A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time

Hello Everyone.   I just downloaded Dreamweaver CS 5.5 Trial version (Win 7), and I have been working on my home page.  I've created a wonderful image map with spry widget tooltips (about 60 tooltips), and I'm really happy with the results....until this error started to pop-up.  I have re-started the computer, deleted winfilecache****, and updated Dreamweaver through the help window.   I have googled this error, and found it existed in CS3 and CS4, and even in CS5, but no information as to why it's happening in CS 5.5.    I really want to buy this software, but am unsure as to why I would spend this amount of money on something that's going to give me a headache.  I am a layman, and work on my site recreationally.  I'm new to CSS and Spry so if i missed the obvious I apologize for that.   I inserted the spry widgets in the CODE screen by highlighting my hotspot CODE and clicking INSERT>SPRY>SPRYTOOLTIP.  Each tooltip is checked to "follow on mouse" and "hide on mouse out" and horizontally moved -400.
So now every time I open this page in Dreamweaver this error "A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time.  Do you wish to continue?" pops up, and whenever i try to edit the spry tooltip properties.  Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.  thanks for your help and time.  Part of the code looks like this: //
<area shape="poly" coords="89,180,68,203,60,213,65,232,96,225,103,201,101,188" href="#" id="sprytrigger57" />
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip57">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Corvus.jpg" width="199" height="170" alt="Corvus" />CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven).</p>
<p> Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
      var sprytooltip57 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip57", "#sprytrigger57", {offsetX:-403, closeOnTooltipLeave:true, useEffect:"fade", followMouse:true});
Hope I included most everything needed to diagnose, let me know what I forgot.  Thanks again.

oops i tried to copy the code here but it didn't work. Is this better?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<div id="right">
<p>Ps 19:1-6<br />
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.</p>
<p> 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.</p>
<p> 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.</p>
<p> 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,</p>
<p> 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.<br />
Stars a STORY-book.<br />
6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.</p>
<p>Ps 19:7-14<br />
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.</p>
<p> 8 The statutes of the LORD are right,  rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.</p>
<p> 9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.</p>
<p> 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.</p>
<p> 11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.</p>
<p> 12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.</p>
<p> 13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.</p>
<p> 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.<br />
<p><br />
<div id="Footer">Site updated June 2011</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip57">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Corvus.jpg" width="199" height="170" alt="Corvus" />CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven).</p>
<p> Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip56">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Crater.jpg" width="180" height="196" alt="Crater" /></p>
<p>CRATER (The Cup). </p>
<p>The cup of Divine wrath poured out upon him.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip55">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Hydra.jpg" width="184" height="142" alt="Hydra" /></p>
<p>HYDRA (The Serpent). That old Serpent— Devil, destroyed.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip54">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Leo.jpg" width="198" height="130" alt="Leo" /></p>
<p>LEO (The Lion). </p>
<p>The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending of the Enemy.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip53">
<p>Chapter IV - TWELFTH -</p>
<p> Messiah's Consummated Triumph      LEO (The Lion). The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending of the Enemy.           </p>
<p>1. HYDRA (The Serpent). That old Serpent— Devil, destroyed.     </p>
<p>2. CRATER (The Cup). The cup of Divine wrath poured out upon him.     </p>
<p>3. CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven). Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip52">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Argo.jpg" width="200" height="199" alt="Argo" />ARGO (The Ship).</p>
<p> The redeemed pilgrims safe at home..</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip51">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/UrsaMajor.jpg" width="200" height="150" alt="Ursa Major" />URSA MAJOR (The Great Bear).</p>
<p> The fold and the flock.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip50">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/UrsaMinor.jpg" width="185" height="133" alt="Ursa Minor" /></p>
<p>URSA MINOR (The Lesser Bear). </p>
<p>The lesser sheepfold.</p>
<p> The 7,000...? -</p>
<p>This star was called by the Greeks the "Cynosure." Aratus seems to apply this term to the whole of the seven stars of the Lesser Bear. Mr. Robert Brown, Jr., shows that this word . . . transliterates An-nas-sur-ra, and renders it, "as it literally means, high in rising, i.e., in heavenly position.". Is not this the primitve truth of the Revelation? Will not this Lesser Fold be high, yea, the highest in heavenly position?</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip49">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Cancer.jpg" width="183" height="200" alt="Cancer" />CANCER (The Crab).</p>
<p> The possession held fast.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip48">
<p>Chapter III ELEVENTH -</p>
<p> Messiah's Redeemed Possessions      </p>
<p>CANCER (The Crab). The possession held fast.          </p>
<p>1. URSA MINOR (The Lesser Bear). </p>
<p>The lesser sheepfold.          7,000 - This star was called by the Greeks the "Cynosure." Aratus seems to apply this term to the whole of the seven stars of the Lesser Bear. Mr. Robert Brown, Jr., shows that this word . . . transliterates An-nas-sur-ra, and renders it, "as it literally means, high in rising, i.e., in heavenly position.". Is not this the primitve truth of the Revelation? Will not this Lesser Fold be high, yea, the highest in heavenly position?</p>
<p> 2. URSA MAJOR (The Great Bear). The fold and the flock.
