Modify excel sheet from BDN/GOS and add to sales order

Iu2019ve import a excel-template in OAOR (BDN) and now i want to modify the excel-sheet with my own data.
After then I want to put it to a Sales Order (BUS2032).
The excel sheet must indicated in the attachment list of VA02 (GOS).
Which method I must use to copy a existing excel sheet from BDN?
How can i modify my excel sheet from BDS and add to a existing sales order?
Can I set the document write protected?
Can anyone help me or have any examplesu2026
Thanks in advance
Edited by: Thomas Druetschel on Dec 2, 2008 3:20 PM

now i can get a template from BDN and modify the excel sheet. But i want to modify the excel spreadsheet in BACKGROUND ==> have anybody a idea?
And i need the correct method to save the modified document to BDS...
i use the following code:
TYPE-POOLS: sbdst.
DATA go_control TYPE REF TO i_oi_container_control.
DATA go_docking_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container.
DATA go_document_proxy TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_proxy.
DATA go_excel_iface TYPE REF TO i_oi_spreadsheet.
DATA go_error TYPE REF TO i_oi_error.
DATA gc_exceltype TYPE soi_document_type VALUE soi_doctype_excel_sheet.
DATA gv_retcode TYPE soi_ret_string.
DATA gv_sheetname TYPE soi_string.
DATA gv_inplace TYPE c.
DATA: gv_value TYPE string.
  PERFORM open_excel_doc_from_bds
  PERFORM fill_cell
==>> Now i want to SAVE the modified Excel Spreadshet to another Sales Order...
*&      Form  init_excel_proxy
     -->UV_INPLACE text
FORM init_excel_proxy USING uv_inplace TYPE c.
  DATA lv_repid TYPE sy-repid.
  DATA lv_dynnr TYPE sy-dynnr.
  DATA lv_str   TYPE soi_string.
  lv_repid = sy-repid.
  lv_dynnr = sy-dynnr.
  CALL METHOD c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_container_control
      control = go_control
      error   = go_error.
  CREATE OBJECT go_docking_container
      repid     = lv_repid
      dynnr     = lv_dynnr
      side      = cl_gui_docking_container=>dock_at_bottom
      extension = 0.
I don´t want to modify the document in the front*
  CALL METHOD go_control->init_control
      r3_application_name = ' '
      inplace_enabled     = uv_inplace
      parent              = go_docking_container
      error               = go_error.
  CALL METHOD go_control->get_document_proxy
      document_type  = gc_exceltype
      document_proxy = go_document_proxy.
ENDFORM.                    " init_excel_iface
*&      Form  open_excel_doc_from_bds
     -->UV_CLASSNAME  text
     -->UV_CLASSTYPE  text
     -->UV_OBJECTKEY  text
     -->UV_INPLACE    text
FORM open_excel_doc_from_bds USING uv_classname TYPE sbdst_classname
                                   uv_classtype TYPE sbdst_classtype
                                   uv_objectkey TYPE sbdst_object_key
                                   uv_inplace TYPE c.
  DATA lt_doc_uris TYPE sbdst_uri.
  DATA ls_doc_uri LIKE LINE OF lt_doc_uris.
  DATA lt_doc_signature TYPE sbdst_signature.
  DATA lv_doc_url TYPE bapiuri-uri.
  DATA lv_repid TYPE sy-repid.
  DATA lv_dynnr TYPE sy-dynnr.
  IF go_document_proxy IS INITIAL.
    PERFORM init_excel_proxy USING uv_inplace.
  CHECK NOT go_document_proxy IS INITIAL.
  CALL METHOD cl_bds_document_set=>get_with_url
      classname       = uv_classname
      classtype       = uv_classtype
      object_key      = uv_objectkey
      uris            = lt_doc_uris[]
      signature       = lt_doc_signature[]
      nothing_found   = 1
      error_kpro      = 2
      internal_error  = 3
      parameter_error = 4
      not_authorized  = 5
      not_allowed     = 6.
  IF sy-subrc NE 0 .
    MESSAGE 'cl_bds_document_set=>get_with_url error' TYPE 'I'.
  READ TABLE lt_doc_uris INTO ls_doc_uri INDEX 1.
  lv_doc_url = ls_doc_uri-uri.
  CALL METHOD go_document_proxy->open_document
      document_url  = lv_doc_url
      open_inplace  = uv_inplace
      open_readonly = ''
      error         = go_error.
  IF NOT go_excel_iface IS INITIAL.
    FREE go_excel_iface.
  CALL METHOD go_document_proxy->get_spreadsheet_interface
      no_flush        = 'X'
      sheet_interface = go_excel_iface
      error           = go_error.
ENDFORM.                    "open_excel_doc_from_bds
*&      Form  fill_cell
     -->UV_VALUE   text
     -->UV_COLUMN  text
     -->UV_ROW     text
FORM fill_cell USING uv_value TYPE string
                     uv_column TYPE i
                     uv_row TYPE i.
  CHECK NOT go_document_proxy IS INITIAL.
  CHECK NOT go_excel_iface IS INITIAL.
  DATA: lt_ranges TYPE soi_range_list,
        lt_contents TYPE soi_generic_table,
        ls_contents LIKE LINE OF lt_contents[],
        lt_rangesdef TYPE soi_dimension_table,
        ls_rangesdef LIKE LINE OF lt_rangesdef.
  ls_rangesdef-row = uv_row.
  ls_rangesdef-column = uv_column.
  ls_rangesdef-rows = 1.
  ls_rangesdef-columns = 1.
  APPEND ls_rangesdef TO lt_rangesdef.
  ls_contents-row = 1.
  ls_contents-column = 1.
  ls_contents-value = uv_value.
  APPEND ls_contents TO lt_contents.
  CALL METHOD go_excel_iface->set_ranges_data
      ranges    = lt_ranges[]
      contents  = lt_contents[]
      rangesdef = lt_rangesdef[]
      no_flush  = 'X'
      error     = go_error.
ENDFORM.                    "fill_cell
*&      Form  get_cell
     -->UV_COLUMN  text
     -->UV_ROW     text
     -->CV_VALUE   text
FORM get_cell USING  uv_column TYPE i
                     uv_row TYPE i
              CHANGING cv_value.
  DATA: lt_ranges TYPE soi_range_list,
      lt_contents TYPE soi_generic_table,
      ls_contents LIKE LINE OF lt_contents[],
      lt_rangesdef TYPE soi_dimension_table,
      ls_rangesdef LIKE LINE OF lt_rangesdef.
  ls_rangesdef-row = uv_row.
  ls_rangesdef-column = uv_column .
  ls_rangesdef-rows = 1.
  ls_rangesdef-columns = 1.
  APPEND ls_rangesdef TO lt_rangesdef.
  CALL METHOD go_excel_iface->get_ranges_data
      rangesdef = lt_rangesdef[]
      contents  = lt_contents[]
      error     = go_error
      ranges    = lt_ranges[].
  cv_value = space.
  READ TABLE lt_contents INTO ls_contents INDEX 1.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    cv_value = ls_contents-value.
ENDFORM.                    "get_cell
*&      Form  insert_table
     -->COLUMN     text
     -->ROW        text
     -->CT_DATA    text
     -->ANY        text
FORM insert_table USING column TYPE i
                        row TYPE i
                  CHANGING ct_data TYPE table any.
  CHECK NOT go_document_proxy IS INITIAL.
  CHECK NOT go_excel_iface IS INITIAL.
  CALL METHOD go_excel_iface->insert_range_dim
      name     = 'Table'
      top      = row
      left     = column
      rows     = 1
      columns  = 1
      no_flush = 'X'
      error    = go_error.
  DATA: lt_fields_table TYPE soi_fields_table.
      data   = ct_data[]
      fields = lt_fields_table.
      data_table   = ct_data[]
      fields_table = lt_fields_table[]
      rangename    = 'Table'
      no_flush     = 'X'
      wholetable   = 'X'
      error        = go_error
ENDFORM.                    "insert_table=

