5.3 device provisiong bug?

Maybe its just my imagination but it seems like there is a bug in 5.3 Device Provisioning.
If I choose Device Provisioning from the context menu on a pending device, it fails to show the existing computer name, it shows as Use Device Name().  The validation step appears to try and validate against both the pending device and the reference machine.  When I click finish, it says 1 of the devices failed to provision without any explanation as to why and a task doesn't get created for the pending device.
If I go through the Common Wizards and choose Device Provisioning and choose the same pending device, it does show the device name correctly and only attempt to validate against the pending device.
I don't think it was doing this in 5.2.

It seems that "Use Device Name () " appears if you select multiple devices.
Probably when you used the Wizard, you selected just one device.
Anyway this should not cause provisioning failure.
Please open a support request and add a management server sysreport and desktop sysreport from the failing device.

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    Photoshop CS3
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    Attempt to now close the "Save for Web & Devices" dialog box.
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    Message was edited by: Danbo342

    Thanks Noel, and others.
    I have listened to people.  In fact read my second post. It was seeing the 1st two that couldn't  duplicate the error get on the phone to a friend in Germany that was  able to duplicate it. I then came back here and shared what my  suspicions were of the Matrox unit. The other person able to duplicate the issue has yet to return to the forum for me to further check with (I guess some people sleep).
    To be clear here. I  have owned CS3 since it's release. I have built myself several  computers since I bought it and this one is actually the third since  then. This particular issue though was never seen until a few months ago  since I seldomly use the Save for Web for saving files and just started  using it on my latest flash site.
    As for video cards.  This card I am using is my 3rd. My GTX 260 was great but being having  other joys of the PC I also always kept up with the latest and greatest  cards so thus came my last purchase of the GTX295 before the newer ones  hit. Point being, the issue is most likely my Trip2GO and plan on  testing when I get home and get it ripped apart. I do web design on the  side which is one reason the trip2Go for my home workstation. The other point is that I do a LOT more than Adobe work and my card needs to be high end and not some cheap card just to make my suite work. Maybe in the future I'll make another comp,,, one for every other product I own and then one just for Adobe's products.
    Now as for tech support and myself. I am A+ certified. I am certified in every OS since Dos 6 and a hardware engineer. I do tech support, have 3 support forums and 11 web site, all primarily based on support. My comments above were not about getting mean, it is because Adobe support in general is one of the worst that I have ever had the misfortune to deal with and strongly disagree with the way they cut support and updates to a year old product (that's when no more patches came out I meant and known bugs were written off for the next version). To say try a new video card to me is like a supposed "tech" to say reinstall your OS, or like here reading people say (what I originally said I did) about clearing the preferences. Sure, this help clear up lots of Adobe product abnormalities but listen up folks, it's not a SOLUTION, it is merely a work around. It shouldn't get so screwed up to begin with. This is not my product and although I have tried it, it is wrong to not fix these issues and just expect people to keep refreshing there preferences. It takes me hours and days to get things back the way I want them and normally half way to heaven another bug and I have to reset them yet again! This is us dealing with a broken product, period. It is far from a solution, there's a huge difference.
    Moving along,,, This build is a few months old but my windows install is much more recent. All firmware, drivers you name it is up to speed 100% I guaruntee. My hardware is all working perfectly with the propable exception of the Matrox rig. It has to be it. Being that the 1st two people to reply in my own forum were able to immediately duplicate the error had me thinking other but as you should be able to see is that changed fast and if you read this thread from top to bottom you'll see that I have been providing all the answers people are asking.
    Thanks again, I'll report back tonight. My current plan is to go through the painful process of getting just one monitor working without the Matrox unit, flushing my preferences and trying again. I think it will work fine but will report back either way.

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    madilall wrote:
    Is it possible to adivertise RIm in order to obtain a new software faster?
    yes you just need to contact your carrier and tell them about that issue. They will contact RIM about it.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • IPhone bug causes 600mb download over 3G in 20 min?