3. ARGO (The Ship). The redeemed pilgrims safe at home..</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip47">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/CanisMinor.jpg" width="170" height="123" alt="CanisMinor" /></p>
<p>CANIS MINOR (The Second Dog), or PROCYON, the exalted Redeemer.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip46"><img src="images/Constellations/CanisMajor.jpg" width="193" height="228" alt="CanisMajor" />CANIS MAJOR (The Dog), or SIRIUS, the coming glorious Prince of Princes.</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip45">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Lepus.jpg" width="198" height="196" alt="Lepus" />LEPUS (The Hare), or</p>
<p> THE ENEMY trodden under foot.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip44">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Gemini.jpg" width="197" height="228" alt="Gemini" />GEMINI (The Twins). </p>
<p>The twofold nature of the King.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip43">
<p>Chapter II - TENTH  - </p>
<p>Messiah's Reign as Prince of Peace      GEMINI (The Twins). The twofold nature of the King.</p>
<p> 1. LEPUS (The Hare), or THE ENEMY trodden under foot.<br />
2. CANIS MAJOR (The Dog), or SIRIUS, the coming glorious Prince of Princes.<br />
3. CANIS MINOR (The Second Dog), or PROCYON, the exalted Redeemer.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip42">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Auriga.jpg" width="197" height="289" alt="Auriga" />AURIGA (The Shepherd). </p>
<p>Safety for the Redeemed in the day of that wrath.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip41">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Eridanus.jpg" width="198" height="86" alt="Eridanus" />ERIDANUS (The River of the Judge). </p>
<p>Wrath breaking forth for His enemies.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip40">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Orion.jpg" width="185" height="262" alt="Orion" /></p>
<p>ORION,  </p>
<p>Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip39">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Taurus.jpg" width="200" height="165" alt="Taurus" />TAURUS (The Bull). </p>
<p>Messiah coming to rule.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip38">
<p>Chapter I - NINTH - </p>
<p>Messiah, The Coming Judge of All the Earth      
TAURUS (The Bull).</p>
<p> Messiah coming to rule.           </p>
<p>1. ORION,  Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.</p>
<p> 2. ERIDANUS (The River of the Judge). Wrath breaking forth for His enemies.</p>
<p> 3. AURIGA (The Shepherd). Safety for the Redeemed in the day of that wrath.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip37">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Perseus.jpg" width="167" height="257" alt="Perseus" /></p>
<p>PERSEUS (The Breaker).</p>
<p> Delivering His redeemed.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip36">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Cetus.jpg" width="198" height="93" alt="Cetus" />CETUS (The Sea Monster). </p>
<p>The great enemy bound.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip35">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Cassiopeia.jpg" width="128" height="196" alt="Cassiopeia" /></p>
<p>CASSIOPEIA (The Enthroned Woman).</p>
<p> The captive delivered, and preparing for her husband, the Redeemer.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip34">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Aries.jpg" width="200" height="165" alt="Aries" />ARIES (The Ram or Lamb). </p>
<p>The Lamb that was slain, prepared for the victory.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip33">
<p>Chapter IV - EIGHTH - </p>
<p>Their Blessings Consummated and Enjoyed      ARIES (The Ram or Lamb).</p>
