2LIS_02_itm Data duplicated

Some one has executed the LBWQ queues twice when they got stuck in R/3 on one day for 2LIS_02_ITM. Due to this we got duplicate orders on that particular day in BW.
how can I solve this issue? need to maintain In-sync data between r/3 and BW.
Thanks in advance....

if the V3 was scheduled twice, it wont anyway duplicate the records.
Duplication of records in deltas are possible if the init/setuprun was done without blocking the transactions.
Either selective deltion from the cube may help(which may be a tedious job) or else reinit has to be done in my opinion.

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  • Excel download problem :--- Header data duplicating in unexpected  columns

       I   am  able  to  download  the  data onto  Excel  with   Header  data  but  the Header data duplicating in unexpected  columns RHS  upto  all  the  line item columns  below....Below  is  partial   excerpt... 
    Please help....
           BEGIN OF excel_wa,
                posnr               TYPE  vbap-posnr,           "Line Item
                matnr               TYPE  vbap-matnr,           "Mat#
                pmatn               TYPE  vbap-pmatn,           "Pric Mat
                zansicat            TYPE  zmarall-zansicat,     "AnsiCat#
                zansigrd            TYPE  zmarall-zansigrd,     "Grade
                zcurrvaltnarea      TYPE  zco002-zcurrvaltnarea,"Val Area
                zcurrcstusd         TYPE  zco002-zcurrcstusd,   "Cost$
                zzbrndnm            TYPE  mara-zzbrndnm,        "Brand
                zqedscgrp           TYPE  zglbprc-zqedscgrp, "QE Disc Grp
                mstav               TYPE  mara-mstav,        "Status
                prodh               TYPE  vbap-prodh,        "Prod Heir
                kwmeng              TYPE  vbap-kwmeng,       "Qty
                lprc                TYPE  konv-kbetr,  "List Price ZBP1
                sprc                TYPE  konv-kbetr,  "Std Pric ZNAA,ZNAX
                netpr               TYPE  vbap-netpr,  "Quot price
                mrgn                TYPE  konv-kbetr,  "margin%
           END   OF excel_wa,
           BEGIN OF sema_wa,
            posnr            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            matnr            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            pmatn            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            zansicat         LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            zansigrd         LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            zcurrvaltnarea   LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            zcurrcstusd      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            zzbrndnm         LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            zqedscgrp        LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            mstav            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            prodh            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'STRDFT',
            kwmeng           LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'N00ADD',
            lprc             LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'N02ADD',
            sprc             LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'N03ADD',
            netpr            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'N02ADD',
            mrgn             LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'N00ADD',
          END OF sema_wa,
          BEGIN OF clhd_wa,
            posnr            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'LineItem#',
            matnr            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Mat#',
            pmatn            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'VC Mat#',
            zansicat         LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'AnsiCat',
            zansigrd         LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Grade',
            zcurrvaltnarea   LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'ValnArea',
            zcurrcstusd      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Currency',
            zzbrndnm         LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Brand',
            zqedscgrp        LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'QE disc',
            mstav            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Status',
            prodh            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Prod Heir',
            kwmeng           LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Qty',
            lprc             LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'List Pric',
            sprc             LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'St.Disc',
            netpr            LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Quote Price',
            mrgn             LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Margin%',
         END OF clhd_wa,
         BEGIN OF hdtxt1_wa,
            vbeln      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Quotation#',
            kunnr      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Quote Date',
            kvgr3      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Rep Date',
            pltyp      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Pric List Typ & Currency',
            waers      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Sold To',
            knuma      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Ship To',
            datab      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Top Parent',
