975x Power Up Editon Problems

Im having random reboots with my new machine and overclocking is not even possible.
My system is
Atrix 720watt psu
Power eDITION 975X
Intel Core Duo 6600
1gb Corsair ddr800 xms2 (waiting on another as rma'd)
Gainwood 7950gt 512mb
2x Maxtor Sata, not raid as bsod occured to much.
Audigy 2zs, not installed at present waiting till the pc is usable.
Ive tried 3 different bios's,7.2 7.16, and now 7.3? cant remember as at work...Ive also tried every bios setting in every way, disabled everything not needed.
Any ideas on what could be my problem?
Many Thanks in advance!

Hi Dude,
What does your bios read the temperatures at? The latest version, downloadable from the website, of Dual Core Centre Reads temps correctly. I prefer to use SIV 3.14 for reading mine as all the rest have not been updated to support these boards yet.
This will also give you readings for your proc and memory so it is very usefull. Have you got you memory running at full speed? You need to set the voltage and timing manually in the bios and also set the Dram:FSB ratio too. If you do not want to over clock your proc, set it to 1:1.5 which would mean, 266:400 (X2 for effective 800mhz). There are also some other settings you need to disable if overclocking on this board.
Advanced bios settings
CPU Features -
         Disable Intel speed stepping tech
         Disbale C1E Function
         Disable Virtualisation Technoligy
Cell Menu -
Auto Detect PCI Clk Disabled
Spread Spectrum     Disabled

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  • Msi 975x power up editon

    msi 975x power up editon  support fsb 1333 intel cpu????????

    Quote from: prozik on 11-February-07, 18:44:59
    guys look at this link http://event.asus.com/mb/fsb1333/ asus support that bu msi???
    Well, if the Asus PW5 DH can support FSB 1333, there should be nothing to prevent the 975x PowerUp to support it. It will be interesting if MSI release a FSB 1333 BIOS compatible, because at this speed (333 x 4) I have the reboot problem in all its (infamous) glory...

  • MS 7246 - 975X Power Up Edition (Problems)

    Hi! I am from Argentina and 7 months ago I been purchase a MS 7246 board. Since that time, I never could run my memories a 800MHZ and I never could make that my motherboard detect correctly my memories speed. I been really disappointed with msi and this motherboard, and sincerely I lost confidence in the support and manufacturing process; nevertheless, I will try posting my problem in this thread hoping that somebody could help me.
    Details about my hardware
    -   MSI 975x power up edition (BIOS 7.6)
    -   Intel core 2 6300
    -   2GB RAM DDR2 800MHZ Dual channel (OCZ2P8001G) 4-5-4-15
    -   Sapphire x850XT PCI-E
    My mother detects my memories as 667Mhz. System do not boot If I set manually my memories at 800Mhz using this configurations:
    -   CPU Clock X7
    -   FSB/Speed (266*7 = 1862Mhz @ Default speed)
    -   FSB & Memory ratio = 1.5 (Using “auto” here system detect memories speed @ 667Mhz)
    -   Memories speed (266*1.5*2=798 Mhz)
    -   Memories voltage 2.1v/2.2v
    -   CPU Voltage 1.25v/1.3v
    -   Other parameters are as default.
    Things that I been tried 
    -   I been tried setting by SPD or manually memories latencies at 4-5-4-15 but mother does not boot or simply hang.
    -   I been tried unsuccessfully increasing voltage to CPU or memories.
    -   I been tried unsuccessfully updating my bios but again nothing.
    I been read in internet that a loot! of people have similar problems. Some people fix those problems updating bios, but other people could not found a solution. Somebody could help me?
    Thank you very much!