<p> The Lamb that was slain, prepared for the victory.</p>
<p> 1. CASSIOPEIA (The Enthroned Woman). </p>
<p>The captive delivered, and preparing for her husband, the Redeemer.</p>
<p> 2. CETUS (The Sea Monster).</p>
<p> The great enemy bound.</p>
<p> 3. PERSEUS (The Breaker). </p>
<p>Delivering His redeemed.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip32">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Cephus.jpg" width="144" height="164" alt="Cephus" /></p>
<p>CEPHEUS (The King).</p>
<p> Their Redeemer coming to rule.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip31">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Andromeda.jpg" width="181" height="189" alt="Andromeda" />ANDROMEDA (The Chained Woman).</p>
<p> The Redeemed in their bondage and affliction.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip30">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Pisces.jpg" width="198" height="94" alt="Pisces" />PISCES (The Fishes). </p>
<p>The Redeemed blessed though bound.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> THE BAND—, but binding their great enemy Cetus, the sea monster.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip29">
<p>Chapter III - SEVENTH - </p>
<p>Their Blessings in Abeyance      PISCES</p>
<p> (The Fishes). </p>
<p>The Redeemed blessed though bound.           </p>
<p>1. THE BAND—,</p>
<p> but binding their great enemy Cetus, the sea monster.</p>
<p> 2. ANDROMEDA (The Chained Woman).</p>
<p> The Redeemed in their bondage and affliction.
3. CEPHEUS (The King).</p>
<p> Their Redeemer coming to rule.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip28">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Cygnus.jpg" width="198" height="224" alt="Cygnus" />CYGNUS (The Swan). </p>
<p>The Blesser surely returning.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip27">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Pegasus.jpg" width="201" height="130" alt="Pegasus" />PEGASUS (The Winged Horse).</p>
<p> The blessings quickly coming.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip26">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Aquarius.jpg" width="198" height="109" alt="Aquarius" />AQUARIUS (The Water-Bearer).</p>
<p> The living waters of blessing poured forth for the Redeemed.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip25">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/PicisAustralis.jpg" width="198" height="63" alt="Piscis Australis" />PISCIS AUSTRALIS (The Southern Fish).</p>
<p> The blessings bestowed.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip24">
<p>Chapter II - SIXTH  -</p>
<p>Their Blessings Ensured      AQUARIUS </p>
<p>(The Water-Bearer). </p>
<p>The living waters of blessing poured forth for the Redeemed.</p>
<p> 1. PISCIS AUSTRALIS (The Southern Fish). The blessings bestowed.     </p>
<p>2. PEGASUS (The Winged Horse). The blessings quickly coming.</p>
<p> 3. CYGNUS (The Swan). The Blesser surely returning.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip23">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Trio.jpg" width="198" height="133" alt="Trio" />1. SAGITTA (The Arrow). </p>
<p>The arrow of God sent forth.</p>
<p> 2. AQUILA (The Eagle). </p>
<p>The smitten One falling.</p>
<p> 3. DELPHINUS (The Dolphin). </p>
<p>The dead One rising again.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip22"><img src="images/Constellations/Capricornus.jpg" width="199" height="145" alt="Capricornus" />CAPRICORNUS (The fish-goat). The goat of Atonement slain for the Redeemed.</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip21">
<p>Chapter I - FIFTH -</p>
<p> Their Blessings Procured      
CAPRICORNUS (The fish-goat). </p>
<p>The goat of Atonement slain for the Redeemed.           
