Lighter Java GUI than awt and swing?

I had recently came across a company website ( where they developed a java gui library without using awt and swing (seems to what they claim). And on top of that it uses xml to generate the gui components (they call widgets) and the whole library size is only 95kb and supports java 1.1.x and above. Their demos on the applets loads super fast, never know/experience that java applets can actually be this quick. But this confuses me, how is it possible to develop a gui alternative to awt with the basic java classes and no dependency on awt? But since the applets are awt based, it means that they must have some dependencies.
This is an extract from their website (that it seemed they did not use awt)
"Java has a fundamental flaw in its paint thread that made it very difficult to build extremely large applications without getting severe performance and resource penalties (This affects both AWT and Swing based applications). It�s main repaint queue\thread when assigning paint regions to various controls uses the Graphics objects to �clip� them. On a Sun Solaris machine this does not cause any problems, however on a windows machine each Graphics object consumes a system resource/handle, (a limit of around 16,000 exists on Win 95 and Win 98 machines). Each Bitmap image, each font object, each icon consumes a single system resource or handle. If a full repaint is performed on an application containing 1000 controls, it would consume at LEAST 1000 system resource handles. If the application was updated many times a second, lets say 10 times a second, then that equates to 10,000 handles a second. This is not taking into account labels within controls, the various fonts styles and sizes created, the various images that get loaded. This could easily exceed 20,000 system resource requests a second. Bambookit on the other hand utilizes the clip routines and passes along a SINGLE Graphics objects to all its various controls. This alone is a HUGE savings in system resources and performance."
Two questions came to my mind:
1) Is it possible to build applet gui without using awt and swing in java? If so the only way to do is to use JNI calls?
2) Am I wrong in interpreting's message that they are not using awt?
Any comments about this?

They use AWT as basis for their drawing-layer, as any other lightweight toolkits too.
If you just want a very fast & light alternative to swing/awt have a look at !
I use it for a large applet-applikation that has to be java-1.1 compatible. It was a horor when using AWT which was implemented different over all JVMs available and very slow (although native widgets were used).
With lwvcl (which has only 150kB!) I can use state of the art applets that work very fast on modern jvms like 1.4, give me the ability to compile my applikation to native code using GCJ (using the swt-prt of the library) or distribute it to old-school 1.1 browser where it also runs quite fine...
Its free for GPL and very cheap for commercial use.
lg Clemens

