11 days in and wishing I had never bothered

Got the Infinity 2 and BT Phoneline installed on the 21st of May. The Infinity 2 on it's own has been nearly a total nightmare, I find myself running 4 or more speedtests aday to make sure my connection is the same.
The speedtests nearly always give different results. One moment its at 72mbps down and 18mbps up the next its as low as 20mbps down and 0.77 mbps up. It has been stable for around 5 days  (out of 11) which was 72mbps down and 18mbps up.
The HH4 randomly (to me) goes from the blue connected light to the orange no bb light then the speed changes.
I didnt have a phone plugged into the line until it arrived on the 25th, BT gave me a new number as I moved from Sky and since the day I plugged the phone in I have had 3-5 calls per day from debt collectors asking for someone I dont know. After speaking to a BT agent who told me the person who they where calling for was 2 customers back he couldnt understand why they where still calling for him. He adv me to tell the callers that I have registered with the TPS and they should stop. Not only have they not stopped but one of them actually laughed at me when I said this. Some of the call centres have multiple numbers so your not sure who it is until you answer.
Today the 11th day after install my HH4 in one of its daily fits turns off, my speed nose dives from 72mbps down and 18mbps up to 20mbps down and 11mbps up. The DSL light on the openreach modem keeps going off for 30 seconds then coming on for 2 mins, I call tech who do a line test and ask me to run a speedcheck on the BTWholesale site, unplug the modem/HH4 do another test. As I was talking I noticed that the line had a crackle/static noise on it, the speedtest now shows 60mbps down and 16mbps up.
I was told to monitor the issue, I was not told when to call back or if anyone would call me but just to monitor it.
Not ten minutes had passed when the DSL light started to go off an on like it had been doing earlier.. On for a few minutes then off then flashing.. As I wasnt sat at the pc I also noticed that the BT 6500 phone screen was turning on then going off every time the DSL light went off. There was a message on the phone saying something like 'Cannot trace Line' but as soon as the DSL light came on that message went.
I called again as I had no BB and was advised to reset the HH4/Modem again .. While talking on the phone to the agent the DSL light was constantly on and off and the advisor said it was a line issue and transferred me to the phoneline tech agent. The phone had very bad static on it when talking to the agents but the phone tech said there was no problems found with my line. He booked an engineer (the 3rd one now) to come out on Wednesday which I could be charged for if not a "normal" issue.
As soon as I pick the phone up the broadband drops out and the HH4 resets which changes the speed, this is either bad or very good. There is static on my line but all tests show its fine. I have a second BT line into my house which the phoneline tech called me on when he ran the test which is crystal clear.
Really wish I had never moved. Unstable,Unreliable and now phoneline issues..
This doesnt really need any feedback in regards to fixing issues as an engineer will be out on Wednesday .. I just wanted to vent out what is happening to me after coming from a stable BB from Sky after just wanting faster speeds.

I find it very strange that two none BT employees without the checkers and engineers they have can instantly diagnose an error when many phones calls and two engineers couldn't.
I shouldnt have to keep calling them until it's sorted and I wont. Me and BT have entered into a contract, they AGREE to provide me with a service and I agree to pay them for that service. At this moment in time BT have broken that contract by not providing me with a service I can use. The law states I must allow them enough time to fix the issue ONCE they are aware of it.
On the phone side of it, I will wait to see if this issue gets resolved first before I ask for a new number. I dont want anything else going wrong and by chaning the number might stop the engineer coming out on Wednesday.
Thank you both for youre replys and I await for the engineer to arrive.

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    General -> Accessibility -> Bold Text to ON. You may still have to squint a bit but letters will be ~much~ easier on the eyes.
    General -> Accessibility -> Increase Contrast to ON. This takes away the bright fuzzy backgrounds when you open folders and makes them less fuzzy grey ones. It also darkens the bright fuzzy bar across the bottom of the screen to be a darker grey. It does not darken the bright fuzzy folders icons on the app pages or make Notes, Reminders or new Safari pages (or existing ones while you type a new address) much better, but is a huge step forward. It definitely makes mail and Messages much less pain-inducing, though they could stand to go darker.
    General -> Accessibility -> Reduce Motion to ON. This seems to cost me the pretty effects with app icons, but with all of the fuzziness they've added to folders and the your-apps bar, it helps avoid ~shifting~ fuzziness. Which turns out to cause problems for me. Who knew?
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    Hi Thisnetworkisuseless
    I am sorry that you have had a hard time with this.  I'll be happy to give you a hand and get this one sorted out for you.
    Could you drop me in an email please? Use the 'contact us' form in my forum profile under the 'about me' section. You can find it by clicking on my username.
    BTCare Community Mod
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    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)”
    td-p/30">Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

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    You you bought it from Apple, you have 14 days to do so.
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    Hi Pcoventry
    I'd like to take a look at your orders to see why the hub isn't going out on your Broadband activation date.
    Send me an email to [email protected] with a link to this thread and any relevant order/account details.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

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    Start using it. After couple of weeks experiencing the usability of it, you will enjoy it.
    Switching is hard at first and that is nothing to worry about it.
    OS X, Software and Internet.

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    This is one of the messages I keep getting; The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in -- File Whatever -- can’t be read or written.(Error code -36)
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