NIO issue - writing to sockets from 2 threads

Hi All,
I have some questions regarding a NIO-server i'm developing. I have read many posts relating this issue, but still...
I have one thread that does the and read & write to the sockets
I have another thread that uses the same Selector and changes the interestOp to OP_WRITE (then wakes up the Selector).
I have a Connection (attachment) that i use to hold the inputBuffer and outputBuffer to handle remainings.
I've read a post in which some ppl wrote the stages of using th OP_WRITE and it was suggested that only when i wanna write i'll add the OP_WRITE and exclude it in the isWritable() - so i'm doing that.
My questions are:
1. Is it safe to change the interestOp on a key from another thread?
2. What happens if the select() is in process?
3. Are there any other problems with my implementation?
4. What other way i have to write to a socket from 2 different threads (withough putting a lock on the socket)?

Reset your thinking a bit. You should only register for OP_WRITE when you have just executed a 'short write', i.e. a return value > 0 but < the length you asked to write, and you should deregister OP_WRITE any time you execute a 'complete write', i.e. a write which writes everything you asked for. At all other times you should just write and handle your own syncrhonization. The reason is that socket channels are almost always writable except under the condition described so you will just be returning early from select() for nothing.

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    if (CoreApplication::Properties->HasKey("client"))
    // Remove the socket from the list of application properties as we are about to close it.
    StreamSocket^ socket = dynamic_cast<StreamSocket^>(CoreApplication::Properties->Lookup("client"));
    // Close the socket.
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    I don't think you have to delete it. Just set it to nullptr, it will self destruct by itself due to ref counting.

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    I have a main program which creates a thread.Why not create a thread once the object has been read.
    The thread would take some time to process this
    object before it accepts another object to be passed
    in from the main program.Threads are used for concurrent execution. If you don't want concurrent execution, don't use additional threads. Have the main program do the reading and execution and then it cannot read another object until it has finished executing the previous one.
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    s = new Socket("localhost", 2001);
    will produce a socket connection
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    server = new ServerSocket(2001);
    ois = new ObjectInputStream(server.accept().getInputStream());I would suggest putting the Socket created by server.accept() into a variable. Otherwise you will not be able to reply to the request, nor will you be able to close() the connection.
    How can I workaround this issue. Hope somebody can help. Thanks.You don't need a workaround, you need to fix the logic of your application.

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    I managed to solve this - finally!
    This is what was the cause in our case - should apply to all situations though.
    We had the Xerces classes packaged in a custom jar file along with other XML stuff we have. And this mega-jar was on the class path.
    We were running everything on Java 1.3 and it worked fine.
    But Java 1.4 wrecked all havoc.
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    2. The class was successfully loaded indicating that it was on the class path somewhere.
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    4. We have another point in the code base where the exact same lines were used, and these are getting successfully executed even in the multi threaded situation - this is the start up sequence.
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    //now get the system class loader and set it as the context class loader on the current thread
    //get things from the Thread class
    jclass thread = get the thread class
    jmethod currentThread = get the static method currentThread()
    jobject thread_object = get the current thread object into this
    jmethod setContextClassLoader = get the setContextClassLoader() method on the thread
    //get the SystemClassLoader
    jclass clsLoader = get the class for ClassLoader
    jmethodid getSysClsLoader = get the method ID for the getSystemClassLoader() method
    jobect sysClsLoader = get the system class loader by calling the above method
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  • NIO: issues with the IO part

