A script for setting a random wallpaper

I've cooked up this small bash script for changing the wallpaper to a random one from a specified directory (it is recursive)
The script tries to be smart in determining whether the wallpaper should be scaled, centered or tiled.
Just configure it and try it out.
Anyway, here goes:
# Random wallpaper setter, by moljac024
# Configuration
# Wallpaper directory
# Wallpaper list path
# Folders to be skipped, you can put as many as you like
#wpSkip=("Dir1/" "Dir2/")
# Scale images that have a lower resolution than that of the screen (yes or no)
# Screen resolution
# Command for tiling the wallpaper
cmdTile="feh --bg-tile"
#cmdTile="nitrogen --set-tiled --save"OA
#cmdTile="xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-style -s 2 && xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s"
#cmdTile="gconftool-2 -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options "wallpaper" -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename"
# Command for scaling the wallpaper
cmdScale="feh --bg-scale"
#cmdScale="nitrogen --set-scaled --save"
#cmdScale="xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-style -s 3 && xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s"
#cmdScale="gconftool-2 -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options "zoom" -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename"
# Command for centering the wallpaper
cmdCenter="feh --bg-center"
#cmdCenter="nitrogen --set-centered --save"
#cmdCenter="xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-style -s 1 && xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s"
#cmdCenter="gconftool-2 -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options "centered" -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename"
# End of configuration
setTiled ()
`$cmdTile "$1"`
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
echo "Wallpaper tiled."
echo "Wallpaper not set!"
exit 1
setScaled ()
`$cmdScale "$1"`
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
echo "Wallpaper scaled."
echo "Wallpaper not set!"
exit 1
setCentered ()
`$cmdCenter "$1"`
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
echo "Wallpaper centered."
echo "Wallpaper not set!"
exit 1
createList ()
# Go to the wallpaper directory
cd "$wpDir"
# Load the list of pictures to a variable
wpDirList=`(find . -regex ".*\([jJ][pP][gG]\|[jJ][pP][eE][gG]\|[gG][iI][fF]\|[pP][nN][gG]\|[bB][mM][pP]\)$" -type f)`
# Save the list to disk
if [[ ( -w "$wpList" ) ]]; then
echo -n "$wpDirList" > "$wpList"
# Filter out unwanted folders
if [[ "$dontSkip" == "false" ]]; then
for dir in "${wpSkip[@]}"
grep -Ev "$dir" "$wpList" > ~/.wallpapers-tmpr; mv ~/.wallpapers-tmpr "$wpList"
# Output result
echo "Wallpaper list saved."
echo "Can't write wallpaper list, aborting!"
exit 1
getImage ()
# Count number of pictures in the wallpaper list by counting number of lines.
# Check if the wallpaper list exists, is not empty and we have read persmission on it
if [[ ( -s "$wpList" && -f "$wpList" ) && -r "$wpList" ]]
wpListNumber=$(wc -l < "$wpList")
echo "Can't read wallpaper list, aborting!";
exit 1
# Counter for bad entries in wallpaper list
while true; do
# Get a seed for the random number generator from /dev/urandom
SEED=$(head -1 /dev/urandom | od -N 1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
# Find a random line number in the wallpaper list
# Random number from 1..n.
#r=$((RANDOM % $wpListNumber + 1))
r=$(echo $RANDOM%"$wpListNumber"+1 | bc)
# Print what the line number is
# Print the r'th line.
imgPath=`sed -n "$r{p;q;}" "$wpList"`
# #./ crops that substring but it doesn't matter if it left there
# Check if the chosen file exists
if [ -f "$wpPath" ]; then
echo -e ""$wpPath": doesn't exist!\n"
badMax=$(( $badMax - 1 ))
if [ "$badMax" == "0" ]; then
echo "Too many non-valid entries found in wallpaper list, aborting!"
exit 1
else echo "Choosing new image..."
# Calculate size and aspect for chosen image and print out information
imgHeight=$(identify -format "%h" "$wpPath")
imgWidth=$(identify -format "%w" "$wpPath")
imgAspect=$(echo "scale=1; "$imgWidth"/"$imgHeight"" | bc)
echo -e "Image: "$wpPath"\n"
echo -e "Resolution: "$imgWidth"x"$imgHeight""
echo -e "Aspect: "$imgAspect":1\n"
setWallpaper ()
# Calculate resolution aspect ratio
resAspect=$(echo "scale=1; "$resWidth"/"$resHeight"" | bc)
# If the image is smaller than the resolution and is not a tile then scale it, otherwise look at aspect
if [[ ("$scaleLowerRes" == "yes") && ( "$imgAspect" != "1.0" && ("$imgWidth" -lt "$resWidth" || "$imgHeight" -lt "$resHeight") ) ]]
setScaled "$wpPath"
case $imgAspect in
setTiled "$wpPath"
1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8)
if [[ "$resAspect" < "1.5" ]]; then
setCentered "$wpPath"
setScaled "$wpPath"
if [[ "$resAspect" < "1.5" ]]; then
setScaled "$wpPath"
setCentered "$wpPath"
checkConfig ()
# Initial errors
# Check if all variables are set
if [[ !( ( -n "$wpDir" ) && ( -n "$wpList" ) && ( -n "$resWidth" ) && ( -n "$resHeight" ) && ( -n "$scaleLowerRes" ) && ( -n "$cmdTile" ) && ( -n "$cmdScale" ) && ( -n "$cmdCenter" ) ) ]]
echo -e "\nOne or more options not set, aborting!"
exit 1
# Check if there is a trailing backslash in the wallpaper directory
spDir=`echo -n "$wpDir" | tail -c -1`
if [[ !( "$spDir" == "/" ) ]]
# Check if there is read permission on wallpaper directory and if it is a directory
if [[ !( ( -r "$wpDir" ) && ( -d "$wpDir" ) ) ]]
echo "Can't read wallpaper directory!"
# Check if the specified wallpaper list is a regular file and not a directory
touch "$wpList" &> /dev/null
if [[ ( -d "$wpList" ) ]]
echo "Specified wallpaper list is a directory, not a file!"
# Check if variables are set correctly
if [[ !( "$scaleLowerRes" == "yes" || "$scaleLowerRes" == "no" ) ]]
echo "Specified option for scaling the wallpaper is not valid!"
if $(echo ""$resWidth"" | grep [^0-9] &>/dev/null)
echo "Specified resolution width is not a number!"
if $(echo ""$resHeight"" | grep [^0-9] &>/dev/null)
echo "Specified resolution height is not a number!"
# Check if any of the tests failed
if [[ "$errorsPresent" == "yes" ]]
echo -e "\nOne or more errors found, aborting!"
exit 1
printUsage ()
echo -e "Invalid command line argument(s)!\nUsage:\n"
echo -e "`basename "$0"` [options]\n"
echo -e "Options:\n"
echo -e "-s | --set \tSet a wallpaper without updating the list"
echo -e "-u | --update \tUpdate the list without setting a wallpaper"
echo -e "-ua | --update-all\tUpdate the list without setting a wallpaper, but don't skip any folders"
echo -e "-su | --set-update\tUpdate the list and set a wallpaper"
exit 1
if [ "$#" == "1" ]; then
case "$1" in
"-s" | "--set")
exit 0
"-u" | "--update")
exit 0
"-ua" | "--update-all")
exit 0
"-su" | "--set-update")
exit 0
exit 1
exit 1
Last edited by moljac024 (2009-09-14 21:02:13)

