Needs a solution for loading Crystal Report

I have already desiged & loaded crystal reports through SAP B1 Main Menu.
But I need help (Code in C#.Net) for loading a crystal report template(already created) for a System form (eg; A/R Invoice) immediately after the form load by a menu click(means through UI interface)
and report generated by identifying the Forms Document Number.

See  this following link
Billa 2007

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    Thanks & Regards,

    There are no BI / CR APIs that would do this for you. The way I see it, you'll have to have your own print button and populate it with the correct printer information for each user as they request the report. Of course, alternatively, use the viewer printer button and get the users to choose the correct printer.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
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    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
    using WGS.Reports.Reports;
    using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
    using WGS.Reports.Forms;
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    ReportClass _report;
    ParameterFields paramFields;
    ConnectionInfo connectionInfo; // <- I added this
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    public void DisplayReport(string reportName, int allocationNo)
    if (reportName.ToLower() == "allocationexceptions")
    this._report = new AllocationExceptions();
    PrepareConnection(); // <- I added this
    private void PrepareConnection() // <- I added this
    //test - these will come from the config.xml file
    this.connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
    this.connectionInfo.ServerName = "testserv\\test";
    this.connectionInfo.DatabaseName = "testdb";
    this.connectionInfo.UserID = "testuser";
    this.connectionInfo.Password = "test";
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    this.paramFields = new ParameterFields();
    ParameterField paramField = new ParameterField { ParameterFieldName = "@AllocationNo" };
    ParameterDiscreteValue discreteVal = new ParameterDiscreteValue { Value = allocationNo };
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    frmReportViewer showReport = new frmReportViewer();
    showReport.ReportViewer.ReportSource = this._report;
    showReport.ReportViewer.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields;
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Hi Garry,
    Please post SAP Crystal Reports questions in their own forums here:
    SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio
    We don't provide support for this control now. Thanks for your understanding.
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  • Hi, need help, displaying text in crystal report

    Post Author: decentsimple
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    CR8.5 help, displaying included or not included  i
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    you can always use an array if there's no pattern to your positions:
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    import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest(""));
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
    function loadComplete(e:Event):void {
    function processData(data:String):void {
        var tweets:Array = JSON.decode(data) as Array;
    for(var i:int=0;i<5;i++){
    var tf:TextField=new TextField();
    tf.text =   tweets[i].text;

