9iAS: JSP: contentType BUG

this is a very simple JSP page, it cant run correctly on 9iAS running on Windows NT or 2000.
If you try to pass any parameter with caracterset except the default you will get rubbish.
I tried to upgrade OracleJSP to the latest version from OTN (, but I get the same problem.
I have a real big application developed with JDeveloper 3.2 using BC4J and DataTags, I found the same problem in all pages. Have I drop 9iAS as a deployment environment, all drop my all application ?????
I need a solution very very urgent!
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1256" %>
Hello User
String name = request.getParameter("newName");
if ( name!= null ) { %>
<H3>Welcome <%= name %></H3>
<% } %>
Enter your Name:
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT name=newName size = 20>

I found that the code is not cleare , her is again with [ ] replaced < >
[%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1256" %]
Hello User
String name = request.getParameter("newName");
if ( name!= null ) { %]
[H3]Welcome [%= name %][H3]
Enter your Name:
[INPUT TYPE=TEXT name=newName size = 20][br]

Similar Messages

  • JSP bug or JSP container bug?

    This the following a JSP bug or JSP container bug?
    When I put:
         void method() {
    </jsp:declaration>in a JSP page it runs fine, but when I put:
         void method() {
              for(int idx=0; idx<5; idx++) {
    </jsp:declaration>in a JSP page I get:
    HTTP Status 500 -
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /doc/c11/XmlSyntaxDeclarations.jsp(54,17) Unterminated <jsp:declaration> tag
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.27 logs.
    Apache Tomcat/5.0.27

    What gives? I'm having the same problem with a scriptlet!
    This works:
         out.println("cntInt = "+cntInt);
    </jsp:scriptlet>but this doesn't works:
         out.println("cntInt = "+cntInt);
         for(int idx=0; idx<cntInt; idx++) {
    </jsp:scriptlet>...it can't seem to handle for loop? Does anyone know why?

  • Another JSP Fragment bug (or JSF flaw?)

