Sticky hide and show not working

I believe I have followed Carl Backstrom's Sticky Hide and Show Region example to the letter for my own application.
1 - I have the application items and application processes in place.
2 - I have the javascript in the HTML Header attribute
3 - The SHOW_HIDE_MEMORY package is in place
4 - I edited the Hide and Show Region template
I'm on Apex version
The collection does not seem to be getting populated. I'm wondering if the region template which includes this code is not working: onclick="$r_ToggleAndSave(this,'#REGION_ID#')" id="#REGION_ID#img"
My regions are always collapsed when I navigate away and return to the page and the collection is always empty. I've checked the state of the temporary item after clicking the expand (+) button and the value is always null.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Todd

Hi Carl,
I'm not seeing any obvious errors on the screen or in the message bar. I just downloaded the Firefox javascript debugger extension. I'm not exactly sure how to use this tool, but when I expand a hidden region, I do see this message in the debugger screen:
Warning ``reference to undefined property this.onShutdown_'' [xs] in file ``file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/components/nsSafebrowsingApplication.js'', line 1710, character 0.
Error ``node has no properties'' [xs] in file ``'', line 25, character 0.

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    but I can't understand what cause this error.
    Any ideas.
    Best Regards, Kostya Proskudin.

    I find the reason. Oracle could not implicitly convert number to char in show_hide_memory.show_hide_collection_output() procedure.
    The solution is to modify SQL statement
    (SELECT c003
    FROM apex_collections
    WHERE collection_name = 'SHOW_HIDE_COLLECTION'
    AND c001 = to_char(wwv_flow.g_flow_id)
    AND c002 = to_char(wwv_flow.g_flow_step_id))

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  • Sticky Hide and Show

    Referring to this packaged app from OTN:
    How can I view the apex_show_hide_region.js source?

    That's just the source to the application sql. But the javascript itself is presented as:
        s varchar2(32767) := null;
        l_clob clob;
        l_length number := 1;
    s:=s||' '||chr(10)||
    ' '||chr(10)||
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table := wwv_flow_api.empty_varchar2_table;'||chr(10)||
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(1) := ''66756E6374696F6E20536176654F6E44656D616E64287054686973297B0D0A0976617220676574203D206E65772068746D6C64625F476574286E756C6C2C68746D6C5F476574456C656D656E74282770466C6F77496427292E76616C75652C274150504C'';'||chr(10)||
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(2) := ''49434154494F4E5F50524F434553533D5';
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(3) := ''652B275D272B68746D6C5F476574456C656D656E74282770466C6F7753746570496427292E76616C75652B275D272B7054686973293B0D0A096752657475726E203D206765742E67657428293B0D0A09676574203D206E756C6C3B0D0A097';
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(4) := ''0D0A7D0D0A2F2A6F76657269646520666F7220646966666572656E7420696D616765206E616D657320746869732077696C6C206265207374616E6461726420696E204170706C69636174696F6E204578707265737320332E302A2F0D0A76617220675F54'';'||chr(10)||
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(5) := ''6F67676C6542617365496D61676548696464656E203D2027706C7573270D0A76617220675F546F67676C6542617365496D616';
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(6) := ''2870546869732C704E64297B0D0A202020207054686973203D202478287054686973293B0D0A2020202069662868746D6C5F436865636B496D6167655372632870546869732C675F546F67676C6542617365496D61676548696464656E29297B0D0A2020'';'||chr(10)||
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(7) := ''2020207054686';
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(8) := ''6464656E2C675F546F67676C6542617365496D61676553686F776E293B0D0A202020207D656C73657B0D0A202020202070546869732E636C6173734E616D65203D2067546F67676C6557697468496D616765413B0';
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(9) := ''203D2068746D6C5F7265706C6163652870546869732E7372632C675F546F67676C6542617365496D61676553686F776E2C675F546F67676C6542617365496D61676548696464656E293B0D0A202020207D0D0A20202020766172206E6F6465203D202478'';'||chr(10)||
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(10) := ''5F546F67676C6528704E64293B0D0A2020202072657475726E3B0D0A7D0D0A0D0A66756E6374696F';
    '    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(11) := ''732C7049642B27626F647927293B0D0A20536176654F6E44656D616E6428704964293B0D0A2072657475726E0D0A7D0D0A'';'||chr(10)||
    ' '||chr(10)||
    '    l_name   varchar2(255);'||chr(10)||
    '    l_name := ''apex_show_hide_region.js'';'||chr(10)||
    ' '||chr(10)||
    '  wwv_flow_api.create_or_remove_file('||chr(10)||
    s:=s||'     p_name=> l_name,'||chr(10)||
    '     p_varchar2_table=> wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table,'||chr(10)||
    '     p_mimetype=> ''application/octet-stream'','||chr(10)||
    '     p_location=> ''WORKSPACE'','||chr(10)||
    '     p_nlang=> ''0'','||chr(10)||
    '     p_mode=> ''CREATE_OR_REPLACE'','||chr(10)||
    '     p_type=> ''IMAGE'');'||chr(10)||
    ' '||chr(10)||

