation_number             ,
          description                  ,
          status                       ,
          status_date                  ,
          payment_terms                ,
          bill_to                      ,
          justification                ,
          create_timestamp             ,
          terminate_reason             ,
          terminate_timestamp          ,
          order_type                   ,
          sub_business_unit            ,
          cost_center_group            ,
          buyer_code                   ,
          financial_system_order_code  ,
          user_nric                    ,
          supplier_code                ,
          supplier_name                ,
          gst_number                   ,
          contact_name                 ,
          contact_phone                ,
          contact_email                ,
          contact_fax                  ,
          supp_site_id                 ,
          supp_site_name               ,
          supp_site_phone              ,
          supp_sit_phone_ext           ,
          supp_site_fax                ,
          supp_site_email              ,
          supp_site_add_line1          ,
          supp_site_add_line2          ,
          supp_site_add_line3          ,
          supp_site_country_code       ,
          supp_site_province           ,
          supp_site_state              ,
          supp_site_city               ,
          supp_site_area_code          ,
          supp_site_zip                ,
          supp_site_region_code        ,
          user_code                    ,
          user_name                    ,
          user_org_name                ,
          currency_code                ,
          currency_rate                ,
          currency_rate_date           ,
          currency_rate_type           ,
          currency_amount              ,
          tx_field_2                   ,
          agency_code                  ,
          admin_fee_sgd                ,
          buyer_orgn_code              ,
          buyer_orgn_name              ,
          buyer_name                   ,
          buyer_phone                  ,
          buyer_fax                    ,
          buyer_email                  ,
          ao_code                      ,
          ao_name                      ,
          line_no                      ,
          line_status                  ,
          line_status_date             ,
          line_description             ,
          unit_of_measure              ,
          line_qty                     ,
          line_type                    ,
          unit_price                   ,
          line_total_amount            ,
          material_master_code         ,
          material_group_code          ,
          item_category_code           ,
          line_admin_fee_sgd_amt       ,
          instruction_supplier         ,
          period_contract_line_no      ,
          goods_inspect_flag           ,
          pr_code                      ,
          pr_line_number               ,
          nato_stock_number            ,
          manufacturer_part_no         ,
          part_number                  ,
          cage_code                    ,
          cage_name                    ,
          item_condition               ,
          minimum_shelf_life           ,
          shelf_life_remaining         ,
          cert_of_conformance          ,
          export_license               ,
          line_location_no             ,
          line_loc_status              ,
          line_loc_status_date         ,
          line_loc_qty                 ,
          delivery_destination         ,
          delivery_date                ,
          delivery_terms               ,
          port_of_origin               ,
          recipient_code               ,
          recipient_name               ,
          recipient_phone              ,
          recipient_email              ,
          dist_line_no                 ,
          dist_line_status             ,
          dist_line_status_date        ,
          dist_line_qty                ,
          chart_of_account             ,
          passing lv_supp_file
          ministry_code                      VARCHAR2(3)    path    'HEADER/MINISTRY_CODE',
          department_code                    VARCHAR2(3)    path    'HEADER/DEPARTMENT_CODE',
          order_code                         VARCHAR2(17 )  path    'HEADER/ORDER_CODE',
          external_system_code               VARCHAR2(1)    path    'HEADER/EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_CODE',
          amendment_number                   VARCHAR2(5)    path    'HEADER/AMENDMENT_NUMBER' ,
          variation_number                   VARCHAR2(5)    path    'HEADER/VARIATION_NUMBER',
          description                        VARCHAR2(500)  path    'HEADER/DESCRIPTION',
          status                             VARCHAR2(500)  path    'HEADER/STATUS',
          status_date                        VARCHAR2(24)   path    'HEADER/STATUS_DATE',
          payment_terms                      VARCHAR2(400)  path    'HEADER/PAYMENT_TERMS',
          bill_to                            VARCHAR2(200)  path    'HEADER/BILL_TO',
          justification                      VARCHAR2(400)  path    'HEADER/JUSTIFICATION',
          create_timestamp                   VARCHAR2(24)   path    'HEADER/CREATE_TIMESTAMP',
          terminate_reason                   VARCHAR2(400)  path    'HEADER/TERMINATE_REASON',
          terminate_timestamp                VARCHAR2(24)   path    'HEADER/TERMINATE_TIMESTAMP',
          order_type                         VARCHAR2(2 )   path    'HEADER/ORDER_TYPE',
          sub_business_unit                  VARCHAR2(5 )   path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/SUB_BUSINESS_UNIT',
          cost_center_group                  VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/NFS/COST_CENTER_GROUP',
          buyer_code                         VARCHAR2(30 )  path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/NFS/BUYER_CODE',
          financial_system_order_code        VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/NFS/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM_ORDER_CODE',
          user_nric                          VARCHAR2(9 )   path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/NFS/USER_NRIC',
          supplier_code                      VARCHAR2(10)   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CODE',
          supplier_name                      VARCHAR2(140)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/NAME' ,
          gst_number                         VARCHAR2(30 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/GST_NUMBER',
          contact_name                       VARCHAR2(140 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CONTACT_NAME',
          contact_phone                      VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CONTACT_PHONE',
          contact_email                      VARCHAR2(100)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CONTACT_EMAIL',
          contact_fax                        VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CONTACT_FAX',
          supp_site_id                       NUMBER         path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ID',
          supp_site_name                     VARCHAR2(140)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/NAME',
          supp_site_phone                    VARCHAR2(23)   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE',
          supp_sit_phone_ext                 VARCHAR2(4 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE_EXTENSION',
          supp_site_fax                      VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/FAX',
          supp_site_email                    VARCHAR2(100 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/EMAIL',
          supp_site_add_line1                VARCHAR2(254 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE1',
          supp_site_add_line2                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE2',
          supp_site_add_line3                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE3',
          supp_site_country_code             VARCHAR2(2 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/COUNTRY_CODE',
          supp_site_province                 VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PROVINCE',
          supp_site_state                    VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/STATE',
          supp_site_city                     VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/CITY',
          supp_site_area_code                VARCHAR2(10 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/AREA_CODE',
          supp_site_zip                      VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ZIP',
          supp_site_region_code              VARCHAR2(3 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/REGION_CODE',
          user_code                          VARCHAR2(16 )  path    'HEADER/USER/CODE',
          user_name                          VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/USER/NAME',
          user_org_name                      VARCHAR2(95 )  path    'HEADER/USER/ORGANISATION_NAME',
          currency_code                      VARCHAR2(3 )   path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_CODE',
          currency_rate                      NUMBER         path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_RATE',
          currency_rate_date                 VARCHAR2(24)   path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_RATE_DATE',
          currency_rate_type                 VARCHAR2(5 )   path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_RATE_TYPE',
          currency_amount                    NUMBER         path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_AMOUNT',
          tx_field_2                         VARCHAR2(17 )  path    'HEADER/PERIOD_CONTRACT/CODE',
          agency_code                        VARCHAR2(6 )   path    'HEADER/PERIOD_CONTRACT/AGENCY_CODE',
          admin_fee_sgd                      NUMBER         path    'HEADER/PERIOD_CONTRACT/ADMIN_FEE_SGD_AMOUNT'  ,
          buyer_orgn_code                    VARCHAR2(5 )   path    'HEADER/BUYER/ORGANISATION_CODE',
