Novice Help with Creating Opportunities Using Web Services 2.0

I recently took over our CRM integration services and was asked to push some data via our custom portal.
We use our portal to automate the creation of new opportunities in our Oracle CRM System.
The code was developed using Web Services 1.0
I was recently asked to add data to the "Parent Opportunity" field upon creation of a new Opportunity. Now I may be mistaken and if I am I will be very pleased, but it seems to me this field isn't available in 1.0
If I am mistaken and there IS a way to push data to the "parent opportunity" field using 1.0 Please completely disregard what I have typed below.
Upon looking at the WSLD for 2.0 I see "ParentoptyID" as an available field.
I took it upon myself to try and move this process over to 2.0 but I have hit a few major stumbling blocks. Here is the working code for 1.0:
Public Function CRMAddFinalShipmentOpportunity2(ByVal Session As Session, ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Type As String, ByVal Priority As String, ByVal Account As String, ByVal DueDate As String, ByVal Status As String, ByVal Description As String, ByVal AnnBudget As String, ByVal oppType As String, ByVal partNumber As String, ByVal currency As String, ByVal Territory As String, ByVal Owner As String, ByVal Opp As String) As String
Dim opportunity As nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.Opportunity = New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.Opportunity
Dim input As New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.OpportunityInsert_Input
Dim results As New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.OpportunityInsert_Output
Dim strPriority As String = "1-High,2-Medium,3-Low"
Dim strType As String = "Call,Correspondence,Email,Event,Final Shipment - Book,Final Shipment - Special,Lead Follow-Up,Meeting,Opportunity Follow-Up,Other,Presentation,Quote Follow-Up,Sample Follow-Up,Service Request Follow-Up"
Dim strStatus As String = "Completed,Deferred,Waiting For Someone Else,In Progress,Not Started,Assigned,In Call"
CRMAddFinalShipmentOpportunity2 = ""
' Validate Data (CRM will validate if owner is valid)
If Owner = "" Then
AddError("Error: Missing Owner")
Exit Function
End If
If Subject = "" Then
AddError("Error: Missing Subject")
Exit Function
End If
If strType.IndexOf(Type) < 0 Then
AddError("Error: Invalid or Missing Type")
Exit Function
End If
If strStatus.IndexOf(Status) < 0 Then
AddError("Error: Invalid or Missing Status")
Exit Function
End If
If strPriority.IndexOf(Priority) < 0 Then
AddError("Error: Invalid or Missing Priority")
Exit Function
End If
If Not IsDate(DueDate) Then
AddError("Error: Invalid or Missing DueDate")
Exit Function
End If
opportunity.Url = Session.GetURL()
opportunity.CookieContainer = Session.GetCookieContainer()
'Create the opportunity
Dim tmpAry(0) As nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.Opportunity
input.ListOfOpportunity(0) = tmpAry
input.ListOfOpportunity.SetValue(New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.Opportunity, 0)
'Assign the opportunity Properties
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).Owner = Owner
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).OpportunityName = Subject
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).AccountName = Account
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).SalesStage = "Rebuy"
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).CloseDate = Date.Today
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).Territory = Territory
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).stProject_Name = "FINAL SHIPMENT REBUY"
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).SourceCampaign = "Rebuy"
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).OpportunityType = oppType
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).Revenue = AnnBudget
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).Description = Description
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).bRebuy = "Y"
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).ProductInterest = partNumber
input.ListOfOpportunity(0).plCurrency_Type = currency
'input.ListOfOpportunity(0).ParentoptyId = Opp
'insert the opportunity
results = opportunity.OpportunityInsert(input)
If results.ListOfOpportunity.Length > 0 Then
CRMAddFinalShipmentOpportunity2 = results.ListOfOpportunity(0).OpportunityId
End If
Catch webex As WebException
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
What changes might I need to make in order to make this function correctly using Web Services 2.0?
Currently I get the following errors- For every line of input.ListOfOpportunity(0) I get: '..cannot be indexed because it has no default property.'
Another example of an issue I'm running into is: 'SetValue' is not a member of 'nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.ListOfOpportunityData'