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    Selector selector =;
    // Open a listener on each port, and register each one
    // with the selector
    ServerSocketChannel serverSocket =;
    serverSocket.configureBlocking( false );
    ServerSocket ss = serverSocket.socket();
    InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress( port );
    ss.bind( address );
    SelectionKey Acceptkey = serverSocket.register( selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT );
    while (true) {
    int num =;
    Set selectedKeys = selector.selectedKeys();
    Iterator it = selectedKeys.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
    SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
    if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT)
    == SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) {
    // Accept the new connection
    ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel);
    SocketChannel sc = ssc.accept();
    sc.configureBlocking( false );
    // Add the new connection to the selector
    SelectionKey newKey = sc.register( selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
    System.out.println( "Got connection from "+sc );
    } else if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ)
    == SelectionKey.OP_READ) {
    // Read the data
    SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel);
    // Echo data
    in.clear(); in ); // <--------------------- this is where it stops
    char command = in.getChar();
    if (command == 'l')
    CharBuffer cb = in.asCharBuffer();
    String Username = getString(cb);
    String Password = getString(cb);
    System.out.println("Login Attempt: User: " + Username + " Pass: " + Password);
    for the client side i have tried almost every thing. I had similar trouble when I used Streams originaly, but the problem was that I had forgotten to flush the stream. I have tried using streams to communicate with the channel, or even getting the socket from the client socketchannel and then fluching its outputstream. and neither worked, even though I saw this in a tutorial somewhere online.
    Alas, I am completely out of ideas and extremely frustrated at the days of time lost on this upgrade that would have made for better performance had it actually performed. I you can think of what kind of client side code woul dbe necessaryto make this work, please let me know. I have tried simply making a channel, connecting it, filling a buffer (which works), and doing clientChannel.write(buf). No, this odes not work. EVERY tutorial says this is how to do it, but I'm special some how.
    HELP ME!!!

    Never release your socketChannel reference(s) unless it/they has/have been fully qualified
    by socketChannel.isRegistered();
    Otherwise you can wipe out your iterator by having the references garbage collected
    before they have actually been freed.
    In the event of an exception on the channel, before releasing the reference
    call socketChannel.isRegistered(). It may take some time to qualify and thus
    I make a list of channels that have had exceptions such as the user disconnecting
    and poll socketChannel.isRegistered() every so often untill it qualifies,
    Then and only then release the reference to the channel.
    I went even one further.. I interleave the OP_READ and OP_WRITES in different
    properly synchronized Threads, and never combine the options on the same Selector
    at the same time. Further always using a timeout on my selector ensures
    it won't race for(;;) and or get saturated.
    I ran my NIO server for 6+ months straight no problems and have tested it to 7200+ concurrent connections. Actually I am almost at the point where other people can use it via an easy interface.
    Hmm if I could just find time to finish between my job and woman :)
    I am going to work onit as much as I can this weekend and I am making it totally
    configurable and usable from an easy GUI.
    Anyway, check where you remove your channel references
    Hope this helps.

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    How can we do that without any data contamination.
    Can u please provide coding for this type of task.
    Thanks in advance.

    Assuming you are using RandomAccessFile, you can use the locking functionality in the Java NIO library to lock sections of a file that you are reading/writing from each thread (or process).
    If you can't use NIO, and all your threads are in the same application, you can create your own in-process locking mechanism that each thread uses prior to accessing the file. That would take some development, and the OS already has the capability, so using NIO is the best way to go if you can use JDK 1.4 or higher.
    - K
    I need to read from and write into a same file
    multiple threads.
    How can we do that without any data contamination.
    Can u please provide coding for this type of task.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Sharing socket object between threads - Is any sync required?

    For example, a thread receives (listens) datagram packets at incoming socket and forwards them downstream through another datagram socket. Another thread listens packets at this second socket and forwards the data via the first socket. It is possible that two threads invoke methods of the same socket (one is receiveng while another is sending). This situation is not described in the DatagramSocket manual. I beleive there is underlying synchronization at the OS kernel level. Can I relay on it? Thanks.