          buyer_orgn_name                    VARCHAR2(95 )  path    'HEADER/BUYER/ORGANISATION_NAME',
          buyer_name                         VARCHAR2(80 )  path    'HEADER/BUYER/NAME',
          buyer_phone                        VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/BUYER/PHONE',
          buyer_fax                          VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/BUYER/FAX',
          buyer_email                        VARCHAR2(100 ) path    'HEADER/BUYER/EMAIL',
          ao_code                            VARCHAR2(16 )  path    'HEADER/APPROVING_OFFICERS/APPROVING_OFFICER/CODE',
          ao_name                            VARCHAR2(40 )  path    'HEADER/APPROVING_OFFICERS/APPROVING_OFFICER/NAME',
          items                              XMLTYPE        path    'ITEMS'
          ) x1,
        passing x1.items
          line_no                            VARCHAR2(5)    path    'LINE_NUMBER',
          line_status                        VARCHAR2(15)   path    'STATUS',
          line_status_date                   VARCHAR2(24)   path    'STATUS_DATE',
          line_description                   VARCHAR2(500)  path    'DESCRIPTION',
          unit_of_measure                    VARCHAR2(3)    path    'UNIT_OF_MEASURE',
          line_qty                           NUMBER         path    'QUANTITY',
          line_type                          VARCHAR2(20)   path    'LINE_TYPE',
          unit_price                         NUMBER         path    'UNIT_PRICE',
          line_total_amount                  NUMBER         path    'TOTAL_AMOUNT',
          material_master_code               VARCHAR2(20)   path    'MATERIAL_MASTER_CODE',
          material_group_code                VARCHAR2(10)   path    'MATERIAL_GROUP_CODE',
          item_category_code                 VARCHAR2(18)   path    'ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE',
          line_admin_fee_sgd_amt             NUMBER         path    'ADMIN_FEE_SGD_AMOUNT',
          instruction_supplier               VARCHAR2(400)  path    'INSTRUCTION_TO_SUPPLIER',
          period_contract_line_no            NUMBER         path    'PERIOD_CONTRACT_LINE_NUMBER',
          goods_inspect_flag                 VARCHAR2(1)    path    'GOODS_INSPECT_FLAG',
          pr_code                            VARCHAR2(17)   path    'PURCHASE_REQUEST/CODE',
          pr_line_number                     VARCHAR2(5)    path    'PURCHASE_REQUEST/LINE_NUMBER',
          nato_stock_number                  VARCHAR2(14)   path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/NATO_STOCK_NUMBER',
          manufacturer_part_no               VARCHAR2(32)   path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/MANUFACTURE_PART_NUMBER',
          part_number                        VARCHAR2(200)  path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/PART_NUMBER',
          cage_code                          VARCHAR2(10)   path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/CAGE_CODE',
          cage_name                          VARCHAR2(140)  path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/CAGE_NAME',
          item_condition                     VARCHAR2(1)    path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/ITEM_CONDITION'  ,
          minimum_shelf_life                 NUMBER         path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/MINIMUM_SHELF_LIFE',
          shelf_life_remaining               VARCHAR2(3)    path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/SHELF_LIFE_REMAINING',
          cert_of_conformance                VARCHAR2(1000) path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/CERTIFICATE_OF_CONFORMANCE',
          export_license                     VARCHAR2(3)    path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/EXPORT_LICENSE',
          locations                          XMLTYPE        path    'LOCATIONS'
         passing x2.locations
          line_location_no                   NUMBER         path     'LINE_NUMBER',
          line_loc_status                    VARCHAR2(15)   path     'STATUS',
          line_loc_status_date               VARCHAR2(24)   path     'STATUS_DATE',
          line_loc_qty                       NUMBER         path     'QUANTITY',
          delivery_destination               VARCHAR2(1000) path     'DELIVERY_DESTINATION',
          delivery_date                      VARCHAR2(24)   path     'DELIVERY_DATE',
          delivery_terms                     VARCHAR2(3)    path     'DELIVERY_TERMS',
          port_of_origin                     VARCHAR2(150)  path     'PORT_OF_ORIGIN',
          recipient_code                     VARCHAR2(16 )  path     'RECIPIENT/CODE',
          recipient_name                     VARCHAR2(40 )  path     'RECIPIENT/NAME',
          recipient_phone                    VARCHAR2(23 )  path     'RECIPIENT/PHONE',
          recipient_email                    VARCHAR2(100 ) path     'RECIPIENT/EMAIL',
          distributions                      XMLTYPE        path     'DISTRIBUTIONS'
         passing x3.distributions
          dist_line_no                       NUMBER         path     'LINE_NUMBER',
          dist_line_status                   VARCHAR2(15)   path     'STATUS',
          dist_line_status_date              VARCHAR2(24)   path     'STATUS_DATE',
          dist_line_qty                      NUMBER         path     'QUANTITY',
          chart_of_account                   VARCHAR2(420)  path     'CHART_OF_ACCOUNT',
          project_distribution               VARCHAR2(4000) path     'PROJECT_DISTRIBUTION'
end;As there is change in requirement now I need to read the multiple supplier sites at the header level. Current this is my structure please give an idea how to read the mulitple sites as one record, probably i can increase the supplier site columns at table level so as to capture second site level information.
But if in case if i receive that time it should not fail please provide some good solution for this issue.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi odie,
Thanks for your response. But here my supplier site will always be maxiumum 2 times and minimum 1 time. My thinking is to fit this one in the existing code by repeating the supplier site only like this
          supp_site_id                       NUMBER         path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ID',
          supp_site_name                     VARCHAR2(140)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/NAME',
          supp_site_phone                    VARCHAR2(23)   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE',
          supp_sit_phone_ext                 VARCHAR2(4 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE_EXTENSION',
          supp_site_fax                      VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/FAX',
          supp_site_email                    VARCHAR2(100 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/EMAIL',
          supp_site_add_line1                VARCHAR2(254 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE1',
          supp_site_add_line2                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE2',
          supp_site_add_line3                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE3',
          supp_site_country_code             VARCHAR2(2 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/COUNTRY_CODE',
          supp_site_province                 VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PROVINCE',
          supp_site_state                    VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/STATE',
          supp_site_city                     VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/CITY',
          supp_site_area_code                VARCHAR2(10 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/AREA_CODE',
          supp_site_zip                      VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ZIP',
          supp_site_region_code              VARCHAR2(3 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/REGION_CODE',
          supp_site_id2                       NUMBER         path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ID',
          supp_site_name2                     VARCHAR2(140)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/NAME',
          supp_site_phone2                    VARCHAR2(23)   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE',
          supp_sit_phone_ext2                 VARCHAR2(4 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE_EXTENSION',
          supp_site_fax2                      VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/FAX',
          supp_site_email2                    VARCHAR2(100 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/EMAIL',
          supp_site_add_line1_2                VARCHAR2(254 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE1',
          supp_site_add_line2_2                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE2',
          supp_site_add_line3_2                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE3',
          supp_site_country_code_2             VARCHAR2(2 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/COUNTRY_CODE',
          supp_site_province_2                 VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PROVINCE',
          supp_site_state_2                    VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/STATE',
          supp_site_city_2                     VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/CITY',
          supp_site_area_code_2                VARCHAR2(10 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/AREA_CODE',
          supp_site_zip_2                      VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ZIP',
          supp_site_region_code_2              VARCHAR2(3 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/REGION_CODE',As this table I am being used in many areas, it will be problem for me if try to go for different levels of tables. Or else can it be possible to read only once
I mean only the first in the xml tags and leave the second xml. As there is not much significant for the second one.
I appreciate your ideas on this, as the structure we are following is to rigid so I don't have much options to explore, please provide me your inputs in this context.
Thanks for your help.
Edited by: 838961 on Jul 13, 2011 1:43 AM

