Problem with decimal point in Korea and Japan

Hi all,
I have one problem with decimal points.
I need to change in my out put cuurency values as per japan or korea standards.
Please help me is there any function module for this one.
program using alv grid display.
i use write statement but it is not working. Because
data: L_AMT  type glpca-hsl,
         G_AMT  TYPE CHAR15.
CURR this value is 'JPY'.
here i need to do
L_AMT = G_AMT.   "" going to runtime error.
if i taken like
data: L_AMT  TYPE CHAR15,
         G_AMT  TYPE CHAR15.
CURR this value is 'JPY'.
WRITE L_AMT CURRENCY CURR TO G_AMT.   "" it is not working

This is pretty basic, whenever you've currency & quantity fields you need to pass the corres. reference fields.
In your case you need to populate the cfieldname & ctabname fields of the FieldCat.

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  • Problem with decimal

    Hi Experts,
    I'm having a problem with decimal.
    I have a alv data grid that can be edited.Once I press enter the value for the decimal fields are changed.
    Example: If i input 5.00 in the field then I press enter it converts it to 0.05
    And If I input 2.01 in the field it shows an error Too many decimal places(Maximum 0)
    DATA INPUT for my internal table:
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_data OCCURS 0,
       docno LIKE zit_haul_line-docno,
       line  LIKE zit_haul_line-line,
       eqpno LIKE zit_haul_line-eqpno,
       rpt LIKE zit_haul_line-rpt,
       notrip LIKE zit_haul_line-notrip,
       trc LIKE zit_haul_line-trc,
       escfee LIKE zit_haul_line-escfee,
       tollfee LIKE zit_haul_line-tollfee,
       repr LIKE zit_haul_line-repr,
       others LIKE zit_haul_line-others,
       tba LIKE zit_haul_line-tba,
       dik LIKE zit_haul_line-dik,
       locorg LIKE zit_haul_line-locorg,
       locdes LIKE zit_haul_line-locdes,
    END OF it_data.
    DATA: wa_data LIKE it_data.
    Here is my code in change ALV Change.
    FORM data_changed USING ir_data_changed TYPE REF TO cl_alv_changed_data_protocol.
       DATA ls_modi TYPE lvc_s_modi.
       DATA: ratepertrip LIKE zit_haul_line-rpt,
             nooftrip LIKE zit_haul_line-notrip,
             lv_value TYPE lvc_value ,
             totalrent LIKE zit_haul_line-trc,
             escortfee LIKE zit_haul_line-escfee,
             tollfee LIKE zit_haul_line-tollfee,
             represent LIKE zit_haul_line-repr,
             others LIKE zit_haul_line-others,
             lv_value1 TYPE lvc_value,
             totalbill LIKE zit_haul_line-tba.
       DATA: eqpno LIKE equi-equnr,
             gv_equnr LIKE equi-equnr.
    * Check each modification:
       LOOP AT ir_data_changed->mt_mod_cells INTO ls_modi.
          CASE ls_modi-fieldname.
           WHEN 'EQPNO'.
             CONDENSE ls_modi-value.
             SELECT SINGLE equnr
               INTO gv_equnr
               FROM equi
               WHERE equnr EQ ls_modi-value.
             IF sy-subrc NE 0.
               CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->add_protocol_entry
                   i_msgid     = '00'
                   i_msgty     = 'E'
                   i_msgno     = '398'
                   i_msgv1     = 'Equipment Number does not exist:'
                   i_msgv2     = ls_modi-value
                   i_msgv3     = ''
                   i_msgv4     = ''
                   i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
                   i_row_id    = ls_modi-row_id.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'RPT'
         IMPORTING e_value = ratepertrip.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'NOTRIP'
         IMPORTING e_value = nooftrip.
       CLEAR totalrent.
         ls_modi-fieldname = 'TRC'.
         IF ratepertrip = ''.
           ratepertrip = 1.
         ELSEIF nooftrip = ''.
           nooftrip = 1.
         totalrent = ratepertrip * nooftrip.
         CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
           EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
           i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
           i_value = totalrent.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'ESCFEE'
         IMPORTING e_value = escortfee.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'TOLLFEE'
         IMPORTING e_value = tollfee.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'REPR'
         IMPORTING e_value = represent.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'OTHERS'
         IMPORTING e_value = others.
       CLEAR totalbill.
         ls_modi-fieldname = 'TBA'.
         totalbill = escortfee + tollfee + represent + others.
         totalbill = totalrent + totalbill.
         CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
           EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
           i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
           i_value = totalbill.
    ENDFORM.                    "data_changed

