2 ipod shuffles + 1 ipod nano ON ONE PC

We started with using 1 shuffle on the fam pc but when we added the 2nd, my daughters told me that it messed both of their music lists up. We really didn't resolve this issue; we ended up using 2 separate PCs. Now my son has a shuffle and I need to know how I can (safely) use 2 shuffles and 1 nano on 1 PC. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lost Dad: This link may help with the problems you have been having.
Using Multiple iPods with Windows
If any answer helps or solves your problem, please mark the post that helped accordingly, it provides an incentive for posters here to try and help and gives others a quicker way of finding solutions faster, thank you

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    My brother in law is also a Masshole.
    I'm not sure of the exact steps, it's been a little while since I've worked in that part of windows 2000, but here goes.
    1. Go into the control panel from the start menu or My Computer
    2. In the control panel there should be an option for computer management. Open that up and you should see a tree of options on the left side.
    3. Right click on Users (or something like that) and then select add user. Then you assign the user name and password (blank is allowed under the defaults)
    4. Once the account is set up you want to be sure that it is part of the Administrators group so that he'll still be able to install programs and such. If you highlight Groups you should be able to right click on Administrators and add the new account. You can also do this from the account setup screen as well, but I don't remember the specifics.
    Like I said, that may not be exact since it's been a while, but that should at the very least get you in the ballpark.

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    In your case it is most likely a drive letter confusion issue. Take a look at the following article and see if the steps help fix your issue:
    Windows confuses iPod with network drive or hard drive and may keep iPod from mounting or songs may seem to disappear

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    IPod Nano   Windows XP Pro  

    This should help. Using multiple iPods on one computer. I prefer method three.
    Don't know about the free music.

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    There are 2 different issues here
    One iPod Nano won't be recognized by iTunes
    In most case, the reason behind is caused by the PC, since you get one iPod recognized, so clearly is the problem of your Nano, please do a Reset see if it helps
    Press "select"+"Menu" keys until you see the apple logo
    Multiple iPod with one computer

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    Set them to "manually manage music".

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    I appreciate your reply.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    You would want to manually update...
    Manually Updating iPod
    (You can play the movie in the above link)
    Then you can drag the songs to the iPod.
    Of course, you could just let it automatically update as it should be doing now and iTunes should load all the songs on your computer onto it.
    But, to answer your question, if you want to drag music to the iPod nano, manually update.

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    You can create a playlist for each person. Everybodys music will still be in the library. But this way each playlist will display only the music they want. You can manually or auto sync each iPod to a specific playlist. I have a playlist I update manually for my nano and its pretty easy to search through the library to find want you want.
    Hope this helps!

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    I am guessing that your computer does not have the music library your #1 son has right? If your music library simply had the music #1 son has then simply sync the same songs to #2 son's ipod.
    If this is not the case then there is NO way of getting music from #1 son ipod to #2 son ipod directly without going thru the computer. Hence it is vital to have the songs from #1 son ipod in your itunes music library for #2 son ipod to have the same music as #1 son has.
    (confused yet???)
    So you either need to get the music from the #1 son ipod to your computer itunes library or say that #2 son is out of luck. which is not good
    So look at this link of a previous discussion for software that will get the music from the ipod to the computer.
    How to get music from ipod to computer
    THen it may be good to read this article on how to manage multiple ipods with one computer.
    Multiple Ipods with one computer
    (And i did not mean to categorize one kid as better as the other by the usage of numbers ...... they are all special!)
    Hope this helps

  • How to use Windows formatted iPod nano to move music to a new Mac?

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    I need to transfer my iPhone's musics, songs, apps and photo, etc to the Mac and I came across this http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1329" guide at Apple Support site since I owned a iPod nano.
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    darrengbl wrote:
    I need to transfer my iPhone's musics, songs, apps and photo, etc to the Mac […] since I owned a iPod nano.
    iPhone… iPod… iPod Nano… which one it is? You are trying to transfer music from what source, using what medium, and to what target?
    I came across this http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1329"
    it's stated clearly in the guide "While a Windows formatted iPod may work on a Mac, Apple supports this configuration only with iPod shuffle."
    Where exactly is this stated? I am unable to find this statement in the KB article you mentioned. And are you talking iPhone or iPod? This KB article applies only to iPod.

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    Thank you!

    Check with the airline and see if someone reported losing an iPod Nano on one of their flights. Other than that, there is nothing that you can do with regard to using the serial number on the device. Apple does not track lost or stolen devices so they won't be of any help and there is not much law enforcement could do about it either.
    So call the airline and see what they say.

  • My ipod nano 4th gen wont turn on ! help me !

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    Hey WarriorFelip,
    Thanks for the question. After reviewing your post, it sounds like the iPod wont turn on. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you resolve or isolate the issue.
    iPod won't turn on
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

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    Message was edited by: badrubberpiggy25

    good luck with that

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