  • Needed  sample program for emailing the report output

    hi all,
    neede sample program for emailing the report output

    Please refer this program for sending e-mail with attachment.
    *&      Form  print
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM print .
      DATA:  wa_output_options     TYPE ssfcompop,
             wa_control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
             t_otfdata             TYPE ssfcrescl,
             t_pdf_tab             TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: w_filesize TYPE i.
      DATA: w_bin_filesize TYPE i.
      i_tline TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE,
      v_form_name TYPE rs38l_fnam,
      v_len_in LIKE sood-objlen,
      w_return TYPE ssfcrescl.
      DATA : l_mean  TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_mean1 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_mean2 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_mean3 TYPE p DECIMALS 4,
             temp    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_header LIKE zmisdisp3-remark,
             disp_d_kwh_mt TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_m_kwh_mt TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_d_mt_mw  TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_m_mt_mw  TYPE zmisdisp5,
             l_bptarget(16) TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_act_d(16)    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_act_c(16)    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_pow_gen      TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_pow_gen_d    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_pow_gen_c    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_no_of_days   TYPE p,
             disp_bptarget  TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_act_d     TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_act_c     TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_d_kwh     TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_c_kwh     TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_d_mw      TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_c_mw      TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_pow_gen_d TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_pow_gen_c TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_pow_gen   TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h1    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h2    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h3    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h4    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_h5    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_o1    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_o2    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_o4    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_ftd_o5    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_***_o1    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_***_o2    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_***_o4    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_***_o5    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_cath_d    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_cath_c    TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_anode_d   TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_anode_c   TYPE zmisdisp5,
             l_rec_con_d_kwh(16) TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_rec_con_c_kwh(16) TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_rec_con_d_mw(16)  TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_rec_con_c_mw(16)  TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             tot_kah      TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             avg_kah      TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             disp_tot_kah TYPE zmisdisp5,
             disp_avg_kah TYPE zmisdisp5,
             v_ftd_h1 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_h2 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_h3 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_h4 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_h5 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_o1 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_o2 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_o4 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_ftd_o5 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_***_o1 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_***_o2 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_***_o4 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             v_***_o5 TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
             l_cdiff1 LIKE imrg-cdiff,
             l_cdiff2 LIKE imrg-cdiff,
             l_cdiff3 LIKE imrg-cdiff,
             l_cdiff4 LIKE imrg-cdiff,
             l_path   LIKE rlgrap-filename,
      DATA :prod_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            keyp_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp2 WITH HEADER LINE,
            keyp_dis1 TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp2 WITH HEADER LINE,
            rmat_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp4 WITH HEADER LINE,
            rcur_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp6 WITH HEADER LINE,
            rhrs_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp4 WITH HEADER LINE,
            brkd_disp TYPE TABLE OF zmisdisp7 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DEFINE fill_kpp.
        clear l_flag.
        loop at it_mic_data where kurztext = &1.
          l_mean1 = it_mic_data-mittelwert.
          l_mean = it_mic_data-mean.
          if l_flag = ' '.
            move : &2                     to keyp_disp-desc,
                   l_mean1                to keyp_disp-ftd.
            if     it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Pb SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_pbshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Cu SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_cushg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Cd SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_cdshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Fe SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_feshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_znshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_disp-avg.
