2710ne : Nokia browser alone doesn't work.

Brand new Nokia 2710ne.
Firmware v06.13 09-04-10 RM-586.
Operator Virgin Mobile France (unlimited data offer).
No OTA update available. No Nokia Software Updater available.
Device hard reseted.
Opera Mini works fine with all kind of sites.
The "internet" menu of the phone offers operators and nokia links which launch nokia browser and display the web sites behind these links (Nokia.mobi, Virgin Portal...)
But I can't call any other web site ! No trace of a  "go to" options in the browser when it is open from a link.
AND the browser ("Navigateur" in french) itself doesn't launch !
Any way to fix that before I return it to Nokia care ?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Phil24,
Thanks for the tips, very useful!!

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    Hi Rick -
    I do not have multiple versions of RoboHelp installed on my machine. The browse sequence worked with a new project, but it won't work with my established project (which has "exclude" conditional tags for some topics in several folders and some folders that are excluded all together). I do have more than one window definition, but the only one that is used is the "secondary" window. I attempted to enable browse sequence for both (main and secondary), but it still would not work. My primary layout is Microsoft HTML Help. The project is NOT in source control.  I inherited the project, which had multiple tech writers building it since 2002. Also, since attempting to enable a browse sequence, the project opens very, very slowly. So I removed the browse sequence and performance increase somewhat, but it takes a long time to open. The project is not that large - 900 topics. Any additional thoughts . . .
    Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 07:04:09 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Browse sequence doesn't work in project
    Hello again
    By chance do you have multiple versions of RoboHelp installed? I do and I'm unable to coax the Browse Sequence bar into a CHM I compile using RoboHelp 8.
    You may be onto a bug. I'd strongly encourage you to report as same to Adobe. (Link is in my sig line)
    A parting question here. Does it show if you create a new project?
    Ohhh, and another question or two just popped in.
    Do you have more than one Window definition?
    Is your primary layout configured to be Microsoft HTML Help?
    Cheers... Rick
    | http://www.robowizard.com/pc.gif | Helpful and Handy Links
    http://www.gooberguides.com |

  • WEbdb: Browse in doesn't work...

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    thank You

    Hi Rick -
    I do not have multiple versions of RoboHelp installed on my machine. The browse sequence worked with a new project, but it won't work with my established project (which has "exclude" conditional tags for some topics in several folders and some folders that are excluded all together). I do have more than one window definition, but the only one that is used is the "secondary" window. I attempted to enable browse sequence for both (main and secondary), but it still would not work. My primary layout is Microsoft HTML Help. The project is NOT in source control.  I inherited the project, which had multiple tech writers building it since 2002. Also, since attempting to enable a browse sequence, the project opens very, very slowly. So I removed the browse sequence and performance increase somewhat, but it takes a long time to open. The project is not that large - 900 topics. Any additional thoughts . . .
    Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 07:04:09 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Browse sequence doesn't work in project
    Hello again
    By chance do you have multiple versions of RoboHelp installed? I do and I'm unable to coax the Browse Sequence bar into a CHM I compile using RoboHelp 8.
    You may be onto a bug. I'd strongly encourage you to report as same to Adobe. (Link is in my sig line)
    A parting question here. Does it show if you create a new project?
    Ohhh, and another question or two just popped in.
    Do you have more than one Window definition?
    Is your primary layout configured to be Microsoft HTML Help?
    Cheers... Rick
    | http://www.robowizard.com/pc.gif | Helpful and Handy Links
    http://www.gooberguides.com |

  • Swf previews in browser and doesn't work on server after upgrade from cs3 to cs5

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    I have a big site and do not wan't to redo my template unless I absolutely have to.
    Here is the link:
    Here is the code on my page:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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    <title>video vitrectomy for macular hole re-operation ilm peel</title>
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       <td rowspan="9" colspan="7"                  ><div id="main"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="main" -->
         <h2 align="center">How the Eye Sees Animation
         <p align="center">
           <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="874" height="520" id="FlashID" title="eye sees">
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    It's not 100% clear from your post, but you should be aware that CS5 plugins should not work in CS5.5. Because of a CS5.5 bug, CS5 plugins will load in InDesign 7.5.0, but that is fixed in 7.5.1 so they will not load.
    You should lean a bit harder on Virginia Systems. They should be able to tell you how to get them the stack trace from the crash which they should be able to look at and tell you which plugin (if any) is responsible for the crash. I could do it for Mac OS X but I don't know how under Windows. You could start by looking at the Event Viewer, though. That may have some helpful information about the crashes and the faulting module.

