[8i] Query with lots of subqueries: a simpler way to do this query?

Ok, so generally, my problem is that I can't figure out how to write this query without including a bunch of copies of the same subquery (similar to having to join multiple copies of a table). Basically, I have to get information that's in rows in one table into columns in the results of my query. I've created sample tables, with insert statements for sample data, and a trimmed-down version of the query I'm running against those (2) tables. I'll explain what I mean by "trimmed-down" where I provide the SQL for that query.
My restrictions:
1) I'm running in 8i
2) I cannot create any tables in the database (I can only do read-only queries and create views).
Here are my sample tables and sample data:
CREATE TABLE     reqs     
(     req_id          NUMBER     NOT NULL,
     part_no          VARCHAR2(5),
     req_date     DATE,
     req_qty          NUMBER,
     CONSTRAINT reqs_pk PRIMARY KEY (req_id)
INSERT INTO     reqs
VALUES (1,'part1',To_Date('01/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),5);
INSERT INTO     reqs
VALUES (2,'part2',To_Date('01/10/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),25);
INSERT INTO     reqs
VALUES (3,'part1',To_Date('01/20/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),3);
INSERT INTO     reqs
VALUES (4,'part2',To_Date('02/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),15);
INSERT INTO     reqs
VALUES (5,'other',To_Date('02/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1);
INSERT INTO     reqs
VALUES (6,'part1',To_Date('02/07/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),10);
INSERT INTO     reqs
VALUES (7,'part3',To_Date('02/25/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),22);
INSERT INTO     reqs
VALUES (8,'part1',To_Date('03/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),24);
INSERT INTO     reqs
VALUES (9,'part3',To_Date('04/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),12);
(     part_no          VARCHAR2(5)     NOT NULL,
     part_desc     VARCHAR2(25),
     qty_instock     NUMBER,
     CONSTRAINT part_pk PRIMARY KEY (part_no)
INSERT INTO     part
VALUES ('part1','description 1 here',5);
INSERT INTO     part
VALUES ('part2','description 2 here',10);
INSERT INTO     part
VALUES ('part3','description 3 here',0);Now, here is the query I'm running against the two tables:
SELECT     part.part_no
,     part.part_desc
,     part.qty_instock
,     pd.tot_req_qty          AS qty_past_due
,     m1.tot_req_qty          AS qty_this_month
,     m2.tot_req_qty          AS qty_next_month
,     m3.tot_req_qty          AS qty_month_3
FROM     part
     SELECT     reqs.part_no
     ,     SUM(reqs.req_qty)                    AS tot_req_qty
     ,     CASE
               WHEN     reqs.req_date     < sysdate
               THEN     'Past Due'
               ELSE     To_Char(reqs.req_date,'MON-yyyy')
          END                              AS month_reqd
     FROM     reqs
     GROUP BY     reqs.part_no
     ,          CASE
                    WHEN     reqs.req_date     < sysdate
                    THEN     'Past Due'
                    ELSE     To_Char(reqs.req_date,'MON-yyyy')
     ) pd --for past due
     SELECT     reqs.part_no
     ,     SUM(reqs.req_qty)                    AS tot_req_qty
     ,     CASE
               WHEN     reqs.req_date     < sysdate
               THEN     'Past Due'
               ELSE     To_Char(reqs.req_date,'MON-yyyy')
          END                              AS month_reqd
     FROM     reqs
     GROUP BY     reqs.part_no
     ,          CASE
                    WHEN     reqs.req_date     < sysdate
                    THEN     'Past Due'
                    ELSE     To_Char(reqs.req_date,'MON-yyyy')
     ) m1 --for month 1
     SELECT     reqs.part_no
     ,     SUM(reqs.req_qty)                    AS tot_req_qty
     ,     CASE
               WHEN     reqs.req_date     < sysdate
               THEN     'Past Due'
               ELSE     To_Char(reqs.req_date,'MON-yyyy')
          END                              AS month_reqd
     FROM     reqs
     GROUP BY     reqs.part_no
     ,          CASE
                    WHEN     reqs.req_date     < sysdate
                    THEN     'Past Due'
                    ELSE     To_Char(reqs.req_date,'MON-yyyy')
     ) m2 --for month 2
     SELECT     reqs.part_no
     ,     SUM(reqs.req_qty)                    AS tot_req_qty
     ,     CASE
               WHEN     reqs.req_date     < sysdate
               THEN     'Past Due'
               ELSE     To_Char(reqs.req_date,'MON-yyyy')
          END                              AS month_reqd
     FROM     reqs
     GROUP BY     reqs.part_no
     ,          CASE
                    WHEN     reqs.req_date     < sysdate
                    THEN     'Past Due'
                    ELSE     To_Char(reqs.req_date,'MON-yyyy')
     ) m3 --for month 3
WHERE     part.part_no     = pd.part_no
AND     pd.part_no     = m1.part_no
AND     m1.part_no     = m2.part_no
AND     m2.part_no     = m3.part_no
AND     pd.month_reqd     = 'Past Due'
AND     m1.month_reqd     = To_Char(Add_Months(sysdate,1),'MON-yyyy')
AND     m2.month_reqd     = To_Char(Add_Months(sysdate,2),'MON-yyyy')
AND     m3.month_reqd     = To_Char(Add_Months(sysdate,3),'MON-yyyy')
ORDER BY     part.part_noThe sample query above only gets 3 months worth of my tot_req_qty for each part number, which equals 3 (+1 for past due) copies of the subquery. This is how this query is "trimmed down" from my actual query; in my real query, I need to include at least 6 months (up to 12 months) of my tot_req_qty for each part number--which means 6-12 (+1) copies of the subquery...ick. I just can't imagine that being an efficient way to get this done.
Here's a table of the results I expect to get from my sample query:
part1     description 1 here     5          8          10          24          0     
part2     description 2 here     10          40          0          0          0
part3     description 3 here     0          0          22          0          12Is there anything I can do differently here?
Edited by: user11033437 on Feb 4, 2010 11:53 AM Fixed a typo
Edited by: user11033437 on Feb 4, 2010 12:08 PM Fixed another typo

