What to draw on in fullscreen

I am writing a fullscreen exclusive game (this is my first) which will also be able to switch to a windowed mode, and I want to make sure I have everything set up correctly. Here is the plan: I am going to to my drawing in some kind of draw() method in the class where my main game loop is located, then I will will do the rendering in a render() method located in the class where all my full screen stuff is set up. My first question is what component should I draw on? can I draw directly onto the JFrame and will that be supported in windowed mode? is there some component: Canvas, JPanel, etc. that is better suited for full screen apps?

My first question is what component should I draw on?Using BufferStrategy, you can draw on either a Frame (or any of its subclasses) or a Canvas.
can I draw directly onto the JFrame and will that be supported in windowed mode?yup.
is there some component: Canvas, JPanel, etc. that is better suited for full screen apps?BufferStrategy can be used with Canvas - however some ppl find it to be buggy.
Frame is also buggy, but less so.
A word of warning, switching between windowed and fullscreen is very buggy in 1.4.x. (i.e. its impossible)
It will hopefully be completely fixed in 1.5.

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    Hi, I am doing some drawing in a component, and I want to click the button, then what I draw will clear immediately, so how do I do that?

    hi, I can not give you a shor code
    but this is the excutatble code, my intention is to click the stop button, the music will stop playing and the waveform will be cleared, but till not I do not know how to do it, thanks for your help..
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package display513;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Deque;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.net.URL;
    import javax.sound.sampled.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
    * @author wangyue
    public class demo {
        public demo()
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
                public void run()
        private void ShowWaveForm()
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("Real-time audio beat tracking");
            JComponent contentPane = new Pane();
            frame.setContentPane(contentPane);//����add���� ����������������
        public static void main(String[] args)
            demo mydemo = new demo();
    class Pane extends JPanel
      //public field .....................................
      private float FONT_SIZE = 20;
      //String name for button
      private static final String openString = "Open file";
      private static final String playString = "play only";
      private static final String play_trackString = "play&track";
      private static final String play_beatsString = "play beats only";
      private static final String pause_resumeStrig = "pause";
      private static final String stopString = "stop";
      private static final String save_beatsString = "save beats";
      private static final String quitString ="quit";
      //********************************button component************************
      private JButton openButton;
      private JButton playButton;
      private JButton play_trackButton;
      private JButton play_beatsButton;
      private JButton pause_resumeButton;
      private JButton stopButton;
      private JButton save_beatsButton;
      private JButton quitButton;
      //********************************button component************************
      private Vector<Double> samples = new Vector<Double>(1024);
      private ImageIcon logoIcon = new ImageIcon("logo.jpg","the logo");   
      private static boolean isPlay ;
      FilenameFilter wavFilter = new WavFilter();
      private JLabel logolabel;
      private JTextField beatfield;
      private JPanel waveformpanel;
      private JPanel logopanel ;
      final  private JFileChooser chooser;
      private String filename;
      private static boolean track_flag = false;
      private static boolean notkill ;
      public Pane()
        super(new BorderLayout());
        isPlay = false;
        notkill = true;
        track_flag = false;
        openButton = new JButton(openString);
        openButton.addActionListener(new openListener());
        playButton = new JButton(playString);
        playButton.addActionListener(new playListener());   
        play_trackButton = new JButton(play_trackString);
        play_trackButton.addActionListener(new play_trackListener());
        play_beatsButton = new JButton(play_beatsString);
        play_beatsButton.addActionListener(new play_beatsListener());
        pause_resumeButton = new JButton(pause_resumeStrig);
        pause_resumeButton.addActionListener(new pause_resumeListener());
        stopButton = new JButton(stopString);
        stopButton.addActionListener(new stopListener());
        save_beatsButton = new JButton(save_beatsString);
        save_beatsButton.addActionListener(new save_beatsListener());
        quitButton = new JButton(quitString);
        quitButton.addActionListener(new quitListener());
        beatfield = new JTextField(1);
        JPanel lowerpane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        lowerpane.add(beatfield, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        TitledBorder fieldOutsideBorder  = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Real Time Tracked Beats");
        Border fieldInsideBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5);
        waveformpanel = new WaveformPanel();
        JPanel upperpane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        upperpane.add(waveformpanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        TitledBorder waveOutsideBorder  = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Music Signal");
        Border waveInsideBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5);
        // ������������panel ����button
        JPanel buttonpane = new JPanel();
      //  buttonpane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttonpane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
        GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(9,1);
       // BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLUE, 5);
        //Border outterborder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(20,18,5,5);
      //  Border innerborder  = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.GRAY);
      //  buttonpane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(outterborder,innerborder));
        JPanel rightpane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
      //  rightpane.setSize(100, 100);
       // rightpane.add(upperpane,BorderLayout.NORTH);  
      //  rightpane.add(lowerpane, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        JPanel buttompane = new JPanel();
        buttompane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttompane, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
        logopanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());//fuck fuck   ��������������������
        JLabel logolabel = new JLabel(logoIcon);
        //logolabel.setIcon(logoIcon); //faint ����������������������������
        // ����������������
       // add(logopanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 
        add(logopanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
