Regarding ABAP-HR Code

Hi Friends
I am new to ABAP-HR.I am trying to analyze below peace of code but not yet succeeded till.
So any one please illustrates me the below peace of code step-by-step.
DATA: is_i77pr LIKE  t77pr.
  DATA: temp1 LIKE result_struc_obj.
  DATA: temp2 LIKE result_struc_obj.
  DATA: tmp_pnext LIKE struc-pnext.
  DATA: mgr_name LIKE objec-stext.
  DATA: tmp_sytabx LIKE sy-tabix.
  CLEAR: result_tab_obj.
  REFRESH: result_tab_obj.
evpath = 'ZPXO_GEN'.
      act_wegid                  = evpath
  ACT_INT_FLAG               =
  ACT_PLVAR                  = ' '
     act_svect                  = '1'
     act_begda                  = sy-datum
     act_endda                  = sy-datum
     act_tdepth                 = 0
     act_tflag                  = 'X'
     act_vflag                  = 'X'
     act_sflag                  = 'X'
     act_recurs                 = 'X'
     act_text_buffer_fill       = 'X'
     authority_check            = 'X'
  BUFFER_MODE                = ' '
     keep_order                 = 'X'
  ACT_PLVAR                  =
  ROOT_COPY                  =
      root_objects               = root_objects
     result_objec               = result_objec_obj
     result_struc               = result_struc_obj
     no_plvar_found             = 1
     no_entry_found             = 2
     path_not_found             = 3
     root_not_found             = 4
     OTHERS                     = 5
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
Delete Root Org Unit's Chief Personnel No.
  LOOP AT root_objects.
    REFRESH: result_tab_obj.
    CLEAR: result_tab_obj.
        act_otype      = 'O'
        act_objid      = root_objects-objid
        act_wegid      = 'ZPX_CFPN'
        act_begda      = begda
        act_endda      = endda
        result_tab     = result_tab_obj
        no_plvar_found = 1
        no_entry_found = 2
        OTHERS         = 3.
    LOOP AT result_tab_obj WHERE otype = 'P'.
    Append Root Org Unit's Mgr Name into Description...
      CLEAR: mgr_name.
      LOOP AT result_objec_obj WHERE otype = 'P' AND objid = result_tab_obj-objid.
        mgr_name = result_objec_obj-stext.
        CONCATENATE mgr_name ')' INTO mgr_name.
        CONCATENATE '(Mgr:' mgr_name INTO mgr_name
        SEPARATED BY space.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        LOOP AT result_objec_obj WHERE otype = 'O' AND objid = root_objects-objid.
          CONCATENATE result_objec_obj-stext mgr_name INTO result_objec_obj-stext
          SEPARATED BY space.
          MODIFY result_objec_obj. CLEAR result_objec_obj.
      CLEAR: temp1, temp2.
    Get references of Chief person...
      LOOP AT result_struc_obj
              WHERE otype =  result_tab_obj-otype
              AND objid = result_tab_obj-objid.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING result_struc_obj TO  temp1.
    Get reference of Root Org.Unit...
      LOOP AT result_struc_obj
              WHERE otype =  root_objects-otype
              AND objid = root_objects-objid.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING result_struc_obj TO  temp2.
      CLEAR : tmp_sytabx .
      LOOP AT result_struc_obj
               WHERE otype =  result_tab_obj-otype
               AND objid = result_tab_obj-objid
               AND pup = temp2-seqnr.
        tmp_sytabx  = sy-tabix.
      LOOP AT result_objec_obj
             WHERE otype =  result_tab_obj-otype
             AND objid = result_tab_obj-objid.
        IF sy-tabix = tmp_sytabx.
          DELETE result_objec_obj.
      DELETE result_struc_obj
             WHERE otype =  result_tab_obj-otype
             AND objid = result_tab_obj-objid
             AND pup = temp2-seqnr.
    1. If the value in field STRUCS-PDOWN for object U, which is
    located above D, corresponds to the value STRUCS-SEQNR for D,
    set the value of U STRUCS-PDOWN to the value of D STRUCS-PNEXT.
    Reduce the value of U STRUCS-VCOUNT by 1.
      CLEAR: tmp_pnext.
      tmp_pnext = temp1-pup.
      LOOP AT result_struc_obj WHERE seqnr = tmp_pnext.
        result_struc_obj-vcount = result_struc_obj-vcount - 1.
        MODIFY result_struc_obj. CLEAR result_struc_obj.
      CLEAR: tmp_pnext.
      tmp_pnext = temp1-seqnr.
      LOOP AT result_struc_obj WHERE pdown = tmp_pnext.
        result_struc_obj-pdown = temp1-pnext.
        MODIFY result_struc_obj. CLEAR result_struc_obj.
    2. If an object P exists, for which the value STRUCS-PNEXT corresponds
    to the value of D STRUCS-SEQNR, set the value of P STRUCS-PNEXT
    to the value of D STRUCS-PNEXT.
      CLEAR: tmp_pnext.
      tmp_pnext = temp1-seqnr.
      LOOP AT result_struc_obj WHERE pnext = tmp_pnext.
        result_struc_obj-pnext = temp1-pnext.
        MODIFY  result_struc_obj. CLEAR result_struc_obj.
    3. If an object N exists, for which the value STRUCS-PREV corresponds to
    the value of D STRUCS-SEQNR, set the value of N STRUCS-PPREV to the value
      CLEAR: tmp_pnext.
      tmp_pnext = temp1-seqnr.
      LOOP AT result_struc_obj WHERE pprev = tmp_pnext.
        result_struc_obj-pprev = temp1-pprev.
        MODIFY  result_struc_obj. CLEAR result_struc_obj.
@ start of code - vinay golchha
Data declarations
  data : root_orgid type realo.
  DATA : root_mgr_pernr TYPE realo.
  DATA : emp_pernr TYPE realo.
  DATA : mgr_pernr TYPE realo.
  DATA : org_unit_id TYPE realo.