Instead of doing self-joins, you can pivot one result set.
Since it's just one result set, you can use an in-line view for it:
SELECT     part.part_no
,     part.part_desc
,     part.qty_instock
,     SUM ( CASE WHEN  m.month_reqd = 'Past Due'
                   THEN  m.tot_req_qty
             ELSE      0
         )          AS qty_past_due
,     SUM ( CASE WHEN  m.month_reqd = To_Char(sysdate,'MON-yyyy')
                 THEN  m.tot_req_qty
             ELSE      0
         )          AS qty_this_month
,     SUM ( CASE WHEN  m.month_reqd = To_Char(Add_Months(sysdate, 1),'MON-yyyy')
                 THEN  m.tot_req_qty
             ELSE      0
         )          AS qty_next_month
,     SUM ( CASE WHEN  m.month_reqd = To_Char(Add_Months(sysdate, 2),'MON-yyyy')
                 THEN  m.tot_req_qty
             ELSE      0
         )          AS qty_month_3
FROM     part
,     (     -- Begin in-line view m
          SELECT  part_no
          ,       SUM (req_qty)          AS tot_req_qty
          ,     month_reqd
          FROM    (     -- Begin in-line view rd
                    SELECT  part_no
                    ,     req_qty
                    ,       CASE
                              WHEN  req_date   < sysdate
                                        THEN  'Past Due'
                                        ELSE  To_Char(req_date,'MON-yyyy')
                            END          AS month_reqd
                    FROM     reqs
                    WHERE     req_date     < TRUNC ( ADD_MONTHS (SYSDATE, 3)
                                          , 'MONTH'
               ) rd     -- End in-line view rd
          GROUP BY   part_no
          ,          month_reqd
       ) m     -- End in-line view m
WHERE       part.part_no     = m.part_no
GROUP BY  part.part_no
,       part.part_desc
,       part.qty_instock
ORDER BY  part.part_no
;Notice I used a nested in-line view to compute month_reqd, rather than repeat the CASE expression. That's independent of the pivot: you can do either one with or without the other.
Thanks for posting the CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements!