    I expected some critics for using old plain sockets instead of nio :)You should use NIO if you have hundreds of connections. If you have a small number of connections and want a simple implementation use blocking IO as you have.
    If you can have different
    threads reading or writing at once eg two readingor
    two writing then you need to use synchronisation.Shouldn't this be stated by the API designers somewhere?It is probibly covered in a tutorial or example somewhere.
    You have a different input and output stream. There is a lock on each. This is your best hint.
    Theoretically, nothing prohibits sending UDP packets in race conditions.
    In fact, this is what my program
    does - it respondes to different clients using one
    (server) datagram socket. The responses are produced
    by multiple threads. I suppose that java does not
    involve any state variables; thus, beleive that the
    system can accomplish the synchronisation unnecesary
    at the application level.That depends on how you build and send your messages. If each part of the message can be sent in one hit and the order does not matter you are fine.
    If you have a single object shared between threads, then all members are shared, not just static variables.

  • Server socket programming and thread

    briefly this is what i have sought out to do : the server waits for the client indefinitely,upon a client requesting for service by writing a service id into the socket, a new thread of the type id as read by the server which is a sub-class of the Server (main-class) is exec'd.
    the problem as i understand is that the client can send as much of data as it desires to the server and the thread can read the data it receives by the clients.the server(thread) fails to write reply to the client;eventhough out.write() is successful;the client is blocked in read() it because of the thread which runs at a different port the client does not know and the server is not redirecting response to the client.
    how do i read what the server(thread) writes onto the socket from the clients.

    thanks again,just check out this code please
    public class Server extends Thread //create a multi-threaded server
        /* *Creates a new instance of Server  */
        String                           serverAddr=CodeServer.ServerRun.SERVER_IP_ADDR;
        int                              serverPortNum=CodeServer.ServerRun.SERVER_TCP_PORT;   
        ServerSocket                     sSock;
        Socket                           cSocket;
        int                              requestID=0;
        boolean                          debug=true;  
        InputStream                      in =null;
        OutputStream                     out=null;
        Server ()
        Server (Socket csocket)
            this.cSocket = csocket;
        /* start the server at specifed portNum */
        private void initialise ()
                //start the server at serverPortNum
                sSock=new ServerSocket (serverPortNum);
            catch (IOException ex)
                ex.printStackTrace ();
            /* console output of status of server */
                System.out.println ("Server waiting @ "+sSock);
        private void acceptRequest ()
                this.cSocket=sSock.accept ();
                    System.out.println ("client socket @ "+cSocket);
            catch (IOException ex)
                ex.printStackTrace ();
        private void readRequestID ()
            /*step 1: determine the type of server before threading
             *a request the the type of server got by the request ID
             * number */       
                in        =cSocket.getInputStream ();
                requestID ();
                out       =cSocket.getOutputStream ();
                    System.out.println ("accross the client:"+requestID);
            catch (IOException ex)
                ex.printStackTrace ();
        private void execThreadForRequest ()
            /*step 2: after requestID is received on the socket.
             *its time to decide the server to thread the control into.
                case 1: //invoke the RegisterServer thread
                    new CodeServer.Core.RegistrationServer (this.cSocket).start ();
                case 2: //invoke the ListingServer thread
                case 3: //invoke the MessageTransferServer thread
                case 4: //invoke the CallSetupServer thread
                case 5: //invoke the DisconnectServer thread
                case 6: //invoke the ChangeUserStatusServer thread
        public void run ()
            // client processing code here==super class does nothing here
        public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception
            Server s=new Server ();
            s.initialise ();
            /* start indefinitely the main server thread */
            while (true)
               /* accept() blocks the server for a request
                  a new request is put into a thread for processing */
                s.acceptRequest (); //initialise the clientSocket
                s.readRequestID (); //get the actual requested service
                s.execThreadForRequest (); //start the actual server thread
    /**registration service class;
    *registers the IP address of the caller,callee and the status
    *adds the caller to the hash table and updates status
    class RegistrationServer extends Server
        Socket              cSocket;
        InetAddress         clientAddr;
        DataInputStream     inStream;
        DataOutputStream    outStream;
        //Socket s=new Socket()
        RegistrationServer (Socket cSocket)
            clientAddr =cSocket.getInetAddress ();
                //init for reading status and custom message.
                inStream     =new DataInputStream (cSocket.getInputStream ());
                outStream    =new DataOutputStream (cSocket.getOutputStream ());
            catch (IOException ex)
                ex.printStackTrace ();
                System.out.println ("register server:"+cSocket
                                   +" host ip:"+clientAddr.getHostName ());
        public void run ()
            int    status=0;
            String custMesg=null;
                /* read the custom message */
                if(inStream.available ()>0)
                        custMesg=inStream.readUTF ();
                        System.out.println (""+custMesg);
                    catch(EOFException e)
                        e.printStackTrace ();
            catch (IOException ex)
                ex.printStackTrace ();
                           here is the problem, i found if i try reading accross the client             
                           i only receive a junk value 81 always */
                       outStream.write(1); //write success
                catch (IOException ex)
                    ex.printStackTrace ();
    }and with the client GUI :thanks for the help.please do find time to help me out with a suggestion or two on this code.

