7600/132 starting up by itself. Why?

This machine has a Newer Tech G3 card and runs OS 9.1. Suddenly it's decided to start up by itself.
At first, at random times and now straight after a shut down. It's no longer connected to a modem and I can't find any application that might require it to be in awaking state (Like EyeTV turning a computer on to record a show).
In fact nothing had changed re: applications, connections or configurations between the time it would stay shut down and now.
My only guess is that the internal battery is dying. Could that cause this behaviour?

Good job, Peter. The "standard" keyboards (ex., M2980) are generally the ones that act up, as they were built to meet price, not performance, standards. The almost bullet-proof Apple ADB keyboard is the M3501. I have four. The first one was bought about 1990 with an SE/30 and I kept moving to newer computers as we upgraded. It stayed in daily service until last year when I was doing a heavy-duty writing project. One key started acting a little sticky and didn't respond to cleaning.
The key was one of those used in gaming and my son had used my computer for such diversions for many years before getting his own Mac (OK, I whacked a few bad guys with that keyboard, too). I had a spare M3501 and switched it out. 15-year keyboard life is pretty good for a board in hard use, and the old veteran is still in use on another Mac that isn't the wordsmithing machine.
When I upgraded the G3 at work to a G4 MDD, I bought a Griffin iMate adapter (ADB-to-USB) that lets me continue to use the M3501 board.
The M3501 disappeared from the line-up when Apple changed to USB, but they are still around. The last one cost me US$9 used including shipping.

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    If I understand things correctly, the minimum requirements for Cubase SX 3 are a Power Macintosh G4 and Mac OS X 10.3.3. If so, that means that the program cannot be used on a Power Macintosh 7600/132. That would also explain why the aforementioned file is a .dmg (a disk image type used with Mac OS X).
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    If you just wish to transfer files on the 7600/132 to the new iMac, Ethernet can be used locally (TCP/IP, via a router with a switch). "Normal" file sharing does not work because of operating system incompatibilities. However, you could install a small FTP server (such as the now free NetPresenz) on the 7600/132, and then access the files using an FTP client on the modern machine. Alternatively, you could use a "cloud drive" on the Internet. The Danish System 7.6 should include basic TCP/IP software. It should be possible to use a CD-R for any needed transfers of files (like the FTP server software) to the 7600/132, unless that computer is capable of connecting directly to the Internet.

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    Try removing and then reinstalling the Apple software using these instructions.
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    The above containes a link for XP. Also. make sure you install the correct Apple software, It comes in 32 and 64 bit and you need the one that is the same as the computer OS

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    <Post edited for profanity per the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service.>
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    The page is just on my desktop and not on a server, so I'll post the code (sorry).
    Apparently Dreamweaver can't find the file:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Unable to load page</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    #container {
              width: 50%;
              margin: 3em auto;
              font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
    #dwicon {
              float: left;
              margin-right: 2em;
    #error {
              padding-top: .5em;
    #desc {
    <div id="container"> <img id="dwicon" src="dw://configuration/Shared/ICE/Images/warning_icon.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="Warning" />
      <h3 id="error">Server Not Found</h3>
      <p id="desc">The page "http://localhost/iscroll.js" was not loaded because Dreamweaver could not find the server "localhost". Please make sure you are connected to the internet and the server name is correct.</p>

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    Hi Cyclosaurus,
    Thank you for your reply. Sorry to bug you again but can I ask some further questions? Pls excuse my lack of knowledge on these things.
    In relation to your points:
    1) In the ftp publishing settings, public_html is acutal in where it says "site name", where it says "URL" I have http://www.gippmed.com. I was advised to put public_html in "site name" from my hosting. If I put anything else it publishes the entire site to a folder with that name on the server and is not viewable online?
    2) I have removed the spaces in the album page name and will reupload soon. In relation to the image file names, am I correct in saying that iweb is naming them from the captions? Do you really have to use one word captions or use underscores, it looks a little odd? I have read troubleshooting articles about iweb and spaces and it also recommends similar as you are, suggesting that all page names should have underscore instead of spaces. Problem is, if for example I change the page name "About Me" to "About_Me" iweb automatically changes it in the navigation menu and this looks silly to have undescores in the Nav Menu. Is there a way around this?
    Lastly, a new problem that I have never had before:
    Previously, iweb would remember what I had published and only publish new site changes. Now, every time I turn my computer off and on, I open iweb and it doesn't recognise any of the previous publishing, ie it republishes the entire site.
    Thank you again for your help