        add(buttompane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          chooser = new JFileChooser();
      }// end for Panel()
      public void setFilename(String filename)
           this.filename = filename;
      public String getFilename()
          return filename;
      class openListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            //  int state = chooser.showOpenDialog(null);
             chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("D:\\"));
             FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("wav", "wav");
             int state = chooser.showOpenDialog(null);
             if(state == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                 filename =  chooser.getSelectedFile().getName();
                 System.out.println("You chose to open this file: " + filename);
                 else if(state == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION)
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Canceled");
                 else if(state == JFileChooser.ERROR_OPTION)
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error!");
           //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
      class playListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
             isPlay = true;
             new PlayThread(getFilename()).start();
                //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
      class play_trackListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                track_flag  = true;
                isPlay = true;
                new PlayThread(getFilename()).start();
      class play_beatsListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
      class pause_resumeListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              //  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
                     isPlay = false;               
                   //  System.out.println(isPlay);
                      isPlay = true;
                    //  System.out.println(isPlay);
      class stopListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");       
               // new PlayThread(getFilename()).start();
                //isPlay = false;
               // notkill = false;
      class save_beatsListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
      class quitListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              //  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
      class WaveformPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
          Timer timer;
          int speed = 100;//100
          int pause = 0;
          int nframe=0;
          int count=20;
          int pp=0;//������������
          double xpos=1.0;
      int[] pos= { 150,190,230,274,315,356,395,436,477,515,555,595,635,675,715,755,795,835,875,915,955,995,10,6,1076,1116,1155,1195,1235,1275
          public WaveformPanel()
             super(new BorderLayout());
             setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 400));
             timer = new Timer(speed, this);
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            if (!isPlay && !notkill)
               // return;
          public void paint(Graphics graph)
              Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) graph;
              Dimension d = getSize();
              double gridWidth = d.getWidth();
              double gridHeight = d.getHeight();
              int gridWidthInt = new Double(gridWidth).intValue();
              int gridHeightInt = new Double(gridHeight).intValue();
              g.clearRect(0, 0, gridWidthInt, gridHeightInt);
              int size = samples.size();//size ����������1600��������
             if(notkill = false)
                // get the visible area
                Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
                 // set a color you want for clearing
                g.fillRect(clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height);
                  for (int index = 1; index < size - 1; index++)
                        Double s = samples.elementAt(index);   
                        double x1 = (new Integer(index + 1)).doubleValue() / 1024.0
                          * gridWidth;
                        double x2 = x1;
                        double y1 ;
                        double y2 ;
                        if( s.doubleValue()>900)
                            y1 =0.0;
                            y1 = 0.5 * gridHeight;
                        y2= 0.5 * gridHeight * (1 + s.doubleValue());
                     g.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1,y1,x2,y2));
    class PlayThread extends Thread
         String filename;
         int index=0;
         int nframe=0;
         int[] pos= { 150,190,230,274,315,356,395,436,477,515,555,595,635,675,715,755,795,835,875,915,955,995,1076,1116,1155,1195,1235,1275
         public PlayThread(String filename)
             this.filename = filename;
             samples = new Vector<Double>(1024);
         public void run()
            // isPlay = true;
             final byte[] buf = new byte[2];
             AudioInputStream ain = null;
             SourceDataLine line = null;
                 File sndFile = new File(filename);
                 ain = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(sndFile);
                 AudioFormat formatInfo = ain.getFormat();
                 DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, formatInfo);
                 line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
             catch(Exception e)
                 isPlay = false;
                 return ;
                int sampleIndex = 0;
                int sampleRate = 512;
                int capacity = samples.capacity();
                        while( ain.read(buf) != -1 && !notkill)// && notkill
                                // System.out.println(isPlay);
                                 line.write(buf, 0,2);
                                 if (sampleIndex == sampleRate)
                                  double scale = new Short(getSample(buf)).doubleValue() / 32767.0;
                                 //fuck ���������������� ����������  fuck fuck     
                                  if(track_flag == true)
                                        if(pos[index] == nframe)
                                           samples.add(new Double(scale+1000));
                                        samples.add(new Double(scale));
                                        samples.add(new Double(scale));
                                      sampleIndex = 0;                
                                     if (samples.size() == capacity)
                                    //System.out.println(isPlay);//������ ������ ������������
                                   // int aa=1;
                                  //  System.out.println("wang yue fighting");
                                    if(isPlay == true)
             catch(Exception e)
                 isPlay = false;
                 return ;
             isPlay = false;
         }// end run method
         private short getSample(byte[] buf)
          short sample = 0x0000;
          short mask = 0x00ff;
          sample |= (mask & buf[1]);
          sample <<= 8;
          sample |= (mask & buf[0]);
          return sample;
    }// end play thread
    class WavFilter implements FilenameFilter {
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
          return (name.endsWith(".wav"));

