[질문]오라클 8.1.7 (2000)에서 .jsp 파일의 위치는?

* 질문한 사람 : skwoo
* 질문 등록일 : 2001-07-16 01:09:53
* 조회 : 44477
* 답변 : 2건 (jshwang, aroma123)
-- 질문 내용 --
오라클을 윈도우2000에 설치하여 서블릿의 테스트는 잘 되는데 .jsp파일의 실행에서 문제가 생깁니다.
C:\oracle\ora81\Apache\Apache\htdocs 폴더에 넣으면 찾질못하고 C:\oracle\ora81\Apache\Apache 에 넣어야만 되는데 왜 그런가요?
html 위치랑 jsp 파일 위치랑 같은거 아닌가요?
어디에서 설정하나요?
-- 답변 내용 --
1. jshwang 님의 답변
먼저 Apache 환경설정확인해보세요.
iAS가 설치되어 있으신가요?
기본적으로 ias가 start될때, jvm이 auto로 start됩니다.
특별히 설정하실 내용은 없습니다.
Servlet 설정 관련 파일은 $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc 디렉토리에 있는
jserv.conf, jserv.properties, zone.properties 파일이고,
JSP 설정 관련파일은 $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/jsp/conf 디렉토리에 있는
ojsp.conf 파일입니다.
2. aroma123 님의 답변
Alias /auction/ "D:\oracle\auction\home/"
처럼 jsp화이를 위치시킬 virtual path를 정의하고
jserv.conf나 ojsp.conf에
ApJServAction .jsp /servlets/oracle.jsp.JspServlet
처럼 jsp화일을 처리할 실행기를 명시하고
를 확인하고
을 추가하여 Oracle 817의 Apache가 뜰때 servlet을 바로 동작시키도록 할수도 있습니다.

답변 감사합니다.
sqlnet.ora 내용입니다.
말씀하신 TNSNAMES 이 첫번째 값으로 되어 있습니다.(기본값인것 같네요)
Windows Server 2000 / 오라클 8.1.7 입니다.
오라클 8.1.6 에서 혹시나 해서 오라클 8.1.7 을 새로 설치했는데 차이가 없었어요.
sqlnet.ora 에 trace 옵션 추가해서 trace 파일도 보고, trcasst 도 돌려 보고 해도 잘 모르겠더군요.
추가한 trace 옵션입니다.
trace_level_client = 16
trace_file_client = client
trace_directory_client = c:\temp\trace
방화벽이나 네트웍 문제일 수도 있을까 해서 랜선 뽑고 해볼 생각입니다.
뭘 또 해봐야 할지 참으로 막막하네요..

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    Hi WhietacapeTech ,
    Normally you cannot do the following which u are trying currently because of the Double Quote Mark Opening and Closing...will awlsya create the issue...:
    <jsp:param name="messageKey" value="<%=request.getParameter("noCebMessageKey")%>" />
    Alternate option: (Use JSTL [*Java Standard Tag Library]*)
    *<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/c.tld" prefix="c" %>*
    *<jsp:param name="messageKey" value="<c:out value='${param.noCebMessageKey}' " />*
    Jay SenSharma
    http://jaysensharma.wordpress.com (WebLogic Wonders Are here)

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    Hi Tom,
    The "best" way to generate EAR files is to use an IDE that has built-in
    tools to do it -OR- to use ANT (kind of an xml-based gnu-make-like utility
    for Java).
    Most dev groups that I've seen start by using .sh/.cmd (i.e. batch) files to
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    dependency-based builds, to avoid re-generating parts that are not
    necessary. That was very handy with WL 5.1 when EJBC could take several
    minutes (even running locally with a fast compiler like JIKES). (I have
    only used ANT a tiny bit, but Jesse Tilly who frequents this newsgroup is an
    expert with it.)
    The EAR is just a means to bundle different parts of your application
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    will be bundled into a WAR, and you can put both into an EAR. WL6.0 will
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    The easiest way to build a JAR or WAR or EAR file within a batch or build
    file is to use the JAR command. If you have a directory structure that is
    exactly how the JAR file will be layed out, then I believe the command is
    "jar -cfm0 my.jar *" or "jar -cfm0 my.jar .".
    Cameron Purdy
    Tangosol, Inc.
    WebLogic Consulting Available
    "Tom Seufert" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I have two questions; one may relate to the other.
    First, I would like to know the best way to deploy Session beans whichhave dependencies on other EJBs, be they Entity Beans or other Session
    Beans. The dependency is limited to the implementation class, not the
    interfaces. I have tried just putting all my EJBs in the classpath in
    startWebLogic.sh, but I get the "bean cannot be redeployed while the server
    is running" warning. Is there another way?
    Second, I have read of .ear files, which seem to be a good way of dealingwith many EJBs/JSPs en masse(I'm working with ~100 EJBs and ~2000 JSPs).
    However, I haven't found anything on exactly what they are, how to use them,
    or how to generate them.
    If anyone has these answers, or can point me to a good site on the matter,I'd appreciate it.
    Thanks, --Tom Seufert