    I had a look at your screenshots.  The first thing I noticed is that you RAM modules have really strange SPD values:
    Your stick's SPD values do not seem to comply with the JEDEC standard. Maybe this is an additional explanation to your problems causing BIOS and/or memory controller to be a little confused.
    The second thing I noticed is the fact that the automatic frequency/multiplier and Core voltage adjustions done by the C1E feature is now working properly:
    As you can see on the pictures I took from your screenshots, VCore and multiplier are now changing.  That means, that the feature is working properly.  If you close all background applications and running programs and leave only CPU-Z running, Core Voltage should drop to a certain minimum level and stay there with the multiplier set to x6.
    The fact that C1E is working now, could explain the small drop in temperatures to about 48°-50°C @CPU cores.
    - Maybe cpu sensor is broken or bad? (I touch cpu cooler and is not so hot)
    I really doubt that.
    - The northbridge 975x definitely is hot. (But i suppose that your should have same situation here)
    Yes, it has a tendency to get rather hot, especially if the system is overclocked.
    - If I do not use my computer from 5 or 10 minutes temperatures decrease at 50ºc (core 0) and 48ºc (core 1), but not much more.
    This is the kind of drop I expected with C1E working properly again.
    ¿Do you see something strange in my temperatures
    Your temperaturer are elevated and a little higher than average, but not really dangerous after all.  You should not worry yourself too much.  The shutdown temperature of your CPU is around 85°C.  So you still have some headroom. 
    However, if you find the time (and the money  ) you should at least consider optimizing your cooling solution, either by re-installing the heatsink and applying new and better thermal paste and by tweaking the airflow that goes through your case, or even better by installing a more efficient heatsink to your CPU. 
    ¿Do you see something strange in my temperatures and memories?
    The issues you are experiencing with your memory are definately strange.  As I said before, I believe the reason is a rather simple incompatibility issue.  If this is caused by non-JEDEC SPD values or because your modules are of an older revision that use Elpida or Powerchip chips I don't know, but I am glad you were able to find a workaround.
    I googled around a little bit to find more information on general issures with the particular kind of OCZ modules you are using (OCZ2P8001G).  What I found was the following thread in the OCZ forum:
    If you find the time read a little bit around in it.  The fact that this thread exists asking for user reports on success/problem stories with this memory, if a clear indication that it is not an issue that has to do with your particular mainboard alone. In case you find 10 spare minutes to read around in it, pay attention to what is said about the revision and the chips used on the sticks.  Here are a few quotes from the thread. There are of course other voices as well, pointing to the chipset or the board in use.  But there seem to be quite a few different boards by all brands involved.  However, I dare to say that overall picture doesn't look to well for the modules: 
    Yea but if you RMA them you just get the same model back. I don't think it would solve anything  (Unless they are giving out Rev2s?)
    Well i've had nothing but problems with the 2 sets i've had. No one at OCZ informed me that i needed the rev2's to work how i want.
    I'm pretty sure that OCZ gets the same Elpida chips from Samsung that other DIMM makers get. The only things specific to OCZ would be the PCB, SPD programming and speed binning.
    That is what prompted Tony to suggest an RMA. That is how I know it is the ram having problems not the board.
    If the ram won't do specified speeds, no matter what divider used, then off course something is wrong, but getting 4 sticks that stops at the exact same speeds is close to impossible. Send either myself or Ryder an email and we will sort you out. I will make sure you get an advanced shipment sent out today if you want.
    All I really know about Rev. 1 ELP is that an OCZ rep told me it used the same Elpida chips as Gold but was higher binned. Rev. 2 uses different chips.
    I don't know but IIRC, I read someone here post that they are using Micron D9xxx. Given the higher cost of rev. 2, that seems plausible enough.
    If you are using Rev1, you are the first I've heard without problems.
    I think the problem is rather isolated to only a group of people with bad sticks.

  • DigiCell On 975x Power UP

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    Thank you and sorry for my english.

    I was experiencing the same problem.  I found there are 2 drivers that the 1.23 install program didn't install.  One is the PCASp50.sys driver was not installed in windows\system32\drivers folder.  Note: I am using an Athlon 64 CPU with Windows 2003 Std Edition server so I think the install program got confused and installed the PCASp50a64.sys driver in the Digicell program folder instead.  The other driver that was missing is the NTGLM7X.sys driver in the Digicell program folder.  As near as I can tell the GLM7x.dll loads it.  The Data1.cab file contains the drivers for manually installation.  There is a NTGLM7x.sys2 and NTGLM7X.sys3 files in the cab file.  I don't know which one is used for what OS/Graphics combo so you may have to experiment with copying and renaming them to the .sys file.
    Good luck

  • 975X Power Up Edition & Zalman 7700 heatsink

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    Quote from: NrthnStar5 on 03-August-07, 01:04:00
    I got it on no problem there, it is big. however I wanted to ask other users of this heatsink what their temps are. My CPU seems to idle around 37-39 C Degrees and under load will go up to 41-43 C Degrees. Fan setting is on the lowest. Is this normal? It's about the same as the stock heatsink. I did notice my case temp is quite a bit lower however which is nice and it's much quieter.
    Your temps are normal.
    Mine are idle at 33-37 C and 41-45 C under load with a Zalman 9700 and fan setting also on lowest, so there is nothing to worry about