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    Good morning (afternoon to you, BluShadow),
    I obtained the following correct, as desired, output (derived from the EMP table):
    D10     D20     D30     PREZ    MGRS    ANALS   SALESM  CLERKS
    MILLER  ADAMS   ALLEN           JONES           TURNER  MILLER
            SMITH   JAMES                           WARD    SMITH
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                     when 10 then ename
                   end)                                 as d10,
               max(case deptno
                     when 20 then ename
                   end)                                 as d20,
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                     when 'CLERK'         then ename
                   end)                                 as Clerks,
               max(case job
                     when 'PRESIDENT'     then ename
                   end)                                 as Prez,
               max(case job
                     when 'MANAGER'       then ename
                   end)                                 as Mgrs,
               max(case job
                     when 'ANALYST'       then ename
                   end)                                 as Anals,
               max(case job
                     when 'SALESMAN'      then ename
                   end)                                 as SalesM,
          from (
                select job,
                       row_number() over (partition by job
                                              order by ename)   as rnj
                  from emp
         group by rnj
         order by rnj
    select d10,
      from depts a full outer join jobs b
                                on a.rnd = b.rnj
    order by rnj, rnd;which takes a total of 5 selects to get there.
    I was trying to find a query that would be, hopefully simpler, easier and didn't require as many selects. My last attempt is the following (which is close to the desired result but doesn't get a cigar yet):
    select case deptno
             when 10 then ename
           end                                 as d10,
           case deptno
             when 20 then ename
           end                                 as d20,
           case deptno
             when 30 then ename
           end                                 as d30,
           case job
             when 'CLERK'         then ename
           end                                 as Clerks,
           case job
             when 'PRESIDENT'     then ename
           end                                 as Prez,
           case job
             when 'MANAGER'       then ename
           end                                 as Mgrs,
           case job
             when 'ANALYST'       then ename
           end                                 as Anals,
           case job
             when 'SALESMAN'      then ename
           end                                 as SalesM,
           row_number() over (partition by deptno
                                  order by deptno)  as rnd,
           row_number() over (partition by job
                                  order by ename)   as rnj
      from emp
    order by rnj;The above query gets me to this result which is encouraging but... short of the mark:
    D10     D20     D30     CLERKS  PREZ    MGRS    ANALS   SALESM   RND  RNJ
                    ALLEN                                   ALLEN      3    1
            ADAMS           ADAMS                                      2    1
                    BLAKE                   BLAKE                      6    1
    KING                            KING                               2    1
            FORD                                    FORD               1    1
            SCOTT                                   SCOTT              5    2
                    JAMES   JAMES                                      5    2
    CLARK                                   CLARK                      3    2
                    MARTIN                                  MARTIN     2    2
                    TURNER                                  TURNER     1    3
    MILLER                  MILLER                                     1    3
    D10     D20     D30     CLERKS  PREZ    MGRS    ANALS   SALESM   RND  RNJ
            JONES                           JONES                      3    3
                    WARD                                    WARD       4    4
            SMITH           SMITH                                      4    4It uses only one SELECT statement and has all the data that needs to be displayed but, I cannot find a way of eliminating the nulls without losing either some jobs or some depts.
    Your help is welcome and appreciated,
    PS: I'll be perfectly happy learning that there is no easier/simpler way. In other words, if the answer is simply "No, there is no simpler/easier way", please do let me know that is the case. (I ask that you be fairly sure of that though, thank you)
    Edited by: 440bx - 11gR2 on Jul 25, 2010 7:19 AM - Added PS.