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  • Reading the xml file in customized table.

    Hi Experts ,
    I have a requirement to read the xml file in one "z" table . Can anyone let me know the exact steps .
    Thank you

    Hi Ashutosh,
    1. First read the file in BINARY MODE into an XSTRING.
    2. Then use the method create_istream_xstring to create the input stream
    3. Then you need to create the document tree and the parser
    4. Once your Document tree and your parser are created now can use the document tree to access individual elements.
    Some Class interfaces that maybe helpful to you are as follows: if_ixml_node, if_ixml_node_iterator, if_ixml_element....etc
    DATA:o_ixml                    TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
               o_streamfactory   TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory,
               o_istream              TYPE REF TO if_ixml_istream.
               o_parser               TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parser          
               o_document          TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document
    o_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
    o_istream = o_streamfactory->create_istream_xstring( string = <give the xstring name here>).
    o_document = o_ixml->create_document( ).
    o_parser = o_ixml->create_parser( stream_factory = o_streamfactory
                                                                           istream = o_istream
                                                                       document = o_document ).
    You can make the final code as dynamic as possible to read into an internal table.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <source type="XSD">
          <schema location="../xsd/B2BMarketProperties.xsd"/>
          <rootElement name="ReceipentIDType" namespace=""/>
        <target type="XSD">
          <schema location="../xsd/B2BMarketProperties.xsd"/>
          <rootElement name="ReceipentIDType" namespace=""/>
      <!-- GENERATED BY ORACLE XSL MAPPER 110106.1932.5682) AT [TUE DEC 03 16:06:03 EST 2013]. -->
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      <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:for-each select="$ReceipentID">
            <xsl:value-of select="$ReceipentID"/>
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <ReceipentIDType xmlns:xsi=""
                     xsi:schemaLocation=" B2BMarketProperties.xsd"
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:ReceipentIDType xmlns:ns0="">
    But, I need output in the following format
    <ns0:ReceipentIDType xmlns:ns0="">
    Could you guys let me know what i am doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