  • 975x Power-Up Freezes

    Conroe E6400 (No overclocking)
    MSI 7900GT
    MSI 975x Power-Up (BIOS 7.0)
    One SATA HD from WD
    One TDK CD Burner (IDE)
    One NEC DVD Burner (IDE)
    Corsair XMS2 Memory (Rated for DDRII-800, running at 1.8V)
    BIOS settings are not tweaked or changed other than turning the floppy off and tweaking the parallel port settings
    System ran fine for one day with XP and then I began getting random freezeups in Windows
    Decided to reinstall XP (wipe out partition and start fresh )and I cannot get it to install.
    With Windows XP RTM it hangs with 23% left to go every time or BSOD that says: Windows discovered an error and halted the system.
    With Windows XP SP2 it hangs while 'Installing Devices' with 34 Minutes to go
    What are the *possible* problems? Things that come to mind:
    1) SATA/PATA config....didn't touch the settings and the BIOS seems to detect everything fine
    2) Memory...but why does it lock-up virtually the same way each time?
    3) CPU...BIOS says the CPU stays 42C....seems fine
    4) Video card must be running in VGA mode
    5) System has never locked in DOS or BIOS mode....so I don't think it's general overheating
    As you can imagine it's frustrating because it's difficult to know where to troubleshoot. Any ideas on where to start since the 1st time I built and started the system it ran great for 2-3 hours until, I shut down and started it back up the next day.
    Thanks In Advance,

    Quote from: ssbihli on 13-August-06, 00:43:45
    This is a Conroe system.
    The system shipped with 7.0 and MSI's LiveUpdate does not show a newer version available to me. So, even if 7.0 is an issue, there is no upgrade I can find.
    ...up to 5 hours of use and no freezes. Plugged my X-Fi back in and have sound too....no freezes.
    My reply was not to you.
     I too have a MSI 975 and Conroe. The shipping bios is junk. The beta 711 is better and now I see that there is a 714 beta bios that you can get from Marcsus if you pm him. I did and when I can get it I will try it out. Your psu is fine for what you are using.

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    both My MacBook and adaptor make such buzz!!!
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    Now the power adaptor got problem.... the service center "CASE HK" tell me to wait 4-6 days until they have replacement part available.
    I am not sure if the problem also related to the MacBook, but I have to use it tomorrow, so I only leave the power adaptor.
    I want to ask if ther is anyone that face the simular problem? Both power adaptor and MacBook buzz.....
    Should I need to send them my MacBook as well?
    I am quite disappointed but no choice...
    My old PC notebook, a Pentium II 366 still in a good condition(bought in 1997). Battery, power adaptor, HDD.... everything still functioning today.
    I just wonder if this Mac will last for one year...:(
    I am a Windows user and recently try a Mac, OSX is much much better then Windows XP, but I am tired of travel for hours and take my MacBook to the service center. Wasting time to searching for posts in different forum about the issue. Dealing with Customer Service with limited knowledge about computer. I have to explain what is damaged, and they seems still not sure what to do next, and tell me to wait for a few days. This waste me too much time and money.
    Thank You very much for reading... I know it is a long message and waste time to read....
    And sorry for my poor English...
    MacBook A1181   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Just live without power adaptor for 4 days....
    My MacBook just running out of battery....
    No reply from the service center. No telephone and no e-mail received.

  • 975X Power Up Edition + 800MHZ Ram

    Greetings everyone
    975X power up edition mobo, just got Corsair XMS2 6400 Ram, however the ram is not running at 6400/800mhz, but instead running at 667MHZ. I've reset my bios and still no change. Any suggestions on why this is?