    Hi, John,
    You had part of the solution in each of your attempts.
    Do a FULL OUTER JOIN, as in your first query, on two copies of the result set of your second query.
    Using Oracle 9 features only:
    WITH     got_row_numbers     AS
         select     case WHEN deptno = 10 then ename end               as d10,
                     case WHEN deptno = 20 then ename end                    as d20,
                     case WHEN deptno = 30 then ename end                    as d30,
                     case WHEN job = 'CLERK'     then ename       end        as Clerks,
                     case WHEN job = 'PRESIDENT' then ename       end        as Prez,
                     case WHEN job = 'MANAGER'   then ename       end        as Mgrs,
                     case WHEN job = 'ANALYST'   then ename       end        as Anals,
                     case WHEN job = 'SALESMAN'  then ename       end        as SalesM,
                     row_number () over ( partition by      deptno
                                            order by           NULL
                           )                           as rnd,
                     row_number () over ( partition by      job
                                            order by           ename
                           )                            as rnj
      from      emp
    SELECT       MIN (d.d10)          AS d10
    ,        MIN (d.d20)          AS d20
    ,       MIN (d.d30)          AS d30
    ,       MIN (j.clerks)     AS clerks
    ,       MIN (j.prez)          AS prez
    ,       MIN (j.mgrs)          AS mgrs
    ,       MIN (j.anals)          AS anals
    -- ,        MIN (j.salesm)     AS salesm
    FROM            got_row_numbers     d
    FULL OUTER JOIN     got_row_numbers     j     ON     d.rnd     = j.rnj
    GROUP BY  NVL (d.rnd, j.rnj)
    ORDER BY  NVL (d.rnd, j.rnj)
    ;I've been trying to think of a good name for this kind of query where the items one the n-th row have nothing in common except that they are on the n-th row. For lack of anything better, I call it a Prix Fixe Query , because it resembles the menus where, for a fixed price, yuu can choose different options for each course:
    Appetizer     Soup          Main Course     Desert
    Pakora          Coconut          Aloo Gobi     Galabjamun
    Salad          Lentil          Bharta          Halwa
    Samosa                    Dhosa          Kulfi
                        Saag PaneerAbove, each column is sorted alphabeticlly. There is nothing but pure coincidence linking 'Pakora' with 'Coconut' or "Aloo Ghobi' with 'Galabjamun': they just happen the be the first items, in alphabetic order, in their respective columns.
    You may notice that I used
    "PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY NULL " where you used
    "PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY deptno "
    It never makes sense to ORDER BY anything in the PARTITION BY list. Each distinct item in the PARTITION BY list is a world of its own. You will only sort things that are identical with respect to the PARTITION BY list. That is, if the system has to decide whether to give 'CLARK' or 'KING' the lower ROW_NUMBER in deptno=10, deptno itself will not help the decision: the deptno for both will necessarily be the same. There's no syntax error, it just doesn't do any good, and the order of the output will be arbitrary.
    There would be a syntax error if you omitted the ORDER BY clause: ROW_NUMBER must be done in the context of some ordering. If you really want the order to be arbitrary, then be clear about it. ORDER BY a constant (such as NULL) so that nobody reading the query quickly is fooled into thinking you really are ordering by something. (A comment would be helpful in that case, also.)
    You probably want to "ORDER BY ename", or something meaningful, in this case.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jul 25, 2010 2:41 PM
    Added digression of "PARTITION BY x ORDER BY x"

  • SIMPLER Way to write this in a sql or plsql

    I have a select as below where its output can be single row or multiple rows or zero rows. select can bring values of NULL, R, C,O
    A) In case of zero rows I want ln_status to be '#'
    B) in case if there is atleast one row with O, ln_status should be O
    C) if criteria A and B is not met,  in case if there is atleast one closed, ln_status should be C
    D) If Only one record with R , ln_Status should be 'O'
    is it possible to write in simpler way without querying multiple times or using plsql. thanks
    select status INTO ln_status
    from  TableA
    where col1=<col1>

    Depending on your requirements, where Chris used
    when max(status) is null then '#'
    you might want
    WHEN  COUNT (*) = 0   THEN '#'
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all the tables involved, and the results you want from that data.
    Post your query, using a CASE expression like Chris posted above, point out where that query is producing the wrong results, and explain, using specific examples, how you get the right results from the given data in those places.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using (e.g.
    See the forum FAQ: https://forums.oracle.com/message/9362002

  • How to create a function with dynamic sql or any better way to achieve this?

