2011 Max Attendee Single Edition Download

I was a MAX 2011 attendee but never received an email regarding the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, Single Edition which we were supposed to receive as one of the “give-aways” for the event.
I am still very much interested in getting this if possible but haven't been able to find anyone at Adobe that can help me - any suggestions?

I got an email from [email protected] on 22/11/2011 that contained a serial number. Try contact adobe or max about it.

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    help... i cannot find the link in creative cloud to download digital publishing app single edition. I am a creative cloud member. Where is this app listed on the creative cloud page?

    DPS Tools are buiilt in InDesign CS6 - Folio Overlays and Folio Builder. You can download the latest updates of those tools in InDesign by going to Help>Updates or by downloading updates from http://www.adobe.com/downloads. Remember you need a Mac to create an App. Here's the step by step guide, this will help you in creating your app : http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ppcompdoc/Step_by_step_guide_to_dps_se.pdf

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    It is downloaded from the iTunes store. Adobe has nothing to do with it.

  • Empowered by Single Edition: Publishing on iPad | MAX 2013 – The Creativity Conference | Adobe TV

    Witness the Digital Publishing Suite, Single Edition workflow from beginning to end so that you can easily design and build interactive publications using InDesign. Learn the basics of building interactive features into an InDesign file, the steps for building an app, and how to publish to the iTunes Store. In this session, you'll learn how to:• Add interactive features such as video and slide shows to an InDesign file — no coding required• Acquire an Apple developer certificate and publish to the iTunes Store• Prepare for and build your Digital Publishing Suite app

    Good presentation. I like his calm, patient, cadence.
    It's a little ironic that Colin mentions the Step By Step guide many times but doesn't give a link. (Except maybe inside that one DPS screen, I wasn't sure.)
    Anyway, here is the link:

  • Single Edition - How long for approval from Apple to App Store? Is Content Viewer an Option?

    Hello -
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    Thanks much,

    You can check some websites that give a average idea of the current wait times for an app to be reviewed.
    I generally use the below to give myself an idea of the wait time. I do not use these type of sites when talking to clients however.

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    I try:
    import files downloaded from the single edition "Folio, xml, etc...."
    Share from the other uerID the magazine, but I cant see and edit the content.
    Do I have to re-use the indesign files to copy the mag in another user? :/
    Thank you very much!

    turn your single edition folio into an online folio, share with the other account, use the copy folio feature to copy from account A into account B.
    There is no way to import content that was exported using the export feature in folio producer

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    Yes, and you need to PAY for that serial number. Single Edition apps are $395 each.

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    Hi there,
    I know there is no official support for Android in Single Edition, but, once you have installed Indesing CC and App Builder in a mac, and you create app from your Folio menu, is it possible to create then an Android/Kindle apk app for publishing by your own?
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    By the way, I think Adobe should explain more clearly this points. There is too much documentation, but difficult to find this answers... And a lot of people with the same troubles...

    Thanks Tomek!
    So, can you confirm if you join the Professional edition (just for a month) if you are able to use both options App Builder/Web-Based App Builder, to create the app in a way that you don't need to be suscribed more time to Professional Edition to be downloaded by the users in Google Play/Kindle Store, and it should work for Applestore (iphone apps) too. I mean, once again, no using Multi-issue and Renditions, cause in this case I know they are hosted by Adobe and you need the subscription to be downloaded.
    I think there are discussions here about this topic, but it's not exactly clear what I'm asking. So, I still don't know if I should buy the Professional Edition or go to another supplier as you said.
    I hope that Adobe improve these functions! There should be native support for these platforms, cause at the end you only can publish to the applestore with the Single Edition and everbody knows the "too booky problem" with the apps. And we should have support to publish to ibookstore because of that too, without third party solutions. 

  • Single Edition DPS Apps Crashing in iOS 8?

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    I've just been told by some readers that as soon as they have updated to iOS 8, past apps I have released - single editions, not multi-folio for iPad - just crash. They either open and crash as soon as you scroll, or crash straight away.
    What is going on? Is this an update that needs to happen on Adobe's end and has yet to occur?

    Hi Neil,
    I think I am having the same problem as the OP. This is the error I got:
    ----- 2.2 -----
    We found that your app exhibited one or more bugs, when reviewed on iPad running iOS 8, on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
    Content does not load. This occurs upon launch.
    If I just recreate the app with the "create app" in the folio builder will this correct the problem? Would I need to also change the provisioning profiles or anything or just a straight rebuild will fix this? Are their any updates I need to download first before I rebuild?
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    Any help is appreciated.

  • Clarity on Single Edition vs. Professional Edition

    Hi Guys,
    I am just trying to make the decision on whether I need the professional edition or whether it’s not worth it. I was hoping some of the regulars here might be able to answer a few questions;
    What happens if you buy 10,000 folios and you sell 10,001… does it automatically top up, do you get billed later, or is that extra person blocked from downloading the app until you buy more folios?
    What happens with your unused folios – do they simply become available to the next product you release? What happens if you cancel your subscription, or never sell more than 10,000? Are they refunded?
    If you have the Professional Edition, can you choose to still release apps as a single edition (as in free of the folio download costs) when required?
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    I currently have a Creative Cloud membership, which comes with the Single Edition DPS. If I roll over into the Professional Edition, does it replace my existing package? So I have Creative Cloud plus the PE features?
    Many thanks

    I'll answer the ones I know for sure off the top of my head.
    2. Unused folios are available for any issues and publications you produce under your professional edition account. You can have multiple titles available, for example, and they all share the same bundle of folio downloads. If you cancel your subscription they are gone and are not refunded.
    3. Yes.
    4. No.
    5. They are separate. Professional Edition *only* gives you DPS publication capabilities. You still need to maintain your Creative Cloud subscription if you want access to Adobe software like InDesign, Photoshop, etc.

