Looking for a Powershell Script which can put the scom servers in maintenance mode

Looking for a Powershell Script which can put the scom servers in maintenance mode so that SCOM should not send an alert during planned task.

1. Provide list of servers line-by-line in C:\ServerList.txt, make sure you provide limited no. of servers, do not exceed 20 - 25 per batch
2. Save the script with suitable name (test.ps1)
3. Open PowerShell cmd prompt
4. Script accepts 3 params - TimeInMinutes, Reason and Comment
**** Please note, this script will work for SCOM 2012 R2
param([int32]$TimeMin, [string]$Reason, [string]$Comment)
$api = new-object -comObject 'MOM.ScriptAPI'
Import-Module operationsmanager
$Servers = Get-Content "C:\ServerList.txt"
$Time = (Get-Date).Addminutes($TimeMin)
Foreach ($Server in $Servers)
#Get Computer instance
$ComputerClass = Get-SCOMClass -Name Microsoft.Windows.Computer
$ComputerClassInstance = Get-SCOMClassInstance  -Class $ComputerClass | Where {$_.DisplayName -eq $Server}
If ($ComputerClassInstance -ne $Null)
$HealthServiceWatcherClass = Get-SCOMClass -name:Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthServiceWatcher
#Get Health Service Watcher Class instance of the server
$HSWClass = Get-SCOMClass -Name Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthServiceWatcher
$HSWClassIns = Get-SCOMClassInstance  -Class $HSWClass | Where {$_.DisplayName -eq $Server}
#Starting the maintenance mode
Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode -Instance $HSWClassIns -EndTime $Time -Reason $Reason -Comment $Comment
Start-SCOMMaintenanceMode -Instance $ComputerClassInstance -EndTime $Time  -Reason $Reason -Comment $Comment
Write-Host "Health Service Watcher and Agent server "$Server " kept in maintenance mode"  -foregroundcolor "green"
$api.LogScriptEvent('MaintenanceModeScript.ps1', 200, 0, "$Server kept in maintenance mode for $TimeMin minutes")
Write-Host $Server" not found " -foregroundcolor "red"
$api.LogScriptEvent('MaintenanceModeScript.ps1', 201, 1, "$Server could not be found in domain")
Catch [system.exception]
$api.LogScriptEvent('MaintenanceModeScript.ps1', 201, 1, $_.Exception.Message)