    Can you check my code. I've tried changing the data types of my internal table and my output is stll same when I press enter.
    The output should be 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
    Also if I enter 12345.00 the output should be 12,345.00.
    Thank you so much for the help.
    * ALV required data objects.
    TYPE-POOLS: sdydo, icon, slis.
    DATA: w_title     TYPE lvc_title,
           w_repid     TYPE sy-repid,
           w_comm      TYPE slis_formname,
           w_status    TYPE slis_formname,
           x_layout    TYPE slis_layout_alv,
           ls_events   TYPE LINE OF slis_t_event,
           t_events    TYPE slis_t_event,
           t_fieldcat  TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
           x_sort      type LINE OF slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
           t_sort      TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
           ls_heading  TYPE slis_listheader,
           t_heading   TYPE slis_t_listheader,
           ls_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
           gs_variant  LIKE disvariant,
            gt_events            TYPE slis_t_event,
            gs_events            TYPE slis_alv_event.
       wa_layout     TYPE slis_layout_alv,
       wa_events         TYPE slis_alv_event,
       wa_sort TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_header,
            line01(555) TYPE c,
            line02(555) TYPE c,
            END OF t_header.
    DATA: is_print TYPE slis_print_alv,
           gset TYPE lvc_s_glay,
           %runmode TYPE aqlimode.
    data: it_sortcat   type slis_sortinfo_alv occurs 1.
    DATA: gw_header  TYPE t_header.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_data OCCURS 0,
       docno LIKE zit_haul_line-docno,
       line  LIKE zit_haul_line-line,
       eqpno LIKE zit_haul_line-eqpno,
       rpt TYPE p DECIMALS 2,  "LIKE zit_haul_line-rpt,
       notrip TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       trc TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       escfee TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       tollfee TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       repr TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       others TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       tba TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
       dik LIKE zit_haul_line-dik,
       locorg LIKE zit_haul_line-locorg,
       locdes LIKE zit_haul_line-locdes,
    END OF it_data.
    DATA: wa_data LIKE it_data.
    DATA: it_modified TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zit_haul_line WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: wa_modified TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zit_haul_line WITH HEADER LINE.
         PARAMETERS: p_docno LIKE mseg-belnr MODIF ID B,
                     p_post LIKE sy-datum MODIF ID B.
    PARAMETERS: p_trand LIKE sy-datum,
                 p_cost LIKE csks-kostl,
                 p_proj TYPE string,
                 p_wbs TYPE string,
                 p_nwa TYPE string.
       IF r_create = 'X'.
         IF screen-group1 = 'A'.
            screen-active = 1.
         IF screen-group1 = 'A'.
            screen-active = 0.
       IF r_post = 'X' OR r_rev = 'X'.
         IF screen-group1 = 'B'.
            screen-active = 1.
         IF screen-group1 = 'B'.
            screen-active = 0.
    PERFORM get_data.
    PERFORM display_report.
    FORM get_data.
    it_data-line = '001'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '002'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '003'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '004'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '005'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '006'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '007'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '008'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '009'.
    APPEND it_data.
    it_data-line = '010'.
    APPEND it_data.
    "ALV DISPLAY ====================================================================================================================================
    "&      Form  PF_WRITE_FIELDCAT
    *&      Form  pf_write_fieldcat
    *       text
    *      -->FNAME      text
    *      -->TNAME      text
    *      -->TEXT       text
    *      -->LEN        text
    FORM pf_write_fieldcat  USING fname
    *                              key
    *                              sum.
       ls_fieldcat-fieldname     = fname.
       ls_fieldcat-tabname       = tname.
       ls_fieldcat-seltext_l     = text.
       ls_fieldcat-outputlen     = len.
    *  ls_fieldcat-key           = key.
    *  ls_fieldcat-do_sum        = sum.
       ls_fieldcat-edit = edt.
       IF len = '0'.
         ls_fieldcat-outputlen     = '1'.
         ls_fieldcat-no_out = 'X'.
       APPEND ls_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
