7921's getting network busy when WMM enabled

WLC 4404 running
7921's running 1.2.1
CUCM 6.1
If WMM is enabled the phones cannot dial, they just get "NETWORK BUSY" messages on screen. CAC settings don't matter, but if WMM in the WLC is set to anything except DISABLED then it doesn't work.

I believe you will find it there per default, if you enabled CAC through the GUI.
Please refer to "Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide, Release 4.1". See "Chapter 4 - Configuring Controller Settings" and look for "Using the CLI to Configure Voice Parameters". When doing a "show running-config", verify that all parameters from the guide are present and set to the correct (i.e. default) values.
I'm not sure I understand why it should be a problem with the controller being on a remote site. The Command Line Interface is remotely accessible through telnet or ssh. Only Console access requires physical access to the box. See "Chapter 2 - Using the Web-Browser and CLI Interfaces"
I don't think it's necessary to upgrade the firmware in this case. If you however do so, you can always downgrade again. Just read the relevant release notes and articles.
Good luck.

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    Is there something more robust than Disk Utility that I can try? Any idea why I cannot eject the disk? And especially, what this "Resource busy" and "in use" message is about? This is coming straight after a reboot, and it only happens for SOME files, so it's not likely to be an obvious usage by some open app.

    Hmm, check out this program http://www.hamsoftengineering.com/products/wkm/wkm.html ... it might lead to some more clues. It seems like as soon as you plug it in, the system latches onto it. I'm guessing because it's an iMovie file, which OS X scans for, so all applications have the ability to grab that media that it's messing things up.
    Suggestions...copy those files, and rename them.
    Check out the app above to see what's holding onto the files.
    Check me out over at www.itarsenal.com for some remote control support on the house if you still need help.

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

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    Please send KUDOs
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    Please click the "Accept As Solution" on my post, if my assistance has solved your issue. ------------V
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    Usually it's because you are not making internet connection via wifi.
    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3304
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at http://macintoshhowto.com/advanced/how-to-get-a-good-range-on-your-wireless-netw ork.html
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWtIG5jUxE
     Cheers, Tom

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    Some things to try first:
    1. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    2. Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    3. Change the channel on your wireless router (Auto or Channel 6 is best). Instructions at http://macintoshhowto.com/advanced/how-to-get-a-good-range-on-your-wireless-netw ork.html
    4. Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    5.  Renew IP Address: (especially if you are drooping internet connection)
        •    Launch Settings app
        •    Tap on Wi-Fi
        •    Tap on the blue arrow of the Wi-Fi network that you connect to from the list
        •    In the window that opens, tap on the Renew Lease button
    6. Potential Quick Fixes When Your iPad Won’t Connect to Your Wifi Network
    http://ipadinsight.com/ipad-tips-tricks/potential-quick-fixes-when-your-ipad-won t-connect-to-your-wifi-network/
    Fix WiFi Issue for iOS 7
    iOS 6 Wifi Problems/Fixes
    Wi-Fi Fix for iOS 6
    How To: Workaround iPad Wi-Fi Issues
    Another Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems
    Wifi Doesn't Connect After Waking From Sleep - Sometimes increasing screen brightness prevents the failure to reconnect after waking from sleep. According to Apple, “If brightness is at lowest level, increase it by moving the slider to the right and set auto brightness to off.”
    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
    Did iOS 6 Screw Your Wi-Fi? Here’s How to Fix It
    How To Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue After Upgrading To iOS 6
    http://www.iphonehacks.com/2012/09/fix-wi-fi-connectivity-issue-after-upgrading- to-ios-6.html
    iOS 6 iPad 3 wi-fi "connection fix" for netgear router
    Apple's iOS 6 Wi-Fi problems
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks
    How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/a/How-To-Boost-Your-Wi-Fi-Signal.h tm
    Troubleshooting a Weak Wi-Fi Signal
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/a/Troubleshooting-A-Weak-Wi-Fi-Sig nal.htm
    How to Fix a Poor Wi-Fi Signal on Your iPad
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/a/How-To-Fix-A-Poor-Wi-Fi-Signal-O n-Your-iPad.htm
    iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3304
    WiFi Connecting/Troubleshooting http://www.apple.com/support/ipad/wifi/
    How to Fix: My iPad Won't Connect to WiFi
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/ss/How-To-Fix-My-Ipad-Wont-Connect -To-Wi-Fi.htm
    iOS: Connecting to the Internet http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1695
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4199
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Connect iPad to Wi-Fi (with troubleshooting info)
    10 Ways to Boost Your Wireless Signal
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWtIG5jUxE
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2398063?start=60&tstart=0
    How To Fix iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue http://tinyurl.com/7nvxbmz
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    Some Wi-Fi losses may stem from a problematic interaction between Wi-Fi and cellular data connections. Numerous users have found that turning off Cellular Data in Settings gets their Wi-Fi working again.
    You may have many apps open which can possibly cause the slowdown and possibly the loss of wifi. In iOS 4-6 double tap your Home button & at the bottom of the screen you will see the icons of all open apps. Close those you are not using by pressing on an icon until all icons wiggle - then tap the minus sign. For iOS 7 users, there’s an easy way to see which apps are open in order to close them. By double-tapping the home button on your iPhone or iPad, the new multitasking feature in iOS 7 shows full page previews of all your open apps. Simply scroll horizontally to see all your apps, and close the apps with a simple flick towards the top of the screen.
    Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings grayed out or dim
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Just in case some one else is baffled by this problem,  this is what consistently fixed the problem for me.  BTW, I am using Airvoice wireless (an AT&T MVNO).
    I called this 3G test mode #,  and it fixed my problem.
    1. Disable 3G  in  /Settings/General/Cellular
    2. Wait for carrier signal w/o 3G
    3. Dail 3001#12345#  ,  this returns an error message
    4. Enable 3G  in  /Settings/General/Cellular
    5. Wait for carrier signal w/ 3G
    Once this is done, I can power on and off at will and consistently get 3G service.  I only have to repeat these steps if I restored phone to defaults.  I have a few 3GS phones, and I only had this problem on some of them.

