26.4 Basing an entity Object on a PL/SQL Package API - Ref Cursor, no View

I am hoping that I could get some help in the details of a problem. I am trying to follow the directions in the Oracle Application Development Framework Developer's Guide for Forms/4GL Developers, Section 26.4 - Basing an Entity Object on a PL/SQL Package API.
There is example code in the downloadable AdvancedEntityExamples - EntityWrappingPL/SQLPackage
The question is, how will the implementation change if the entity is based entirely on PL/SQL - simply stated - no view is available, just ref cursors and insert,update,delete procedures.
In the example code, there are two procedures, lock_product and select_product. This is where things get more complicated. I can create a function to return a single record ref cursor, instead of the list of OUT variables defined in both functions (select_product and lock_product). It makes sense that I just return one cursor and get all of the columns from that instead of lots of OUT variables.
So what's stopping me you may ask... There is one difference between select_product and select_lock. Select_lock has a select that includes "FOR UPDATE NOWAIT". I don't have that as an option when creating my ref cursor. I am not sure what the impact of "FOR UPDATE NOWAIT" is? Can I ignore it?
In the problem I am working with, (getting data from Oracle Portal 10.1.4) I return the following:
function getRefCursor return ref_cursor is
v_tab wwsbr_all_items_object_type := wwsbr_all_items_object_type();
p_recordset wwsbr_types.cursor_type;
l_results wwsrc_api.items_result_array_type;
l_results := wwsrc_api.item_search(.. parameters..);
... Loop through the objects and populate v_tab
open p_recordset for
select * from table(cast(v_tab as wwsbr_all_items_object_type));
return p_recordset;
end getRefCursor;
With this sample, it would be easy to return a single row by passing the masterid as a parameter.
So I am still left with, how should the implementation of callLockProcedureAndCheckForRowInconsistency() and callSelectProcedure() be changed in order to use a ref cursor instead of a view? The user guide was missing that extra section <bg>.
What would be REALLY helpful, is an example, say 26.4A that demonstrates creating an entity object from a ref cursor and procedures from PL/SQL only without a view.
Thank you, Ken

The lock procedure is expected to obtain a row-level lock on the row, given its key.
Depending on the setting of jbo.locking.mode, the entity object's lock() method will be invoked either as soon as the first persistent attribute is successfully modified by the user (in the case of jbo.locking.mode=pessimistic), or it will be called during commit processing just before the row is updated in the database (with jbo.locking.mode=optimistic).
Usually 2-tier Swing applications use pessimistic mode, while web applications use optimistic mode.
The FOR UPDATE NOWAIT is the Oracle clause that can be appened to a SELECT statement to acquire a row-level lock on the selected rows. The NOWAIT modifier means that rather than hanging, waiting for a row locked by another user to free up, it will raise an exception if any of the rows being selected-and-locked are not available to lock.
If you're not able to work the FOR UPDATE NOWAIT into the syntax of the ref cursor, perhaps you can initially perform the lock using a different cursor inside the stored procedure, then return your ref cursor.

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    "and all fetched rows in entity object"
    is not a correct statement to make, EO will always represent a single row of the database record.you will get all the fetched rows in the VO, not the EO.

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    Hi Lisa,
    There's a difference between exporting methods (on an application module, view object, and view row--this is done on the "Client Methods" tab of the view object and application module wizards and the "Client Row Methods" tab of the view object wizard) and making an application module remotable (which is done on the "remote" tab of the application module wizard).
    You should always export methods you want clients to use--and you only need to do this on the application module if you've written methods on your application module (which I didn't in this HOWTO). You can still use these methods in local mode--the interfaces will be present locally. The advantage of exporting methods is that it doesn't lock you into local mode--you'll be able to change to remote mode later (if you decide that's the way to go) with minimal changes--because the interfaces will be present locally even when the implementation classes aren't.
    By contrast, you should only make an application module remotable if you're planning on deploying in a non-local configuration. You can do this step right before deployment.
    Hope this helps,

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    Our recommendation is in the ADF Developer's Guide for Forms/4GL Developers, in section 26.6 "Using Inheritance in Your Business Domain Layer". A single table is the simplest and most functional.
    There's nothing wrong with using a view with instead-of triggers, as long as your not wasting your time to write PL/SQL that would be duplicating what ADF BC could automatically do for you using join view objects, with multiple entity usages, against multiple underlying tables. In general, you don't need to use views with instead-of triggers. See section 26.5 "Basing an Entity Object on a Join View or Remote DBLink" if you do.