We were able to make this work by re-modeling my code after a code sample I found that creates new Activities.
Here's my code in case it helps someone scanning these forums in the future (Disregard the Opportunity entries that are missing when you compare this to my earlier code- Those weren't relevant to making this work or not work, I simply am not using them now.):
Public Function CRMAddFinalShipmentOpportunity2(ByVal Session As Session, ByVal Owner As String, ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Type As String, ByVal Priority As String, ByVal DueDate As String, ByVal Status As String, ByVal Description As String, ByVal POValue As String, ByVal oppType As String, ByVal partNumber As String, ByVal currency As String, ByVal servername As String, ByVal pass As String, ByVal usrname As String) As String
'Get SessionID
Dim sessionId As String
sessionId = getSessionLogin(usrname, pass, servername)
Dim Opportunity As nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.Opportunity = New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.Opportunity
Dim OppInput As New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.OpportunityInsert_Input
Dim OppOutput As New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.OpportunityInsert_Output
Dim strPriority As String = "1-High,2-Medium,3-Low"
Dim strType As String = "Call,Correspondence,Email,Event,Final Shipment - Book,Final Shipment - Special,Lead Follow-Up,Meeting,Opportunity Follow-Up,Other,Presentation,Quote Follow-Up,Sample Follow-Up,Service Request Follow-Up"
Dim strStatus As String = "Completed,Deferred,Waiting For Someone Else,In Progress,Not Started,Assigned,In Call"
'Validate Data (CRM will validate if owner is valid)
If Owner = "" Then
AddError("Error: Missing Owner")
Exit Function
End If
If Subject = "" Then
AddError("Error: Missing Subject")
Exit Function
End If
If strType.IndexOf(Type) < 0 Then
AddError("Error: Invalid or Missing Type")
Exit Function
End If
If strStatus.IndexOf(Status) < 0 Then
AddError("Error: Invalid or Missing Status")
Exit Function
End If
If strPriority.IndexOf(Priority) < 0 Then
AddError("Error: Invalid or Missing Priority")
Exit Function
End If
If Not IsDate(DueDate) Then
AddError("Error: Invalid or Missing DueDate")
Exit Function
End If
'Instantiate OpportunityData
Dim objListOfOpportunity As nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.ListOfOpportunityData
Dim objOpportunity As nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.OpportunityData()
objOpportunity = New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.OpportunityData(0) {}
objListOfOpportunity = New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.ListOfOpportunityData()
objOpportunity(0) = New nkkcrm.SiebelOpportunity20.OpportunityData
'Assign the opportunity Properties
objOpportunity(0).Owner = Owner
objOpportunity(0).OpportunityName = Subject
objOpportunity(0).AccountName = "UNKNOWN"
objOpportunity(0).SalesStage = "Rebuy"
objOpportunity(0).CloseDate = Date.Today
objOpportunity(0).Territory = "North America"
objOpportunity(0).stProject_Name = "FINAL SHIPMENT REBUY"
objOpportunity(0).SourceCampaign = "Rebuy"
objOpportunity(0).OpportunityType = oppType
objOpportunity(0).Revenue = POValue
objOpportunity(0).Description = Description
objOpportunity(0).bRebuy = True
objOpportunity(0).ProductInterest = partNumber
objOpportunity(0).plCurrency_Type = currency
'Connect the Opportunity to ListOfOpportunity
objListOfOpportunity.Opportunity = objOpportunity
'Connect ListofOpportunity to Input Parameter
OppInput.ListOfOpportunity = objListOfOpportunity
Opportunity.Url = servername & "/Services/Integration;jsessionid=" & sessionId
'Opportunity.CookieContainer = Session.GetCookieContainer()
Return "success"
Catch webex As WebException
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
Public Function getSessionLogin(ByVal usrname As String, ByVal pass As String, ByVal servername As String)
Dim loginurl As String = servername & "/Services/Integration?command=login"
Dim req As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(loginurl), HttpWebRequest)
' username and password are passed as HTTP headers
req.Headers.Add("UserName", usrname)
req.Headers.Add("Password", pass)
' cookie container has to be added to request in order to
' retrieve the cookie from the response.
Dim cookie As Cookie
req.CookieContainer = New CookieContainer()
' make the HTTP callby
Dim resp As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(req.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
If resp.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK Then
' store cookie for later...
cookie = resp.Cookies("JSESSIONID")
If cookie Is Nothing Then
Return "invalid session"
End If
Return cookie.Value
Return "invalid session"
End If
End Function

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    Dim oLog As New Log()
    Dim IdLog As Integer
    Dim NumSerie As String = ""
    oLog.Insert_Log("Activación Garantía - Crear Oportunidad", oLog.GetLastIdProceso())
    IdLog = oLog.GetLastId()
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    Dim sr_output As Opportunity.OpportunityUpdate_Output
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    sr(0) = New Opportunity.OpportunityData
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    End Try
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    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:proj="" xmlns:projds="">
    <soapenv:Header />
    <ProjectDataSet xmlns="">
    <PROJ_NAME>Proj Dept Test 2</PROJ_NAME>
    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
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    From your description below it appears that the fields in your original project are marked as applied to all projects & hence when you create a new project they are inherited. If you mark those fields as applied to certain project & then create a new project those fields will not be inherited.
    But you are right in the sense that it is limiting that there is no multi-select for "applies to" field.

