2.1.1 Problem with User Defined Reports with actions on the context menu

I use the User Defined Reports quite a lot, and export and publish these to other members of the team as Shared Reports. I'm also quite disappointed that there seems to be no further development in this area of SQL Developer.
One of the totally undocumented features of User Defined Reports is the ability to attach actions to a context menu, and pass data from the grid to a procedure, for example. Copying, then exporting the sessions report (from All Reports -> Data Dictionary Reports -> Database Administration -> Sessions) exposes the XML for adding actions to the context menu. The snippet for killing a session looks like this:
<item  reload="true"  reloadparent="false" removeFromParent="false">
  <title>Kill Session</title>
  <prompt type="confirm" >     
    <label>Kill Session?</label>     
  <help>Kill the selected session.</help>
</item>So to add this type of functionality to your own user defined reports, you need to export the report, edit the XML, and import it again. It seems to work fine to add this to the master reports, but if you add an <item> element to the child reports, the context menu items appear on the master report too, and they are duplicated many times. I'm not sure if the action of exporting the report adds to the number of times the context menu appears.
Warning - if you edit a report using SQL Developer, all the <item> tags are removed. Once you've added actions to a context menu, you can only edit the report by exporting it, modifying the XML and importing it again.
Has anyone else seen this behavior? Have you found a work-around?
To the SQL Developer team: Are there any plans to allow the adding of user defined context menu items to reports using the GUI in the near future?

You're right the context menu needs a GUI desperately. You can request this at the SQL Developer Exchange, so other users can vote and add weight for possible future implementation.

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    Thank you.
    I am running Fedora FC4 with Sun JDK-1.5.0_06
    Anyone else notices the same behaviour?
    Happy new year everyone,

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    We currently do not support bind variables in User Defined Reports. We are looking at adding that function before production but I can't promise.
    -- Sharon

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    from Dual;
    But its not working. I'm getting an error message stating
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    I don't think user defined reports supports bind variables yet.

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    In 30EA2: Limited folder functionality with German language
    I wrote about a bug in 30EA2. Was this message noticed by the developers?
    The bug still exists in 30EA3.
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    in sqldeveloper.conf

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    I have some hope, that my problem finally got noticed by the developers.