  DATA : pernr_tabix LIKE sy-tabix.
  DATA : struc_tabix LIKE sy-tabix.
  DATA: leading_pos LIKE hrobject OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
  DATA : direct_emp_flag TYPE c VALUE ' '.
  DATA: i1001       LIKE  hri1001 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
  DATA : root_mgr_pernr1 TYPE sobid.
  DATA : result_objec_obj1 LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF result_objec_obj WITH HEADER LINE.
  DATA : org_seqnr TYPE sseqnr.
Loop through all the root org units
  LOOP AT root_objects.
    result_objec_obj1[] = result_objec_obj[].
  Get the Root Org Unit
    root_orgid = root_objects-objid.
  Get the Manager of the Root Org Unit
        plvar                     = '01'
        keydate                   = sy-datum
        otype                     = 'O'
        objid                     = root_orgid
        leader_id                 = root_mgr_pernr
        no_leader_found           = 1
        no_leading_position_found = 2
        OTHERS                    = 3.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
     MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
             WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
  Looping through the Employees for Root Org Unit
    LOOP AT result_objec_obj1 WHERE otype = 'P'.
      emp_pernr = result_objec_obj1-objid.
    Set thye direct employee flag to blank
      direct_emp_flag = ' '.
    Get the leading positions
      REFRESH leading_pos.
          plvar             = '01'
          otype             = 'P'
          sobid             = emp_pernr
          leading_pos       = leading_pos
          no_lead_pos_found = 1
          OTHERS            = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Loop through the leading positions if there are
    multiple leading positions
      LOOP AT leading_pos.
        org_unit_id = leading_pos-objid.
      Get the Manager
        REFRESH i1001.
            otype           = 'S'
            objid           = leading_pos-objid
            plvar           = '01'
            subty           = 'A008'
            i1001           = i1001
            no_active_plvar = 1
            OTHERS          = 2.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        root_mgr_pernr1 = root_mgr_pernr.
        READ TABLE i1001 WITH KEY sobid = root_mgr_pernr1.
      If manager found set directly reporting flag as 'X'
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          direct_emp_flag = 'X'.
    If the current Employee manager is NOT equal to Root Org Unit's Manager
      IF direct_emp_flag = ' '.
      Get sequence number of org unit
        READ TABLE result_struc_obj
          WITH KEY otype = root_objects-otype
          objid = root_objects-objid.
        org_seqnr = result_struc_obj-seqnr.
       Remove entry from result_struc_obj and modify the table accordingly
        CLEAR : temp1, temp2,tmp_sytabx.
        LOOP AT result_struc_obj
                WHERE otype = 'P'
                AND objid = emp_pernr
                AND pup = org_seqnr.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING result_struc_obj TO temp1.
        LOOP AT result_struc_obj
                 WHERE otype = root_objects-otype
                 AND objid = root_objects-objid.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING result_struc_obj TO temp2.
        CLEAR struc_tabix.
        LOOP AT result_struc_obj
                WHERE otype = 'P'
                AND objid = emp_pernr
                AND pup = temp2-seqnr.
          struc_tabix = sy-tabix.
        LOOP AT result_objec_obj
          WHERE otype ='P'
          AND objid = emp_pernr.
       Delete entry for directly reporting employee
          IF sy-tabix = struc_tabix.
            DELETE result_objec_obj.
        DELETE result_struc_obj
        WHERE otype = 'P'
        AND objid = emp_pernr
        AND pup = temp2-seqnr.
      Delete count of vertically related objects by 1
      if record deleted
        CLEAR tmp_pnext.
        tmp_pnext = temp1-pup.
        LOOP AT result_struc_obj WHERE seqnr = tmp_pnext.
          result_struc_obj-vcount = result_struc_obj-vcount - 1.
          MODIFY result_struc_obj.
          CLEAR result_struc_obj.
      Set the down pointer of the record previous to the
      deleted one to the next pointer of the deleted one
        CLEAR tmp_pnext.
        tmp_pnext = temp1-seqnr.
        LOOP AT result_struc_obj WHERE pdown = tmp_pnext.
          result_struc_obj-pdown = temp1-pnext.
          MODIFY result_struc_obj.
          CLEAR result_struc_obj.
      Set the next pointer of the record previous to the deleted
      one to the next pointer of the deleted one
        CLEAR tmp_pnext.
        tmp_pnext = temp1-seqnr.
        LOOP AT result_struc_obj WHERE pnext = tmp_pnext.
          result_struc_obj-pnext = temp1-pnext.
          MODIFY result_struc_obj.
          CLEAR result_struc_obj.
      Set the value of previous pointer
        CLEAR tmp_pnext.
        tmp_pnext = temp1-seqnr.
        LOOP AT result_struc_obj WHERE pprev = tmp_pnext.
          result_struc_obj-pprev = temp1-pprev.
          MODIFY result_struc_obj.
          CLEAR result_struc_obj.
@ End of Code - Vinay Golchha
  REFRESH: result_objec, result_struc.
  CLEAR: result_objec, result_struc.
  result_objec[] = result_objec_obj[].
  result_struc[] = result_struc_obj[].

