4.2 select list on mobile page not setting session state

Like I've done dozens of times in the past, I created a Select list that submits on change, and I expected session state to be updated accordingly.
I tried this on a mobile page but session state is not updated for the item.
Has anyone else experienced this?

Hi Scott,
on our Known Issues List http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/application-express/apex-42-known-issues-1863578.html ?
Is your select list selection displayed as native control or as popup? Can you create a test case on apex.oracle.com?
My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
APEX Plug-Ins: http://apex.oracle.com/plugins
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickwolf

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    Yes, I discovered that! Thanks for responding, though. I basically run a process (PL/SQL) under page rendering section that looks like:

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    elsif :P3_BILLING_CODE = 'MGR' then
    :P3_BILLING_ADDRESS2 := null;
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    where recordid=:P3_RECORDID;

    If I understand you correctly, it seems like your page logic is a bit problematic. The scenario I see is that the user is populating the form part, submiting the page, and the report region is being displayed (as the where clause depends on an item from the form region). Now, the situation you are describing, where the billing information is not correct, is possible if the user changed some of the form items on page 2, didn't submit the page – hence didn't update the report region – but still chose to branch to the next page, using the (non-updated) report link column. If I understand it correctly, you should first correct this situation. If the user is changing some details in the form section, the page should be re-submitted. This will resolve your problem, because as part of the page submit process, session state will be set correctly.
    I believe this is the simplest and correct solution. Other options, like updating session state per changed item (using JavaScript) will be much more complicated.

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    If I understand your problem right, this can be the solution:
    In the list of values definition of the seccond selectlist, you set this:
    select e.LST_NM||' '|| e.frst_nm d, e.emp_id r
    emp_table ethen your default value must be the Id selected on the first page. You can do this as follows:
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    Default value is
    return :P1_X_EMPDROPDOWN;

  • Select List & Pop-up Page

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    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function onceYouPopYouJustCantStop(table_pk) {
    var sendpk = table_pk;
    var url;
    url = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:30:&APP_SESSION.::::PK_30:'+sendpk;
    w = open(url,"winLov","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=320,height=600");
    if (w.opener == null)
    w.opener = self;
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    any help would be great...

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    When you link to the form page, I assume you are passing the host_id value into a page item. Say you pass this value into item P2_HOST_ID, just make the select list item's Source Type Item (application or page item name) and enter P2_HOST_ID in the Source field.
    This assumes that the lov query is of the form "select host_name d, host_id r from ...".
    Be careful with Source Used "Only, ..." so that you never allow the page to display with a stale and unwanted value in P2_HOST_ID or that will produce an incorrect display value in the select list.
    P.S. Please tell us your first name and put it into your handle and/or profile to help us.

  • How to write a PL/SQL select list with submit page?

    Let's we need some select list that are related with each other. I wrote such a code.
    gn_start_id number := 0;
    glabel1 VARCHAR2(100) := 'Group ';
    glabel2 VARCHAR2(100) := 'Property';
    htmldb_application.g_f01(1) := 100;
    ( glabel1 || ' : ' ||
         p_idx => 1,
         p_value => '--Select a value--',
         p_query => 'SELECT m.vproperty, m.NMAP_PK_ID
              FROM table m
              WHERE m.ngroupid = ' || to_char(gn_start_id),
         p_show_null => 'NO',
         p_null_value => 0)
    ( glabel2 || ' : ' ||
         p_idx => 2,
         p_value => '--Select a value--',
         p_query => 'SELECT m.vproperty, m.NMAP_PK_ID
              FROM table m
              WHERE m.ngroupid = ' || to_char(htmldb_application.g_f01(1)),
         p_show_null => 'NO',
         p_null_value => 0)
    However, I am not able to submit page automaticly, when user select a value from the select list?
    How can I do this? Thankz

    I found such a solution.. thanks
    htp.formselectopen(cname => 'v_status', cattributes => 'class="ddl" onChange="javascript:update_status(this.value)"');
    FOR rec IN cur_status LOOP
    IF rec.status_id = v_status THEN
    htp.formselectoption(cvalue => rec.status_name, cattributes => 'value="' ||
    rec.status_id || '"', cselected => 'TRUE');
    htp.formselectoption(cvalue => rec.status_name, cattributes => 'value="' ||
    rec.status_id || '"');
    END IF;

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    change. This works when checking an item in the list box but not when unchecking the item in the list box. My question is - do rules not fire for a multiple selection list box when unchecking an item?