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    Most probably IE security settings preventing the js file to be executed. Replied in your other post:
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    Just create an independent DAO class which does all the database/JDBC tasks.
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    // Grant Brown
    // 22/02/02
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    // =========================================================
    // Class: pp
    // This class drives the customer manager. It contains the
    // main method which gets called as soon as this application
    // begins to run.
    // =========================================================
    class pp extends Frame implements ActionListener
    // Container of customer objects
    private Vector customers = new Vector (100);
    // List of names component. (Must specify java.awt in
    // front of List to distinguish the List class in the
    // java.awt package from the List class in the java.util
    // package.)
    private java.awt.List names = new java.awt.List ();
    // Delete and update button components.
    private Button delete;
    private Button update;
    // Default constructor.
    public pp ()
    // Assign "Paper Round Manager" to title bar of frame window.
    super ("Paper Round Manager");
    // Add a listener that responds to window closing
    // events. When this event occurs (by clicking on the
    // close box in the title bar), save customers and exit.
    addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter ()
    public void windowClosing
    (WindowEvent e)
    saveCustomers ();
    System.exit (0);
    // Place an empty label in the north part of the frame
    // window. This is done to correct an AWT positioning
    // problem.
    Label l = new Label ();
    add ("North", l);
    // Place the names component in the center part of the
    // frame window.
    add ("Center", names);
    // Create a panel object to hold four buttons.
    Panel p = new Panel ();
    Button b;
    // Add an Insert button to the Panel object and register
    // the current pp object as a listener for button events.
    p.add (b = new Button ("Insert"));
    b.addActionListener (this);
    // Add a Delete button to the Panel object and register
    // the current pp object as a listener for button events.
    p.add (delete = new Button ("Delete"));
    delete.addActionListener (this);
    // The Delete button should be disabled until there is at
    // least one customer to delete.
    delete.setEnabled (false);
    // Add an Update button to the Panel object and register
    // the current pp object as a listener for button events.
    p.add (update = new Button ("Update"));
    update.addActionListener (this);
    // The Update button should be disabled until there is at
    // least one customer to update.
    update.setEnabled (false);
    // Add a Finish button to the Panel object and register
    // the current customer object as a listener for button events.
    p.add (b = new Button ("Finish"));
    b.addActionListener (this);
    // Add the panel object to the frame window container.
    add ("South", p);
    // Set the background of the frame window container to
    // lightGray
    setBackground (Color.lightGray);
    // Set the size of the frame window container to 400
    // pixels horizontally by 200 pixels vertically.
    setSize (400, 200);
    // Allow the user to resize the frame window.
    setResizable (true);
    // Load all contacts.
    loadCustomers ();
    // Make sure that the frame window is visible.
    setVisible (true);
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
    if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("Delete"))
    delete ();
    if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("Finish"))
    saveCustomers ();
    System.exit (0);
    if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("Insert"))
    insert ();
    update ();
    public Insets getInsets ()
    // Return an Insets object that describes the number of
    // pixels to reserve as a border around the edges of the
    // frame window.
    return new Insets (10, 10, 10, 10);
    public static void main (String [] args)
    // Create a new pp object and let it do its thing.
    new pp ();
    private void delete ()
    // Obtain index of selected contact item from the names
    // component.
    int index = names.getSelectedIndex ();
    // If no item was selected, index is -1. We cannot update
    // a contact if no contact item in the names component was
    // selected - because we would have nothing to work with.
    if (index != -1)
    // Remove the contact item from the names component.
    names.remove (index);
    // Remove the Customer object from the contacts Vector
    // object.
    customers.remove (index);
    // If there are no more customers ...
    if (customers.size () == 0)
    delete.setEnabled (false);
    update.setEnabled (false);
    // Make sure that the first contact item in the names
    // list is highlighted. (0);
    private void insert ()
    // Create an Insert data entry form to enter information
    // for a new customer.
    DataEntryForm def = new DataEntryForm (this, "Insert");
    // If the bOk Boolean flag is set, this indicates the user
    // exited the form by pressing the Ok button.
    if (def.bOk)
    // Create a Contact object and assign information from
    // the form to its fields.
    Customer temp = new Customer (); = new String ( ());
    temp.publication = new String (def.publication.getText ());
    temp.round = new String (def.round.getText ());
    temp.address = new String (def.address.getText ()); = new String ( ());
    // Add a new customer item to the names component.
    names.add ( + ", " + temp.publication);
    // Add the Customer object to the contacts Vector
    // object.
    customers.add (temp);
    // Make sure that the Delete and Update buttons are
    // enabled.
    delete.setEnabled (true);
    update.setEnabled (true);
    // Destroy the dialouge box.
    def.dispose ();
    // Make sure that the first customer item in the names list
    // is highlighted. (0);
    // ===========================================================
    // Load all contacts from contacts.dat into the contacts
    // Vector object. Also, make sure that the last name/first
    // name from each contact is combined into a String object and
    // inserted into the names component - as a contact item.
    // ===========================================================
    private void loadCustomers ()
    FileInputStream fis = null;
    fis = new FileInputStream ("Customers.dat");
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream (fis);
    int nCustomers = dis.readInt ();
    for (int i = 0; i < nCustomers; i++)
    Customer temp = new Customer (); = dis.readUTF ();
    temp.publication = dis.readUTF ();
    temp.round = dis.readUTF ();
    temp.address = dis.readUTF (); = dis.readUTF ();
    names.add ( + ", " + temp.publication);
    customers.add (temp);
    if (nCustomers > 0)
    delete.setEnabled (true);
    update.setEnabled (true);
    catch (IOException e)
    if (fis != null)
    fis.close ();
    catch (IOException e) {}
    // Make sure that the first contact item in the names list
    // is highlighted. (0);
    // ========================================================
    // Save all Customer objects from the customer Vector object
    // to customer.dat. The number of customerss are saved as an
    // int to make it easy for loadCustomers () to do its job.
    // ========================================================
    private void saveCustomers ()
    FileOutputStream fos = null;
    fos = new FileOutputStream ("customers.dat");
    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream (fos);
    dos.writeInt (customers.size ());
    for (int i = 0; i < customers.size (); i++)
    Customer temp = (Customer) customers.elementAt (i);
    dos.writeUTF (;
    dos.writeUTF (temp.publication);
    dos.writeUTF (temp.round);
    dos.writeUTF (temp.address);
    dos.writeUTF (;
    catch (IOException e)
    MsgBox mb = new MsgBox (this, "PP Error",
    e.toString ());
    mb.dispose ();
    if (fos != null)
    fos.close ();
    catch (IOException e) {}
    private void update ()
    // Obtain index of selected customer item from the names
    // component.
    int index = names.getSelectedIndex ();
    // If no item was selected, index is -1. We cannot update
    // a customer if no customer item in the names component was
    // selected - because we would have nothing to work with.
    if (index != -1)
    // Obtain a reference to the customer object (from the
    // customers Vector object) that is associated with the
    // index.
    Customer temp = (Customer) customers.elementAt (index);
    // Create and display an update entry form.
    DataEntryForm def = new DataEntryForm (this, "Update",,
    // If the user pressed Ok...
    if (def.bOk)
    // Update the customer information in the customers
    // Vector object. = new String ( ());
    temp.publication = new String (def.publication.getText ());
    temp.round = new String (def.round.getText ());
    temp.address = new String (def.address.getText ()); = new String ( ());
    // Make sure the screen reflects the update.
    names.replaceItem ( + ", " + temp.publication,
    // Destroy the dialouge box.
    def.dispose ();
    // Make sure that the first customer item in the names
    // list is highlighted. (0);