  • Nokia browser and mail not working

    I was browsing with my asha 201's in-built browser when I got a pop up message to upgrade it, I ognored it the first time but ehrn it became incessant, I decided to jst upgrade it and since then it's not being working and it also kind of affected my mail.
    Any one to help

    hi mate, have you tried uninstalling then reinstalling the Nokia Browser from http://download.browser.ovi.com ?

  • Move focus between elements of browser page doesn't work with JVM 1.6.x

    why JVM 1.6 doesn't support accessibility?
    with JVM 1.5_10 or above it's possible to move from elements of IE browser page with tab and enter and exit from applet
    with JVM 1.6 or using plugin 1.6 this is not more possible.
    with plugin 1.6 and JVM 1.5 applet can gains focus but it doesn't release it
    with JVM 1.6 applet doesn't gain focus and all keyevents are intercepted from browser.
    to make my applet and page accessible I need to move focus between elements of browser page with tab,
    and enter and exit from applet.
    Just because my users can't use mouse but only keyboard.
    Note that FireFox doesn't work at all, even if bug seems fixed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93149
    (you can watch a recorder right sample here on: http://www.vista.it/ing_vista_0311_video_streaming_accessibile_demo.php)
    Please advise.

    Hello Carl,
    some things are so easy if some one takes place the clou. I clear all cache information in the firefox browser and all is working fine.
    Thank you very much and have a nice weekend.

  • Ftp response timeout / browser preview doesn't work

    Good evening,
    today i tried to update my website. Only problem, when i displayed the browser preview some of the elements simply wouldn'T show up that did in earlier version of use. I never had any problems in this direction so i continued with my workflow. When i started to upload my images via an ftp client i experience a problem as well that might be connected to the first one. after some image were uploaded i got the error that "FTP response timeout" so i tried it again later but with the same result. i can skip the images but it takes just too much time and simply doesn't work as intended. Do you guys have an idea what the solution for my problem might be?
    windows 7 muse 2014.2 64bit
    internet is working all right
    the problem occurs when i try the browser preview as well so it'S rather connected to muse than my ftp client
    i don't have any missing elemts and all links are up to date
    i hope you can help me . Thanks a lot in advance!

    Hi Lucas,
    Could you please send your muse file to [email protected] so we may have a look. Please make sure you mention the link of this forum thread in the email Subject so we may handle it appropriately. Also, if the file is larger than 20MB, please use an online file sharing service like Dropbox or WeTransfer.

  • Nokia Software Updater Doesn't Work.

    I try to use nokia software updater and it doesnt work. So I decided to re-install it and then try and still it doesn't work. All I get is an error message saying "critical software components are missing, please re-install" time after time.
    Why in the hell dont nokia just make the latest firmware available for download without having to use the **bleep** nokia updater software. I need some help guys.

    Im having the same problem. Im have windows vista home premium 32 bit
    Anyone got any ideas?? Its really frustrating

  • Browser button doesn't work after installing drivers - HP 4540s

    Hello everyone, 
    I have problem with browser button (the button next to wireless button) after installation of  "Keyboard, Mouse and Input Devices" (more specifically "HP Hotkey Support" - Win8). Before that the button works fine, but after installation of this driver it does not work anymore.
    I update my BIOS and I did not find button sittings there.
    On HP's drivers site there is only driver for Wireless button.
    I expect your answers!

    Wow, that's odd...there might be a registry error in Windows preventing it from working correctly. Do you have any kind of registry cleaner?
    I don't want to recommend too many things for you to download, but I personally use CCleaner to clean and fix my registry. I would recommend uninstalling HP Support Assistant, downloading CCleaner and run the registry cleaner. After you run the registry cleaner, reboot the computer and then try to re-install HP Support Assistant. Hopefully that will work. 
    Here is a link to the download: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
    Best of luck,
    -------------How do I give Kudos? | How do I mark a post as Solved? --------------------------------------------------------

  • Clearing browser cache doesn't work

    This is on a new Nexus 5 phone. I tried using the supplied Chrome browser and was disappointed to find that clearing the cache (through Chrome or Android settings/apps), did not work. Old visited websites and tabs were still present upon re-starting. I just installed Firefox and it has the same problem. I have no bookmarks stored. Is there a solution to this?