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    Just wanted to tell you my first experience with unintended data usage on my iPhone 3GS.
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    My iphone was locked while this was happening, isnt that meant to stop things like this? Isnt there restrictions on what apps can do while the phone is locked?
    It was obviously a bug in an app or the iOS that caused it to continue to download junk that I didn't request or need. Is there any way to stop this?
    I have looked in to apps like Dataman, are they a solution to problems like this?
    When will Apple offer a solution to these kinds of problems?
    I Can install software on my PC that would stop it from using excess data. At least allow us to restrict usage even slightly. 
    App's I think i was using before it happened: Appigo Todo, Atomic Web, Lastpass.
    My Bill - 3 Mobile was nice enough to waive the $10 after 10 minutes and then the full amount($60.74) after 1.5 hours on the phone! The main argument i used was that it's not fair for there to be not option to stop excess usage from occurring, while at the same time allowing devices with bugs(maybe) like this to be on their network.

    in my experience there is a difference between an IMAP
    and a POP3 acccount. With a MobileMe IMAP email account
    i always have to tap on the attachments to download them
    completely when they are bigger than 100 KB - there seems
    to be an automatic limit in the iPhones Mail app.
    With a POP3 account all attachments are downloaded auto-
    matically - no matter which size they have.
    I can't unterstand, why there is a difference. That is
    nonsense. Not everyone has IMAP email accounts.
    And an attachment download size limit only with IMAP and
    not with POP3 is incomprehensible. If you got no mobile
    flatrate that can cost lots of money!
    My wish is a possibility to set a size limit for the
    attachment download or a limit similar to the IMAP limit.

