Automated script for setting authorization limit in GL

I am trying to create an automated script in our General Ledger application to set authorization limit. I have looked into code of form GLXSTEAL.fmb. There I found that, GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS_PKG is being used for setting authorizations limit.
Below is the code I am trying to run from PL/SQL developer using apps id:
l_Rowid varchar2(30);
l_user_id number := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
l_login number :=FND_GLOBAL.login_id;
p_Attribute1 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute1%TYPE;
p_Attribute2 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute2%TYPE;
p_Attribute3 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute3%TYPE;
p_Attribute4 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute4%TYPE;
p_Attribute5 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute5%TYPE;
p_Attribute6 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute6%TYPE;
p_Attribute7 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute7%TYPE;
p_Attribute8 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute8%TYPE;
p_Attribute9 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute9%TYPE;
p_Attribute10 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute10%TYPE;
p_Attribute11 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute11%TYPE;
p_Attribute12 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute12%TYPE;
p_Attribute13 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute13%TYPE;
p_Attribute14 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute14%TYPE;
p_Attribute15 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute15%TYPE;
p_Context apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.context%TYPE;
l_date date :=sysdate;
p_Rowid => l_Rowid,
p_Set_Of_Books_Id => 1001,
p_Employee_Id => 9236,
p_Authorization_Limit => 100,
p_Last_Update_Date => l_date,
p_Last_Updated_By => l_user_id,
p_Creation_Date => l_date,
p_Created_By => l_user_id,
p_Last_Update_Login => l_login,
p_Attribute1 => p_Attribute1,
p_Attribute2 => p_Attribute2,
p_Attribute3 => p_Attribute3,
p_Attribute4 => p_Attribute4,
p_Attribute5 => p_Attribute5,
p_Attribute6 => p_Attribute6,
p_Attribute7 => p_Attribute7,
p_Attribute8 => p_Attribute8,
p_Attribute9 => p_Attribute9,
p_Attribute10 => p_Attribute10,
p_Attribute11 => p_Attribute11,
p_Attribute12 => p_Attribute12,
p_Attribute13 => p_Attribute13,
p_Attribute14 => p_Attribute14,
p_Attribute15 => p_Attribute15,
p_Context => p_Context );
I am getting the error PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'INSERT_ROW'.
Please help me with this.

I have found another way to achieve this. By inserting the data directly to GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS table.
VALUES (1001,p_person_id,1.00,SYSDATE,l_user_id,SYSDATE,l_user_id,l_login);

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    Hi all,
    For all you who have been looking for a solution for the problem above, here it is :
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    I did something similar a couple of months ago, but instead of attempting to be clever and guessing what the background image is supposed to be, I just write it in the filename. Since some pictures just end up being too bright (or whatever) when used as a background to a urxvt terminal, I added some extra parameters for setting gamma, brightness, tint and the direction the image should be rendered. It relies on hsetroot for actually rendering the picture.
    # set-background
    import sys, os, string, re
    patterns = [ (re.compile("t-([a-f\d]+)"), lambda x: "-tint \#" + x)
    , (re.compile("b-([\d]+)"), lambda x: "-brightness -0." + x)
    , (re.compile("g-([\d]+)"), lambda x: "-gamma "+ x)
    , (re.compile("f-(v|h|d)"), lambda x: "-flip" + x)
    def buildCommand(file):
    output = ["hsetroot"]
    output.append("-" + (string.split(file,".")[-2]))
    for token in string.split(file,".")[1:-2]:
    for (pat,f) in patterns:
    if pat.match(token):
    output.append( f(pat.findall(token)[0]))
    return string.join(output)
    print buildCommand(img)
    # vim:set et:
    So for instance, an image with the name background.t-704214.f-v.full.jpg would be rendered as a stretched image, flipped vertically with a sepia tint. The files are required to be in the following format NAME.(MODIFIER.)*TYPE.SUFFIX, where the the order and number of modifiers are unimportant. The gamma values are somewhat unintuitive, but I guess you'll just have to play around with it to get it right.
    And to randomize the whole thing, I just used the following script in my .xinitrc to randomly pick a image from a folder.
    pics=($(ls $bg_folder))
    let "n = $RANDOM % ${#pics[@]}"
    (cd $bg_folder; set-background ${pics[$n]})

