What is the best way to for a plugin to wrap a video element in a parallel composition with a reference plugin that points to that Video Element?

I have a basic reference element loaded as a plugin, which is able to retrieve information about, pause and play video elements while displaying its own overlay content as well.  What it's not currently doing, is automatically positioning itself to the same location and dimensions of the video element that it references.  For some reason, when I try using the layout API to set position and size in the video element metadata, this is not retrieved by the reference element (it returns a null value for the target video element's metadata).
I wanted to try a different approach, specifically, creating a parallel composition that works as follows:
1) When a video element is created in the factory, it is automatically wrapped in a parallel composition element along with a reference element, which is passed the video element as a target.
2) The reference element sets its width and height with the width and height properties of the video element spatial trait and will listen for any changes to that width and height to adjust accordingly.
3) Now that I think about it, the parallel composition should itself be a proxy for the video element, so other code in the player that moves, resizes, or otherwise alters the dispay of the video element, will if fact be adjusting the whole video element + reference element parallel composition.
In other words, I want the reference element to be an overlay that is "locked" to the surface of any video element and follows it in size, position, display and even audio traits.
Suggestions for the best way to approach this within the framework?

Thanks Wei,
With some more tweaking, I am able to get and use the layout metadata as you said!  Here is where my issue stands now:
* My IMediaReferrer element can now look at the layout metadata of the target media element and copy those values, so it has the same width, height, x, and y  properties.  This is great!
* However, particularly for RelativeLayoutFacet metadata, this is only fully useful if both the target media element and my IMediaReferrer element are in the same composition.  If they are in different compositions which are themselves placed differently, then even identical x and y values don't add up to the same position on the screen.
So, my challenge is to figure out how to ensure that my IMediaReferrer element is placed in the same composition as the target media element.
Again, the goal is to write a plugin that will have a reference to an underlying video, and will always have the same width, height, x, and y of the video it is overlaying.  This plugin should not require any additional coding in the player, but should take care of setting itself up as above automatically when loaded.
There isn't any property on a media element which exposes the "parent" composition element that it is a part of, so I don't know how to get my IMediaReferrer to add itself to the same composition as the reference target automatically.  I'm not sure if it's possible to make my IMediaReferrer element extend ParallelElement and still load in a SWF Element as an overlay, and add that SWF Element and the target Media Element as children with identical layout metadata.
Do you have any suggestions on how I should proceed?
Thanks again!

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    No, Below is a bit from the Session Manager Help
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    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
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    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
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          var grid:Sprite;
          // Holds the shuffle button.
          var shuffleButton:Sprite;
          // Equals 12 columns, 9 rows.
          var cols:int = 12;
          var rows:int = 9;
          // Equals number of cells in grid (108).
          var cells:int = cols * rows;
          // Sets cell width and height to 40 pixels.
          var cellW:int = 40;
          var cellH:int = 40;
          // Holds 108 cell images.
          var imageArray:Array = [];
          // Holds 108 numerical values for the cells in the grid.
          var cellNumbers:Array = [];
          // Constructor calls "generateGrid" and "makeShuffleButton" functions.
          public function Blanko()
      // Creates and displays the 12*9 grid.
      private function generateGrid():void
           grid = new Sprite;
           var i:int = 0;
           for (i = 0; i < cells; i++)
                cellNumbers.push(i % 9 + 1);
           trace("Before shuffle: ", cellNumbers);
           trace("After shuffle: ", cellNumbers);
           var _cell:Sprite;
           for (i = 0; i < cells; i++)
                // This next line is where the implicit coercion occurs. "_cell" is a sprite that tries
                   to temporarily equal an array value.
                _cell = drawCells(cellNumbers[i]);
                _cell.x = (i % cols) * cellW;
                _cell.y = (i / cols) * cellH;
      // Creates a "shuffle" button and adds an on-click mouse event.
      private function makeShuffleButton():void
           var _label:TextField = new TextField();
           _label.autoSize = "center";
           TextField(_label).multiline = TextField(_label).wordWrap = false;
           TextField(_label).defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 11, 0xFFFFFF, "bold");
           _label.text = "SHUFFLE";
           _label.x = 4;
           _label.y = 2;
           shuffleButton = new Sprite();
           shuffleButton.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, _label.width + _label.x * 2, _label.height +
                                                _label.y * 2, 10);
           shuffleButton.buttonMode = shuffleButton.useHandCursor = true;
           shuffleButton.mouseChildren = false;
           shuffleButton.x = grid.x + 30 + grid.width - shuffleButton.width;
           shuffleButton.y = grid.y + grid.height + 10;
           shuffleButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onShuffleButtonClick);
      // Clears cell images, shuffles their numbers and then assigns them new images.
      private function onShuffleButtonClick():void
       trace("After shuffle: ", cellNumbers);
       for (var i:int = 0; i < cells; i++)
      // Removes any existing cell images from the display stack.
      private function eraseCells(): void
       while (imageArray.numChildren > 0)
      // Shuffles cell numbers (randomizes array).
      private function shuffleCells(_array:Array):void
       var _number:int = 0;
       var _a:int = 0;
       var _b:int = 0;
       var _rand:int = 0;
       for (var i:int = _array.length - 1; i > 0; i--)
        _rand = Math.random() * (i - 1);
        _a = _array[i];
        _b = _array[_rand];
        _array[i] = _b;
        _array[_rand] = _a;
      // Retrieves and assigns a custom image to a cell based on its numerical value.
      private function drawCells(_numeral:int):Array
       var _classRef:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("skin" + _numeral));
       _classRef.x = 30;
       return imageArray;
         Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