    This worked for me :
      <xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:for-each select="document('B2BMarketProperties.xml')/*:ReceipentIDType/*:ReceipentID">
            <xsl:variable name="count" select="position()"/>
              <xsl:value-of select="document('B2BMarketProperties.xml')/*:ReceipentIDType/*:ReceipentID[$count]"/>

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    <?xml version = "1.0"?>
    <VALUE>Please select a number</VALUE>
    <VALUE>Status Messages</VALUE>
    <VALUE>Create Data Files...</VALUE>
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    import java.util.*;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    public class MergeXMLTest
    private static XMLDocument mDoc;
    public MergeXMLTest () {
    try {
    // Get an instance of the parser
    DOMParser lParser = new DOMParser();
    // Generate a URL from the filename for UPDATE.XML file.
    URL lUrl = createURL("mot.xml");
    System.out.println("after creating the URL object ");
    mDoc = lParser.getDocument();
    System.out.println("after creating the URL object "+mDoc);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } // end catch block
    } // End of constructor
    public void merge() throws DOMException {
    try {
         NodeList lTrans1 = this.mDoc.getElementsByTagName("CODE");
         if(lTrans1.getLength()>0) {
              Node lTransTag1 = lTrans1.item(0);
              System.out.println("lTrans1.item(0).getNodeName : " + lTrans1.item(0).getNodeName());
              System.out.println("lTrans1.item(0).getNodeValue : " + lTrans1.item(0).getNodeValue());
         } catch (Exception e) {
         System.out.println("Exception "+e);
         } catch (Throwable t) {
              System.out.println("Exception "+t);
    public static URL createURL(String pFileName) throws MalformedURLException {
    URL url = null;
    Block of code to create a URL object from the file name
    that is passed as parameter.
    try {
    url = new URL(pFileName);
    } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
    File f = new File(pFileName);
    String path = f.getAbsolutePath();
    String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
    System.out.println(" path of file : "+path +"separator " +fs);
    if (fs.length() == 1) {
    char sep = fs.charAt(0);
    if (sep != '/')
    path = path.replace(sep, '/');
    if (path.charAt(0) != '/')
    path = '/' + path;
    path = "file://" + path;
    System.out.println("path is : "+path);
    // Try again, if this throws an exception we just raise it up
    url = new URL(path);
    } // End catch block
    return url;
    } // end method create URL
    public static void main (String args[]) {
         MergeXMLTest mXML = new MergeXMLTest();

    see my answer here:
    ps. if you know a little of XPath, this is why text() is a special kind of node()...

  • Problems with and tags while reading the xml file

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <query name="Fax">
                   from airline_master a,ticket_main d,ticket_conj e where d.doc_no = e.doc_no and d.iss_airline = e.iss_airline
                   and e.conj_doc_no = (select DOC_NO from TICKET_CONJ where CONJ_DOC_NO = 1000000001 and ISS_AIRLINE = 157)
                   and e.ISS_AIRLINE = 157 and d.iss_airline = a.ARLN_NUM_CODE
    the function on my side is like this
    private void processMessage(ObjectMessage objmessage)
         Document XMLreqObject = (Document) objmessage.getObject();
         Element root = XMLreqObject.getRootElement();                
         String resultFilename = root.getChildText("filename");
         Element tabSet = root.getChild("querydata");//doesnt work
         ArrayList tabSetlist = new ArrayList(tabSet.getChildren ("tabdata"));//doesnt work
    The code commented with "doesnt work", is not working. What must be the problem ?
    Thanks in Advance

    Okay. Your original example XML didn't include < or > which was rather confusing if that particular feature was supposed to be the cause of the problem. Also calling them "tags" was rather confusing since "tags" is the term for the things that come at the beginning and of an element, like this:<data>...</data>Anyway, I assume your theory is that documents that don't have < in a text element process correctly and documents that do have < in a text element get "stuck" in the parser? Well, from your original description the process appears to be:
    1. Create XML
    2. Parse it into a Document
    3. Send the Document via JMS
    4. Receive the Document via JMS
    5. Process it.
    And it's step 4 that is "stuck"? That would be my guess based on the code you posted.

  • Open Dataset for XML not reading the XML file, Returning Code 8.

    Dear all,
    Im trying to open an XML file using Open Dataset, since i have to execute this report in background and GUI_upload doesnt work in background.
    The XML file is available in my C:\, say, C:\xmlfile.xml.
    But  the open dataset is not reading any value into the g_xml_line . it is returning sy-subrc = 8.
    Below is my code for that, can anybody help me out to resolve.
    DATA : lv_filename LIKE rlgrap-filename.
      CLEAR: lv_filename.
      lv_filename = p_input.
      IF sy-subrc ne 0.
        WRITE:/ 'invalid file'.
        READ DATASET lv_filename INTO  g_xml_line.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          APPEND g_xml_line TO g_xml_table.
      CLOSE DATASET lv_filename.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_xml_line,
            data(256) TYPE x,
          END OF t_xml_line.
    DATA: g_xml_table       TYPE TABLE OF t_xml_line,
          g_xml_line        TYPE t_xml_line,
          g_xml_table_size  TYPE i.
    GET REFERENCE OF gt_person INTO gs_result_xml-value.
      gs_result_xml-name = 'IPIX'.
      APPEND gs_result_xml TO gt_result_xml.
    Perform the XSLT stylesheet
          CALL TRANSFORMATION zaum_manh_sync_rpt
          SOURCE XML g_xml_table
          RESULT (gt_result_xml).
        CATCH cx_root INTO gs_rif_ex.
          gs_var_text = gs_rif_ex->get_text( ).
          MESSAGE gs_var_text TYPE 'E'.
    Kindly suggest me a solution. Points assured