    Ive doen pretty much what you said burt now my program isnt working at all. The window comes up but instead of doing something when you click the button it just throws shit loads of exceptions. Heres my abridged code
    // Grant Brown
    // 22/02/02
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    // =========================================================
    // Class:PP
    // This class drives the Paper Round manager. It contains the
    // main method which gets called as soon as this application
    // begins to run.
    // =========================================================
    class pp extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    // Container of customer objects (one object per customer)
    private Vector customers = new Vector (100);
    // List of names component. (Must specify java.awt in
    // front of List to distinguish the List class in the
    // java.awt package from the List class in the java.util
    // package.)
    private java.awt.List names = new java.awt.List ();
    // Delete and update button components.
    private JButton delete;
    private JButton update;
    // Default constructor.
    public pp ()
    // Assign Contact Manager to title bar of frame window.
    super ("Paper Round Manager");
    // Add a listener that responds to window closing
    // events. When this event occurs (by clicking on the
    // close box in the title bar), save contacts and exit.
    addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter ()
    public void windowClosing
    (WindowEvent e)
    saveCustomers ();
    System.exit (0);
    // Place an empty label in the north part of the frame
    // window. This is done to correct an AWT positioning
    // problem. (One thing that you'll come to realize as
    // you work with the AWT is that there are lots of bugs.)
    JLabel l = new JLabel ();
    getContentPane().add ("North", l);
    // Place the names component in the center part of the
    // frame window.
    getContentPane().add ("Center", names);
    // Create a panel object to hold four buttons.
    JPanel p = new JPanel ();
    JButton b;
    // Add an Insert button to the Panel object and register
    // the current cm object as a listener for button events.
    p.add (b = new JButton ("Insert"));
    b.addActionListener (this);
    // Add a Delete button to the Panel object and register
    // the current cm object as a listener for button events.
    p.add (delete = new JButton ("Delete"));
    delete.addActionListener (this);
    // The Delete button should be disabled until there is at
    // least one contact to delete.
    delete.setEnabled (false);
    // Add an Update button to the Panel object and register
    // the current cm object as a listener for button events.
    p.add (update = new JButton ("Update"));
    update.addActionListener (this);
    // The Update button should be disabled until there is at
    // least one contact to update.
    update.setEnabled (false);
    // Add a Finish button to the Panel object and register
    // the current cm object as a listener for button events.
    p.add (b = new JButton ("Finish"));
    b.addActionListener (this);
    // Add the panel object to the frame window container.
    getContentPane().add ("South", p);
    // Set the background of the frame window container to
    // lightGray (to give a pleasing effect).
    setBackground (Color.lightGray);
    // Set the size of the frame window container to 400
    // pixels horizontally by 200 pixels vertically.
    setBounds (50, 100, 400, 200);
    // Do not allow the user to resize the frame window.
    loadCustomers ();
    // Load all contacts.
    // Make sure that the frame window is visible.
    setVisible (true);
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
    if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("Delete"))
    delete ();
    if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("Finish"))
    saveCustomers ();
    System.exit (0);
    if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("Insert"))
    insert ();
    update ();
    public Insets getInsets ()
    // Return an Insets object that describes the number of
    // pixels to reserve as a border around the edges of the
    // frame window.
    return new Insets (10, 10, 10, 10);
    public static void main (String [] args)
    // Create a new cm object and let it do its thing.
    new pp ();
    private void delete ()
    // Obtain index of selected customer item from the names
    // component.
    int index = names.getSelectedIndex ();
    // If no item was selected, index is -1. We cannot update
    // a contact if no contact item in the names component was
    // selected - because we would have nothing to work with.
    if (index != -1)
    // Remove the customer item from the names component.
    names.remove (index);
    // Remove the Customer object from the contacts Vector
    // object.
    customers.remove (index);
    // If there are no more customers ...
    if (customers.size () == 0)
    delete.setEnabled (false);
    update.setEnabled (false);
    // Make sure that the first contact item in the names
    // list is highlighted. (0);
    private void insert ()
    // Create an Insert data entry form to enter information
    // for a new contact.
    DataEntryForm def = new DataEntryForm (this, "Insert");
    // If the bOk Boolean flag is set, this indicates the user
    // exited the form by pressing the Ok button.