I did something similar a couple of months ago, but instead of attempting to be clever and guessing what the background image is supposed to be, I just write it in the filename. Since some pictures just end up being too bright (or whatever) when used as a background to a urxvt terminal, I added some extra parameters for setting gamma, brightness, tint and the direction the image should be rendered. It relies on hsetroot for actually rendering the picture.
# set-background
import sys, os, string, re
patterns = [ (re.compile("t-([a-f\d]+)"), lambda x: "-tint \#" + x)
, (re.compile("b-([\d]+)"), lambda x: "-brightness -0." + x)
, (re.compile("g-([\d]+)"), lambda x: "-gamma "+ x)
, (re.compile("f-(v|h|d)"), lambda x: "-flip" + x)
def buildCommand(file):
output = ["hsetroot"]
output.append("-" + (string.split(file,".")[-2]))
for token in string.split(file,".")[1:-2]:
for (pat,f) in patterns:
if pat.match(token):
output.append( f(pat.findall(token)[0]))
return string.join(output)
print buildCommand(img)
# vim:set et:
So for instance, an image with the name background.t-704214.f-v.full.jpg would be rendered as a stretched image, flipped vertically with a sepia tint. The files are required to be in the following format NAME.(MODIFIER.)*TYPE.SUFFIX, where the the order and number of modifiers are unimportant. The gamma values are somewhat unintuitive, but I guess you'll just have to play around with it to get it right.
And to randomize the whole thing, I just used the following script in my .xinitrc to randomly pick a image from a folder.
pics=($(ls $bg_folder))
let "n = $RANDOM % ${#pics[@]}"
(cd $bg_folder; set-background ${pics[$n]})

