9i AS mod-plsql  RAC

Does anyone know if there is a way for mod_plsql in 9iAS to detect node failure in a RAC environment?
It appears that when a node fails in a RAC environment mod_plsql sessions connected to the node hang. I suspect that is because the session does not die it is moved to another node but mod_plsql is not aware of it.
It looks like it is addressed in 10gAS with the connection validation parameter. However this is not an option in this case. Any suggestions are appreciated.

There is another option if he is keeping his session information in a table.
You'll need:
1. Table with session_id and user_id in your customer app.
2. Table with form_name, form_id, and connection information. (you can normalize this if you wish)
3. Stored Procedure that accepts session_id and form_id and has output parameters for connection information (username, password, instance) and the form name.
4. New user that only has connect and execute on your stored procedure.
5. Add section to your formsweb.cfg file that has the userid and password specified of the user you created in the above step.
6. Create a form that accepts session_id and form_id parameters. The form will connect to the database specified in the formsweb.cfg file and then execute the stored procedure you created in step 3. Then form will then either show an access denied message or close the current connection, create a new connection, and then launch the intended form.
You could make it more secure by granting the launcher user a role that requires a password, grant the role your stored procedure, and then hard code the role password in the fmx. That way, the launcher user only has connect and a role that can't be turned on unless they have the role's password.

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    Impossible. You control what the server sends the client - a HTML page.
    You cannot control what the client does with it. The client can be a number of different browsers. The client can be a tty telnet type client. The client can wear suspenders and a bowler hat. The client can wear ballet shoes and a tutu.
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    Thanks for your help. client1 is the id of the client and not a procedure.
    In the example url: https://theserver.com/thedad/client1 client 1 is the id of the client not the procedure being called.
    So to call proc_a the url would look like: https://theserver.com/thedad/client1/proc_a
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    There are many clients, procedures and packages, like:

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      2  from gv$instance;
                  1 RESTRICTED        <== both instances in restricted mode.
                  2 RESTRICTED
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    Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
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    Hi Marco,
    Are you trying to mean that in OracleXe database authentication is available with HTMLDB means u can create any user have sysdba priveleges as HTMLDB admin and any database user to work with HTMLDB without having any workspace provision for the user ?

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    You might try [Quest Code Gen Utility|http://www.toadworld.com/EXPERTS/StevenFeuersteinsPLSQLObsession/ProductsandUtilities/QuestCodeGenUtilityQCGU/tabid/203/Default.aspx] , it's free.

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    Hi Antoine,
    How are you connecting to the database, via the Apache HTTP Server mod/plsql connector or are you using the embedded PL/SQL gateway (EPG)?? In the first case connecting to the SCAN listener should balance the connections between the instances if they are both registered for the service you connect to. I'm not sure how the EPG works under RAC. In general, I'd prefer the application to only connect to one of the RAC instances by default and only transfer across due to failover.

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    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thank you, Daniela.

    Thank you for your reply.
    Yes, it's done using MOD-PLSQL version
    I did as you said: compared the 2 generated HTML files. It's not that it doesn't generate all tags. It generates all tags but some of them are different, that is it screws them up.
    Here it is some example code.
    For example, in 9i I have the following code:
    div id=div_plus_GENERALE style="cursor:hand; display:none;"
    <td> width=8 </td>
    <td id=butt align=left style="font-family:Verdana,Tahoma;
    font-size: 10px; font-weight: 400; color: '#ffffff';
    background-color: '';
    "onClick="if (butt_clicked) butt_clicked.style.cssText=restore_butt_style;
    butt_clicked=this; restore_butt_style=butt_off_lit;
    var x = document.getElementById('Freccia_' + freccia_old);
    x.style.display = 'none';
    onMouseOut="if (butt_clicked != this) this.style.cssText=butt_off_lit;">Anagrafica Fornitura</td></tr>
    <td height=2></td>
    In 10g the HTML code looks like this:
    div id=div_plus_GENERALE style="cursor:hand;"
    <td width=8> </td>
    <td align=left style="font-family:Verdana,Tahoma;
    font-size: 10px; font-weight: 400; color: '#ffffff';
    background-color: '';">
    <a href="sitointer.anagrafica.anagrafica_cliente_punto target="frameCenter"
    onClick="var x = document.getElementById('Freccia_' + freccia_old);
    onMouseOut="if (butt_clicked != this) this.style.cssText=butt_off_lit;">Anagrafica Fornitura</a></td></tr>
    <td height=2></td>
    At this point I don't know what should I investigate next.
    Thank you very much.

  • In 2 node RAC. After shutting down database not able to connect.

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    After shutting down instance on RAC-2
    I am not able to connect to database from any node.
    I did this on RAC-2 :
    SQL>shutdown immediate;
         Database went down smoothly.
    SQL>conn sys/oracle@rac as sysdba
    ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currnetly know of services requested in connect descriptor.
    My first node is running fine but I am not able to connect to database from first node or from client.
    Any suggestion???

    One question I want to ask, what should be the Listener Services startup mode in RAC? MANUAL or AUTOMATIC???Ideally, if you are instances and other oracle resources are set to autostart then there is no reason for you to set the listener to MANUAL. You may like to change it to AUTOMATIC so that on reboot it comes up without manual intervention.

  • ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed in RAC

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    I have installed 2-node 10gR2 RAC on RHEL4 with MSA 1000 as a shared storage. I am using ASM to store the databases files and archive log files in different diskgroups. The ASM diskgroup where archive log file stored is of 100GB size with RAID5 enabled. The database is Archive enabled. I imported only one schema of 4GB of size to the RAC db. today i'm getting "ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed". Now, i want to stop the archive log mode remove files.
    1. How can i can change the archive log mode to NOARCHIVELOG mode in RAC db?
    2. How can i delete archive log files after changing the archivelog mode from ASM? I dont want take a backup of the database as the data is not important.
    Please help..my RAC db is freezed...

    How can i rectify this permanentlyHow do you rectify this "error" everytime you get it ? If you are clearing / deleting files in the db_recovery_file_dest location than you would know that you should either
    a. Increaes db_recovery_file_dest_size (ensuring that the filesystem does have that much space, else increase the filesystem size as well !)
    b. retain fewer files in this location (reduce retention or redundancy)
    If you aren't using a db_recovery_file_dest or the archivelogs are going elsewhere and you are manually purging archivelogs, you should look at increasing the size of the available filesystem.
    If you are retaining multiple days archivelogs on disk, and running daily full backups, re-consider why you have multiple days archivelogs on disk.
    If the problem occurs because of large batch jobs generating a large quantum of redo, either buy enough disk space OR rre-consider the jobs.

  • Steps to Enable Archive log - RAC 10gR2(10.2.04)

    Can anyone help on steps to enable archive log in RAC + ASM environment.
    db version- , filesystem - ASM, Two nodes(db1,db2)
    Regards & Thanks

    you can follow below steps to configure your RAC database archive/noarchive log mode
    Putting the database into archive/noarchivelog mode in RAC environment:
    1. Set cluster_database=false for the instance.
    alter system set cluster_database=false scope=spfile sid='PROD1';
    2. Shutdown all the instances accessing the database.
    srvctl stop database -d prod
    3. Mount the database using the local instance.
    startup mount
    4. Enabling archiving / noarchiving
    alter database archivelog;
    alter database noarchivelog;
    5. Change the parameter cluster_database=true for the instance prod1.
    alter system set cluster_database=true scope=spfile sid='PROD1';
    6. Shutdown the local database.
    7. Bring up all the instances.
    srvctl start database -d prod

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