  • How to stop Flash from selecting what I draw

    Hi I'm a total noob at Flash
    Whenever I draw something, it gets highlighted afterwards, in a blue outline
    How do I stop this?

    hi, after selecting the drawing tools. i.e brush tool, line tool.etc.
    press "j". it toggles object drawing mode.
    or you can click here to toggle

  • What is a good paint/drawing app?

    In a recent news release fromApple, they mentioned a fellow doing a cover for the New Yorker magazine.
    Does anyone know what paint/draw App he used for this?
    j.v. fromnc

    I believe the App used was Brushes. Brushes is no longer in the App store. It has been replaced by Brushes 3.
    I like Art Rage myself.

  • Applet, Frame and fullscreen

    Have an application wich is a Applet and also can run as a desktop program. The fullscreen desktop function some time ago sotpped work, now I have been testing to discover the problem and discovered the Applet does not work correctly when inside my Frame, the Panel class also does not work, only the JPanel is drawed in my fullscreen.
    So, I want to ask why the Applet does not work anymore when the Frame is in fullscreen exclusive mode?... and what is the best practice in this case, because I want my game to run in desktop and inside web browser?
    Thanks in advance

    Janio wrote:
    Ok, the browser window wrapper does nothing in particular, in fact it can be replaced by a Frame using java web start, but maybe the users will get intimidated by this approach.And maybe they won't. Developers seem to have a greater fear of apps. launched using JWS than users do.
    Note that an app. launched using JWS will work for more users than an applet. There are constant browser/JRE interaction bugs discovered, that trip up applet deployment.
    I just want an alternative for this problem with Applets inside frames.Applets can be dropped into a frames, but it requires some extra hassles. If you control the code, I would not recommend going that way.
    (And now I re-read this thread from the top..)
    I am confused by what you mean by 'full-screen' in combination with 'applet'. An applet embedded in a web page has its size set in HTML. If you want something to be full-screen, it would require the applet launching a free-floating (J)Frame, (J)Window or (J)Dialog (etc.). Is that what it does?

  • Can not use all the tools in my drawing markups any ideas on getting them to work?

    Can not use all the tools in my drawing markups any ideas on getting them to work?

    Hi tonys60181,
    Could you please let me know what version of Adobe Acrobat are you using.
    What all drawing tools are you unable to access?
    Is this issue specific to one PDF file or all?
    What exactly happens when you try to use any drawing markup?
    Please let me know.

  • Out of no where, interface is 'drawing to much power'?