    I only have personal experience with a Gingerbread device, but it's hard to understand why Firefox would behave so differently on another version of Android.
    Here's how I tested. I selected the following on the "Clear Private Data" list:
    * Browsing & download history
    * Form & search history
    * Cookies & active logins
    * Saved passwords
    * Cache
    * Offline website data
    (I didn't remove Downloaded files or Site settings)
    I tapped the "Clear data" button, and then backed out of the menu to the Top sites screen.
    The Top sites list lost the site thumbnails and shows only my bookmarked sites and default sites.
    When you do this, does yours still show non-bookmarked sites from history?

  • Nokia Maps online doesn't work behind corporate fi...

    Nokia Maps online 'search' and 'routes' don't work on my work computer. My PC is behind corporate firewall and proxy, but that shouldn't be a problem.
    On my work's PC, I can save, edit and rename Favourites; I can rename Routes; I can see a route previously saved on my phone. But it's not possible at all to search for places and consequently it's not possible to calculate new routes.
    I think Nokia should pay attention to this proxy issue, if it wants Nokia Maps to become popular all over the world, since at least on my corporation, Nokia Maps is the only mapping system that cannot be used!
    Google Maps, NAVTEQ.com and TomTom route planner are some mapping systems that work fine on my work PC. Unfortunately, I cannot use Nokia Maps, which is my favourite system...
    Can a Nokia representive forward this to the Nokia Maps online team?

    I'm experiencing this same issue. Please fix it. Now I have to use google maps.

  • Adobe browser lab doesn't work!

    Hey ,
    I am new in browser lab and i have a problem and need some help, i make a website in photoshop and convertit to htrml and css in dreamwaver
    i want to test my website in all broswer so i tried to connct in adobe browser lab i created adobe account and login to adobebroswer lab coay and past the url and get this meeage (invailed url fixed and try again)
    then try to conncet from Dreawaver cs5.5 and get this message ( your decoment must be saved under a root folder of a defined site , defined a new site containing this folder this file is in under the root folder of an exsitng site)
    Any help please

    BrowserLab can be used directly in Dw - no need to copy the URL. Once you are in Dw and you have your main page loaded in the editing region of Dw you can goto menu bar: File -> Preview in Browser -> Adobe BrowserLab; This will launch a seperate browser window with Adobe BrowserLab. Once you are logged in you web page and related assets will be automatically sent to BL and sreenshots will be returned. You can also get to BrowserLab from within Dw via the Files panel, right click on your main page and select Preview in Browser -> Adobe BrowserLab; Finally you can get to BL via the CSLive panel.
    Thanks - Mike

  • Nokia Push E-Mail doesn't work on N95-4 after upda...

    Nokia push mail doesn't work anymore on my N95 8GB NAM since I applied the latest firmware update.  Is this a known issue?

    Hello amishnik,
    Thank you for your question regarding email on your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet.
    Have you restarted the device and verified that the device is still connected to Wi-Fi? Are you able to browse the internet? If not, try this and let us know the results including any error messages.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click "Accept as a Solution" for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Code doesn't work in browser

    This code works in flash player but when i test in the browser it doesn't work:
    TBL.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fa);
    function fa(event:MouseEvent):void
              navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.google.com"));

    you have a security sandbox issue or popup blocker.
    test with your swf/embedding html uploaded to a server.

  • Nokia Drive + beta "Drive to" doesn't work on Lumi...

    Seems like Nokia Drive + beta doesn't work on my Lumia 920. I'm currently in Macedonia and trying to get directions from one location in Skopje to another always gives me the message: "Sorry , can't find your route. Navigation is not yet available in your country. Please go back."
    I have the Macedonia map downloaded, and I have checked the list of supported countries, where Macedonia does appear. Nokia Maps seems to have no problem finding a route between the same two locations, but Nokia Drive + beta keeps giving me that message.
    http://discussions.nokia.com/t5/Maps-Navigation-an​d-GPS/In-which-countries-can-I-use-navigation-with​... Nokia list here also shows Macedonia is supported.
    Nokia Drive version:, map (info from Nokia Drive + beta about screen)
    Any ideas?

    For me it doesn't work even if the location is only 2.2km away. lol @ fuel company shares
    I wonder if we can get someone in tech support at Nokia to read this. I've tried contacting their support chat but we didn't get far (or anywhere for that matter). I'd like to know whether this issue is known or not, and whether a fix is planned. If it's an isolated case, what can I do to make it right? I'm willing to work with someone in order to get this resolved.

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