       CLEAR ls_fieldcat.
    *  To set ENTER Event!
       gs_events-name = 'CALLER_EXIT'.
       gs_events-form = 'CALLER_EXIT'.
       APPEND gs_events TO gt_events.
    *   To change the ALV Changed Protocoll
       gs_events-name = 'DATA_CHANGED'.
       gs_events-form = 'DATA_CHANGED'.
       APPEND gs_events TO gt_events.
    ENDFORM.                    " PF_WRITE_FIELDCAT
    *&      Form  display_report
    FORM display_report.
       is_print-no_print_selinfos = 'X'.
       is_print-no_print_listinfos = 'X'.
       is_print-print_ctrl = 'X'.
       PERFORM pf_write_fieldcat USING:
    *  'DOCNO'                  'IT_DATA'  'Line'                   ' ' '',
       'LINE'                  'IT_DATA'  'Line'                   ' ' '',
       'EQPNO'                 'IT_DATA'  'Equipment No.'          ' ' 'X',
       'RPT'           'IT_DATA'  'Rate per Trip'          ' ' 'X',
       'NOTRIP'              'IT_DATA'  'No of Trip'             ' ' 'X',
       'TRC'             'IT_DATA'  'Total Rental Charges'   ' ' '',
       'ESCFEE'             'IT_DATA'  'Escort Fee'             ' ' 'X',
       'TOLLFEE'               'IT_DATA'  'Toll Fee'               ' ' 'X',
       'REPR'             'IT_DATA'  'Representation'         ' ' 'X',
       'OTHERS'                'IT_DATA'  'Others'                 ' ' 'X',
       'TBA'               'IT_DATA'  'Total Billable Amount'  ' ' '',
       'DIK'              'IT_DATA'  'Distance in KM'         ' ' 'X',
       'LOCORG'             'IT_DATA'  'Location Origin'        ' ' 'X',
       'LOCDES'             'IT_DATA'  'Location Destination'   ' ' 'X'.
    * Layout
       x_layout-zebra = 'X'.
       x_layout-no_keyfix = ' '.
       x_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    * GUI Status
       w_status = 'SET_PF_STATUS'.
       w_repid = sy-repid.
    * User commands
       w_comm = 'USER_COMMAND'.
    *  gs_variant-variant = p_var1.
    *  gs_variant-handle  = space.
    *  gs_variant-report  = sy-repid.
       gs_variant-report  = sy-repid.
       gs_variant-username = sy-uname.
       gset-no_colwopt = 'X'.
    * Displays the ALV grid
           i_callback_program = sy-repid
           it_fieldcat        = t_fieldcat
           is_layout          = x_layout
           "it_sort            = t_sort
           it_sort                 = it_sortcat
    *      i_callback_pf_status_set = w_status
           "i_callback_user_command  = w_comm
    *      i_callback_html_top_of_page  = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
           i_callback_top_of_page  = 'TOP-OF-PAGE'
    *      i_callback_html_end_of_list = 'END-OF-PAGE'
           is_variant         = gs_variant
           i_save             = 'A'
           is_print           = is_print
           it_events          = gt_events
    *      i_grid_title       = w_title
           t_outtab           = IT_DATA
           program_error      = 1
           OTHERS             = 2.
    ENDFORM.                    " display_report
    FORM data_changed USING ir_data_changed TYPE REF TO cl_alv_changed_data_protocol.
       DATA ls_modi TYPE lvc_s_modi.
       DATA: ratepertrip LIKE zit_haul_line-rpt,
             nooftrip LIKE zit_haul_line-notrip,
             lv_value TYPE lvc_value ,
             totalrent LIKE zit_haul_line-trc,
             escortfee LIKE zit_haul_line-escfee,
             tollfee LIKE zit_haul_line-tollfee,
             represent LIKE zit_haul_line-repr,
             others LIKE zit_haul_line-others,
             lv_value1 TYPE lvc_value,
             totalbill LIKE zit_haul_line-tba.
       DATA: eqpno LIKE equi-equnr,
             gv_equnr LIKE equi-equnr.
    * Check each modification:
       LOOP AT ir_data_changed->mt_mod_cells INTO ls_modi.
          CASE ls_modi-fieldname.
           WHEN 'EQPNO'.
             CONDENSE ls_modi-value.
             SELECT SINGLE equnr
               INTO gv_equnr
               FROM equi
               WHERE equnr EQ ls_modi-value.
             IF sy-subrc NE 0.
               CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->add_protocol_entry
                   i_msgid     = '00'
                   i_msgty     = 'E'
                   i_msgno     = '398'
                   i_msgv1     = 'Equipment Number does not exist:'
                   i_msgv2     = ls_modi-value
                   i_msgv3     = ''
                   i_msgv4     = ''
                   i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
                   i_row_id    = ls_modi-row_id.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'RPT'
         IMPORTING e_value = ratepertrip.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'NOTRIP'
         IMPORTING e_value = nooftrip.
       CLEAR totalrent.
         ls_modi-fieldname = 'TRC'.
         IF ratepertrip = ''.
           ratepertrip = 1.
         ELSEIF nooftrip = ''.
           nooftrip = 1.
         totalrent = ratepertrip * nooftrip.
         CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
           EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
           i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
           i_value = totalrent.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'ESCFEE'
         IMPORTING e_value = escortfee.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'TOLLFEE'
         IMPORTING e_value = tollfee.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'REPR'
         IMPORTING e_value = represent.
       CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->get_cell_value
         EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
         i_fieldname = 'OTHERS'
         IMPORTING e_value = others.
       CLEAR totalbill.
         ls_modi-fieldname = 'TBA'.
         totalbill = escortfee + tollfee + represent + others.
         totalbill = totalrent + totalbill.
         CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
           EXPORTING i_row_id = ls_modi-row_id
           i_fieldname = ls_modi-fieldname
           i_value = totalbill.
    ENDFORM.                    "data_changed
    FORM caller_exit USING is_data TYPE slis_data_caller_exit.
    * Switch to OO_ALV:
       DATA: lr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
           e_grid = lr_alv.
    * Register ENTER as edit event:
       CALL METHOD lr_alv->register_edit_event
           i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_enter.
    * pls. use MC_EVT_MODIFIED if leaving the cell should trigger the edit event!
    *&      Form  TOP-OF-PAGE
    *       text
    FORM top-of-page.
    *ALV Header declarations
       DATA: t_header TYPE slis_t_listheader,
             wa_header TYPE slis_listheader,
             t_line LIKE wa_header-info,
             ld_lines TYPE i,
             ld_linesc(10) TYPE c.
       DATA: text TYPE sdydo_text_element,
             a_right   TYPE REF TO cl_dd_area.
       DATA: tran TYPE string,
             send TYPE string,
             wbs TYPE string,
             nwa TYPE string.
       text = 'Create Hauling Charges for Project'.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
       CONCATENATE 'Transaction Date: ' p_trand INTO tran SEPARATED BY space.
       text = tran.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
       CONCATENATE 'Sender Cost Center: ' p_cost INTO send SEPARATED BY space.
       text = send.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
       CONCATENATE 'Receiver WBS: ' p_wbs INTO wbs SEPARATED BY space.
       text = wbs.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
       CONCATENATE 'Receiver Network and NWA: ' p_nwa INTO nwa SEPARATED BY space.
       text = nwa.
       wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
       wa_header-info = text.
       APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
       CLEAR: wa_header.
       gw_header-line01 = text.
           it_list_commentary = t_header.
    ENDFORM.                    "top-of-page
    FORM pf_set_top_page_heading  USING typ
       ls_heading-typ = typ.
       ls_heading-key = key.
       ls_heading-info = info.
       APPEND ls_heading TO t_heading.
    ENDFORM.                    " PF_SET_TOP_PAGE_HEADING
    *&      Form  PF_SET_TOP_PAGE_EVENTS
    FORM pf_set_top_page_events  USING name
       ls_events-name = name.
       ls_events-form = form.
       APPEND ls_events TO t_events.
       CLEAR ls_events.
    ENDFORM.                    " PF_SET_TOP_PAGE_EVENTS
    *&      Form  REUSE_ALV_GET_VARIANT
    FORM reuse_alv_get_variant
       USING    value(iv_repid)   TYPE  sy-repid
                value(iv_handle)  TYPE  slis_handl
       CHANGING iv_variant        TYPE  disvariant-variant.
       DATA: lv_exit(1) TYPE c,
             ls_variant TYPE disvariant.   " Structure for Variant
       MOVE: iv_variant TO ls_variant-variant,
             iv_handle  TO ls_variant-handle,
             iv_repid   TO ls_variant-report.
           is_variant    = ls_variant
           i_save        = 'A'
           e_exit        = lv_exit
           es_variant    = ls_variant
           not_found     = 1
           program_error = 2
           OTHERS        = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
       IF lv_exit = space.
         MOVE ls_variant-variant TO iv_variant.
    ENDFORM.                    " REUSE_ALV_GET_VARIANT                 "
    FORM user_command USING w_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
    rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    CASE w_ucomm.
    *  READ TABLE it_data INTO wa_data." INDEX rs_selfield-tabindex.
       DELETE it_data WHERE eqpno IS INITIAL.
       LOOP AT it_data INTO wa_data.
         CONDENSE wa_data-eqpno.
         MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_data TO wa_modified.
         APPEND wa_modified TO it_modified.
       MODIFY zit_haul_line FROM TABLE it_modified.
    ENDFORM. "user_command