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              <xsl:copy-of select="$msg/io/row[*]/col[3]/text()"></xsl:copy-of>

    you were right, you may not specify the extension of a file.
    Another thing i detected is that the loop of my data start with the index 1 instead of 0 !!!
    In this scenario, i have to read all the lines of the file and each time i should do a SQL-query,
    so that i can use the result to build my sales document.
    Do you know if it this is possible or have you any idea how to do this ?

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    This is the forum to discuss questions and feedback for Microsoft Office, I'll move your question to the SharePoint 2013 development forum
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Edward,
    Thanks once again
    I have only changed excel file path and after that this is saved as below , i am not sure which three lines should be together in one line. Please advise.
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    $WorkSheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
    $WorkSheet.Activate() | Out-Null
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       If ($worksheet.cells.item($i,1).value2 -eq $worksheet.cells.item($i,2).value2) {
          $worksheet.cells.item($i,3).value2 = $worksheet.cells.item($i,1).value2
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    rewards assured.
    Swarnali Basu

    hi naresh
    i think there is some miscommunication in case of my question,my requirement is to add a logo in excel sheet from application server,i mean when the user clicks to download the excel sheet the logo should immediately appear in the excel sheet,and it is not a fixed logo it can be anything which appears in applicaton server(on that program).
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    Hi Mike,
    Welcome you to the forum.
    You may try:
    SELECT * FROM MyDBNameHere.dbo.OUSR T0

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    You can write the file into Application server.
      LOOP AT it_itab INTO wa_itab.
        TRANSFER wa_itab TO dataset.
      CLOSE DATASET dataset
    use CG3Y transaction to download file from app server to presentation server.