  • IOS Music Player MP3 Gapless Playback Problem

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    I thought it might have been spotted by other iOS users and fixed in iOS 7.1 or at least the current version of iOS 8, but instead it's gotten worse, albums that used to play smoothly between transitions now suddenly pause and jump for a split second when changing from track to track.
    What's happening is, I listen to a lot of albums that are continuously DJ mixed and play straight through without any pauses between tracks, and I've been experiencing problems a lot now with random split second pauses between tracks and choppy transitions. These albums in question have been ripped from cd using the latest versions of iTunes.
    For example,
    I'd be listening to an album and it would play gapless and smooth for most of the album, but maybe one or two transitions on the album would have a split second pause between them, and the rest of the album would play perfectly with no pauses, skips or jumps at all.
    This only happens on my iPhone, as I have a 160gb iPod classic and I've listened to all the same albums on it and never has a problem playing the album without any pauses, every album plays 100% smooth and gapless on it.
    I mailed Apple about it through their feedback page on their site... https://www.apple.com/feedback/iphone.html
    Hoping that they would take note of this and try and look into it and fix the issue. That was probably about a year ago now, never got fixed or got any confirmation back from them about this problem. Then last August, I'd had enough and contacted Apple support to notify them about this issue. They told me the usual story, "have you tried restoring the phone?", which I obliged and did. The problem was there on a freshly restored iPhone 5.
    So they told me that they would put me in touch with someone higher in Apple to take the case further, "great" I thought.
    I spoke with a senior care advisor and explained the problem and agreed to send detailed explanations of the issue and test files too so that they could hopefully hear what I was talking about. But after a few weeks of going back and forward, I finally got them to hear the issue with the random pauses, the first week they denied there was a problem and said the files played ok on their test iOS devices, so I myself tried the files on another iOS device and the same problem was there.
    The last correspondence I had with the Apple care advisor was back in the end of August / start of  September, and she told me that they spotted the issue and was told by the tech's that it would be fixed in a future update, I never got a when this would happen, I was just told to make sure my iOS device was up to date with the latest version of iOS. I couldn't speak to an actual technician, got no follow up support, just a vague "We'll look into it." Case Closed.
    I got so sick of this problem that I sold my iPhone and iPad just after this last phone call with the Apple people, and switched over to Android. I'd being reading up on gapless playback music players and found out that there's a good few available for Android devices. I got myself a Sony Xperia Z3 Compact, twice as powerful as the iPhone 6 and half the price. I was using that for the last few months, and playing my music through Neutron Music Player app which is a great music player which plays gapless 100%
    But I couldn't really take to Android OS, seeing as I've been using Apple products for around 10 years now and iOS since the iPhone 3G. So I decided to contact Apple again and see if they'd fixed the music player issue in iOS yet.
    I wrote a long email explaining the problem, how it wasn't really looked at properly, and how I was a long time Apple customer and had to resort to switching over to Android because the basic music player functions on iOS devices have bugs. I took a chance in mailing this to Tim Cook's offices, I knew he wouldn't reply personally, just thought that it might get read by someone in his offices with a bit more say in the matter.
    Just before Xmas, I got a call from someone from executive relations from my local Apple offices about this. He seemed nice and was aware of the problem from reading back through my emails and previous case notes from August when I opened this case originally.
    We had a talk and he said he would get one of the tech's to call me too about this so that I could explain the bugs to someone more knowledgeable about iOS.
    A few days later I received a call from one of the tech's at Apple and was chatting to him, explaining the problem. His response was that he thinks Apple doesn't support gapless playback on current iOS devices. From looking at the gapless playback information page on the Apple support site below, it looks like it hasn't been updated to show any iPhone models after the iPhone 3GS... http://support.apple.com/en-ie/HT201644
    I was trying to explain to him how ridiculous this sounded, why would Apple stop supporting basic functions on their music player on iOS devices? It makes no sense at all? You can see that the amount of hardware devices and software that supports gapless playback today... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gapless_playback#Player_support
    He couldn't explain either, he just said that because it's not listed there on the Apple support page.
    Then the next day I got the follow up call from the Apple executive relations guy, he was stating that he was speaking to the tech guy that called me and it looks like Apple doesn't support gapless playback anymore, from looking at the documentation on site.
    I told him how stupid this was, and how lots of music players have gapless playback as standard today. And if they don't support it now, then why does it play through some parts of the albums on iOS ok and then just randomly pause, or have jumpy / choppy transitions on the rest of the album. If it was the case, no albums would play gaplessly at all, it would be like when the first ever iPod's were released back in the day with no gapless playback and would pause for a split second between every transition.
    He couldn't give me an answer and said that maybe down the line they would start supporting it again, and that I should request the feature to be added to future iOS versions via the iPhone feedback page... https://www.apple.com/feedback/iphone.html
    He just kept on emphasising that it was "NOT A BUG OR ISSUE", trying to cover up the problem because the info on the site wasn't updated to show the current iOS devices. Which in itself is wrong, looking at the page it says "Supported iPod and iPhone models (make sure you have the latest iPod or iPhone software)"
    iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS only go up to iOS 6, so that contradicts itself when the latest version is iOS 8.
    The info is out of date and needs to be updated. So in August I was told, "we found the issue and will look into it" and a few months later, "it's not an issue", what's a cop out.
    I was annoyed and taken back by this response, and really found it hard to believe that this was the case, Apple stopping supporting their music player on iOS devices. Seeing as iTunes plays everything smoothly and no gapless issues. I just went out and bought an iPhone 6 for €900 / $1060, and for that money you'd expect it's basic music player to work. It's total BS to think that a top computer software / hardware company would just decide to abandon basic functions in their devices, especially when we are talking about how much Apple takes pride in their products and how much more they charge for them over their competitors.
    So this is my next step to try and get this problem seen and out in the open more. The more people who know about it and are aware of the issue, the better.
    Hopefully more people can get the word around and get this noticed by Apple and finally fixed.
    I've uploaded some test files below to show the problem. The files are mp3's and aac, and have been ripped from cd using the latest version of iTunes. The mp3's are the ones with the issue, but the aac play with no problem. If you listen to the transition at the end of track 2 (2-02 Colours (JH Re-Edit)) going into the start of track 3 (2-03 Your Body), you will notice the split second pause / jump. But listen to the aac version and compare it to the mp3 version and you will hear that it plays back fine, just as it's supposed to. Try them in iTunes too and both versions playback fine, no jumps or pauses.
    You can download them here, all links have the same files, I just uploaded them to different hosts for other people's choosing...
    More files can be provided if needed to show the problem happening on various other albums.
    I really hope that people can spot this issue too and help get this fixed, I know this gapless playback feature might not be important to some people, but like I said at the start, it's an essential function for me in a music player and I use it on a daily basis when I listen to music.
    Thanks for reading this long rant of mine, appreciate it.

