5112 Vamplitude -vs- Vp-p

I have a 5401 arb in a pxi chassis dumping a +/- 1.0 V sine wave directly to a 5112 scope in the same pxi chassis through a coax.  Using the scope function for Vp-p I see 2.125V, using the function for Vamplitude I see 1.925.  What's the difference between the two functions?
[email protected]

Hi Brad,
You can find the difference between these two measurements in the High Speed Digitizers Help under Programming >> Reference >> NI-SCOPE LabVIEW Reference Help >> Scalar Measurements.
The Voltage Peak to Peak measurement is:
"The maximum voltage minus the minimum voltage in volts."
The Voltage Amplitude is:
"The voltage high minus the voltage low in volts. "
Furthermore, you can find the definition for voltage high and voltage low in the same section of the help document.
Voltage High:
"The last-acquisition histogram method is used, where the voltage high result is the voltage of the histogram bin with the maximum number of hits above 60% of the waveform's voltage peak-to-peak value. This calculation is useful for ignoring the overshoot and preshoot on square waves. "
Voltage Low:
"The last-acquisition histogram method is used, where the voltage low result is the voltage of the histogram bin with the maximum number of hits below 40% of the waveform's voltage peak-to-peak value. This calculation is useful for ignoring the overshoot and preshoot on square waves. "
I hope this helps.  Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Sean Close
Product Support Engineer: High Speed Digitizers

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  • NI 5112 DMA Performanc​e

    I am currently doing continuous data acquisition with the NI 5112 using an sample rate of 2*20 MSamples/s (using fetchBinary8) for software defined radio. I transfer the data from the 5112 into the main memory in real-time and it works fine.
    However, this continouos data transfer needs much CPU performance of nearly 100% of one 3 GHz P4 (I have a dual-processor system) and I would need this CPU also to process the data. I don't understand that since DMA transfer should not require CPU cycles. Has anyone an explanaition of that?
    thanks, thomas

    What is the "chunk size" when you are continuously fetching data? If
    you're using LabVIEW and you leave the number of points to fetch as -1
    in the read/fetch VI, the VI will return as soon as it finds a non-zero
    number of points to fetch. Depending on how fast your computer is and
    your sample rate, you may be getting only a few points per iteration in
    the loop. Setting the number of points to a larger value, say 1M for
    example, may improve your CPU usage. Also, be sure to set a non-zero
    timeout value because if the timeout is zero, the available points are
    returned regardless of the number of points requested. Also, is this system in PCI or PXI?
    The CPU usage may still be higher than you expect because we DMA the
    data from the board to a temporar
    y buffer before copying it to your
    buffer. We do this because we can only transfer a minimum of 256 bytes
    at a time with DMA. If an acquisition is less than that size or a
    non-multiple of 256 bytes, some of the points at the beginning and end
    of the acquisition will be invalid. Since we don't want to make the
    user have to think about all that stuff, we return a buffer that is
    exactly what was asked for. Unfortunately, that requires an extra copy
    of the data. We may add direct DMA to the user buffer in a future
    release of NI-SCOPE.
    I'd be interested to hear how well your application still runs after you
    add your processing algorithms into your program. You may find that the
    CPU yields time and it still works ok. If not, check back with us and
    we can look at alternative ways to improve the performance.

  • 5112 in Teststand using IVI step

    I am trying to configure with options and set the 5112 to average but get an error. I also can not validate any of my niscope settings. The step seems to work when I execute it, and I only find out what is not supported when it fails.
    Error executing substep 'Post'.
    An exception occurred calling 'RunStep' in 'ISubstep' of 'TestStand Ivi Step Types 1.0 Type Library'
    An error occurred while executing the step.
    Component Works IVI Control Error: The IVI Configure operation failed for logical name 'niScope'.
    Details: Extension capability not supported by instrument driver. (AverageAcquisition)
    Source: TSIviStepTypes
    Please help.

    If you are running TestStand 2.0, you will need to upgrade to 2.0.1. You can get information about this at www.ni.com/upgrade. If you are currently using 2.0.1 then I need to know what version of NI-Scope and what version of the IVI engine.

  • Using LabVIEW to program a Pattern Trigger for the PCI-5112

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    Any help or advice with this would be very appreciated.
    PS as an example, I want to trigger when the pre-trigger data matches the pattern, say a 8 bit word such as 1010 0000.  Maybe I can try to do like my Tektonix TS5104B scope and try to program a timeout trigger.