  • Problem with JDBC Bridge Driver

    I have a jsp file that is calling a bean to connect to MS SQL 2000,
    <jsp:useBean id="select" class="DataBaseSelect3" scope="request">
    <% out.print(select.connect()); %>
    <% out.print(select.select()); %>
    <p>Format results
    <%@ page import="java.util.Vector" %>
    <% Vector aResult = select.getResult(); %>
    <% for (int i=0; i < aResult.size(); i++) { %>
    <% out.print(aResult.elementAt(i)); %>
    <% } %>
    then inside the bean which is called DataBase3.class I am calling a netDirect JDBC driver,
    I'm getting this error,
    Error Message:
    Driver is now Loaded!
    SQLException:No suitable driver
    Format results
    // here is the .java code,
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    * DataBaseSelect.java
    * Written by Morgan Catlin
    * August 19, 1999
    * Variables:
    * Vector result = where I put the results of a select query
    * Methods:
    * Vector getResult() = returns result
    * void setResult() = sets result
    * String connect() = connects to a database
    * String select() = selects information from a database
    public class DataBaseSelect3 {
    private Vector result;
    public DataBaseSelect3() {
    result = new Vector();
    } // constructor DataBaseSelect
    public String connect() {
    try {
         return "Driver is now Loaded!";
    } catch (Exception E) {
         return "SQLException:" + E.getMessage();
    public String select() {
    try {
         Connection C = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:JSQLConnect://devserver/conn?DSN=seanmccarrick;Database=SeanMcCarrick;uid=sa;pwd=");
         Statement Stmt = C.createStatement();
         ResultSet myResult = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT UserName from Login");
         while (myResult.next()) {
    // Clean up
         return "Connection Success!";
    } catch (SQLException E) {
         return "SQLException2:" + E.getMessage();
    * Accessor for result
    public Vector getResult() {
    return result;
    * Mutator for result
    public void setResult(Vector avector) {
    result = avector;
    } // class DataBaseSelect
    any help is greatly appreciated,

    The real problem is that you didn't specify the name of the driver correctly. However, it may not be a typographic mistake. You've made a few other errors in the logic of the code so it's difficult to see exactly what's going on.
    For "small" programs, people typically put the driver loading, and the connection making routines in the same function. The only time we split them is if we plan to implement connection pooling, or if we are setting this up as a Servlet/JSP page. See the following code sippet.
    Oh, incidently, you don't need to call newInstance();.
    Second, it helps if you don't do a blanket catch. This way you can determine whether it's the driver that's bad, or if the database is refusing connections.
    I would suggest trying:
    try {
       Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( jdbc:JSQLConnect://devserver/conn?DSN=seanmccarrick;Database=SeanMcCarrick;uid=sa;pwd=" );
       System.out.println( "Success!" );
       return connection;
    } catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe ) {
       System.err.println( "Error loading driver: " + cnfe );
    } catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
       System.err.println( "Error connecting: " + sqle );
    }On further reflection, I've just realized I made a mistake too. So I will fall back on the best advice I've ever received - copy this part of the code directly out of a book or the Java Tutorial site. Don't try to get fancy. :)

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    just create an ODBC of your database from control pannel -> administrative tools -> data sources (ODBC) ,double click it .....
    go to the tab SYstem DSN , click on ADD button. select the driver for your connection. it will be the last one in the list "SQL Server".
    click Next then give ur DSN name there, description and Server Name , on next give your username and password of SQL server. when it will be connected to the server celect your database from there and hence there will be an ODBC bridge same as in case of MS Access.
    code for connecting to ODBC is
    // DSN-NAME same as in System DSN.
    // username and password are of your databse
              url = "jdbc:odbc:DSN-NAME";
              Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );
              connect = DriverManager.getConnection( url,"username","password" );
              catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfex ) {
                        setErrorMsg( cnfex.getMessage() );
              catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
                        setErrorMsg( sqlex.getMessage() );
              catch ( Exception ex ) {
                        setErrorMsg( ex.getMessage() );
    Now you are connected to the SQL Server ..... use connect object for further processing .........