    My application has a search box and go button in a JSPF fragment. But data content is rendered in a JSP. To demonstrate the problem I am going to slightly modify the Person/Trip tutorial sample:
    1. Create a new project
    2. Add Trip rowset to page1
    3. Set criteria perseonid = ?
    4. Add data table and bind it to trip rowset
    5. Add Integer PersonID property to the session bean
    6. Add PersonID initialization code:
    personID = new Integer(1);
    5. Add Page1 initialization:
    try {
    dataTable1Model.setObject(1, getSessionBean1().getPersonID());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new FacesException(e);
    5. Add a new JSP Fragment above the table and name it Test.jspf
    6. Place an edit field (Search) and a button to submit the search
    7. Add process value change event to the edit box:
    getSessionBean1().setPersonID(new Integer((String)vce.getNewValue()));
    8. Add action handler to the button but keep it empty for now since we do not have inter-page navigation here really
    Now start project and enter 2 into search field click on the button and see the table did not update. Enter 3 and see that the table now shows the records for the person id 2.
    So why do tutorial samples work and this JSPF does not? The problem is that JSPF fragment does not have any knowledge about the table data model on the Page1.jsp so it cannot synchronize it in the value change event!!! However, tutorial samples do update data model because value change event is in the same Java class. In this case JSPF is a completely different class.
    Now please tell me what am I supposed to do? Don't suggest me to access Page1.tableDataModel from the Test.jspf since my JSPF can be included in different pages.
    My current workaround again is using this call in the button action event:
    try { getExternalContext().redirect("Page1.jsp"); } catch (Exception e) {};
    Now, you have to pay me something for all that hard QA work I have to do for your entire QA department. ;-)
    Here is the codes: (just in case)
    * Page1.java
    * Created on December 19, 2004, 10:59 AM
    * Copyright ybaykshtis
    package test9;
    import javax.faces.*;
    import com.sun.jsfcl.app.*;
    import javax.faces.component.html.*;
    import com.sun.sql.rowset.*;
    import com.sun.jsfcl.data.*;
    import javax.faces.component.*;
    public class Page1 extends AbstractPageBean {
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Definition">
    private int __placeholder;
    private HtmlForm form1 = new HtmlForm();
    public HtmlForm getForm1() {
    return form1;
    public void setForm1(HtmlForm hf) {
    this.form1 = hf;
    private JdbcRowSetXImpl tripRowSet = new JdbcRowSetXImpl();
    public JdbcRowSetXImpl getTripRowSet() {
    return tripRowSet;
    public void setTripRowSet(JdbcRowSetXImpl jrsxi) {
    this.tripRowSet = jrsxi;
    private HtmlDataTable dataTable1 = new HtmlDataTable();
    public HtmlDataTable getDataTable1() {
    return dataTable1;
    public void setDataTable1(HtmlDataTable hdt) {
    this.dataTable1 = hdt;
    private UIColumn column1 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn1() {
    return column1;
    public void setColumn1(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column1 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText1 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText1() {
    return outputText1;
    public void setOutputText1(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText1 = hot;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText2 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText2() {
    return outputText2;
    public void setOutputText2(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText2 = hot;
    private UIColumn column2 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn2() {
    return column2;
    public void setColumn2(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column2 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText3 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText3() {
    return outputText3;
    public void setOutputText3(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText3 = hot;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText4 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText4() {
    return outputText4;
    public void setOutputText4(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText4 = hot;
    private UIColumn column3 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn3() {
    return column3;
    public void setColumn3(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column3 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText5 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText5() {
    return outputText5;
    public void setOutputText5(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText5 = hot;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText6 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText6() {
    return outputText6;
    public void setOutputText6(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText6 = hot;
    private UIColumn column4 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn4() {
    return column4;
    public void setColumn4(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column4 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText7 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText7() {
    return outputText7;
    public void setOutputText7(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText7 = hot;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText8 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText8() {
    return outputText8;
    public void setOutputText8(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText8 = hot;
    private UIColumn column5 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn5() {
    return column5;
    public void setColumn5(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column5 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText9 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText9() {
    return outputText9;
    public void setOutputText9(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText9 = hot;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText10 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText10() {
    return outputText10;
    public void setOutputText10(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText10 = hot;
    private UIColumn column6 = new UIColumn();
    public UIColumn getColumn6() {
    return column6;
    public void setColumn6(UIColumn uic) {