    Good morning Andronicus,
    Thanks for contacting National Instruments with your issue, we'll try our best to resolve it for you as quickly and efficiently as possible.
    Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do what you're trying to accomplish with simply a Scope alone. The trigger input and PFI lines have no buffer and are only capable of looking for a single edge, and the standard CH0 and CH1 inputs strictly represent signals in analog. 
    So your current approach may be best, of using the Fetch Forever to acquire the signal into a prebuffer and then analyzing it and sending a software trigger.  So the best you can do in terms of response will be software-time, which is not ideal.  There is also the very tricky matter of interpreting that analog signal as a digital signal.  You'd have to know the clock rate of the incoming pattern and then also the phase in order to correctly assess the incoming pattern.  No easy task, and certainly nothing that would be super reliable or recommended.
    Your best bet would be to purchase one of our  HSDIO cards, such as the PCI-653x that inherently does pattern triggering in the hardware domain, and then route the start trigger (i.e. when the pattern has been matched) via a RTSI cable to the Scope card which can then simply use the digital edge trigger to begin it's acquisition.  This will be far more robust, easier to code and have a much quicker response time. 
    Best of luck with your project.
    Minh Tran
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • Any way of making 5112 work using LabVIEW RT

    The 5122 and 5124 digitizers are supported using LabVIEW RT, I am trying to make the 5112 work but it is not seen by MAX and I just found a document on the NI site that says RT is not supported.
    Does anyone know of a work around (hack) to the INI files to allow MAX to recognize and work with the 5112?

    Hi Randy,
    Currently we are not aware of any hacks or workarounds that will allow the 5112 to be supported in Real Time.
    Best Regards,
    Evan R.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Anyone done capture with 5112 then write same out to 5411 directly in Labview 6i

    Want to capture a trace (current via sense resistor to PCI 5112)store it and then download to an arbitrary waveform generator(PCI 5411)Idea to mimic input when needed and repeat lots of times.

    Dear Chris,
    Thanks for using the National Instruments Developer Exchange.
    Yes this is possible, but you will need first to acquire the waveform and then configure the function generator (NI-5411) to download the waveform you just acquired to the memory of the ARB and then play it continuously.
    You will have plenty of shipping examples available when you install the driver NI-SCOPE in your computer, look in the subpallete NI-SCOPE in LabVIEW.
    Once you have learned how to acquire waveforms with the Scope you will be able to download this waveform the ARB and play it.
    I also recommend you to look the examples, especifically the example called: "niFgen Arbitrary Waveform Example.vi" that will clarify to you the process of downloading a waveform to the Device and
    play it.
    If you have more questions I recommend you to send an e-mail directly to our technical support by going to the web page: http://sine.ni.com/apps/we/niae_asc.main
    and selecting E-mail NI Engineers.
    Best Regards.
    Omar De Andrade - Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • When installing a NI 5112, I get an error message when running the test panel.

    I have recently decided to reinstall my PCI 5112 high speed digitizer in a different computer, for practical reasons. After having installed the software, hardware and successfully passing the self test, an error (10800) occurs when running the test panels. The signal applied to the channel and the different parameters used, worked fine with the previous computer but not with this one. Any idea why?

    Hello Thomas,
       The error code you are getting is related to the board not recording enough samples in the given time interval.  May I ask which series of PCI card you are using. This can be found by looking at the device in Measurement and Automation Explorer and looking under devices and interfaces. The series letter is the one on the end of the number after the hyphen. E.g. PCI-MIO-16E-4 would be an E-series board.
    Also which versions of Measurement and Automation Explorerand NI-Scope are you running? Are these the same versions as you used in the old PC system? Sometimes an upgrade in the version is all that is required to fix such a problem but unfortunately it can sometimes cause a problem if you upgrade! It would depend on the versions you are currently running and the series of the board that you are using.
     National Instruments
    Message Edited by LeeM on 10-31-2006 10:47 AM

  • What are the performance of stream to disk on a PCI-5112? Has someone benchmarked it once?

    I need to stream 30MS/s for 2minutes on a hard drive. Anyone did that? What was the platform and the results?
    Thanks, fred

    The fastest we have been able to stream to disk with the PCI 5112 is 25MS/s on a machine that can stream raw data to disk at 130+MS/s. One thing to keep in mind is that you can't actually get 30MS/s for you sample rate with the 5112. The valid sample rates are 100/n MS/s where n is an integer value. Therefore, if you enter 30MS/s for your sampling rate, you will get 33MS/s for the actual sample rate.

  • Multiple record and fetch with 5112

    I want to configure a PXI5112 for multiple record aquisition. I want to poll the card with the RecordsDone property. This information I want to use as a ForLoop counter to fetch all records one by one.
    1) Is this a good and possible way?
    2) What happens with a record when it is fetched from the 5112. Let's say I have three records A, B and C. My first fetch instruction with FetchRecordNumber=0 and FetchNumberOfRecords=1 should retrieve A. If I fetch once again with those parameters, do I get B cause A has been fetched and deleted and all subsequent records have been shifted? Is that true?
    Thank you
    Oliver Friedrich

    Hallo Oliver
    the pxi 5112 is a high speed 100MHz, 100MS/s, 14-Bit Digitizer board with two input channels. Each of the two analog input channels has its own 100MS/s, 8-bit analog-digital converter, so you can simultaneously acquire data on each channel sampled at rates from 100MS/s to 1S/s.
    What sample rate would you have? What do you mean by a ForLoop counter with three values?

