30inch with hundreds of green pixels?!?!?

So I love this 30 in display, but everytime my monitor goes to sleep and I wake it up, there are hundred of green, or sometimes blue pixels on the screen. It looks like someone spraypainted it with MS PAINT..hahah. Anyway, the only way to correct it is to restart. Any ideas as to why this happens or how to stop it???

I have a couple of 30" LCD's. This started on one right after I got it. I was so busy and knew I had time under warranty that I did not worry about it. I also knew that if I could not show it to Apple they would not just replace it. I got a Mac Book Pro, and when it goes to sleep and then you wake it up again the "pixel shimmer" comes back.
I since took it to the Apple store and they replaced the display and now it's just fine. I don't know where the packing slip went from what they replaced to resolve the issue, however I have ruled out Video Cards (I put the same 30" on both a 6800 Ultra (on a PMG5), X1900 (on a dell), and a 7900 (on a dell) and got the same problems. It is not a physical LCD problem as the pixels do not always do this, and they do not always appear in the same place. they are also varried based on the colors being displayed on the LCD. I noticed when you have a photo up it shows up a lot more around the flesh colors than solid black/white on the screen.
I have heard it has something to do with the DVI cable (my cable was not replaced, so I'm wondering if there is an internal dvi cable / logic board assy. that is bad. All in all, the quick fix is to return it to apple for warranty work.
So I love this 30 in display, but everytime my
monitor goes to sleep and I wake it up, there are
hundred of green, or sometimes blue pixels on the
screen. It looks like someone spraypainted it with
MS PAINT..hahah. Anyway, the only way to correct it
is to restart. Any ideas as to why this happens or
how to stop it???

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    According to MacBook Pro (Early 2008 and Late 2008) - Technical Specifications you have a model with
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    You should run the AHT -Using Apple Hardware Test
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    Thank you,

    There was a recent thread on this. Infact Adobe Tech Support suggested the following solution that worked:
    "Go to the Adobe Elements 7 folder in your "Program Files" folder and open the "Plug Ins" and "en_US" folders.
    Find a file called ImporterFastMPEG.prm and remove it. I moved it to the desktop"

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    You can find the serial number either in About this Mc in the Menu bar under the , or it should be on a sticker under the foot of the machine.
    If you have the install discs, try booting from them, holding down the c key and then using Disk Utility to check the drive. 
    You can also boot into Safe mode
    To start up into Safe Mode (to "Safe Boot"), do this:
       1. Be sure the computer is shut down.
       2. Press the power button.
       3. Immediately after you hear the startup tone, press and hold the Shift key.
          Tip: The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone but not before.
       4. Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple and progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    During the startup in Mac OS X 10.2 through 10.3.9, you will see "Safe Boot" on the Mac OS X startup screen.
    During the startup in Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you will see "Safe Boot" on the login window, which appears even if you normally log in automatically.
    Please post back with results,
    To leave Safe Mode in any version of Mac OS X, restart the computer normally, without holding any keys during startup.

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    Message was edited by: Justin Surpless
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    You are not alone. I get these Blue and Green pixels all over the screen from all my Macs that have been updated to OS 10.4.11 - This includes my G5 running an ATI X800. My work MacPro with the top of the line Quadro card and 30inch Cinema Display and my MacPro 17 inch Laptop. This occurs after awake from sleep or sometimes after screen saver or screen sleep returns. I reinstalled my wifes iMac intel Core Duo 1.8 Ghz to 10.4.10 and it has no issues anymore. I would say it is definitely an "upgrade" issue. I have seen many with Leopard also have this same issue or similar issues with their video cards. - BTW this issue was also in the very first versions of OSX Tiger for some configurations, so it is likely a ghost in the code somewhere.
    Current solution for those in Leopard - don't let your computer sleep nor use screen saver. ( Use up electricity and make our environment dirty ) Tiger same or go back to zero with your system and update only to 10.4.10 at most maybe leave it even earlier. Problem there is security updates. On Tiger.. I notice if I ignore all those funky blinking blue and green pixels on my Photoshop screen for a while they sometimes go away, but it does annoy.
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    I have been getting green pixels/boxes the last while...
    I have noticed it after waking the machine from sleep. Not 100% sure if that is the only time it happens. It goes away after a few seconds, typically.
    Any idea what is going on?

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    what is the problem with my iphone? what i must to do? thx
    My iPhone is not jailbroken

    Operator error! The mute button was on.

  • Green pixels in clips cause 'premiere elements.exe stopped working error.'

    I have a jvc everio camcorder - PAL. I have copied files from the camcorder to my computer. My computer is running Vista SP1 with 2Gb ram.
    The files appear to import to PElements 4 however when playing or rendering the clips I get an error adobe premiere elements.exe has stopped working.
    I have noticed that the clips have green pixels appear at the point where PE crashes.  All clips seem to have this problem.
    I have followed the suggestions from the knowledge base re: updating codecs, disabling startup items, updating video driver.
    I don't have the cyberlink software that came with the jvc. I bought premiere elements as I had read that it would be able to read the jvc files.
    Has anyone got any other suggestions?