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    Override the beforeCommit method of the main entity object of your page.
    The commit will only take place if the PLSQL does not throw any errors.
    See example below:
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    String sql =
    "BEGIN check_my_entity(p_id => :1" +
    ", x_return_status => :2" +
    ", x_return_msg => :3); END;";
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    stmt.setNUMBER(1, getId());
    stmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR); //x_return_status
    stmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR); //x_return_msg
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    String returnMsg = stmt.getString(3);
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    throw new OAException("Error during methodToCheckUsingPLSQL. " +
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    You can also create a data control based on a Java class that interact with a file.

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    I have
    Jdeveloper version -
    Oracle Database - 11g R2
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                           A.AUTH_TYPE = 'LF'
                       The auth_type cloumn decided in which view object the data will be shown
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    have a look at polymorphic view objects

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    public void addQCNote(int userID, Number theStudyID, String theNote)
                   //StudyFtsViewObjImpl freeTextVO = getStudyFtsViewObj();
                   StudyFtsQCOnlyViewObjImpl freeTextVO = getStudyFtsReadOnlyViewObj();
                   freeTextVO.setWhereClauseParam(0, theStudyID);
                   DBSequence freeTextTypeCode = null;
                   StudyFTSQCCodeValueViewObjImpl freeTextCodeValue = getStudyFTSCodeValueViewObj();
                   Row[] freeTextCodeValueCurrentRowArray = freeTextCodeValue.getAllRowsInRange();
                   // There SHOULD only be one ... but if there is more, pick one - geeez.
                   for (int i = 0; i < freeTextCodeValueCurrentRowArray.length; i++)
                        Row currentFTRow = freeTextCodeValueCurrentRowArray[0];
                        freeTextTypeCode = ((DBSequence) (currentFTRow.getAttribute(StudyFTSQCCodeValueViewObjRowImpl.CODEVALUE1)));
                   Row freeTextRow = freeTextVO.createRow();
                   // Sets up default values for insertion into db at commit time
                   freeTextRow.setAttribute(StudyFtsQCOnlyViewObjRowImpl.PARENTENTITYID, theStudyID);
                   freeTextRow.setAttribute(StudyFtsQCOnlyViewObjRowImpl.PARENTENTITYNAME, "STUDY");
                   freeTextRow.setAttribute(StudyFtsQCOnlyViewObjRowImpl.FREETEXT, theNote);
                   freeTextRow.setAttribute(StudyFtsQCOnlyViewObjRowImpl.FREETEXTTYPECD, freeTextTypeCode);
                   freeTextRow.setAttribute(StudyFtsQCOnlyViewObjRowImpl.CREATEDID, new Number(userID));
              catch (Exception ex)
                   System.out.println("Exception in AR3MainAppModule.addQCNote: " + ex.toString());

    Did you read this?
    Re: Row created in one ViewObject added to all VOs based on the same Entity
    Why don't you search this forum before posting?

  • Possible?Multi-Entity View Object with one Entity Object that is Read-only.

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    The problem is that when I use the JDev (I'm currently using AppModule BC4J tester, when I click on the multi-entity view object that I added to the AppModule it gives me an error:
    oracle.jbo.RowCreateException) JBO-25017: Error while creating a new entity row for People.
    ----- LEVEL 1: DETAIL 0 -----
    (java.lang.InstantiationException) null
    I have tried to change all the attributes to updateable in my entity object, but no create method, and I have tried to make them all read-only, but no effect, I get the same error (probably because the People view is read-only in my schema).
    Is there a way to change the entity object so that it will not try to create a new row when it runs the Tester? So that the multi entity view object behaves more like a view link, but gives me the added bonus of being able to sort on the Last Name column from the People table?
    Thanks for any help on this subject...at worst, I will have to use the view link method to get the job accomplished, but it would be "cooler" if this would work!