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    I did something similar a couple of months ago, but instead of attempting to be clever and guessing what the background image is supposed to be, I just write it in the filename. Since some pictures just end up being too bright (or whatever) when used as a background to a urxvt terminal, I added some extra parameters for setting gamma, brightness, tint and the direction the image should be rendered. It relies on hsetroot for actually rendering the picture.
    # set-background
    import sys, os, string, re
    patterns = [ (re.compile("t-([a-f\d]+)"), lambda x: "-tint \#" + x)
    , (re.compile("b-([\d]+)"), lambda x: "-brightness -0." + x)
    , (re.compile("g-([\d]+)"), lambda x: "-gamma "+ x)
    , (re.compile("f-(v|h|d)"), lambda x: "-flip" + x)
    def buildCommand(file):
    output = ["hsetroot"]
    output.append("-" + (string.split(file,".")[-2]))
    for token in string.split(file,".")[1:-2]:
    for (pat,f) in patterns:
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    output.append( f(pat.findall(token)[0]))
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    # vim:set et:
    So for instance, an image with the name background.t-704214.f-v.full.jpg would be rendered as a stretched image, flipped vertically with a sepia tint. The files are required to be in the following format NAME.(MODIFIER.)*TYPE.SUFFIX, where the the order and number of modifiers are unimportant. The gamma values are somewhat unintuitive, but I guess you'll just have to play around with it to get it right.
    And to randomize the whole thing, I just used the following script in my .xinitrc to randomly pick a image from a folder.
    pics=($(ls $bg_folder))
    let "n = $RANDOM % ${#pics[@]}"
    (cd $bg_folder; set-background ${pics[$n]})

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    p_Rowid => l_Rowid,
    p_Set_Of_Books_Id => 1001,
    p_Employee_Id => 9236,
    p_Authorization_Limit => 100,
    p_Last_Update_Date => l_date,
    p_Last_Updated_By => l_user_id,
    p_Creation_Date => l_date,
    p_Created_By => l_user_id,
    p_Last_Update_Login => l_login,
    p_Attribute1 => p_Attribute1,
    p_Attribute2 => p_Attribute2,
    p_Attribute3 => p_Attribute3,
    p_Attribute4 => p_Attribute4,
    p_Attribute5 => p_Attribute5,
    p_Attribute6 => p_Attribute6,
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    p_Attribute9 => p_Attribute9,
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    p_Attribute11 => p_Attribute11,
    p_Attribute12 => p_Attribute12,
    p_Attribute13 => p_Attribute13,
    p_Attribute14 => p_Attribute14,
    p_Attribute15 => p_Attribute15,
    p_Context => p_Context );
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    815537 wrote:
    Could any body please help me.
    MahiPatience, Grasshopper
    This forum is not a chat line, and it is not paid support.
    No one is responsible for monitoring it and giving a quick response.
    Furthermore, it is a global forum. The person with the information you seek may very well live 20 time zones away from you and was going to bed just as you posted. He will not even see your post for several more hours.
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    Hey Mylsamy,
    welcome page view is stored in $contenttype.XmlDocuments. Here is how you can change the view using powershell:
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    $list = $web.Lists["LISTNAME"]
    $contenttype = $list.ContentTypes["CONTENTYPENAME"]
    $viewid = $list.Views["VIEWNAME"].Id
    $xmldocs = $contenttype.XmlDocuments
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    <wpv:WelcomePageView xmlns:wpv="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/documentsets/welcomepageview" ViewId="$viewid" />
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    Hi Mace,
       Here's a function that waits five minutes until a single process is found that matches its argument. Thus, if you invoke the function, "psnice TrueBlue", it will renice TrueBlueEnvironment if a single PID is found within five minutes of the function being invoked. By the way, this function minimizes the priority of TrueBlueEnvironment as was suggested in the thread to which you linked. This is different from your question here, which was to maximize the priority of TrueBlueEnvironment.
    function psnice
        until [ $INDEX -gt 100 ]; do
            PID=$( ps -axwwo pid,command | awk '/'$1'/{ if ( $0 !~ /grep|awk/ ){ print $1 }}' )
            PID_COUNT=$( echo $PID | wc -w )
            if [ $PID_COUNT -eq 1 ]; then
                renice 20 -p $PID
            elif [ $PID_COUNT -gt 1 ]; then
                echo "Too many processes found."
            sleep 3
            let INDEX++
    }By the way, don't copy the above code using copy-and-paste because indention is produced with non-breaking spaces. Scripts won't like those. You would have to replace leading spaces with the "regular" kind.
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    tell application "Mail"
    set selectedMessages to selection
    set nm to count of selectedMessages
    if (nm) is equal to 0 then
    display alert "No Messages Selected" message "Select the message(s) you want to color red before running this script."
    repeat with nn from 1 to nm by 1
    set theMessage to item nn of selectedMessages
    set the background color of theMessage to red
    end repeat
    end if
    end tell