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    please provide a sample code to accomplish the same.
    along with that can you please send me procedure to establish a DSN for SQL SERVER 2000.
    thank you
    with love

    This is a good way of achieving what you want to do. But I should mention that the approach is suitable only for smaller applications.

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    In my SQL we can fire query like
    ResultSet resultado = declaracao.executeQuery("Select * from tbl_livro limit 20,5 ");
    It means that it fetches 20 onwards 5 records..
    how to do same thing in SQL SERVER 2000 please help it's pretty urgent

    here is the link for paging, what i already post reg this topic
    http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5194183try to avoid multipost next time

  • JSP, Sql Server 2000 Driver, classpath

    Hello All,
    I've got a really weird problem here.
    I want to connect a JSP page to a SQL Server 2000 database.
    I downloaded the SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC, and it seems to have installed fine.
    Next I write a regular java program to test the connection. It works fine, I get a "Connection Successful message". Here' the code:
    import java.sql.*;
    public class MSSqlServerJDBCTest {
        public static void main( String args[] ) {
            Connection conn;
            if ( args.length != 3 ) {
                System.out.println( "Usage: java MSSqlServerJDBCTest "
                    + "<server> <username> <password>" );
            } else {
                try {
                    String serverName = args[ 0 ];
                    String userName = args[ 1 ];
                    String password = args[ 2 ];
                    String connStr = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://"
                        + serverName + ":1433";
                    Class.forName( "com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver" );
                    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
                        connStr, userName, password );
                    System.out.println( "Connection successful" );
                catch ( SQLException e ) {
                    System.err.println( "SQL Exception: " + e.getMessage() );
                catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                    System.err.println( "SQL Server JDBC Driver Not Found!!" );
    }Now, when I include similar into a JavaBean, which is used in a JSP, I get a classNotFound exception:
    Exception occured: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriverSo then I checked out the classpath a few times using echo %classpath%
    Everything seemed okay, the driver jars are in the path, but the JSP can't find the driver.
    I looked at the System.out file in the j2sdkee1.3.1\logs..... directory.
    The start of the file contains this stuff:
    Logging for J2EE Server Version: 1.3.1-b17 started at: Fri Nov 08 17:31:53 GMT 2002..
    Using the Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM and the version number 1.3.1_02 from Sun Microsystems Inc..
    VM is using the classpath: c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\system\cloudscape.jar;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\system\tools.jar;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\cloudscape\RmiJdbc.jar;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\cloudscape\cloudclient.jar;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\classes;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\classes;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\toolclasses;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2eetools.jar;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\locale;;c:\jdk1.3.1_02\lib\tools.jar;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\jhall.jar .
    J2EE Home Directory has been set to: c:\j2sdkee1.3.1.Look at the classpath - its different from when I do an echo %classpath% from the command line. Notice also it DOESN'T contain the driver jars that I need. This is probably why I can connect from a regular java program, but not from within J2EE.
    So where does this leave me? How can I change the classpath so that the changes are seen from within the J2EE container?
    Please help,
    Thanks in advance,

    I modified the C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\bin\userconfig.bat file with the line:
    set J2EE_CLASSPATH=c:\sqldriver\msutil.jar;c:\sqldriver\mssqlserver.jar;c:\sqldriver\msbase.jarI had to change the location of the MS SQLServer 2000 driver cos J2EE.bat wouldn't start with the original location. I don't think it liked the spaces.
    Now I get a different exception:
    java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup)
         at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(AccessControlContext.java:272)
         at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(AccessController.java:399)
         at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(SecurityManager.java:545)
         at com.sun.enterprise.J2EESecurityManager.checkAccess(J2EESecurityManager.java:46)
         at java.lang.ThreadGroup.checkAccess(ThreadGroup.java:279)
         at java.lang.Thread.init(Thread.java:265)
         at java.lang.Thread.(Thread.java:330)
         at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseGarbageThread.(Unknown Source)
         at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseGarbageThread.EnsureRunning(Unknown Source)
         at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseConnection.open(Unknown Source)
         at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
         at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:517)
         at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:177)
         at org.apache.jsp.databaseJSP$jsp._jspService(databaseJSP$jsp.java:70)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:107)not sure why!

