2 query in Single excel

HI All,
I need the sql query output in Excel sheet.
We use sqlunload for this.
But my requirement is to export
2 sql query in 2 tabs of a single excel sheet.
Please let m eknow how to process this.

Any idea how to work on this one?

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    Hi all,
    I have to automate some process.
    I have some queires. Each query o/p shud be kep in a each sheet of a single excel.
    I have arnd 15 sheets in a single excel
    and 15 queries.
    I am running the query copying it and again pasting the same in the excel.
    This taking 1 hr most of the times and feeling hectic as I doing this frequently.
    Queries are fixed .
    Could anyone tell me to automate it such that after running that all the o/p should be directed to respective excel sheets.
    Thanks in advance,

    user627667 wrote:
    Hi all,
    I have to automate some process.
    I have some queires. Each query o/p shud be kep in a each sheet of a single excel.
    I have arnd 15 sheets in a single excel
    and 15 queries.
    I am running the query copying it and again pasting the same in the excel.
    This taking 1 hr most of the times and feeling hectic as I doing this frequently.
    Queries are fixed .
    Could anyone tell me to automate it such that after running that all the o/p should be directed to respective excel sheets.
    Thanks in advance,You can write some PL/SQL to output the data in Office XML format:
    This supports multiple sheets.
    Easy way to find out what XML is required for certain Excel features is to create a basic workbook with your requirements and save it as XML format and then view that in wordpad.
    The structure is fairly simple to follow so you should be able to do what you require. It also caters for all excel information you would have on a spreadsheet including formatting and dynamic calculations.

  • Layout issue in export multiple queries to single excel

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    A B
    C D
    where A,B,C,D are different queries
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    Any ideas would be appreciated in this regard.
    Best Regards

    Thanks Deepak for your suggestion on trying to enhance
    Z_PRINT_SERVICE class.
    But in my system, i have z_print_help_service & not z_print_service. Is it something that is missing.
    To add to it, i have one more issue.
    I have a strange scenario.
    In some webtemplates, when i do export , my all data is coming.
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    & other row its fine, while on web report all columns are existing .
    Has anybody faced missing data on export .
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    in each template.
    <param name="HELP_SERVICE" value="Z_PRINT_HELP_SERVICE_ALL_DP"/>
             <param name="HELP_SERVICE_CLASS" value="ZCL_RSR_XLS_HELP_WINDOW_PRINT"/>

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    text files covering whole year):
    Option Explicit
    Sub SearchFiles()
    Dim file As Variant
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim myWB As Workbook
    Dim WB As Workbook
    Dim newWS As Worksheet
    Dim L As Long, t As Long, i As Long
    Dim StartDateL As String
    Dim EndDateL As String
    Dim bool As Boolean
    bool = False ' to check if other versions are present
    StartDateL = Format(Calendar1, "yyyymmdd")
    EndDateL = Format(Calendar2, "yyyymmdd")
    ' I am using Userform asking user to select the date and time range of interet,
    ' However, I want to use only the date to filter the files having the name with that particular date
    file = Dir("c:\myfolder\") ' folder with all text files
    ' I need assistance with the following part:
    '1) How to filter and select the files between StartDateL and EndDateL_
    '(including files with that dates as well)?
    While (file <> "")
    If InStr(file, StartDateL) > 0 Then 'Not sure if the statements inside parenthesis is correct
    bool = True
    GoTo Line1:
    End If
    file = Dir
    If Not bool Then
    file = "c:\myfolder\20130115033100DataLog.txt" 'Just for a test that the code works as intended
    End If
    'This part for the selected text files to be loaded on a single Excel Sheet.
    Set myWB = ThisWorkbook
    Set newWS = Sheets(1)
    L = myWB.Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    t = 1
    For x = 1 To UBound(file)
    Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=file(x), DataType:=xlDelimited, Tab:=True, Semicolon:=True, Space:=False, Comma:=False
    Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
    WB.Sheets(1).UsedRange.Copy newWS.Cells(t, 2)
    t = myWB.Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row + 1
    WB.Close False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Rows("1:1").Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
    End Sub