    I believe this issue occurs only between songs that iTunes has converted to a lower bitrate for you during transfer to your iOS device and songs that it has not done this for. Take this Between the Buried and Me album, for instance. I have marked all of the transitions that should have been gapless but probably aren't in red. I know for sure that most of these marked transitions are indeed broken and that the most of the transitions not marked in red work flawlessly... I honestly can't remember whether or not some of these transitions were gapless or not, but the many transitions I do remember working or not working match up exactly with whether or not the songs on either side of the transition were also on other sides of the 256kbps threshold, the threshold at which I enabled iTunes to convert tracks to 256kbps AAC.
    I'm going to try re-sync'ing my library with that "feature" disabled and see if it fixes my gapless playback problem. Will post the results once I test it out.

  • On the printing slowness of Postscript produced by the JVM from calls to Graphics.drawString() (Linux/Unix)

    Happy new year,
    before the holidays my attention was drawn to an issue that supposedly the Postscript produced by the JVM is too big and hence too slow.  Here are my findings.
    The issue
    Text printing via CUPS to native Postscript printers can be slow. Printing a terms and conditions page (17000 characters/page) takes three and a half minutes to print on a Dell 2330 dn laser printer (96 MB,Max speed 33 ppm). The file is about 8 MB in size. To contrast that, rendering the text to a buffered image with 300 DPI and printing the result produces 7 MB of output which prints in 30 seconds on the same printer. More measures for different printers and documents can be found at the end of this post. The issues is registered as  "JDK-4627340 : RFE: A way to improve text printing performance for postscript devices" (http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4627340) and the proposed workaround is to use printer fonts.
    Side remark regarding the workaround
    There is a regression that prevents the workaround from working (bug 9008662 at Sun (not yet visible),  bug 8023990 at OpenJDK (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8023990). Without knowing what other bad side effects this might have, the issue can be resolved by setting the property "sun.awt.fontconfig". On my system I set it to the location of a "fontconfig.properties" of a JVM that does not have the bug (e.g. /home/alex/openjdk_7_b147_jun_11/openjdk/build/linux-i586/bin/java -Dsun.awt.fontconfig="/etc/java-6-openjdk/fontconfig.properties" Print2DtoStream). I also successfully tested the workaround on an Oracle JVM 1.7.0_03-b04.
    Back to the main topic
    How the JVM draws text if it can't use a standard printer font
    Text is drawn with postscript path drawning commands such as "moveto", "lineto" or "curveto". As an example consider the word "ll" which looks something like this:
    %N->short for "newpath"
    %paint first "l"
    %M->short for "moveto"
    0.76875 11.06 M
    %L->short for "lineto"
    0.76875 2.468 L
    1.823 2.468 L
    1.823 11.06 L
    0.76875 11.06 L
    %p->short for "closepath"
    %paint second "l"
    3.649 11.06 M
    3.649 2.468 L
    4.703 2.468 L
    4.703 11.06 L
    3.649 11.06 L
    The same text could be printed with a printer font using the command "(ll) show" which is much more compact but is available in Java only for the Postscript standard fonts and it isn't working at all right now as explained above.
    Is it the file size?
    My first thought was that the file size was the source of of slowness and so I wrote a small processor that would detect glyphs, normalize*1 them and place them in a dictionary. Recurring references to the same glyph were replaced by a dictionary reference  (This is incidentally the fix proposed by the original author of RFE 4627340). This shrunk the file to about 11% of the original size but the processing time surprisingly doubled.
    *1: With "normalizing" I mean applying a translation transform so that the smallest coordinates in the contours of a glyph are exactly 0. In addition I experimented with performing a normalizing scale transform so that all coordinates lie between 0 and 1 so that identical glyphs are detected at arbitrary positions and at different font sizes.