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    # Random wallpaper setter, by moljac024
    # Configuration
    # Wallpaper directory
    # Wallpaper list path
    # Folders to be skipped, you can put as many as you like
    #wpSkip=("Dir1/" "Dir2/")
    # Scale images that have a lower resolution than that of the screen (yes or no)
    # Screen resolution
    # Command for tiling the wallpaper
    cmdTile="feh --bg-tile"
    #cmdTile="nitrogen --set-tiled --save"OA
    #cmdTile="xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-style -s 2 && xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s"
    #cmdTile="gconftool-2 -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options "wallpaper" -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename"
    # Command for scaling the wallpaper
    cmdScale="feh --bg-scale"
    #cmdScale="nitrogen --set-scaled --save"
    #cmdScale="xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-style -s 3 && xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s"
    #cmdScale="gconftool-2 -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options "zoom" -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename"
    # Command for centering the wallpaper
    cmdCenter="feh --bg-center"
    #cmdCenter="nitrogen --set-centered --save"
    #cmdCenter="xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-style -s 1 && xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s"
    #cmdCenter="gconftool-2 -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options "centered" -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename"
    # End of configuration
    setTiled ()
    `$cmdTile "$1"`
    if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
    echo "Wallpaper tiled."
    echo "Wallpaper not set!"
    exit 1
    setScaled ()
    `$cmdScale "$1"`
    if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
    echo "Wallpaper scaled."
    echo "Wallpaper not set!"
    exit 1
    setCentered ()
    `$cmdCenter "$1"`
    if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
    echo "Wallpaper centered."
    echo "Wallpaper not set!"
    exit 1
    createList ()
    # Go to the wallpaper directory
    cd "$wpDir"
    # Load the list of pictures to a variable
    wpDirList=`(find . -regex ".*\([jJ][pP][gG]\|[jJ][pP][eE][gG]\|[gG][iI][fF]\|[pP][nN][gG]\|[bB][mM][pP]\)$" -type f)`
    # Save the list to disk
    if [[ ( -w "$wpList" ) ]]; then
    echo -n "$wpDirList" > "$wpList"
    # Filter out unwanted folders
    if [[ "$dontSkip" == "false" ]]; then
    for dir in "${wpSkip[@]}"
    grep -Ev "$dir" "$wpList" > ~/.wallpapers-tmpr; mv ~/.wallpapers-tmpr "$wpList"
    # Output result
    echo "Wallpaper list saved."
    echo "Can't write wallpaper list, aborting!"
    exit 1
    getImage ()
    # Count number of pictures in the wallpaper list by counting number of lines.
    # Check if the wallpaper list exists, is not empty and we have read persmission on it
    if [[ ( -s "$wpList" && -f "$wpList" ) && -r "$wpList" ]]
    wpListNumber=$(wc -l < "$wpList")
    echo "Can't read wallpaper list, aborting!";
    exit 1
    # Counter for bad entries in wallpaper list
    while true; do
    # Get a seed for the random number generator from /dev/urandom
    SEED=$(head -1 /dev/urandom | od -N 1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
    # Find a random line number in the wallpaper list
    # Random number from 1..n.
    #r=$((RANDOM % $wpListNumber + 1))
    r=$(echo $RANDOM%"$wpListNumber"+1 | bc)
    # Print what the line number is
    # Print the r'th line.
    imgPath=`sed -n "$r{p;q;}" "$wpList"`
    # #./ crops that substring but it doesn't matter if it left there
    # Check if the chosen file exists
    if [ -f "$wpPath" ]; then
    echo -e ""$wpPath": doesn't exist!\n"
    badMax=$(( $badMax - 1 ))
    if [ "$badMax" == "0" ]; then
    echo "Too many non-valid entries found in wallpaper list, aborting!"
    exit 1
    else echo "Choosing new image..."
    # Calculate size and aspect for chosen image and print out information
    imgHeight=$(identify -format "%h" "$wpPath")
    imgWidth=$(identify -format "%w" "$wpPath")
    imgAspect=$(echo "scale=1; "$imgWidth"/"$imgHeight"" | bc)
    echo -e "Image: "$wpPath"\n"
    echo -e "Resolution: "$imgWidth"x"$imgHeight""
    echo -e "Aspect: "$imgAspect":1\n"
    setWallpaper ()
    # Calculate resolution aspect ratio
    resAspect=$(echo "scale=1; "$resWidth"/"$resHeight"" | bc)
    # If the image is smaller than the resolution and is not a tile then scale it, otherwise look at aspect
    if [[ ("$scaleLowerRes" == "yes") && ( "$imgAspect" != "1.0" && ("$imgWidth" -lt "$resWidth" || "$imgHeight" -lt "$resHeight") ) ]]
    setScaled "$wpPath"
    case $imgAspect in
    setTiled "$wpPath"
    1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8)
    if [[ "$resAspect" < "1.5" ]]; then
    setCentered "$wpPath"
    setScaled "$wpPath"
    if [[ "$resAspect" < "1.5" ]]; then
    setScaled "$wpPath"
    setCentered "$wpPath"
    checkConfig ()
    # Initial errors
    # Check if all variables are set
    if [[ !( ( -n "$wpDir" ) && ( -n "$wpList" ) && ( -n "$resWidth" ) && ( -n "$resHeight" ) && ( -n "$scaleLowerRes" ) && ( -n "$cmdTile" ) && ( -n "$cmdScale" ) && ( -n "$cmdCenter" ) ) ]]
    echo -e "\nOne or more options not set, aborting!"
    exit 1
    # Check if there is a trailing backslash in the wallpaper directory
    spDir=`echo -n "$wpDir" | tail -c -1`
    if [[ !( "$spDir" == "/" ) ]]
    # Check if there is read permission on wallpaper directory and if it is a directory
    if [[ !( ( -r "$wpDir" ) && ( -d "$wpDir" ) ) ]]
    echo "Can't read wallpaper directory!"
    # Check if the specified wallpaper list is a regular file and not a directory
    touch "$wpList" &> /dev/null
    if [[ ( -d "$wpList" ) ]]
    echo "Specified wallpaper list is a directory, not a file!"
    # Check if variables are set correctly
    if [[ !( "$scaleLowerRes" == "yes" || "$scaleLowerRes" == "no" ) ]]
    echo "Specified option for scaling the wallpaper is not valid!"
    if $(echo ""$resWidth"" | grep [^0-9] &>/dev/null)
    echo "Specified resolution width is not a number!"
    if $(echo ""$resHeight"" | grep [^0-9] &>/dev/null)
    echo "Specified resolution height is not a number!"
    # Check if any of the tests failed
    if [[ "$errorsPresent" == "yes" ]]
    echo -e "\nOne or more errors found, aborting!"
    exit 1
    printUsage ()
    echo -e "Invalid command line argument(s)!\nUsage:\n"
    echo -e "`basename "$0"` [options]\n"
    echo -e "Options:\n"
    echo -e "-s | --set \tSet a wallpaper without updating the list"
    echo -e "-u | --update \tUpdate the list without setting a wallpaper"
    echo -e "-ua | --update-all\tUpdate the list without setting a wallpaper, but don't skip any folders"
    echo -e "-su | --set-update\tUpdate the list and set a wallpaper"
    exit 1
    if [ "$#" == "1" ]; then
    case "$1" in
    "-s" | "--set")
    exit 0
    "-u" | "--update")
    exit 0
    "-ua" | "--update-all")
    exit 0
    "-su" | "--set-update")
    exit 0
    exit 1
    exit 1
    Last edited by moljac024 (2009-09-14 21:02:13)