            datbi      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Sales Org/Sales Dist/CPA',
            note       LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE 'Net Sales',
         END OF hdtxt1_wa,
         BEGIN OF hdtxt2_wa,
            vbeln      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE '',"Quotation#',
            kunnr      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE '',"Quote Date',
            kvgr3      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE '',"Rep Date',
            pltyp      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE '',"Pric List Typ & Currency',
            waers      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE '',"Sold To',
            knuma      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE '',"Ship To',
            datab      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE '',"Top Parent',
            datbi      LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE '',"Sales Org/Sales Dist/CPA',
            note       LIKE ws-xxlt VALUE '',"Net Sales',
         END OF hdtxt2_wa.
          ivbap      LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF ivbap_wa,
          imat       LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF mat_wa,
          icurr      LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF curr_wa,
          ikonv      LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF konv_wa,
          ivbpa      LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF ivbpa_wa,
          ikna1      LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF kna1_wa,
          iresult    LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF result_wa,
    *Excel tables
          iexcel     LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF excel_wa,
          isema_wa   LIKE  gxxlt_s,
          it_sema    LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF gxxlt_s,
          ihkey_wa   LIKE  gxxlt_h,
          it_hkey    LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF gxxlt_h,
          iotxt_wa   LIKE  gxxlt_o,
          it_otext   LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF gxxlt_o,
          iptxt_wa   LIKE  gxxlt_p,
          it_ptext   LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF gxxlt_p,
          ivkey_wa   LIKE  gxxlt_v,
          it_vkey    LIKE  STANDARD TABLE OF gxxlt_v.
          <vbap>  LIKE   ivbap_wa,
          <vbpa>  LIKE   ivbpa_wa,
          <mat>   LIKE   mat_wa,
          c_auart   TYPE  vbak-auart  VALUE  'AG', "AG = Quotn
          c_parvw1  TYPE  vbpa-parvw  VALUE  'AG',
          c_parvw2  TYPE  vbpa-parvw  VALUE  'WE',
          c_parvw3  TYPE  vbpa-parvw  VALUE  'ZT',
          c_kappl   TYPE  konv-kappl  VALUE  'V',
          c_kschl1  TYPE  konv-kschl  VALUE  'ZBP1',
          c_kschl2  TYPE  konv-kschl  VALUE  'ZNAX',
          c_kschl3  TYPE  konv-kschl  VALUE  'ZNAA',
          c_psize   TYPE  i           VALUE  65535.
      PERFORM validate_screen_entries.
      PERFORM gather_quot_data.
      PERFORM gather_mat_data.
      PERFORM gather_ansi_data.
      PERFORM gather_customer_data.
      PERFORM gather_price_data.
      PERFORM process_consolidate_data.
      PERFORM write_header_data.
      PERFORM write_column_heading.
      PERFORM display_output.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'XLS'.
          LOOP AT iresult INTO result_wa.
            CLEAR excel_wa.
            excel_wa-posnr       = result_wa-posnr.
            excel_wa-matnr       = result_wa-matnr.
            excel_wa-pmatn       = result_wa-pmatn.
            excel_wa-zansicat    = result_wa-zansicat.
            excel_wa-zansigrd    = result_wa-zansigrd.
            excel_wa-zcurrvaltnarea = result_wa-zcurrvaltnarea.
            excel_wa-zcurrcstusd = result_wa-zcurrcstusd.
            excel_wa-zzbrndnm    = result_wa-zzbrndnm.
            excel_wa-zqedscgrp   = result_wa-zqedscgrp.
            excel_wa-mstav       = result_wa-mstav.
            excel_wa-prodh       = result_wa-prodh.
            excel_wa-kwmeng      = result_wa-kwmeng.
            excel_wa-lprc        = result_wa-lprc.
            excel_wa-sprc        = result_wa-sprc.
            excel_wa-netpr       = result_wa-netpr.
            excel_wa-mrgn        = result_wa-mrgn.
            APPEND excel_wa TO iexcel.
          PERFORM set_up_xxl_structures.
          PERFORM download_xxl.
        WHEN OTHERS.
      FREE: ivbpa, imat, ikna1, ivbap, ikonv, iresult, ws.
    *&      Form  set_up_xxl_structures
    FORM set_up_xxl_structures.
      REFRESH: it_otext, it_sema, it_hkey, it_vkey.
      CLEAR:   result_wa, ivbpa_wa, it_otext, ws.
      MOVE  sy-repid  TO ws-title-repid.
      MOVE 'Section'  TO ws-title-reppart.
      WRITE sy-uzeit  TO ws-title-uzeit USING EDIT MASK '__:__'.
      MOVE  ws-title  TO ws-xxl-title.
      READ TABLE iresult INTO result_wa
                         WITH KEY vbeln = s_vbeln-low.
      READ  TABLE  ivbpa INTO ivbpa_wa
                         WITH KEY vbeln = s_vbeln-low
                                  parvw = 'AG'.
      CONCATENATE ivbpa_wa-kunnr '/'
                  ivbpa_wa-name1 INTO ws-soldto.
      CLEAR ivbpa_wa.
      READ  TABLE  ivbpa INTO ivbpa_wa
                         WITH KEY vbeln = s_vbeln-low
                                  parvw = 'WE'.
      CONCATENATE ivbpa_wa-kunnr '/'
                  ivbpa_wa-name1 INTO ws-shipto.
      CLEAR ivbpa_wa.
      READ  TABLE  ivbpa INTO ivbpa_wa
                         WITH KEY vbeln = s_vbeln-low
                                  parvw = 'ZT'.
      IF   ivbpa_wa-kunnr EQ space.
        CLEAR ivbpa_wa.
        READ  TABLE  ivbpa INTO ivbpa_wa
                           WITH KEY vbeln = s_vbeln-low