  • Can i use PCI-1411 to trigger NI 5112 to capture YUV vdieo wave of DVD sync?

    I have a PCI-1411 ,i can use this card to trigger NI5112 to capture a line signal of CVBS output of DVD. And i can see in the graph just a line's wave. But it seems that PCI-1411 cannot trigger the YUV output.The wave display still moves quickly,not just a line signal. Can i use PCI-1411 to trigger NI5112 to capture YUV output sync?

    A similar question to this one was answered before by an NI employee with an example program attached. Please search the discussion furoms with keywords "5112" and "imaq" and you will find a discussion on triggering a 5112 with an IMAQ board.

  • PCI-5112 Simulation and Calibration

    I am working in a lab where they are using the PCI-5112:
    I had a few questions.
    First, I would like to simulate this device on my computer using NI-DAQmx so I can play around with a program which we have on another computer with the actual hardware. However it is not included in the list when I try! Is there a way to "import" the PCI-5112 so that I can simulate it? If not, is there a similar device which someone recommends?
    Also while reading the spec for PCI-5112 I saw this:
    Calibrated Vertical Ranges; ±25 mV to ±25 V in 10% steps
    Just to make sure, this means:
    ±25mV, 27.5mV, 30.25mV, 33.275mV, etc...
    Or does it mean:
    ±25mV, 27.5mV, 30mV, 32.5mV...etc...
    As well, if I select a voltage range outside of these values, is it completed uncalibrated? Or does it round my input to the near calibrated range?
    I assume the same answers to the above question also apply to the Calibrated Offset Range? 
    Finally, I saw that the internal source should be calibrated to an external source every year, and the self-calibration every 24 hours. I know for certain my lab doesn't do the self-calibration every 24 hours, and I assume they have never done it to an external source. With our experiments however we are just concerned with measuring the decay of an exponential signal. Therefore, would calibration be a moot point?
    Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for the multitude of questions!
    Go to Solution.

    The 5112 is a very old device and the driver is written using tradition DAQ, not DAQmx.  This is why you cannot simulate it using DAQmx like you can most high speed digitizers.  You can simulate it by using the correct options in the Initialize with options VI instead of the simple Initialize VI.  I believe they are the default option string (it has been almost a decade since I did this).  If you try this and have problems, let us know and I can dig up the exact string.
    The 5112 does indeed have 10% increments in the voltage range setting.  The exact values vary slightly from device to device.  On the 5112, you should set the range to your anticipated need and the driver will choose the next highest range which matches your request, assuring you of best resolution (the 5112 is an 8-bit device, so this is important).
    Self calibration can be done on demand by any user.  You can see an example of how to do this in the example niScope EX Calibrate.vi.
    Let us know if you have further questions.  Good luck.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

  • Problems using the 5112 board on PXI

    I've got a PXI running Realtime 7.1 and I'm using Labview 7.1 to communicate to it. I want to use the 5112 digital oscilloscope as a spectrum analyser.
    Whenever I try to load any of the example programs for the 5112 I get the error "Labview:failed to load shared library niscope_32.dll on RT target device". I tried to copy niscope_32.dll from the computer running labview to the PXI (I put it in the system folder where lots of other dlls seemed to be) but I still get the same error. 
    On a side note, I tried running Scope-SFP but that just seems to a bunch of simulated data...

    Hi Station,
    Your error seems consistent with this article that I found.  You need to change your descriptor from the PXI descriptor to the DAQ descriptor. The paragraph most important from the link is this:
    These errors usually occur when you address the instrument with a VISA
    resource descriptor (e.g. PXI1::15::INSTR) instead of a DAQ resource
    descriptor (e.g., DAQ::1::INSTR for Traditional DAQ, Dev1 or PXI1Slot1
    for DAQmx). Since the NI Modular Instrument drivers use NI-DAQ to detect
    and communicate with the boards, you must use the DAQ descriptor to
    open a session to them with these drivers. 
    Let me know if this change solves your issue, thanks!
    Kyle A.
    National Instruments
    High Speed Digital I/O Product Support Engineer - R&D

  • NI 5112 connection problem

    I have two boards. One is PCI 6250 and the other is NI 5112 boards, I have one test fixture with two ouput. One output
    is connected to CB-68LP and 6250. The siganl was verified with no problem. The other output is  connected to
    NI 5112 board to measure the signal like the scope. But when I connected my BNC cable from the test fixture output
    to the NI 5112. The signal in CB-68LP and 6250 will go down from 0.61V to 0V all the time on the MAX test panel. I should expect to get
    0.61V all the time. How come when I connected to BNC cable from the test fixture to NI 5112, the signal in cb-68LP will not correct.