    I did something similar a couple of months ago, but instead of attempting to be clever and guessing what the background image is supposed to be, I just write it in the filename. Since some pictures just end up being too bright (or whatever) when used as a background to a urxvt terminal, I added some extra parameters for setting gamma, brightness, tint and the direction the image should be rendered. It relies on hsetroot for actually rendering the picture.
    # set-background
    import sys, os, string, re
    patterns = [ (re.compile("t-([a-f\d]+)"), lambda x: "-tint \#" + x)
    , (re.compile("b-([\d]+)"), lambda x: "-brightness -0." + x)
    , (re.compile("g-([\d]+)"), lambda x: "-gamma "+ x)
    , (re.compile("f-(v|h|d)"), lambda x: "-flip" + x)
    def buildCommand(file):
    output = ["hsetroot"]
    output.append("-" + (string.split(file,".")[-2]))
    for token in string.split(file,".")[1:-2]:
    for (pat,f) in patterns:
    if pat.match(token):
    output.append( f(pat.findall(token)[0]))
    return string.join(output)
    print buildCommand(img)
    # vim:set et:
    So for instance, an image with the name background.t-704214.f-v.full.jpg would be rendered as a stretched image, flipped vertically with a sepia tint. The files are required to be in the following format NAME.(MODIFIER.)*TYPE.SUFFIX, where the the order and number of modifiers are unimportant. The gamma values are somewhat unintuitive, but I guess you'll just have to play around with it to get it right.
    And to randomize the whole thing, I just used the following script in my .xinitrc to randomly pick a image from a folder.
    pics=($(ls $bg_folder))
    let "n = $RANDOM % ${#pics[@]}"
    (cd $bg_folder; set-background ${pics[$n]})