  • Goods Issue against outbound delivery from blocked stock

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    I want to do goods issue against outbound delivery created without any reference from blocked stock of my storage location. Is there any way I can achieve this? I know normally SAP allows goods issue from unrestricted stock but my business scenario requires goods issue to be done from blocked stock against outbound delivery.
    Please let me know any solution for this.
    Thanks and Regards
    Satish Kumar

    Check this link where similar issue has discussed and its resolved as well. Please try this and update the findings. If possible could you share the background of this strange requirement.

  • Can i write to a DatagramChannel from 2 threads?

    Without using a Selector - i wanna give one thread an option to read from the channel and right after that - to write, and give another thread that receives the channel as parameter
    the option to write whenever it needs (a condition i'm using).
    The API says "Datagram channels are safe for use by multiple concurrent threads. They support concurrent reading and writing, though at most one thread may be reading and at
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  • How to refresh a JTable of a class from another thread class?

    there is an application, in server side ,there are four classes, one is a class called face class that create an JInternalFrame and on it screen a JTable, another is a class the a thread ,which accept socket from client, when it accept the client socket, it deal the data and insert into db,then notify the face class to refresh the JTable,but in the thread class I used JTable's revalidate() and updateUI() method, the JTable does not refresh ,how should i do, pls give me help ,thank you very much
    1,first file is a class that create a JInternalFrame,and on it there is a table
    public class OutFace{
    public JInternalFrame createOutFace(){
    JInternalFrame jf = new JInternalFram();
    TableModel tm = new MyTableModel();
    JTable jt = new JTable(tm);
    JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane();
    return jf;
    2,the second file is the main face ,there is a button,when press the button,screen the JInternalFrame. there is also a thread is beggining started .
    public class MainFace extends JFrame implements ActionListener,Runnable{
    JButton jb = new JButton("create JInternalFrame");
    JFrame fram = new JFrame();
    public void performance(ActionEvent e){
    JInternalFrame jif = new OutFace().createOutFace(); frame.getContentPane().add(JInternalFrame,BorderLayout.CENTER);
    public static void main(String[] args){
    ServerSokct ss = new ServerSocket(10000);
    Socket skt = ss.accept()'
    new ServerThread(skt).start();
    3.the third file is a thread class, there is a serversoket ,and accept the client side data,and want to refresh the JTable of the JInternalFrame
    public class ServerThread extends Thread{
    private skt;
    public ServerThread(Sokcet skt){
    this.skt = skt;
    public void run(){
    OutputObjectStream oos = null;
    InputObjectStream ios = null;
    Boolean flag = flag;
    //here i want to refresh the JTable,how to write??
    4.second is the TableModel
    public class MyTableModel{
    public TableModel createTableModel(){
    String[][] data = getData();
    TableModel tm = AbstractTableModel(
    return tm;
    public String[][] getData(){

    Use the "code" formatting tags when posting code.
    Read this article on [url]Creating a Simple Demo Program before posting any more code.
    Here is an example that updates a table from another thread:

  • Anybody having problems in Mail when sending reply messages from a thread and the message is not showing in the Sent mailbox?