                                    parvw = 'AG'.
      CONCATENATE ivbpa_wa-kunnr '/'
                  ivbpa_wa-name1 INTO ws-tparent.
        CLEAR: isema_wa, ihkey_wa, iotxt_wa, iptxt_wa, ivkey_wa.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE hdtxt1_wa TO <hdtxt1_wa>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE hdtxt2_wa TO <hdtxt2_wa>.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        CASE <hdtxt1_wa>.
          WHEN 'Quotation#'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = 'Quotation#'.
          WHEN 'Quote Date'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = 'Quote Date'.
          WHEN 'Rep Date'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = 'Rep Date'.
          WHEN 'Pric List Typ & Currency'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = 'Pric List Typ & Currency'.
          WHEN 'Sold To'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = 'Sold To'.
          WHEN 'Ship To'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = 'Ship To'.
          WHEN 'Top Parent'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = 'Top Parent'.
          WHEN 'Sales Org/Sales Dist/CPA'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = 'Sales Org/Sales Dist/CPA'.
          WHEN 'Net Sales'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = 'Net Sales'.
        MOVE : 1           TO ihkey_wa-col_no,
               sy-index    TO ihkey_wa-row_no,
               <hdtxt2_wa> TO ihkey_wa-col_name.
        APPEND ihkey_wa TO it_hkey.
        CLEAR ihkey_wa.
        CASE <hdtxt1_wa>.
          WHEN 'Quotation#'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = result_wa-vbeln.
          WHEN 'Quote Date'.
            WRITE result_wa-erdat TO ws-dat1.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = ws-dat1.
          WHEN 'Rep Date'.
            WRITE result_wa-repdt TO ws-dat2.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = ws-dat2.
          WHEN 'Pric List Typ & Currency'.
            CONCATENATE result_wa-pltyp '/'
                        result_wa-waers INTO <hdtxt2_wa>.
          WHEN 'Sold To'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = ws-soldto.
          WHEN 'Ship To'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = ws-shipto.
          WHEN 'Top Parent'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = ws-tparent.
          WHEN 'Sales Org/Sales Dist/CPA'.
            CONCATENATE result_wa-vkorg  '/'
                        result_wa-bzirk  '/'
                        INTO <hdtxt2_wa>.
          WHEN 'Net Sales'.
            <hdtxt2_wa> = result_wa-netwr.
        MOVE : 2           TO ihkey_wa-col_no,
               sy-index    TO ihkey_wa-row_no,
               <hdtxt2_wa> TO ihkey_wa-col_name.
        APPEND ihkey_wa TO it_hkey.
        CLEAR: isema_wa, ihkey_wa, iotxt_wa, iptxt_wa, ivkey_wa.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE sema_wa TO <sema_wa>.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE clhd_wa TO <clhd_wa>.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            MESSAGE e193 WITH 'OFIL Structures out of synch-Contact IT'.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE clhd_wa TO <clhd_wa>.
        IF NOT <sema_wa> EQ 'NOSHOW'.
          ADD 1 TO ws-xxl-tabix.
          MOVE: ws-xxl-tabix   TO isema_wa-col_no,
                <sema_wa>(3)   TO isema_wa-col_typ,
                <sema_wa>+3(3) TO isema_wa-col_ops,
                ws-xxl-tabix   TO isema_wa-col_src.
          APPEND isema_wa TO it_sema.
          IF ws-xxl-tabix LE ws-xxl-vrtkeys.
            MOVE: ws-xxl-tabix TO ivkey_wa-col_no,
                  <clhd_wa>    TO ivkey_wa-col_name.
            APPEND ivkey_wa TO it_vkey.
            ADD 1 TO ws-xxl-attcols.
            MOVE: ws-xxl-attcols TO ihkey_wa-col_no,
                  10             TO ihkey_wa-row_no,
                  <clhd_wa>      TO ihkey_wa-col_name.
            APPEND ihkey_wa TO it_hkey.
    ENDFORM.                    " set_up_xxl_structures
    *&      Form  download_xxl
         -->P_IHQEXCEL  text
    FORM download_xxl.  "TABLES  iexcel STRUCTURE excel_wa.
      DESCRIBE TABLE iexcel LINES ws-xxl-count.
      ws-xxl-from = 1.
      ws-xxl-to = c_psize.
        IF ws-xxl-from GT ws-xxl-count.
        IF ws-xxl-to GT ws-xxl-count.
          MOVE ws-xxl-count TO ws-xxl-to.
        ADD 1 TO ws-xxl-suffix.
        MOVE ws-xxl-suffix TO: ws-xxl-name+6(2),
                  n_vrt_keys       = ws-xxl-vrtkeys
                  n_att_cols       = ws-xxl-attcols
                  n_hrz_keys       = ws-xxl-hrzkeys
                  data_starting_at = ws-xxl-from
                  data_ending_at   = ws-xxl-to
                  filename         = ws-xxl-name
                  header_1         = space
                  sema_type        = 'X'
                  so_title         = ws-xxl-title
                  data             = iexcel
                  hkey             = it_hkey
                  online_text      = it_otext
                  print_text       = it_ptext
                  sema             = it_sema
                  vkey             = it_vkey
                  data_too_big     = 1
                  file_open_error  = 2
                  file_write_error = 3
                  inv_winsys       = 4
                  inv_xxl          = 5.
        CASE sy-subrc.
          WHEN 1.
            MESSAGE e193 WITH 'dim_mismatch_data'.
          WHEN 2.
            MESSAGE e193 WITH 'file_open_error'.
          WHEN 3.
            MESSAGE e193 WITH 'file_write_error'.
          WHEN 4.
            MESSAGE e193 WITH 'inv_winsys'.
          WHEN 5.
            MESSAGE e193 WITH 'inv_xxl'.
        ADD c_psize TO: ws-xxl-from,
    ENDFORM.                    " download_xxl