              move   l_mean                 to keyp_disp-avg.
            if     it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'GLI'.
              move 'g/l'                  to keyp_disp-unit.
            elseif it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'PPM'.
              move 'ppm'                  to keyp_disp-unit.
            elseif it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'NO'.
              move 'no'                   to keyp_disp-unit.
              move it_mic_data-masseinhsw to keyp_disp-unit.
            append  keyp_disp.
            clear keyp_disp.
            move 'X' to l_flag.
            move : l_mean1                to keyp_disp-ftd.
            append  keyp_disp.
            clear keyp_disp.
        if sy-subrc is not initial.
          move &2 to keyp_disp-desc.
          append  keyp_disp.
          clear keyp_disp.
      DEFINE fill_kp1.
        clear l_flag.
        loop at it_mic_data where kurztext = &1.
          l_mean1 = it_mic_data-mittelwert.
          l_mean = it_mic_data-mean.
          if l_flag = ' '.
            move : &2                     to keyp_dis1-desc,
                   l_mean1                to keyp_dis1-ftd.
            if     it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Pb SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_pbshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_dis1-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Cu SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_cushg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_dis1-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Cd SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_cdshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_dis1-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Fe SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean2 = v_mean_feshg.
              move   l_mean2                to keyp_dis1-avg.
            elseif it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'.
              l_mean3 = v_mean_znshg.
              move   l_mean3                to keyp_dis1-avg.
              clear  l_mean3.
              l_mean3 = it_mic_data-mittelwert.
              move   l_mean3                to keyp_dis1-ftd.
              move   l_mean                 to keyp_dis1-avg.
            if     it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'GLI'.
              move 'g/l'                  to keyp_dis1-unit.
            elseif it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'PPM'.
              move 'ppm'                  to keyp_dis1-unit.
            elseif it_mic_data-masseinhsw = 'NO'.
              move 'no'                   to keyp_dis1-unit.
              move it_mic_data-masseinhsw to keyp_dis1-unit.
            append  keyp_dis1.
            clear keyp_dis1.
            move 'X' to l_flag.
            if it_mic_data-kurztext = 'Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'.
              clear  l_mean3.
              l_mean3 = it_mic_data-mittelwert.
              move   l_mean3                to keyp_dis1-ftd.
              move : l_mean1                to keyp_dis1-ftd.
            append  keyp_dis1.
            clear keyp_dis1.
        if sy-subrc is not initial.
          move &2 to keyp_dis1-desc.
          append  keyp_dis1.
          clear keyp_dis1.
    ********PLANT HEADER
    ********Production figure
      LOOP AT it_disp1.
        prod_disp-desc        = it_disp1-desc.
        prod_disp-d_plnmg     = it_disp1-d_plnmg.
        prod_disp-d_menge     = it_disp1-d_menge.
        prod_disp-u_plnmg     = it_disp1-u_plnmg.
        prod_disp-u_menge     = it_disp1-u_menge.
        prod_disp-avg         = it_disp1-avg.
        prod_disp-ask_rate    = it_disp1-ask_rate.
        prod_disp-m_plnmg     = it_disp1-m_plnmg.
        prod_disp-y_plnmg     = it_disp1-y_plnmg.
        prod_disp-y_menge     = it_disp1-y_menge.
        prod_disp-y_variance  = it_disp1-y_variance.
        APPEND prod_disp.
    ********Key performance parameters
      MOVE 'ROASTER :' TO keyp_disp-desc.
      APPEND  keyp_disp.
      fill_kpp '% S/S IN 45 DEG'            '  S/S in Calcine'.
      MOVE 'LEACHING :' TO keyp_disp-desc.
      APPEND  keyp_disp.
      fill_kpp '% S/S IN  CAL'              '  S/S in Calcine'.
      fill_kpp '%water soluble Zn'          '  W/S Zn in Jarosite Cake'.
      fill_kpp '%total Zn in HBF'           '  T/Zn in Jarosite cake'.
      fill_kpp 'ZINC IN CT'                 '  Zn in Conditioning tank'.
      fill_kpp 'g/l zn in neutral overflow' '  Zn in Electrolyte Prod (gpl)'.
      fill_kpp 'PPM CU IN PS25'             '  Purified Solution Cu'.
      fill_kpp 'PPM CADMIUM IN PS25'        '  Purified Solution Cd'.
      fill_kpp 'PPM COBALT IN PS25'         '  Purified Solution Co'.
      MOVE 'CELLHOUSE :' TO keyp_disp-desc.
      APPEND  keyp_disp.
      fill_kpp 'g/l zinc in cell feed'      '  Cell Feed Zinc gpl'.
      fill_kpp 'GPL ACID IN CELL FEED'      '  Cell Feed acidity gpl'.
      fill_kpp 'g/l manganese in cell feed' '  Cell Feed Mn gpl'.
      LOOP AT t_imrg_add_disp.
        MOVE:  t_imrg_add_disp-desc    TO keyp_disp-desc,
               t_imrg_add_disp-d_value TO keyp_disp-ftd,
               t_imrg_add_disp-c_value TO temp,
               temp                    TO keyp_disp-avg.
        IF t_imrg_add_disp-units = 'NO'.
          MOVE:  'no'                    TO keyp_disp-unit.
          MOVE:  t_imrg_add_disp-units   TO keyp_disp-unit.
        APPEND keyp_disp.CLEAR keyp_disp.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Pb SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Pb SHG Zinc'.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Cu SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Cu SHG Zinc'.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Cd SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Cd SHG Zinc'.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Fe SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Fe SHG Zinc'.
      fill_kp1 'Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'          '  Ingot Zn SHG Zinc'.
    ********Cellhouse power
      CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS bcd_zerodivide = 1.
        v_m_kwh_mt = v_ind8_m / cathode_recipt.
        v_m_mt_mw  = cathode_recipt / ( v_ind8_m / 24000 ).
