120 gig refurb ipod classic - random restarts

i got a refurbed ipod classic about a month ago and it's been randomly restarting for the last two weeks now.
it also will randomly skip songs, which seems to be a problem a lot of people have.
i at first synced the ipod with my computer, but turned that off, restored the ipod, and manually added my library. it is still randomly restarting on me (mostly while listening to audio books, podcasts, or after i disconnect the ipod from my computer).
it's pretty annoying.
the hard drive seems to click pretty loud when it restarts as well... should i just bring it back to an apple store and get a new one?

If your iPod simply won't play some songs and is fine with others, that (for me) usually means the ID3 tags in the files themselves are corrupt. In iTunes, right-click (or click and hold on a mac) and select "Convert ID3 tags". If I know the song info (title, artist, album, track numbers, etc.) I'll usually take it all the way down to v1.0, then view details and enter any information that might not have been carried over from the conversion. After that, both iTunes and my iPod play the affected songs just fine.

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    And yes, I did all the recommended steps - restart, reload, reinstall, etc, etc, etc. Multiple times.

    If your iPod simply won't play some songs and is fine with others, that (for me) usually means the ID3 tags in the files themselves are corrupt. In iTunes, right-click (or click and hold on a mac) and select "Convert ID3 tags". If I know the song info (title, artist, album, track numbers, etc.) I'll usually take it all the way down to v1.0, then view details and enter any information that might not have been carried over from the conversion. After that, both iTunes and my iPod play the affected songs just fine.

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    I was having the same problem. 
    I have an i pod classic 80GB (with the wheel) I think it's 5th generation
    I would start a Sync, it would sync 2 or 3 songs then stop or hang up, which did not interfere with any other function, so I would not say it froze.
    Once I ended the sync by clicking on the X next to the sync progress bar at the top of the window, I ejected the ipod and then plugged it in again.  Then  I selected my i pod under Devices in the menu on the left-hand side of iTunes.  Clicked on the summary tag.  Clicked on  "Manually manage music and videos" Clicked ok and apply.
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    Any ideas?  Thanks!!

    Sometimes this works. Otherwise you will have to wait for an updte to the car system or the iOS on the iPod
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset the car system
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
      - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

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    Kevin Pitkin

    I forgot to add that usually after I get some songs to sync then I try syncing again, it will end up erasing everything off the iPod and I have to start over.

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    Then when I got home today, the ipod says 'connected' but doesnt come up in itunes.
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    This has happened before, but not with any real frequency. Yesterday it started getting bad. Also, when it reboots to the apple screen, the colors are all distorted.
    It's not at capacity (70+ gb free) and I'm running most the recent version of the software. The battery has almost a full charge. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

    EXACTLY the same problem I'm having with my 120GB Classic, and it's only about three months old. The problem actually started after a few days of owning it. Restarts are random...sometimes it will be within a few minutes, other times after a few hours.
    When I restore the iPod back to factory settings and resync my library it will temporarily cure the problem. However, if I add/remove/change music in my library and then sync again it tends to cause the problem to rear its ugly head once more.
    I have sent the iPod back to Apple but they could find nothing wrong, and promptly sent it back to me.
    Thinking it was a possible problem with my PC (Win XP Pro) I decided to wipe my PC at the weekend. I also rebuilt my itunes library. Still the fault reoccured. The other night I ran a tool called MP3Val (http://mp3val.sourceforge.net/download.shtml) on the mp3s on my hard drive to check them for any problems. Some of them did have some problems and I used the tool to repair them. Once this was done I did the restore and resync. Worked fine again until next sync and then back to square one again...
    This is driving me mental now. I do not want to have restore my iPod every other day. It takes 2 hours for a start.
    Oh, by the way, I trawled through the net a little while back, hoping to find a solution. One temp fix was to set the backlight to always on, and the brightness down to the lowest level. This DOES stop the restarts occurring but obviously this shouldn't be the fix we have to live with.
    I'm going to take mine to my nearest Apple store next week. I've emailed them and they said they would replace it. Hopefully this will be the case and HOPEFULLY my next iPod won't have the same problem.