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    Ohh thanks for yours fast replys.
    I have found this Script:
    use Switch;
    use strict;
    ## Config options ##
    ## What distro logo to use to use, Available "Archlinux Debian None" ##
    my $distro = "Archlinux";
    ## what values to display. Use "OS Kernel DE WM win_theme Theme Font Icons" ##
    my $display = "OS Kernel DE WM Win_theme Theme Icons Font";
    ## Takes a screen shot if set to 0 ##
    my $shot = 1;
    ## Command to run to take screen shot ##
    my $command = "scrot";
    ## What colors to use for the variables. ##
    my $textcolor = "\e[0m";
    ## Prints little debugging messages if set to 0 ##
    my $quite = 0;
    ## Script starts here ##
    ## Define some thing to work with strict ##
    my @line = ();
    my $found = 0;
    my $DE = "NONE";
    my $WM = "NONE";
    ## Hash of WMs and the process they run ##
    my %WMlist = ("Beryl", "beryl",
    "Fluxbox", "fluxbox",
    "Openbox", "openbox",
    "Blackbox", "blackbox",
    "Xfwm4", "xfwm4",
    "Metacity", "metacity",
    "Kwin", "kwin",
    "FVWM", "fvwm",
    "Enlightenment", "enlightenment",
    "IceWM", "icewm",
    "Window Maker", "wmaker",
    "PekWM","pekwm" );
    ## Hash of DEs and the process they run ##
    my %DElist = ("Gnome", "gnome-session",
    "Xfce4", "xfce-mcs-manage",
    "KDE", "ksmserver");
    ## Get Kernel version ##
    if ( $display =~ "Kernel"){
    print "\::$textcolor Finding Kernel version\n" unless $quite == 1;
    my $kernel = `uname -r`;
    $kernel =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $kernel = " Kernel:$textcolor $kernel";
    push(@line, "$kernel");
    ## Find running processes ##
    print "\::$textcolor Getting processes \n" unless $quite == 1;
    my $processes = `ps -A | awk {'print \$4'}`;
    ## Find DE ##
    while( (my $DEname, my $DEprocess) = each(%DElist) ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Testing $DEname process: $DEprocess \n" unless $quite == 1;
    if ( $processes =~ m/$DEprocess/ ) {
    $DE = $DEname;
    print "\::$textcolor DE found as $DE\n" unless $quite == 1;
    if( $display =~ m/DE/ ) {
    push(@line, " DE:$textcolor $DE");
    ## Find WM ##
    while( (my $WMname, my $WMprocess) = each(%WMlist) ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Testing $WMname process: $WMprocess \n" unless $quite == 1;
    if ( $processes =~ m/$WMprocess/ ) {
    $WM = $WMname;
    print "\::$textcolor WM found as $WM\n" unless $quite == 1;
    if( $display =~ m/WM/ ) {
    push(@line, " WM:$textcolor $WM");
    ## Find WM theme ##
    if ( $display =~ m/Win_theme/ ){
    switch($WM) {
    case "Openbox" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if( /<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ) {
    while ( $found == 0 ) {
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
    $found = 1;
    case "Beryl" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.emerald/themes/schoensyDarkgreen/theme.ini")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if( /name=(.+)/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
    case "Metacity" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme`;
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $gconf\n" unless $quite == 1;
    chomp ($gconf);
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $gconf");
    case "Fluxbox" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.fluxbox/init")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
    case "Blackbox" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.blackboxrc")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if( /session.styleFile:.*\/(.+)/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
    case "Xfwm4" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/xfwm4.xml")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if( /<option name="Xfwm\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
    case "Kwin" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kwinrc")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if( /PluginLib=kwin3_(.+)/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
    case "Enlightenment" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    my $remote = `enlightenment_remote -theme-get theme` ;
    if( $remote =~ m/.*FILE="(.+).edj"/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
    case "IceWM" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.icewm/theme")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if( /Theme="(.+)\/.*.theme/ ) {
    while( $found == 0 ) {
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
    $found = 1;
    case "PekWM" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $WM theme\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/config")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if( /Theme.*\/(.*)"/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor $WM theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " WM Theme:$textcolor $1");
    ## Find Theme Icon ans Font ##
    if ( $display =~ m/[Theme, Icons, Font,]/) {
    switch($DE) {
    case "Gnome" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
    if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
    my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme`;
    chomp ($gconf);
    print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $gconf");
    if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