            I have created below SQL query which works fine however when scalar function created ,it
            throws an error "Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a
            function.". In below code First cursor reads all client database names and second cursor
            reads client locations.
                      DECLARE @clientLocation nvarchar(100),@locationClientPath nvarchar(Max);
                      DECLARE @ItemID int;
                      SET @locationClientPath = char(0);
                      SET @ItemID = 67480;
       --building dynamic sql to replace database name at runtime
             DECLARE @strSQL nvarchar(Max);
             DECLARE @DatabaseName nvarchar(100);
             DECLARE @localClientPath nvarchar(MAX) ;
                      Declare databaselist_cursor Cursor for select [DBName] from [DataBase].[dbo].
                      OPEN databaselist_cursor
                      FETCH NEXT FROM databaselist_cursor INTO @DatabaseName
                      WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
       PRINT 'Processing DATABASE: ' + @DatabaseName;
        SET @strSQL = 'DECLARE organizationlist_cursor CURSOR
        FOR SELECT '+ @DatabaseName +'.[dbo].[usGetLocationPathByRID]
        FROM '+ @DatabaseName +'.[dbo].[tblItemLocationDetailOrg] where
                                   ItemId = '+ cast(@ItemID as nvarchar(20))  ;
         EXEC sp_executesql @strSQL;
        -- Open the cursor
        OPEN organizationlist_cursor
        SET @localClientPath = '';
        -- go through each Location path and return the 
         FETCH NEXT FROM organizationlist_cursor into @clientLocation
         WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
           SELECT @localClientPath =  @clientLocation; 
           SELECT @locationClientPath =
    @locationClientPath + @clientLocation + ','
           FETCH NEXT FROM organizationlist_cursor INTO
           PRINT 'current databse client location'+  @localClientPath;
         -- Close the Cursor
         CLOSE organizationlist_cursor;
         DEALLOCATE organizationlist_cursor;
         FETCH NEXT FROM databaselist_cursor INTO @DatabaseName
                    CLOSE databaselist_cursor;
                    DEALLOCATE databaselist_cursor;
                    -- Trim the last comma from the string
                   SELECT @locationClientPath = SUBSTRING(@locationClientPath,1,LEN(@locationClientPath)-  1);
                     PRINT @locationClientPath;
            I would like to create above query in function so that return value would be used in 
            another query select statement and I am using SQL 2005.
            I would like to know if there is a way to make this work as a function or any better way
            to  achieve this?

    This very simple: We cannot use dynamic SQL from used-defined functions written in T-SQL. This is because you are not permitted do anything in a UDF that could change the database state (as the UDF may be invoked as part of a query). Since you can
    do anything from dynamic SQL, including updates, it is obvious why dynamic SQL is not permitted as per the microsoft..
    In SQL 2005 and later, we could implement your function as a CLR function. Recall that all data access from the CLR is dynamic SQL. (here you are safe-guarded, so that if you perform an update operation from your function, you will get caught.) A word of warning
    though: data access from scalar UDFs can often give performance problems and its not recommended too..
    Raju Rasagounder Sr MSSQL DBA
          Hi Raju,
           Can you help me writing CLR for my above function? I am newbie to SQL CLR programming.
           Thanks in advance!

  • Is there a simpler way to do this (recurrence pattern)?

    At work, I'm a member of two committees. Each committee meets every 7 workdays. Currently, the only way I've managed to get this data into iCal is to create a speadsheet in Excel to calculate it with a series of IFs. I then export this data into Entourage -- each entry goes in as a single event. From there it gets into iCal.
    What I'd really like to do is forego the Excel and have 2 reccurring events (Commitee 1 mtgs. and Committee 2 mtgs.), but I can't figure out how to get iCal to do a daily recurrence (every 7 days) BUT skip weekends.
    In case that makes no sense, imagine this fictional calendar:
    Mon. Jan 1 - Committee 1 Mtg.
    Tue. Jan 2 - Committee 2 Mtg.
    Wed. Jan 10 - Committee 1 Mtg. (*7 workdays after Jan1)
    Thr. Jan 11 - Committee 2 Mtg. (*7 workdays after Jan2)
    Fri. Jan 19 - Committee 1 Mtg.
    Mon. Jan 22 - Committee 2 Mtg.
    and so on.
    MacBook Mac OS X (10.4.7)

    Failed to metion that I've also got the Excel version to skip Civic holidays. I have the holidays in iCal already as a separate calendar. Is there a way to cross-check to ensure the meetings don't get added on those holidays (i.e. ruleset would be "repeat every 7 days, skipping over weekends and civic holidays")?

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    i have just purchased my new ipad and I want to transfer my iPod library of music and videos to the iPad,how do I do this easily,seems to be a basic neccessity

    Is your iPod synced with an iTunes library on your Mac or PC?
    If so, is your iPad also synced to the same Mac/PC?
    iTunes allows you to share music and videos between both your iPod and your iPad.

  • Syncing an iPhone 4s with a Droid razr M - is there any relatively simple way to do this?

    My wife has a 4s and our computer is a MacBook Pro.  Is it possible for me to have an Android phone (the new Razr M) and to somehow have it be compatible with those Aplle devices in our household?  I like the 4s, but am concerned its technology won't be able to keep up with the changes that are likely to occur before the end of my next 2 year Verizon contract.
    So, should I get a Razr M and try to make it compatible or should I just get a 4s?  (BTW - an iPhone 5 isn't in our budget right now)

    Only your service provider can unlock the phone. Check with the provided.