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  • Is anyone having problems with the battery heating up and draining the power?  Mine has been doing this for about 2 months now.

    Is anyone having problems with the battery heating up and draining the power?  Mine has been doing this for about 2 months now.

    This is a major problem with Lollipop, but yo said it started 2 months ago.   Several people have fixed problem by removing FaceBook And Face book messenger and then re loading the apps again.   You might want to clear your cache before reloading.  Not sure this is your problem, but worth a try.  Good Luck

  • Problems with creation of catalogue XPGrpwise and temporary

    Problems with creation of catalogue XPGrpwise and temporary files.
    I use GroupWise 8.01 and WinXP (SP2), OpenOffice 3.1.
    Why at opening files in Library, temporary files are not created in catalogue C:\Documents and Settings\Jon Smith\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpwise, and created in catalogue C:\Documents and Settings\Jon Smith\My Documents. That causes problems. How to change a situation that worked as it is necessary.
    Catalogue XPGrpWise is created and leaves duly in catalogue C:\Documents and Settings\Jon Smith\Local Settings\Temp\.

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
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    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
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    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • I have problem with Itunes losing where podcasts and some purchased music is located. Don't know how Itunes losing the locations of the files and I can't find the files on my hard drive. What can I do to stop Itunes losing location and restore my files?

    I have problem with Itunes losing where podcasts and some purchased music is located. Don't know how Itunes losing the locations of the files and I can't find the files on my hard drive. What can I do to stop Itunes losing location and restore my files?

    Try assigning Queen as the Album Artist on the compilations in iTunes on your computer.

  • Performance Problems with MS IE 6.0 and EP 7.0 (2004s)

    we have a problem with ie 6.0 webbrowser and EP 7.0 (2004s). When we open for example the theme editor in the ep-system-administration site we must wait with MS ie 6.0 webbrowser ~ 18s for the site opening. With firefox 2.0 we can open the theme editor with ~ 1s.
    Have/Had anybody the same problem? - Or is this a knowing problem with ie 6.0.
    We used for the network analyse the tool: httpwatch 3.2. We can see, that the ie 6.0 must wait into the all-time of 18sec. 13sec for opening the site: emptyhover.html.
    - Thanks in advance for a tip !
    Best Regards,

    Hello Ameya and hello Shao,
    we use the version SP12 NW 2004s. We have the this problems with a base application of portal: theme editor.
    We can see in the httpWatch 3.2 analysis tool, that the ie 6.0 load a much of cache files from the client webbrowser. Could it be this problem? - I red in this forum problems with the webbrowser-parameter: "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed"
    Thank you for your helping.
    Best Regards,

  • I have a problem with mail.  the spelling and grammer check box before sending the messege is no longer there.  I did everything but cannot get it back.  is ther anyone who knows how to get the box with spelling and grammer checks before sending

    i have a problem with mail.  the spelling and grammer check box before sending the messege is no longer there.  I did everything but cannot get it back.  is ther anyone who knows how to get the box with spelling and grammer checks before sending the mail.
    Also the mail is acting very funny by not getting the rules work in a proper method.  Is ther a software to repair mail.

    i did both of them, but still the while sending the mail the diolog box is not showing up and also the spelling and grammer does not do the spelling check. 
    This problem just started for about 3 to 4 days now.  earlier it was working normally.

  • Problem with installing Photoshop elements 9 and adobe support advisor

    Hi, I've received a graphic tablet with 2 programs: the first has been downloaded and works perfectly while the second, PSE9, has been giving me problems for at least a week!
    I downloaded it and now I have a winzip file full of strange things (one of this is set up exe which tells me that I have to install adobe support advisor) and two files which said 3DF.tmp and PSEP9(1) and if I try to click them they tell me that I have to find on the Net the program to open them because I can't. And I don't know which program is required.
    I tried a lot of times to download the adobe support advisor, I have enough space on my disc and my farewall is deactivated, but when the program begins I saw this annoyant message
    cpsid_82829s5 Missing installation file bootstrapper error occured
    with this code for a support from adobe 00-67325-032018052012
    I unistalled it and retried, but nothing.
    Please, I just want to use my tablet with the programs which are comprised in the package, why it's so difficult to download this damn photoshop elements 9????????????
    Thank you