  • Can you create a single edition app with CC Enterprise?

    My company have Creative Cloud Enterprise edition and I would like to create a simple single edition app. It's going to be a one off free app and I have no requirement for all the bells and whistles that Enterprise offers plus with it being free it would cost me because of the $0.30 per download fee. Does anyone know if this can be done or am I going to have to start looking at alternatives?

    You could sign up for the full version of Creative Cloud which will enable you to build a Single Edition app before that support is removed from Creative Cloud on May 1st. You'd create a new app in InDesign using the Create App menu item in Folio Builder Panel. After you create the app and submit it you could then cancel your Creative Cloud subscription.
    Note that you would need to get support to help you set the version number of your new app high enough to replace your existing app in iTunes. If you plan to go the CC route let me know and I can assist in making sure the version number is updated on your app appropriately.

  • Single Edition Apps

    Apologies for a newbie kind of question, but I'm wanting to know about publishing a single use app via our Adobe CC subscription.
    The idea is a learning exercise to design + publish an app that I'd want to update fairly regularly - its tied to sports stats and infographics with interactivity, which I'd want to update through the season (at times every 1-2 weeks), but it could be 14 or so times in a year. Is this practical?
    I would favour each update submitted to have fairly substantial additions each time as I want to give anyone who downloads it extra, new stuff each time… but do Apple get frustrated or tetchy about constant and/small updates to single edition apps? Do they critique stuff?
    The app would be FREE.
    Also, if an update is accepted, do people who have downloaded a previous version get notified, or would I have to do this via Twitter or similar.

    Thanks for the replies, Neil and Bob
    I though this might be the case - I understand their reasons. Its almost like there needs to be an inbetween license for small publishers maybe, for non-commercial apps. Clearly what I want to do is beyond the single edition license, but the cost of the other license types is simply beyond me.
    However, I think I can still tackle it. What I have developing does have plenty of interactive content for users (certainly cpompared to some stuff I have seeen), but I may just have to prepare it all as more of a season's 'retrospective analysis', then submit it to Apple to avoid constant updates.
    Above all, its a process of learning DPS - that's the main thing. Its really just starting to make its presence felt here in New Zealand, so its a pretty exciting product… especially for an old print dog liek me who needs some new tricks!
    Cheers guys.

  • Single Edition App question regarding using the activation number

    I am producing a single edition app for a client. We have purchased a single edition package and I have the serial number. I have created the app and done all the certificates and provisioning stuff...
    My question is now that it is built and I would like to download a version for testing purposes it is asking me for the serial number to activate it.
    After I enter the serial number will I be able to go back and make changes to it as needed before I publish? Or how does this work? I just want to make sure I dont activate this and am then stuck with the results if changes need to be made. I'm sure the answer is fairly obvious but just wanted to check with people who have had past experiences. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

    Yes, you should be able to make changes, but I can’t let this pass without reminding you that you could have gotten unlimited apps for year and every Creative Cloud application and service for less than you paid for that one app.

  • Single Edition App rejected!

    I just had my single edition app rejected by apple. 
    Here's the reported problem:
    Your app has the UIFileSharingEnabled key set to true in the Info.plist, but this feature is not functional.
    When file sharing is enabled, the entire Documents folder is used for file sharing. Files that that are not intended for user access via the file sharing feature should be stored in another part of your application's bundle. If your application does not require the file sharing feature, the UIFileSharingEnabled key in the Info.plist should not be set to true.
    For discrete code-level questions, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. Please be sure to prepare any symbolicated crash logs, screenshots, or steps to reproduce the issues for when the DTS engineer follows up. For information on how to symbolicate and read a crash log, please see Tech Note TN2151 Understanding and Analyzing iPhone OS Application Crash Reports.
    Any ideas how I fix that? Is that even an option in the Viewer Builder?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Our app was rejected AGAIN and for the same reason!.  I went through the steps in the builder again, and downloaded a new distribution zip file to submit to apple. Is there any way I can verify that this flag will not be set before I submit to Apple again? Waiting a week in between app rejections is pretty painful, and frustrating. Agan, ours is an Enterprise account with entitlements enabled for a mulit-issue publication.
    Feb 8, 2012 04:50 PM. From Apple.
    We found that your app did not achieve the core functionality described in your marketing materials or release notes, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
    Your app has the UIFileSharingEnabled key set to true in the Info.plist, but this feature is not functional.

  • Single Edition Native App for Android

    Is it possible to create a native app for android (google play store) with DPS single edition? Or is there another way to achieve it?

    The app will stay available but the content will disappear as you quit subscription after first month and the content is hosted on the Adobe Servers. You have also download fees in addition.
    No chance to bypass it.
    If I remember well, Aquafadas are the only ones who are having a single payment option for an Android single issue. But they are changing their marketing strategies frequently, so I'm not sure if it's still available.

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