      MOVE : v_d_kwh_mt TO disp_d_kwh_mt,
             v_m_kwh_mt TO disp_m_kwh_mt,
             v_d_mt_mw  TO disp_d_mt_mw,
             v_m_mt_mw  TO disp_m_mt_mw.
    ********Raw Material
      LOOP AT it_disp3.
        rmat_disp-desc    = it_disp3-desc.
        rmat_disp-opstk   = it_disp3-opstk.
        rmat_disp-d_recpt = it_disp3-d_recpt.
        rmat_disp-u_recpt = it_disp3-u_recpt.
        rmat_disp-d_cons  = it_disp3-d_cons.
        rmat_disp-u_cons  = it_disp3-u_cons.
        rmat_disp-clstk   = it_disp3-clstk.
        APPEND rmat_disp.
    ********Work in Progress
    ********Finished Goods
    ********power consumption
      l_no_of_days = v_mm_en_dt+6(2).
      CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS bcd_zerodivide = 1.
        l_bptarget   = ( v_bp_nrms_p * v_gross_d ) / l_no_of_days.
        l_act_d      = v_ind6_d + v_ind2_d - ( v_ind3_d + ( v_ind4_d / 2 ) ) - v_ind5_d.
        l_act_c      = v_ind6_m + v_ind2_m - ( v_ind3_m + ( v_ind4_m / 2 ) ) - v_ind5_m.
        l_pow_gen    = ( v_ind2_d / 1000 ) / v_ind7_d.
      l_pow_gen_d  = v_ind2_d / 1000.
      l_pow_gen_c  = v_ind9_m / 1000.
      l_rec_con_d_kwh = v_ind8_d.
      l_rec_con_c_kwh = v_ind8_m.
      l_rec_con_d_mw  = v_ind8_d / 24000.
      l_rec_con_c_mw  = v_ind8_m / ( 24000 * v_days_pased ).
      LOOP AT t_disp_curr.
        rcur_disp-time    = t_disp_curr-time.
        rcur_disp-current = t_disp_curr-current.
        rcur_disp-kah     = t_disp_curr-kah.
        APPEND rcur_disp.
        AT LAST.
          tot_kah = t_disp_curr-kah.
      avg_kah = tot_kah / '24'.
    *********************running hrs
      LOOP AT it_disp6.
        rhrs_disp-desc    = it_disp6-desc.
        rhrs_disp-opstk   = it_disp6-d_runhrs.
        rhrs_disp-d_recpt = it_disp6-m_runhrs.
        APPEND rhrs_disp.
      rhrs_disp-desc    = 'Turbo Generator'.
      rhrs_disp-opstk   = v_turbod.
      rhrs_disp-d_recpt = v_turboc.
      INSERT rhrs_disp INDEX 2.
    **********************BREAK_DOWN & OIL
      CLEAR value.
      LOOP AT itab2.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01G001'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h1 = v_ftd_h1 + value.
          CLEAR value.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01G002'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h2 = v_ftd_h2 + value.
          CLEAR value.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01V003'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h3 = v_ftd_h3 + value.
          CLEAR value.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01V001'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h4 = v_ftd_h4 + value.
          CLEAR value.
        IF itab2-equnr = 'NMZ-EH01V002'.
          PERFORM s_conversion_h.
          v_ftd_h5 = v_ftd_h5 + value.
          CLEAR value.
      LOOP AT t_oil.
        AT END OF ind.
          IF t_oil-ind = 1.
            v_***_o1 = t_oil-cdiff * 1000.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 2.
            v_***_o2 = t_oil-cdiff * 1000.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 3.
            v_***_o4 = t_oil-cdiff * 1000.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 4.
            v_***_o5 = t_oil-cdiff * 1000.
        IF t_oil-idate = p_repdt.
          IF t_oil-ind = 1.
            l_cdiff1 = l_cdiff1 + t_oil-cdiff.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 2.
            l_cdiff2 = l_cdiff2 + t_oil-cdiff.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 3.
            l_cdiff3 = l_cdiff3 + t_oil-cdiff.
          ELSEIF t_oil-ind = 4.
            l_cdiff4 = l_cdiff4 + t_oil-cdiff.
      v_ftd_o1 = l_cdiff1 * 1000.
      v_ftd_o2 = l_cdiff2 * 1000.
      v_ftd_o4 = l_cdiff3 * 1000.
      v_ftd_o5 = l_cdiff4 * 1000.
    *********Breakdown details----3rd page
      LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
            decim = 0
            expon = 0
            input = wa-auszt
            ivalu = 'X'
            flstr = wk_char_auszt.
        CONDENSE wk_char_auszt NO-GAPS.
        wk_flt_auszt = wk_char_auszt.
        wk_flt_auszt = wk_flt_auszt / 3600.
        duration = wk_flt_auszt.
        brkd_disp-eqdesc = wa-eqktx.
        brkd_disp-nodesc = wa-qmtxt.
        brkd_disp-hrs    = duration.
        APPEND brkd_disp.
      MOVE : v_ftd_h1 TO disp_ftd_h1,
             v_ftd_h2 TO disp_ftd_h2,
             v_ftd_h3 TO disp_ftd_h3,
             v_ftd_h4 TO disp_ftd_h4,
             v_ftd_h5 TO disp_ftd_h5,
             v_ftd_o1 TO disp_ftd_o1,
             v_ftd_o2 TO disp_ftd_o2,
             v_ftd_o4 TO disp_ftd_o4,
             v_ftd_o5 TO disp_ftd_o5,
             v_***_o1 TO disp_***_o1,
             v_***_o2 TO disp_***_o2,
             v_***_o4 TO disp_***_o4,
             v_***_o5 TO disp_***_o5,
             l_bptarget      TO disp_bptarget,
             l_act_d         TO disp_act_d,
             l_act_c         TO disp_act_c,
             l_rec_con_d_kwh TO disp_d_kwh,
             l_rec_con_c_kwh TO disp_c_kwh,
             l_rec_con_d_mw  TO disp_d_mw,
             l_rec_con_c_mw  TO disp_c_mw,
             tot_kah         TO disp_tot_kah,
             avg_kah         TO disp_avg_kah,
             l_pow_gen       TO disp_pow_gen,
             l_pow_gen_d     TO disp_pow_gen_d,
             l_pow_gen_c     TO disp_pow_gen_c,
             v_cath_d        TO disp_cath_d,
             v_cath_c        TO disp_cath_c,
             v_anode_d       TO disp_anode_d,
             v_anode_c       TO disp_anode_c.
      wa_output_options-tdimmed = 'X'.
      wa_control_parameters-device = 'PRINTER'.
      wa_control_parameters-preview = 'X'.
      IF rb3 = 'X'.
        wa_control_parameters-getotf  = 'X'.
        wa_control_parameters-no_dialog = 'X'.
          formname           = 'ZHZLPP_CLZSN_DAILY_MIS'
          fm_name            = v_form_name
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      CALL FUNCTION v_form_name
          control_parameters         = wa_control_parameters
          output_options             = wa_output_options
          user_settings              = 'X'
          header                     = v_header
          date                       = p_repdt
          l_bptarget                 = disp_bptarget
          l_act_d                    = disp_act_d
          l_act_c                    = disp_act_c
          disp_d_kwh                 = disp_d_kwh
          disp_c_kwh                 = disp_c_kwh