    HI Disha
    Check out these links. They will surely help
    If you find this answer useful, please reward me for the same.
    Good luck
    Karthik Potharaju

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    InDesign CS3 Windows XP
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    app.documents.everyItem().stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().propert ies = [topInset:"1cm"]; //??
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    Thanks in Advance!

    If the IAPI doesnu2019t have the getter and setter, I would suggest raising a OSS message with SAP.

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    In three cases as below:
    for example:
    left indent:8mm; first indent:0mm
    left indent:0mm; first indent:8mm
    left indent:8mm; first indent:-8mm
    How can I write a script to tell Indesign, wherever the text indent is, each time when I run the script once, the text can put just a step rightward, and “one step = 8mm”.

    Hi, Trevor
    I use change by list as below:
    grep {leftIndent:48mm} {leftIndent:56mm}
    grep {leftIndent:40mm} {leftIndent:48mm}
    grep {leftIndent:32mm} {leftIndent:40mm}
    grep {leftIndent:24mm} {leftIndent:32mm}
    grep {leftIndent:16mm} {leftIndent:24mm}
    grep {leftIndent:8mm} {leftIndent:16mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:48mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:56mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:32mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:48mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:24mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:32mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:16mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:24mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:8mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:16mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:48mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:56mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:32mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:48mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:24mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:32mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:16mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:24mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:8mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:16mm}
    but not that perfect,
    I want to useing jave "if{}" or "for{}" to write this script, but I don't kown the syntext.

  • Script for making random thumbnails from single image

    Hi all,
    I need something like a hundred different thumbnails from each image in a series of images, that is, hundred random sections of the same image, saved in a folder as jpg,  and i was hoping that i could find a script for this.
    What the script has to do is:
    select the size of the crop (this would also be the dimensions of the thumbnail saved)
    rotate crop selection in a random orientation and place the crop randomly on the canvas
    save the image as a jpg in a folder
    return to original image,
    repeat process x times before quitting script.
    I dont think this should be to difficult to make a script for, but unfortunately i don´t know how to code.
    Is there anybody that could help me with this?
    This would save me a lot of time!