    That led to the question to why there is such a big difference in performance between a Type 1 font dictionary and a self constructed dictionary since both contain basically the same drawing instructions. The difference is apparently that fonts are cached and user drawings are not unless explicitly told.
    The Postscript "ucache" instruction
    Postscript level 2 introduces the "ucache" instruction which seems to be defined for precisely this kind of problem. From the documentation:
    "Some PostScript programs define paths that are repeated many times. To optimize the interpretation of such paths, the PostScript language provides a facility called the user path cache. This cache, analogous to the font cache, retains the results from previously interpreted user path definitions. When the PostScript interpreter encounters a user path that is already in the cache, it substitutes the cached results instead of reinterpreting the path definition. "
    After adding "ucache" instructions to my filter the speed improved by factor 10.
    To illustrate the said the "ll" text from above looked as follows after the transformation:
    %definition of the glyph "l" named "p0"
    0.000 0.000 1.054 8.592 setbbox
    0.000 8.592 moveto
    0.000 0.000 lineto
    1.054 0.000 lineto
    1.054 8.592 lineto
    0.000 8.592 lineto
    } cvlit def
    0.769 2.468 translate
    %draw "l" at 0.769 2.468
    p0 ufill
    -0.769 -2.468 translate
    3.649 2.468 translate
    %draw "l" at 3.649 2.468
    p0 ufill
    -3.649 -2.468 translate
    For ucached shapes there is a special compact representation so that the same can be written as follows:
    0.000 0.000 1.054 8.592
    0.000 8.592
    0.000 0.000
    1.054 0.000
    1.054 8.592
    0.000 8.592
    } cvlit def
    0.769 2.468 translate
    p0 ufill
    -0.769 -2.468 translate
    3.649 2.468 translate
    p0 ufill
    -3.649 -2.468 translate
    Interestingly the speed improvement remained the same on a Chinese report that had hardly any character reuse. Upon this observation I changed the filter to not use a dictionary but so simply instruct the interpreter to cache each glyph definition and the performance remained nearly the same.
    The initial "ll" text from above looks as follows after this transformation:
    %paint first "l" cached
    0.76875 2.468 1.823 11.06
    0.76875 11.06
    0.76875 2.468
    1.823 2.468
    1.823 11.06
    0.76875 11.06
    } ufill
    %paint second  "l" cached
    3.649 2.468 4.703 11.06
    3.649 11.06
    3.649 2.468
    4.703 2.468
    4.703 11.06
    3.649 11.06
    } ufill
    Note that I didn't normalize the shapes.
    Why does this improve the performance so vastly if the shape is drawn only once? For a while I thought perhaps that the interpreter would consider two paths which differ only by a translation as being the same but rereading the documentation and looking at the Chinese example in which nearly all characters are unique, disproves this. The relevant part of the documentation reads:
    "Caching is based on the value of a user path object. That is, two user paths are considered the same for caching purposes if all of their corresponding elements are equal, even if the objects themselves are not.
    A user path placed in the cache need not be explicitly retained in virtual memory. An equivalent user path appearing literally later in the program can take advantage of the cached information. Of course, if it is known that a given user path will be used many times, defining it explicitly in VM avoids creating it multiple times.
    User path caching, like font caching, is effective across translations of the user coordinate system, but not across other transformations, such as scaling or rotation. In other words, multiple instances of a given user path painted at different places on the page will take advantage of the user path cache when the current transformation matrix has been altered only by translate. If the CTM has been altered by scale or rotate , the instances will be treated as if they were described by different user paths."
    An explanation that would fit the findings
    The rasterizer renders the page multiple time (perhaps in order to save memory and produce horizontal strips). On the first rendering the cache is filled and reused on the subsequent renderings thereby improving performance even if all cached items are used only once.