    I have tested in my lab environment, the rules seemed only fire for the latest checking action, and it did not fire when uncheck multiple-selection list box. Here is a workaround for your reference:
    However, I’d recommend you use check box instead, since it is much easier to set rule according to value of it. We can set it as true when we check the box, and set it as false when we uncheck it as below:
    Then it is simple and clear to make rule according to the value of check box.
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety,
    or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Select list with URL redirect - not showing the same display value selected

    I have several select lists with URL direct on my page similar to this
    for p6_queries item the LOV is
    select QUERY_NAME display_value, 'f?p='
    || :APP_ID
    || ':'
    || 6
    || ':'
    || '::::p6_queries:'||QUERY_ID||'#qtables' return_value from .....
    I am assigning a return value to the item p6_queries. But when the page is redirected, I dont see the selected value as selected in the list. Instead it goes to the null display text. Can any one help me on this?

    The problem is that your setting the item value to value of query_id. But your select list has the value of each item as the URL so it will never match and show you what you selected.
    The best thing to do may be to change your select list from a "redirect to URL" to "submit page", make it a normal query:
    select QUERY_NAME display_value, QUERY_ID return_value ...
    Then create an "On Submit: Before Computation" branch:
    Target Type: URL
    URL Target: f?p=&APP_ID.:6:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.::P6_QUERIES:&P6_QUERIES.#testing
    Condition Type: Request = Expression 1
    Expression 1: P6_QUERIES

  • Items on page not set when called via hyperlink from charts

    hello anyone who can help me on this thorny issue,
    i have a barchart on one page (page 39), where if you click on the bar chart, page 40 opens and variables are passed on to items on page 40. the variables depend on which bar was clicked. looks somethiing like this:
    select 'F?P=102:40:'||:APP_SESSION||'::NO::P40_DATE,P40_JAHR:'||to_char(datum, 'yyyy.mm.dd')||','||to_char(datum, 'yyyy') link,
    to_char(datum, 'dd.mm.yyyy') Datum,
    from ... some sql query....
    this generally works - BUT, once in awhile, the correct page opens, but the items are NULL!
    only when i press F5 to refresh the page, do the variables correctly pass to the items and the proper query is performed...
    after some testing, it seems to happen when i click quite fast. quickly get back to the page 39, click a new bar and then i'm back at page 40 again.
    if i do this slowly, maybe wait a couple of seconds, it generally works.
    for ex., the URL would look something like this:
    - i know the variables are correct when i look at the URL
    - yet the new graph on page 40 shows null values, and a click on the "session" button confirms that the items are null!
    - once i press F5, the URL is the exact same, onle the items are now "refreshed" and the proper processing can take place.
    so, can anyone tell me what is going on here and how i can avoid this?
    the items are set as "hidden" (not protected). there are no computations or default settings to the items, and they are not reset to null at any time.

    I suspect that the chart on page 40 is being rendered by an APEX database connection that is not the same one that renders the rest of the stuff on page 40. So, it is possible that the database connection rendering the chart does not see the new values for the page items set in the URL as these may not have been committed to the database yet.
    You could try this.
    Change the chart query to be
    select 'javascript:setStuff("' || to_char(datum, 'yyyy.mm.dd') ||  '","' ||to_char(datum, 'yyyy') || '")' link,
    to_char(datum, 'dd.mm.yyyy') Datum,
    from ... some sql query...Add the JS below into the HRML page header<script>
    function setStuff(p_date,p_jahr) {
    </script>Define an 'After Submit...' branch to page 40. Make the branch conditional on Request = 'XXXX'

  • List of values population based on session state

    Firstly, sorry if this is not too clear or just stupid, im new to this.
    What I am trying to do is create a list of values on a page that goes to a lookup table and returns description of the code entered.
    so far so good
    however the tricky bit is that the codes meen different things when applied to different objects.
    Now I have got a variable in the session state for the page that can id the object type as G or H namly P39_DISPLAY
    Can you do something like ...
    IF :P39_DISPLAY = 'G' THEN
    select lookup_code||' - '||meaning d, lookup_code r from ip_lookups
    where lookup_type = 'PRC'
    and upper(enabled) = 'YES'
    and start_date_active <= sysdate
    and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate+1) >= sysdate
    select lookup_code||' - '||meaning d, lookup_code r from ip_lookups
    where lookup_type = 'RRC'
    and upper(enabled) = 'YES'
    and start_date_active <= sysdate
    and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate+1) >= sysdate
    END IF;
    I have tried this but getting ORA errors all over the place
    Any ideas?