  • Hide and Show question.

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    I have created created condition for the button where Value Exoression 1 = Expression 2
    Where expression 1 is P9_X_STATUS
    and expression 2 is Draft.
    Button is still hidden.
    Just to let you know that if I place button below status field, my hide and show condition works.
    Any idea?

    I have set the default value to "Draft" when page is first opened.
    and I have Condition set for it : Exists (SQL query returns at least one row)
    SELECT 1
    WHERE :P9_X_STATUS = 'Draft' or :P9_X_STATUS = '' or :P9_X_STATUS = null
    I don't understand why this button is shown when I move field below it (button).
    What is the rule for showing and hiding elements on the form?

  • Hide and show region - save state after submit

    hey guys,
    I have a hide and show region template in my page. It is hidden by default(that's perfect). If the user opens the page and submit, the region collapse.
    I want to save this status.
    I searched a lot in this forum. Also found a lot about the *"sticky hide and show region"* feature by Carl, but you can't download this feature anymore :-/
    How can I receive that, without this feature?
    maybe with dynamic actions?
    Hope you can help me.
    Edited by: Locke90210 on 17.05.2013 00:30

    OMG I'm to silly for that...
    The status of the hidden item is always expanded...It doesn't change.
    Maybe I always uses the wrong classes.
    <table class="t5HideandShowRegion" id="#REGION_ID#" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
      <tr><td class="t5RegionHeader">#TITLE#<a style="margin-left:5px;" href="javascript:hideShow('region#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#','shIMG#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#','#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_5/rollup_plus_dgray.gif','#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_5/rollup_minus_dgray.gif');" class="htmldbHideShowMinLink"><img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_5/rollup_plus_dgray.gif"
      id="shIMG#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#" alt="" style=""/></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td nowrap="nowrap"><div class="t5Hide" id="region#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#"  style="display:none;"><div class="t5ButtonHolder">#CLOSE#<img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_5/1px_trans.gif" height="1" width="15" alt=""/>#PREVIOUS##NEXT##DELETE##EDIT##CHANGE##CREATE##HELP#</div><div class="t5RegionBody">#BODY#</div></div></td></tr>
    </table>Maybe you can say, which classes I have to use.