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    Navigate to
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014
    Locate sniffer.exe and rename it ~sniffer.exe
    This solution was offered by Adobe chat support, after a very long and fruitless exchange. Apparently, the support tech finally asked around, and someone else in the room gave him the correct answer.
    Adobe: I understand you are unable to launch Photoshop CC 2014 as getting error Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 has stopped working on your Windows 7 computer, is that right?
    Me: Correct
    Adobe: Thank you for confirming the issue.
    Adobe: I will be glad to help you with this.
    Me: PS goes through initialization, then quits
    Adobe: Please click on start Button and type Event Viewer and open Event Viewer Window.
    Adobe: Once you have it open, let me know .,
    Me: Done
    Adobe: Now please expand Windows Logs option and select Applications.
    Me: Done
    Adobe: You will get Notification on right as Error , Warning, Information
    Adobe: Please check if you have any Error Notifications.
    Me: Yes
    Adobe: If yes, please double click on Error Notification and check if it is for Photoshop
    Adobe: If yes, please copy the information and paste on this chat.
    Me: Faulting application name: Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x53d97a8f Faulting module name: atiocl64.dll, version: 2.3.451.0, time stamp: 0x4cfd9adc
    Me: + System - Provider [ Name] Application Error - EventID 1000 [ Qualifiers] 0 Level 2 Task 100 Keywords 0x80000000000000 - TimeCreated [ SystemTime] 2014-08-20T19:17:45.000000000Z EventRecordID 10827 Channel Application Computer Dans-8760w Security - EventData Photoshop.exe 53d97a8f atiocl64.dll 2.3.451.0 4cfd9adc c0000005 0000000000074fd0 1f40 01cfbcab67609480 C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\Photoshop.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Stream\bin\x86_64\atiocl64.dll a97d921d-289e-11e4-8e7d-e4115b508a14
    Adobe: Thank you for the information.
    Me: It's an AMD HD 6700 display
    Adobe: It seems there is an issue with your Graphic Card Drivers.
    Me: Well, yes
    Me: But only with PS CC, so the problem is with PS
    Me: I've updated the drivers
    Me: This seems to be a common problem
    Adobe: Please click on Start Button and type Device Manager and open Device Manager
    Adobe: Once you have Device manager open, let me know
    Me: Done
    Adobe: Now please expand Display Adaptor option and right click on  AMD HD 6700 and Select Properties
    Me: OK
    Adobe: Then click on Drivers Tab
    Adobe: Click on Disable
    Adobe: Click on Okay
    Adobe: Once you click on Okay, it will change your Screen resolution
    Me: You bet it did!
    Adobe: Now please launch Photoshop CC 2014 and let me know if you are able to launch Photoshop CC 2014 or getting same error.
    Me: Error not happening
    Adobe: Are you able to launch Photoshop CC 2014?
    Me: Yes
    Adobe: It means, issue is with Graphic Card drivers.
    Me: Yes, I knew that
    Adobe: I suggest you to contact Graphic Card drivers and check if you can re-install the drivers and use Photoshop CC 2014 with the Graphic Card
    Me: SO... PS CC 2014 is incompatible with the AMD drivers?
    Me: I've installed 4 versions already. I'm running the latest beta now
    Adobe: Could you please provide me with Full name of the Graphic Card?
    Me: AFAIK, PS CC2014 is the only program that causes this error
    Me: AMD Radeon HD 6700
    Adobe: Dan, issue is due to the Drivers, which are not compatible with Photoshop CC 2014.
    Adobe: You may be able to use other products, however if drivers is not compatible with Photoshop CC 2014, you will not be able to use them with Photoshop CC 2014
    Me: I think that you have that backwards. PS CC2014 is not compatible with the drivers. It is the only known program to have this problem. Well documented.