  • Oracle 11g AQ : problem enqueue user-defined type with varchar2 attribute

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    I'm using jdbc driver (ojdbc5.jar, version as they provide oracle.jdbc.aq package.
    The type is following:
    (id integer,
    label varchar2(100),
    code integer,
    today date
    )I have created a java class for this type with jpub utility supplied with oracle 11g client package:
    jpub -user=scott/tger -url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:sid-sql=FIXED_T5:ru.invito.FixedType -compile=falseIt generated FixedType.java and FixedTypeRef.java files. Don't understand why i need the latter (FixedTypeRef).
    Then in test app:
    package ru.invito;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.net.InetAddress;
    import java.net.UnknownHostException;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.util.UUID;
    import junit.framework.TestCase;
    import oracle.jdbc.aq.AQAgent;
    import oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions;
    import oracle.jdbc.aq.AQFactory;
    import oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessage;
    import oracle.jdbc.aq.AQMessageProperties;
    import oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.DeliveryMode;
    import oracle.jdbc.aq.AQEnqueueOptions.VisibilityOption;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;
    import oracle.sql.Datum;
    import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
    import oracle.sql.StructDescriptor;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    public class AqTest extends TestCase {
         protected Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
         public void testEnqueue() throws Exception {
              OracleDriver dr = new OracleDriver();
              Properties prop = new Properties();
              prop.setProperty("user", Config.USERNAME);
              prop.setProperty("password", Config.PASSWORD);
              OracleConnection connection = (OracleConnection) dr.connect(Config.JDBC_URL, prop);
              enqueueMessage(connection, "INVITO.FIXED_T5Q", null);
         private void enqueueMessage(OracleConnection conn, String queueName, AQAgent[] recipients) throws SQLException,
                   IOException {
              logger.debug("----------- Enqueue start ------------");
              AQMessageProperties props = makeProps(queueName);
              AQMessage mesg = AQFactory.createAQMessage(props);
              String msqText = String.format("Hello, %s!", queueName);
              FixedType data = createData(36, msqText);
              Datum d = data.toDatum(conn);
              STRUCT s = (STRUCT) d;
              debugStruct("s", s);
              String toIdStr = byteBufferToHexString(s.getDescriptor().getOracleTypeADT().getTOID(), 20);
              logger.debug("s.toIdStr: " + toIdStr);
              StructDescriptor sd = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("INVITO.FIXED_T5", conn);
              logger.debug("sd.toXMLString(): " + sd.toXMLString());
              AQEnqueueOptions opt = makeEnqueueOptions();
              // execute the actual enqueue operation:
              conn.enqueue(queueName, opt, mesg);
              logger.debug("----------- Enqueue done ------------");
         private void debugMessageId(AQMessage mesg) throws SQLException {
              byte[] mesgId = mesg.getMessageId();
              if (mesgId == null) {
                   throw new IllegalStateException("message id is NULL");
              String mesgIdStr = byteBufferToHexString(mesgId, 20);
              logger.debug("Message ID from enqueue call: " + mesgIdStr);
          * @return
          * @throws SQLException
         private FixedType createData(int ID, String label) throws SQLException {
              FixedType data = new FixedType();
              data._struct.setNChar(1);// initializes the flag for 'label' field
              Date today = new Date();
              data.setToday(new Timestamp(today.getTime()));
              return data;
          * @param string
          * @param s
          * @throws SQLException
         private void debugStruct(String string, STRUCT s) throws SQLException {
              logger.debug(s + ".debugString(): " + s.debugString());
              logger.debug(s + "s.dump(): " + s.dump());
          * @return
          * @throws SQLException
         private AQAgent makeAgent() throws SQLException {
              AQAgent ag = AQFactory.createAQAgent();
              String agentAddress = null;
              try {
                   agentAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
              catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                   logger.error("cannot resolve localhost ip address. will not set it as AQ Agent address");
                   agentAddress = "NA";
              return ag;
         private AQMessageProperties makeProps(String queueName) throws SQLException {
              final String EXCEPTION_Q_TEMPLATE = "AQ$_%sT_E";
              final int DEFAULT_DELAY = 0;
              final int DEFAULT_EXPIRATION = -1;
              final int DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 0;
              AQMessageProperties propeties = AQFactory.createAQMessageProperties();
              propeties.setExceptionQueue(String.format(EXCEPTION_Q_TEMPLATE, queueName));
              // propeties.setRecipientList(null);//should not set
              return propeties;
          * @return
          * @throws SQLException
         private AQEnqueueOptions makeEnqueueOptions() throws SQLException {
              AQEnqueueOptions opt = new AQEnqueueOptions();
              // these are the default settings (if none specified)
              return opt;
          * Form the AQ reference
          * @param buffer
          * @param maxNbOfBytes
          * @return
         private static final String byteBufferToHexString(byte[] buffer, int maxNbOfBytes) {
              if (buffer == null)
                   return null;
              int offset = 0;
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              while (offset < buffer.length && offset < maxNbOfBytes) {
                   String hexrep = Integer.toHexString((int) buffer[offset] & 0xFF);
                   if (hexrep.length() == 1)
                        hexrep = "0" + hexrep;
              String ret = sb.toString();
              return ret;
    }The output is following:
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:49,863 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - ----------- Enqueue start ------------
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,348 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - [email protected](): name = INVITO.FIXED_T5 length = 4 attribute[0] = 36 attribute[1] = Hell
    o, INVITO.FIXED_T5Q! attribute[2] = 1 attribute[3] = 2008-07-03 19:09:49.0
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,363 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - [email protected](): name = INVITO.FIXED_T5
    length = 4
    ID = 36
    CODE = 1
    TODAY = 2008-07-03 19:09:49.0
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,363 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - s.toIdStr: 507ccce5b6e9f572e040007f01007203
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,363 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - sd.toXMLString(): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <StructDescriptor sqlName="INVITO.FIXED_T5" >
      <OracleTypeADT sqlName="INVITO.FIXED_T5"  typecode="0" tds_version="1"
               is_embedded="false" is_top_level="true" is_upt="false" finalType="true" subtype="false">
          <attribute name="ID"  type="INTEGER" >
            <OracleType typecode="2" />
          <attribute name="LABEL"  type="VARCHAR2" >
            <OracleType typecode="12" />
          <attribute name="CODE"  type="INTEGER" >
            <OracleType typecode="2" />
          <attribute name="TODAY"  type="DATE" >
            <OracleType typecode="0" />
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,379 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - sending............
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,395 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - Message ID from enqueue call: 511ff143bd4fa536e040007f01003192
    [main] 2008-07-03 19:09:50,395 DEBUG [ru.invito.AqTest] - ----------- Enqueue done ------------But when dequeueing the 'label' attribute is lost:
    dequeue_options     DBMS_AQ.dequeue_options_t;
    message_properties  DBMS_AQ.message_properties_t;
    message_handle      RAW(16);
    message             fixed_t5;
      dequeue_options.navigation := DBMS_AQ.FIRST_MESSAGE;
         queue_name          =>     'fixed_t5q',
         dequeue_options     =>     dequeue_options,
         message_properties  =>     message_properties,
         payload             =>     message,
         msgid               =>     message_handle);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ID   : '||message.id);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Label: '||message.label);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Code : '||message.code);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Today: '||message.today);
    ID   : 36
    Code : 1
    Today: 03.07.08
    Could anyone tell me what is wrong with the setup/code?
    Why 'label' not saved in queue, though i saw it is not empty in STRUCT?