    Based upon this theory I hoped that the strip height would grow if I added more memory to the printer but this was not the case on the two printers for which I had memory to test with. Even substantial changes to the available memory (e.g. going from 32 MB to 96 MB) had no impact whatsoever on the performance.
    The issue is not related to the file size as the original requester suspected but very likely due to the uncached rendering. Caching of glyphs can be achieved by using the "ucache" instruction or perhaps by placing the glyphs in font dictionaries and using the "show" operator.
    Although reported in 2003, time is apparently not healing this quick enough since printers in the 10,000$ class like the Sharp MX2310U still take a full minute to print 10 pages and a desktop printer may be blocked for over an hour for the same document.
    We will now try to use the CUPS filter and leave the printers configured as Postscript printers. If there is interest I can post the single file source of a CUPS filter that performs the inline conversion described. Apart from libl it requires no additional libraries and written using flex it is reasonably lightweight and fast.
    I would appreciate any opinion on whether or not the proposed workaround for bug 8023990 (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8023990), namely having the system property "sun.awt.fontconfig" pointing to a working fontconfig.properties of a previously installed and working 1.6 version file, is safe.
    Measures (Appendix)
    "Terms and Conditions" report
    Testing a single page "Terms and Conditions" report in "Arial" 8pt (I am aware that "Helvetica" is width compatible and nearly looks the same but in this particular case the line height was also relevant and as explained above, printer fonts are currently not working). The page contains 17000 characters of which some parts are bold and some italic. This is a real world example and to make things worse the requirement is to print the text on the backside of every page on a certain class of reports. I am aware that this is a bit extreme but I also felt that I couldn't dismiss it as being unreasonable.
    File "Arial.ps" (7.5 MB Unmodified output of the JVM)
    Printing time
    Dell 2330dn 32MB/96MB
    3:50 minutes
    Lexmark X658de (55 ppm, aprox. 5,000$)
      1:45 minutes
    HP LaserJet 4240n 64 MB
    1:12 minutes
    Kyocera Taskalfa 300ci (30 PPM, aprox. 8,000$)
    1 minute
    HP Color LaserJet 4650 dn 128/384MB
    51 seconds
    Sharp MX 2310U 512MB (55ppm,  aprox. 10,000$)
    31 seconds
    Arial_inline.ps (8 MB contains "ucache" without normalization and without dictionary)
    Printing time
    30seconds/30seconds (Improvement by factor 7.7)
    Lexmark X658de (55 ppm, aprox. 5,000$)
      15 seconds (Improvement by factor 7)
    HP LaserJet 4240n 64 MB
    47 seconds (Improvement by factor 1.5)
    Kyocera Taskalfa 300ci (30 PPM, aprox. 8,000$)
    20 seconds (Improvement by factor 5)
    HP Color LaserJet 4650 dn 128/384MB
    46 seconds (Improvement by factor 1.1)
    Sharp MX 2310U 512MB (55ppm,  aprox. 10,000$)
    14 seconds (Improvement by factor 2)
    Asian characters test
    Testing 10 pages of Asian characters in the font "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" 12pt where each page contains 49 lines by 40 unique characters. The document contains the 30,000 characters between unicode 0x4e00 and 0x9fff. This is a nonsense stress test but it illustrates  that the "ucache" speedup works even though no character is repeated in the report.
    Asian.ps  (52 MB Unmodified output of the JVM)
    Printing time
    Dell 2330dn 32MB/96MB
    64 minutes
    Lexmark X658de (55 ppm, aprox. 5,000$)
    Not measured
    HP LaserJet 4240n 64 MB
    11 minutes
    Kyocera Taskalfa 300ci (30 PPM, aprox. 8,000$)
    Not measured
    HP Color LaserJet 4650 dn 128/384MB
    9:13 minutes
    Sharp MX 2310U 512MB (55ppm,  aprox. 10,000$)
    4:08 minutes
    Asian_inline.ps (54 MB contains "ucache" without normalization and without dictionary)
    Printing time
    5:30 minutes (Improvement by factor 11.6)
    Lexmark X658de (55 ppm, aprox. 5,000$)
    Not measured
    HP LaserJet 4240n 64 MB
    3:48 minutes (Improvement by factor 2.9)
    Kyocera Taskalfa 300ci (30 PPM, aprox. 8,000$)
    Not measured
    HP Color LaserJet 4650 dn 128/384MB
    2:46 minutes (Improvement by factor 3.4)
    Sharp MX 2310U 512MB (55ppm,  aprox. 10,000$)
    48 seconds (Improvement by factor 5)