    this.column6 = uic;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText11 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText11() {
    return outputText11;
    public void setOutputText11(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText11 = hot;
    private HtmlOutputText outputText12 = new HtmlOutputText();
    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText12() {
    return outputText12;
    public void setOutputText12(HtmlOutputText hot) {
    this.outputText12 = hot;
    private RowSetDataModel dataTable1Model = new RowSetDataModel();
    public RowSetDataModel getDataTable1Model() {
    return dataTable1Model;
    public void setDataTable1Model(RowSetDataModel rsdm) {
    this.dataTable1Model = rsdm;
    // </editor-fold>
    public Page1() {
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Initialization">
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    log("Page1 Initialization Failure", e);
    throw e instanceof FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e);
    // </editor-fold>
    // Additional user provided initialization code
    try {
    dataTable1Model.setObject(1, getSessionBean1().getPersonID());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new FacesException(e);
    protected test9.ApplicationBean1 getApplicationBean1() {
    return (test9.ApplicationBean1)getBean("ApplicationBean1");
    protected test9.SessionBean1 getSessionBean1() {
    return (test9.SessionBean1)getBean("SessionBean1");
    * Bean cleanup.
    protected void afterRenderResponse() {
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page">
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
    <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Cache-Control"/>
    <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma"/>
    <title>Page1 Title</title>
    <link href="resources/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <body style="-rave-layout: grid">
    <h:form binding="#{Page1.form1}" id="form1">
    <h:dataTable binding="#{Page1.dataTable1}" headerClass="list-header" id="dataTable1" rowClasses="list-row-even,list-row-odd"
    style="left: 24px; top: 168px; position: absolute" value="#{Page1.dataTable1Model}" var="currentRow">
    <h:column binding="#{Page1.column1}" id="column1">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText1}" id="outputText1" value="#{currentRow['TRIPID']}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText2}" id="outputText2" value="TRIPID"/>
    <h:column binding="#{Page1.column2}" id="column2">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText3}" id="outputText3" value="#{currentRow['PERSONID']}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText4}" id="outputText4" value="PERSONID"/>
    <h:column binding="#{Page1.column3}" id="column3">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText5}" id="outputText5" value="#{currentRow['DEPDATE']}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText6}" id="outputText6" value="DEPDATE"/>
    <h:column binding="#{Page1.column4}" id="column4">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText7}" id="outputText7" value="#{currentRow['DEPCITY']}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText8}" id="outputText8" value="DEPCITY"/>
    <h:column binding="#{Page1.column5}" id="column5">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText9}" id="outputText9" value="#{currentRow['DESTCITY']}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText10}" id="outputText10" value="DESTCITY"/>
    <h:column binding="#{Page1.column6}" id="column6">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText11}" id="outputText11" value="#{currentRow['TRIPTYPEID']}"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText binding="#{Page1.outputText12}" id="outputText12" value="TRIPTYPEID"/>
    <div style="left: 48px; top: 72px; position: absolute">
    <jsp:directive.include file="Test.jspf"/>
    * Test.java
    * Created on December 19, 2004, 11:01 AM
    * Copyright ybaykshtis
    package test9;
    import javax.faces.*;
    import com.sun.jsfcl.app.*;
    import javax.faces.component.html.*;
    import com.sun.jsfcl.data.*;
    import javax.faces.component.*;
    import com.sun.sql.rowset.*;
    import javax.faces.convert.*;
    import javax.faces.event.*;
    public class Test extends AbstractPageBean {
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Definition">
    private int __placeholder;
    private JdbcRowSetXImpl personRowSet = new JdbcRowSetXImpl();
    public JdbcRowSetXImpl getPersonRowSet() {
    return personRowSet;
    public void setPersonRowSet(JdbcRowSetXImpl jrsxi) {
    this.personRowSet = jrsxi;
    private HtmlInputText textField1 = new HtmlInputText();
    public HtmlInputText getTextField1() {
    return textField1;
    public void setTextField1(HtmlInputText hit) {
    this.textField1 = hit;
    private HtmlCommandButton button1 = new HtmlCommandButton();
    public HtmlCommandButton getButton1() {
    return button1;
    public void setButton1(HtmlCommandButton hcb) {
    this.button1 = hcb;
    // </editor-fold>
    public Test() {
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Initialization">
    try {
    personRowSet.setCommand("SELECT * FROM TRAVEL.PERSON");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    log("Test Initialization Failure", e);
    throw e instanceof javax.faces.FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e);
    // </editor-fold>
    // Additional user provided initialization code
    protected test9.ApplicationBean1 getApplicationBean1() {
    return (test9.ApplicationBean1)getBean("ApplicationBean1");
    protected test9.SessionBean1 getSessionBean1() {
    return (test9.SessionBean1)getBean("SessionBean1");
    * Bean cleanup.
    protected void afterRenderResponse() {
    public String button1_action() {
    // User event code here...
    //try { getExternalContext().redirect("Page1.jsp"); } catch (Exception e) {};
    return null;
    public void textField1_processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent vce) {
    // User event code here...
    getSessionBean1().setPersonID(new Integer((String)vce.getNewValue()));
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <div style="-rave-layout: grid" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html">
    <p>Included Content Here</p>
    <h:inputText binding="#{Test.textField1}" id="textField1" style="left: 48px; top: 48px; position: absolute" valueChangeListener="#{Test.textField1_processValueChange}"/>
    <h:commandButton action="#{Test.button1_action}" binding="#{Test.button1}" id="button1" style="left: 240px; top: 48px; position: absolute" value="Submit"/>