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    Have you bound your output parameters to ranges of cells? Select the item, then click the icon to the right of the Insert In: box and select the cells.
    Add a spreadsheet component to your chart and bind it to the cells, then preview the model. Do you see the data coming through?
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    Answering my own post to help others with the same problem:
    Im using Sun One Studio 5. What causes the error is that Sun Studio generates by default presentation jsp's etc. for the Web service client. At the properties tab of the client I set the Generate presentation parameter to False. No presentation jsp's are now generated and compiling and deployment of the web module works out fine.
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    Hi there,
    This tutorial has a section on craeting web requests. It's
    not too hard in Flex 2.0
    <mx:HTTPService id="idofservice" method="POST"
    url="url_to_service.php?" useProxy="false">
    <mx:request xmlns="">
    <!-- this is where the data you want to send to the script
    goes -->
    <!-- assuming you had a text input field named username of
    course. -->
    Take a look at the tutorial.
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    Thanks and Regards
    Gaurav Kumar Raghav

    I have collected some links for WebServices for you:
    Re: Adobe forms with Web Service - nothing happens when clicking button.
    Usage of webservice in offline adobe scenarios
    cheers Otto

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    column EmpID. 
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    EmpID (int) Mail(varchar) Mail2(varchar)
    101 [email protected] [email protected]
    102 [email protected] [email protected]
    table1 columns 
    EmpID (int)(primary key) Mail(varchar) Mail2(varchar)
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    I am using ASP.Net to insert the records into Mail and Mail2.
    How can I achieve that?
    I appreciate any help.

    There should be two SQL statements in the stored procedure in order to accomplish the task?
    Ideally you need to include logic as a part of your insert procedure itself. You should have a standard insert stored procedure which should include this logic and should be used for all inserts.
    Also if EmpID field has to have a non NULL value always you may better off creating a foreign key constraint from Table1 to Table2 on EmpID column to enforce the Referential Integrity.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    We are in the process of integrating Siebel with external systems using web service. We also use the Virtual business component with customer business service. After web service call, it return Siebel property set in format of XML, we need parse the XML (property set) to populate data into VBC fields in order to display data in user interface.
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    Effectively what you're looking at doing here is taking your external content (from the Web Service) and then converting that into the very specific Property Set format that a VBC requires.
    The EAI Data Transformation Engine is your friend here as it should let you perform the (hopefully simple) transformation between the two, although you'll also need to define the property set as an Integration Object (an External One to keep the additional envelopes created to a minimum) and then after the DTE has been called take a careful look to make sure everything is the way that it should be.
    Put all these parts into a workflow itself, and use the workflow to call the external web service and that should cut to a minimum the code you'll need in the VBC.

  • How to create a Sales Lead and Sales Lead Contact using Web Services

    I am working on integration of sales lead with third party application. I want to create a sales lead and sales lead contact using web services.
    The question is What WSDLs should I use to create Sales Lead and sales lead Contact? And What are the required parameters to pass to that WSDL?
    Please let me know if any information required.
    Thanks and Regards,

      Sample soap messages for creating Sales Lead ::
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="" xmlns:lead="" xmlns:lead1="" xmlns:not="" xmlns:not1="">
                <lead:Name>Lead Created For Migrration Test4</lead:Name>
      Sample soap messages for creating Opportunity ::
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="" xmlns:opp="" xmlns:rev="" xmlns:not="" xmlns:not1="" xmlns:rev1="" xmlns:act="">
                <opp:Name>Test Opportunity</opp:Name>
    Please revert if you have any clarifications.
    Best Regards,
    Mohd Sabeer

  • Using web services with flash cs3 and actionscript 3.0

    I want to use web services under flash cs 3 and by using as
    It was possible with as 2.0 to do it easily thanks to the
    webservice Connector.
    But I can't find how to use web services under flash and as
    I thought web services took part of the many improvements
    flash cs 3.0 contain, but obviously it does not:(
    Can anybody help me to use webservices with flash cs 3 and as
    Thanks in advance,

    Dark Armor, You mentioned the book Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Classroom in a Book, which I have.  I could not find anything in there.  Did you mean to say Actionscript 3.0 for Adobe Flash CS4 Professional?  I do have that book and it looks like there is information there.  Just wanting to make sure that you meant what you said.  Thanks!

  • Issue using web-service with forms9i

    using web-service with forms9i
    I have a setup of oracle9ias release 2 on solaris machine. I have made a web-service which is deployed on nt machine on weblogic server. I have made a call from my form (forms9i) to this web-service. When i try to use that web-service after deploying my form on solaris, it initializes the web-service and performs the action successfully. Now the problem is that my form also makes a call to report server to generate a report. The problem is when i initialize the web-service and uses its function it works but after that making a call to report server will fail. Also if i make a call to report server first, it generates the report and then i make call to the web-service, then that web-service fails to run. And in both cases, the forms application stops saying session has aborted.
    Why cant i make call to both the things in one session of application? What could be the reason for that? Need help urgently.

    I didn't know that this was necessary to find a solution.
    Here are the definition out of the WSDL File:
    <xsd:complexType name="ZS_EQART_RANGE_LINE">
              <xsd:element name="SIGN" type="tns:char1"/>
              <xsd:element name="OPTION" type="tns:char2"/>
              <xsd:element name="LOW" type="tns:char10"/>
              <xsd:element name="HIGH" type="tns:char10"/>
    Thanks for Help

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