9iAS Reporting Services Vs 6i Reports..urgent

Hi All,
what is the difference in using the 6i reports and 9iAS Reporting services, as i know that invoking 6i report takes more system resources, will this problem can be resolved by 9iAS Reprot servvices or not, if so how and if not what i have to check for the other alternatives in ORacle for report designing as my project has 1000+ reports.

You should read on reports server (which is the report service in 9iAS) on otn report section. otn.oracle.com/products/reports.
This basically let you run reports on the server and not on the client and thus saves you client resources.

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  • Where is the forum for Fusion Report Service with Oracle Reports?

    Where is the forum for Fusion Report Service with Oracle Reports?

    You could try this one, maybe post your question.

  • InternalCatalogException in Reporting Services 2008 - no reports rendering

    Hi all,
    We've had an unexpected outage on two of our reporting services server overnight and we're hoping someone can point us in the right direction.  We have a Windows Server 2008 machine running about 5 instances of reporting services in standalone, non-IIS
    Two of these instances have started hitting exceptions when rendering any reports.  I include an excerpt from the log below.
    The first evidence of a problem in the log is an InternalCatalogException, of which I can find many unrelated hits when searching the forums so I don't think this is specific enough to trace.  I do note a reference to "segmentedChunkStore" in the
    text which seems like a better clue.
    I've eliminated the idea of a machine/OS issue due to several instances not affected by this problem.  There is some possibly related info which may help:
    -This machine is a HyperV VM which has been moved between hosts within the last few weeks. In the process, all Report Server databases were backed up and restored at the new site.
    - It uses a Custom Authentication extension authored by us.
    - Within the last few days, users of three RS instances advised that a role permission they had prior to the move (Consume Reports Task) was no longer granted.  I had to re-grant this to the role.  The two
    RS instances now experiencing the InternalCatalogException issue raised an error at the time about not being able to find a group when I granted the task.  I added the group, granted again, and it granted without error so I thought nothing more
    of it.
    - These two RS instances have been working fine since the HyperV host move right up until last night.
    - The machine had several Windows Updates queued up which were installed last night.  Since completion of the updates and subsequent reboot, these two Reporting Services instances now raise this InternalCatalogException error when trying to render any
    reports from Report Manager, Report Server, or previous from Report Viewer.
    At this point, I'm suspecting some sort of data corruption has occurred in the ReportServer databases, initially causing the loss of the Consume Reports permission and, after a reboot, these exeptions. But any suggestions on how to troubleshoot further greatly
    appreciated. Here is the excerpt from the log.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:53:: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/IncConseqCountYTD).
    library!ReportServer_0-1!12f0!09/19/2012-20:55:53:: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/IncCount13Months).
    library!ReportServer_0-1!f98!09/19/2012-20:55:53:: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/my30DayActionList).
    library!ReportServer_0-1!10c0!09/19/2012-20:55:53:: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/org30DayStatusPanel).
    library!ReportServer_0-1!830!09/19/2012-20:55:54:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/org30DayStatusPanel')
    library!ReportServer_0-1!830!09/19/2012-20:55:54:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.,
     Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!830!09/19/2012-20:55:55:: i INFO: Exception InternalCatalogException dumped to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.TESTIMPACRS\Reporting Services\Logfiles flags= ReferencedMemory, AllThreads, SendToWatson
    chunks!ReportServer_0-1!830!09/19/2012-20:55:55:: w WARN: Rolling back shared chunk transaction for snapshot '49663ae9-6692-4ea2-8a5d-210de4729653', Permanent=False.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!830!09/19/2012-20:55:55:: w WARN: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!ff8!09/19/2012-20:55:55:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/my30DayStatusPanel')
    library!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:55:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/triCountPanel')
    library!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:55:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., segmentedChunkStore;
     Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!ff8!09/19/2012-20:55:55:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., segmentedChunkStore;
     Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    chunks!ReportServer_0-1!ff8!09/19/2012-20:55:55:: w WARN: Rolling back shared chunk transaction for snapshot '68d6456c-1ed0-46eb-8bec-37b04f94065a', Permanent=False.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!ff8!09/19/2012-20:55:55:: w WARN: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:56:: i INFO: Exception InternalCatalogException dumped to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.TESTIMPACRS\Reporting Services\Logfiles flags= ReferencedMemory, AllThreads, SendToWatson
    chunks!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:56:: w WARN: Rolling back shared chunk transaction for snapshot '464d6ec5-f256-4633-97d9-792c700931a0', Permanent=False.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:56:: w WARN: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!b90!09/19/2012-20:55:56:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/my30DayActionList')
    library!ReportServer_0-1!b90!09/19/2012-20:55:56:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., segmentedChunkStore;
     Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!1598!09/19/2012-20:55:57:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/IncCount13Months')
    library!ReportServer_0-1!b90!09/19/2012-20:55:57:: i INFO: Exception InternalCatalogException dumped to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.TESTIMPACRS\Reporting Services\Logfiles flags= ReferencedMemory, AllThreads, SendToWatson
    chunks!ReportServer_0-1!b90!09/19/2012-20:55:57:: w WARN: Rolling back shared chunk transaction for snapshot '94bb87a7-bece-454e-b418-78b18b9eacb1', Permanent=False.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!b90!09/19/2012-20:55:57:: w WARN: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:57:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/Risk Manager/Dashboard Module/Medsys/IncConseqCountYTD')
    library!ReportServer_0-1!1598!09/19/2012-20:55:57:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., segmentedChunkStore;
     Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:58:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., segmentedChunkStore;
     Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    chunks!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:58:: w WARN: Rolling back shared chunk transaction for snapshot 'e254656f-6c22-49e6-b473-5ed986e0a730', Permanent=False.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!8d4!09/19/2012-20:55:58:: w WARN: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!1598!09/19/2012-20:55:58:: i INFO: Exception InternalCatalogException dumped to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.TESTIMPACRS\Reporting Services\Logfiles flags= ReferencedMemory, AllThreads, SendToWatson
    chunks!ReportServer_0-1!1598!09/19/2012-20:55:58:: w WARN: Rolling back shared chunk transaction for snapshot 'e15cc0b9-c8b1-446a-a3bf-da2ceba6273d', Permanent=False.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!1598!09/19/2012-20:55:58:: w WARN: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
    library!WindowsService_0!14a0!09/19/2012-21:01:07:: i INFO: Call to CleanBatch()
    library!WindowsService_0!14a0!09/19/2012-21:01:13:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0 policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 0 running jobs, 0 persisted streams, 0 segments, 0 segment mappings.

    There are some more objects that reference the hardcoded temp DB of the ReportingServer:
    - dbo.ExtendedDataSources (VIEW)
    - dbo.ExtendedDataSets (VIEW)
    - dbo.ExtendedCatalog (FUNCTION)
    I've created a TSQL Script which does the job for you. The script below creates a script that can be executed on a renamed ReportingServer DB. 
    Just set appropriate values for the variables @oldTempDB and
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE id=OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmp_objects')) DROP TABLE #tmp_objects
    DECLARE @oldTempDB varchar(150), @newTempDB varchar(150)
    SET @oldTempDB='ReportServer$TempDB'
    SET @newTempDB='MY_ReportServer$TempDB'
    CASE type_desc
    END AS objectType
    , m.definition AS SQLCommand
    , s.name AS SchemaName
    , o.name as ObjectName
    , s.name + '.' + o.name AS objectFullName
    , 0 AS done
    , 0 AS success
    , NEWID() AS ID
    , LEN(m.definition) AS Length
    INTO #tmp_objects
    FROM sys.objects o
    INNER JOIN sys.all_sql_modules m
    ON m.object_id=o.object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas s
    ON s.schema_id=o.schema_id
    WHERE type_desc IN (
    -- , 'USER_TABLE'
    AND PATINDEX('%' + @oldTempDB + '%', m.definition)>0
    AND PATINDEX('%' + @newTempDB + '%', m.definition)=0
    PRINT 'GO'
    PRINT 'GO'
    DECLARE @SQLDefinition VARCHAR(MAX), @ObjectName VARCHAR(200), @ObjectType VARCHAR(50), @CommandID VARCHAR(50), @ObjectFullName VARCHAR(350), @SchemaName VARCHAR(50), @searchPattern varchar(250), @reverseSearchPattern varchar(250)
    DECLARE @LineBreakPos INT, @Pos INT, @patternCounter INT
    SELECT *
    FROM #tmp_objects
    WHERE done=0
    FROM #tmp_objects
    WHERE done=0
    ORDER BY objectName
    /*-----------------------create output-----------------------------------------*/
    , @ObjectName=t.objectName
    , @SchemaName=t.SchemaName
    , @ObjectFullName=t.objectFullName
    , @ObjectType=t.objectType
    FROM #tmp_objects t
    SET @patternCounter=0
    /************replace create by alter and oldTempDB by newTempDB***********/
    WHILE @patternCounter<4
    IF @patternCounter=0 SET @searchPattern='%CREATE %' + @ObjectType +'% %' + @SchemaName + '.' + @ObjectName + '%'
    IF @patternCounter=1 SET @searchPattern='%CREATE %' + @ObjectType +'% %[' + @SchemaName + '].' + @ObjectName + '%'
    IF @patternCounter=2 SET @searchPattern='%CREATE %' + @ObjectType +'% %[' + @SchemaName + '].[' + @ObjectName + ']%'
    IF @patternCounter=3 SET @searchPattern='%CREATE %' + @ObjectType +'% %' + @SchemaName + '.[' + @ObjectName + ']%'
    SET @reverseSearchPattern=REPLACE(REVERSE(@SearchPattern),'[','[[]')
    SET @SearchPattern=REPLACE(@SearchPattern,'[','[[]')
    IF PATINDEX(@searchPattern, @SQLDefinition)>0
    SET @patternCounter=99
    SET @SQLDefinition= REPLACE(
    LEN(@SQLDefinition) - PATINDEX(@ReverseSearchPattern, REVERSE(@SQLDefinition))+1
    PATINDEX(@searchPattern, @SQLDefinition),
    'CREATE ',
    'ALTER '
    @SQLDefinition, LEN(@SQLDefinition) - PATINDEX(@ReverseSearchPattern, REVERSE(@SQLDefinition))+2
    , LEN(@SQLDefinition)
    SET @SQLDefinition=REPLACE(@SQLDefinition, @oldTempDB, @newTempDB)
    SET @patternCounter=@patternCounter+1
    IF @patternCounter=99 /*found pattern*/
    /************END replace create by alter*******/
    PRINT ''
    PRINT ''
    PRINT '/******ALTER ' + @ObjectType + ' ' + @ObjectFullName + '******/'
    PRINT 'PRINT ''******ALTER ' + @ObjectType + ' ' + @ObjectFullName + '*******'''
    PRINT 'GO'
    SET @LineBreakPos=CHARINDEX(CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), LEFT(@SQLDefinition,8000))
    IF @LineBreakPos>0 AND LEN(@SQLDefinition)>=8000
    SET @Pos=1
    WHILE @LineBreakPos>0
    PRINT SUBSTRING(@SQLDefinition, @Pos, @LineBreakPos-1)
    SET @Pos=@Pos + @LineBreakPos+1
    SET @LineBreakPos=CHARINDEX(CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), SUBSTRING(@SQLDefinition, @Pos, 8000))
    PRINT @SQLDefinition
    PRINT ''
    PRINT 'GO'
    PRINT 'IF @@ERROR>0 BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION ''Errors occured, script abborded'' SET NOEXEC ON END'
    PRINT 'GO'
    /*---------------------------end output----------------------------------------------*/
    SET TG.done=1
    , TG.success=(CASE WHEN @patternCounter=99
    THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    FROM #tmp_objects TG
    PRINT 'GO'
    Select *
    FROM #tmp_objects
    WHERE success=0
    DROP TABLE #tmp_objects
    Execute this script in MSSQL Management Studio or in a similar tool and copy the created script from the "Messages" pane. If any object fails a table containing them will appear in the results pane.
    Make sure you check the resulting script first before executing to avoid accidential altering of an object.
    have fun with it! ...and thanks to microsoft for making us an extra loop...

  • Missing shared feature Reporting Services Sharepoint and Reporting Services Add-in for Sharepoint products

    Hi, when I try to install SQL Server 2012 SP1 (ISO from Microsoft Download website) on a Windows Server 2012 and try to select the shared feature options: 
    - Reporting Services Sharepoint
    - Reporting Services Add-in for Sharepoint products
    They are both missing from the list.
    How do I solve this? Help!

    Did you download the SQL Server 2012 Express with Advanced Services edition from the Microsoft website? If so, this edition did not support SharePoint Integration mode.
    Just as Alberto post above, Business intelligence features are not all available in all editions of SQL Server 2012. You can refer to the following link about support features in Editions of SQL Server 2012:
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Configuration Manager 2012 R2 - SRS Reporting Services not configuring Report Server

    Hi all,
    I am running stand-alone primary site and remote (shared) SQL 2012 SP1 on Windows 2012 R2 Standard. Remote SQL server is currently hosting multiple instances and Configuratoin Manager is running on a custom instance. SCOM databases also co-exist on the same
    SQL environment (different instance with SSRS installed & running perfectly).
    After setting up the Reporting Services role on Configuration Manager environment,  srsrpsetup.log & srsrpMSI.log states installation is successful. However, when monitoring srsrp.log file, we encounter the below message -
    SMS_EXECUTIVE started SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT as thread ID 5232 (0x1470).
    07:44:00 7828 (0x1E94)
    This is a SRS Reporting Point Role as SRSRP registry key exists.
    SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT 02/12/2014 07:44:15
    5232 (0x1470)
    Waiting for changes for 0 minutes SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    Check server health. SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    Registry change SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    Waiting for changes for 1 minutes SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    02/12/2014 07:45:15 5232 (0x1470)
    Steps taken so far -
    1. Switched reporting services to run from local system account to domain account. 
    2. Created new Report Server database on our instance and reconfigured Reporting Services to this DB.
    3. Un-installed and re-installed Reporting Services role in Configuration Manager
    4. Un-installed and re-installed SSRS on Configuration Manager (dedicated) SQL instance after removing Reporting Services role in CM12.
    I have referred couple of links on forum and none seem to help resolve this issue.
    Let me know if there is anything specific I missed out from my end. Appreciate any assistance.

    It seems that Reporting Services for SCOM and SCCM cannot co-exist on the same server (it sounds like a bad idea anyway)
    Gerry Hampson | Blog:
    www.gerryhampsoncm.blogspot.ie | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • Migration from SQL Server Reporting Services to Oracle Reports 10g

    I have few reports which have been created using the Microsoft Sql Server Reporting Services.Now i want to create similar reports using Oracle Reports 10g.
    Will i need to start from scratch the creation or is there migration tool that would reduce the efforts for the same.
    Thanks in advance.

    Note there's a lot of useful info on sqldev's homepage (Learn More tab): migration docs and examples.

  • Report service Integration vs Report Service SharePointMode

    I see some msdn docs using the terms "RS Integrated mode" while some other msdn docs use the terms "RS SharePoint Mode".
    Are those the same thing?
    I guess it is just diferent terminology used with diferent produtcs versions RS2008/SP2010 & RS2012/SP2013.
    Am I wright or are there other considerations?
    Note: I'm not considering the RS Native mode Webparts .   

    Per my knowledge, the
    SQL Server Reporting Services Integration Mode is SQL Server Reporting Services SharePoint Integration Mode.
    As this question is more relate to SQL Server, I suggest you post it to SQL Server Forum, you will get more help and confirmed answers from there.
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Configuring Report Services in 9iAS

    Enabling Report Services in 9iAS:
    We have installed Oracle 9iAS on Win2000 Server. We have edited the rwservlet.properties file to give our own report server name like �rep9iserevr� by adding a line SERVER = rep9iserver.
    Then we made a copy of the rwserver.template file and renamed this file as �rep9iserver�. Our Registry variables are like this:
    We are able to work with Forms 9i. But when we use Web.Show_Document for calling reports from Forms 9i using the following command in Internet Explorer
    Rep-51002 � Binding to the report server rep9iserver failed.
    But, if we are accessing the report services without the report file name, etc like then the browser displays the default page of the report services. Does it mean the report service has already started?
    If I call the URL it displays the following error message:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <serverInfo name="rep9iserver">
    <error code="51002" component="REP" message="Bind to Reports Server rep9iserver failed" />
    If I call the URL<hostname> then
    we get the following error:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <serverInfo name="REP_CHEFP06">
    <error code="51019" component="REP" message="Need system user authentication" />
    Does it mean, the clients are not having access to the server? Please note that the client machines are having full write access to the FORMS_PATH (F:\FORMS).
    Moreover, Oracle Enterprise Manager shows that �Report Services� Status as Down. Similarly, we are not able to select the �Single Sign On Enabling for Forms Services� in the OEM.
    If the status is �Down�, then how are we able to access the report services through the URL (though we are unable to run the report).
    So, please give us some ideas to make the reports services available from Forms.
    Thanks in adv.
    Jagadish Babu.

    Hi all , I have a query hope can be answered from here ,
    I have installed 9IAS appllication server and 9i Database on a windows 2000 server , which was working fine until now, two days back i had shut down the services of both IAs and Infra in the sequence and shut down the machine.
    After restarting the machine the Reports services of IAS are not starting i tried to start manually but still its the same problem. I have checked the log which is pasted here
    *** 2005/1/6 10:39:17 -- Reports Server is starting up
    *** 2005/1/6 10:39:21 -- Reports Server started up engine rwURLEng-0
    *** 2005/1/6 10:39:23 -- Reports Server started up engine rwEng-0
    *** 2005/1/6 10:39:28 -- Shutting down engine rwEng-0
    *** 2005/1/6 10:39:28 -- Shutting down engine rwURLEng-0
    *** 2005/1/6 10:39:28 -- Server is shuting down
    by which im not able to work for Reports and
    please reply as soon as possible

  • Report service and pdf

    Dear friends,
    I have a problem in 9iAS. I use Report service to run reports in IE. There are some chinese characters in the reports. While i set the target format to HTML, the output is OK, While the format is PDF, the chinese chartacters are malformed.
    I search related documents in OTN, but found nothing. Who can give me some advices?

    Hi Joi
    The HTML output is working for you because your Browser is capable of displaying Chinese characters automatically (using document's encoding).
    However, PDF requires that you specify Multibyte characters (such as Chinese) in a different manner. You need to use either PDF Multibyte font aliasing feature or PDF Font Subsetting feature if you want to display Chinese characters in PDF.
    for more information on how to use this feature.

  • How to maximize the performance of report service 9i?

    I have a report running in Oracle 9iAS report service. The report is invoked from forms by PL/SQL function run_report_object and generated into PDF file. The report is so complex that the RDF file size reaches to 6MB.
    Now it takes about 30 seconds to run the report. My form service and report service are installed on same machine which has 2 intel XEON 2G CPU and 4G memory. If i run the report twice at same time, the report jobs are put into a queue and runs one by one, so it take me 60 seconds. I find the CPU loading is about 20% during the report is running, it means the report service did not make the base of CPU.
    How can report service process multi jobs at same on a multi CPU machine? What is the best config in report service about engine number?

    Whenever you start a new Reports Server in 9iAS, by default it starts 1 Reports Engine (rwEng). You can increase the number of engines to 2 for processing the 2 jobs simultaneously. you can do this by using the Oracle Enterprise Manager (via the browser). You can also change the following parameters in the server config file directly
    file name: OH/reports/conf/<your_reports_server_name>.conf
    <engine id="rwEng" ... initEngine="1" maxEngine="1" minEngine="0" ... >
    You can either increase both initEngine and maxEngine to 2, only maxEngine. In the latter case, the second reports engine will be started only when needed.
    However, increasing the number of engines will obviously increase the overhead. The optimum value for number of engines depends on your machine, load, response characteristics required, etc. You can test with a few values to arrive at an optimum number.
    I would recommend going through the Oracle Reports Tuning whitepaper

  • What all things I need to install for Report Services?

    I just want to use Oracle 9IAS Release 2 for Reports purpose.Along with RDF reports I nee to use the report service for JSP reports also.
    So just I want to know what all things I need to install from Oracle 9IAS CD?
    Any suggestion.........

    2ManyDogs wrote:Read the Beginners' Guide.
    I've used Linux for several years, but only recently installed Arch for the first time. I installed Bridge Linux, Chakra, and later ArchBang, and after getting a feel for pacman (I think it's great!) and, with Bridge and ArchBang, the Arch repos, I was convinced that I wanted to go ahead with an Arch installation. Not sure if this is an option for you or not, but I actually tried two "test" installations on a spare computer first, taking detailed notes, with tabs in my browser (on another computer) opened to the Beginners' Guide and the "official" Installation Guide. I also kept the Bridge and ArchBang installations; kinda nice to be able to take a look at them sometimes to see how things are set up there. I don't know if Arch users would recommend this type of approach, but it has worked out well here.

  • Reporting Services Point status message errors.

    My Reporting Services Point seems to work OK -all reports are available and run correctly both through the console and via the website. However, I am seeing the following warning in the SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT status messages every hour:
    "The SQL Reporting Services datasource on Reporting point server "Databaseserver.contoso.com" is missing or has been changed outside of Configuration Manager.  It will be rebuilt based on the RSP configuration."
    Here's what I think is causing the issue, but I don't know how to solve it.
    The reports database is on the same remote SQL server as my site database. Because these site systems were installed automatically through the SCCM installation process, they show up in the Servers and Site Systems Role without an intranet FQDN. However,
    when I add the RSP to the database server, it creates a new entry because when manually adding site systems SCCM insists on automatically adding the intranet FQDN. So I now have two separate entries for the same server:
    \\DBServer01 - component server, site database server, site system
    \\DBServer01.contoso.com - component server, reporting services point, site system
    Any thoughts on how to stop these errors?

    Yes, I know this is an old post, but I’m trying to clean them up.
    In the past when I have seen this, they will automatically clean themselves up after a few days. (aka up to a week later). Have it clean itself up yet?
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

  • Reporting Services point

    I'm trying to install the reporting services role and have hit a road block. We have one primary site and the site database is in a cluster with 3 nodes. The SQL Reporting Services is not installed on the cluster nodes but is installed on its own database
    server. Does anyone know if this configuration can be used? If so any help would be appreciated.
    I think I should be able to add a new Site System Role for the server hosting the SQL Reporting Services in Administration and install the reporting services point on that site system.  
    Thank you

    Please refer to the links below:
    Deploying SCCM 2012 Part 12 – Installing and Configuring Reporting Services Point
    Configuring Reporting in Configuration Manager
    Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
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  • Reporting Services 2012 in SharePoint 2010 - SQL database edition?

    We currently have a SharePoint 2010 farm, running on a SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard database.  On one of the SharePoint 2010 servers, we have an instance of Reporting Services 2008 Enterprise running in SharePoint integrated mode.  (We require Enterprise
    for data-driven subscriptions)
    We'd like to upgrade to Reporting Services 2012 for Data Alerts and a few other new features.  However, I noticed something on
    this blog stating that the SharePoint 2010 database server edition needs to match the Reporting Services edition. My concern is that I've not seen any official mention of this in Microsoft's documentation, and would like to avoid upgrading to Enterprise
    for the SharePoint 2010 database if I can avoid it.
    So, what I'd like to run is:
    SharePoint 2010
    SharePoint database: SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard
    Reporting Services 2012 Enterprise
    Reporting Services database: same as SharePoint database, so SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard
    Is this possible?  Or do I need to upgrade the SharePoint database to SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise?  
    Alternatively, could I install a separate database engine just for Reporting Services to host its databases (for example, SQL Server 2012 Enterprise), so I don't have to mess around with upgrading the SP database?

    While you don't need to upgrade your SQL 2008 R2 to 2012, you will need to install an instance of SQL 2012 & SSRS 2012. They can be side-by-side and independent of each other. The following blog post provides steps to do so,
    Dimitri Ayrapetov (MCSE: SharePoint)

  • Reporting Services in 2005 Secondary Pie Chart?

             In 2008 and 20012, secondary pie charts with a percentage threshold from a main pie chart can be easily created. Is it possible to do in 2005?

    Hi Robb,
    It seems that you are using Dundas Chart Control for SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services not the Dundas Chart Control 2005 that Microsoft has purchased.
    Microsoft purchased the license to use Dundas Chart Control 2005 in Reporting Services 2008 and above. Therefore the supported upgrade is from Reporting Services 2005 Dundas Charts to SSRS 2008 (R2) and SSRS 2012 Charts.
    If you are using a particular component released by Dundas for SSRS 2008 R2, you won’t be able to upgrade Reporting Services 2008 R2 Reports with Dundas Charts to Reporting Services 2012 Charts.
    To confirm this, please check the details of this assembly “DundasRSChart.dll” located under the /Report Server/bin directory.
    If the Product Name is “Dundas Chart for Reporting Services 2008 R2”, it indicates that this is a new version of Dundas Chart for SSRS 2008 R2 (i.e. a third party control). If the Product Name is “Microsoft SQL Server”, it indicates that this is the version
    that Microsoft has purchased.
    In this condition, you have to migrate the DundasRSChart.dll to the SSRS 2012 instance and reference it as the custom assembly in the reports. Please make sure to rename the DLL file so that it won’t replace the native DundasRSChart.dll installed by SQL
    Server 2012.
    For more information about referencing custom assembly in a report, please see:
    Using Custom Assemblies with Reports
    Mike Yin
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

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