    Adobe: Please contact Graphic Card provider and check for the drivers or re-install drivers and check.
    Me: I did, and they blame Adobe
    Adobe: Okay
    Adobe: Photoshop CC 2014 is not compatible with the drivers you have for the Graphic Card, there might be issue with drivers.
    Adobe: We have checked with the error logs as well., it show  Fault Module Name: atiocl64.dll 
    Me: Again, PS CC 2014 is the only known program to clash with atiocl64.dll
    Adobe: I can suggest you to check if you can use the product from new Account and use the product or check with Graphic Card provider for the drivers or a proper installation for Graphic Drivers.
    Me: Again, I've done all of that
    Me: They blame Adobe, and frankly, they are correct. The problem only happens with your product
    Adobe: Please use different Graphic Card on your computer and check if you can use it with Photoshop CC 2014.
    Adobe: You can follow below link to know more about supported Graphic Cards.
    Adobe: http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/photoshop-cs6-gpu-faq1.html
    Me: Can we elevate this to the next level, please?
    Adobe: We have disabled Graphic Card drivers to check if you can launch the product and you were able to launch the product without using the Graphic Drivers.
    Me: Yes.
    Me: So PS CC 2014 will not work with this card?
    Adobe: Issue is with Graphic Card drivers, we can use Product with graphic Card
    Me: So PS CC 2014 will not work with this card?
    Adobe: Photoshop CC 2014 is compatible with AMD/ATI Radeon, 6000 series.
    Adobe: However you have issue with Graphic card drivers.
    Me: No, Adobe has an issue. And I have an issue with Adobe.
    info: Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat.
    Me: And I'm not the first person to report it, either
    <long pause>
    Adobe: Please navigate to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014
    Adobe: Locate sniffer folder and rename it ~sniffer.
    Adobe: *Locate sniffer file and rename it ~sniffer.
    Adobe: Before that, please re-enable your Graphic Drivers as well.
    Adobe: Once you done that, let me know.
    Me: No such folder. sniffer.exe is present, however
    Adobe: *Locate sniffer file and rename it ~sniffer.
    Adobe: Please rename  sniffer.exe to  ~sniffer.exe
    Me: Done
    Adobe: Just to confirm, if you have re-enabled your Graphic Drivers?
    Me: Yes
    Adobe: Now please re-launch Photoshop CC 2014 and check if you can launch it or same error.
    Me: No error. Program loads and runs.
    Adobe: Please close and re-run the product and check,
    Adobe: * I mean, close and re-launch
    Me: No error. Program loads and runs.
    Adobe: Okay
    Adobe: Sniffer file is related to Graphic Processor from Photoshop CC 2014.
    Adobe: You can keep it renamed and use the product.
    Me: What does sniffer.exe do and can I run PS CC 2014 without it?
    Adobe: You will be able to use the product without any issue.
    Me: I'm sorry that I had to push you for a solution
    Adobe: However I will suggest you to re-check with Graphic Provider and see if they have any drivers which you can use with Photoshop CC 2014, since issue is related to the Graphic Processor.
    Me: As of yesterday, they did not
    Adobe: I am sorry for the Inconvenience.
    Adobe: Is there anything else I can help you with?
    Me: No, thank you. Hopefully, the problem is resolved.
    Adobe: You will be able to use  the product, if any issue contact us back, we will check and help you accordingly
    Adobe: You are most welcome.
    Adobe: You may receive an email that will contain a link to complete an optional survey to provide your feedback on the support experience. Your feedback is very much appreciated.
    Adobe: Thank you for contacting Adobe. Good Bye.