    very true, but it is only my third post ;)
    I have a table with
    val1 val2 va3 val4
    I'm using a select list to populate val4
    value 4 is a two digit code
    the meanings of the codes are dependant on the object type. the object type value code is passed from another page into this page.
    As far as the table is concerned the object type is irrelivent because its just looking for a code.
    However the users require a description in order to use the right code.
    So I'm using the variable to pull back the discription of the code based on object type.
    I'm giving your idea a bash, created two LOVs. I will test to see if the condition statements stop database entry, I think it might.

  • Htmldb_Get() not updating session state?

    Thankfully, I solved this problem myself before posting this, but I still have questions about why I ran into the problem in the first place.
    Alright, I have a javascript controlled interface on an ApEx page that uses htmldb_Get() for retrieving the current state of a row in the database and for submitting the data back to a page process to update the database row. I've checked my values from the javascript function that saves the data and the strings do contain the updated text from the interface, but when my page process fires off the strings have reverted to what was in the session state from the earlier AJAX request when the interface was loaded.
    * I've checked the session state and the variables in question are reverted, but I noticed that the item statuses are listed as "Updated".
    * I've also tested this process by passing the request string and page items in the URL and the process functions correctly.
    * I've double checked the item definitions to see if the items were being overwritten (they weren't).
    * I've checked the item types to make sure that none were "protected" (they weren't).
    * I haven't found any error messages in logs within ApEx.
    At this point I noticed that the AJAX requests to load the interface were showing up in the "Recent Page Views" report, but the save requests were not. For no particular reason I decided to switch from using the request string in the conditional for the page process and use a page item to control the mode as so...
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'save_asset_tracking_info',11);
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'',11);
    ...and magically the page items in the session state are being updated and all is well. There are few things more frustrating than spending hours debugging a process, then fixing it with an action that you are completely convinced won't change a thing.
    This make no sense to me and I'm hoping someone can explain it or at least point me in the right direction.
    Thanks in advance,

    Apologies if I skipped a few details in my first post...
    I haven't included much of my source code because I don't believe it's the key to this issue. If you disagree, I will post the source code for your reference.
    On page 10 of my application, I have a floating div interface that appears in front of the page content. This div is initially empty, but I use JavaScript to make an AJAX call to page 11, strip out a specific region using the get.get() function. On the floating interface, there is a "save" button that fires off another JavaScript function that uses htmldb_Get() and get.add() to post all 21 of the items from the floating interface back to a page process on page 11. The "save" page process is at process point "on load - before header" and is extremely simple -- "if ID found then update record, else insert record".
    The problem I had was that after the "save" button was pressed, all of the items sent via AJAX to the page process were always identical to the initial values from when page 11 was rendered and the floating div interface was populated. This seemed like some sort of quirk or issue with the session state cache overwriting the values that were being sent via AJAX. As I said before, I checked the values in JavaScript immediately before the AJAX "save" submission and everything was kosher, but the page process never got those updated values.
    I managed to eliminate this "symptom" by simply...
    1. Setting the htmldb_Get() request string to null ("")
    2. Adding one more get.add() call for P11_FORM_MODE
    3. Changing the condition on which the page process was fired from the request string to the page item
    All of the other get.add() calls remained the same as did the PL/SQL in the page process.

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    I am building a mobile version of a menu in muse and notice that my page scales in the iphone browser to accommodate the extra length:
    Anybody know how I can get the page to automatically fill the width and have users scroll up and down to see the rest?

    The problem is not related to the height of your page.
    The content on your page is 820 pixels wide. I expect you have one or more empty text frames (or other empty objects) far off the right side of your design and those are causing the mobile browser to scale down so the full width of the content fits.
    In Muse Design view go to this page (and the applied master) and do a Select All (after doing Object:Unlock All On Page) and look for items you don't expect that are off the right of your design and delete them or move them onto the page.

Maybe you are looking for

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