    Hi Sven,
    Will putting the boilerplate in the trailer section allow me to still have it appearing on the back page of the main report? This is where it needs to be as far as the printed report goes - it is duplexed.

  • Your instructions for recovering your profile with all your info (for vista) is not working on my end, when I copy and pasted the line in the start menu it came up with no hits...

    When I tried to recover my profile (I am going to be reformatting and wanted to save my bookmarks and passwords) the line in your help that I was supposed to type into the start menu came up with zero hits, if you could let me know what the problem may be I would appreciate it, thanks!

    Firefox will not appear in the Market for most phones with incompatible hardware. You can check if your phone is supported here:
    Even on some supported devices, a bug in the Market software prevents Firefox from showing up. This may be related to the fairly recent Android Market app update. If you go to Settings/Applications/Market and choose "Uninstall" you can uninstall the update, and then search for and install Firefox from the marketplace.
    Or, if you have a supported phone, you can download the app directly by typing this address into your phone's browser: http://bit.ly/fxbeta3
    (Note: To download the app directly for an AT&T phone, you will have to search for instructions on "sideloading" the APK file, since AT&T disables the option to install from non-Market sources.)

  • The ipad cannot be synced. The disk could not be read or written to

    Error in iTunes when sync to the new iPad

    I say it's USB related.
    I saw disk errors and interrupted sync'ing when I added or removed USB devices during am iPad sync. At first I thought the problem was that I removed my iPhone while the iPad was syncing. That caused the first disk error msg. The second time I saw this msg was when I restarted the sync then started eyeTV and it accessed its USB tuner. So, I'm guessing a USB device mgmt bug is present.
    And, if USB is at all sketchy, I'd avoid sync'ing through a hub - connect direct to system USB port.
    I wanted to offer a bug report but don't see where these are initiated. I should know that by now.
    Message was edited by: Robert Breeding1

  • The file to download the app for Android is not working from my phone--it says that the file isn't there. However it does see the one for the Iphone (even though it can't use it). I'm very computer literate and am pretty sure the problem is on your end.

    The file to download the app for Android is not working from my phone--it says that the file isn't there. However it does see the one for the Iphone (even though it can't use it). I've tried it multiple times and continue to get the same message: "NOT FOUND The requested item could not be found". I also tried through the Market application on the phone but ended-up with the same result.
    I'm very computer literate and am pretty sure the problem is on your end. If this is the case then no one can download the app. I considered that perhaps because it's still in Beta that it was removed due to some other type of software issue. I would really like to use Firefox on my new Droid (2.0); when with this be available?

    Firefox will not appear in the Market for most phones with incompatible hardware. You can check if your phone is supported here:
    Even on some supported devices, a bug in the Market software prevents Firefox from showing up. This may be related to the fairly recent Android Market app update. If you go to Settings/Applications/Market and choose "Uninstall" you can uninstall the update, and then search for and install Firefox from the marketplace.
    Or, if you have a supported phone, you can download the app directly by typing this address into your phone's browser: http://bit.ly/fxbeta3
    (Note: To download the app directly for an AT&T phone, you will have to search for instructions on "sideloading" the APK file, since AT&T disables the option to install from non-Market sources.)

  • Backspace button registers twice on honeycomb

    The backspace key registers twice, even when only pressed once when using the current Firefox 4 beta for android. This is happening on the honeycomb verion of android on a Motorola Xoom device.

    This bug has been fixed in our latest development versions: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=637892
    The fix will be included in the next update through the Android Market. Or you can test the fix now by downloading a nightly development build from: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms/Android

  • Needs to be fixed immediately...