    Hi ,
    Thanks for your valuable observations and feedback. I could observe that the workaround seems to be working fine. Thanks for providing the workaround.
    The problem you are facing without the workaround is a known issue and our engineers are currently working on it.
    Creator Team.

  • JSP TagLib Bug

    I took my taglib's and tried to move them
              over to get them working on 6.0.
              I now get an error:
              Parsing of JSP File '/showdate.jsp' failed:
              /showdate.jsp(1): Error in using tag library uri='date' prefix='/date.tld':
              There is no setter method for property 'datestring', for Tag class
              probably occurred due to an error in /showdate.jsp line 1:
              <%@ taglib uri="/date.tld" prefix="date" %>
              However I do have a setDatestring() method. I have tried various taglibs
              that are in production working fine.
              Is this a known bug? Has anyone else run into this?
              I also find that precompile=true in weblogic.xml doesn't seem to do anything
              Who does the QA for this? ;)
              Dion Almaer | [email protected]
              CustomWare | http://www.customware.com

    Thank you. I changed my setter to be setFoo() and have the attribute foo in
              my tag and it worked. For some reason some values don't work in there. I
              haven't worked out
              if the problem is a) having a variable x and then having a setX() or whether
              it has something to do with the properties of the name that you call it.
              "newsgroups.bea.com" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > I encountered this problem several times. I don't know why. The setter
              > method is exactly there. Finally I changed the spelling of the properties
              > and setter method to solve this problem. It worked. I think there are some
              > words cannot be used as names of properties. It should be a bug of WL 6.0
              > "Dion Almaer" <[email protected]> ¼¶¼g©ó¶l¥ó
              > news:[email protected]...
              > > I took my taglib's and tried to move them
              > > over to get them working on 6.0.
              > >
              > > I now get an error:
              > >
              > > Parsing of JSP File '/showdate.jsp' failed:
              > >
              > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              > --
              > > ----
              > >
              > > /showdate.jsp(1): Error in using tag library uri='date'
              > prefix='/date.tld':
              > > There is no setter method for property 'datestring', for Tag class
              > > 'com.almaer.taglib.date.ShowDateTag'
              > > probably occurred due to an error in /showdate.jsp line 1:
              > > <%@ taglib uri="/date.tld" prefix="date" %>
              > >
              > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              > --
              > > ----
              > >
              > >
              > > However I do have a setDatestring() method. I have tried various
              > taglibs
              > > that are in production working fine.
              > > Is this a known bug? Has anyone else run into this?
              > >
              > > I also find that precompile=true in weblogic.xml doesn't seem to do
              > anything
              > > :)
              > > Who does the QA for this? ;)
              > >
              > > Dion
              > > -------------------------------------------------------------
              > > Dion Almaer | [email protected]
              > > CustomWare | http://www.customware.com
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > >

  • JSP Reformat bug

    I found the following bug in JDeveloper, that considerably hardens my work.
    Here is how to reproduce it.
    1. Create a JSP page and inside 'body' tags enter the following text (in a single line), inside the 'div' tag:<br>----------------<br>
    Text to test features, regarding Reformat command in the JDeveloper IDE. Let's look what we get if we select Reformat.<br>----------------<br>
    2. Select Reformat in the context menu and you'll see something like this:<br><br>
    Text to test features, regarding Reformat command in the JDeveloper <br>
    IDE. Let's look what we get if we select Reformat.<br>
    That's OK - the text is separated into several lines.<br>
    3. Now let's add some expression language to our sample text:<br>----------------<br>
    Text to test features, regarding ${command_name} command in the JDeveloper IDE. Let's look what we get if we select Reformat.<br>----------------<br>
    Now the result is rather strange, but nevertheless:<br><br>
    Text to test features, regarding<br>
    command in the JDeveloper IDE. Let's look what we get if we select <br>
    Reformat. <br><br>
    4. And the worst case - if we need to add brackets to our sample text:<br>----------------<br>
    Text to test features, regarding (${command_name}) command in the JDeveloper IDE. Let's look what we get if we select Reformat.<br>----------------<br>
    The result is really awfull, and everything is on the far right side:<br><br>
    Text to test features, regarding (${command_name}) <br>command in the <br>
    JDeveloper IDE. Let's <br>
    look what we get if we <br>
    select Reformat.<br><br>
    In my case, the text was really long, and all of it was printed on the far right side, by single word!<br><br>
    I didn't test it at JDev 11, as I have not it at hand - if somebody tests, report me,
    please. And now I naturally use JDev 10 for development, not JDev 11.<br><br>
    Correct this bug, please!

    Suppose, when editing JSP page, there's a text like
    &lt;span onclick="myFunction()"&gt;...&lt;/span&gt;.
    When I do Reformat, this text becomes
    &lt;span onclick="onclick"&gt;...&lt;/span&gt;!
    I've lost a lot of code in such a way!..
    Message was edited by:

  • JSP Textarea bug

    I have a form a user has to complete, once submitted, i store the userinput values in a fava bean using get and set methods.
    It all works fine, except fot the HTML textarea, it dont want to store it in the javabean?
    <textarea name="comments" rows="5" cols="19">test</textarea>
    I have used this before in my Microsoft ASP pages, and it worked fine, but not in JSP. What can I do to fix this?

    a) i doubt it is a bug
    b) what exaclty is the problem ?