    Quote from: Jack the Newbie on 04-August-07, 23:00:21
    It would be interesting to really verify that.
    Have a look at this list as well:
    Ok, Let's sum it up then
    First check this thread on the OCZ forum http://www.ocztechnologyforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=25766&highlight=msi+975x+platinum+powerup+edition
    Viktor92 first used OCZ Gold DDR2 800, but then he couldn't post his pc. These modules have Powerchip chips.
    He then used OCZ DDR2 667, but couldn't get pasted 310Mhz FSB. These modules have Micron D9DQT (BT-3) chips, these are no longer in production
    He then replace the OCZ modules with G. Skill DDR2 800 Mhz modules which have for the most part Micron D9 chips or ProMOS 6-layer PCB. He could set his FSB to 333Mhz and run it stable.
    Now Mushkin PC2-6400 HP2 (2x2GB) has either Micron D9HBD (B7-37E)  Brainpower PCB or Micron D9GSV (B7-3) Brainpower PCB on it.
    Jack, you have Micron D9GMH (B6-3)  6-layer PCB chips, Micron D9GCT (B6-37E) (some)  6-layer PCB or Elpida  AG-6E-E  (before 05/2006)  6-layer PCB on your G.Skill-Kit (F2-6400PHU2-2GBHZ) memory and have the FSb on 346Mhz so that type of memory works ok.
    *edit: Just saw Viktor92 his post, thanks man! He has G. Skill F2-6400CL4D-2GBPK and those also have have ProMOS  6-layer PCB chips on it.*
    Finally I use GEIL PC26400 Ultra modules and those have either Aeneon AET93F30D or Elpida chips on it. I can't get passed the 310Mhz FSB so these are a no go for overclockers.
    So if you can reach a higher FSB than 310Mhz with the above Mushkin modules or with G. Skill modules or any other modules with Micron D9 chips or ProMOS 6-layer PCB chips on it then you could conclude that those modules are the best to go with this board. Do you agree with me?
    btw, I asked some techsupport guy of OCZ to test 4GB D/C Kit PN - OCZ2G8004GK and 4GB D/C Kit PN - OCZ2P8004GK memory kits for me to see if they work stable with a FSB higher than 310Mhz.
    Hopefully I will get an answer from him.

  • 975X Power Up Edition & Core 2 Duo E6600

    I just got a new Intel Core 2 Duo for my MSI 975X Power Up edition =-) The reason I'm posting is i'm trying to Overclock my CPU. When i go into my bios and enter The Cell Menu, I go to the FSB Speed and up it to what I want. When I go to select save and Exit, the computer completely shuts off, like the power is cut from it. Then after about 3 seconds it starts up, and runs fine. The settings are saved and everything appears to runs stable.
    My concern is, is it normal behavior for the computer to completely shut off when i save and exit the bios after changing the fsb speed on the CPU? To me it seems odd and I'm concerned if there is something wrong =-/ Any suggestions or experiences would be appreciated.

    It all depends on the motherboard.  When a motherboard cold boots it does more self-checks.  How-Stuf-Works  It so happens that the 975x forces a cold-boot when certain settigns are changed.

  • Power and Sync problems with Zen Vision:M

    )Power and Sync problems with Zen Vision:MX Lately, my Vision M is having problems that when I plug it into the USB port on any PC to charge it, it lights up for a moment and then goes blank.
    When I unplug it and reseat the usb cable, nothing happens. When I try to turn it on, it's dead. This happens even though it's not fully depleted of battery energy.
    Pressing the reset button does not do anything. The only thing that I've found that will work is to open it up and unplug the battery. But even that is starting to not work.
    This doesn't happen every time I use it, but it is happening quite a bit. It's gotten to the point today that I can't even charge the battery at all.
    Any suggestions? I don't think it's the battery, as it does charge when I don't have these issues, but I'm not really positi've of that either.

    The connector on the motherboard check it . It may need to be resoldered. The last time I ran into those symptoms that was the solution.

  • USB and audio problem on a 975x P PU editon

    Hello all,
    I would like to say first off that this is my first build so please go a little easy on me.  I am computer literate and i ave searched around trying to find the answers but for some reason they elude me.  I am a Apple person at heart but when it comes right done to it windows is better for the HTPC side of things (not to mention the room mate agreed to pay for most of the computer).  The specs are in the sig but if anything else is needed let me know.
    I am having problems with the USB ports on the motherboard and the front of the case.  I have the Antec P150 which has a connector for the front 2 USB prots.  They are pinned out as follows:
    pin 1: USB Power 1
    pin 2: USB Power 2
    pin 3: Negative Signal 1
    pin 4: Negative Signal 2
    pin 5: Positive Signal 1
    pin 6: Positive Signal 2
    pin 7: Ground 1
    pin 8: Ground 2
    pin 9: Key (no pin)
    pin 10: Empty Pin
    The motherboard is:
    pin 1: VCC
    pin 2: VCC
    pin 3: USB0-
    pin 4: USB1-
    pin 5: USB0+
    pin 6: USB1+
    pin 7: Ground
    pin 8: Ground
    pin 9: Key (no pin)
    pin 10: USBOC
    Now the problem is kinda weird as the ports seems to work just fine if the USB thumb drive is plugged in, then i restart the computer.  But if i start the computer up and then plug in the thumb drive i don't get any popup.  In hardware manager it sees the thumb drive but it has a yellow "!".
    The front Audio is somewhat the same way.  I know the connection for the audio on the motherboard is HD and my front port are not.  The pin setup for the case is:
    pin 1: Mic
    pin 2: Mic power
    pin 3: Ground
    pin 4: Front right
    pin 5: Front left
    pin 6: Rear right
    pin 7: Rear left
    On the motherboard it is:
    pin 1: Analog port 1 - left channel
    pin 2: Ground
    pin 3: Analog port 1 - right channel
    pin 4: Active low signal (unused for me i believe)
    pin 5: Analog port 2 - right channel
    pin 6: Jack detection return from front panel (jack 1)
    pin 7: Jack detection senseline
    pin 8: Connector Key
    pin 9: Analong port 2 - left channel
    pin 10: Jack detection return from front panel (jack 2)
    They are connected like the ones here https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=103220.0.
    Right now i have it connected and i can get audio from headphones plugged in but only from the left ear.
    I believe I have the correct driver and stuff installed but if anyone has some suggestions please try to post instructions/links to instructions/or links to drivers you think i might need.