         Thank you for the reply. Let me address a few things here in the hopes of allowing you (and others) to better understand my reasoning for doing things in this manner (admittedly, there is probably a much better/easier approach to what I am trying to accomplish which is one of the things I hope to learn/discover from these posts).
         The elements inside my "imageArray" are all individual graphics that I had imported, changed their type to movie clips using .Sprite as their base class (instead of .MovieClip) and then saved as classes. The reason I did this was because the classes could then be referenced via "getDefinitionByName" by each cell value that was being passed to it. In this grid every number from 1 to 9 appears randomly 12 times each (making the 108 cells which populate the grid). I did not, at the time (nor do I now), know of a better method to implement for making sure that each image appears in the cell that has the corresponding value (i.e. every time a cell has the value of 8 then the custom graphic/class "skin8" will be assigned to it so that the viewer will be able to see a more aesthetically pleasing numerical representation, that is to say a slightly more fancy looking number with a picture behind it). I was advised to store these images in an array so that I could destroy them when I reshuffle the grid in order to make room for the new images (but I probably messed up the instructions).
         If the "drawCell" function only returns a sprite rather than the image array itself, doesn't that mean that my "eraseCells" function won't be able to delete the array's children as their values weren't first returned to the global variable which my erasing function is accessing?
         As for the function name "drawCells," you have to keep in mind that a) my program has been redesigned in stages as I add new functionality/remove old functionality (such as removing text labels and formatting which were originally in this function) and b) that my program is called "Blanko."
         I will try and attach an Illustrator exported JPG file that contains the image I am using as the class "skin7" just to give you an example of what I'm trying to use as labels (although it won't let me insert it here in this post, so I will try it in the next post).
    Thank you for your help!

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    Juan, be aware that returning null won't work with value types, such as an int, which can't be null. You'd have to use a nullable value type. A nullable int would be declared with a "?", such as:
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    return param * 42;
    return null;
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    if (result != null) // you can also use result.HasValue
    // it worked, do something with the result
    // if you're doing math with the result, no problem
    int x = result * 2;
    // but if you're assigning it to another an int, you need to use this syntax
    int y = result.Value;
    Before nullable value types came along, for a method that returned an int, I'd use a value of something that wouldn't normally be returned by that method to indicate failure, such as a -1.
    ~~Bonnie DeWitt [C# MVP]
    That's something very very important to keep in mind. Can save you from a lot of headaches!
    So if you have an int function and it might return NULL, if you are doing Math with the return value you can use it directly, but if you're assigning it to another variable you have to use .Value?

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    2. Most of what I've read online seems to recommend two separate SSDs, one for installing/booting the apps and one for cache/scratch.  Does it matter if I use my 240GB SSD for both?
    3. This is a fairly new computer and the SSD is already almost half full (102GB used, 120GB free) *WITHOUT* any of my photo editing software installed yet.  I'm concerned about how fast that remaining 120 GB may fill up.  As it fills up will I lose the speed advantage of the SSD vs. a regular HDD?
    4. Sort of similar to #3, but should I bother moving any of my other non-photo editing programs/caches off of the SSD to a HDD and would there be any major difference in the speed/lifespan of the SSD if I did so?  It's mostly Firefox and Chrome and their caches that I'm concerned may be a problem if they remain on the SSD.
    Thanks for any help!