1) DATA: temp1 LIKE result_struc_obj.-
   it declares temp1 as a internal table of  result_struc_obj table that means temp1 posses all functionality, attributes of result_struc_obj.
and we are not directly make any changes to database table for that we must have create internal table.
2)  In the HR ABAP, there are function modules for everything.
like in your code 'RH_GET_LEADER' FM gives manager ID of that person.
If you want to know how this function module works just go to
SE37->give function module name->display-> on the Toolbar you will see ' Function module Documentation' option.
3) IF sy-subrc = 0.
sy-subrc 0 means your Function module worked out and get output. otherwise there must be some error.
4) CLEAR- clears header line of the internal table.
    REFRESH- clears contents or body of the table.
5) LOOP AT root_objects.
it will go through each record of the table root_objects. it will help when you want to check each record of the table. we can give any conditon after loop at. on that basis loop will execute.
it reads one record of the table at a time.
7) MOVE-CORRESPONDING - it will move all record to respective fields.
reward if useful.

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    Good Afternoon,
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    structure                :   zdt_tata
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    I guess this will help you.
    1. Proxies can be a server proxy or client proxy. In our scenarios we require proxies to send or upload the data from/into SAP system.
    2. One more thing proxies can be used if your WAS &#8805; 6.2.
    3. Use Tcode SPROXY into R/3 system for proxy use.
    4. To send the data from R/3 system we use OUTBOUND PROXY. In Outbound proxy you will simply write an abap code to fetch the data from R/3 tables and then send it to XI. Below is the sample code to send the data from R/3 to XI.
    REPORT zblog_abap_proxy.
    DATA prxy TYPE REF TO zblogco_proxy_interface_ob.
    DATA it TYPE zblogemp_profile_msg.
    it-emp_profile_msg-emp_name = 'Sarvesh'.
    it-emp_profile_msg-empno = '01212'.
    it-emp_profile_msg-DEPARTMENT_NAME = 'NetWeaver'.
    CALL METHOD prxy->execute_asynchronous
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    CATCH cx_ai_system_fault .
    DATA fault TYPE REF TO cx_ai_system_fault .
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    Receiver adapter configurations should be done in the integration directory and the necessary sender/receiver binding should be appropriately configured. We need not do any sender adapter configurations as we are using proxies.
    5. To receive data into R/3 system we use INBOUND PROXY. In this case data is picked up by XI and send it to R/3 system via XI adapter into proxy class. Inside the inbound proxy we careate an internal table to take the data from XI and then simply by using the ABAP code we update the data inot R/3 table. BAPI can also be used inside the proxy to update the data into r/3.
    I hope this will clear few doubts in proxy.
    Just go through these links:
    ABAP Server Proxies By Siva Maranani
    File to R/3 via ABAP Proxy with good example
    Generating java proxies..
    Synchronous Proxies:
    Outbound Synchronous Proxy
    Inbound Synchronous Proxy

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    I've had the same problem before...everything seemed fine but the xml was not updating the desired values - you have 2 choices - 1. Enable the debugging, but if you have a high volume scenario, then it may cause some issues. Also, I am not sure if you plan to do this in production - as you know, debugging in production is a big No-No.
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    Observer can be implemented using the EVENTS.
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    Best Regards.
    Sejoon Ahn

    You dont need to check the source code to find whether program is moved to PRD.
    Just check the version management of program in development itself.
    Click on transport log of request to find it.