  • WL SP4 jsp compilation bug? - redeployment

    Last week I've upgraded WebLogic from SP2 to SP4. Since then after each application redeploy i'm getting jsp compilation error.<br><br>
              The only solution I've found is to restart the cluster. Then it works fine until next redeployment.<br><br>
              It looks like WebLogic couldn't find some libraries. Maybe it is problem with ClassLoader.<br><br>
              Did you encounter any behaviour like this? Is it some kind of WebLogic SP4 bug?<br><br>
              ####<Apr 11, 2005 6:29:25 PM CEST> <Error> <HTTP> <K2DA002> <man1ITG20> <ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-101017> <[ServletContext(id=8986766,name=plans,context-path=/plans)] Root cause of ServletException.
              java.lang.Throwable: Failed to compile JSP /login/remotelogin.jsp<html><br>
              <title>Javelin JSP compilation error</title><br>
              <b>Compilation of JSP File '/login/remotelogin.jsp' <font color=#FF0000>failed</font>:</b><HR><br>
              Errors found in <br>man1ITG20/stage/integration/TD/login/remotelogin.jsp:
              Error at line 17 column 1:<br>
              Description: Package org.apache contains no member package or type of this name.
              Error at line 17 column 1:
              Description: Package org.apache contains no member package or type of this name.
              Error at line 55 column 2:
              Description: Package org.apache contains no member package or type of this name.
              Error at line 56 column 4:
              Description: Package org.apache contains no member package or type of this name.
              Found 4 error(s) and 0 warning(s).
                   at weblogic.servlet.jsp.WlwJspStub.compilePage(WlwJspStub.java:207)
                   at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspStub.prepareServlet(JspStub.java:238)
                   at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspStub.prepareServlet(JspStub.java:188)
                   at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.getServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:535)
                   at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:373)
                   at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(ServletStubImpl.java:463)
                   at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:28)
                   at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:27)
                   at com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowJspFilter.doFilter(PageFlowJspFilter.java:223)
                   at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:27)
                   at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:6724)
                   at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
                   at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121)
                   at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(WebAppServletContext.java:3764)
                   at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(ServletRequestImpl.java:2644)
                   at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:219)
                   at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178)

    I've a similiar problem when redeploying apps on WL SP4/Jrockit JVM on Linux. The redeploy results in a NoClassDefFound error, while a fresh deployment works fine. Two points to note here:
              - The domain is on a NFS mounted drive - The redeploy works fine if the domain is on a local disk.
              - The redeploy works fine if I use the bundled JDK142_05
              Here's the exception -
              --------------- nested within: ------------------
              weblogic.management.ManagementException: - with nested exception:
              [java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mypackage/common/util/LoggerBase]
              at weblogic.management.deploy.slave.SlaveDeployer$ActivateTask.prepare()V(SlaveDeployer.java:2396)
              at weblogic.management.deploy.slave.SlaveDeployer.processPrepareTask(Lweblogic.management.deploy.OamVersion;Lweblogic
              at weblogic.management.deploy.slave.SlaveDeployer.prepareDelta(Lweblogic.management.deploy.OamDelta;Lweblogic.managem
              at weblogic.management.deploy.slave.SlaveDeployer.prepareUpdate(Ljava.util.ArrayList;Z)V(SlaveDeployer.java:508)
              at weblogic.drs.internal.SlaveCallbackHandler$1.execute(Lweblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread;)V(SlaveCallbackHandler.java:2
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(Lweblogic.kernel.ExecuteRequest;)V(ExecuteThread.java:219)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run()V(ExecuteThread.java:178)
              at java.lang.Thread.startThreadFromVM(Ljava.lang.Thread;)V(Unknown Source)