    If you have an SSD you can run the cache and programs on the same drive.  However, many recommend a scratch disk size of 100-200 gigs so that will not work here unless you opt for a larger SSD.  Otherwise an internal spinner is recommended that does not contain the program files, or idealy any other files that may want to get acessed at same time (only one read/write head per drive).
    With 32 gig of RAM you may not need the constant use of the scratch drive unless working on large images with lots of layers.  So see no advantage to moving folder to SSD for temp work environment.
    From what I read the new crop of SSD do not have the wear problems of the older versions.

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    They will be able to download everything that was bought with their Apple ID. If they all shared an ID then they switched to their own ID they won't be able to use any apps or music bought with another Apple ID. As I explained in my previous response. There is only one way to share apps and content across multiple Apple ID's and that is home share. So, NO there isn't a "Smooth" way to do it.

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    Not going to happen the way you want it to.
    When you add a gift card balance to the Apple ID, it's available for the Apple ID.
    Probably best to create unique Apple ID's for each... this will also make things easier in the future as purchases are eternally tied to the Apple ID they were purchased with.

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    Adding to babowa, enable the system firewall in System Preferences>Security>Firewall tab. Click Advanced and check Stealth Mode.
    Lion is a pretty steady and secure operating system, and as there really aren't MANY Mac viruses, there ARE viruses out there still. OS X is pretty good about letting you know if you do accidently download a virus, and it will help you throw it away if it detects one, such as the MACDefender virus. OS X has built in security features such as sandboxing that doesn't allow viruses in as easily as a Windows PC. As for hackers, as long as you have the firewall enabled and a secure password (for your computer and email accounts), then you should be fine.
    It's the user that lets the virus in, not the computer (unless there's some untold serious vulnerability in OS X, which is highly unlikely). Keep your apps up to date, don't download pirated software, and be street smart on the internet. Don't download things or visit websites that you don't think are real. Safari includes a Phishing feature that automatically detects known phishing sites, protecting you from that big problem. Keep your passwords secure and you should be fine.
    There are antivirus solutions out there, one notable one available in the AppStore is Intego's VirusBarrier (free and plus versions), if you feel you still need one.
    I wouldn't worry about it. Windows users who switch to Mac are always asking these questions.
    Here's some good reading as well
    Enjoy OS X Lion

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    iTunes is straight forward, just use the same ID on all of them.
    What exactly do you want to see in messages on the Mac and iPad, messages combined from each of your phones or a different account just for both of you.
    You should think about what you want in calendars, contacts etc, on your shared devices.

  • My wife and I share an Ipad.   We each have our own email address and calendar.   What is the best way for us to backup both accounts (we currently only have 1 ICloud account)?   Thanks for any help!    Alan

    My wife and I each have our own email address and calendar.  These are on one IPad.   The Ipad has a single ICloud account.
    What's the best way to backup both Calendars, etc?   Does ICloud automatically back up every account on the same IPad?  (I checked ICloud, but I could only find my stuff.)
    Thanks for any help!

    First, you need to understand that there's a difference between "syncing" and "backup".  Backup is the saving of content and settings, where syncing is the bidirectional transfer of content for an account to a web-based server (like iCloud, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)
    If you see your calendar in your iCloud account, that implies that you have set up your iCloud account to host (sync) your calendar, and perhaps contacts, email, and notes.  An iCloud account can only sync one user's information at a time so it is intended to support a single user.  You can have more than one iCloud account, and you can even have more than one iCloud account on the same device (but one has to be primary, and the secondary iCloud has limited capabilities), but a single iCloud account only supports a single user's content.
    Backup is the saving of your device's content and settings to use in case you need to recover these things, but you can't see the contents of your backup (just the size and device name).  You can backup more than one device to iCloud and you can backup to iCloud or you can backup to your computer, or both (one at a time though, you have to choose). 
    So, if your wife has her own email and calendar she can certainly do that in parallel to whatever account(s) you have for email and calendar.  But if you have only one iCloud account then only one of you can use it for email, calendar, etc.  But the backup of these accounts is really just a backup of the device's settings that link the device to these accounts. For example, if she uses Gmail then the backup of the iPad only backs up the fact that your iPad is set up to use her account, it does not backup the account itself (the content of her account is saved and preserved on Google's servers, not your device's backup).
    Does that make better sense?

Maybe you are looking for

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