    Steve, thanks for your quick response to my question.
    To answer your questions, I was trying to create the Multi-entity View Object to give me more flexibility when working with my User table, and my People view. The flexibility I desired was that I would be able to sort my Users based on attributes in the People view. This is not possible when the there is only one Entity in my VO, and the People view data are all transient attributes, because they are not in the SQL statement.
    Ultimately, after working with one of my colleagues, we decided to use the approach that you mentioned by creating a read-only VO with the SQL query we want to display to the user (contains both User and People data fields), and then use a different ViewObject when performing other actions on the User Table (such as inserts/updates/deletes). By using the setWhereClauseParam() method in the handleLifeCycle() for the JSP page, we should be able to navigate between the different View Objects, so that the user does not see any difference.
    Thanks! Oh, and by the way, I have read your article you included before, and I have used it many times before to tune my View Objects! Thanks!

  • Passing SQL Server identity attributes values into adf entity objects

    Hi all.
    I'm using Jdeveloper 10g for developing an ADF Swing application based on MS SQL Server DB.
    Does anyone know if it is possible to pass SQL Server identity attributes values into the correspondent attrributes of adf entity objects, like we do with Oracle DB Sequence.
    The problem is that i should somhow implement cascade deleting of detail view objects, so i should use the composition association. But since i cant fill the primary key attribute with appropriate value (that is actually a ms sql server db sequence value) i always get
    the following exception: oracle.jbo.InvalidOwnerException: JBO-25030 as i try to create a new pair of master/detail objects.
    Thanks in advance.

    The approach is good. but i still dont understand how i can address the sql server db sequence (identity field) programmatically...
    The code offered
    SequenceImpl sequence = new SequenceImpl("PRODUCTS_SEQ",getDBTransaction());
    generates something like this:
    select deq_name.nextval from dual
    but this syntax works for oracle only... and not for sql server...
    Edited by: Timin on Mar 26, 2009 6:34 AM
    Edited by: Timin on Mar 26, 2009 10:25 AM

  • Specifying autoincrement on a field in an entity object declaratively

    I have a master-detail window where the detail entity has a composite key made up of m_id and d_id where m_id is a foreign key to the master table and d_id is the unique key to the detail table.
    I have defined the detail entity object and checked the box for m_id and d_id as a primary key. When I create a new detail object using the create button that is available from the data control panel for the detail's view object it populates the m_id based on the currently selected master object. However since d_id needs to be populated as well.
    Any ideas how I can do this declaratively in then entity object definition?

    This can be done with programmatic VOs: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E15523_01/web.1111/b31974/bcadvvo.htm#sm0341
    Sample: http://blogs.oracle.com/smuenchadf/examples/#132
    You can also opt to do this with a simple Java class and a data control based on it.
    For example: http://blogs.oracle.com/shay/2009/07/java_class_data_control_and_ad.html

  • ADF BC Entity Object read security

    Please consider the example application in this blog post by Andrejus Baranovskis:
    "ADF Security 11g and ADF Business Components"
    What is the "read" operation used for in the Security section of the "Jobs" Entity Object configuration?
    I modified the example application and checked the enabled checkbox for the "read" operation on the "Jobs" Entity Object. After that, using the "Edit Authorization..." dialog (from the context menu on the "Jobs" Entity Object in the Structure Panel), I checked the "Read" checkbox for the "clerk" role.
    This looks to me like a configuration from which one could expect that only a "clerk" can read.
    After that I run the "HrModule" Application Module and authenticate as a "developer" (user "steve"), which has no privileges granted, and I can still read all the attributes for the rows in the "JobsView1" View Object instance (which is based on the "JobsView" View Object for which all the attributes come from the "Jobs" Entity Object).
    How can this be explained?
    many thanks
    Jan Vervecken

    Thanks for your reply Brenden.
    Yes, my question seems to be the same as in the forum thread you refer to,
    "11g ADF BC security - read operation?".
    In that thread Frank Nimphius points out "this seems to be malfunctioning and will be bugged",
    and also Chris Muir writes "... the documentation is a little misleading then ...".