    - Make a new Excel file
    - Open the VBA editor
    - Add a Userform
    - Place 2 text boxes and 1 command button on that form
    - Paste all code below into the code module of the form
    - Download this file:
    - In the VBA editor press CTRL-M and import that file
    - Save the Excel file in the directory that contain your text files
    - Run the form
    You can format the columns of the sheet as you like, e.g. column E:H should be a number with 5 decimal places. The top row can contain some headings. My code did not affect the formatting or the headings.
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    'Just a sample
    Me.TextBox1.Value = FormatDateTime(Now, vbGeneralDate)
    Me.TextBox2.Value = FormatDateTime(Now, vbShortDate)
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date
    Dim FS As New FileSearch
    Dim R As Range
    Dim ThisFile As Variant
    Dim ThisDate As Date
    Dim Data As Variant
    Dim Count As Long
    'Be sure we have 2 dates
    If Not IsDate(Me.TextBox1.Value) Then
    MsgBox "No start date"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not IsDate(Me.TextBox2.Value) Then
    MsgBox "No end date"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'Convert to real dates
    StartDate = CDate(Me.TextBox1.Value)
    EndDate = CDate(Me.TextBox2.Value)
    'Time part given?
    If Fix(EndDate) = EndDate Then
    'No include all files for this day
    EndDate = EndDate + TimeSerial(23, 59, 59)
    End If
    'Correct order?
    If StartDate > EndDate Then
    ThisDate = EndDate
    EndDate = StartDate
    StartDate = ThisDate
    End If
    With FS
    'Same path as our file
    .LookIn = ThisWorkbook.Path
    .FileName = "*DataLog.txt"
    'Search all files sort by file name
    If .Execute(msoSortByFileName, msoSortOrderAscending) = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No data files found in " & .LookIn
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'Clear previous data
    Set R = Range("A2").CurrentRegion
    If R.Row < 2 Then Set R = R.Offset(1)
    'Show the user that we are working
    Application.Cursor = xlWait
    For Each ThisFile In .FoundFiles
    'Get the date from the file name
    ThisDate = Filename2Date(ThisFile)
    'Between our dates?
    If (ThisDate >= StartDate) And (ThisDate <= EndDate) Then
    'Import at the end of the data
    Set R = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
    Data = ReadCSV(ThisFile)
    R.Resize(UBound(Data) + 1, UBound(Data, 2) + 1) = Data
    Count = Count + 1
    End If
    End With
    Application.Cursor = xlDefault
    If Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No files match your dates"
    MsgBox Count & " files imported"
    'Hide the form
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Function Filename2Date(ByVal Fullname As String) As Date
    'Convert e.g "C:\20130601142648DataLog.txt" to the date "01.06.2013 14:26:48"
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    i = InStrRev(Fullname, "\")
    If i > 0 Then Fullname = Mid(Fullname, i + 1)
    Fullname = JustNumbers(Fullname)
    If Len(Fullname) <> 14 Then Exit Function
    Filename2Date = _
    DateSerial(Mid(Fullname, 1, 4), Mid(Fullname, 5, 2), Mid(Fullname, 7, 2)) + _
    TimeSerial(Mid(Fullname, 9, 2), Mid(Fullname, 11, 2), Mid(Fullname, 13, 2))
    End Function
    Private Function JustNumbers(ByVal What As String) As String
    'Return only numbers from What (by Rick Rothstein)
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, Digit As String
    For i = 1 To Len(What)
    Digit = Mid$(What, i, 1)
    If Digit Like "#" Then
    j = j + 1
    Mid$(What, j, 1) = Digit
    End If
    JustNumbers = Left$(What, j)
    End Function
    Private Function ReadCSV(ByVal Fullname As String) As Variant
    'Read a CSV file into an array
    Const LDelim = vbCrLf 'Line delimiter
    Const FDelim = ";" 'Field delimiter
    Dim hFile As Integer
    Dim Buffer As String
    Dim Lines, Line, Data
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    'Be sure the file exists
    If Dir(Fullname) = "" Then Exit Function
    'Open and read all data
    hFile = FreeFile
    Open Fullname For Binary Access Read As #hFile
    Buffer = Space(LOF(hFile))
    Get #hFile, , Buffer
    Close #hFile
    'Split into lines
    Lines = Split(Buffer, LDelim)
    'Split the first line and prepare the output
    'Note: I assume that all lines have the same number of fields
    Line = Split(Lines(0), FDelim)
    ReDim Data(0 To UBound(Lines), 0 To UBound(Line))
    For i = 0 To UBound(Lines)
    Line = Split(Lines(i), FDelim)
    For j = 0 To UBound(Line)
    'Parse the fields
    If IsDate(Line(j)) Then
    Data(i, j) = CDate(Line(j))
    ElseIf IsNumeric(Line(j)) Then
    Data(i, j) = CDbl(Line(j))
    Data(i, j) = Line(j)
    End If
    ReadCSV = Data
    End Function