  • 9iAS JSP/Tag Library Help needed

    Info: We have 9iAS running on Sun Solaris (Sparc). I have been to Sun class for JSP/Servlets (SL-314) and have an Iterator custom tag that works fine in Tomcat 4.0. I am compiling on a Windows NT machine using Ant and JDK 1.3. I then deploy using Oracle Enterprise Manager (web interface to 9iAS) and use the Deploy WAR option. The only examples I can find that came with 9iAS use JSP 1.1 Taglib code and they work. Am I missing something, or does 9iAS ( not fully support JSP 1.2 / Servlet 2.3, specifically the 1.2 tag library API?
    Any help would be appreciated...
    Code Snippets from failing JSP:
    <%@ taglib uri="hr/taglib" prefix="hr" %>
    <hr:iterator id="empdata" listName="employeeList">
    <li><jsp:getProperty name="empdata" property="name"/> (<jsp:getProperty name="empdata" property="depth"/>)</li>
    This generates the following 500 Internal Server error:
         at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:279)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:292)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:292)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:255)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspUtils.loadClassJDK(JspUtils.java:219)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspUtils.loadClass(JspUtils.java:209)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspRTTag.(JspRTTag.java:102)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseState.createTagParser(JspParseState.java:410)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTag.parseNextTag(JspParseTag.java:538)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTagFile.parse(JspParseTagFile.java:160)
         at oracle.jsp.parse.OracleJsp2Java.transform(OracleJsp2Java.java:40)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageCompiler.attemptCompilePage(JspPageCompiler.java:295)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageCompiler.compilePage(JspPageCompiler.java:171)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageInfo.compileAndLoad(JspPageInfo.java:338)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.compileAndServe(JspPageTable.java:481)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(JspPageTable.java:255)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(JspServlet.java:407)
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:330)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:336)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(ResourceFilterChain.java:59)
         at oracle.security.jazn.oc4j.JAZNFilter.doFilter(JAZNFilter.java:283)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:523)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:269)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:735)
         at com.evermind.server.http.AJPRequestHandler.run(AJPRequestHandler.java:151)
         at com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run(ThreadPoolThread.java:64)

    Sorry techie_sudhanshu .. i was away for the month with no internet access and just got back... here's an example :
    <display:table name="CUSTOMERS"  pagesize="10" id="customer" sort="list" defaultsort="3" requestURI="/customer.do?submit=Search" class="model">
         <display:setProperty name="paging.banner.placement" value="both"/>
         <display:setProperty name="paging.banner.some_items_found" value=""/>
         <display:setProperty name="paging.banner.one_item_found" value=""/>
         <display:setProperty name="paging.banner.all_items_found" value=""/>
         <display:setProperty name="paging.banner.no_items_found" value=""/>
         <display:setProperty name="paging.banner.onepage" value=""/>
         <display:setProperty name="basic.msg.empty_list"><center>No Record(s) was found.</center></display:setProperty>
          <display:column title="Name" sortable="false"><c:out value="${customer.name}"/></display:column>
          <display:column title="Address" sortable="false"><c:out value="${customer.address}"/></display:column>
    </display:table>The line where `<display:setProperty name="paging.banner.placement" value="both"/>` was specify solves your problem. By setting it to BOTH it will appear above and bottom of the paging table.

  • 9ias JSP can't find Classes I created

    I created a package for my JSP and import it to be used in a JSP. It works great, but for some reason, it displays an error message saying it can't find the class in import. Can anyone explain that? Thanks.

    I created a package for my JSP and import it to be used in a JSP. It works great, but for some reason, it displays an error message saying it can't find the class in import. Can anyone explain that? Thanks.

  • jsp:scriptlet bug

    String l_string = "{0,number,000.00 $}";
    I am getting the following error if I have the above code in a JSP; Looks like its a tag library issue.
    -->String literal is not properly closed by a double-quote

    in addition I am using MyEclipse 5.0 editor, and its producing this compilation error with using following libraries,
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 188,671 commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 559,366 commons-collections-3.1.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 207,723 commons-lang-2.1.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 38,015 commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 210,432 displaytag-1.1.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 12,590 displaytag-export-poi-1.1.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 1,145,105 itext-1.3.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 20,682 jstl-1.1.2.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 358,085 log4j-1.2.12.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 802,216 poi-2.5.1.jar
    10/31/2006 12:31 PM 508,651 standard-1.0.6.jar