1. SAGITTA (The Arrow).</p>
<p> The arrow of God sent forth.</p>
<p> 2. AQUILA (The Eagle).</p>
<p> The smitten One falling.</p>
<p> 3. DELPHINUS (The Dolphin).</p>
<p> The dead One rising again.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip20"><img src="images/Constellations/DracoMap.jpg" width="200" height="161" alt="Draco" />DRACO (The Dragon). The Old Serpent— Devil, cast down from heaven.</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip19">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Ara.jpg" width="143" height="142" alt="Ara" /></p>
<p>ARA (The Altar). Consuming fire prepared for His enemies.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip18">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Lyra.jpg" width="139" height="117" alt="Lyra" />. </p>
<p>LYRA (The Harp).</p>
<p> Praise prepared for the Conqueror.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip17"><img src="images/Constellations/Safittarius.jpg" width="198" height="213" alt="Sagittarius" />SAGITTARIUS (The Archer). The two-natured Conqueror going forth "Conquering and to conquer."</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip16">
<p>Chapter IV -</p>
<p> The Redeemer's Triumph      
SAGITTARIUS (The Archer). The two-natured Conqueror going forth "Conquering and to conquer."</p>
1. LYRA (The Harp). Praise prepared for the Conqueror.</p>
<p> 2. ARA (The Altar). Consuming fire prepared for His enemies.    </p>
<p>3. DRACO (The Dragon). The Old Serpent— Devil, cast down from heaven.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip15"> <img src="images/Constellations/Hercules.jpg" width="198" height="190" alt="Hercules" />HERCULES (The mighty man. A man kneeling on one knee, humbled in the conflict, but holding aloft the tokens of victory, with his foot on the head of the Dragon). The mighty Vanquisher seeming to sink in the conflict.</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip14"><img src="images/Constellations/Serpens.jpg" width="199" height="152" alt="Serpens" />SERPENS (The Serpent struggling with the man).</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip13">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Ophiuchus.jpg" width="199" height="227" alt="Ophiuchus" /></p>
<p>O-PHI-U-CHUS (The man grasping the serpent). The struggle with the enemy.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip12"><img src="images/Constellations/Scorpio.jpg" width="198" height="186" alt="Scorpio" />SCORPIO (The Scorpion) seeking to wound, but itself trodden under foot.</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip11">Chapter III - THIRD  - The Redeemer's Conflict SCORPIO (The Scorpion) seeking to wound, but itself trodden under foot.      <br />
1. SERPENS (The Serpent struggling with the man). <br />
<br />
2. O-PHI-U-CHUS (The man grasping the serpent). The struggle with the enemy. <br />
<br />
3. HERCULES (The mighty man. A man kneeling on one knee, humbled in the conflict, but holding aloft the tokens of victory, with his foot on the head of the Dragon). The mighty Vanquisher seeming to sink in the conflict.</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip10">
<p>Chapter II - SECOND -  The Redeemer's Atoning Work</p>
<p> LIBRA (The Scales). The price deficient balanced by the price which covers. <br />
1. CRUX,  The Cross endured. <br />
<br />
2. LUPUS, or VICTIMA, The Victim slain. <br />
<br />
3. CORONA, The Crown bestowed.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip9">
<p>Chapter I -FIRST -  The Prophecy of the Promised Seed of the Woman</p>
<p><br />
VIRGO (The Virgin. A woman bearing a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left). The Promised Seed of the woman. <br />
1. COMA (The Desired. The woman and child). The Desired of all nations. <br />
<br />
2. CENTAURUS (The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim). The despised sin offering. <br />
<br />
3. BOOTES (a man walking bearing a branch called ARCTURUS, meaning the same). He cometh.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip8">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/CoronaBorealis.jpg" width="69" height="55" alt="CoronaBorealis" /></p>
<p>CORONA, The Crown bestowed.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip7"> <img src="images/Constellations/LupusOrTheVictim.jpg" width="197" height="191" alt="Lupus" />LUPUS, or VICTIMA, The Victim slain.</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip6">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Crux.jpg" width="67" height="100" alt="Crux" /></p>
<p>CRUX,  The Cross endured.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip5">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Libra.jpg" width="185" height="176" alt="Libra" /></p>
<p>LIBRA (The Scales). The price deficient balanced by the price which covers.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip4">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Bootes.jpg" width="162" height="191" alt="Bootes" /></p>