  • IMac starts up by itself

    my Intel iMac starts up by itself for no apparent reason after it was shut down
    using the shut-down command in the Apply drop-down menu. When I come
    back some time later I find it is running and I shut it down again - only to find it running again when I return to the room the next time. This does not happen
    when I shut it down using the power button on the back.
    I have already done a SMC reset and have thrown out some plist preference
    lists (as Apple recommended) It has made no difference.
    It would be quite simple to always use the power button to shut it down - but
    then I find that Elgatos EyeTV will not start the computor when a program is
    scheduled for recording. Yes I have checked the Energy Saver to make sure it
    is not set for automatic turn-on.
    Yes I have also checked EyeTV to make sure that nothing is scheduled for
    I am just over the 90day free Apple phone support and they now want payment for further help.
    Looking for some good suggestions,
    iMac (Intel core duo)   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  
    iMac (Intel core duo)   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  
    iMac (Intel core duo)   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Hi Denis and everyone else,
    on Saturday I completely de-installed the EyeTV software and pulled all cables out after shutting the iMac down with the Apple pull-down shut-down comand.
    It made no difference, the iMac turned itself back on.
    On Sunday I followed your suggestion Denis and looked at the Energy Saver.
    The "RESTART AUTOMATICALLY AFTER ...." was always unchecked. The
    "ALLOW POWER BUTTON TO SLEEP . . . " function was checked and I unchecked it.
    From then on the iMac no longer turned itself on (using the shut-down comand) - except when a program was scheduled to be recorded in EyeTV
    the computer is still turned on at other times before the scheduled time.
    This Monday morning I followed iMac973s suggestion and deleted the Wakein
    file also, only to find that EyeTV was no longer able to start the iMac to record
    a scheduled program - it missed the start time and I started the computer myself. EyeTV refused to open, it asked for the admin/authorization to install
    something - which was the Wakein file . This file is back where it was before
    and I believe EyeTV can't operate without it (maybe iMac973 can confirm this)
    (Wakein file is an exe file. I always thought that such exe files only exist in Windows Oper/systems.)
    To summarize,
    a part solution for me is to have the Energy Saver set as you suggested Denis
    and then the iMac won't turn itself on any more. The task of recording TV programs would have to given back to the old video recorder which means that taped programs have to be watched on an old CRT televion set (no fun).
    I am more happy today but still confused,
    best regards
    Message was edited by: Walter Haenel

  • HT1386 I am getting an error message that syncing failed to start.  Any ideas why?

    I am getting an error message that syncing failed to start.  Any ideas why.  The ipad is working fine.

    Then I tried to download and install them again but it kept saying the old itunes could not be removed.
    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • IMac G5 starts up by itself from sleep mode

    Hi Guys,
    My iMAC G5 suddenly decided to start up by itself from sleep mode. I put it back to sleep and about 1-2 hrs it starts up again. I bought in 10/04. My local Apple dealer wants $75.00 just to look at it and being a 72 yr old senior, it's a bit stiff.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    OK, if you are sure it is not actually shutting down and restarting (it will do this if you have a defective power supply and "restart automatically after a power failure" enabled in the Energy saver system preferences options), and the problem still occurs with all non Apple USB devices disconnected, then it is probably either a network or a software issue.
    Again in the "Energy Saver" Options make sure that "wake for ethernet network administrator access' is turned off.
    Now think about any software that may undertake any form of time scheduled activity. Elgato's EyeTV is one example that has sometimes been implicated in this behaviour, but many other things like virus checkers and drive utilities can also be involved. THese sorts of things usually involve components which run in the background even when the primary application itself has been shut down.
    You can often get an idea by seeing what is running in the background using "Activity Monitor". Checking your "startup items" is a good idea too in case a software installation has put something there without telling you.
    Sometimes these sorts of issues can also involve a computer which is not actually going fully to sleep for some reason. In such cases the screen sleeps but the power light on the computer doesn't start "pulsing" as it should if the computer is snoozing properly .

  • TS1717 I fixed it by starting up Quicktime, which then started to update itself. After that ITunes worked again.

    I fixed it by starting up Quicktime, which then started to update itself. After that ITunes worked again.
    Also Apple Software Update suddently worked again

    had a lot of trouble with this too. I had tried everything, from the internet time zone changing, restarting computers, physical time zone changing, firewalls, all that, and nothing worked.
    but i just tried this and it worked.
    1. in iTunes, go to Store, then go to authorize computer
    2. sign in with your AppleID, and authorize your computer to purchase iTunes stuff.
    that's it.
    I scoured the internet and found nothing that said that had that as a solution.
    hope it helps

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