  • Nitro 1.1 JSP compilation bug


    I am starting to see a pattern here of problems. One issue might be that we
    are using Resin as a container. Im not sure if that is contibuting to some
    compile issues but it might. For example, nitro complains about this
    this.getServletContext().log("Bad Hashcode for RegulatoryApplication");
    Changing the "this" to "seesion" fixes it. Since this works in resin, I
    assume resin, I assume it is an container issue.
    Nitro's jsp complier seems to really not like stuff like this:
    <% if (noUser.booleanValue()) { %>
    href="javascript:window.alert('You must be a member of DrillingInfo to
    access the download functions.')">Download this data</a>
    <% } else { %>
    oad.ProductionDownloadController.DOWNLOAD_FORMAT_DRI %>"
    target="_blank">Download this data</a>
    <% } %>
    Giving an error "syntax error on else: finally expected"
    Is there some way to turn off jsp complile entirely or on a file by file
    "Alan Berezin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Installed Nitro1.1 along with it's eclipse3.0.I am seeing an error reported in a scriptlet. Here is a clip of the JSP:
    table bgcolor="eeeeee" width="650"
    % int[] npvp =
    logic:iterate name="calcAnalysisDO" property="netPresentValues"
    td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
    $<bean:write name="value" format="###,###"/></font></td
    It is reporting an error on this line: <% int[] npvp ...
    The error is "Type Mismatch: cannot convert from null to int"
    Interestly, when I move that statement to the top of the file, into a
    scriptlet with some other code, the error disappears. That will work fine
    at runtime.
    This jsp scriptlet causes the same error: <%=
    leaseData.getWells().toString() %
    I change it to this but still get the same error (getWells() returns a
    String): <% out.print(leaseData.getWells()); %
    Note that Nitro knows this object, leaseData, because it properly does
    statement completion on it.

  • Create JSP Wizard Bug

    JDeveloper 11g does not provide a Create JSP wizard, with a provision to add tag libraries to a JSP page, as JDeveloper 10g does. If tag libraries
    are required, the tag libraries have to be added after creating the jsp page and also the tag library JAR files have to be copied to the WEB-INF/lib directory.

    A project containing JSPs and servlets is a web project. But, the create application wizard does not have the provision to add tag libraries.
    Create application with File>New. Categories>Applications and Items>Generic Application. Specify Application Name in Create Generic Application and Next.
    In Name your Generic project select JSP and Servlets Project technologies. But, tag libraries are not provided.
    Even if the Web Project template is selected, the project does not include the tag library JAR files in the WEB-INF/lib directory. Also if a JSP is added to a Web Project,
    the JSP does not contain the tag library directives.
    The following features are requested to be added:
    1. When a project is created with the Web Project template the WEB-INF/lib directory should contain the tag library JAR files, which are required to run the web application in a server other than the integrated WebLogic server.
    2. When a JSP is added to a Web Project template project the JSP should contain the tag library directives for the tag libraries in the Web Project. Even if the Add Jsp Page option is selected while creating the Web Project, the tag library directives are not added to the JSP page.
    3. The tag libraries should also be available for other project technologies such as JSP and Servlets and JSP for Business Components that may include tag libraries.
    Edited by: dvohra on Nov 12, 2008 1:34 PM

  • How to display a message box in a UIX JSP page?

    I've a UIX JSP Application with BC4J developed with JDeveloper RC.
    The problem is that when the user mistakes in the insertion/updating, I'd like to help him displaying a message box or a modal dialog window.
    In particular, I've the following code:
    <%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui/bc4j" prefix="bc4juix" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.jbo.JboException" %>
    <%@ page import="CdssPackage.*" %>
    <%-- Define Application Module and DataSource--%>
    <%-- Define Application Module and DataSource--%>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule configname="CdssPackage.CdssPackageModule.CdssPackageModuleLocal" id="app1" username="scott" password="tiger" releasemode="Stateful" />
    //Check the mandatory fields are not null
    if ((cod_comm.compareTo("")==0) || (nome_ruolo.compareTo("")==0)){
    throw new JboException(Errors.ERR_REQUIRED_FIELD);
    //Now, the errorpage.jsp is displayed, while I'd like to display a message box or a modal dialog window
    How can I do it?
    Thanks in advance.

    You can use javascript to send a message window in the http protocol.
    Hope this helps,
    Java Tools Team

  • How to display the content of a BLOB column in a JSP page?

    I've a db table with a Blob column which contains an image (".gif" file). I've created a UIX JSP page with the wizard, but I cannot display my image.
    This is my code:
    <%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui/bc4j" prefix="bc4juix" %>
    <%-- Define Application Module and DataSource--%>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule configname="PackageTest.PackageTestModule.PackageTestModuleLocal" id="app1" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds1" appid="app1" viewobject="ProvaMediaView" rangesize="1" />
    <%-- Main page contents go here --%>
    <uix:form name="form1" method="POST">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout >
    <jbo:AttributeIterate id="dsAttributes" datasource="ds1" hideattributes="UixShowHide">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="<%=dsAttributes.getName()%>" />
    <jbo:EmbedImage datasource="ds1" mediaattr="Image" />
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="<%=dsAttributes.getName()%>" />
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="<%=dsAttributes.getName()%>" />
    <uix:formValue name="RowKey" value="<%= sRowKey%>" />
    and this is the error on running the page:
    Exception Details
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
         int oracle.ord.html.jsp.datatags.ShowEmbedImageTag.doStartTag()
         void Media_Edit._jspService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         void oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
         void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, java.lang.String)
         void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         void javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
         void com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
         void com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         boolean com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerThread, com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletRequest, com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse, java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, boolean)
         void com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(java.lang.Thread)
         void com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run()
    How can I do?
    Thanks in advance.

    I've a db table with a Blob column which contains an image (".gif" file). I've created a UIX JSP page with the wizard, but I cannot display my image.
    This is my code:
    <%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui/bc4j" prefix="bc4juix" %>
    <%-- Define Application Module and DataSource--%>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule configname="PackageTest.PackageTestModule.PackageTestModuleLocal" id="app1" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds1" appid="app1" viewobject="ProvaMediaView" rangesize="1" />
    <%-- Main page contents go here --%>
    <uix:form name="form1" method="POST">
    <uix:labeledFieldLayout >
    <jbo:AttributeIterate id="dsAttributes" datasource="ds1" hideattributes="UixShowHide">
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="<%=dsAttributes.getName()%>" />
    <jbo:EmbedImage datasource="ds1" mediaattr="Image" />
    <bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="<%=dsAttributes.getName()%>" />
    <bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="<%=dsAttributes.getName()%>" />
    <uix:formValue name="RowKey" value="<%= sRowKey%>" />
    and this is the error on running the page:
    Exception Details
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain
         int oracle.ord.html.jsp.datatags.ShowEmbedImageTag.doStartTag()
         void Media_Edit._jspService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         void oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
         void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, java.lang.String)
         void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         void oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         void javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
         void com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse)
         void com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
         boolean com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerThread, com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletRequest, com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse, java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, boolean)
         void com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(java.lang.Thread)
         void com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run()
    How can I do?
    Thanks in advance.

  • JSP Strange error...

    Hi all,
    I've a problem with my jsp. When I first run my script on the browser it works fine. But when I refresh it, I always got this message:
    "Application Error"
    Error Message: 0
    I really don't know what is the error? Can somebody enlightened me, what's wrong with my script?
    Huge Thanks,

    Here is my code:
    <%@ page language="java" errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252" %>
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" import="java.lang.*" import="java.util.*" import="java.io.*" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Oracle JDeveloper">
    <LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="bc4j.css">
    <TITLE>Browse Form</TITLE>
    <jbo:ApplicationModule id="Tabc4jModule" definition="TAJPR.Tabc4jModule" releasemode="Stateful" />
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds" appid="Tabc4jModule" viewobject="KainobjView1" rangesize="3"/>
    <jbo:CreateViewObject appid="Tabc4jModule" name="SearchIFView" >
    <jbo:DataSource appid="Tabc4jModule" id="ds1" viewobject="SearchIFView" />
    <table align="center" border="1">
      <tr align="center" height="40">
        <td><font color=darkblue face=verdana><b>Id</b></font></td>
        <td><font color=darkblue face=verdana><b>Photo</b></font></td>
        <td><font color=darkblue face=verdana><b>Name</b></font></td>
      <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="ds1" >
      <tr align="center">
          <jbo:ShowValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="ID" />
            String var = "Gbr"+j;
          <jbo:CreateViewObject appid="Tabc4jModule" name="<%=var%>" >
            SELECT Q.PHOTO FROM KAINOBJ Q WHERE Q.ID=<jbo:ShowValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="ID" />
          <jbo:DataSource appid="Tabc4jModule" id="ds2" viewobject="<%=var%>" />
          <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="ds2">
              <jbo:EmbedImage datasource="ds2"  mediaattr="PHOTO" />
          <jbo:ShowValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="NAME" />
    <jbo:ReleasePageResources />thanks.

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