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    Checkout this link:
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Ruckersville, VA

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    Thanks & Regards

    Hii Puneet K & nyc,
    Thanks a lot for ur links guys... am already done ...will upload the working code shortly...and am facing some other problem now...when I execute the program in LV 11.0 version its working fine, but when I try to run the same code in LV10.0 (32 bit machine) its showing this error
    "Error -2146827284 occurred at Exception occured in Microsoft Office Excel: Excel cannot insert the sheets into the destination workbook, because it contains fewer rows and columns than the source workbook. To move or copy the data to the destination workbook, you can select the data, and then use the Copy and Paste commands to insert it into the sheets of another workbook.Help Path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\1033\XLMAIN11.CHM and context 0 in
    This error code is undefined. Undefined errors might occur for a number of reasons. For example, no one has provided a description for the code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.
    Additionally, undefined error codes might occur because the error relates to a third-party object, such as the operating system or ActiveX. For these third-party errors, you might be able to obtain a description of the error by searching the Web for the error code (-2146827284) or for its hexadecimal representation (0x800A03EC)."
    If you guys know the solution please let me knoe...thanks in advance..
    Thanks & Regards

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    Hi ALL,
    Is it possible to read the excel sheet from the out side of the oracle server.
    If it possible please send me the sample code.

    Duplicate thread.
    Reading excel  sheet from local system though sql developer
    Also a FAQ
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ

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    We have a new Imac OS X Version 10.7.4 and we also have an Ipad 2 OS X Version 5.1.1
    I have an Iphone 4S.
    My question is can I put a Word Excel sheet from my main computer onto my Ipad and Iphone and update them when away from home.
    I would then want to sync the updated work back onto the main computer when i return home.
    Is that possible ?
    Many thanks

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    You can upload some types of Excel spreadsheets to the cloud using the iWork feature on the website, by dragging and dropping from your computer desktop.
    Once in the cloud, the document will be converted to a numbers document when opened on an iOS device, where you can make changes and save the document back to the cloud. When you come to require the document on your computer again, you will be able to download it from the website in one of three formats (numbers, Excel, PDF).

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    For writing data to app server from internal table:
    Checkout this wiki for sending XL in mail attachment:

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    Frank gave you the exact answer to your question. 
    However, I would like to ask if you are indeed asking the right question.  Do you really want different libraries?  The implications are that you have to "switch" libraries to see what's in the others, and so that your searches don't work across all of your pictures?  If so, then you asked the right question.  If not, you may be more interested in relocating your masters to multiple hard drives so your library gets smaller, instead of breaking up the library.

  • Can you edit a person from one photo and add them to another photo?

    Can you edit a person out of one photo and add them to another photo?  Like if you need the head shot from one photo to replace closed eyes in the other photo?  Thanks.

    Thank you very much!  Does this require software to be purchased?  I'm new to Photoshop. 
    From: Bill Hunt <[email protected]>
    To: Kittie Gugenheim <[email protected]>
    Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 11:46 AM
    Subject: Re: Can you edit a person from one photo and add them to another photo?
    Welcome to the forum.
    Yes, this is done often. You will need to create a Mask of that person, to separate them from the background of the original Image.
    I like to do this with a Layer Mask, as it offers control, and really does not alter the Image, so you can go back and make changes.
    Let's say that you have Image 01 w/ the head of your subject, and want to place it into Image 02. In Image 01, make a rough Selection. I would include a bit of extra background, as we will take care of that in a moment. With that Selection active, Copy the head shot. Go to Image 02, and Paste it. It will Paste in its own Layer. Ctrl+T (Free Transform) can be used to Scale and also position that Layer with the head. Once you have that Scaled and positioned about where you want it, create a Layer Mask. In QuickMask Mode, just paint in the additional Mask to remove all traces of the background that came in with the head shot. As you can paint OUT, and also paint IN the Mask, you can work on this, as many times as you wish - even next year.
    For getting that Layer Mask looking good, work slowly, also see this
    I've got another tutorial, that addresses the hair area, and will post that, when I find my bookmark.
    Good luck,

Maybe you are looking for