    my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme`;
    chomp ($gconf);
    push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $gconf");
    if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
    my $gconf = `gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name`;
    chomp ($gconf);
    push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $gconf");
    case "Xfce4" {
    my @sort = ();
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/gtk.xml")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
    if (/<option name="Net\/ThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor GTK Theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    unshift(@sort, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1");
    if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
    if (/<option name="Net\/IconThemeName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    unshift(@sort, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
    if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
    if ( /<option name="Gtk\/FontName" type="string" value="(.+)"\/>/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    unshift(@sort, " Font:$textcolor $1");
    ## Sort variables so they're ordered "Theme Icon Font" ##
    foreach my $i (@sort) {
    push(@line, "$i");
    case "KDE" {
    print "\::$textcolor Finding $DE variables\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, "$ENV{HOME}/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals")
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
    if ( /widgetStyle=(.+)/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Wiget Style found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " Wiget Style:$textcolor $1");
    if (/colorScheme=(.+).kcsrc/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Color Scheme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " Color Scheme:$textcolor $1");
    if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
    if ( /Theme=(.+)/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
    if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
    if ( /font=(.+)/ ) {
    my $font = (split/,/, $1)[0];
    print "\::$textcolor Font found as $font\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $font");
    else {
    my @files = ("$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0", "$ENV{HOME}/.gtkrc.mine",);
    foreach my $file (@files) {
    if ( -e $file ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Opening $file\n" unless $quite == 1;
    open(FILE, $file)
    || die "\e[0;31m<Failed>\n";
    while( <FILE> ) {
    if ( $display =~ m/Theme/ ) {
    if( /include ".*themes\/(.+)\/gtk-(1|2)\.0\/gtkrc"/ ){
    print "\::$textcolor GTK theme found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " GTK Theme:$textcolor $1");
    if ( $display =~ m/Icons/ ) {
    if( /.*gtk-icon-theme-name.*"(.+)"/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Icons found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " Icons:$textcolor $1");
    if ( $display =~ m/Font/ ) {
    if( /.*gtk-font-name.*"(.+)"/ ) {
    print "\::$textcolor Font found as $1\n" unless $quite == 1;
    push(@line, " Font:$textcolor $1");
    ## Display the system info ##
    if ( $distro =~ m/Archlinux/ ) {
    ## Get Archlinux version ##
    if ( $display =~ "OS"){
    print "\::$textcolor Finding Archlinux version\n" unless $quite == 1;
    my $version = `cat /etc/arch-release`;
    $version =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $version = " OS:$textcolor $version";
    unshift(@line, "$version");
    my $c1 = "\e[0;32m";
    my $c2 = "\e[1;32m";
    print "$c1 __
    $c1 _=(SDGJT=_
    $c1 _GTDJHGGFCVS) $c1@line[0]
    $c1 ,GTDJGGDTDFBGX0 $c1@line[1]
    $c1 JDJDIJHRORVFSBSVL$c2-=+=,_ $c1@line[2]
    $c1 IJFDUFHJNXIXCDXDSV,$c2 \"DEBL $c1@line[3]
    $c1 [LKDSDJTDU=OUSCSBFLD.$c2 '?ZWX, $c1@line[4]
    $c1 ,LMDSDSWH' \`DCBOSI$c2 DRDS], $c1@line[5]
    $c1 SDDFDFH' !YEWD,$c2 )HDROD $c1@line[6]
    $c1 !KMDOCG &GSU|$c2\_GFHRGO' $c1@line[7]
    $c1 HKLSGP'$c2 __$c1\TKM0$c2\GHRBV)' $c1@line[8]
    $c1 JSNRVW'$c2 __+MNAEC$c1\IOI,$c2\BN'
    $c1 HELK['$c2 __,=OFFXCBGHC$c1\FD)
    $c1 ?KGHE $c2\_-#DASDFLSV='$c1 'EF
    $c1 'EHTI !H
    $c1 \`0F' '!
    if ( $distro =~ m/None/ ) {
    my $color = "\e[0;34m";
    foreach my $filled ( @line ) {
    print "$color $filled\n"
    if ( $distro =~ m/Debian/ ) {
    ## Get Debian version ##
    if ( $display =~ "OS"){
    print "\::$textcolor Finding Debian version\n" unless $quite == 1;
    my $version = `cat /etc/Debian_release`;
    $version =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $version = " OS:$textcolor $version";
    unshift(@line, "$version");
    my $c1 = "\e[0;31m";
    print "
    $c1 _,met\$\$\$\$\$gg.
    $c1 ,g\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$P.
    $c1 ,g\$\$P\"\" \"\"\"Y\$\$.\". @line[0]
    $c1 ,\$\$P' \`\$\$\$. @line[1]
    $c1',\$\$P ,ggs. \`\$\$b: @line[2]
    $c1\`d\$\$' ,\$P\"' . \$\$\$ @line[3]
    $c1 \$\$P d\$' , \$\$P @line[4]
    $c1 \$\$: \$\$. - ,d\$\$' @line[5]
    $c1 \$\$\; Y\$b._ _,d\$P' @line[6]
    $c1 Y\$\$. \`.\`\"Y\$\$\$\$P\"' @line[7]
    $c1 \`\$\$b \"-.__ @line[8]
    $c1 \`Y\$\$
    $c1 \`Y\$\$.
    $c1 \`\$\$b.
    $c1 \`Y\$\$b.
    $c1 \`\"Y\$b._
    $c1 \`\"\"\"\"
    ## Run screen shot graper ##
    `$command` unless $shot != 0;
    I think that seems to be what you mean. Thanks for helping me.