    if (def.bOk)
    // Create a Customer object and assign information from
    // the form to its fields.
    Customer temp = new Customer (); = new String ( ());
    temp.publication = new String (def.publication.getText ());
    temp.address = new String (def.address.getText ());
    temp.round = new String (def.round.getText ()); = new String
              ( ());
    // Add a new customer item to the names component.
    names.add (temp.publication + ", " + temp.address);
    // Add the Customer object to the contacts Vector
    // object.
    customers.add (temp);
    // Make sure that the Delete and Update buttons are
    // enabled.
    delete.setEnabled (true);
    update.setEnabled (true);
    // Destroy the dialog box.
    def.dispose ();
    // Make sure that the first customer item in the names list
    // is highlighted. (0);
    // ===========================================================
    // Load all customers from customers.dat into the customers
    // Vector object. Also, make sure that the last name/first
    // name from each contact is combined into a String object and
    // inserted into the names component - as a contact item.
    // ===========================================================
    private void loadCustomers ()
    FileInputStream fis = null;
    fis = new FileInputStream ("customers.dat");
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream (fis);
    int nCustomers = dis.readInt ();
    for (int i = 0; i < nCustomers; i++)
    Customer temp = new Customer (); = dis.readUTF ();
    temp.publication = dis.readUTF ();
    temp.address = dis.readUTF ();
    temp.round = dis.readUTF (); = dis.readUTF ();
    names.add (temp.publication + ", " + temp.address);
    customers.add (temp);
    if (nCustomers > 0)
    delete.setEnabled (true);
    update.setEnabled (true);
    catch (IOException e)
    if (fis != null)
    fis.close ();
    catch (IOException e) {}
    // Make sure that the first customer item in the names list
    // is highlighted. (0);
    // ========================================================
    // Save all customer objects from the contacts Vector object
    // to customers.dat. The number of contacts are saved as an
    // int to make it easy for loadCustomers () to do its job.
    // ========================================================
    private void saveCustomers ()
    FileOutputStream fos = null;
    fos = new FileOutputStream ("customers.dat");
    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream (fos);
    dos.writeInt (customers.size ());
    for (int i = 0; i < customers.size (); i++)
    Customer temp = (Customer) customers.elementAt (i);
    dos.writeUTF (;
    dos.writeUTF (temp.publication);
    dos.writeUTF (temp.address);
    dos.writeUTF (temp.round);
    dos.writeUTF (;
    catch (IOException e)
    MsgBox mb = new MsgBox (this, "PP Error",
    e.toString ());
    mb.dispose ();
    if (fos != null)
    fos.close ();
    catch (IOException e) {}
    private void update ()
    // Obtain index of selected customer item from the names
    // component.
    int index = names.getSelectedIndex ();
    // If no item was selected, index is -1. We cannot update
    // a customer if no customer item in the names component was
    // selected - because we would have nothing to work with.
    if (index != -1)
    // Obtain a reference to the Customer object (from the
    // customer Vector object) that is associated with the
    // index.
    Customer temp = (Customer) customers.elementAt (index);
    // Create and display an update entry form.
    DataEntryForm def = new DataEntryForm (this, "Update",,
    // If the user pressed Ok...
    if (def.bOk)
    // Update the customer information in the customers
    // Vector object. = new String ( ());
    temp.publication = new String (def.publication.getText ());
    temp.address = new String (def.address.getText ());
    temp.round = new String (def.round.getText ()); = new String ( ());
    // Make sure the screen reflects the update.
    names.replaceItem (temp.publication + ", " + temp.address,
    // Destroy the dialog box.
    def.dispose ();
    // Make sure that the first customer item in the names
    // list is highlighted. (0);
    // ========================================================
    // Class: Customer
    // This class describes the contents of a business customer.
    // ========================================================
    class Customer
    public String name;
    public String publication;
    public String address;
    public String round;
    public String phone;
    // ==========================================================
    // Class: DataEntryForm
    // This class provides a data entry form for entering customer
    // information.
    // ==========================================================
    class DataEntryForm extends JDialog implements ActionListener
    // bOk is a boolean flag. When true, it indicates that
    // the Ok button was pressed to terminate the dialog box
    // (as opposed to the Cancel button).
    public boolean bOk;
    // The following components hold the text that the user
    // entered into the visible text fields.
    public JTextField name;
    public JTextField publication;
    public JTextField address;
    public JTextField round;
    public JTextField phone;
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
    // If the user pressed the Ok button, indicate this