    After saving the file , below is the code i wrote, but it gives a runtime error with message
    No roll storage space of length 3788808 available for internal storage.
    PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE pathintern LOWER CASE DEFAULT '/usr/sap/DEV/SYS/global/XMLABAP2.XML'.
    DATA : lv_filename LIKE rlgrap-filename.
      CLEAR: lv_filename.
      lv_filename = p_file.
      DATA: l_fname TYPE filename-fileintern. " File name
          directory        = p_file
          filemask         = '*'
          serverfile       = l_fname
          canceled_by_user = 1
          OTHERS           = 2.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
        WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      lv_filename = l_fname.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        WRITE:/ 'invalid file'.
          READ DATASET lv_filename INTO  g_xml_line.
       IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          APPEND g_xml_line TO g_xml_table.
        CLOSE DATASET lv_filename.

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    The "Content type" in the Listening Channel is set to blank, so B2B can decide appropriate content type. Should this be set?
    Could some one tell me what is wrong, not sure what is missing in the configuration.
    Here is the log in Trace 32.
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: Delivery channel Id:CHANNEL_uGzsvLy-5972197188599763240
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = host value =
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = password value = ******
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = user value = IDropshipabcTest
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = polling_interval value = 60
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = content-type value = null
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = send as attachment value = null
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = folder value = null
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = email-id value = [email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = subject value = null
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = dateformat value = null
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: name = eMail-server value = IMAP
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: getReceivingEndPointList: Putting imap://[email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [APP: soa-infra] Repository:: put: Putting imap://[email protected] for delivery channel CHANNEL_uGzsvLy-5972197188599763240
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: synchedLog_J] Engine: addEndpoint: Adding name abc_EmailVendor_LC
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: synchedLog_J] Engine: addEndpoint: Endpoint url imap://[email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: synchedLog_J] Engine: addEndpoint: Endpoint url imap://[email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: synchedLog_J] Engine: addEndpoint: This is NOT a listening internal delivery channel imap://[email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] TransportLogger Init....
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] TransportProperties.TransportProperties():smtp.receiver.user=IDropshipTest;smtp.receiver.polling_interval=60;channelId=CHANNEL_uGzsvLy-5972197188599763240;[email protected];user=IDropshipTest;internal=false;smtp.receiver.password=******;polling_interval=60;smtp.receiver.protocol=imap;password=******;eMail-server=IMAP;;
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] B2BTransport.init(url) Endpoint = sftp://w108p-dmzftp01:22//Dev/Local/VEN-Dropship/FoamCraft url parameter = imap://[email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] B2BTransport.init(url) Endpoint = sftp://w108p-dmzftp01:22//Dev/Local/VEN-Dropship/JoyCarpets url parameter = imap://[email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] B2BTransport.init(url) Endpoint = sftp://w108p-dmzftp01:22//Dev/Local/VEN-Dropship/JoyCarpets/OrderResults url parameter = imap://[email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: synchedLog_J] Engine: addEndpoint: Added new endpoint.
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] B2BTransport.init(url) Endpoint = imap://[email protected] url parameter = imap://[email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: synchedLog_J] Engine: addEndpoint: Exit
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] SMTPReceiver.init() started ....
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: synchedLog_J] Engine: handleUpdateChannelEvent: Exit
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.212-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@e4012] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: synchedLog_J] Engine: processEvents: Exit
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.259-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor.setPollingInterval: polling time 60
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.259-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] SMTPReceiver.init() completed.
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.259-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] [IPT_SmtpRecPollingStatus] IMAPMonitor is up polling at 60 sec interval ...
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.259-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] shutdown is false, continuing
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.259-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] Total number of messages = 2
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.259-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] Number of new messages =0
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.259-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] Number of unread messages =0
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.259-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] Number of messages to be processed by IMAPMonitor = 2
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.259-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor.convertMailToTransport(): Converting message ...
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor.convertMailToTransport(): Message Type = BINARY
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Importance - High
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Subject - Inventory Quantity On Hand Update for 266219 as of 20130318 at 18:54
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Auto-Submitted - auto-generated
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers To - [email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Message-ID - <[email protected]>
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Sender - [email protected]
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Date - Mon, 18 Mar 2013 18:54:35 -0500
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers X-MIMETrack - Serialize by IMAP Server on abcAPP1/abc(Release 8.5.1|September 28, 2009) at[[
    03/18/2013 19:03:33
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers MIME-Version - 1.0
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Content-type - multipart/mixed; [[
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.446-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Content-Disposition - inline
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.509-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] COntentHandler backcompat: true
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.509-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: MultiPart Message
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.509-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] COntentHandler backcompat: true
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.509-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] COntentHandler backcompat: true
    [2013-03-18T19:03:34.556-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@169d2b1] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-52575d59:13d7daec7d5:-8000-000000000000d14d,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor.saveAttachment(): PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiID8+DQo8SW52ZW50b3J5VXBkYXRl[[
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(