    Ok, so i've updated logic express to logic express 9. I've also got snow leopard 10.6.1 and i don't know if that has anything to do with this but i'm just letting you know.
    i've also got a macbook pro with a 2.5GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 4GB of RAM.
    I've been using the TASCAM US-122 interface to plug my guitar into the computer to record onto logic for the past year or so. It has always worked perfectly nice with no problems ever.
    All of a sudden now, since i updated from mac OS 10.6 to 10.6.1, whenever i plug in my TASCAM, the computer reads this...
    'Because a USB device was drawing too much power from your computer, one or more of your USB devices have been disabled.'
    ...and that's it. it tells me i can't use it. then i unplug it and try another USB port on my laptop. the same thing. I've yet to be able to plug this thing in and use it again.
    What do i have to do to get this working again without having to go to the Apple store which is 35 minutes from where I live.
    also, i have the Phantom power turned OFF on my TASCAM, just in case you were thinking that was what was drawing to much power.
    please help me. i'm hopeless :/

    I have had this issue both with OS 10.5 and now with OS 10.6. I don't quite understand it because once it starts happening, it happens with and without USB devices connected to the computer. It is extremely frustrating.
    I often attach a bunch of USB devices, they always either have their own power or are attached via a powered hub.
    My current thought is that this was somehow triggered by a memory card reader (Belkin) in the PCI slot as it seems to have started this cascade both times.
    Using OS 10.5 - all was well until one day, the dreaded overpower message came up. The reader didn't work and it eventually turned off my external keyboard/mouse. Taking out the PCI card minimized, but did not eliminate the problem.
    When I moved to OS 10.6, the problem seemed to go away. This past week I went on a trip and used the PCI card and now the problem is back. The card has been removed, the OS has been reinstalled and still the issue occurs. I will get the message even if there is no external USB device attached. If there is a USB device attached it will occasionally turn it off (so far only the right hand USB port). This is very annoying. It doesn't seem to bother the left port (where I currently charge my iphone during the day), but will turn off a keyboard - go figure. It happens both at home and at work even though the device attachments are totally different (the only constant is the iphone, even the USB dock is different dock).
    Would love to resolve this issue once and for all!

  • Drawing tool behaviour in Flash CC

    I'm using Flash for about 10 years now, and recently use the new flash CC for my new projects.
    I'm really disappointed with the new drawing tool. I mean, the new behaviour of the old brush tool.
    What did you do to it ? it has always been hard to get the 'what you draw is what you get', with flash.
    But now with that new version, it became almost impossible to draw correctly.
    The strokes are awful.
    And, worst, the behaviour of the arrow, when you want to adjust your splines, is also unpredictable, and unusable !
    I'm not talking about the drawings you get when you draw inside a symbol which is rotated. If you never try it, just do it, you'll laugh... For such a professional tool, costing several hundred of dollars, I don't understand why you cannot rotate and draw in the symbol, and why, after so many years you never find a fix for that...
    Why did you destroy that tool ???
    And is it possible to get back the old drawing engine, maybe with an extension, or a fix ?
    Thank you for your attention,
    - hope I'll not have to force the studio switching to Toon Boom Harmony...

    I know that you can change the overall width with the stroke.  I am missing the width tool.
    I am missing this. . .

  • Can you define a specific size of a Drawing Markup rectangle?