    // by assigning true to bOk.
    if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("Ok"))
    bOk = true;
    // Destroy the dialog box and return to the point
    // just after the creation of the DataEntryForm object.
    dispose ();
    public DataEntryForm (JFrame parent, String title)
    // Call the other constructor. The current constructor
    // is used for insert operations. The other constructor
    // is used for update operations.
    this (parent, title, "", "", "", "", "");
    public DataEntryForm (JFrame parent, String title,
    String name, String publication,
    String address, String round,
    String phone)
    // Initialize the superclass layer.
    super (parent, title, true);
    // Choose a grid bag layout so that components can be more
    // accurately positioned. (It looks nicer.)
    setLayout (new GridBagLayout ());
    // Add appropriate first name, last name, phone, fax, and
    // email components to the current DataEntryForm container.
    // (Remember, DataEntryForm is a subclass of Dialog.
    // Dialog is a container. Therefore, DataEntryForm
    // inherits the ability to be a container.)
    addComponent (this, new JLabel ("Name: "), 0, 0, 1, 1,
    GridBagConstraints.WEST); = new JTextField (15);
    addComponent (this,, 1, 0, 1, 1,
    if (title.equals ("Update")) (name);
    addComponent (this, new JLabel ("Publications: "), 0, 1, 1, 1,
    this.publication = new JTextField (15);
    addComponent (this, this.publication, 1, 1, 1, 1,
    if (title.equals ("Update"))
    this.publication.setText (publication);
    addComponent (this, new JLabel ("Address "), 0, 2, 1, 1,
    this.address = new JTextField (15);
    addComponent (this, this.address, 1, 2, 1, 1,
    if (title.equals ("Update"))
    this.address.setText (address);
    addComponent (this, new JLabel ("Round No "), 0, 3, 1, 1,
    this.round = new JTextField (15);
    addComponent (this, this.round, 1, 3, 1, 1,
    if (title.equals ("Update"))
    this.round.setText (round);
    addComponent (this, new JLabel ("Phone Number "), 0, 4, 1, 1,
    GridBagConstraints.WEST); = new JTextField (15);
    addComponent (this,, 1, 4, 1, 1,
    if (title.equals ("Update")) (phone);
    addComponent (this, new JLabel (""), 0, 5, 1, 1,
    addComponent (this, new JLabel (""), 1, 5, 1, 1,
    JButton b;
    // Add an Ok button to this container.
    addComponent (this, b = new JButton ("Ok"), 0, 6, 1, 1,
    b.addActionListener (this);
    // Add a Cancel button to this container.
    addComponent (this, b = new JButton ("Cancel"), 1, 6, 1, 1,
    b.addActionListener (this);
    // Set the size of the dialog window to 250 pixels
    // horizontally by 200 pixels vertically.
    setSize (250, 200);
    // Do not allow users to resize the dialog window.
    setResizable (false);
    // Make sure that the dialog window is visible.
    setVisible (true);
    private void addComponent (Container con, Component com,
    int gridx, int gridy,
    int gridw, int gridh, int fill,
    int anchor)
    // Get the current layout manager. It is assumed to
    // be a GridBagLayout object.
    LayoutManager lm = con.getLayout ();
    // Create a GridBagConstraints object to make it
    // possible to customize component positioning.
    GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints ();
    // Assign the x and y grid positions.
    gbc.gridx = gridx;
    gbc.gridy = gridy;
    // Assign the number of grid blocks horizontally and
    // vertically that are occupied by the component.
    gbc.gridwidth = gridw;
    gbc.gridheight = gridh;
    // Specify the component's resize policy (fill) and
    // the direction in which the component is positioned
    // when its size is smaller than available space (anchor).
    gbc.fill = fill;
    gbc.anchor = anchor;
    // Set the new constraints that the grid bag layout
    // manager will use.
    ((GridBagLayout) lm).setConstraints (com, gbc);
    // Add the component to the container.
    con.add (com);
    // ===========================================================
    // Class: MsgBox
    // This class displays a message box to the user. The message
    // is usually an error message. The user must press the Ok
    // button to terminate the message box.
    // ===========================================================
    class MsgBox extends JDialog implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
    // Terminate the dialog box in response to the user
    // pressing the Ok button.
    dispose ();
    public MsgBox (JFrame parent, String title, String msg)
    // Initialize the superclass layer.
    super (parent, title, true);
    // Store the msg argument in a Label object and add
    // this object to the center part of the dialog window.
    JLabel l = new JLabel (msg);
    add ("Center", l);
    // Create a Button object and add it to the south part
    // of the dialog window.
    JButton b = new JButton ("Ok");
    add ("South", b);
    // Make the current object a listener to events that
    // occur as a result of the user pressing the Ok
    // button.
    b.addActionListener (this);
    // Make sure that the Ok button has the focus.
    b.requestFocus ();
    // Do not allow users to resize the dialog window.
    setResizable (false);
    // Allow the layout manager to choose an appropriate
    // size for the dialog window.
    pack ();
    // Make sure that the dialog window is visible.
    setVisible (true);