          disp_d_mw                  = disp_d_mw
          disp_c_mw                  = disp_c_mw
          disp_tot_kah               = disp_tot_kah
          disp_avg_kah               = disp_avg_kah
          disp_d_kwh_mt              = disp_d_kwh_mt
          disp_m_kwh_mt              = disp_m_kwh_mt
          disp_d_mt_mw               = disp_d_mt_mw
          disp_m_mt_mw               = disp_m_mt_mw
          disp_pow_gen               = disp_pow_gen
          disp_pow_gen_d             = disp_pow_gen_d
          disp_pow_gen_c             = disp_pow_gen_c
          disp_ftd_h1                = disp_ftd_h1
          disp_ftd_h2                = disp_ftd_h2
          disp_ftd_h3                = disp_ftd_h3
          disp_ftd_h4                = disp_ftd_h4
          disp_ftd_h5                = disp_ftd_h5
          disp_ftd_o1                = disp_ftd_o1
          disp_ftd_o2                = disp_ftd_o2
          disp_ftd_o4                = disp_ftd_o4
          disp_ftd_o5                = disp_ftd_o5
          disp_***_o1                = disp_***_o1
          disp_***_o2                = disp_***_o2
          disp_***_o4                = disp_***_o4
          disp_***_o5                = disp_***_o5
          disp_cath_d                = disp_cath_d
          disp_cath_c                = disp_cath_c
          disp_anode_d               = disp_anode_d
          disp_anode_c               = disp_anode_c
        job_output_info              = w_return           " .    
          prod_tab                   = prod_disp
          keyp_tab                   = keyp_disp
          remk_tab                   = it_remarks
          rmat_tab                   = rmat_disp
          rwip_tab                   = it_disp4
          rfng_tab                   = it_disp_fg
          rcur_tab                   = rcur_disp
          rhrs_tab                   = rhrs_disp
          brkd_tab                   = brkd_disp
          keyp_tab1                  = keyp_dis1
          formatting_error           = 1
          internal_error             = 2
          send_error                 = 3
          user_canceled              = 4
          OTHERS                     = 5
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE 'Error in printing form' TYPE 'I'.
    ********Downloading in pdf format.
      IF rb3 = 'X'.
        IF l_usract <> 9.
          MOVE fullpath TO l_path.
          i_otf[] = w_return-otfdata[].
          CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_OTF'                   "
              format                = 'PDF'
              max_linewidth         = 132
              bin_filesize          = v_len_in
              otf                   = i_otf
              lines                 = i_tline
              err_max_linewidth     = 1
              err_format            = 2
              err_conv_not_possible = 3
              OTHERS                = 4.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              bin_filesize            = v_len_in
              filename                = l_path
              filetype                = 'BIN'
              filelength              = w_filesize
              data_tab                = i_tline
              file_open_error         = 1
              file_write_error        = 2
              invalid_filesize        = 3
              invalid_type            = 4
              no_batch                = 5
              unknown_error           = 6
              invalid_table_width     = 7
              gui_refuse_filetransfer = 8
              customer_error          = 9
              OTHERS                  = 10.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            MESSAGE 'File downloaded successfully' TYPE 'S'.
      IF sy-batch = 'X'.               " SENDING MAILS IF SCHEDULED IN BACKGROUND
        DATA: formname           TYPE tdsfname,
              fm_name            TYPE rs38l_fnam,
              control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
              output_options     TYPE ssfcompop,
              job_output_info    TYPE ssfcrescl,
              otf_data           TYPE tsfotf.
        DATA: otf                TYPE TABLE OF itcoo WITH HEADER LINE,
              doctab_archive     TYPE TABLE OF docs WITH HEADER LINE,
              lines              TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE,
              bin_filesize       TYPE i.
            formname           = 'ZHZLPP_CLZSN_DAILY_MIS'
            fm_name            = v_form_name
            no_form            = 1
            no_function_module = 2
            OTHERS             = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        control_parameters-no_dialog = 'X'.
        control_parameters-getotf    = 'X'.
        CALL FUNCTION v_form_name
            control_parameters = control_parameters
            header             = v_header
            date               = p_repdt
            l_bptarget         = disp_bptarget
            l_act_d            = disp_act_d
            l_act_c            = disp_act_c
            disp_d_kwh         = disp_d_kwh
            disp_c_kwh         = disp_c_kwh
            disp_d_mw          = disp_d_mw
            disp_c_mw          = disp_c_mw
            disp_tot_kah       = disp_tot_kah
            disp_avg_kah       = disp_avg_kah
            disp_d_kwh_mt      = disp_d_kwh_mt
            disp_m_kwh_mt      = disp_m_kwh_mt
            disp_d_mt_mw       = disp_d_mt_mw
            disp_m_mt_mw       = disp_m_mt_mw
            disp_pow_gen       = disp_pow_gen
            disp_pow_gen_d     = disp_pow_gen_d
            disp_pow_gen_c     = disp_pow_gen_c
            disp_ftd_h1        = disp_ftd_h1
            disp_ftd_h2        = disp_ftd_h2
            disp_ftd_h3        = disp_ftd_h3
            disp_ftd_h4        = disp_ftd_h4
            disp_ftd_h5        = disp_ftd_h5
            disp_ftd_o1        = disp_ftd_o1
            disp_ftd_o2        = disp_ftd_o2
            disp_ftd_o4        = disp_ftd_o4
            disp_ftd_o5        = disp_ftd_o5
            disp_***_o1        = disp_***_o1
            disp_***_o2        = disp_***_o2
            disp_***_o4        = disp_***_o4
            disp_***_o5        = disp_***_o5
            disp_cath_d        = disp_cath_d
            disp_cath_c        = disp_cath_c
            disp_anode_d       = disp_anode_d
            disp_anode_c       = disp_anode_c