    Hi all,
    I am using Acrobat X and have been asked to find an answer to a 'problem' someone is having.
    If you have a site plan of one's property and they submit it to me for comment (as a pdf file) can I draw a box to a specific size? Say I set the 'scale ratio' to what the drawing scale is, I go to 'comments' and from the 'Drawing Markups' pane I choose 'draw rectangle; square', I then draw a rectangle to represent a shed of a specific size. I can dimension how far the rectangle/shed is to be from the property lines and I can dimension the rectangle/shed but I have to play with stretching it to get it to my desired size based on the scale I set.
    My question; is there anyway, when I am drawing the box, to either specify an x by y size or see the lenghts of their sides once I pick a corner and start to drag the box to the other corner?
    If not, would there be a java script that could accomplish this task?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks Sabian, I understand that Acrobat is not a vector drawing application and I have been using all those programs (illustrator, AutoCAD, CorelDRAW etc.) for the past 20+ years. It wouldn't seem too much to ask considering that I can set a scale to my page (in Acrobat) and I can get Acrobat to give me a dimension from point A to point B based on that said scale, so why couldn't I expect to put a rectangle markup based on that same scale?
    As for the right tool? We are a municipality that is trying to make it easier for the public to submit applications online. Those submissions are in the format of a PDF because it is unrealistic to assume the everyone in the public has access to or can afford a program like AutoCAD or illustrator. Likewise it is too COSTLY to have everyone in the city have say 'AutoCAD' or even 'illustrator' to view the application documents to markup and send back.
    I believe  In 1991, Adobe Systems co-founder John Warnock outlined a system called "Camelot"[3] that evolved into PDF (from Wikipedia) and it was a way to have an independent viewing format regardless of what software application created it. I truly believe that Acrobat for what it's initial intent was that it should incorporate some of these features as it only makes sense in an evolutionary sense. Not to be a 'drawing package' but in it's markup/comments palette to expand on them.
    So keep your comments to 'no at this time acrobat does not allow this type of functionality but who knows in the future' and don't treat me as though I don't know anything about anything. In my decades of using these applications I have seen them evolve to include more functions and do more then when the product was originally released.
    I will now go on and recommend that they seriously look at Bluebeam Revu as it is not only cheaper but it has a ton more functionality specifically designed for the needs as listed above working with PDF's (and bitmap images to boot). I was just wanting to cover all bases and give all programs a fair look.
    Thanks again for your intuitive insight.

  • How/Where to make Drawing/Sketch Video for Website

    I am brand new to all Adobe applications but have the CS5 Master Suite and have been taking many courses through Lynda.com for months.  I wish to learn how to make a small video of an object being sketched.  That is use a drawing tablet and stylus (whatever they are called...I have NO idea) and trace over a photo.  When finished I wish to have the video of the slowly created tracing of the object sped up and when complete fade away and the actual photograph of the object traced overlap fade into view. In other words use this as a transition technique for presenting a photograph of an object rather then just have it "pop" onto the screen.  My questions are: (1) What special drawing pad and stylus are required (if any....can I do it with just the mouse?) (2) Is Flash Professional the program one would use to make such a video?  If not which Adobe program is best suited to this task, and (3) Is there a NAME to this "technique" in whatever program was given in answer to question two so I know where to begin and/or look for a tutorial on how to accomplish this technique?  (I am assuming that describing how to do this is too tedious a task for this forum.  If I am mistaken please tell me.)  Thank you.

    You could get a Wacom tablet and draw over your photo in Photoshop and record the process using a screen recorder application. I'm much too lazy to do that sort of thing. Do a google search on sketch effect in Photoshop. You'll find a whole long list of tutorials that will show you various ways to achieve the sketch version of your photo. You'll find that you can get greater and lesser levels of detail by changing the settings of the filters used in the process. You can save each one of these variations to a different layer in Photoshop. You can use these layers as the development of the sketch version of the photo.
    Each layer can then be imported into Flash. You can then to the animation in Flash.
    Does that help to get you started?

  • What is the best product for me?

    Next year I will be a college student and want an apple product that can be my notebook. I currently use OneNote on a Toshiba tablet, but want to upgrade to apple. I know that apple does not make a tablet, but I figured I could get an ipad with a stylus for when I need to write things like math. I could also get one of those attachable keyboards for essays and such. Does this sound like a logical system for a college student? Can OneNote even be downloaded on an iPad? I've seen the styluses and they seem a bit weird, with a round rubber tip. It seems as though that isn't very efficient for writing as you wouldn't know exactly where what you draw would show up, am I right about that? If I am, I guess I would just get a normal Macbook and simply use paper for math class. Please let me know what you think would be the best system for me. Thank you!

    Look at these links.
    http://www.cultofmac.com/185805/why-you-should-buy-an-ipad-instead-of-a-macbook- for-college-back-to-school/
    http://www.forbes.com/sites/quickerbettertech/2013/06/10/whats-the-best-tool-for -college-a-macbook-or-ipad-and-wait-what-about-windows-8/
    http://techland.time.com/2012/08/28/ask-techland-ipad-with-a-keyboard-or-macbook -air-for-an-adult-student/
    http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/buying-advice/apple/3420938/macbook-or-ipad-what-shou ld-you-get/
     Cheers, Tom