    Hello Folks;
    Got a weird one...
    I am sending replies from a thread in Mail and they seem to have been sent (sounds) but they don't show in the Sent mailbox... O-0 These messages seem to have been delivered to cyberspace as they don't show in my Sent mailbox on my IMAP server... This has been happening for the last month... I have checked and verified all of my IMAP settings and Mailbox behavior settings... This is really weird and maybe a bug.... I checked all of my other clients that have access to the server on the same account and these messages do not show there either.... Any ideas?

    The messages are getting to the recipient...
    I am on a Comcast IMAP server if this has anything to do with it and the server settings are following the correct server port numbers, SSL settings, etc... I save Sent messages on the IMAP server for 90 days.... None of these "disappearing" messages were on the server for more than a couple of days.. Typically, these messages will get 'hung' in the Outgoing Mailbox for @30 seconds before sending... like they are being scanned for viruses or Mail can't connect to the server all of a sudden...
    I anybody else here is on a Comcast IMAP server, and having this problem of disappearing Sent messages... This would tell us that it might be a Mail Provider issue with their outgoing server...

  • Help! how to refresh the JTable of a class from another thread class

    there is an application, in server side ,there are two classes, one is a class called face class that screen a JTable, another is a class the a thread ,which accept socket from client, when it accept the client socket, it deal the data and insert into db,then notify the face class to refresh the JTable,but in the thread class I used JTable's revalidate() and updateUI() method, the JTable does not refresh ,how should i do, pls give me help ,thank you very much

    thank you very much !
    i tried it ,but the TableModel i used like this ,and how to change the TableModel?
    here the files of mine ,pls give me some help,thank you very much
    1,first file is a class that create a JInternalFrame,and on it there is a table
    public class OutFace{
    public JInternalFrame createOutFace(){
    JInternalFrame jf = new JInternalFram();
    TableModel tm = new MyTableModel();
    JTable jt = new JTable(tm);
    JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane();
    return jf;
    2,the second file is the main face ,there is a button,when press the button,screen the JInternalFrame. there is also a thread is beggining started .
    public class MainFace extends JFrame implements ActionListener,Runnable{
    JButton jb = new JButton("create JInternalFrame");
    JFrame fram = new JFrame();
    public void performance(ActionEvent e){
    JInternalFrame jif = new OutFace().createOutFace(); frame.getContentPane().add(JInternalFrame,BorderLayout.CENTER);
    public static void main(String[] args){
    ServerSokct ss = new ServerSocket(10000);
    Socket skt = ss.accept()'
    new ServerThread(skt).start();
    3.the third file is a thread class, there is a serversoket ,and accept the client side data,and want to refresh the JTable of the JInternalFrame
    public class ServerThread extends Thread{
    private skt;
    public ServerThread(Sokcet skt){
    this.skt = skt;
    public void run(){
    OutputObjectStream oos = null;
    InputObjectStream ios = null;
    Boolean flag = flag;
    //here i want to refresh the JTable,how to write?? }
    4.second is the TableModel
    public class MyTableModel{
    public TableModel createTableModel(){
    String[][] data = getData();
    TableModel tm = AbstractTableModel(
    return tm;
    public String[][] getData(){

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    public Text log;  // Text is SWT component
    log = new Text(...);Here is a Thread code:
    ...while((line = br.readLine())!=null) {
         try {
              log.append(line + "\r\n");
         } catch (SWTException swte) {
              ErrorMsg("SWT error: "+swte.getMessage());
    }Error is: org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access
    When I replace log.append(...) with System.out.println(..) it works just fine, so my question is do the log.append(..) the right way.

    This is NOT a Java problem but a SWT specific issue.
    It is listed on the SWT FAQ page
    For more help with this you need to ask your question on a SWT specific forum, there is not a thing in these forums. This advice isn't just about SWT by the way but for all specific API exceptions/problems. You should take those questions to the forum or mailing list for that API. This forum is for general problems and exceptions arising from using the "core" Java libraries.

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