  • How to save and retrieve an image in JSP/Java and MS SQL/server 2000?

    Hi All,
    I am uploading an image from the JSP page and want to store it in MS SQL server. I have made a column by the name "COMPANY_LOGO" with data type as image MS SQL/server 2000. How do I save the full image in the table and how do I display the thumb nail image on the JSP page???

    BEFORE YOU POST A TOPIC HERE: Please be sure your topic is related to features or functionality of this site. This forum is not for general technology questions. Not sure which forum to use? Try searching for your topic in the "Search Forums" element on the left panel.
    Post your question in
    Do not reply here

  • Plz its URGENT : Storing unicode data in MS SQL Server 2000 through JSPs

    Hello All,
    I'm trying to store unicode data, entered from JSP page into the SQL Server. For that I've tried the following :
    1> I put tag -
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    2> Also set in JSP tag -
    <%@page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>
    But, still data is being entered in ISO-8859-1 format, don't know why. I tried with function for convertion - private String toUniCode(String strPar)-it successfully shows me the unicode data in alret msg, but it doesn't enters unicode data in SQL Server. In SQL Server only '??????' get entered. I kept data-type in SQL Server as nvarchar to store data in unicode.
    Would it be possible for me, to accept the data as UTF-8 itself & can I store it in SQL Server as it is? How can I do that? I'm accepting data in 'marathi' language.
    Plz, anybody Help me, I'm trying for this from around more than 1 week.
    Thanks in advance for any replies!

    Hello dmorris800,
    Thanx for your help. In fact I've tried lot many alternatives for that. Later I realised that it was problame of Driver, not of code. I was using jdbc:odbc driver which doesn't support unicode, or I don't know what was the problame with it.
    But I downloaded the driver named :'TaveConnect30C'. It is the connection optimised driver of Atinav.com This is the JDBC3 Type 4 Driver for MS SQL Server 6.5/7.0/2000 & trial version of which can be downloaded from http://www.atinav.com/download.htm
    It is really very good type-4 Driver.

  • I got error when i had connectivity SQL server 2000 by using jsp page plz

    HTTP Status 500 -
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    javax.servlet.ServletException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket.
    root cause
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket.
         com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createException(Unknown Source)
         com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.getException(Unknown Source)
         com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.getException(Unknown Source)
         com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.tds.TDSConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
         com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerImplConnection.open(Unknown Source)
         com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseConnection.getNewImplConnection(Unknown Source)
         com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseConnection.open(Unknown Source)
         com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.5.9 logs.


  • Using JSP & JDBC driver for SQL Server 2000 on Red Hat

    I successfully have a .jsp app running on windows server 2000 using JDBC
    driver for SQL Server 2000. Which I installed in order to the following
    Red Hat:
    I moved the .jsp app over to the Red Hat 9 server running Tomcat, while
    keeping the MS SQL 2000 on windows. The issue I have is setting up the
    JDBC driver for SQL Server 2000 on the Red Hat server.
    I created a folder called /usr/java/MSSQLdriver and unzipped the tar file with
    the driver for SQL Server 2000. And ran the install.ksh script.
    The /usr/java/MSSQLdriver/lib has the following files within it:
    msbase.jar, msutil.jar, & mssqlserver.jar
    I chmod 0777 each of the *.jar files.
    I then went into /etc/profile.d/tomcat.sh and adding the following:
    Each time I login and pull up the termial I get the following error:
    bash: /opt/msSQLjdbc/lib/msbase.jar: cannot execute binary file
    bash: /opt/msSQLjdbc/lib/msutil.jar: cannot execute binary file
    bash: /opt/msSQLjdbc/lib/mssqlserver.jar: cannot execute binary file
    And can't connnect to the database within the .jsp app.
    Is there anyone out there using DBC driver for SQL Server 2000 on the Red Hat server?

