360 Degree 3D Rotation

I'm new to Flash and I'm having trouble rotating my mc 360 degrees using the 3D Rotation Tool. I can rotate it 180 degrees, right side coming forward, but when I attempt to rotate it back to its original position, it doesn't continue the rotation in the same direction (right side coming forward). So instead of apearing to rotate completely, it looks like it rotates half way, stops, and rotates back (left side comes forwards).
Probably an easy solution, but as I said, I'm new.
Thanks in advance.

Animation apps always choose the fastest way from a->b. You might think starting at 0, setting a keyframe at 180, then another at 0 would mean 'do a full rotation'. However the computer knows going from 180 in reverse back to 0 is faster.
This is the most common rotation issue in any animation app. You need to make sure the 2 points you want to change between are actually the best route from a->b.
For instance if you start at 0, keyframe up to 182, then keyframe to 0, it should rotate properly. 182 wrapping past 360 to 0 is faster than going from 182 in reverse back to 0.
It's easier just to set 3 keyframes usually. 0-120, 120-240, 240-360. That assures you the distance between each keyframe will go in the expected direction (shortest from a->b).

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    Best Regards
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    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    private function mouseMOVED(evt:MouseEvent):void{
    //if mouse y moved from original position, figure out the
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    // remove all of the event listeners to stop all
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     Cheers, Tom

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    You can use the following simple setup to generate a continuous rotating panorama
    FYI: I have used your image for creating the demo
    Dropbox - Panorama.zip
    There is a symbol with overflow set to hidden
    There are two instances of the same image .. with name inst1, inst2
    inst1 tweens background position from 0- T secs
    inst1 tweens 'X' value from T -> T+N secs ( Where N is the overlap time)
    inst2 tweens 'X' value from T -> T+N secs
    At T+N time, there is a tirgger which restarts the animation

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    this.onMouseMove = function() {
    constrainedMove(bg_mc, 4, 1);
    function constrainedMove(target:MovieClip, speed:Number, dir:Number) {
    var mousePercent:Number = _xmouse/Stage.width;
    var mSpeed:Number;
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    mSpeed = 1-mousePercent;
    } else {
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    delete target.onEnterFrame;
    } else {
    target._x += Math.ceil((target.destX-target._x)*(speed/100));
    Thank you so much for your help,

    You can use the following simple setup to generate a continuous rotating panorama
    FYI: I have used your image for creating the demo
    Dropbox - Panorama.zip
    There is a symbol with overflow set to hidden
    There are two instances of the same image .. with name inst1, inst2
    inst1 tweens background position from 0- T secs
    inst1 tweens 'X' value from T -> T+N secs ( Where N is the overlap time)
    inst2 tweens 'X' value from T -> T+N secs
    At T+N time, there is a tirgger which restarts the animation

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    I think what you want is a 3D plot of a cylinder. I have attached an example using a parametric 3D plot.
    You will probably want to duplicate the points for the first theta value to close the cylinder. I'm not sure what properties of the graph can be manipulated to make it easier to see.
    Bruce Ammons
    Ammons Engineering
    Cylinder_Plot_3D.vi ‏76 KB

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. If you don't have PS or PSE there are a number of applications that can stitch photos together for form a panorama view. Go to MacUpDate.com and do a search for "panorama" to get a list of possible candidates.

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    I can easely create the 360 panoramique picture in photoshop, but then it is in flash thati have the probleme. I want to apply the mouse control idea. but because the result will be a lot larger than the stage, i don't know how to deal with that...
    Erm.. i'm not sure i am clear :S
    Any clue?

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