  • Removing the entity object commit from transaction handler

    The business reuirement of the OAFWK page developed by us is as explained below:
    The basic functionality is of updating the attributes of items attached to the change order.
    The UI components displayed in the page(Item attribute changes region) are built based on the properties of the item attributes as LOV,poplist,textbox etc..
    The dynamic VO mapped to these UI components is based on a standard entity object.
    User operation:Select any attribute group and click on Go button.The Item attributes of the attribute group are displayed.Enter values in the Item Attributes and click on Apply button of the region.(changes made in the attributes related to the attribute group are committed to the database using
    &lt;Root AM&gt;.getTransaction.commit()).
    Now we have two such regions in the same page.
    On top of the page the item attributes of _{color:#800000}&lt;Item Type X&gt;{color}_ are displayed.
    Down the page, the item attributes of {color:#0000ff}&lt;_Item Type Y_&gt;{color} are displayed.
    In few special cases i.e for few item attributes, on click of Apply button for {color:#0000ff}_Item Y_{color} , the attributes of {color:#800000}I_tem X_{color} are to be updated by calling a PLSQL API.When Apply button in the Item attributes of _{color:#0000ff}Item Type Y{color}_ is clicked,the execution of controllers is :
    1.Controllers of Item attribute changes region of {color:#800000}&lt;Item Type X&gt; {color}The dynamic VO is built for the item attributes of Item Type X
    2.Controllers of the Item attribute changes region of {color:#0000ff}Item Type Y{color} The dynamic VO is built for the item attributes of Item Type Y.In the last controller of the hierarchy, the PLSQL API call is included(by invoking the method in AM) to update few attribute values of {color:#800000}Item Type X and finally &lt;Root AM&gt;.getTransaction().commit().
    Problem : The updated values by PLSQL API for {color:#800000}_Item Type X_{color} are not reflected in the database but indeed the values entered by user for {color:#800000}_Item Type X_{color} in the top of the page are committed(The Apply button for {color:#800000}_Item Type X_{color} is not clicked).
    _&gt;&gt;Please note that the dynamic VOs of both the Item Types are built on the same standard Entity Object_
    I am struggling to know the reason why the values updated by PLSQL API are overwrittem by the values in the entity object even though the PLSQL API is called in the last controller of execution.Please let me know if there is any OAFWK constraint.
    I tried the approach of removing the commit of the dynamic VO built in the region of {color:#800000}_Item Type X&gt;_ {color}{color:#000000}I fetched the entity implementation of the dynamic VO row and used removeandRetain(),revert().But this approach failed.I am referring to the jdevdoc for the built-in methods.
    Now the requirement is the latest values updated by API (for {color:#800000}_Item Type X_{color}) should be committed in the database but not the values updated by the entity object for {color:#800000}_Item Type X_ {color}{color:#000000}in the item attributes region{color}.
    There should a single commit for the entire transaction of the page.
    Is there any chance to remove the commit of item attributes of {color:#800000}_Item X_{color} alone from the transaction handler?There are few methods in oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl class such as doRemoveFromTransactionManager().But these methods are either protected or private.So classes of other packages cannot access them.
    So pelase suggest me if there is a workaround for this scenario.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: Kiran.A on Sep 20, 2008 3:34 AM

    Hi Sumit,
    Yes I agree on that front that updating the same record through PLSQL and EO is not the right approach.
    But the business requirement is as such and we do not have any workaround for this.
    Please let me know if there is any way to avoid the EO commit by removing from transaction listener.

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