    your original post was about your 3GS. now your saying about an iphone 4?

  • I could not get ExportPDF to work. Something about a network error when trying to sign in.

    I could not get ExportPDF to work. Trying to convert a pdf to a Word document. Got an error message. Something about a network error when attempting to sign in.

    Try the following:
    1. Reset
    Hold the Sleep and Home button down until you see the Apple logo
    2. Restore:
    3. Recovery:

  • Hi Team, Showing Yellow icons after every 15 to 20 Min and internet stop working.when we enable- disbale the network connection then will internet start working fine.Some time network connection is disable but when we renable that connection it will st

    Hi Team,
    Showing Yellow icons after every 15 to 20 Min and internet stop working.when we enable- disbale the network connection then will internet start working fine.Some time network connection is disable but when we renable that connection it will stuck on enabling
    and will not renable till i am not restart that machine. I have 350 Machine in network but facing this issue in 25 machines. Kindly help me on this issue .
    Sahil bhateja

    So switch a LAN card fix this issue...seems a compatibility issue or maybe some packs or programs you installed recently cause this issue.
    Have you manually check the network adapter driver from the PC's manufacture website? sometimes, it will be a time delay before Microsoft push out the driver update.
    Check if issue exists in safemode with network, this mode will launch Windows with limited sets of files and drivers. 
    if you have a restore point, restore the pc to a previous point at which the pc is functioning fine.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • TS1702 "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unabailable" Why am I getting this message when I try to updaate itunes or quicktime?

    The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unabailable" Why am I getting this message when I try to updaate itunes or quicktime?

    Before trying the update again, use Microsoft's Fix it solution at http://support.microsoft.com/mats/Program_Install_and_Uninstall. Use it to uninstall iTunes and Quicktime. It bypasses this not uncommon problem. When the solution finishes, the selected program will be uninstalled. It can take several minutes and I have seen as much as half an hour.
    After iTunes & Quicktime are uninstalled, try the update again.

  • HT4259 I have been trying for hours to extend my Extreme Gen 5 network with an Express Gen 2.  But no matter what I do or try, it doesn't work.  What does happen is my internet gets block somehow when the Express looks like it's set up and 'green' - no in

    I have been trying for hours to extend my Extreme Gen 5 network with an Express Gen 2.  But no matter what I do or try, it doesn't work.  What does happen is my internet gets blocked somehow when the Express is online and looks like it's set up perfect and 'green' - but no internet connection for anything even though the Extreme is green and the modem is good.  Once I disconnect the Express, everything is good again.
    I've tried LAN, WAN, though a switch, direct connect, Extreme set to Extend the network, the Express set to be an extension.  Most of the time I get an error trying to update the Express.  But when it seems to be set up perfect, the entire house can't get to the internet.  Just when it looks right, it is so wrong.
    If anyone can give me exact steps (e.g., "...from the Base Station menu, select the Restore Default Setting option" vice "...just restore the defaults..."), I would greatly appreciate it.  I'm left to the conclusion that the Express is faulty.  I've been using Airport Utility 6.2 from Mountain Lion on one computer and Airport Utility 5.6.1 from Snow Leopard on another computer (the latter give more control while the former just want you to 'forget' the Express).