    Sorry, I needed to correct some information of where the drivers were installed.
    I created a folder called /usr/java/MSSQLdriver/new and untar the Microsoft file with the driver for SQL Server 2000. I ran the install.ksh script "sh install.ksh"
    installed the driver into the default directory "/opt/msSQLjdbc".
    The /opt/msSQLjdbc/lib has the following files within it:
    msbase.jar, msutil.jar, & mssqlserver.jar

  • Migrating Japanese Characters from MS SQL Server 2000 to Oracle 9i usng Jsp

    Hi ,
    I have a situation where the Japanese characters are to be migrated from MS SQL Server 2000 to Oracle 91 and then render the same using JSP.
    I followed the below approach,
    1. Extract the Japanese data from MS SQL Server and generate an XML
    2. Parse the XML and store it into Oracle 9i database which is of UTF-8 encoding.
    3. On retreiving and rendering using the Shift-JIS adds few junk characters additionally.
    When I try to copy paste the Japanese contents from XML to a text file, it is working fine.
    Could some one help me in resolving this issue?
    It is very urgent, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

    There is documentation in the reference guide sent with the workbench, there is this discussion forum, the support web page (which includes tech notes and FAQ's), and the company specific procedural language documentation.
    There is also an older document for use with the old sybase toolkits which may be obscelete, and there are some internal documents which were for internal consumption.
    Oracle Migration Workbench Team

  • JSP w/ SQL Server 2000

    I have experience with J2SE but not so much J2EE, including JSP, so I would like some input from those who are better equipped to solve this problem. My employer purchased an SQL Server 2000 and asked me to build a solution to access the database. Instantly, the .NET platform comes to mind, but the company has invested quite a bit of money to build a J2EE infrastructure (which I don't exactly know what it means). I would like to know, first if it is possible to build a JSP/J2EE solution, and if so, what the advantages and disadvantages of building a JSP/J2EE solution. If I'm using any terms incorrectly, feel free to correct me, and I would appreciate any input.
    Thanks in advance!

    There really isn't a problem accessing MS/SQL from Java. Microsoft even provides a reasonable driver to allow you to run the Java on any platform and talk to the SQL server.
    I'm guessing that asking a J2EE vs. .net opinion in a Java forum will show bias and my answer should be taken in that light.
    One of the first things to understand is that there are levels of J2EE. The entire J2EE spec is gigantic. JSP's and Servlets are a fairly small part of that. With an application server such as Tomcat you can take advantage of some pretty powerful concepts like JSP's and Servlets without diving into some of the more complicated parts.
    The disadvantage to that is that you will need to plug some other object to relational mapping to talk to your database. For a small database this is pretty easy. When you get to have a large DB it can be a pain.
    Based on the way you've asked this I presume that you are in a Microsoft only shop. It may be that a .net solution would work. But if there is already some amount of J2EE based code it seems like it would be easier to continue down that path. From my perspective the huge advantage is that you're not limited to one platform. You're welcome to use MSFT O/S's but you don't have to.
    It sound like a disadvantage is your personal background. You sound tentative about it and are maybe more comfortable in the MSFT world. Java works very well under recent Microsoft O/S's and I feel that the quality of the development environments (IDE's) are pretty much up to par with Microsoft's. This may fall down a little when it comes to HTML builders but it is pretty close.
    Good luck!

  • JSP / SQL Server / Widows 2000

    Can anyone provide a list of things to check in getting a JSP with a Database Connection to SQL Server 7 database on Windows 2000? I keep getting this error message:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to load class com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:459)
         at jsp.Cycling._0002fjsp_0002fCycling_0002ftest_0002ejsptest_jsp_6._jspService(_0002fjsp_0002fCycling_0002ftest_0002ejsptest_jsp_6.java:127)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
    The name of the database is "cycling". The database is running on the local machine.
    The JSP Code is as follows:
    <% Class.forName("com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"); %>
    <% java.sql.Connection conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver:cycling//localhost:8080;User=cycling;Password=cycling");
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

    Each of the previous replies is correct, but your immediate problem is that the JVM cannot find the database driver that you are naming in
    I'm assuming that you have a jar file somewhere that you downloaded? I don't think it's safe to assume that the default install of SQLServer is going to have a jdbc driver included. If you haven't specifically set up your environment to include a jar file with the driver, then you need to locate that jar file. You may have to download it from Microsoft.
    The steps are:
    1. Find/download the jar file containing the SQLServer driver (download from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/default.asp?URL=/downloads/sample.asp?url=/MSDN-FILES/027/001/779/msdncompositedoc.xml)
    2. Create an entry in your classpath naming that file.
    3. Set up the connection parameters in your code ( url, uid, password ).
    You have done number 3, but it's incorrect. The port number paramter is the port that SQLServer communicates on - you have 8080, which is the default port used by Tomcat for http traffic. Try 1433 as suggested above.

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