    Quote from: Maesus on 04-February-07, 02:41:18
    For USB, do not connect the pin-10.
    The audio is a tough one. The 10 pins on the motherboard actually only gives 2 ports. But your chassis has 3 ports. So no matter how you connect them, you only have 2 ports functional. Use the Realtek HD Audio Manager, sort of like the audio control panel. Enable the front ports, and start testing your speakers/mic and see if they work fine. I expect you to come back and tell us how to configure the pins later.
    Thats the thing about the USB.  I don't have a wire or anything going to the 10 pin.  It seems like it should just be a matter of connecting the block and being done with it.  I don't get why it is not working.
    As for the audio.  I will messa with it a little more but i don't really much care it is works or not.  While it would be nice I don't really plan on using it.
    SOME EXTRA INFO:  I have been messing around with this and it seems like my USB ports are not working at all. after booting up.  As long as i have the USB thumb drive plugged in when i boot the computer i can see it (in the front or back panel) but as soon as i pull it out and try ot put it back in then that is when nothing happens.
    So i guess it is not really a connection problem as the front USB do work but only when the thumb drive is plugged in when the computer is booted.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

  • MSI 975x Power Up Edition + OCZ Problem

    Hello all,
    Don't know if this is a common problem because I found some informaton about it yet I found no solution...
    I got 2x2GB OCZ Reaper X memory:
    I have the following motherboard marketed as supporting 800mhz 2gb sticks and up to 8gb:
    The problem is I was working with 512mb*2 corsair memory and decided to give a bit of an upgrade so i got that memory. And the motherboard won't post, it stays on for a few seconds and just turns off and on again.
    I can't figure out the solution I tried putting voltage as high as 2.4 and manually inserting latency.
    I really don't know what to do and I would really like to make them work.
    please help!

    Quote from: ivybat on 01-August-08, 04:37:23
    I don't know how much digging you've done, but when the 975x Plat PUE boards just came out, it was a huge deal how notoriously incompatible OCZ was with MSI just on that board. I had some OCZ Platinum XTC sticks (rev1 RMAd to rev 2), and nothing worked with them.
    Which explains why your Corsair RAM was working fine..
    Yes, with my first set of OCZ 800 Gold, my 975x don't even post, and with the second 667 set I had a FSB wall of 320 mhz. Try Corsair or G.Skill memory, this memory works very well with the 975x.

  • Big Problems with 975x power up edition

    I'm on my second board. I'm running a Celeron 3.06 stock and OCZ gold 6400 RAM at 2.0 V. After changing the memory divider to 1.25, the board refuses to post. It powers on, the fans come on then powers off. This cycle repeats itself over and over without me touching the power button. Clearing the CMOS doesn't help. I currently left the battery out overnight and also unplugged the motherboard. I haven't tried it again today.
    Of course I have tried switching the power supply, processor and RAM. this doesn't help.
    Other issues that I've noticed include LAN isn't always detected in Windows XP. in the bios, the +12V is reported as 13 with both my Enermax and Fortron power supplies.
    this board in its current state is a pain.
    Celeron 3.06
    Fortron 600 W
    OCZ Gold 6400 RAM
    Sapphire Radeon 1900xt
    Benq 1655 DVDR
    Western digital IDE
    Segate SATA HD x 2 (non RAID)

    I had this problem after changing my ram ratio and voltage.  Needless to say I was ready to cry 
    I ended up trying the following:  Pulling wire from back.. no joy!    Clear CMOS.. no joy!    took memory sticks out and tried em in different slots.. no joy!  Had a mug of tea.. very calming and refreshing  Took graphics card and battery out because I was not sure the cmos clear switch was properly working, put it all back in and \o/ it booted albeit a bit shakey.
    I reset bios settings and have not fiddled since.