    You can give this a try:
    // create copies with pseudo random clipped and rotated parts of image;
    // thanks to xbytor;
    // 2012, use at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.POINTS;
    // set name for folder to save jpgs to;
    var folderName = "rotatedJpgs";
    // set number of jpgs;
    var theNumber = 100;
    // width and height;
    var theWidth = 500;
    var theHeight = 500;
    // calculate some values;
    var theDiagonal = Math.sqrt ((theWidth * theWidth) + (theHeight * theHeight));
    var diagAngle = angleFromRadians(Math.acos((theWidth) / (theDiagonal)));
    // get file name and path;
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    var docName = myDocument.name;
    try {
              var basename = docName.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1];
              var docPath = myDocument.path;
    catch (e) {
              basename = docName;
              var docPath = "~/Desktop";
    // create folder if it does not exist yet;
    if (Folder(docPath + "/" + folderName).exists == true) {
              var docPath = docPath + "/" + folderName;
    else {
              var theFolder = Folder(docPath + "/" + folderName).create();
              var docPath = docPath + "/" + folderName;
    // document dimensions;
    var docWidth = myDocument.width;
    var docHeight = myDocument.height;
    // jpg options;
    var jpegOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
    jpegOptions.quality = 10;
    jpegOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
    jpegOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
    // duplicate image;
    var theCopy = myDocument.duplicate (theCopy, true);
    var origResolution = theCopy.resolution;
    theCopy.resizeImage(undefined, undefined, 72, ResampleMethod.NONE);
    var docHalfWidth = theCopy.width / 2;
    var docHalfHeight = theCopy.height / 2;
    var theLayer = smartify2010(theCopy.layers[0]);
    theCopy.resizeCanvas (theWidth, theHeight, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
    var theHistoryState = theCopy.activeHistoryState;
    // do the variations;
    for (var m = 0; m < theNumber; m++) {
    var theAngle = Math.random() * 360;
    theLayer.rotate (theAngle, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
    //theCopy.resizeCanvas (theWidth, theHeight, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
    // get tolerance offset;
    var theHor1 = Math.abs(Math.cos(radiansOf(theAngle + diagAngle)) * theDiagonal / 2);
    var theVer1 = Math.abs(Math.sin(radiansOf(theAngle + diagAngle)) * theDiagonal/ 2);
    var theHor2 = Math.abs(Math.cos(radiansOf(theAngle - diagAngle)) * theDiagonal / 2);
    var theVer2 = Math.abs(Math.sin(radiansOf(theAngle - diagAngle)) * theDiagonal / -2);
    // calculate max offset for unrotated overall rectangle;
    var thisHalfWidth = docHalfWidth - Math.max(theHor1, theHor2);
    var thisHalfHeight = docHalfHeight - Math.max(theVer1, theVer2);
    // calculate random offset for unrotated overall rectangle;
    var randomX = thisHalfWidth * (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2;
    var randomY = thisHalfHeight * (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2;
    var aDiag = Math.sqrt (randomX * randomX + randomY * randomY);
    var anAngle = angleFromRadians(Math.asin((randomY) / (aDiag))) + theAngle;
    anAngle = anAngle + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) * 180;
    // calculate  offset for rotated overall rectangle;
    var offsetX = Math.cos(radiansOf(anAngle)) * aDiag;
    var offsetY = Math.sin(radiansOf(anAngle)) * aDiag;
    //alert (theAngle+"\n\n"+offsetX +"\n"+ offsetY+"\n\n"+ thisHalfWidth+"\n"+thisHalfHeight);
    theLayer.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
    theCopy.resizeImage(undefined, undefined, origResolution, ResampleMethod.NONE);
    theCopy.saveAs((new File(docPath+"/"+basename+"_"+bufferNumberWithZeros(m+1, 3)+".jpg")),jpegOptions,true);
    theCopy.activeHistoryState = theHistoryState;
    // clean up;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    ////// radians //////
    function radiansOf (theAngle) {
              return theAngle * Math.PI / 180
    ////// radians //////
    function angleFromRadians (theRad) {
              return theRad / Math.PI * 180
    ////// buffer number with zeros //////
    function bufferNumberWithZeros (number, places) {
              var theNumberString = String(number);
              for (var o = 0; o < (places - String(number).length); o++) {
                        theNumberString = String("0" + theNumberString)
              return theNumberString
    ////// function to smartify if not //////
    function smartify2010 (theLayer) {
    // make layers smart objects if they are not already;
              app.activeDocument.activeLayer = theLayer;
    // process pixel-layers and groups;
          if (theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.GRADIENTFILL" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.LAYER3D" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.NORMAL" ||
          theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.PATTERNFILL" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.SOLIDFILL" ||
          theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.TEXT" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.VIDEO" || theLayer.typename == "LayerSet") {
                        var id557 = charIDToTypeID( "slct" );
                        var desc108 = new ActionDescriptor();
                        var id558 = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
                        var ref77 = new ActionReference();
                        var id559 = charIDToTypeID( "Mn  " );
                        var id560 = charIDToTypeID( "MnIt" );
                        var id561 = stringIDToTypeID( "newPlacedLayer" );
                        ref77.putEnumerated( id559, id560, id561 );
                        desc108.putReference( id558, ref77 );
                        executeAction( id557, desc108, DialogModes.NO )
                        return app.activeDocument.activeLayer
              if (theLayer.kind == LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.VIDEO") {return theLayer};
    ////// get an angle, 3:00 being 0˚, 6:00 90˚, etc. //////
    function getAngle (pointOne, pointTwo) {
    // calculate the triangle sides;
              var width = pointTwo[0] - pointOne[0];
              var height = pointTwo[1] - pointOne[1];
              var sideC = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2));
    // calculate the angles;
              if (width+width > width) {theAngle = Math.asin(height / sideC) * 360 / 2 / Math.PI}
              else {theAngle = 180 - (Math.asin(height / sideC) * 360 / 2 / Math.PI)};
              if (theAngle < 0) {theAngle = (360 + theAngle)};
              return theAngle

  • I'm looking for a random quote script for my website?