    Thank you for the reply!
    I have enqueued:
    [main] 2008-07-04 15:30:30,639 DEBUG [ru.invito.UserDefinedTypeAqTest$1] - [email protected](): name = INVITO.FIXED_T5
    length = 4
    ID = 41
    CODE = 1
    TODAY = 2008-07-04 15:30:30.0and in table (select * from FIXED_T5QT) the 'label' is blank:
    Q_NAME     FIXED_T5Q
    MSGID     51310809B5EA3728E040007F01000C79
    CORRID     b8f38fd3-4fa6-4e0f-85d1-2440d02d655e
    PRIORITY     0
    STATE     0
    LOCAL_ORDER_NO     0
    CHAIN_NO     0
    CSCN     0
    DSCN     0
    ENQ_TIME     04.07.2008 15:28:44
    ENQ_TID                       4012
    RETRY_COUNT     0
    STEP_NO     0
    USER_DATA.ID     41
    USER_DATA.CODE     1
    USER_DATA.TODAY     04.07.2008 15:30:30I must point to a strange thing: when the FixedType instance is created (via new operator) and then the setLabel("....") called as:
    FixedType data = new FixedType();
    // hack: proper initialization for 'label' field
    Date today = new Date();
    data.setToday(new Timestamp(today.getTime()));
    Datum d = data.toDatum(connection);
    STRUCT s = (STRUCT) d;
    logger.debug(s + ".debugString(): " + s.debugString());
    logger.debug(s + ".dump(): " + s.dump());and if i comment line (data._struct.setNChar(1);) the debug messages for created STRUCT also shows empty value for label.
    But if i explicitly call data._struct.setNChar(1) then debug contains the label i defined in call to the setLabel method.

  • Dealing with User Defined Tables with the DI Server

    I have a general question about the best way of working with the data in user defined tables using the DI Server. It appears from previous posts that it is not possible to use the standard methods such as UpdateObject. Also since update/insert and delete statements or explicitly forbidden using the ExecuteSQL method then how do we interact with the data in the tables?
    Do we need to code our own data access layer for this type of access and is this a good practice?
    Is this type of functionality going to be available in a future release of the DI Server?

    Using SQL for Update/Insert/Delete is not forbidden on UDTs (at least non-UDO UDTs; UDO UDTs are somehow in a gray area since they carry internal fields + e.g. inserts require further manipulation in B1 tables...)...
    I.e. using ExecuteSQL to add data into UDTs is OK for DI Server...

  • Cannot create user defined report

    For an unknown reason, I'm unable to create new reports in some subfolder inside the "User defined report". When I rigth-click on the subfolder, the contextual menu contains only "Copy" and "Paste". But If I'm going to the root folder (User defined report), I'm able to create a new subfolder and new report. I'm even able to create an new report in the subfolder.
    Did you already encounter the same issue and how did you solve it ?

    I vaguely remember someone having issues with user defined report operations, the problem there was solved by changing the user language to English by adding
    AddVMOption -Duser.language=ENto the sqldeveloper.conf file normally located in
    SQLDEVELOPER_INSTALL_DIR/sqldeveloper/binIf you are not already running in English try changing this.

  • Not able to edit user defined reports

    I've run into an issue recently with user defined reports. After some time, I'm not able to edit them. This only happens on some of them. Is there a way to work around this?

    The platform is Windows XP Pro (32 bit) sp3, sql developer 1.5.5 (although I've seen this happen on earlier versions as well). After some time, some reports become un-editable. If I right click on the report and click edit, nothing happens. I've also tried exporting and re-importing the reports, but that doesn't seem to help.
    Also, I open it up via sqldeveloper.exe, but no console window come up.