  • Reboot problem when OC the 975X Power Up

    I don't want to break any OC record, only want to reach 3 Ghz, but without rebooting problems. Is there a BIOS version that fixed this problem ???. I am currently using the latest (7.3A), and despite now I can set the memory in 1:1 mode (with 7.2 I can't), when I set the FSB to 333 the reboot problem arise. In fact the reboot problem occurs when I set the FSB higher than 310-315 mhz. At 3 Ghz the board is rock solid and run all test, and even the memory at 667 mhz perform equal than 777 mhz (310 * 2 * 1.25). I have to note that the voltages are all stock, and C1E and speedstep are enabled (at 2.8 Ghz works great), do you have any suggestion with this items ??

    Quote from: DragonFury on 06-January-07, 22:50:44
    memory compatability . i tried 3 different sets of memory ranging from 533 - 800 mhz ( what the board supports ) the samsung 533 5,5,5,15 reboot issues , Ocz 667 5,5,5,15 no reboot issues up to 400 fsb ( its when i break 400 + is when i need to safe mode the bios ) but this is memory getting pushed to hard . and crucial 800 4,4,4,12 reboot issue but the mb remembers my fsb beyond 400 + fsb ( no safe moding the bios on a shut down ) but because of the compatability issue with the crucial i cant break 400 fsb because it wont hold it . the ocz i can do 430 easily . again here we are . is it mb manu , chip set manu , or mem ? me i am goin towards Memory manufacturers because it is there job to make sure there chips work on multiple platforms and keep up with the times . the only thing we can do too help  is contact the memory manufacturers tell them our problems rma our current memory and hope they listen to us .... again ITS NOT MSI fault that memory wasnt cut for a peticular chipset they use .
    After reading at many forums it seems to me that the memory problems with 975x/965 chipsets are widespread across all motherboard makers. I don't know if the AMD platform is having many problems with high perfomance DDR2 memory, but at the intel side is a nightmare, and I believe is worst with the 975x than 965.
    What model is your OCZ memory ??, Value Pro or Gold ??, if Value Pro, has the copper heatspreader or XTC heatspreader ?? (as mine and not even OCZ support can identify...). I am very curious because with it you don't have the reboot problem, and I do have  >:(

  • MSI 975x Power Up Edition, W-64bit, Dual Core Centre won't install

    I have the following setup
    Motherboard   MSI S775 Intel 975X ATx Audio Lan power Up Edition
    Chip      Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 Socket 775 2.13GHz
    Chip Fan                QuietPC SCYTHE Ninja-Plus Heatpipe
    Grapics Card   XFX GeForce 8800GTX 768MB DDR3 PCIE Dual DVI TVo
    Case      Thermaltake VA7000SWA Shark Aluminium Full Tower - Silver
    Power Supply   Tagan 800W PSU - Dual Engine
    Ram      Corsair Memory 2X1GB XMS2-6400 240 DIMM UNBUFFERED PRO DDR2 LED
    Network Card   Buffalo Airstation 125* High-Speed Wireless Desktop PCI Adapter + AOSS
    Hard Drive   2x  Western Digital Caviar 250GB S300 16mb 7200rpm
    DVD Writer   NEC 18X DVD+/+RW/12X RAM IDE LabelFlash Silver OEM
    Windows      Microsoft Win XP Pro 64B OEM & Vista Upgrade Coupon
    The problem I have is that when I try and install the Duo Core centre I get the following VBIOS error
    Flash_MMIO_MAP DeviceIoControl error
    twice before starting the Install wizard. The wizard works and asks me to reboot. After reboot the App won't work at all. I have uninstalled and installed a few times but to no avail. Is there anything else I can do.
    Many Thanks

    Quote from: DryHeat on 08-February-07, 04:45:21
    Support OS: Windows XP/2000/Vista
    Does not support x64 and you are better off without it.
    Quote from: manitou153 on 02-June-07, 22:40:10
    I have the same problem with this following error trying to install the Dual Core Center : "runtime error. Could not call proc".
    How can I fix the problem ? I use Windows Vista Ultimate Edition 64.
    In other words, MSI Dual Core Center does not support Windows Vista 64.  You can try CoreTemp, but again since you have x64 you need to read this:  http://www.alcpu.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=211

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