  • Next Button in a Hide and Show Region is not displayed correctly

    I created a new button at the bottom of the region in a Hide and Show Region called [Next >]. The button is displayed to the right of the region. I want it displayed at the right end of the bottom of the region. The following is the button properties
    Button Name : NEXT_SIGNS
    Text Label/Alt: Next >
    Sequence            130
    Display in Region: Signs and Nameplates (1) 100
    Button Position:    Bottom of Region
    Button Alignment: Right
    Static ID:          
    Button Style:      Template Based Button
    Button Template: PA Button
    Button Type:       Hot
    Button Attributes:
    Action When Button Clicked
    Action:                 Submit Page
    Execute Validation: Yes
    Database Action:    No Database Action
    NoneWhy is this occurring and how can I resolve the issue?
    The following is the template of the hide and show region:
    <div class="hide-show-region" id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#" #REGION_ATTRIBUTES#>
      <div class="hide-show-top">
        <div class="hide-show-title">
    <div class="rounded-corner-region">
    <div class="rc-blue-top">      
    <div class="rc-blue-top-r">
           <a style="margin-left:5px;" href="javascript:hideShow('region#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#','shIMG#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#','#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/rollup_plus_dgray.gif','#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/rollup_minus_dgray.gif');" class="t1HideandShowRegionLink"><img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/rollup_plus_dgray.gif"
      id="shIMG#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#" alt="" />Click on arrow to enter/hide  information for signs and/or nameplates</a></div>
        <div class="hide-show-buttons">#CLOSE##PREVIOUS##NEXT##DELETE##EDIT##CHANGE##CREATE##CREATE2##EXPAND##COPY##HELP#</div>
      <div class="hide" id="region#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#">#BODY#</div>
    </div>APEX version 4.1
    DB version 10g Rel 2

    I created a new button at the bottom of the region in a Hide and Show Region called [Next >]. The button is displayed to the right of the region.I only see it displayed to the right of the region in Firefox (Safari and IE8 showed it above the sub-regions). Not obvious to me why this is the case (it's usually IE that does it's own thing).
    I want it displayed at the right end of the bottom of the region.Button position Bottom of Region causes an anonymous HTML table containing the button(s) to be generated after the <tt>#BODY#</tt> placeholder in the region template. Your Hide/Show region template didn't have a <tt>#SUB_REGIONS#</tt> placeholder so by default the sub-regions were rendered after the <tt>#BODY#</tt> and the "Bottom of Region" button container (don't know if this is the intended behaviour or a bug). Adding <tt>#SUB_REGIONS#</tt> before <tt>#BODY#</tt> in the template gets things in the right order (button after sub-regions):
    <div class="hide-show-region" id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#" #REGION_ATTRIBUTES#>
      <div class="hide-show-top">
        <div class="hide-show-title">
    <div class="rounded-corner-region">
    <div class="rc-blue-top">      
    <div class="rc-blue-top-r">
           <a style="margin-left:5px;" href="javascript:hideShow('region#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#','shIMG#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#','#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/rollup_plus_dgray.gif','#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/rollup_minus_dgray.gif');" class="t1HideandShowRegionLink"><img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_2/rollup_plus_dgray.gif"
      id="shIMG#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#" alt="" />Click on arrow to enter/hide  information for signs and/or nameplates</a></div>
        <div class="hide-show-buttons">#CLOSE##PREVIOUS##NEXT##DELETE##EDIT##CHANGE##CREATE##CREATE2##EXPAND##COPY##HELP#</div>
      <div class="hide" id="region#REGION_SEQUENCE_ID#">
    </div>Firefox is still showing the button to the right of the sub-regions. I'm assuming that this has something to do with everything in this theme being floated left (for reasons that escape me), so we'll try to clear the button container using CSS. The table doesn't have an ID or class so try an adjacent sibling selector using the ID of the preceding sub-region:
    #nameplates-name+table {
      clear: both;
    }Finally, the button alignment was set to "Left", so I changed it to "Right".
    Seems to be working in IE8 (all I have access to at present).
    Edited by: fac586 on 30-Nov-2012 20:10
    Fixed CSS selector syntax.

  • Classic Report with Hide and Show Region Template does not show report

    I created a "No Template" region on a page with a Classic Report. When I change it to a "Hide and Show" region template, the report does not show up when I click to Show the there an additional step i'm missing to make the report show up. Its a very simple query.
    Thanks in advance,

    How about posting some relevant information like Apex version, RDBMS version, Theme you are using, etc.?