    So I've got a very large numbered list of quotes. I want to set up a  little text thing on my website's homepage so it displays a randomly  selected quote from the list which changes every day. Can anyone write  me a script to do this? I had one, but it stopped working and no one's  been able to help me fix it (I've tried to get help with that more times  than I care to remember) and I decided that it would be better to just  get a new script.

    I have a random script, but it also seems to not be working the way it was originally written, it now outputs a number 1  along with the intended output.
    Take a peek here, there is a rotator script I am about to use on a site I am workng on.

  • How do I set pages up so that I can type a script for a radio play

    here we go, that is if I'm not driven mad by the process of trying to work out how to use this help thing.
    how do I set pages up so that I can type a script for a radio play ie the character then as an indented bit what they say

    Here's a sample, using what should be a familiar script to any radio drama buff, and showing a few of the features you'll want to incorporate into your template.
    Features noted by arrows:
    This is the "First line indent" margin stop, in this case, set to produce a 'hanging indent'. This stop sets the starting position of the first line of a Paragraph.
    Left margin stop: This stop sets the starting position of all lines in a paragraph except the first.
    When setting margins, set this one first, as it will drag the First line indent stop with it when moved. After setting this one (by dragging it to the position on the ruler where you want it to be), drag the rectangle (First line stop) left as far as it will go.
    Right margin stop.
    Running Header: This is a combination of text that appears on every page, plus the page number / page count—very useful information when someone drops his script. (Typed here, but a combination of typing and inserting the two number calculators from the Insert menu in the actual template.)
    Tab character. Used to move the first line of the dialogue into alignment with the rest of that paragraph. The Left margin stop also acts as a Tab stop.
    Paragraph break (made by pressing the return key). After a Paragraph break, the next line of the script will start at the left margin of the page. To break a long monologue into smaller blocks, use a 'soft return', made by pressing Shift-return, as I've done twice here...
    ...to produce an empty line without creating a 'new paragraph' (or in this case, a new item on the current list.
    Those are the basics for producing the body of your script.
    Sample script is an excerpt from:
    The War of the Worlds
    SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1938
    8:00 TO 9:00 P.M.

  • How Can I write Script for Indesign set left indent

    I really need two scripts for indesign set left indent:
    1. If the left indent is: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56mm... set the first -8mm; if the left indent is 0, set the left indent 8mm, first -8mm.
    2. Whatever the first indent is, set the first 8mm.
    Can someone help me?

    Hi, Trevor
    I use change by list as below:
    grep {leftIndent:48mm} {leftIndent:56mm}
    grep {leftIndent:40mm} {leftIndent:48mm}
    grep {leftIndent:32mm} {leftIndent:40mm}
    grep {leftIndent:24mm} {leftIndent:32mm}
    grep {leftIndent:16mm} {leftIndent:24mm}
    grep {leftIndent:8mm} {leftIndent:16mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:48mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:56mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:32mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:48mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:24mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:32mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:16mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:24mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:8mm} {firstLineIndent:8mm, leftIndent:16mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:48mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:56mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:32mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:48mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:24mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:32mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:16mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:24mm}
    grep {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:8mm} {firstLineIndent:-8mm, leftIndent:16mm}
    but not that perfect,
    I want to useing jave "if{}" or "for{}" to write this script, but I don't kown the syntext.

  • How do I set the desktop wallpaper with an image in aperture 3?

    Sorry for the silly question, but I can't find how to set my desktop wallpaper with an image in aperture 3. It was simple when using Iphoto, but I can't find the method in aperture.

    Command(⌘)-9 is no longer listed in the list of default keyword shortcuts, and it has no effect.
    I wrote a little Automator service to bring the Command(⌘)-9 back.
    A copy of this service is here for download:
    This service uses three actions:
    Aperture: Get selected images
    Export Masters
    Finder: Set the Desktop Picture
    To install it, open the workflow in Automator and save it as service.
    To use it, select any image in Aperture, then activate the service from the Aperture menu -> Services, and it will set the master of the selected image as Desktop picture.
    If you like, you can assign the Command(⌘)-9 key to the service (in the System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts Panel) and then  turn any image you selected into Desktop wallpaper by simply pressing (⌘)-9.
    @Frank Caggiano, if you are still following this thread: for some reason this workflow succeeds with exporting the master, but I could not get it to work with the versions instead. Any ideas?
    Caution: this service will clutter the Desktop with the exported images. If you want to avoid that, change the export action to export the image to a different folder.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • "Edit in Photoshop Elements" an Option in Development Module?

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