3 fingers scroll down/up

It's quite a few months that I can't go anymore at the end of the page by swiping three fingers down on my trackpad. I'm goin' crazy on solving this....
Anyone please help me.
Message was edited by: bele164

Two fingers up and down is the vertical scroll, three fingers sideways is 'back'.

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    It is normal.
    I can drag with three fingers and highlight with three fingers.

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    Apple menu > System Preferences > Trackpad > Scrolling & Zoom > Scroll direction: natural -- uncheck.

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    This article can show you how to disable it through iTunes on a PC/Mac:
    iOS: Configuring accessibility features

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    *"I understand that this has to do with FlashPlayer plugin for Safari (btw, mine is the latest 10.0.32). Why wasn't this happening in 10.5? Is it because Safari is running in 64-bit mode? "*
    Run Safari in 32-bit mode.
    Right or control click the Safari icon in the Applications folder, then click Get Info.
    In the Get Info window click the black disclosure triangle where you see: General
    Select: Open in 32-bit mode and close the Get Info window and restart your Mac.
    Sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling a *fresh copy* of the Flash player plugin helps.
    Go here:
    How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in
    When you are finished uninstalling the old Flash plugin, go here and install a fresh copy
of Flash Player plugin.
    Adobe - Adobe Flash Player

    As with any software installation, repair disk permissions...
    Quit any open applications/programs. Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac. If you see a long list of "messages" in the permissions window, it's ok. That can be ignored. As long as you see, "Permissions Repair Complete" when it's finished... you're done. Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.
    Check out "a brody's" post here regarding updates and upgrades 10.6
    *"Don't blindly believe that Apple will have tested all the software that can work with the said update"*

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    Hi - I'd guess that the adapter you bought is the problem ...do you have another to try? Also, having a guitar cable plugged into an 1/8in. adapter into your Macbook isn't the greatest situation as it really doesn't take a lot of cable movement for there to be a LOT of pressure on that small jack - which could easily screw up the insides. If you do try another adapter I'd suggest one with a longish/small cable attached so that you can plug your guitar in and not have any force on the jack at all.
    I too can get a signal this way (I have active pickups), and when I switch to the Macbook's speakers as the output the signal is delayed quite a bit. I use (and really recommend) the Griffin iMic for any real work with Garageband or the laptop in general - the USB signal is better, the cable doesn't pose a problem (as mentioned above) and if you're looking to record other sounds it can handle both line and mic levels ...and of course the price is great. The next real step up from this is a firewire interface of some type.
    Blackbook C2D   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   120Gig, 1Gig, Superdrive.

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    Okay, I tried deleting the Finder preferences first (along with a handful of other preference files that I knew were no longer needed), and it seemed to help--at first. But eventually, all the same problems started happening again, so I concluded that it was necessary to just start with a fresh (empty) preferences folder. As you know, this is a pain to deal with, but I limited my pain by moving all the old preferences files into a folder on the Desktop rather than simply deleting them. That way, I could just put back any missing preferences that were too hard to recreate. Restoring all of my preferences with new (uncorrupted) prefs files will be an ongoing process, but the good news is that this effort (so far) seems to have solved the problem. Mail is responding to all my clicks, even when I switch between different apps and different spaces.  :-)
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    Turn on AssistiveTouch: Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > AssistiveTouch. To set Triple-click Home to turn AssistiveTouch on or off, go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Triple-click Home.
    Try the triple-click Home button. If necessary, use three fingers to scroll to turn AT off.

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    Use two fingers held together to scroll within a window on a web page.
    The iPad User Guide is bookmarked for you in Safari. If you're new to iOS devices, you may want to give it a read through.
    Best of luck.

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    Use two fingers on the screen to scroll.

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    when you get to the settings option , do not tap the screen instead swiftly touch and drag the screen wiht three fingers , and you can actully go toaccesibility .
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    pl try this

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    When I use my fingers to touch on the textbox and slide it upwards, the textbox will scroll down..
    Thank you for your help.

    Hi, thanks for your reply.
    By using touchevents, how do I...
    1) know that if my fingers is sliding up or down?
    2) scroll the textbox up/down?
    import flash.events.TouchEvent;
    Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
    this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, touchBeginHandler);
    this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEndHandler);
    function  touchBeginHandler(event:TouchEvent):void
    function  touchEndHandler(event:TouchEvent):void

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    Hi ottodv,
    I was not able to reproduce this issue on my Flame device running v2.1.
    This may be an issue specific to Geeksphone's build of Firefox OS. Are you able to reproduce this issue with other versions of Firefox OS?
    - Ralph

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    Is this possible?

    Yes, you can slow it down. Not really a FIX per se, but more like a bandaid.
    Just, click the ALT key while scrolling.

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