  • Looking for a PowerShell Script

    there is a way to add someone to the admin group, but this would require that you already have admin rights.

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    with an iphone 3G the most up to date ios is 4.2.1 so you have a problem because whatsapp requires a higher version.  If you saved an earlier version of whatsapp you could install that otherwise you cannot use the app.  You will need to get a more up to date phone

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    Velu K

    Hi Velu,
    Based on your description, my understanding is that you want to get the needed user properties for all the users using PowerShell.
    I recommend to use the code below for getting the properties to txt file using PowerShell and you need to grant Full Control permission on the User Profile Service Application for the user who execute the commands:
    #change the URL to your root site URL
    $site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("http://sp");
    $ServiceContext = Get-SPServiceContext $site
    $ProfileManager = new-object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($ServiceContext)
    $AllProfiles = $ProfileManager.GetEnumerator()
    #You need to create the text file called UserProfiles in C disk(you can change the name to be what you want and put it in the place where you want )
    $file = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter "C:\UserProfiles.txt";
    #get the user properties you want
    foreach ($profile in $AllProfiles) {
    $DisplayName = $profile.DisplayName
    $AccountName = $profile[[Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.PropertyConstants]::AccountName].Value
    $workEmail = $profile[[Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.PropertyConstants]::workEmail].Value
    More references:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected].
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Looking for form filling app that can do this

    I am looking for an iPad app that can do this. I know it would need some type of cloud/web based backend to setup and manage but I'm looking for the following:
    We are a fire and security company. Many jobs require multiple documents to be created such as a service ticket, alarm activity log and maybe another form. The problem is if the tech needs to fill out the service ticket and activity log, those forms require in many ways the same information such as description of problem and end results and then each form has it's own separate info required. Right now the tech either has to retype all the similar data or try to copy and paste between the different fillable PDF files.
    I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to select which forms are needed and then it will populate the required fields to fill in and when complete it will export it to PDF on the appropriate company document templates and allow signatures to be placed before printing via AirPrint and emailing it to customer and our office.
    Does anyone know of a solution like this? It is not an easy thing to look for on Google.

    To more easily find compatible apps:
    iOSSearch - search the iTunes store for compatible apps.
    Apple Club - filter apps by iOS version.
    Starting when iOS 7 was released, Apple now allows downloading the last compatible version of some apps (iOS 4.2.1 and later only)
    App Store: Downloading Older Versions of Apps on iOS - Apple Club
    App Store: Install the latest compatible version of an app
    You first have to download the non-compatible version on your computer. Then when you try to purchase the version on your iPod you will be offered a compatible version if one exists.

  • Looking for a reading App.  iPad (iOS 7.1.2) - Kindle.  I am looking for a good app that can help a college student with reading books that cannot be found on audio book. Voice over works, but monotone!

    Looking for a reading App.
    iPad (iOS 7.1.2) - Kindle.
    I am looking for a good app that can help a college student with reading books that cannot be found on audio book.  I have tried voice over and it works but it's very monotone and it really strings things together. 
    - I'm willing to pay for a good app but I can't seem to sort though the many that are out there. Any suggestions.

    Ah. I'm surprised, but there we go.
    Have a look here ...
    (courtesy of googling 'OSX free multitrack recording software')
    Didn't have time to do more than skim, but 'Ardour' looked promising. Protools is the only one I've used, the full product is one of the industry standards, but the free 'lite' version listed here seems to be limited to 2 in/out as well.
    Referring to your original post, I'd think trying to write or 'script' something would be a nightmare ... synchronisation of streams within something like Applescript would be a major issue, quite apart from anything else.
    G5 Dual 2.7, MacMini, iMac 700; P4/XP Desk & Lap.   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   mLan:01x/i88x; DP 5.1, Cubase SX3, NI Komplete, Melodyne.

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    Ah. I'm surprised, but there we go.
    Have a look here ...
    (courtesy of googling 'OSX free multitrack recording software')
    Didn't have time to do more than skim, but 'Ardour' looked promising. Protools is the only one I've used, the full product is one of the industry standards, but the free 'lite' version listed here seems to be limited to 2 in/out as well.
    Referring to your original post, I'd think trying to write or 'script' something would be a nightmare ... synchronisation of streams within something like Applescript would be a major issue, quite apart from anything else.
    G5 Dual 2.7, MacMini, iMac 700; P4/XP Desk & Lap.   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   mLan:01x/i88x; DP 5.1, Cubase SX3, NI Komplete, Melodyne.