    Dear DFGray:
    Thank you for your suggestion reading NI 5112 specification and tutorial regaring signal source and measurement system. I have
    read it before. I am not sure so I would like to ask you the following question.
    I  have set 1 MOhm input impedence on the 5112. The dragging signal down problem did not solve. So, I set the 6250 in differential mode and 5112  into referenced single-ended. The problem is resolved. I can get signal on 6250 test panel and 5112 on SFP software at the same time.
    1) As you know, this is a wiring issue. 5112 (RSE measurement system) has a hard ground and this ground AIGND of 5112 is pulling
    your signal down. Let say, the other signal coming into 6250 is also RSE mode, is this signal going to be share the common AIGND
    inside the computer bus? If it is share, I don't understand how 5112 will pulling the 6250 signal down. Can you explain to me?
    2) So, NI 5112 is always RSE input configuration for sure , no more NRSE or differential config, right?
    3) You told me to try using differential input mode for 6250 board.  I tried using different configuration for differential input mode. One
        is with bias resistor for floating point signal source. The other is without bias resistor for grounded signal source.
       In result of that, the one with bias resistor can display corrct DC voltage, and the one without bias resistor, the voltage signal
      went up and down from 10V to -2 V. In conclusion of that, I can say my signal is a floating signal source, right?
    4) Then, I tried using NRSE input mode for the 6250 with different configuration of bias resistor. The problem is
       here. I am not sure the range of my bias resistor. Is it the same as differential. I noticed the specification which said
      the range is from 10Kohm < R < 100 Kohm. It is for low impedance sources such as thermocouples and singal conditioning
      module outputs according to the manual. I am not sure my input sources impedance is low or high. But I need to set 1 mega ohm.
      That should be high, right? If so, what is my valid input range?   Can you tell me? Is it alway safe to put equal resistance for AC and DC
      coupled input signal.
      Also, it did not say the range for NRSE. what is the valid range for NRSE?
    5) Can you tell me how ground loop occur? Is it only occur in floating point system?
    6) I tried to put 18Kohm resistor from ACH positive to AIGND and 18K ohm resistor from AISENSE to AIGND. I need to mentioned I am
       sure about if this is a valid range. If it is, I can get good signal. Can you tell me why we choose Differential, not NRSE?

  • Can you specify the allowable values for vertical range and offset for the NI 5112 PCI Digitizer?

    The NI 5112 manual indicates that the vertical range can be set from +/- 25mV to +/-25V in 10% steps. Can you explain exactly what this means? (For example, could you give me a series of allowable values.)
    Also, what are the allowable values for voltage offset?
    The reason for my question is: I am specifying the vertical configuration using the niScope_ConfigureVertical() function. The observed raw (8 bit) sampling does not appear to change at all for small changes in voltage range and offset. I would like to know where the hardware breakpoints are, so that I can apply correct scaling from bits to voltage.
    In addition, I have tried to use the niScope_CheckAt
    tributeViReal64() function to "check" a value before applying it to NISCOPE_ATTR_VERTICAL_RANGE or NISCOPE_ATTR_VERTICAL_OFFSET, but it fails in the linking step in Microsoft Dev. Studio. (niScope.lib & niscope_32.lib do not seem to contain any of the CheckAttribute functions that are listed in the NI-Scope function reference.)
    Thank you for your response.

    There is a nice reference at:
    which explains that allowable voltage ranges can be expressed by the equation:
    next_range_value = range_value * 1.1 starting at +/- 25 mV.
    When a range is specified that does not match this series, the device driver rounds UP to the next value.

  • Is it possible to use PCI 5112 as a software radio

    Hi, I have PCI 5112 (100 Ms/s sampling) and the modulation toolkit. Is it possible to use this for a software radio application? I am looking at HF, VHF and UHF bands.

    Hi Dhiraj,
    Since the bandwidth of the PCI-5112 is only 100MHz, the only frequency bands that you would be able to sample are the HF (3 to 30MHz) and lower end of the VHF (30 to 300MHz) bands.  To get a good representation of the signal, it is recommended to sample at 10 times the frequency.  Taking this into account, sampling a signal greater than 10MHz may not return an ideal representation of the radio signal.  What would be best for your application is one of our RF Signal Analyzers such as the PXI-5661 or PXI-5660.  More information about these can be found here.  These products are only available in the PXI platform, but they provide a downconverter and digitizer so that you can downconvert the RF signal to a frequency range that can be analyzed.
    Andrew W
    National Instruments

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