  • Automated script for deploying, removing, install again the WSP using stsadm command line

    Am having a requirement in my  staging and  prod  env. to add, install,retract and remove wsp.
    In my dev env i used to perform with  Visual Studio ,so i didnt  face any issues regarding retracting and removing the wsp from solution store.
    But in my staging and prod since i dont hav VS installed, i would like to have a automated script[ NOT in POWERSHELL] using stsadm command line tool which adds the solution from a folder [say D:\DeployWSPs in staging and Prod] to the solution
    store  and installed onto a particular web application [  NOT "All WebApplications"].
    and if  the wsp already exists , i need to retract it & remove from solution store and add it and install again.
    can someone pls help me with the  automated script .also if  the folder contains multiple WSPs how can i doa  for each loop [ iterate through  wach ".wsp"  file and perform install/...task].
    i know stsadm -o adddsolution, deletesolution,m retractsolution etc. But the issue is that customer asked me to do this ina automated fashion.  manually entering all these commands is a  cumbersome activity.
    note: when i used powershell on 2 / 3 occasions, the wsp was retracted successfully,but failed to successfully remove from the
    soln store.
    so i thought i will depend upon on stsadm again like old version of SP since its supported.

    I would recommend you to use Power Shell so that you can do the automation easily. You can use
    power shell for earlier version of SharePoint as well. 
    Look why removing the solution is getting failed. May be you are trying to remove before the solution is retracted. Wait for retract and remove the solution. Refer to the following post for more information

  • Help on preparing shell script for setting the listener password

    Hi All,
    I am working on checking all my DB servers listeners and if the password is not set for the listener then I need to set the password for that.
    As we have many servers, I am planning to prepare the shell script for doing this task.
    I am familiar with setting up the listener password manually, but strucked up to prepare the shell script to do the same task.
    Can any one kindly help me on this.
    Thanks in advance,

    815537 wrote:
    Could any body please help me.
    MahiPatience, Grasshopper
    This forum is not a chat line, and it is not paid support.
    No one is responsible for monitoring it and giving a quick response.
    Furthermore, it is a global forum. The person with the information you seek may very well live 20 time zones away from you and was going to bed just as you posted. He will not even see your post for several more hours.
    Your original post went up in the middle of the night for half the world.
    No one with the information you seek is deliberately withholding it until you sound sufficiently desperate.