            job_output_info    = job_output_info
            prod_tab           = prod_disp
            keyp_tab           = keyp_disp
            remk_tab           = it_remarks
            rmat_tab           = rmat_disp
            rwip_tab           = it_disp4
            rfng_tab           = it_disp_fg
            rcur_tab           = rcur_disp
            rhrs_tab           = rhrs_disp
            brkd_tab           = brkd_disp
            keyp_tab1          = keyp_dis1
            formatting_error   = 1
            internal_error     = 2
            send_error         = 3
            user_canceled      = 4
            OTHERS             = 5.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          otf_data = job_output_info-otfdata[].
              bin_filesize           = bin_filesize
              otf                    = otf_data[]
              doctab_archive         = doctab_archive[]
              lines                  = lines[]
              err_conv_not_possible  = 1
              err_otf_mc_noendmarker = 2
              OTHERS                 = 3.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            SUBMIT rsconn01 with mode = 'INT' AND RETURN.
    *                                    ----<<distrubution list>>----
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1A' v_header.   " Donot put more than 8 email-ids
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1B' v_header.   " in a distribution list
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1C' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1D' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1E' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1F' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1G' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1H' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1I' v_header.
            PERFORM mail_users TABLES lines USING 'MIS-HY1J' v_header.
    ENDFORM.                    " print
    *&      Form  get_download_path
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM get_download_path .
          window_title      = 'Download as pdf file'
          default_extension = 'pdf'
          fullpath          = fullpath
          user_action       = l_usract.
      IF l_usract = '9'.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_download_path
    *&      Form  mail_users
    *       text
    *      -->P_LINES  text
    *      -->P_2153   text
    *      -->P_V_HEADER  text
    FORM mail_users  TABLES   p_lines STRUCTURE tline
                     USING    p_dist_list
      CONSTANTS: c_raw TYPE so_obj_tp VALUE 'RAW',
                 c_pdf TYPE so_obj_tp VALUE 'PDF',
                 c_255 TYPE i VALUE 255,
                 c_134 TYPE i VALUE 134,
                 c_x   TYPE c VALUE 'X'.
      DATA: document_data LIKE sodocchgi1 ,
            tab_lines     TYPE i,
            contents_txt  TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            contents_bin  TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            packing_list  TYPE TABLE OF sopcklsti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            object_header TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            receivers     TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            l_str(255) ,
            v1 TYPE i,
            v2 TYPE i,
            v3 TYPE i.
      document_data-obj_name  = 'EMAIL'.
      document_data-obj_descr = p_v_header.  " SUBJECT LINE
      CONCATENATE 'Please find the attached SAP generated Daily Production Report for the day'
                  '.' p_repdt+0(4)
             INTO contents_txt.
      APPEND      contents_txt.
      CLEAR       contents_txt.
      APPEND      contents_txt.
      APPEND      contents_txt.
      DESCRIBE TABLE contents_txt LINES tab_lines.
      READ TABLE     contents_txt INDEX tab_lines.
      document_data-doc_size  = ( tab_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( contents_txt ).
      document_data-doc_size  = tab_lines .
      CLEAR packing_list-transf_bin.
      packing_list-head_start = 1.
      packing_list-head_num   = 0.
      packing_list-body_start = 1.
      packing_list-body_num   = tab_lines.
      packing_list-doc_type   = c_raw.
      packing_list-doc_size   = document_data-doc_size.
      APPEND packing_list.
      LOOP AT p_lines.
        CLEAR l_str.
        l_str+0(2)   = p_lines-tdformat.
        l_str+2(132) = p_lines-tdline.
        v2 = v1 + c_134.
        IF v2 LE c_255.
          contents_bin-line+v1(c_134) = l_str. v1 = v2.
          v3 = v2 - c_255.
          v2 = c_255 - v1.
          IF NOT v2 IS INITIAL.
            contents_bin-line+v1(v2) = l_str+0(v2).
          APPEND contents_bin.
          CLEAR  contents_bin.
          v1 = v3.
          v3 = 134 - v1.
          IF NOT v1 IS INITIAL.
            contents_bin-line+0(v1) = l_str+v3(v1).
      APPEND contents_bin.
      CLEAR  contents_bin.
      DESCRIBE TABLE contents_bin LINES tab_lines.
      READ     TABLE contents_bin INDEX tab_lines.
      CONCATENATE 'Hy-I Report'
                  '.' p_repdt+0(4)
             INTO object_header.
      APPEND object_header.
      packing_list-transf_bin = c_x.
      packing_list-head_start = 1.
      packing_list-head_num   = 1.
      packing_list-body_start = 1.
      packing_list-body_num   = tab_lines.
      packing_list-doc_type   = c_pdf.
      packing_list-obj_name   = 'text1'.
      packing_list-obj_descr  = 'Production report'.
      packing_list-doc_size   = tab_lines * 255 + STRLEN( contents_bin ).
      APPEND packing_list.
      receivers-receiver      = p_dist_list.
      receivers-rec_type      = 'C'.
      APPEND receivers.
      CLEAR  receivers.
          document_data              = document_data
          put_in_outbox              = ' '
          SENDER_ADDRESS             = 'CZPPPLG'
          SENDER_ADDRESS_TYPE        = 'B'
          commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = packing_list
          object_header              = object_header
          contents_bin               = contents_bin
          contents_txt               = contents_txt
          receivers                  = receivers
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          OTHERS                     = 8.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        SUBMIT rsconn01 with mode = 'INT' AND RETURN.
    ENDFORM.                    " mail_users