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    4- A fast scroll feature. Useful for pdf's with hundreds of pages.
    5- Nice to have feature: when opening the pdf reader, it automatically opens the last pdf file on the last page read.
    I have tried all the free pdf readers in the AppStore and none met all these requirements except for two which had these issues:
    1- iRead limitation: When screen is touched for more than a second, the page is frozen (locked) and page can't be scrolled. Scrolling is done when doing quick swipes only
    2- FileApp limitation: Does not remember last page opened. Does not remember last width set. Fast scroll doesn't work properly when width is other than default.

    iAnnotate additional points
    iAnnotate works with DropBox to download and upload edited PDFs. It does all the other same things, email, USB, and iTunes etc. but it also can download PDFs from any web site.
    You can transfer hundreds if not thousands of files at one whack using the AIJ Utility on your desktop.
    If you transfer a large number of files you have to plan not to use iAnnotate a while as it has an index function that indexes all the text into a master 'dictionary' so it can do searches for data and find PDFs for you. This indexing takes hours if you transfer hundreds of moderate size PDFs at one time.
    The biggest PDF I have feed it was a Gimp manual at close to a thousand pages.
    Remember the scratch pad ram is only 256 MB in the current iPad. You can cash iAnnotate if you do something really dumb with such a large file. Other applications also grab and hold onto chunks of this ram in the iPad so it is best to force a memory reset before doing anything that is going to max out that ram.
    iAnnotate allows you to have more than one PDF open at a time and you can tab between all the open PDFs in a blink just as you would in a tabbed web browser.
    If you zoom a page larger than the width of the screen it slides around. Less than the width of the screen the page locks in the size while scrolling which is smooth between pages.
    iAnnotate is a very well made product for dealing with PDFs. Annotations display in Goodreader and in the Mac OS Preview.

  • Im completely new to Mac. Im swapping my windows laptop for macbook pro and looking for network storage solution which the Time Capsule seems to do. Is it possible to use this as NAS for my desktop Windows PC - windows 7

    Im completely new to Mac. Im swapping my windows laptop for macbook pro and looking for network storage solution which the Time Capsule seems to do. Is it possible to use this as NAS for my desktop Windows PC - windows 7

    Broadly speaking I want some sort of network storage( wireless or through my existing wifi router) that I can access files for both my windows PC and Macbook and also to access files to my iPad/ iPhone. Some sort of backup and sychronisation so that I can access certain files remotely.
    Buy a real NAS.. synology or QNAP are the standard... although companies like Netgear and Western Digital and Seagate make them as well.
    There is no problem sharing between Mac and PC now.. you do not even need a NAS to do that.. you simply share the hard disk directly. Mac talk SMB.. everything talks SMB nowadays.. so it is easy.
    ipad and iphone are not designed to use NAS.. they are designed to backup only to the cloud or itunes.. but you can load an app like file browser if you want.
    Remote access to the Apple TC is somewhere between difficult, to impossible from a PC.. Apple use BTMM and iCloud but the service is not offered to PC.
    A real NAS will offer HTTPS or SFTP or several other methods.. that both Mac and PC can use.
    You simply plug it into the current wireless router.. it is a network device and assessable over the network. It is not necessary to buy another router.. in fact that is a waste.

  • Can anyone help on integrating Unifier with WebCenter Portal ? We are looking for a solution where we can show Unifier pages within WebCenter Portal application. Is this possible ?

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    If you simply would have posted here first, there are plenty of people who would have informed you of the current policy to have a data plan active on an account during the entire contract if purchasing a discounted smartphone.
    Unfortunately, there are just as many on here who would claim the people informing you about this policy of being Verizon plants spreading disinformation and trying to make people afraid to upgrade via this route.
    Yes this is a new policy, one which has been pointed out multiple times in these forums.  Good luck, but I doubt you will have an outcome over this which will make you happy.
    Verizon is closing as many loopholes to keep unlimited data as they can.

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