    Hello Friend,
    You can use GUI_DOWNLOAD FM to get the excel header if that's the only specific requirement.
    [Download Excel including header |Download Excel including header;
    Hope this helps.

  • Scanned Data duplicating in Adobe Acrobat Standard 7

    I am scanning a multiple page document, that includes letter size sheets and A4 size sheets.
    When I set the A4 size in my twain driver screen, inside acrobat, any pages that are letter size in the batch, come up with the last quarter-inch or so duplicating the data scanned usually 3 times. The A4 pages are fine.
    This only seems to happen if I scan the document from Acrobat. If I use a different program, which can scan to PDF's, the letter size sheets are blank, in the last portion where the setting is expecting an A4 size sheet.
    This occurs if I use OCR or not. This just started happening a few days ago.
    Has anyone ever seen this before? How can I get it to stop?

    To post-process a tagged PDF or to tag an untagged PDF you must have the Pro version (Acrobat 6 through Acrobat X).
    Be well...

  • 2lis_02_itm data extraction problem

    I activated 2lis_02_itm in ecc6 and run the rsa3 tcod, but it is showing 0 record. is there any way to confirm the records or how to fix that problem, any diag. steps.
    Please help me.

    Hi ROB,
    Before performing the above setup filling steps, please make sure that you have deleted the 02 application data from TCODE SMQ1 or LBWQ. You could select the queue and directly delete the data in it, or Run a V3 update. This could be scheduled from TCODE LBWE.
    Before filling in the setup tables, you have to first empty the contents of the previously filled setup tables. This could be done by TCODE SBIW.
    Please let me know if you need any more information.

  • Data duplicated between Oracle GL and ERPI

    We are using ERPI to load data from Oracle eBS to Hyperion Planning. (version
    Rows are duplicated between Oracle eBS GL (table GL_BALANCES) and ERPI (table TDATASEG).
    Thanks in advance for your help

    If the ODI process is being started multiple times by FDM you need to update the iisproxy ini file with the following 2 lines:
    You may have multiple copies of the ini file on the server so do a search and update them all.

  • Syncing - photo events and dates duplicated

    When syncing from iPhoto on Mac to iPad I have my pics organised under event names.
    On my iPad it shows the event names as per iPhoto but also the events listed by date the pic was taken underneath so I have dupes of all the photos. How can I just show them under the event names in iPhoto and delete the dupes.

    When syncing from iPhoto on Mac to iPad I have my pics organised under event names.
    On my iPad it shows the event names as per iPhoto but also the events listed by date the pic was taken underneath so I have dupes of all the photos. How can I just show them under the event names in iPhoto and delete the dupes.