  • Help with Automator Script for QuickTime Pro Movie Conversion from Vado

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    I am (very) new to mac things, and it looks like in theory I could use Automator to handle to conversion process, and perhaps even the re-import into iPhoto. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about this? Where would be a good site to post this as a project that I could pay some one to help me, provide an automator script/workflow?
    Are any other solutions available? Buy Final Cut etc?
    PS (Rant): One of the reasons I bought a MacBook Pro and iLife was to take advantage of what I thought was supposed to be Apple's superior multimedia handling. It seems ludicrous to me that with a MacBook Pro running the latest software (10.6.4), and using the latest versions of iLife, I'd have to buy an old version of QuickTime to convert my videos so that I could manipulate them in iMovie. Sigh.

    MPeg Stram clip will export files which are compatible with iMovie '09. It (iMovie )can import the following.
    MPEG-4 (Supported profiles)
    H.264 (Supported profiles)
    Apple Animation (Movie '09 only)
    Apple Video (iMovie '09 only)
    iMovie '08/'09 will not accept files containing extraneous data tracks such as:
    Closed Caption
    Secondary audio such as AC3
    iMovie '08/'09 Will not accept files that rely on proprietary/third-party components such as

  • Spotlight automator script for dupes?

    i suppose what i'm looking for is a script for spotlight that will identify duplicates on my hard drive with the exact same name and either delete them for me, or give me an easier way to delete them myself (besides weeding through each mp3 and deleting whatever comes up twice). i posted earlier about how when i migrated to my new computer last summer i inadvertantly made two copies of all my mp3s and i'd like to delete the duplicates.
    any info would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi there,
    I would have a look at this it may help.

  • Automation Script for RPD in Linux !!

    I have a requirement to automate the RPD in linux to get the Repository Documentation in RPD with the UNIX script.
    Actual manual process is Tools -> Utilities -> Select the Repository Documentation -> Execute -> Save,
    I Need to do the same process with UNIX script,
    Repository Path : /devobi/OBIEE11g/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository/OracleBIAnalyticsApps
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Srini/Sunil,
    Thanks for your reply,
    Yes, We have a manual process in OBIEE11g as i mentioned the navigation. But, We need to do the automation process with UNIX Script in Linux environment.
    So, Please help me on this assignment.
    Thanks in Advance,

  • PowerShell Script for Setting the Welcome Page View of a document set

    We are using document set in the document library and we have created the separate view in the document set and it will show only particular metadata columns. We need to change from default view to another view. For this, we need to write the power shell
    script and update the document set welcome page view link in the document set template. Please let me know how we can get this.

    Hey Mylsamy,
    welcome page view is stored in $contenttype.XmlDocuments. Here is how you can change the view using powershell:
    $web = Get-SPWeb "WEBURL"
    $list = $web.Lists["LISTNAME"]
    $contenttype = $list.ContentTypes["CONTENTYPENAME"]
    $viewid = $list.Views["VIEWNAME"].Id
    $xmldocs = $contenttype.XmlDocuments
    foreach($xmldoc in $xmldocs)
    Write-Host "XML contains WPV"
    $newview = [XML] @"
    <wpv:WelcomePageView xmlns:wpv="" ViewId="$viewid" />
    $contenttype.Update($updateChildren, $false)
    Write-Host "Welcome Page View updated at " $list.Title

  • Script for setting priority - PID unknown ???