  • Why is java slower than C and C++

    Hi Guys:
    I would like to know why Java is slower than C and C++ in terms of compilation speed...
    Does it have to do with the fact that Java compiles to byte code first and then the JVM translates byte code to machine code which your processor can understand. whereas C and C++ compiles directly to machine code...
    Any ideas on that,...let me know..

    It's not necessarily. I would suggest that it always is; whencomparing
    specific tasks.I would suggest that is never is (significantly)
    when non-trivial and non-specialized applicationsare
    involved. Requirements and design always have a
    much greater impact.There's no doubt that the design is the most
    aspect when writing a program, but assuming those
    are equal, the fact is that a c program will be
    faster.Yes, but given the fact that there is almost zero chance that the requirements, design and implementation will be optimal, it means that the real differences between the languages are insignificant compared to the real difference caused by the other factors.
    In the theorectical world C/C++ is faster. In the real world, most of the time, it is not significant.

  • SAP JAVA GUI 7.00rev5 and IXOS

    After upgrading to Java GUI 7 rev5  from Java GUI 630rev4 our IXOS viewer no longer works when called from within our R/3 system. This is also true when upgrading to any Java Gui 7 revision release.
    The above works using Windows GUI 7.10 with IXOS.
    Has archiving functionality been removed from Java 7?

    Hello Robert,
    please file a <a href="">bugreport</a> on component BC-FES-JAV and attache a trace file with following tracekeys (<a href="">note 683960</a>) activated: CALL:EVENT:INFO:DESKTOP:GMUX:C_GMUX
    Best regards

  • Java GUI 7.20 and SNC on Windows 7

    Just trying out the preview version of GUI 7.20 on Windows 7 OS, and tried to setup a SNC logon. Error message is "Unable to load GSS-API DLL named "sncgss32.dll" ...
    I've done a search and there is no sncgss32.dll file anywhere on the computer. I cannot find it in the installation package either.
    Maybe it is not included in the preview version... Has anyone setup SNC logon functionality on Windows 7?