  • IMovie 11 - events data duplicated - how to clean it up?

    I have been using iMovie 11 to save all my video into events, grouped by year, month and date.  Usually, they load in just fine, going into the proper places.  Sometimes, however, they end up in the wrong place (either through slight of hand or having the wrong date on the clip that I'm importing).  It's been a challenge to get them in the right place, but I've managed to do it.  I generally delete the event, and re-import it.  What I've noticed, however, is the when I delete an event (aka, move event to trash), it hasn't been doing what I thought it was doing.  I manually went through the iMovie Events folder, and those old clips are still there.  For example, a clip that I deleted from 4-8-12 is no longer in the events display in iMovie, but the clip is still in the 4-8-12 folder within the iMovie Events folder.  I've been doing this for awhile, so who knows how many little hidden videos are scattered around that should be in the trash.  My question: Is there some function within iMovie or 3rd party utility that will clean up my iMovie Events folder so that it doesn't have all these duplicate videos?  (basically should delete any video file that is no longer displayed in iMovie)

    The update server is down; try this temporary workaround
    App Store>Purchased>Select "All"
    Note: Look out for apps that have the word "Update"
    http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee374/Diavonex/9c256282736869f322d4b3071bbb2 a82_zps51a6f546.jpg

  • Why are annual dates duplicated when I sync my iPad?

    I have birthdays and other holidays entered on the Calendar (on my computer) to repeat every year on the same date. When I sync iPad with computer, the events are listed twice on my iPad and only once on my computer.  What's happening and how can I get it to stop? Thanks

    The apps are being transferred where? If being transferred, there is one place and one place only where the apps can be transferred and that is your iTunes library.
    Do you have Sync Apps selected under the Apps tab for your iPad sync preferences with iTunes?
    None of the apps on your iPad are available when selecting Apps under Library in the iTunes source list?

  • [help] materialized view lost + duplicated data on remote - Fast Refresh

    I created materialized view by "FAST REFRESH":
    create SNAPSHOT log on XXX with rowid;
    create snapshot XXX
    REFRESH fast START WITH SYSDATE NEXT SYSDATE + 1/86400 with rowid
    as select * from XXX@DB_LINK;
    -> I had many transactions insert/update/delete on MASTER.
    Please help me any idea to protect data and fast replicate data.....=>
    My Problem:
    1. data duplicated on Remote server.
    2. data lost on Remote server.

    I need to know anybody use materialized view log and found the problem like me.
    I have changed script:
    create SNAPSHOT log on XXX with primary key including new values;
    create snapshot XXX
    REFRESH fast START WITH SYSDATE NEXT SYSDATE + 1/86400 with primary key
    as select * from XXX@DB_LINK;
    I'm sure new script to resolve duplicate, But not sure about data lose.
    If you have some idea, Please inform me...............

  • 2lis_02_scl or 2lis_02_itm - goods receipt/invoice receipt number

    Hi Gurus,
    there is a field:
    BUDAT - Posting date of goods receipt/invoice receipt for purchase order;  Table: EKKO/EKBE
    in 2lis_02_scl and 2lis_02_itm Data Sources.
    As I can see, for every Purchase Order Item I get three records:
    - one record for the last Invoice Receipt (with Posting date of invoice receipt in BUDAT field) 
    - one record for the last Goods Receipt (with Posting date of goods receipt in BUDAT field)
    - one record for something else.
    Do I understand it well? What is the third record?
    I would to get Material Document Number, that is, Invoice Receipt Number for the first record and Goods Receipt number for the second one. How can I make it?

    you should be able to use Movement Type field to differentiate between Invoice or Good Reciept.

  • Enhancement of 2LIS_02_ITM Datasource

    <Moderator Message: Please search before posting. This question has been discussed tons of times. Addtionally you will find blogs related to this issue>
    Hi Experts,
       Could you please update me with the procedure (detail) that I have to followu2026
    Currently I am loading (LO COCKPIT) Purchase Order information using the Data source 2LIS_02_ITM (Delta) to BW.
    The Load is deltau2026
    Now as per my requirement the 2LIS_02_ITM data source is enhanced in R/3 to include custom fields..
    Now my requirement is to include this new enhanced data source with out intrepeting daily Deltasu2026
    Please update me with the details procedure that I need to follow
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Siegfried Szameitat on Dec 9, 2008 2:24 PM