    On this G4 Mac Classic runs unbearably slow under Mac OS 10.4.5. This is a problem many have (click here for link). Only my kids use Classic and they have their own managed account. Classic auto-launches when they log in.
    What I want to do is have a script run for my kids' account. This script should run after Classic is started and set the priority to -20. I know the terminal command is this: "renice PID -20" The problem is that I do not know how to get the PID for "TrueBlueEnvironme" (the process name for Classic). I cannot seem to get "renice" to work with the process name.
    So, my two questions:
    1) What would the text of a script be which performs the "renice" command on a the process TrueBlueEnvironme when TrueBlueEnvironme has a different PID with each login?
    2) How should I set up this script (auto-launch at login or tell it to pause?) so that it automatically runs after Classic launches?
    Thanks much,

    Hi Mace,
       Here's a function that waits five minutes until a single process is found that matches its argument. Thus, if you invoke the function, "psnice TrueBlue", it will renice TrueBlueEnvironment if a single PID is found within five minutes of the function being invoked. By the way, this function minimizes the priority of TrueBlueEnvironment as was suggested in the thread to which you linked. This is different from your question here, which was to maximize the priority of TrueBlueEnvironment.
    function psnice
        until [ $INDEX -gt 100 ]; do
            PID=$( ps -axwwo pid,command | awk '/'$1'/{ if ( $0 !~ /grep|awk/ ){ print $1 }}' )
            PID_COUNT=$( echo $PID | wc -w )
            if [ $PID_COUNT -eq 1 ]; then
                renice 20 -p $PID
            elif [ $PID_COUNT -gt 1 ]; then
                echo "Too many processes found."
            sleep 3
            let INDEX++
    }By the way, don't copy the above code using copy-and-paste because indention is produced with non-breaking spaces. Scripts won't like those. You would have to replace leading spaces with the "regular" kind.
       Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish
       the rest.
             -- Mark Twain

  • Scripts for setting mail message colors quickly

    I've been frustrated at how difficult it is to set the color of a message subject etc in a mailbox. Sometimes applying a color would work, sometimes not, and many clicks required. Finally I wrote a simple script that appears in the Finder's Scripts menu, which applies a particular color to all emails that are selected. I made one version for each color I use (I use these to keep track of emails that are useful references, or that require some action, etc.) I added a leading space to the script names so they would appear at the top of the scripts menu. I wish I could connect them to buttons in the Mail window, but don't know a way to do that, and this is nearly as conveniet.
    Here's one of the scripts. Colors can be none, red, orange, blue, gray, green, purple, yellow:
    tell application "Mail"
    set selectedMessages to selection
    set nm to count of selectedMessages
    if (nm) is equal to 0 then
    display alert "No Messages Selected" message "Select the message(s) you want to color red before running this script."
    repeat with nn from 1 to nm by 1
    set theMessage to item nn of selectedMessages
    set the background color of theMessage to red
    end repeat
    end if
    end tell

    HI Disha
    Check out these links. They will surely help
    If you find this answer useful, please reward me for the same.
    Good luck
    Karthik Potharaju

  • Script for setting Imported Excel Table Cell Inset

    InDesign CS3 Windows XP
    I've checked the FAQ and ran all the searches, but I can't find this. My old computer crashed and took with it a script that I had that would set all the cell insets for the cells of the imported Excel tables in one swelled foop. Can someone point me to the source again? My price sheets are nothing but imported Excel tables and it takes forever to set all the insets for each block separately.

    app.documents.everyItem().stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().propert ies = [topInset:"1cm"]; //??
    This one-liner may need some additional work, but when I am done with it, it'll set the insets for all tables in every open document.
    Perhaps 'everyItem' also works on disk files ...
    [Edit] Just pulling your leg. I'll take a look on the one-liner when I'm back at work.
    I've got a class in a couple of weeks on Javascripting ...
    I'm jealous. They give classes about this? BTW, JavaScript is not that hard (e.g., not harder than any other reasonably popular programming language), but its interface to InDesign is something else. In this case, the magic word is 'everyItem'. (You'll learn.)

  • Automator script for remote shutdown

    hello everyone
    i use a mac mini as a media server and i use ssh from the terminal to turn it off remotely,
    i know you can run terminal commands in automator, but i cant get it to work
    can someone show me how the script should look like, im not even sure if im using the right script (shell script or apple script) .
    thanks in advance

    I suggest using straight AppleScript:

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