    SAPGUI for Java (and Windows) come(s) with a kind of plug-in infrastructure to use security products for Secure Network Connections, but not including a SNC product itself.
    Did you install the library required for using SNC and are pointing to it using the SNC_LIB environment variable? The error message looks like it tries to load a default library, but it is not there.
    You might want to read the information about SNC in general available at
    and regarding SAP GUI
    Best regards

  • AWT vs SWING and more

    1)Though the components used in awt and swing are similar what is the need for two seperate packages ?
    2)what is the main usage of "getContentPane()" ?
    3)why do we use an appletviewer for executing applets provided the OS is Windows NT ..

    1)Though the components used in awt and swing are
    similar what is the need for two seperate packages ?AWT uses the native (heavyweight) components of the underlying Operating System. Actually a common (and small) subset of the provided components.
    In Swing the components a lightweight, there's no native component behind them, the components are painted by pure java code (sometimes sophisticated components). The swing applications thus can look and feel the same on all platforms.
    2)what is the main usage of "getContentPane()" ?When using swing you shouldn't add lightweight components to the window subclasses, only to the content pane.
    3)why do we use an appletviewer for executing applets
    provided the OS is Windows NT ..Did not understand.

  • Difference between awt ang Swing Interview Question n other Question

    hi every one i use to think that i know java atlest so much that i can crack a lolcal comp interview but ........................
    i ansered few Question but was speachlees when was asked few of this i do not remember all of them
    1] difference between awt and swing.
    System is a class out is a variable so who come a variable calling a method.
    3]are constractor inherateed in java.

    1] difference between awt and swing.AWT is based on an abstraction of platform-specific, heavy-weight components. Swing is written entirely in java.
    System is a class out is a variable so who come a
    variable calling a method.Do you mean how come?
    In that case, the answer is simple: Because out is a variable, it can be redirected/compared against, etc much easier
    3]are constractor inherateed in java.Kind of a trick question, as the answer is yes and no. Constructors are not inherited, but every constructor in the subclass must call one and exactly one constructor of the superclass

  • Why the AWT components are called heavy-weight and SWING as light-weight?

    Why the AWT components are called heavy-weight and SWING as light-weight?.
    Building our own components means overhead on JVM. hence in what sence the SWING components are called light weight.?
    I know that the Swing componets are the components which are not going to depend upon peer classes and render, OS independent LOOK n FEEL.
    Sanath Kumar

    All extensions of Component are considered lightweight since, as you point out, they don't have their own dedicated native peer.
    Essentially a lightweight component only has a canvas on which to draw itself and some means of receiving events from the system. In fact, there is no need to have one of these "canvas" and "event" objects for each component - the parent component can manage these abilities on behalf of its children. Eventually you end up with only top-level components needing to be heavyweight in order to communicate with the windowing system.
    A lightweight component therefore has the minimal dependency on the underlying windowing system giving you maximum cross-platform flexibility.
    It is usually true that lightweight => slower and heavyweight => faster since it is reasonable to assume that native peers will be optimal for the windowing system. However, that's not the point of the lightweight/heavyweight distinction.
    Hope this helps.

  • GUI: AWT vs Swing

    I'm new at this and somebody told me that my interface looked hoakie and asked if Java can have GUIs that are as appealing as his VB interfaces. I just put basic swing components on my interface: buttons, text boxes, labels, etc...I didn't spend a whole lot of time figuring out how to change object attributes to possibly enhance my interface. As far as I understand swing is newer and better than AWT. Is this correct. Or do AWT interfaces look better? Can anybody direct me in this area and suggest the best way to get nice looking interfaces done with Java? Is this a drawback of Java?

    Please don't cross post.