  • Syncing photos into my IPAD 2 is eating up my macbook memory space, it didn't with my IPAD1, is there a way to fix this?

    I have a IPAD generation 1 and i just got my iPAD 2 last week, both ipad are 64 gb. I have a picture collection folder on my macbook pro desktop that is around 45 gb that i need for my work.The problem was that when i tried to sync this folder into my ipad 2, it started eating up a considerable amount of my computer memory space leaving me with around 13 gb left and mysteriously adding more gb to the foldering (it is around 90gb now). I've had my Ipad 1 for a while and it has never been a problem when i sync the same folder, i was also able to store a lot more document folders on my desktop before my ipad 2 came along. im wondering if the IPAD 2 somehow creates backup files of things it syncs within my computer and how i can get back my computer memory space?

    Try the standard fixes:
    - Reset. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch:  Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    - Restor from backup
    - Restoe to factory defaults/new iPod.
    You can also look at the previous discussion on the right side of this page under the heading "More Like This" with yuor same poblem.

  • I'd like to copy and paste a few Gigs worth of photos residing in iPhoto (ver. 5?) to a flash card - is there a simple way to do this w/o the issue of "duplicate" image numbers (when they are in fact unique images, but the translation is lost)... thx

    Tried doing this a few yrs ago and it was maddening, the receiving flashcard (or desktop) kept flagging duplicate image numbers and my only choice to was to delete one or replace, when - because they are unique images - I wanted all of them to be saved on disk (is there a way to auto rename to prevent this)??? Thx.

    Just tried to export photos and kept getting messages that a certain photo was corrupt or some such thing and then it stopped and did not continue with export. Frustrating as I spent hours moving ~1200 photos into 2 folders on desktop.  Tried doing a few at a time and one always stopped the entire export. Is there a way around this?  I.e., program so it exports photos that work, does not export those that are damaged?  Would be nice to know before the fact (in moving to folder) that photos have issues.  Thanks for any help - again!

  • I put in a disc to my iMac 7.1 10.6.8 and whenever I turn the machine on the error comes up it's not readable, options to ignore of eject. Then is comes back.  I have burned some disks and still come back.  Any simple way to fix this?

    I got a new to me Imac and I inserted a disk that was not readable.  Now an error comes up each time when I turn on the machine that says the inserted material is not readable, ignore or eject.  Either gets it to go away.  I have burned disks after that.
    Any body know how to get this removed?   Thank you

    Thanks for the reply.
    Re. the Displays setting, the Macbook display isn't recognized and mirroring isn't an available option.
    I've scoured the net and the idea of replacing the PRAM battery may be something to try. I read a post by a guy with a Macbook logic board screwed up by a Firmware update, which he solved by replacing the PRAM battery, as when you disconnect it you reset the logic board.
    Which capacitor?
    No luck so far with talking to Apple. I will try to get hold of someone a little more tech savvy and/or in a position of authority, as it seems that the Firmware is the culprit. Obviously a million other things could go wrong with a Macbook, but given the timing here it looks like the Firmware. Firmware updates can and occasionally do screw up a computer, as most manufacturers will warn you before you apply the update: PC makers, printer makers, etc. And they probably warn you that it's all your responsibility if anything goes wrong. But re. the Apple Firmware update:
    1) it came thru Software Update
    2) there was no warning
    3) to make things worse, there's no Firmware Restoration image that I can burn to a CD to reflash the logic board: this is the only Apple computer that doesn't have a Firmware Restoration option
    I'll try to get thru to a manager and convince him/her that the firmware may have been the cause.
    Do you think an authorized Apple tech might have access to some way to do a firmware restoration? Something not avaiable to mere mortals? Because if not, the only solution looks like a new logic board.

  • Pls help! is there a simpler way to list this code?


    thanks, but i think that's a bit to complex for me, at this stage I just need to know how to condense writing something like:
    into a var or class?
    as i don't want to have to repeat the above code within each elements action (with the fadeToggle swapping for each elements action etc)

  • TS3212 Apple appear to have an incorrect version of my email(one letter too many) I have tried many times but there does not seem to be any simple way of correcting this. I have now given them a new hotmail address to enable me to use the apps. Ive update

    Problem as outlined above now changed to using a new hotmail address but this address appears to preclude access to my existing itunes purchased library content?
    Are there any simple solutions to these problems?

    You can not merge accounts.
    Apps are tied to the Apple ID used to download them, you can not transfer them.

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