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    I haven't noticed a pattern or anything that makes this happen, it's happened whilst playing music, playing games even just changing the settings.
    Anybody else having this problem, or can offer some advice. Thanks.

    Yep, that's happening with my 160 Gb Classic, too. Sometimes it doesn't even go to the Apple screen, it just goes totally blank.
    I want my 5G back.

  • IPod mini random restarts

    Hello there, the subject says it all really.
    Every so often my mini will just restart; it mainly happens after I’ve left it a few or more hours, and when I return to use it, it restarts, today it even restarted halfway through a track.
    It’s so random, it sometimes happen every-time it tries’s to come out of standby, or it may go a week working perfectly
    I’ve done a restore [1.4] and that hasn’t helped
    So I’m wondering has anyone else had or heard of this problem and if so what did you do?

    ok there are to things you can try
    first install the latest update
    second run a virus scanner on the ipod the ipod should apear as a removable media drive in my computer on windows xp and a ipod icon on mac osx
    if that doesn't work
    run a disk check utility on the ipod if the disk cheking utility finds any thing wrong with the ipod it will let you know
    if all else fails send a extensive letter explaining what happens to apple repair shop and send it in but it sounds like a damaged hard drive to me but without running a disk check utility like scandisk for windows or the disk utility for mac os x i really can't think of anything else
    also check you settings you may need to turn of the sleep function in the settings menu but if that doesn't work to a
    apple repair shop i would recommend

  • Ipod classic 160gb restart over and over and over and over and over

    Hi fellas!
    I've received my first iPod this past wednesday (30th January) and i already have problems with it!
    I plugged it to my laptop to sync a few more musics and itunes told me there was a new update for the ipod software. ok.... apple's update seemed good! (i mean, i've changed to mac in the summer 07 and never had a problem with it, i just use windows for gaming...)
    After the download and update there was some error and the ipod disappeared from the itunes! i decided to restore the ipod and now it's on an infinite loop of restarting...
    i've seen a few comments to leave the ipod drain the battery until it asks you to recharge, but whenever i connect it, it just begins the same hideous cycle all over again! All it appears is the apple logo like when you turn it on! i've also uninstalled itunes and installed it again (itunes 7.6) but nothing changed.
    the ipod is not recognized by itunes or my computer, so i can't try to restore through the disk or change the file type.
    I can also hear the disk inside stopping and restarting several times, like if its damaged and cant read past a certain point.
    This is really undermining my trust on Apple!
    Has anyone been able to solve this issue?
    Message was edited by: karpov_gangrel

    I called Apple technical service and followed all of their steps. Since none of them worked, they are sending me a package for me to put my iPod in and send it back to them. A replacement should arrive 1-2 weeks after i send it back and with my personalized inscription. I'll keep everyone noticed when it arrives.
    So, the lesson to be learned here is:
    If you're under warranty, try some of the suggestions in this forum and, if it doesn't work, call Apple right away. They will take care of you!
    It ***** not no have the iPod for a few weeks, but i prefer to have everything in perfect condition, than spending those 2 weeks trying all kind tricky and shady solutions...

  • Ipod Classic, random gaps, 15-20 seconds, computer wont recognize??

    It says, "An Ipod has been connected, but it could not be identified properly. Please disconnect then reconnect the ipod, then try again".
    Okay, i have done this several times, manually reset using the menu and center button. It has random gaps. It seems like everyone is having this problem, can an yone give me some info or answer this for me?

    Hearing clicking noise in the iPod is bad, a sign that the Hardisk cant read the boot sector.
    When iPod reach the Apple Logo, put it into Disk Diagnostic, read this excellent post by tt2.
    it wont fix your problem, but help in troubleshooting, and save you a lot of time going on a wild goose chase.

  • Ipod classic keeps restarting

    i just updated my ipod and now it just restarts over and over
    can anyone help??
    ive tried connecting to my pc and it says 'restore' but after that, same thing happens!

    nope, nothing.
    just keeps restarting.
    luckily i remember the date/time i bought my ipod and ive contacted them and they're sending out a new reciept because ive lost mine.
    i dont think there is a way to fix this.
    when i get my new one, can anyone tell me how to update my ipod all the way up untill the one just before the 1.1 update?

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