  • How to get the Query output to Excel

    Hi ,
    Can you tell me how to get the Query output to excel with out using any third party tool?
    Can you tell me how to write the code in Webservice and call it..
    Please explain it Elaboartly..
    Thanks in Advance!!!

    whats your source system?
    you can use Live office, or query as a webservice if you are getting data from universe
    if you're getting data from SAP BI query and you have a java stack on your netweaver then you can get the data directly using sap bi connector in xcelsius.
    good luck

  • CSV files to a single excel file

    Hi All!
    I would like to ask regarding the conversion of CSV files into a single Excel file.
    I am planning to combine all my 8 csv files into a single excel file being separted by sheets. each csv file will be converted in to a worksheet and be added to the excel workbook file.
    Any idea? I've heard about POI but i don't see any documentation for java beginners and simple example program that will convert CSV --> Worksheet and add that worksheet to an excel file.


  • Steps to save a Query/Report as Excel file in Share folder

    I have a requirement where i need to schedule a BI report automatically on a daily basis and save it in a Sharepoint folder as a excel file.  I have gone through the Forums but didnt get a clear idea on how to proceed this with.  I read about RSCRM_BAPI transaction but i hope we need to do this manually to save the file each time.  Also, in Broadcaster there are options only to send Email & save in Portal. 
    So, if anybody have idea on saving a Query/Report as excel file in a Share folder automatically, kindly help me in suggesting the steps to do this activity.

    1. Create Three Floders in AL11 i.e. in Apllication Server. Eg Name it F1, F2 and F3.
    2. First dump the .csv files into F1. (Name xyz.csv).
    3. Then using UNIX/WINDOWS (depends on your OS) script , first check the file is there are not in F1, if yes then rename the file with date and time or date and transfer the files from F1 to F2 i.e xyz06032010.csv.
    4. Then Create a small ABAP program to check the file in F2, if it is there then Trigger the Event, and using that event you execute teh PC.
    5. Then using UNIX/WINDOWS (depends on your OS) script , transfer the files from F2 to F3 i.e xyz06032010.csv
    6. Next day morning F1 and F2 are empty and F3 is having the backup files.
    So use this method, I used the similar logic and it is working fine.
    Timinings are importent i.e what time you need to dump the fule in F1 and what time you need to run UNIX/WINDOWS (depends on your OS) script , transfer the files from F1 to F2 and what time UNIX/WINDOWS (depends on your OS) script , transfer the files from F2 to F3.
    1. Create Two Floders in AL11 i.e. in Apllication Server. Eg Name it F1 and F2
    2. First dump the .csv files into F1. (Name xyz.csv)
    3. Then load the data using InfoPackage, through PC.
    4. At the end of the load Attach a simple Program to Move the xyz.csv file from F1 to F2.
    5. So next day the file will come to F1 and the it will load and at the end it will move to F2.
    Else  you can use simple one or two lines of UNIX/WINDOWS (depends on your OS) script to move the file from F1 to F2 , once you load is over.
    While moving the file from F1 to F2 you can append the date at the end of the file and then move to F2, it is use full for future reference.
    See Blogs and Article, similar logic...
    How to transfer the Data from SAP-System to Non-SAP system without additional Cost/License
    To Check the Files/Reports in Application Server and Trigger Mail Alerts.
    Edited by: Surendra Reddy on Mar 12, 2010 6:41 AM

  • Data in 3 container should be merged in a single excel while downloading.