    Thanks for the redirect.  The solution to my problem was to follow this suggestion from that thread:
    I was having the same JVC Everio/Elements 7 problem. I tried renaming the .mod extensions to .mpg and .avi, but still had the green artifacts. After an hour on the phone with Ronald, a VERY helpful Adobe Service Tech, I seem to have a solution that is working on my 5 edit stations here in my AV Lab.
    Go to the Adobe Elements 7 folder in your "Program Files" folder and open the "Plug Ins" and "en_US" folders. Find a file called ImporterFastMPEG.prm and remove it. I moved it to the desktop until I test the software totally and make sure this doesn't cause other problems. If you are a brave, go ahead and delete it.
    This is working for me, and avoids all that renaming - reprocessing the .mod files. So far, so good!

  • Original iPhone. 1 green pixel. Dead center.

    Certain not to find too much sympathy around here, if any.
    Purchased the iPhone in July 2007. Apple had to replace it as the screen went dead (touch areas) in October 2008. So roughly 16 months of life out of that one.
    As of yesterday, there is green pixel in the center of the screen. Did a search for this is issue and apparently it is a stuck pixel and this site (http://www.ebaspace.com/iphone-app/#_home) is the only option. Ran their fix overnight which is flashing the screen in a frantic rotation. The "stuck" pixel is still there (it is a green pixel).
    So, 16 months later, it appears that this iPhone is having an issue, how bad it progresses remains to be seen. Can't say I am pleased as the phone cost me over $625 with tax, so annualized that $234.48 per year to have the pleasure of owning this phone. That is without the phone plan. Just the hardware.
    Going to keep trying and possibly restore the phone to see if I can shake this green pixel and if anyone here has any other advice, appreciate your input.
    My final attempt will be to go to the genius bar and see, what, if anything, can be done (ie. buy another original iPhone, if they even carry any in stock, which I highly doubt.).
    I'm biting my lip on this as I have come to expect quality from Apple, which as of late with their updates for our OS, etc. has been somewhat suspect.
    Apple apologists, please do not use this thread for any other reason but to advise.
    Thank you all in advance.

    Came across an app in the itunes store that goes for .99 to do the same thing that the link in my original post does.
    Read through the reviews of this app and the solution was in review section.
    Apply pressure. So I did. Green pixel is gone. Gone.
    In this day and age of modern technology, sometimes it takes the old school way of banging the side of the TV to get it to work.
    To those who come across this thread seeking an answer. Try the free website in my original post. If that doesn't do it, take your thumb, place it on that green or red or blue pixel and apply pressure. Fixed.

  • Flashing white/green pixels on external monitor

    Hello everyone, I just purchased a 15" MBP with the hi-res antiglare monitor. I upgraded from a black Macbook, which was connected to my 24" Samsung monitor with a Displayport to DVI adapter. When I bought the new MBP, I also bought a new miniDisplayport to DVI adapter. I just now hooked up my MBP with the new adapter to the Samsung monitor and there are/were two issues.
    1) When I imported my photos off of my DSLR camera, I noticed green flickering pixels stuck on the images. These pixels moved and flashed with the image, so I know they weren't dead. When viewing those images on my regular 15" MBP monitor, those pixels were not there. They were only on the external monitor. I thought this may be an issue with my DSLR/image import, but then I noticed random purple/green pixel artifacts on an ad on Facebook as well.
    2) I reset the NVRAM, flipped the DVI cord out and around, and reconnected it. Now, the green pixels do not seem to show up BUT there are now tons of tiny white pixels flashing across my entire screen. I disconnected/reconnected the display connector several times, and I was able to recreate #1 once. I haven't bena able to again.
    I reconnected my old Macbook with the old adapter to the monitor and there were none of these issues.
    What might be the problem? I can't capture the pixelation effect on screen capture.
    I'm thinking its either:
    An issue of Mountain Lion
    My Macbook Pro's software
    My Macbook Pro's hardware
    The miniDisplayport adapter.

    Having the exact same issue. I'm getting the problem on my LG Flatron E2742 external display, from a Thunderbolt to HDMI out from my 2012 MacBook Pro running Mountain Lion.
    The issue began yesterday when I connected my MBP to a HDMI Projector. I noticed, via the projected image, the beginning of the dancing white/green pixels. What's really weird is that when I connected my MBP back to my standard LG External display, the dancing white pixels were still there!
    MAYBE it's something that happeend to my thunderbolt to HDMI cable in the process? Haven't experimented with another cable to confirm this. BUT, something tells me it's actually software related, because when I first plugged in my external display this morning, it began flickering/staticing/spazzing out like CRAZY. After some poking around and forums, I eventually changed my display color profile and it went back to normal, EXCEPT for the dancing white/green pixels.
    Any words of wisdom out there about this situation would be much appreciated.

  • Green pixels on my 2010 Mac Mini

    I got a hand-me-down Mac Mini (mid-1010) to use as a music computer in my newly finished basement. Prior to relocating to the basement, I'd hooked it up to an old Samsung Syncmaster 172 to get everything loaded and set up. Everything worked fine. Then, I moved it down to the basement and hooked up a slightly less old Samsung Syncmaster 214T. Immediately, I noticed random green pixels in dark areas of the screen.
    I looked online for solutions, and someone recommended changing the resolution to scaled, then switching back to Best for Monitor.
    That works, but only until the next time the display is put to sleep.
    Does anyone know what's going on? Is there a more permanent solution to this irritating problem?

    Could be something wrong with the inverter cable or board on the display, or the GPU on the Mac. It is really hard to say.  The best thing to do would be to bring the Mac with an HDMI cable in to a TV shop, and try different HDMI TVs at the resolution you like the best.    Call around to see if there is one that will let you test it live.  Then you can determine if it is the computer or the display.

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