  • Help with SlideShowPro FullScreen Mode

    I have been knocking myself out on this problem for 6 weeks, posted on the SSP Forums, but still no solution.
    I now have two test sites posted, they are identical except that one site has all the SSP components programmed to open in FullScreen mode when clicked in the center and the other is programmed to only toggle the display mode (play/pause) without any fullscreen capability. The non-FullScreen capable site works perfectly, but the FullScreen enabled site loses its mind (always in a different way) when returning from FullScreen mode. Even the FullScreen enabled site works perfectly until FullScreen is first activated - after that it is anyones guess what happens next?
    Non-FullScreen Enabled Site (always works as expected):
    FullScreen Enabled Site (never works as expected):
    Once FullScreen is activated, upon returning to site, sometimes some of the different menu buttons in the site no longer work, or they take you to the wrong section, and pretty much 100% of the time if you click on Subscribe, Prints, Info, or Contact one of the SSP movies will run in the background (and there are NO INSTANCES OF SSP ON ANY OF THOSE MOVIE FRAMES!).
    The SSP Tech Support keeps telling me to use the halt(); method. They say my problem is that remnants of the SSP component are being left behind when returning from FullScreen mode in Flash and that the halt(); method flushes those remnants out. I have tried writing the AS3 code 10 different ways to call this halt(); method on an SSP instance, but just get various errors.
    Has anyone ever used the halt() method? If so, do you have any code examples?

    Thank for the reply, but could you maybe post how you used the halt(); method in an actual function or handler so that I can see how you actually called it in the ActionScript? I am assuming that I have to attach it to a button?

  • Mobile: fullscreen vs StageDisplayState

    Can someone explain to me what the difference is between <fullscreen>true</fullscreen> and StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE, and how these should be used?
    Testing on an Android Nexus 4 it seems to be that:
    StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE hides the status bar at the top.
    <fullscreen>true</fullscreen>  hides the status bar at the top and initially reduces navigation buttons to dots, when they are touched they become full icons and stay that way.
    Is this the only notable fullscreen behavior on Android?
    What is the behavior on iOS?
    Is there any way to return to the initial state of <fullscreen> (with the navigation buttons reduced to dots) from AS3?

    And let me add, I HATE the term Fullscreen.
    Just one more way the TV/Film industry is convincing the uninformed public that Widescreen movies are wrong. The black bars are wrong. I don't want a widescreen TV, because then I won't be able to view fullscreen.
    Almost as bad as the EDTV moniker on cheap sets.
    I don't know. I have an HD 16:9 plasma. All my Widescreen DVDs fill the screen nicely. Is there something wrong?
    Sorry, quick rant on stupid marketingspeak. If you want to move the public forward into buying an widescreen TV, don't call those DVDs Fullscreen. Call them Cropped, or Edited, or Altered.

  • Draw on TiledImage as one unified image, still managing memory using tiles

    what I am looking for is **exactly** this
    "(...)How do I create an arbitrarily large TiledImage from scratch (lacking a
    source image) and draw onto it using the TiledImage's graphics context
    ( TiledImage.createGraphics() ) without causing an
    The content of the image would be purely Graphics2D geometry. I don't
    need to read in any external images, just to be able to create, and
    draw on, very large blank images. I'm assuming that TiledImage is the
    most appropriate class for this, but haven't been able to find any
    sample implementations.
    There must be some way to draw on a TiledImage as one unified image,
    while still managing memory using tiles.(...)"
    any ideas?

    great article
    my conclusion is that it seems java can't provide a huge graphics environment for drawing in a transparent manner, I think.
    let's suppose I have a huge tiledImage. 20,000 x 20,000 pixels
    now I want to draw a huge circle, radius = 10,000, center is the same square center
    just an example, to clarify my doubt
    when I request a Graphics2D context to draw this circle, tiledImage will intelligently and transparently request the necessary tiles to draw this circle, or I would have to code manually something to grab these tiles, calculate what to draw in each one and manage the tile cache?

  • Will Adobe provide support for Fifty Three Pencil in Adobe Draw?

    Line and Sketch support the Fifty Three Pencil stylus. What about Draw?

    The next update of Adobe Draw will support the same styluses that Line and Sketch currently support, namely Fifty Three's Pencil and Wacom's Intuos.
    Hope that helps,
    Draw Engineering

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