  • Need standrad program for vendor aging report

      Need standrad program for vendor aging report.
    Please reply me only standrad programs.
    Point are sure.

    Hi Pankaj
       sorry to say that this is not my required program.
    I need vendor aging report like s_alr_87012178 tc leads to customer aging report.
    Thanks for your effort.
    points are awarded.

  • One parameter for multiple Crystal reports in Publication

    Does anyone know if it is possible to enter one identical parameter for multiple Crystal reports in publication when scheduling? BOE 3.1 SP3 Windows, Java.
    To elaborate I am creating publication with multiple reports, each report has one parameter and this parameter is identical in every report in publication. So instead of entering this parameter many times I would like to enter once. 
    If yes point me in the right direction to get the how to or post the steps.

    Thank you so much for your answer. It was very helpful. In the end, it didn't work but it helped me figure out what was happening. I use a different form for the reports and I had it coded in the form which report to use. I created a second form for the second crystal and then I used an if statement to choose the form and it worked like a charm.
    Thanks so much again!

  • Load time issue for the Crystal Reports

    Hello All
    My reports take painstakingly longer time to load and display due to the number of records it has to display (~10000 records)
    Currently i use the loop approach to provide the logon info for all the reports/subreports. This is the place where i presume it is taking time.
                     crTables = crReportDocument.Database.Tables
                    ' Loop through each table in the report
                    For Each crTable In crTables
                        crLogOnInfo = crTable.LogOnInfo
                        ' Set the connection information for the table in the report.
                        crLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = DB_SERVER_NAME
                        crLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = DB_NAME
                        crLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = DB_USER
                        crLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = DB_PASSWORD
                        Log("set login info to main table " & crTable.Name & " location " & crTable.Location)
    Can i use the following approach instead to provide the same functionality to avoid such nasty loops??
    crReportDocument.DataSourceConnections[0].SetConnection(DB_SERVER_NAME, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Srivatsa Haridas on Nov 10, 2008 11:02 AM

    You need the "loop part" - at least I'd be way more comfortable if you use it. From my experience, you have a more robust app when you loop through the tables.
    reason I asked about subreports; if a subreport is inthe detail section and you have a 1000 records in the detail, and the subreport runs per record, you are essentially running 1000 + 1 reports. Obviously this will take a significant amount of time. As it is even 10 to 15 subreports is quite significant as you are running the subreports plus the main report... Possibly the best way for you to compare the speed is not run the report in a CR designer.(e.g.; what I am asking is; OK, the report is slow. Compared to what?) As you are using CR 10.2, I'd recommend downloading an eval of either CR XI r2 or CR 2008 and see how the reports perform there. If the performance in the designer is slow, it will not get any faster at runtime.
    The evals can be downloaded from here:
    Also will the below line work for my subreports too ?
    crReportDocument.DataSourceConnections(0).SetConnection(DB_SERVER_NAME, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD)
    - it will, as long as the subreports are using the same connection type as your main report. However I really would not get hung up on loop v.s. no loop. As a matter of fact, this subreport database logon uses loop s as well and it is the recommended way of connecting the subreports:
    'Log on subreport
    crSubreportDocument = crReportDocument.OpenSubreport("Ron")
    crConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo
    With crConnectionInfo
    .ServerName = "Rcon1"
    .DatabaseName = "Northwind"
    .UserID = "tech"
    .Password = "tech"
    End With
    crDatabase = crSubreportDocument.Database
    crTables = crDatabase.Tables
    For Each crTable In crTables
    crTableLogOnInfo = crTable.LogOnInfo
    crTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo

  • Buffer too small for string - Crystal Report for Vs2010

        I have recently upgrade my VS2010 project to Crystal Report for Visual Studion 2010.
        I have some reports that contains more than 512 characters in the Report Comments section.
        When I try to do a RptDoc.SaveAs(vPath, false) the following error is raised:
    Buffer too small for string or missing null byte.
          at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ReportClientDocumentClass.SaveAs in :line 0
          at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.SaveAs in :line 0
          at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.SaveAs in :line 0
        This line SaveAs was working has expected with Crystal Report 2008. Any idea on why it is not working anymore.
    Thank you.

    Hello Don,
        I have start a little project to retest the behavior.
       I have create a new report in Crystal Report 2008 just by clicking New, Finish and Save.
       In a new Windows Application in Vs2010 ,I have added the following Crystal Report Reference.
        CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=13.0.2000.0
       CrystalDecisions.Shared, Version=13.0.2000.0
    I have then try the following code and found out the limit of ReportComment is 511 but in the Crystal Report 2008 designer and runtime the limit did not apply.
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
          Dim objRpt As New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument()
          Dim i As Integer = 0
             objRpt.Load("c:\temp\empty.rpt", CrystalDecisions.Shared.OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByTempCopy)
                i += 1
                objRpt.SummaryInfo.ReportComments = New String("X", i)
             objRpt.SaveAs("c:\temp\dfh_save.rpt", False)
          Catch ex As Exception
             MsgBox("i: " & i)
          End Try
    End Sub
         I am able to put has many characters if I insert the report in the Vs2010 Solution.
         If you prefer I can send you my little project.
    Thank you.
    <code> should be
    Edited by: Don Williams on Feb 4, 2011 12:47 PM