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    Hi ,
    if the code is automatically created, there will be a comment line in the beginning of the code which says
    Generated function module for ..........
    Please do not modify or copy this function module

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    Thanks guys
    That's incredibly helpful! I have one more question that I just thought of last night...
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    with Source structure and target structure
    Message was edited by:
            Viswanadh Vadde

    Hi !!
    refer the below links
    BAP Mapping is used whenever you explicitly need to build your output XML structure . Its entirely depends on your call which approach you want to adopt i.e. JAVA mapping or ABAP mapping as in both the cases you need to explicitly build the output structure . ABAP Mapping however creates a DOM tree in the memory . Therefore it can be a performance issue whenever your source structure is complex . In case you need an idea of how to go about ABAP mapping here is a link which you can refer
    Also ABAP mappings have the handicap that they are separated from usual development in Repository. Additional there is more (ABAP, DOM) experience required as for example for XSLT or graphical mapping (my point of view). So they are used for special reasons like access to ABAP stack (transparent tables!).
    Refer to following SDN Demo which explains the need and how to do the ABAP mapping. [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    Comparing Performance of Mapping Programs
    ABAP Mapping Blogs
    How to Use ABAP Mapping
    Some more
    ABAP Mapping
    I suggest you also go through these links to know more on ABAP Mapping:
    ABAP Mapping Vs Java Mapping.
    Re: Message Mapping of type ABAP Class not being shown
    Refer to following SDN Demo which explains the need and how to do the ABAP mapping. [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    This document will help you to create ABAP Mapping.
    why Abap Mapping and how to acheive it [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    <b>Pls reward if useful</b>

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    Which release are you on and what is the name of the program?
    You first should find out how the code was hidden, and (possibly) why it was hidden (from you). Try to display the code from the ABAP Editor in the debugger. What is sy-subrc?
    Look in the attributes of the code (and it's package / transport request => go to the development system if applicable) and find out who is the author and released the transport and did the QA checks.
    Ask that person.
    If it is a $tmp program, then you will need to break it open or ask SAP to do it for you.

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    Nurullah RÜSTEM wrote:
    > isn't there any radical solution to solve this problem?
    > these are very kill-time
    You feel
    Source Code Editor --> Utilities --> Update Navigation Index
    is not radical & kill-time.
    Can you please define "radical" & "kill-time" ?

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    Like a Google for ABAP, the Salt Code Ferret app provides incredibly fast searching of custom ABAP programs or modified standard SAP programs across all your SAP systems. Sniffing out specific pieces of code, Code Ferret is a huge timesaver in locating multiple instances of potentially conflicting code, code errors, or code that developers want to access or replicate.
    Try Salt free for 90 days – it’s a suite of eight virtual appliances running on VMware or Hyper-V for understanding what’s happening in SAP systems and across SAP landscapes.

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              can any one provide an example ABAP source code to connect to third party systems using web service calls? The base system is CRM.

    Do you want to call a web service in a remote system, or do you want to provide a web service?
    If you want to call a web service you should create a proxy object via SE80. Open your development package, right click on the tree entry and choose: Create -> Enterprise Service / Web Service -> Proxy Object and provide the needed information (including the WSDL description file). You may then use the proxy object to call the web service (if the connection and everything else works right).
    See [|]

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  • How I fixed my conection problem

    Here's my setup: Wireless IP (Motorola canopy) The connection comes into the house as ethernet (I'm conected wirelessly to the ISP's router and it's using DHCP That's pluged into an airport express that acts as a bridge to the ISP's router iMac G4 wi

  • Photoshop CS6 for windows converted to a MAC version

    Is this possible? Thanks~

  • Error Message: Disk too slow or System Overload

    hey guys during playback i keep receiving an error message reading: Disk too slow or System Overload. I was wondering if anyone knew the cause of this? Thanks for any info

  • Driver uninstall/​re-install problems

    I'm using a DAQPad-6020E and a SC-2345 signal conditioning unit.  I configured the channels in one version of MAX, then had to instead use a different version so I uninsalled the one with my configurations in it.  The problem is that even after unins

  • Upgreading to Lion and new HDD

    I have an iMac that cam with Leopard and I have since upgraded to Snow Leopard. This week I will be upgreading my HDD (by myself, i know how to do it, did it before). I know i Need to have at least Snow Leopard on my syswtem to be able to upgrade to