  • Hi... i have iphone 5. my phone shows me the apple broken and does not work well . what this means? deppy

    hi... i have iphone 5. my phone shows me the apple broken and does not work well . what this means? deppy

    despoina kiato wrote:
    καμία φορά σταματάει να δουλεύει. σβήνει το κινητό και  μου δηχνει το μήλο σπασμένο.  απενεργοποιήτε  μόνο του . αυτό είναι όλο .
    Englidh would help.

  • Hi all, Since I updated to Mavericks I am having trouble with Safari showing all the buttons/clickable options, but they are gray and will not work. Specifically, the Trash Can/Delete and the "Move to" folder button simply do not work. Any ideas?

    Hi all, Since I updated to Mavericks I am having trouble with Safari showing all the buttons/clickable options, but they are gray and will not work. Specifically, the Trash Can/Delete and the "Move to" folder button simply do not work. Any ideas?

    Please post a screenshot that shows what you mean. Be careful not to include any private information.
    Start a reply to this message. Click the camera icon in the toolbar of the editing window and select the image file to upload it. You can also include text in the reply.

  • My iTouch will not show movies, but they are showing on my iTunes.  When I try and play them through my iTunes it freezes on me and does not work.

    My iTouch will not show movies, but they are showing on my iTunes.  When I try and play them through my iTunes it freezes on me and does not work.  This problem only occurs whenever I am using my netbook.  It doesn't happen when I use a different computer.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling itunes and am not sure what else to do from here. 

    You may have transferred all your songs, but your iPad is seeing the library as a different entity.
    The following article(s) may help you.
    Moving your iTunes library to a new computer  

  • Hide and Show Region Problem

    I have created a report with the following attributes:
    Region Definition User Interface - Hide and Show Region;
    Report template -Standard;
    Sort Columns - all checked.
    Report source - SQL Query (PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL query).
    I open a page with this report, click on (+) and show region but when I try to sort records in the column region hides. The same problem I have with some others report templates.
    Report templates Borderless and Horizontal Border do not have this problem.
    I am using Application Express
    Could someone explain what it is?
    Thank you in advance.

    Report template -Standard
    Use a "Standard - PPR" template instead, that works better with a Show/Hide region template because the entire page is not re-rendered when you click on a column header to sort. Only the report region content is refreshed.

  • Hide and Show - Toggle image

    Okay - I admit it! I am completely baffled.
    I am trying to use custom "click" images for my hide and show region. I am using a modified version of Theme 20 in Apex 4.0.
    I have created two little images, one for open state and one for closed. I have managed to get the "open" image to display and it is clickable and the region closes, but the image does not toggle.
    In the region template, I find the following:
    Clearly, this is to toggle the image. But, how does it know what image to use? Which image to replace the oen state image with. I am not understanding how it selects the second image.
    Please, please, can someone explain to me how to get the toggle to work properly with my custom images.
    Thanks in advance.

    So, I figured it out myself.
    the function htmldb_togglewithimage actually takes the 'puls' string in the image name and changes it to 'minus'. So your images have to be maned something like:
    without uswoing this maning convention - it will not work.

  • Hide and Show on Theme #7

    Hey -
    I have created my application from Theme 7 (also used by the XCogito app), and want a hide and show region. Its showing #CLOSE# on the region, and quite honestly am not sure where to go to get rid of that.
    Here is a link of a sample page I just set up using it. Not much more info to give since I am using the provided templates.

    Thanks! That was easy.
    You may want to note that however since it is your theme and template for the future. It was listed as #CLOSE # - taking out the space worked. Just a heads up.
    Thanks again =)

  • My Ipod touch 4th generation is not working, its frozen, ive tried everything and its not working, its just frozen on an app and i really really need HELP!!!

    My Ipod is frozen!!! Its a 4th generation and its frozen on an app, Ive tried everything like holding down the lock screen and stuff and its not showing the red thing to slid to shut it down....This is my only thing to use to contact my friends and its not working, i dont have a phone and i cant get one, so this is the onlything i have.....PLEASE HELP!!!

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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