    Thanks Anuj,
    After setting the property, I am no longer receiving the error, however, still fails with a different error, "Exception occurs in conversion from mail to TransportMessage. Please make sure the message sent is in correct format." and "TransportMessage cannot be created from mail. Skip this mail."
    The error appears after / while, executing, IMAPMonitor.saveAttachment():
    Is this a problem with the attachment or the email?
    here is the log,
    [2013-03-19T09:16:23.264-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor goes to sleep for 60 secs ...
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.266-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] wake up. shutdown_ = false
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.266-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] shutdown is false, continuing
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.313-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] Total number of messages = 1
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.313-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] Number of new messages =0
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.329-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] Number of unread messages =0
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.329-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] Number of messages to be processed by IMAPMonitor = 1
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.329-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor.convertMailToTransport(): Converting message ...
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor.convertMailToTransport(): Message Type = BINARY
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Subject - Inventory Quantity On Hand Update for 266219 as of 20130319 at 09:07
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers To - [email protected]
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Message-ID - <[email protected]main>
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Date - Tue, 19 Mar 2013 09:07:29 -0500
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Sender - [email protected]
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers From - [email protected]
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Content-type - multipart/mixed; [[
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Content-Disposition - inline
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers MIME-Version - 1.0
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers Auto-Submitted - auto-generated
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.516-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: Headers X-MIMETrack - Itemize by Agent Manager on abcAPP1/abc(Release 8.5.1|September 28, 2009) at[[
    03/19/2013 09:07:29,CD-MIME by IMAP Server on abcAPP1/abc(Release 8.5.1|September 28, 2009) at
    03/19/2013 09:17:21,CD-MIME complete at 03/19/2013 09:17:21,Itemize by IMAP Server on abcAPP1/abc(Release 8.5.1|September 28, 2009) at
    03/19/2013 09:17:22
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.563-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] COntentHandler backcompat: true
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.563-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: MultiPart Message
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.563-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] COntentHandler backcompat: true
    [2013-03-19T09:17:23.563-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE:32] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.engine] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.system.DiagnosticService] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] COntentHandler backcompat: true
    *[2013-03-19T09:17:23.563-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor.saveAttachment(): AttachDir=C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gR1\user_projects\domains\mysoa_domain\servers\AdminServer\AttachmentHandler*
    *[2013-03-19T09:17:23.563-05:00] [AdminServer] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [APP: soa-infra] [IPT_SmtpRecConversionError] Exception occurs in conversion from mail to TransportMessage. Please make sure the message sent is in correct format.*
    *[2013-03-19T09:17:23.563-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor: TransportMessage cannot be created from mail. Skip this mail.*
    *[2013-03-19T09:17:23.579-05:00] [AdminServer] [TRACE] [] [oracle.soa.b2b.transport] [tid:$WorkWithListener@11c2050] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 54ec404c68bbfb80:-67aaafb8:13d82f27adb:-8000-0000000000000204,1:26833] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.tip.b2b.transport.basic.TransportLogger] [APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: log] IMAPMonitor goes to sleep for 60 secs ...*

  • Reading the XML file and displaying teh string with teh desired output

    Hi Gurus,
    I have an xml file as below.
    <author>Jim Cortez</author>
    <title>XML for dummies</title>
    <description>An in-depth look at creating mashed potatoes
    with XML.</description>
    <author>George Bush</author>
    <title>I'm the decider</title>
    <description>I like milk and cookies.</description>
    I would like to display the Output as
    [Jim Cortez:3]
    [XML for dummies:3]
    ............ etc., etc.,,
    here is the code template.......
    class TagScanner implements TokenStream {
    public static final int BEGIN_TAG_TYPE = 1;
    public static final int END_TAG_TYPE = 2;
    public static final int TEXT_TYPE = 3;
    protected Reader reader = null;
    /** Lookahead char */
    protected char c;
    /** Text of currently matched token */
    protected StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(100);
    public TagScanner(Reader reader) throws IOException {
    this.reader = reader;
    protected void nextChar() throws IOException {
    c = (char);
    public Token nextToken() throws IOException {
         if ( start of a tag ) {
         // scarf until end of tag
         // type is either BEGIN_TAG_TYPE or END_TAG_TYPE
         if ( end of file ) {
         type = Token.EOF_TYPE;
         text = "end-of-file";
         else {
         // scarf until start of a tag
         type = TEXT_TYPE;
         if ( just whitespace ) {
         // ignore and get another token
    return new Token(type, text.toString());
    Can someone please provide me the logic for the code please........... here is the complete link of the excersie
    Many Thanks

    Can someone please provide me the logic for the code please..........The logic is pretty well spelled out for you in the description of the assignment and the outline for the code you provided. If you mean
    Can someone please do my homework for me....The answer to that is usually yes, someone can do your homework for you, but no, they usually won't actually do it for you.
    However, if you are really stuck on what to do, you should consider:
            if ( start of a tag ) {How would you know that you are at the start of a tag? Once you can answer that, the rest sort of works itself out as long as
                // scarf until end of tagyou realize what it means to 'scarf' and how to determine when an end-of-tag is reached (hint, very similar as to how to determine if you are at the start-of-tag).