  • Please help: RMI and Swing/AWT issue

    Hi guys, I've been having a lot of trouble trying to get a GUI application to work with RMI. I'd appreciate any help. Here's the story:
    I wrote a Java application and its GUI using Netbeans. In a nutshell, the application is about performing searches. I am now at the point where I need exterior programs to use my application's search capabilities, thus needing RMI. Such exterior programs are to call methods currently implemented in my application.
    I implemented RMI, and got the client --> server communication working. However, the GUI just breaks. It starts outputting exceptions, gets delayed, doesn't update properly, some parts of it stop working.... basically hysterical behavior.
    Now take a look at this line within my server class:
    Naming.rebind("SearchProgram", mySearchProgram);
    If I take it out, RMI obviously does not work... but the application and its GUI work flawlessly. If I put it in, the RMI calls work, but the GUI's above symptoms occur again. Among the symptoms are null pointer exceptions which all look similar, are related to "AWT-EventQueue-0", and keep ocurring. Here's just snippet of the errors outputted:
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalScrollBarUI.getPreferredSize(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(
    at javax.swing.JScrollBar.getMinimumSize(
    at javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout.minimumLayoutSize(
    at java.awt.Container.minimumSize(
    at java.awt.Container.getMinimumSize(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.getMinimumSize(
    at java.awt.BorderLayout.minimumLayoutSize(
    at java.awt.Container.minimumSize(
    at java.awt.Container.getMinimumSize(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.getMinimumSize(
    at java.awt.BorderLayout.minimumLayoutSize(
    at java.awt.Container.minimumSize(
    at java.awt.Container.getMinimumSize(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.getMinimumSize(
    at javax.swing.BoxLayout.checkRequests(
    at javax.swing.BoxLayout.layoutContainer(
    at java.awt.Container.layout(
    at java.awt.Container.doLayout(
    at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
    at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
    at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
    at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
    at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
    at java.awt.Container.validate(
    at javax.swing.RepaintManager.validateInvalidComponents(
    at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$
    at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.getPreferredMenuItemSize(
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.getPreferredSize(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(
    at javax.swing.BoxLayout.checkRequests(
    at javax.swing.BoxLayout.preferredLayoutSize(
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.DefaultMenuLayout.preferredLayoutSize(
    at java.awt.Container.preferredSize(
    at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(
    at javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout.layoutContainer(
    at java.awt.Container.layout(
    at java.awt.Container.doLayout(
    at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
    at java.awt.Container.validate(
    at javax.swing.RepaintManager.validateInvalidComponents(
    at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$
    at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    There are no complaints about anything within my code, it's all GUI related whenever I make a bind() or rebind() call.
    Again, any help here would be great... cause this one's just beating me.

    Maybe you want to change that worker thread to
    not do RMI but anything else (dummy data) to see if it really is RMI, I doubt it, I think you are updating some structures that have to do with swing GUI and hence you will hang.
    Just check this out.

  • Devloping graphs using pure java without applets and swings

    Hi Guys
    i want to devlop bar graphs,pie charts,line graphs using pure java.i don't want to use applets and swings..does any body help on this asap..

    Go to
    and get: Creating a User Interface (AWT Only) Archive (

  • Books on java networking and swings

    im looking for free (e-books) on java networking and swings any help in this regard will be appreciated

    try "CORE JAVA" from SunSoft press. Written by the makers of the language
    themselves, it is worth every penny.

  • Accessibility and Java GUI testing

    Can java accessibility be used for developing java GUI testing tool for applet embedded in IE? If not is there any other way we can test Java Appet GUI?
    best regards

    I do not know of a free tool, but you can use the Robot class in Java to create what you need.

Maybe you are looking for

  • The to_date function doesn't work ?

    Hello I don't know why my to_date function doesn't work on my pc. my statement is pretty complex so i just tried simple one select to_date('10-Jan-2006','dd-mon-yyyy') from dual; but even this one doesn't work it says it is invalid month howcome? is

  • Application was deployed, but EJB module was not.

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  • Cannot open files in PS cc 2014

    Hello every one. I am running to a serious and odd problem. I am having trouble opening curtain large pdfs. I keep getting this error.This seems odd since I have 16 gbs of ram on my Imac. The other odd thing is I made this file in this version of pho

  • How can I transfer all songs on my Ipod to my Itunes library on my mac?

    Blank i tunes libarary on mac book. Want to transfer songs from my ipod to itunes.

  • Default settings in InvoView

    When I logi as a regular user to InfoView, by default the fist page shows me the following: Document List My Favourites My Inbox Information OnDemand Services Help Is it possible to change this so that certain users in a CMC group will go to the InBo