    I finally got it working.  I was trying to set it up ethernet.  My biggest mistake was when the new Express came on, I did not select 'Continue' - I went straight to manual thinking that I would get the most setup options in manual mode.  So everything I initially tried always resulted in 'wireless'.  Even when I would update or restore default settings, the Express would not completely restart. Or sometimes I would get an error. So most of the time I had to unplug it.  So when it came back up, none of my changes were retained. But there were a lot of times when everything was green and appeared to be fine. But anytime the ethernet cable was plugged in, no more internet.
    So here's the weird part.  When I finally tried 'continue' (vice manual), I would get 4 options.  One would be 'ethernet' extended.  So I would select it, it gave me green lights, all looked good, and still the same problem.  This is when I got frustrated.  I thought I had exhausted all possible combinations.
    But somehow when trying continue again after another restore, I only got 3 options.  One was the same ethernet extended option (can't remember what the missing 4th one was).  And this time it worked - it gave me the big green circle with the checkmark saying it was successful.  I don't know what I did different, but I know now that it won't work if 4 options come up to choose from.  It will work if only 3 options come up.  And success if only verified by the big checkmark.  Had anyone anywhere said the checkmark declaring success is validation, then maybe I wouldn't have gone down so many rabbit holes thinking it should have been successful.
    As for which Airport Utility I prefer, 6.2 looks nice, but it would just ignore the Express and would want me to 'forget' it and would not let me edit it.  Airport Utility 5.6.1 was the one that I ended up using the most and finally had success with.  It still strikes me as odd that there is no manually way to pick ethernet, it can only be choosen following a 'restore defaults', and only from the 3-option list (the 4-option list had the same ethernet choice, but it no worky).
    Thanks for the response.  I really do appreciate it.
    Aiport Extreme Gen5 - internet access and router
    Airport Express Gen2 - connected via ethernet, extending my wireless
    - configured while connect directly to the Extreme, but now on a switch (16-port hub)
    Using Airport 5.6.1
    1) Restore Defaults from Base Station menu
    2) Following restart, Select Continue
    3) Of the 3 option presented, select 'ethernet.... extend network...'
      - if 4 options are present, may not work
    4) Wait for the green circle with the big white checkmark.
    5) Connected Express to the switch where a cable went to other end of house - works.
    Dead-zone went from 2mbps to 24mbps.
    I probably spent 4 hours chasing my tail in anger.  The correct way took about 5 minutes total.
    Thanks again.

  • HT1338 I keep getting a Networking Error: when i run Software update. i have 10.5.8 and want to upgrade to at least 10.6 or later. i know the network is working perfectly.

    I keep getting a Networking Error: when i run Software update. i have 10.5.8 and want to upgrade to at least 10.6 or later. i know the network is working perfectly.

    Snow Leopard OS 10.6 is not available via Software Update, it is paid upgrade.
    Start by checking if you can run Snow Leopard:
    Requirements for OS X 10.6 'Snow Leopard'
    OS 10.6 Snow Leopard is available for $19.99 from the Apple Store:
    and in the UK:
    but nobody knows for how long it will be available.
    When you have installed it, run Software Update to download and install the latest updates for Snow Leopard.
    To use iCloud you have to upgrade at least to Lion, but some functions are only available in Mountain Lion:
    You can also purchase the code to use to download Lion (Lion requires an Intel-based Mac with a Core 2 Duo, i3, i5, i7 or Xeon processor and 2GB of RAM, running the latest version of Snow Leopard), or you can purchase Mountain Lion from the App Store - if you can run that:

  • I hit Forget Network and now cannot get back onto my wireless home network. All of my other computers and iphones are fine.  How do I get the network back?  It shows in my list of networks but when I use the password and try to join it says not connected.

    I hit Forget Network and now cannot get back onto my wireless home network. All of my other computers and iphones are fine.  How do I get the network back?  It shows in my list of networks but when I use the password and try to join it says not connected.

    See if the iPad will accept the password after you restart it. It's worth a try.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    You could also try a reset as well.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.

Maybe you are looking for