    Hi Experts,
    I created ALV report using OO ABAP where i splitted the container into 3 parts . Each container contains seperate internal table with data. Now the requirement is when i download to excel all the data contained in 3 seperate container should be merged in a single excel sheet. Can any one of you help me out in this.

    What exactly is the issue you are facing?
    I would suggest you to create a gui status and handle the user command for downloading in your PAI, where you can easily merge your 3 tables onto one before downloading it with gui_download method...

  • Export Query Data to Excel

    Hey guys, I have a cfm page that I am using to query data, and the  result set is displayed on the same page when a user clicks submit.
    My question is, I would like to create a clickable icon where, after a  user runs the query and the data table displays, I want the user to be  able to click a little Excel icon that will allow them to download the  data in Excel.
    So, a user clicks on a little icon somewhere on the page and IE or  Firefox or whatever pops up a little dialog box asking them if they want  to OPEN or SAVE the file results.xls.  How can I do this?
    Here is my current code, but where do I implement the cfoutput stuff to  export?  On the same page?
    <cfquery name="qActivity" datasource="khamp" result="resultInfo">
        SUM (KHAMELEON.GL_DETAIL.AMOUNT) AS "TotalAmt"           
        WHERE 0=0
        <cfif Form.Entity IS NOT "">
              AND KHAMELEON.GL_DETAIL.ENTITY = '#Form.Entity#'
        AND KHAMELEON.GL_DETAIL.ACCTG_DATE <= '#Form.asofday#-#Form.asofmonth#-#Form.asofyear#'
        <cfif Form.accountnum IS NOT "">
        AND KHAMELEON.GL_ACCOUNT.ACCOUNT = '#Form.accountnum#'
        GROUP BY
      <cfif resultInfo.Recordcount eq 0>
        No Records Match the Search Criteria.
        <table border="1" class="displaytable">
    <!--Headings Row-->  
               <th>Book 1</th>
    <!--Result Rows-->   
          <cfoutput query="qActivity">
            <td style="text-align:right">#NumberFormat('#qActivity.TotalAmt#', "_(999,999,999.99)")#</td>
    I got the following code off of a thread in the forum, but it trys to  download the excel file as soon as the query is run (the excel download  doesn't work though, it trys to download the actual cfm page instead):
    <cfheader name="Content-Disposition"
    value="inline; filename=tb.xls">
    <cfcontent type="application/vnd.ms-excel">
    <table border="2">
    <td> Account </td><td> Description </td><td> Entity </td><td> Book1 </td>
    <cfoutput query="qActivity">
    <td>#qActivity.ACCOUNT#</td><td>#qActivity.DES1#</td><td>#qActivity.ENTITY#</td><td>#NumberFormat('#qActivity.TotalAmt#', "_(999,999,999.99)")#</td>
    Thanks guysq

    To actually get the data into excel, google "cold fusion excel poi" and look for Ben Nadel's cfc.  Otherwise you might have issues with Office 2007.
    For the icon or whatever, make your query a session variable.  Then have the icon link to either a self closing popup or a very small iframe that exports the query to an excel file and then uses cfcontent to download it to the user.

  • 3 Waveform Chart to a Single Excel but in Different Spreadsheet

    I wanted my waveform chart to export the data to excel which I can easily do by right clicking the chart and export to excel. But I have 3 waveform chart and I want to export it to a single excel file but in different spread sheet. How do I do that with the same result with the conventional "right click method and export"?

    For this you probably will need to add some code to your VI to do this instead of right clicking on the chart. You can use the VIs located in the Programming>Report Generation>Excel Specific pane which has tons of stuff for that.
    Attached is an example of a basic VI that populates three waveform charts with random data and creates an excel spreadsheet with each chart's data input into a different workbook. This is rough and you can add a lot more functionality if you want depending on your needs. Just take references to all your charts and put them into an array and feed into the for loop.
    (Also there are probably better/cleaner ways to do it but this is the best I've got )
    WaveformExcelExample.vi ‏29 KB

  • Query output in Excel

    Hi ,
        I have a job with number of queries. I need that output of the query in an excel format to a location whenever that job runs. Help me out.