<p>BOOTES (a man walking bearing a branch called ARCTURUS, meaning the same). He cometh!</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip3"><img src="images/Constellations/Centaurus.jpg" width="198" height="123" alt="Centaurus Pic" />Centaurus -(The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim). The despised sin offering.</div>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip2">
<p><img src="images/Constellations/Coma.jpg" width="156" height="161" alt="Coma" /></p>
<p>Coma (The Desired. The woman and child). The Desired of all nations.</p>
<div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip1"><img src="images/Constellations/Virgo.jpg" width="199" height="364" alt="Virgo Pic" />Virgo VIRGO (The Virgin. A woman bearing a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left). The Promised Seed of the woman.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
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var sprytooltip2 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip2", "#sprytrigger2", {offsetX:-450, closeOnTooltipLeave:true, useEffect:"fade", followMouse:true});
var sprytooltip3 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip3", "#sprytrigger3", {useEffect:"fade", closeOnTooltipLeave:true, offsetX:-400, followMouse:true});
var sprytooltip4 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip4", "#sprytrigger4", {offsetX:-450, useEffect:"fade", closeOnTooltipLeave:true, followMouse:true});
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var sprytooltip54 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip54", "#sprytrigger54", {offsetX:-400, useEffect:"fade", closeOnTooltipLeave:true, followMouse:true});
var sprytooltip55 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip55", "#sprytrigger55", {offsetX:-400, useEffect:"fade", closeOnTooltipLeave:true, followMouse:true});
var sprytooltip56 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip56", "#sprytrigger56", {offsetX:-400, useEffect:"fade", closeOnTooltipLeave:true, followMouse:true});
var sprytooltip57 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip57", "#sprytrigger57", {offsetX:-403, closeOnTooltipLeave:true, useEffect:"fade", followMouse:true});

Similar Messages

  • A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time CS4

    I'm getting this error in dreamweaver:
    "A script in file C:\ProgramFiles\Adobe\Aobe Dreamweaver CS4\Configuration\Shared\Spry\DesignTime\EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time. Do you want to continue?"
    I get the error when I open a page that has several spry elements, even after shutting down my computer and rebooting. It has over 100 spry collapsible panels, which each have their own name, ie: var CollapsiblePanel108 = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CollapsiblePanel108")
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    seleon04 wrote:
    I get the error when I open a page that has several spry elements, even after shutting down my computer and rebooting. It has over 100 spry collapsible panels, which each have their own name, ie: var CollapsiblePanel108 = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CollapsiblePanel108")
    I think you have answered your own question. More than 100 Spry collapsible panels is not exactly what most people would call "several". It's a huge - and probably unrealistic - amount.
    I don't think there is an actual limit on the number of Spry elements that you can have on a page, but Dreamweaver uses JavaScript in the background to inspect the document and edit it. The more elements you have, the greater the processing power and memory your computer requires to handle them. It might work with a faster processor or more RAM, but I think you need to reconsider your design strategy.

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    Hello, j2isgr8.  
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.  
    It sounds like your iPad is disabled and not recognized in iTunes.  Here are the troubleshooting steps that I would recommend going through when experiencing this scenario.  
    Forgot passcode for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or your device is disabled
    Jason H.  

  • Phase MAIN_SHDIMP/ICNVINIT been running for a long time, strange files?

    AIX 5300-10-01-0921
    We're running an upgrade using EHPI. I'm now in the MAIN_SHDIMP/ICNVINIT phase and it has been running for 20 hours or something. Could that be normal?
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    Example of content
    C-STACK -
    => 64 bit R/3 Kernel
    => 64 bit AIX Kernel
    => Heap limit      = unlimited
    => Stack limit     = unlimited
    => Core limit      = 51200000
    => File size limit = unlimited
    => Heap address  = 0x11356e680
    => Stack address = 0xfffffffffff8d20
    => Stack low     =  0xfffffffffff8d20
    => Stack high    =  0xffffffffffff640
    => