A quick rant about the HP Pavilion 15 g021nr

Hello I just wanted to make a quick post about the g021nr and why it runs so badly. first off i got this laptop for christmas last year and had no coice on what i was getting as it was a supprise (it being christmas and all) but since then i have grown to dislike it more and more. My biggest question is why in the world would you put a 1.35GHz Processor in ANY pc as far into technology as we are. i understand it was probably to make a cheaper system but it just doesn't work and i guaruntee that I am NOT the only one that thinks this. it could have at least had a 1.8GHz or better processor because it can hardly handle a brand new OS that is supposed to run better than the last one.   I am sorry if i posted this in the wrong section i didnt know where else to post it.  -Alex

Very hard to say depending on MANY conditions and situations but I would say around 75% of the time quoted with normal web browsing and few minor Office workks.
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    This is a bit outside my area of expertise, but I don't think the slice battery from T420/T520/W520 generation will work on the new systems like T430/T530/W530 which require battery authentication.
    Check the tabook  http://www.lenovo.com/psref/pdf/tabook.pdf  to know which battery options are supported on which systems.  And note that the slice battery option for T520 is different than the slice battery option for T530.
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    But recently, I found myself hitting too many walls. I wanted to get into graphical software development, and none of the graphical extensions PHP had available would work for me. PHP-GTK did work but prevented PHP from outputting anything as an Apache module, without throwing a single error anywhere. PHP-QT wouldn't compile on my system. PHP-TK did compile, but both segfaulted when any tk_* function was called and also exhibited the Apache module issue.
    So I decided then and there that I needed to switch languages.
    The problem was, my current machine happens to be so slow that a GIMP operation that executes in 6 seconds on the lowest generation AMD CPU from 4-5 years ago will execute in 38 seconds on mine. I have no idea why; the machine is, after all, 2.66GHz.
    Although PHP is pretty snappy on my system, I don't know how other languages would fare and don't really want to risk the experiment; I want to switch to a language I know will be as fast as, or faster than, PHP. So I decided that a compiled language would have to be it, since I regarded PHP as the fastest language I knew. I was probably wrong, but whatever.
    So I set my mind to understanding C. I'd asked around online before, and someone took pity on me and explained the basics of C and I did my best to understand them. This was great for a couple of days, but didn't last all that long unfortunately. So I asked around again, dreading their responses, and with good reason too: most of the tutorials I read often left me boggled and flew over my head at one point or another, which didn't help.
    But I got some dreaded tutorial links, and did my best to read them. It took me a couple of weeks to finally convince my brain to understand the point of a language that utilizes variables that doesn't contain any data, but instead references to other variables. I eventually grasped the why, but am still having quite a hard time understanding the how.
    So then, after that initial hurdle, I moved onto other topics. Or rather tried to. I quickly discovered that C interconnects some of its issues so deeply that it's hard to learn one thing at a time, move on and learn the next thing - how I best learn. I don't create paths very well by reading information; I create those paths by staying away from information and letting it slowly process in my mind. But to actually remember it in the first place, it needs to make sense, and C doesn't make sense because things are so interconnected and... we come full circle.
    To be honest, after about a fortnight of trying to understand pointers, I still don't understand them. I've read what is probably the best the web has to offer about pointers. Has it helped? Not really.
    Either the documentation:
    - is too terse and I have to slow down, risking losing interest in what I'm reading
    - skips over vital points or assumes I know Pascal or some other language
    - is hard to understand or is poorly written
    - puts segments in the wrong order, so I don't understand everything something might depend on before I reach that something
    ...and in general I either give up on reading the documentation, give up on C or just cry. I've done the 3rd a few times, the 2nd quite a few times and the 1st pretty much as many times as I've read documentation.
    So what are my issues with C?
    Let me address the two I can think of right now:
    Pointers aren't addressed "simply"; if I declare a pointer to int named x I have to use *x to access what x points to, rather than use *x to get x's location, like one does with non-pointer variables where & is used to get an address. It'd be nice if we used &x to get x's value if x wasn't a pointer and *x to get x's value if x was a pointer, rather than use this convoluted scheme.
    Also, I've heard that it's a common misconception that C handles arrays natively. Elsewhere, I've heard that strings are merely arrays of char. I can understand the 2nd, but what do I do with the 1st?
    I do understand that if I say printf("%d\n", x[1]) I'm effectively saying x++; printf("%d\n", x), but I don't understand how this fully works. For example, let us consider the following code:
    char *filename = "<insert file here>";
    int i;
    struct stat filebuffer;
    int status;
    FILE *handle;
    handle = fopen(filename, "r");
    status = stat(filename, &filebuffer);
    char *buffer = malloc(filebuffer.st_size);
    for (i = 0; i < filebuffer.st_size; i++) buffer[i] = fgetc(handle);
    printf("%s\n", buffer);
    You'll of course notice the array notation. Do I understand why if I replace said notation with something to the effect of...
    buffer = fgetc(handle);
    ...the program segfaults? No. Likewise, I don't understand why the...
    *buffer = fgetc(handle);
    ...in the loop does work, printf("%s"...); causes segfaults and printf("%d"...); does not.
    Another thing I found is that declaring a char *, filling it with data, and then using memcpy on said char *, the program works fine, but if I declare for example char x[1] = "hi"; the compiler will shout at me for not allocating enough arrays. Only while writing this did I realize that the 2nd element is for the null byte.
    Suffice to say that C confuses me. To bits. Although I have written a 500 line program in it (579 to be exact). All said program does is display a message on the screen via Xlib, but I managed to figure out how to make a word wrapping engine using strsep and how to use XDrawPoint XDrawLine to not only create a nice UI but also let me define various UI "styles" which can be loaded at startup.
    Said program uses a very big helping of "if it doesn't work stab it until it does", so not only do I not understand how a lot of it works, it probably wouldn't compile under anything except gcc. Which is from a theory perspective quite a problem, IMHO. Almost every 2nd variable is typecast to this or that type.
    So put simply, every tutorial or introduction to C hasn't made a lot of sense to me. Maybe I learn slowly; I'm hoping it's that, because I can't see anything besides assembly language which would be faster than C. I plan to learn asm after I've mastered the very basics of C, but I may end up having to learn the other way around if I expect to get anywhere.
    Like I said in the title, I have one actual question in this post. So here it is:
    Are there any fun, easy reading tutorials out there that don't visually look like they came out of 1992 and read like http://poignantguide.net/ or http://learnyouahaskell.com/?

    dav7 wrote:Pointers aren't addressed "simply"; if I declare a pointer to int named x I have to use *x to access what x points to, rather than use *x to get x's location, like one does with non-pointer variables where & is used to get an address. It'd be nice if we used &x to get x's value if x wasn't a pointer and *x to get x's value if x was a pointer, rather than use this convoluted scheme.
    Pointer syntax is extremely unfortunate. The best part:
    char *a; // It's a pointer.
    *a; // It's a character. Good move, guys.
    Also, I've heard that it's a common misconception that C handles arrays natively. Elsewhere, I've heard that strings are merely arrays of char. I can understand the 2nd, but what do I do with the 1st?
    Insofar as C has arrays, C strings are character arrays. C arrays are just a promise that the system won't mess within a certain set of memory addresses. Array syntax is a concise way to calculate and dereference a specific location in memory, relative to an address that you hope is the beginning of some memory you reserved. array[n] = *(array + n), right? Personally, I would have left out the subscript notation entirely. Regardless, any time you choose to use brackets, you can mentally substitute in an explicit addition and dereference there. You're saying, "Give me the number stored at the memory address I have just calculated, which I know by my science holds something I put there intentionally, and not garbage at all."
    One more clarification with regard to pointer arithmetic is necessary: when you add 2 to an int*, the resulting address is actually 2*sizeof(int) bytes after your base address. Same for a double*: 2*sizeof(double).
    I do understand that if I say printf("%d\n", x[1]) I'm effectively saying x++; printf("%d\n", x), but I don't understand how this fully works.
    It's not the same! First of all, in example #2, you're passing a pointer to an int. In example #1, you're passing an integer, since [] dereferences pointers for you. Any time you use those brackets, it's as if you had typed an asterisk yourself. Second, in example #1 you're not messing with x. In example #2 you're incrementing x by four bytes (the likely size of one integer). Doesn't make a difference in this short example, but if x ever gets used again it will be very significant.
    Another thing I found is that declaring a char *, filling it with data, and then using memcpy on said char *, the program works fine, but if I declare for example char x[1] = "hi"; the compiler will shout at me for not allocating enough arrays. Only while writing this did I realize that the 2nd element is for the null byte.
    Looks like a counting problem. Arrays are indexed from 0, but sizes are specified from 1 on up. Your "char x[1]" has only index [0]. To hold a two-character string, you'll need at least size three (char x[3]), so that x[0]='h', x[1]='i', x[2]='\0', the null terminator.
    Suffice to say that C confuses me. To bits.
    Any time you get confused by pointers or arrays (which are the same thing), take a step back and think about what's happening in terms of memory addresses. Draw it out on paper if you think you're making a mistake. In some languages you can ignore low-level details like that and write perfectly fine programs, even though you won't be able to optimize them without knowing how your code maps onto the machine. But in C, everything that looks like a high-level feature is just shorthand for setting a few bytes to different numbers, and the abstraction is so leaky that you can't get by without understanding it. Types are just a way for the compiler to catch dumb mistakes (some people believe this is helpful) and to automate some math, like the pointer arithmetic above. In a running program there are no types, so when you're trying to figure out what a program is actually doing, you need to consider what the types are shorthand for.
    If you're having trouble "thinking like a programmer", by which I mean sanity-checking your use of syntax and stepping through a program so you know what it does, you might want to get up to speed in a different language, or by working through a book on algorithms.
    Last edited by pauldonnelly (2008-11-03 22:54:12)

  • Hi, I have quick question about use of USEBEAN tag in SP2. When I specify a scope of SESSION for the java bean, it does not keep the values that I set for variable in the bean persistent.Thanks,Sonny


    Make sure that your bean is implementing the serializable interface and that
    you are accessing the bean from the session with the same name.
    "Sandeep Suri" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Hi, I have quick question about use of USEBEAN tag in SP2. When I
    specify a scope of SESSION for the java bean, it does not keep the
    values that I set for variable in the bean persistent.Thanks,Sonny
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  • Rant over the one thing I dont like about SAP

    ...there is no "RUN NOW" button for jobs...
    annoys me since I started working with SAP in 3.0F
    finally erupted
    </Rant over>
    Have a nice day.

    >Rant over the one thing I dont like about SAP  
    If you have only one single thing  you don't like about SAP products then you are very lucky.
    There are plenty of things that I hate in SAP products, specially with the weird "ergonomy" of a lot of transactions or bugs I know since R/3 release 2.2 and still there in ECC 6.0...
    Number one on my "hate list"is presently J2EE logs analysis...
    Fortunately, there are also a lot of things that I love in SAP products.
    Otherwise, I would not be still working in this area since 11 years.
    I am always amazed that the architecture of the abap stack is so old (1992 !) and still up to date and so reliable (especially compared to Java...)

  • What do you think about Quick Office for the IPad

    What do you think about Quick Office for the IPad

    You could also have a look at the following www.rollapp.com, I have only recently found it.
    You have access to the full OpenOffice and LibreOffice library of program's  and it syncs with Dropbox,google docs and others.
    You do require an Internet connection as it is cloud based.
    At present I have only used it for quick editing but I think it definitely looks promising and it is free

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    How do you get Itunes to go to the free radio station list, I'm not talking about the one that lists the price next to the song that's playing, I'm talking about the one that gives you 50 diffrent genes to select from?

    This forum is for questions from those managing sites on iTunes U, Apple's service for colleges and universities to post educational material in the iTunes Store. You'll be most likely to get help with this issue if you ask in the general iTunes forums.
    But answering quickly, if you mean the streaming stations, click the Internet item:
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  • About the template FSCM9.1 FP2 Peopletools 8.52.03 (v4 - July 2012)

    Just tested quickly this new template delivered 2 months ago (July 2012).
    As far as I undestand, it is just a recut of the one delivered in April 2012. At least it solves the main issue I reported in that other About the template FSCM9.1 FP2 Peopletools 8.52.03 (v3) about the network prompt missing.
    But I still have remarks/issues on the template FSCM9.1 FP2 Peopletools 8.52.03 (v4) released earlier in July 2012.
    _1. First of all, there a lot of errors reported in /var/log/messages_
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526918.883:3): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=92 comm="restorecon" name="libc.so.6" dev=xvda2 ino=21 scontext=system_u:sys
    tem_r:restorecon_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:file_t:s0 tclass=lnk_file
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526918.910:4): avc:  denied  { execute } for  pid=92 comm="restorecon" path="/lib64/libc-2.5.so" dev=xvda2 ino=20 scontext=
    system_u:system_r:restorecon_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:file_t:s0 tclass=file
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526921.489:5): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=296 comm="pam_console_app" name="ld.so.cache" dev=xvda2 ino=94143 scontext=s
    ystem_u:system_r:pam_console_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tcontext=system_u:object_r:file_t:s0 tclass=file
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526921.489:6): avc:  denied  { getattr } for  pid=290 comm="pam_console_app" path="/etc/ld.so.cache" dev=xvda2 ino=94143 sc
    ontext=system_u:system_r:pam_console_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tcontext=system_u:object_r:file_t:s0 tclass=file
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526921.530:7): avc:  denied  { read } for  pid=293 comm="pam_console_app" name="libc.so.6" dev=xvda2 ino=21 scontext=system
    _u:system_r:pam_console_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tcontext=system_u:object_r:file_t:s0 tclass=lnk_file
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526921.530:8): avc:  denied  { execute } for  pid=293 comm="pam_console_app" path="/lib64/libc-2.5.so" dev=xvda2 ino=20 sco
    ntext=system_u:system_r:pam_console_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tcontext=system_u:object_r:file_t:s0 tclass=file
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: input: PC Speaker as /class/input/input3
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: Initialising Xen virtual ethernet driver.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: Error: Driver 'pcspkr' is already registered, aborting...
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: Floppy drive(s): fd0 is unknown type 15 (usb?), fd1 is unknown type 15 (usb?)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: floppy0: Unable to grab IRQ6 for the floppy driver
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: lp: driver loaded but no devices found
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: md: Scanned 0 and added 0 devices.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: md: autorun ...
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: md: ... autorun DONE.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: EXT3 FS on xvda2, internal journal
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526929.896:9): avc:  denied  { execute } for  pid=965 comm="restorecon" path="/lib64/libc-2.5.so" dev=xvda2 ino=20 scontext
    =system_u:system_r:restorecon_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:file_t:s0 tclass=file
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: EXT3 FS on xvda1, internal journal
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: EXT3 FS on xvdb1, internal journal
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526930.647:10): avc:  denied  { execute } for  pid=989 comm="setfiles" path="/lib64/libc-2.5.so" dev=xvda2 ino=20 scontext=
    system_u:system_r:setfiles_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:file_t:s0 tclass=file
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526942.398:11): avc:  denied  { net_admin } for  pid=990 comm="setfiles" capability=12  scontext=system_u:system_r:setfiles
    _t:s0 tcontext=system_u:system_r:setfiles_t:s0 tclass=capability
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: hrtimer: interrupt took 35229469 ns
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: Adding 2104504k swap on /dev/xvda3.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2104504k SS
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    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: Loading iSCSI transport class v2.0-870.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: libcxgbi:libcxgbi_init_module: tag itt 0x1fff, 13 bits, age 0xf, 4 bits.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: libcxgbi:ddp_setup_host_page_size: system PAGE 4096, ddp idx 0.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: Chelsio T3 iSCSI Driver cxgb3i v2.0.0 (Jun. 2010)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: iscsi: registered transport (cxgb3i)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 10
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: cnic: Broadcom NetXtreme II CNIC Driver cnic v2.2.14 (Mar 30, 2011)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: Broadcom NetXtreme II iSCSI Driver bnx2i v2.6.2.3 (Jan 06, 2010)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: iscsi: registered transport (bnx2i)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: iscsi: registered transport (tcp)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: iscsi: registered transport (iser)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: iscsi: registered transport (be2iscsi)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: warning: `mcstransd' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347526970.336:12): avc:  denied  { sys_tty_config } for  pid=1374 comm="consoletype" capability=26  scontext=system_u:system_r
    :consoletype_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:system_r:consoletype_t:s0 tclass=capability
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: RPC: Registered udp transport module.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
    Sep 13 05:02:55 localhost kernel: RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
    Sep 13 05:03:00 localhost automount[1769]: lookup_read_master: lookup(nisplus): couldn't locate nis+ table auto.master
    Sep 13 05:03:59 localhost kernel: type=1400 audit(1347527039.771:13): avc:  denied  { sys_tty_config } for  pid=2029 comm="consoletype" capability=26  scontext=system_u:system_r
    :consoletype_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:system_r:consoletype_t:s0 tclass=capability
    Sep 13 05:04:00 localhost NET[2061]: /sbin/dhclient-script : updated /etc/resolv.conf
    Sep 13 05:04:01 localhost kernel: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
    Sep 13 05:04:01 localhost NET[2219]: /opt/oracle/psft/vm/oraclevm-template.sh : updated /etc/resolv.conf
    Sep 13 05:04:08 localhost NET[2472]: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post : updated /etc/resolv.conf
    Sep 13 05:06:08 localhost restorecond: Reset file context /etc/resolv.conf: system_u:object_r:etc_runtime_t:s0->system_u:object_r:net_conf_t:s0
    Sep 13 05:08:19 localhost kernel: Slow work thread pool: Starting up
    Sep 13 05:08:19 localhost kernel: Slow work thread pool: Ready
    Sep 13 05:08:19 localhost kernel: FS-Cache: Loaded
    Sep 13 05:08:19 localhost kernel: FS-Cache: Netfs 'nfs' registered for caching
    Sep 13 05:08:19 localhost kernel: svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97).
    ...Well, I don't know if it triggers others problems yet, but the last line could reveale an error within the /etc/hosts file which has not been properly modified during deployment (especially IPV6, it probably should be removed) :
    [root@psovmfscmfp2 /]# more /etc/hosts       localhost.localdomain   localhost
    ::1     localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6   psovmfscmfp2.phoenix.nga psovmfscmfp2
    [root@psovmfscmfp2 /]#_2. Now about the COBOL_
    Despite I choosed to install Microfocus, COBOL does not work. Sample COBOL processes such as PTPDBTST and PTPDTTST finished in error.
    The log is empty, here below the output from the file $PS_CFG_HOME/psft/pt/8.52/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOM/LOGS/stdout (psadm2) :
    Message:     Process 10899 is marked 'Initiated' or 'Processing' but can not detect status of PID
            Process Name: PTPDBTST
            Process Type: COBOL SQL
            Session Id:   9313
    OprId = VP1Note that I successfully tested AEs and SQRs.
    Here is the command line fired that I can see from the process monitor > parameter (nga is being my run control id) :
    PSRUN PTPDBTST ORACLE/F91TMPLT/VP1/OPRPSWD/nga/10899//0 I used the following trace setting on the PTPDBTST's process parameter (override) to see what happens :
    %%DBTYPE%%/%%DBNAME%%/%%OPRID%%/%%OPRPSWD%%/%%RUNCNTLID%%/%%INSTANCE%%//%%DBFLAG%%But it does not generate more logs...
    I also use "RCCBL Redirect =1" in psappsrv.cfg (reconfigure and restart appdom), then start the COBOL through menu PeopleTools > Utilities > Debug > PeopleTools Test Utilities, and run a "Remote Call Test".
    I received "COBOL Program PTPNTEST aborted (2,-1) FUNCLIB_UTIL.RC_TEST_PB.FieldChange PCPC:2143 Statement:26", but it generated two empty files (PTPNTEST_VP1_0913064910.out and PTPNTEST_VP1_0913064910.err).
    Next step, checking the folder $PS_HOME/cblbin, it is...er... empty... does this mean COBOL have not been compiled ? Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I replied 'yes' when it was prompted though (still have the screenshots)...
    And we can see several folders dated from today and license seems ok from Microfocus directories :
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 tools]$ cd /opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 svrexp-51_wp4-64bit]$ ls -lrt
    total 264
    -r--r--r--  1 root root 10455 Nov 19  2009 ADISCTRL
    dr-xr-xr-x 10 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 terminfo
    dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 xdb
    -r--r--r--  1 root root 11949 Nov 19  2009 eslmf-mess
    dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 include
    dr-xr-xr-x 17 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 lang
    dr-xr-xr-x  4 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 es
    dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 dynload
    drwxrwxrwx  2 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 deploy
    dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 dynload64
    dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 dialog
    dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 cpylib
    dr-xr-xr-x  8 root root 28672 Nov 19  2009 lib
    dr-xr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 snmp
    dr-xr-xr-x  8 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 src
    dr-xr-xr-x 28 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 demo
    dr-xr-xr-x  6 root root  4096 Nov 19  2009 docs
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root    49 Sep 13 05:13 license.txt
    -r-xr-xr-x  1 root root 12719 Sep 13 05:13 install.orig
    -r-xr-xr-x  1 root root 13006 Sep 13 05:13 install
    dr-xr-xr-x  6 root root  4096 Sep 13 05:13 lmf
    dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Sep 13 05:13 aslmf
    dr-xr-xr-x  6 root root  4096 Sep 13 05:15 etc
    dr-xr-xr-x  4 root root 12288 Sep 13 05:15 bin
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 svrexp-51_wp4-64bit]$ more license.txt
    01030 A0780 014A6 7980B A17CSo let's assume it has been properly installed and let's compile the COBOLs. Here we go :
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 svrexp-51_wp4-64bit]$ cd $PS_HOME/setup
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ ./pscbl.mak
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Convert all files for Unicode ....
    Conversion Summary for Source Codes in  :
         Source: /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/src/cbl/
         Target: /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/src/cblunicode/
          Number of Copy Libraries Read: 71
                         Modified:       71
                     Not Modified:       0
          Number of Programs Read:       44
                         Modified:       44
                     Not Modified:       0
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : All COBOL files were converted for Unicode successfully
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling PTPCBLAE.cbl ...
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak: line 249: cob: command not found
    cp: cannot stat `PTPCBLAE.gnt': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat `PTPCBLAE.int': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat `PTPCBLAE.lst': No such file or directory
    ...What about env. variables ? COBDIR, COBPATH and COBOL do not appears anywhere in PATH...
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ env|grep -i cobol
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$Let's set the env variables as we could expect to be (page 27, step 17 of the given doc), and retry to compile the COBOL :
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ export COBDIR=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ export PATH=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit/bin:$PATH
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ ./pscbl.mak
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Convert all files for Unicode ....
    Conversion Summary for Source Codes in  :
         Source: /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/src/cbl/
         Target: /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/src/cblunicode/
          Number of Copy Libraries Read: 71
                         Modified:       71
                     Not Modified:       0
          Number of Programs Read:       44
                         Modified:       44
                     Not Modified:       0
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : All COBOL files were converted for Unicode successfully
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling PTPCBLAE.cbl ...
    Micro Focus LMF - 010: Unable to contact license manager.                                                                                                                              This product has been unable to contact the                                     License Manager.                                                                                                                                                Execution of this product has been terminated.                                                                                                                  This product cannot execute without the License                                 Manager. Contact your license administrator                                     or refer to the 'Information Messages' chapter                                  of the License Management Facility                                              Administrator's Guide.
    cob64: error(s) in compilation: PTPCBLAE.cbl
    cp: cannot stat `PTPCBLAE.gnt': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat `PTPCBLAE.int': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat `PTPCBLAE.lst': No such file or directory
    ...Ok, maybe a bit better, at least it is trying to contact LMF. Probably the LMF is not started. Let's try to start it :
    [root@psovmfscmfp2 microfocus]# ./mflmman
    MF-LMF:Thu Sep 13 07:19:37 2012: LMF Starting
    [root@psovmfscmfp2 microfocus]#Good, it is starting, it means it wasn't (sic). Now retry to compile :
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ export COBDIR=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ export PATH=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit/bin:$PATH
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ ./pscbl.mak
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Convert all files for Unicode ....
    Conversion Summary for Source Codes in  :
         Source: /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/src/cbl/
         Target: /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/src/cblunicode/
          Number of Copy Libraries Read: 71
                         Modified:       71
                     Not Modified:       0
          Number of Programs Read:       44
                         Modified:       44
                     Not Modified:       0
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : All COBOL files were converted for Unicode successfully
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling PTPCBLAE.cbl ...
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling PTPCURND.cbl ...
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling PTPDBTST.cbl ...
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling PTPWLGEN.cbl ...
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : All COBOL programs have been successfully compiled.
    /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : The COBOL executables were copied to /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/cblbin
    rm: cannot remove `/opt/oracle/psft/pt/apptools/src/cblunicode/CECCRLP1.cbl': Permission denied
    rm: cannot remove `/opt/oracle/psft/pt/apptools/src/cblunicode/CECCRLUP.cbl': Permission deniedIt looks better, I think the last lines marked with "Permission denied" can be safely be ignored.
    Those files are owned by psadm3 with a read only for other users (sic). But more concern, I'm wondering why it looks into apptools (???) whereas I'm using psadm1 (tools only, COBPATH=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/cblbin).
    Anyway, seems the *.gnt files required to run the COBOLs programs are now in bin :
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ ls /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/cblbin
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$Have a try to link COBOLs :
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$ ./psrun.mak
    ./psrun.mak - linking PSRUN for oel-5-x86_64, Version 2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek ...
    ./psrun.mak - Successfully created PSRUN in directory: /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/bin
    ./psrun.mak - linking PSRUNRMT for oel-5-x86_64, Version 2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek ...
    ./psrun.mak - Successfully created PSRUNRMT in directory: /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/bin
    [psadm1@psovmfscmfp2 setup]$The err files are empty :
    -rw-r--r-- 1 psadm1 oracle     0 Sep 13 07:26 psrun.err
    -rw-r--r-- 1 psadm1 oracle     0 Sep 13 07:26 psrunrmt.errSo far, so good now. We are able to test again the sample COBOL... until next failure.
    Yes, unfortunately, it fails again. But good thing, the log is not empty now :
    PSRUN: error while loading shared libraries: libcobrts64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryThat's probably coming from some missing libraries during the psprcs.cfg configuration. Let's use the same env. variables settings as for psadm1 when compiling COBOLs.
    [psadm2@psovmfscmfp2 appserv]$ export COBDIR=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit
    [psadm2@psovmfscmfp2 appserv]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$COBDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    [psadm2@psovmfscmfp2 appserv]$ export PATH=$COBDIR/bin:$PATH
    [psadm2@psovmfscmfp2 appserv]$ ./psadminReconfigure, restart prcs and re-test... SUCCESSFULLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Log from PTPDBTST process shows :
    I did not go further, but we could expect the same issue within the Application COBOLs, since the cblbin directory is also empty out there.
    According to psprcs.env, there're two values for COBDIR and the one for the applications cobol is empty :
    [psadm2@psovmfscmfp2 PRCSDOM]$ more psprcsrv.env
    [psadm2@psovmfscmfp2 PRCSDOM]$ ls /opt/oracle/psft/pt/apptools/cblbin
    [psadm2@psovmfscmfp2 PRCSDOM]$ ls /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools/cblbin
    [psadm2@psovmfscmfp2 PRCSDOM]$The directory "/opt/oracle/psft/pt/apptools/cblbin" is owned by psadm3 and hosted on the database server (nfs mounted), so I assume we also need to set proper values for env variables, and compile the COBOLs before being able to use them.
    To resume what I did to make the COBOLs working on this PSOVM :
    1. As root, start LMF (this has to be done only once)
    cd /opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/microfocus
    2. As psadm1, set proper env. variable and compile (setting env variable has to be done each time you want to compile COBOLs)
    export COBDIR=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit
    export PATH=$COBDIR/bin:$PATH
    cd $PS_HOME/setup
    3. As psadm2, set proper env. variable and reconfigure psprcs.cfg, restart, restart (setting env variable has to be done each time you want to start the process scheduler, so probably better to append these in the .bash_profile)
    export COBDIR=/opt/oracle/psft/pt/cobol/svrexp-51_wp4-64bit
    export PATH=$COBDIR/bin:$PATH
    cd $PS_HOME/appserv
    4. Same as step 2, but with user psadm3.
    PS: will it be the same issue on the HCM template delivered at the same time ? To be tested as well.
    PS2: and yes, I tested it twice before posting, result is same.
    Edited by: N Gasparotto on Sep 13, 2012 5:17 PM

    Fortunately, the COBOL issue does not exist on PSOVM HCM9.1 FP2 PT8.52.06 delivered in July 2012 (v3). COBOL are properly compiled (tools and app COBOLs), cblbin is not empty and they run successfully on the first shot.

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