  • Reading the XML file and displaying the string with the desired output

    Hi Gurus,
    I have an xml file as below.
    <author>Jim Cortez</author>
    <title>XML for dummies</title>
    <description>An in-depth look at creating mashed potatoes
    with XML.</description>
    <author>George Bush</author>
    <title>I'm the decider</title>
    <description>I like milk and cookies.</description>
    I would like to display the Output as
    [Jim Cortez:3]
    [XML for dummies:3]
    ............ etc., etc.,,
    here is the code template.......
    class TagScanner implements TokenStream {
    public static final int BEGIN_TAG_TYPE = 1;
    public static final int END_TAG_TYPE = 2;
    public static final int TEXT_TYPE = 3;
    protected Reader reader = null;
    /** Lookahead char */
    protected char c;
    /** Text of currently matched token */
    protected StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(100);
    public TagScanner(Reader reader) throws IOException {
    this.reader = reader;
    protected void nextChar() throws IOException {
    c = (char);
    public Token nextToken() throws IOException {
    if ( start of a tag ) {
    // scarf until end of tag
    // type is either BEGIN_TAG_TYPE or END_TAG_TYPE
    if ( end of file ) {
    type = Token.EOF_TYPE;
    text = "end-of-file";
    else {
    // scarf until start of a tag
    type = TEXT_TYPE;
    if ( just whitespace ) {
    // ignore and get another token
    return new Token(type, text.toString());
    Can someone please provide me the logic for the code please........... here is the complete link of the excersie
    Many Thanks

    Can someone please provide me the logic for the code please..........The logic is pretty well spelled out for you in the description of the assignment and the outline for the code you provided. If you mean
    Can someone please do my homework for me....The answer to that is usually yes, someone can do your homework for you, but no, they usually won't actually do it for you.
    However, if you are really stuck on what to do, you should consider:
            if ( start of a tag ) {How would you know that you are at the start of a tag? Once you can answer that, the rest sort of works itself out as long as
                // scarf until end of tagyou realize what it means to 'scarf' and how to determine when an end-of-tag is reached (hint, very similar as to how to determine if you are at the start-of-tag).

  • How to read the attribute of the xml file using jaxb

    Buddy as i have a issue i have to read the xml file using jaxb and xml file contains this data and i have read the attribute like name , desc and action for a particular menu name pls tell the code how to do this it will be a great favour to me
    thanx in advance
    <menu name='Lead' >
    <menuitem name='newlead' desc='New Lead' action='/' />
    <menuitem name='editlead' desc='Edit Lead' action='' />
    <menuitem name='leadinfo' desc='Lead Information' action='' />
    <menu name='Cases' >
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menu name='Contact' >
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />

    What my program do is to get the encoding of XML files and convert them to UTF-8 encoding files, while I need this "encoding" information of the original XML document thus I can convert...
    After reading specifications and JDOM docs, the truth turns to be disappointed, no function is provided to get this information in JDOM level 2(the current released one), while it's promissed that this function will be provided in JDOM level API....
    Thanx all for your help and attention!!!

  • Decrypt and unzip a File + read a XML file received into the ZIP

    I need your help to develop some a complex Biztalk application.
    Here're my needs :
    Our Busness partner send us a zip file cripted with a standard PGP(Pretty Goof Privacy).
    The zip containts an XML file that i have to deal it, and some attachments file(PDF).
    So i need to know what's the best approach for the developpement of my application.
    I want to decrypt the ZIP and then Unzip the file and them read the XML file received in the zip.
    Knowimg that we already have the pipeline compenent to dectypt the file with the strandar PGP and an other pipeline compenent to unzip the File.
    Thank you