    The procedure would be:
    Firstly the datasource enhancement should be done in your development system then transported throughout the BW system landscape
    1.Know the table name as well as the technical name of those fields(se16 or se16n)
    2.Add those fields as ZZ... on the datasource then write relevent code in trans CMOD to populate those fields and the transaction for enhancement is RSA6,replicate and make sure that the timestamp of source and target are the same.Include those newly added fields on the BW dataflow all the way until your reporting object either cube or ODS
    3.Test thoroughly in RSA3 making sure that your fields are populated correctly
    4.As for data volume,if the business requires history possibly you will have to initialise the deltas and if not then the fields will get populated from the date of transportation to prod system
    Take congnisance because with the above mentioned datasource,if messed up you will have to run setup tables which will require source system locking or blocking
    Herbert Naape

  • Transformations for 2lis_02_itm, 2lis_02_scl

    Dear Team,
    I am currently implementing Purchasing module and using the datasources 2lis_02_itm and 2lis_02_scl. I have installed 0pur_c01 cube from business content. But in the business content we dont have 7.0 transformations from data source to cube. But the update rules are available completely.
    How can we get activated complete transformations flow in system.
    Transformations for 2lis_02_itm data source is available. but the complete rules are not mapped.
    Please let me know the solution if some have faced the same situation.
    Current our system is in bi content 704 and SAP Netweaver 7.01.

    HI ,
    Simple way is to Install the 3.x flow from BI content and then migrate them to the 7.0 flow , we have done that most of the times when there is no BI content available for the new dataflow
    -->how to doc for reference

  • Backing up raw data for later - how?

    I just made my first DVD from miniDV footage using iMovie and iDVD and it all worked fine. However I want to have the raw data duplicated somewhere and I can't keep it on my computer (too large). the iMovie file is 12gig, so what do i do? is there a way to compress it? what is the best way to preserve the original data?
    Thanks so much - sara
    ps - i tried breaking up the iMovie Project into smaller projects and archiving that data
    (using File:Burn project to disc) so I could make other movies at
    another time. That goes well and the files appear on the DVDs etc
    but then I cannot access them. The DVD initially says I have read
    write ability and then after I burn it, I have lost all my
    permissions (it goes grey) and I can't open it, copy it or import
    it. (It does actually try to copy and import but then says some
    clips are missing and it can't continue. aaargh. ) I'd paste a
    screen image here of the Info panel but I can't remember how to make
    a screen shot
    powerbook g4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   iLife '06

    Here's the strategy I'm pursuing. It may not fit your needs but I figured I'd mention it.
    I'm making DVDs out of hours of home video. I'm laying the tapes down on DVD in the sequence that's on the tape (i.e., chronological) with a little editing for each "scene". It occurred to me as I did this that it would be fun to, say, make a DVD of first days of school or birthday parties, etc. So I thought about saving the raw footage just as you are with the same questions about media, size, etc.
    There are products out there (DVDxDV is one) that claim to let you read unencrypted DVDs and export in QT or DV format for re-importing back into a video editor. If the resulting quality of the "captured" video is as good as the original, then I think that's a good option.

  • Significance of the field "REVERSAL INDICATOR"

    hI gURUS,
    I am trying to load data from R/3 source system to BW.
    I have a key field where data is positive but when it is getting transferred to BW it is getting zero.
    I checked in PSA, data is there but I have a field "REVERSAL INDICATOR" whch shows alternate 'X' values.
    Do u know what is the significance of the field "REVERSAL INDICATOR"?

    The records which are cancelled in R/3 will be shown with reversal indicator 'X'.
    Suppose you have loaded a particular document already into BW.Afterwards when you change the document and push the data into BW the BW server has to cancel the old record and add the modified one.
    The extractor then creates 2 records one with 'X' (the old value)and another one with NULL (new value) in reversal indicator.
    The reversal indicator is mapped to 0RECORDMODE of the data target and during compression the data will get aggregated.
    See the below link for more information
    Run RSA3 on 2LIS_02_ITM gets duplicated data!
    Assign point if it helps ..

  • Many same records except the field UZEIT via rsa3

    hi guru,
    when i extract data via 2lis_02_itm,  find have 14 records for the same PO(only have one item). i try to find the reason for the duplication, the only difference is the value of  field UZEIT.
    mnay thanks,

    field UZEIT: Time at which document was created.
    Duplicate records are there because of storno... Check:
    Re: Run RSA3 on 2LIS_02_ITM gets duplicated data!
    Check the extractor documentation:
    Re: Run RSA3 on 2LIS_02_ITM gets duplicated data!
    2LIS_02_ITM not feting correct records.

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