    In the error message it doesn't tell me
    "Installer has detected that a machine restart is pending. It is recommended that you quit the installer, restart try again,"
    neither "Installer failed to initialize. File not found. Please download Adobe Support Advisor to detect the problem."
    and I have enough space and I have Windows xp then I should be able to install it. I tried to unistall and install again the support advisor but nothing. I'm desperate.
    Messaggio originale----
    Da: [email protected]
    Data: 18/05/2012 22.20
    A: "Questionlady"<[email protected]>
    Ogg: Problem with installing Photoshop elements 9 and adobe support advisor
    Re: Problem with installing Photoshop elements 9 and adobe support advisor created by Jeff A Wright in Trial Download &amp; Install FAQ - View the full discussion
    Did you try the steps listed in ootstrapper-cs5.html which was identified by the Adobe Support Advisor?  If so can you please list each step and the result of those steps.  This will allow us to best advise you on your next steps.
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Trial Download &amp; Install FAQ by email or at Adobe Forums
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

  • Problem with QT 7.1.5 and Sorensen codec?

    Has anyone noticed a compatibility problem with Sorensen video 3 codec and Quicktime 7.1.5? This problem did not seem to exist in prior versions (hence have been asking how to reinstall previous version but seems impossible). Some of the earlier postings discuss software that may be designed with Sorensen codec... these may be the ones not functioning properly now (video no longer works). Does this sounds plausible?
    Mac Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    Mac Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    Mac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    That may be true, Jack, but Edmund said that the movie played in QuickTime Player. So his problem is most likely not a bug in QuickTime, though I can't say for certain.
    And as I said above, I have no problem playing Sorenson-encoded content on my Intel-based Mac with QuickTime 7.1.5, so more details about your content and setup (including any third-party codecs you may have installed) so that people can determine what the difference might be between the content that plays and the content that does not, or what's different in the systems, would be helpful, I'm sure.

  • I have a problem with Safari: when it opens and I go on google, it opens a page that says: PLEASE UPDATE INTERNET EXPLORERE.   What should I do?

    I have a problem with Safari: when it opens and I go on google, it opens a page that says: please update internet explorer!
    What should I do?

    It's a scam. Have a look at this thread:

  • I'm using mac with the newest operating system (snow leopard 10.6.7). since I've updated to Firefox 4 It doesn't display Hebrew fonts- I didn't have any problems with it before the upgrade and in safari I don't have this problem.

    Hello, I'm using Mac with the newest operating system (snow leopard 10.6.7). since I've updated to Firefox 4 It doesn't display Hebrew fonts… I didn't have any problems with it before the upgrade and in safari I have no problem with it. please help me- I don't like to use safari a my browser...

    elly903 wrote:
    Before commenting - I CANNOT install Mavericks because it'll mess up the versions of Filemaker Pro and Quicken that I use regularly...
    Quicken 2007 for Intel (Snow Leopard, Lion, Mt. Lion and Mavericks) for $15:
    It will input your Quicken PPC data file directly if it was Quicken 2005 through 2007.  If older you need Quicken 2006 or 2007 PPC first to convert your data file; and this update must be done BEFORE you upgrade to Mavericks: -/GEN82200.html
    Filemaker Pro PPC (in this case 7) running in Snow Leopard Server installed into Parallels for use in Lion, Mt. Lion and Mavericks:
                                  [click on image to enlarge]
    Snow Leopard Server: 1.800.MYAPPLE (1.800.692.7753) - Apple Part Number: MC588Z/A (telephone orders only)
    This solution allows you to run your Photoshop Elements in Mavericks concurrently with Filemaker Pro PPC.  Mavericks is a free download.

  • Help me please : Serious problems with collection-mapping, list-mapping and map-mappi

    Hi everybody;
    I have serious problems with list-mapping, collection-mapping and map-mapping.
    Acording to specifications and requirements in a system I am working on it is needed to
    get a "list" of values or an indivudual value.I am working with ORACLE 9i Database,
    I tried to map a master-detail relationship in an entity-bean, using list-mapping.
    And this was very useful in order to get a "list" of details, ...but, when I wanted
    to get a single value I have some problems with persistence, something about "saving a state"
    despite I just want to get the value of a single detail.
    I decided to change it to map-mapping and the problem related with a single detail
    worked successfully, but I can get access to the whole bunch of details.
    May anyone of you help me with that?
    I am very confused I do not know what to do.
    Have any of you a solution for that problem?
    Thank you very much.

    Have you tried a restore in iTunes?

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