    I brought the phone with me in the car the other day.  It was very sunny and I couldn't see it well.  I changed the settings but it didn't matter.  I had people with me who had Blackberry's whose screens were blowing mine away.  It was so bad they were laughing and asking me, "How much did you pay for that device?"  It was ridiculous.  Now later that day inside I could roll video where they couldn't and the N900 screen/clarity was better than the Blackberry's, the internet is better than Blackberry - but still... I don't want this phone to be an "indoor only" device.  The N900 needs the same "auto" adjust for light that the Blackberry has.  Right now, no matter what you do, in full sun the device doesn't look good at all.
    I know new devices have bugs... and apps are still not available...  and all of this is fine and acceptable to me.  But you can't get around a "bad visual."  I didn't expect that and was shocked by it.  I really like this phone but until this is fixed I will have to bring my Blackberry if I am going places where I will be outdoors.  A problem I didn't expect to have...
    I hope they fix this soon...

    I tried to use similar screens for the test - both had black screens with some icons and writing.  I attached another screen which clearly shows the N900 is stellar when in a room with "regular" lighting.  that first print screen is with massive incoming light.  That is why I just don't know..??..  The more light there is - the better the Blackberry shows - the opposite is true of the N900 - but does that mean it is "broken?"
    The best thing would be to take my N900 to a store and compare to another N900 - but I can't find a store that sells the N900 in the Los Angeles area.  I had to take this phone to T-Mobile (who doesn't have one) because they are the only carrier who would give it 3G support.
    The only other avenue would be to email the picture to Nokia and see what they say... see if they think something is wrong with mine....
    Thanks for the feedback here...
    N900 v. BB1.jpg ‏393 KB

  • Firefox Mobile for Android download link = FAIL... Yeah it doesn't work....

    I've tried to download the beta with my phone, with firefox, and with IE. The link is broken, or non existent... I've tried it for about two weeks now.

    The link to download Firefox from the Android Market will not work on phones with incompatible hardware. You can check if your phone is compatible here:
    Even on some supported devices, a bug in the Market software prevents Firefox from showing up. This may be related to the fairly recent Android Market app update. If you go to Settings/Applications/Market and choose "Uninstall" you can uninstall the update, and then search for and install Firefox from the marketplace.
    Or, if you have a supported phone, you can download the app directly from here:
    (Note: To download the app directly for an AT&T phone, you will have to search for instructions on "sideloading" the APK file, since AT&T disables the option to install from non-Market sources.)

  • I tried linking the facebook contacts to my phone but for some reason the contacts doesnt wants to show the FB images even thought it says that it was sync. What could be the issue? How can it be fixed so i could get my facebook lined up to my contacts?

    I tried linking the facebook contacts to my phone(iPhone4s) but for some reason my conatcts doesnt wants to show the FB images in my contacts even though it said facebook contacts were sync. What could be the issue? How can it be fix so I could sync my contacts with Facebook?

    Firefox will not appear in the Market for most phones with incompatible hardware. You can check if your phone is supported here:
    Even on some supported devices, a bug in the Market software prevents Firefox from showing up. This may be related to the fairly recent Android Market app update. If you go to Settings/Applications/Market and choose "Uninstall" you can uninstall the update, and then search for and install Firefox from the marketplace.
    Or, if you have a supported phone, you can download the app directly by typing this address into your phone's browser: http://bit.ly/fxbeta3
    (Note: To download the app directly for an AT&T phone, you will have to search for instructions on "sideloading" the APK file, since AT&T disables the option to install from non-Market sources.)

  • I have a LG optimus mobile. Can I find a download for firefox mobile

    My phone cannot find the searched for item when I choose download for android on fire fox for mobile page.

    The link to download Firefox from the Android Market will not work on phones with incompatible hardware. You can check if your phone is compatible here:
    Of the various LG Optimus phones, only the "Optimus Z" is compatible.
    On some supported devices, a bug in the Market software prevents Firefox from showing up. This may be related to the fairly recent Android Market app update. If you go to Settings/Applications/Market and choose "Uninstall" you can uninstall the update, and then search for and install Firefox from the marketplace.
    Or, if you have a supported phone, you can download the app directly from here:

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