    >> and there was little explanation behind it <<
    There is no need for further explanations.  Each component in a system has its own responsabilities.
    You should use the right tool for the right job. Calling console apps is not the responsability of the database engine and there are better ways to do that job.
    Personally I've found that if you can't integrate a C# library through CLR then using the console is a perfectly legitimate way of getting around that issue.
    I would like to know what feature you needed to implement that required xp_cmdshell.
    But in this case, getting several queries exported to excel files in a job can be done by invoking the console app from the SQL Server Agent Job. No need for xp_cmdshell at all.
    In our organization, we create lots of LOB web applications. Most of them have the option to export the data coming form SQL Server queries shown on grids to Excel files. Guess what? We don't call xp_cmdshell.
    Jesús López
    EntityLite: A Lightweight, Database First, Micro ORM

  • Result of a Query in an Excel Sheet??

    I am using sqlplus on Unix environment.
    How can I get the results of a query (a multi column select query) into a excel sheet, which I can later SCP to my windows environment.
    Kindly reply asap.
    Thanks In Advance :)

    You might be able to use the sqlplus colsep command
    SQL> set colsep ','
    SQL> select * from emp;
      7369,SMITH   ,CLERK    ,  7902,17-DEC-80,   800,      ,     20
      7499,ALLEN   ,SALESMAN ,  7698,20-FEB-81,  1600,   300,     30
      7521,WARD    ,SALESMAN ,  7698,22-FEB-81,  1250,   500,     30
      7566,JONES   ,MANAGER  ,  7839,02-APR-81,  2975,      ,     20
      7654,MARTIN  ,SALESMAN ,  7698,28-SEP-81,  1250,  1400,     30
      7698,BLAKE   ,MANAGER  ,  7839,01-MAY-81,  2850,      ,     30
      7782,CLARK   ,MANAGER  ,  7839,09-JUN-81,  2450,      ,     10
      7788,SCOTT   ,ANALYST  ,  7566,09-DEC-82,  3000,      ,     20
      7839,KING    ,PRESIDENT,      ,17-NOV-81,  5000,      ,     10
      7844,TURNER  ,SALESMAN ,  7698,08-SEP-81,  1500,     0,     30
      7876,ADAMS   ,CLERK    ,  7788,12-JAN-83,  1100,      ,     20
      7900,JAMES   ,CLERK    ,  7698,03-DEC-81,   950,      ,     30
      7902,FORD    ,ANALYST  ,  7566,03-DEC-81,  3000,      ,     20
      7934,MILLER  ,CLERK    ,  7782,23-JAN-82,  1300,      ,     40
    14 rows selected.

  • Query on Essbase Excel Add-in

    I have a query on Essbase excel addin 6.5..By anyway is it possible to restrict the visibility of applications/Databases listed to any particular user for which they dont have access?
    I am using Essbase Application Manager 6.5.6. Please guide me if someone is aware of this.

    I, too, would recommend rebuilding the workbook.. Excel workbooks can get some funny behaviors, particularly if they contain VBA code. VBA in Excel stays 'semi-compiled' and never really clears itself out and a bunch of phantom references remain (and are completely hidden). I have seen some very strange behavior cleaned up by rebuilding the workbook..
    My old friend, Excel MVP Rob Bovey, has a utility specifically built to rebuild workbooks at http://www.appspro.com/Utilities/Utilities.htm.
    Tim Tow
    Applied OLAP, Inc

  • Error when attempting to download SQ01 query data to Excel

    Hi Experts ,
    I am getting error when attempting to download SQ01 query data to Excel .
    Error message - Contact your system administrator. The following template is missing: sap_om.xls
    Message no. 0K 407
    I have looked through the SAP GUI installation files and can find no record of the missing file

    Please check SAP note 305900 & 803067

  • Exporting Multiple Internal table data to Single Excel file.

    Hello Expert,
      I want to export more than one internal table data from Web Dynpro Application to single Excel file but in such a way that
    each table's data to be get exported to different tabs in (Multiple sheets)  that single excel file.
    So help me in this matter.
    Thank You.
    Moderator message: wrong forum, please post again in "Web Dynpro ABAP".
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Oct 29, 2010 1:39 PM

    Each table having different sheet in same CSV file .
    A CSV file is a flat file and don't have "Sheets"; you would have to Export to an Excel file, which supports several Sheets in one file.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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