    Hi ,
    Try this code to unzip the file and send the xml message .If u face issue let me know
    namespace BizTalk.Pipeline.Component.DisUnzip
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Resources;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop;
    using Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop;
    using Microsoft.BizTalk.Component;
    using Microsoft.BizTalk.Messaging;
    using Ionic.Zip;
    using System.IO.Compression;
    public class DisUnzip : Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IDisassemblerComponent, IBaseComponent, IPersistPropertyBag, IComponentUI
    private System.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager = new System.Resources.ResourceManager("BizTalk.Pipeline.Component.DisUnzip.DisUnzip", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
    #region IBaseComponent members
    /// <summary>
    /// Name of the component
    /// </summary>
    public string Name
    return resourceManager.GetString("COMPONENTNAME", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    /// <summary>
    /// Version of the component
    /// </summary>
    public string Version
    return resourceManager.GetString("COMPONENTVERSION", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    /// <summary>
    /// Description of the component
    /// </summary>
    public string Description
    return resourceManager.GetString("COMPONENTDESCRIPTION", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    #region IPersistPropertyBag members
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets class ID of component for usage from unmanaged code.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="classid">
    /// Class ID of the component
    /// </param>
    public void GetClassID(out System.Guid classid)
    classid = new System.Guid("8bef7aa9-5da5-4d62-ac5b-03af2fb9d280");
    /// <summary>
    /// not implemented
    /// </summary>
    public void InitNew()
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads configuration properties for the component
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pb">Configuration property bag</param>
    /// <param name="errlog">Error status</param>
    public virtual void Load(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBag pb, int errlog)
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves the current component configuration into the property bag
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pb">Configuration property bag</param>
    /// <param name="fClearDirty">not used</param>
    /// <param name="fSaveAllProperties">not used</param>
    public virtual void Save(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBag pb, bool fClearDirty, bool fSaveAllProperties)
    #region utility functionality
    /// <summary>
    /// Reads property value from property bag
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pb">Property bag</param>
    /// <param name="propName">Name of property</param>
    /// <returns>Value of the property</returns>
    private object ReadPropertyBag(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBag pb, string propName)
    object val = null;
    pb.Read(propName, out val, 0);
    catch (System.ArgumentException )
    return val;
    catch (System.Exception e)
    throw new System.ApplicationException(e.Message);
    return val;
    /// <summary>
    /// Writes property values into a property bag.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pb">Property bag.</param>
    /// <param name="propName">Name of property.</param>
    /// <param name="val">Value of property.</param>
    private void WritePropertyBag(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPropertyBag pb, string propName, object val)
    pb.Write(propName, ref val);
    catch (System.Exception e)
    throw new System.ApplicationException(e.Message);
    #region IComponentUI members
    /// <summary>
    /// Component icon to use in BizTalk Editor
    /// </summary>
    public IntPtr Icon
    return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(this.resourceManager.GetObject("COMPONENTICON", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))).GetHicon();
    /// <summary>
    /// The Validate method is called by the BizTalk Editor during the build
    /// of a BizTalk project.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="obj">An Object containing the configuration properties.</param>
    /// <returns>The IEnumerator enables the caller to enumerate through a collection of strings containing error messages. These error messages appear as compiler error messages. To report successful property validation, the method should return an empty enumerator.</returns>
    public System.Collections.IEnumerator Validate(object obj)
    // example implementation:
    // ArrayList errorList = new ArrayList();
    // errorList.Add("This is a compiler error");
    // return errorList.GetEnumerator();
    return null;
    /// <summary>
    /// this variable will contain any message generated by the Disassemble method
    /// </summary>
    private System.Collections.Queue _msgs = new System.Collections.Queue();
    #region IDisassemblerComponent members
    /// <summary>
    /// called by the messaging engine until returned null, after disassemble has been called
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pc">the pipeline context</param>
    /// <returns>an IBaseMessage instance representing the message created</returns>
    public Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage
    GetNext(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext pc)
    // get the next message from the Queue and return it
    Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage msg = null;
    if ((_msgs.Count > 0))
    msg = ((Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage)(_msgs.Dequeue()));
    return msg;
    /// <summary>
    /// called by the messaging engine when a new message arrives
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pc">the pipeline context</param>
    /// <param name="inmsg">the actual message</param>
    public void Disassemble(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext pc, Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage inmsg)
    IBaseMessage Temp = inmsg;
    using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(inmsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream()))
    foreach (ZipEntry e in zip)
    var ms = new MemoryStream();
    IBaseMessage outMsg;
    outMsg = pc.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessage();
    outMsg.AddPart("Body", pc.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessagePart(), true);
    string XMLMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());
    MemoryStream mstemp = new System.IO.MemoryStream(
    outMsg.GetPart("Body").Data = mstemp;

  • File Adapter and reading all XML files from direcotry

    Problem occurs on PI 7.1
    I defined sender file adapter. File name mask is: "*.xml" to read all XML messages from directory.
    Quality of service is: Exactly One.
    Poll Interval: 30
    Retry interval: 30
    Processing mode: Archive with option "Add Timestamp".
    Processing sequence: by name.
    I though that with above configuration my File Adapter will be reading folder for all coming XML files. But  somehow it is reading XMLs only when I'm activating it in Integration Builder.
    Any idea what can cause such strange problem?

    Hi Tomasz,
    As per my understanding, you need to activate the file adapter for reading the XML files on your directory. Right?
    If that is the case, then the issue might be with the Cache.
    1. Clear the cache from the Integration Builder.
    2. Check in SXI_CACHE whether there are any issues. Click on Delta Cache refresh to find out if there are any cache related issues.

  • Reading from XML File to Oracle

    I am facing an issue.
    I have an xml file which i want to read into an Oracle dB.
    for ex
    <user1 ident="1" />
    <user2 ident="2" />
    I would want to pick those attributes and insert them into the dB. i have been hunting high and low, but not reached anywhere.
    The reason, i am using the xml file is, that the user enters values from 3 forms and those values are stored in the xml file. Now, i want to insert these values in the database.
    Any help/suggestion are welcomed and appreciated.
    Thank You

    I have been able to read the xml file and convert them into textboxes. The problem, i am facing is, how to i relate each of those values which are generated in the form of textboxes into values required by the Stored Procedure.
    has anyone come across this problem or is there a better approach.
    please advice
    thank you all

  • How to edit the existing data in the XML file from java programming.

    Hi all
    i am able to create XML file with the sample data as below from java programming.
    i need sample code on how to edit the existing data in the XML file?
    for example
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    i am able to insert the data in the XML.
    now i need sample code on how to modify the data in the above XML file from the java programming for only key2,name2,id2 tags only. the remaining tags data in the XML file i want to keep same data except for key2,name2,id2 which are i want to modify from java code
    [points will be always rewardable]

    u need a parser or validate the xml file for to read the xml file from java coding u need for this
    xml4j.jar u can download this file  from here
    or we can use the SAX(simple API for XML)
    some sample applications for this
    let me know u need any other info

  • Read of XML file and post to IDOC

    I'm working on a <b>WAS620</b> and need to read an XML file from a customer, extract the fields needed and post these via IDOC ORDERS01. My problem is HOW to read the XML file? Can anyone give me the steps involved/links to examples etc - I have not processed XML files via ABAP before.
    The file is posted to a shared folder and the ABAP I am about to develop will pick up this file.
    The file is <b>NOT</b> in IDOC/XML format but the customers own format
    Hope someone can help me asap.
    Thanks all in advance

    I would like to extend this question for <b>WAS620</b> and <b>reading</b> a <b>proprietary customer specific XML</b> file/data that is <b>send via HTTP to SAP WAS</b>.
    <b>Q1</b>: What is the best way to read this HTTP sent XML data (as it is, without transformations) into ABAP?
    <b>Q2</b>: What is the appropriate handler to use in the ICF object?
    Thanks all in advance

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