  • Error while trying to load Crystal report via Windows service

    I am trying to generate PDF file using crystal reports. I have developed a console application which works absolutely fine, however when I converted the code to work as windows service (wcf hosted in Windows service), this below error I see from stack trace:
    Load report failed.
    at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.EnsureDocumentIsOpened()
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Load(String filename, OpenReportMethod openMethod, Int16 parentJob)
    at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.Load(String filename)
    at AtDataWindowsService.GetData.generatePDF(DataTable dt)
    The code used is:
    CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType exportFormat;
    ReportDocument reportObj = new ReportDocument();
    exportFormat = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
    //Load the Crystal Report
    What might be going wrong here?

    Thank you for your post.
    Based on your description, I am afraid that the issue is out of support of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses
    WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    I suggest that you can consult your issue directly on SAP Crystal Reports:[thread]
      for better solution and support.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Error while loading Crystal report

    I have encountered an error while opening a crystal report 2008, I am using VB.NET 2005 with Business One. When I am running the source code it works fine. With ARD I am getting problem "Crystal report can not open". What should be the solution for that? I made ARD with all the required reports and added all DLL required for it.. Is it required to add any crystal report reference when creating ARD?

    Are you checking the Addon in the Client or in the Working Machine....?
    if it is client Machine install the Crystal Runtime and Check it out....
    With Regards,

  • Loading Crystal Report 2010 Error

    When I try to install C# application that I created at the client's workstation, i am getting an error about not getting my report loaded. The application loads the report working in my development workstation, but when i installed in the other workstation, then it will not load the report. I have installed Visual Studio 2010 with CR 2010. I had created the reports with Crystal Report 2008, and want to migrate to VS2010.
    Here's what I get from the client's workstation:
    Method 'get_ReportRequestStatus' in type 'CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper' from assembly 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=14.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' does not have an implementation.
    I have all my CR *.dll referrenced to the latest one, but I am not sure if I am using the right *.dll.
    Thanks for any input on this. It'll be greatly appreciate it.

    Correct, you are using the beta version of the runtime.
    Search here on how to remove version 14 and use the RTM release version 13.
    Thank you

  • Issue while loading crystal Report.

    Hi ,
    Crystal report is getting loaded properly in the VS Viewer for Crystal report when we preview the report but when the same report is being loaded through application then following errors are being displayed:
    1) "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." -  - In the debug mode
    2) "Load Report failed." - In the release mode.
    The issue is not getting reproduced when we are viewing report directly in the VS-2012. Also there is no exception being raised in the code.
    Crystal report version : VS13_0_5

    You are using Service Pack 5, current SP is 9. I'd recommend updating your install to that - not that the error has anything to do with the SP, but you always want to be as up to date as possible(?).
    If you Google "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.", you will get a lot of help. Usually the error is a programming issue.
    Your best bet is to look at a few samples here:
    Crystal Reports for .NET SDK Samples - Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects) - SCN Wiki
    Developer Help files are here:
    SAP Crystal Reports .NET SDK Developer Guide
    SAP Crystal Reports .NET API Guide
    I'd also suggest reviewing the document Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 Walkthroughs. No worries about the reference to VS 2005. Pretty well everything in that document applies to all subsequent versions of .NET and CR.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • How to get the list of parameter and set them using RESTFul WS for a Crystal Report

    Hi All,
    I am able to schedule a Crystal report using following POST Restful call - http://localhost:6405/biprws/infostore/4738/scheduleForms/now and with a request xml body. But report is failing because I am not passing the parameter.
    But I need pass parameters/prompts to the Crystal report to execute successfully.
    What is the request XML to pass the parameter  for the report?
    I was able to do this for WEBI reports but I am not able to find any way to do this for Crystal reports?
    Any help on this matter is really appreciated.

    Hi Venki
    Please have a look at:
    How to pass parameters and generate the report using RESTful API in
    This is also described in the Developer Help files:
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Support for older Crystal Reports .rpt files in BOE XI 3.1

    Does anyone know how far back you can go with Crystal Reports objects in BOE XI 3.1? In other words, what's the oldest version of Crystal .rpts that are supported in BOE XI 3.1? Can you run Crystal Reports 9 .rpt files? I'm trying to keep from having to update around 4-5 thousand older .rpts files for an upgrade to BOE XI 3.1.
    If we have to do a mass upgrade to CR 2008, what's the best way to do that?
    Edited by: Michael Garrett on Aug 23, 2011 4:46 PM

    from an upgrade perspective you can upgrade from CE9 to XI 3.1. Check
    (S-User needed)
    Do you have a running CE9 installation? If yes i would recommend upgrading this to XI 3.1 as described in the Guide. Or have you these "4-5 thousand" CR9 documents local on a file location?

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