  • Retain standard SAP order type after copying with user defined order type

    Hello SAP Gurus,
    We have a requirement of retaining the standard SAP order types after copying with User defined order types. But the issue is we don't want to see the standard SAP order type such as PM01, PM02 in production system while using transaction like IW31 etc.
    Is there anybody who has answer to retain these stanadard SAP order types without deleting from system configuration?
    Thanks in advance.

    When you F4 on the order type field in IW31 you will get the popup showing the order type list. At the top of this list is a button with a green "+" sign (Insert in personal list).
    You can use this button to select your favourite list.
    This function is available in most F4 drop-down lists.
    However, you cannot set this setting for all users. You will need to write an ABAP program to do this.

  • Problem with user-defined functions in XQuery String

    i've a problem with user-defined functions in XQuery String
    details are here (the code is not Human-readable via forum's embedded editor ?? strange)
    thanks !!

    michaels>  select xmlquery('declare function local:test_function($namecmp as xs:string?, $inputtype as xs:string?) as xs:string?      
                        return {$inputtype}
                     local:test_function("1","2")' returning content) o from dual
    Error at line 5
    ORA-19114: error during parsing the XQuery expression:
    LPX-00801: XQuery syntax error at '{'
    3                       return {$inputtype}
    -                              ^
    michaels>  select xmlquery('declare function local:test_function($namecmp as xs:string?, $inputtype as xs:string?) as xs:string?      
                     local:test_function("1","2")' returning content) o from dual
    1 row selected.

  • 2.1 EA1 User Defined Report problem

    Hi, I copiied Search Code item to User Defined Report and edited SQL (added union):
    owner "Owner",
    name "PL/SQL Object Name",
    type "Type",
    line "Line",
    text "Text",
    owner sdev_link_owner,
    name sdev_link_name,
    type sdev_link_type,
    line sdev_link_line
    from (select owner,
    from sys.all_source
    (:OBJECT_NAME is null or
    instr(upper(name),upper(:OBJECT_NAME)) > 0)
    and (:TEXT_STRING is null or
    instr(upper(text),upper(:TEXT_STRING)) > 0)
    and name not like 'BIN$%'
    --order by owner, name, type, line
    select owner,
    from dba_source
    (:OBJECT_NAME is null or
    instr(upper(name),upper(:OBJECT_NAME)) > 0)
    and (:TEXT_STRING is null or
    instr(upper(text),upper(:TEXT_STRING)) > 0)
    and name not like 'BIN$%')
    order by owner, name, type, line
    But I have problem - in result window, popup menu Go To <i.e.> MY_PACKAGE... doesn't work - no errors, simply nothing action. Original item works fine.
    Where is the problem?

    Your union code seems fine but there is already a go to bug report logged.
    Already logged:

  • [eval]sort in user-defined ended with ; report produces ORA-00911

    reproduce it with :
    1) user defined reports --> add report --> SQL :
    select * from scott.emp;2) click on the sort icon in the header of the column
    the workaround is to not include the ; in the sql
    Message was edited by:
    Laurent Schneider

    Please can you prefix your comments with Eval We'll be doing regular eval releases for the next few weeks and many of the folk on the forum are still on 1.0 (15.57), so we need to try to keep queries clear.
    I know what you are testing and using, but others migt not.
    As for the comment: Yes, thanks - no need for ';' on any user defined reports. You'll see if you copy the shipped reports they don't have it either. Useful to note.

  • Having trouble with variables followed by a period in user defined reports.

    Using SQL Developer on XP.
    The DB is Oracle 10.
    Having trouble with variables followed by a period in user defined reports.
    select * from &OWNER.TABLE_NAME
    I noticed that the "Data Dictionary Reports" use :OWNER
    So I have tried all sort of variations:
    select * from :OWNER.TABLE_NAME
    select * from :OWNER\.TABLE_NAME
    select * from ":OWNER".TABLE_NAME
    select * from ':OWNER'.TABLE_NAME
    select * from (:OWNER).TABLE_NAME
    And every other variation I can think of. This is a simple example, but all my reports need the owner of tables as a variable.
    I assume this is simple, I just have not hit the right combination.
    Thanks -

    Use two points ..
    select * from &OWNER..TABLE_NAME

Maybe you are looking for