Show Progress Bar while only on Page Load.

Hi Experts,
I want to show progress bar every time when page loads.
Progress bar is coming on the page. but it is not going off after page is loaded.
Below is the code which i added for the Progress bar.
//written on Header Text of Page
<script type="text/javascript">
function html_Submit_Progress(pThis){
window.setTimeout('$s("AjaxLoading",$x("AjaxLoading").innerHTML)', 100);
//written on footer text of Page
<style> #AjaxLoading{padding:5px;font-size:18px;width:200px;text-align:center;left:20%;top:20%;position:absolute;border:0px solid #666;}
<div id="AjaxLoading" style="display:none;"><br /><img src="#APP_IMAGES#progress_bar.gif" id="wait" /></div>
//called the function Execute on Page Loads 
html_Submit_Progress(this);Progress bar is continuously showing on the page after page is loaded.
I want only to show only page loads.
Please help me .
Apex Version : Apex 4.1
DB Version : 10g

Hide the loader element when the page has loaded. Put this in the javascript section
$(document).ready(function(){ $x_Hide('AjaxLoading'); });Or put it in the page load section
$x_Hide('AjaxLoading');Or create a dynamic action which fires on page load, select a hide action, and use a jQuery selector to target '#AjaxLoading' as an affected element.

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    Hey Jason,
    I'm not sure who moderates, but I can send you in the right
    Short answer: Look around for Asynchronous Flex demos
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    The interfaces locks up (beach ball/hour glass) because the
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    You could use a BackgroundWorker. There is a complete code sample available on MSDN here: You do the long-running work, i.e. the actual backup, in the DoWork event handler.
    Note that you will need to report the progress (by calling the ReportProgress method of the BackgroundWorker) and calculate the total time it will take to complete the backup operation yourself.
    It might be easier to just display some "waiting" element and no progress bar during the time it takes for the operation to complete:
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    <TextBlock x:Name="loadingElement" Visibility="Collapsed">please wait...</TextBlock>
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    .ContinueWith((t) =>
    loadingElement.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
    }, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
    After all you probably don't know how long time it will take for the method to complete, right? If you want to display a ProgressBar, the backup method should report the progress somehow. If you just call a method and wait for it to complete, you have no
    idea of how long time it will take for the method to return. You will then have to estimate the actual time and then increase the value of the progress bar accordingly.
    There is no way to find out before hand exactly how long time it will take until a method returns so it is the responsibility of the (backup) method to report to the caller how long time it needs and how long time is left until it is done. Far from all API:s
    support reporting progress.
    As you see in the BackgroundWorker example on MSDN, you could call the ReportProgress once in each iteration of a loop but if there is no loop in your Backup method you better just display a busy indicator without a progress bar since you don't know anything
    about the progress anyway.
    Edit: You could of course also display a ProgressBar element with its IsIndeterminate set to True. Just replace the TextBlock and use the sample code above:
    <ProgressBar x:Name="loadingElement" IsIndeterminate="True" Height="50"/>
    Setting this property to true is useful when you don't know how long time the operation will take:
    Hope that helps.
    Please remember to mark helpful posts as answer to close your threads and then start a new thread if you have a new question. Please don't ask several questions in the same thread.

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        private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HierarchyJTree.class);
        private JProgressBar progress;          // keep track on progress
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        private JTree tree;
        private CardLayout card = new CardLayout();
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            JPanel progressPanel = new JPanel();
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            tree = new JTree(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Categories", true));
            JPanel treePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
            this.add(treePanel, "tree");
  , "tree");
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         * @param resultset containing the category info from MOD_category
        public HierarchyJTree(ResultSet resultset) {
            tree = new JTree(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Categories", true));
         * This will take a jaxb.ResultSet object containing ID, categoryName and parentID of all the
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         * @param r the jaxb.ResultSet object
        private void addFromResultSetToTree(ResultSet r) {
             // code to load the info into the tree here, and inc the progress
                progressValue += incValue;

    Use SwingWorker, which is not included in Swing library, but you can find it on;
    see alse

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    sorry for my english.

    Do everything in a seperate thread. Create a progress bar in the main thread, then create a new thread for initializing your app. Once the init is done, hide the progress bar and make your app visible.

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ProgressBarExample2 {
        private JProgressBar bar = new JProgressBar(0,99);
        private JButton button = new JButton("Lengthy operation");
        private ActionListener al = new ActionListener(){
           public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                new Worker().execute();
        private class Worker extends SwingWorker<Boolean, Boolean>{
            protected Boolean doInBackground() {
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(10000); //10 secs
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                return Boolean.TRUE;
            protected void done() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new ProgressBarExample2();
        ProgressBarExample2() {
            JPanel cp = new JPanel();
            JFrame f = new JFrame("ProgressBarExample2");

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    <form action="InputDB.cfm" method="post">
    <input id="inputdb" type="submit" value="InputNow">
    <cfloop from="1" to "9000000" index="x">
    if it inputs the 9000000 records into the database,
    it will spend a lot of time,how to do make a progress bar
    or a waitting page when Users wait for the time?
    Thanks a lot.

    Waiting pages are easy.
    Step 1, convert form variables to session variable.
    Step 2, display something.
    Step 3, use js window.location to call the action page. Don't
    use cflocation. Even though it works, you lose your display.


    iam using below code and its working good with page submit button but i need it for a page load i.e when a page loads show the progress bar(page which take a while to load) so i can call it like onload. Anybody who has done this pls i appreciate if you could help...
    function html_Submit_Progress(pThis){ 
    window.setTimeout('$s("AjaxLoading",$x("AjaxLoading").innerHTML)', 900);
    function submit_HideAll(pThis){ 
    function submit_ButtonRegion(pThis){ 
    using apex 4.1 and my page here i need it is a popup.

    You can fix that in your page template by putting something like this just before the BODY tag in the Header region:
    <div id="loading"
      style="display: block;
             position: fixed;
             top: 0px;
             left: 0;
             z-index: 1999;
             width: 100%;
             height: 100%;
             background-color: #fff;
             text-align: center;">
    <div style="position: relative;
                top: 130px;">
    <img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_200/images/loading.gif" height="32" width="32"
       style="position: relative;
              top: 150px;"/>
    </div>and putting something like this just after the closing BODY tag in the Footer region:

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    Hi Fiends,
    I have a classic report w/ a link and this link open a other page and this page is a report with a report model ( CSV ).. and this load is too slow and i wanna include a progress bar like this site [link][link] and this progress bar will be show while the report is loading ...
    Anybody knows how to do this ?

    Have you seen :
    [url] Loading Icon plugin
    [url]Click here to see the features and download
    And I think that it is good to check [url]APEX_PLSQL_JOB
    Edited by: Fateh on Sep 22, 2012 1:26 AM

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    Sunaif Aziz

    I resolved this when page loads but i still have issue with a progress bar on another page displaying "before" onload...thanks.

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    This should help

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          can I show a graphics while the user waits for page load. I want to show the same circular wait icon that is shown inside the EP.

      hmm but why would you want to cause more delay in displaying the graphics :).
    Anyway you can try using the gif that sap uses. Dont know the name though.
    See if a progress bar could help you in your problem. But you cannot set a image to it.
    This is the closest you could do.
    Create a empty view2 in window2. Add a image to the view2 and also a timedtrigger and set the size of the window2 to the image size.
    Set the timedtrigger delay to say some 10 secs or whatever and after that close the window2.
    That should simulate that effect

Maybe you are looking for

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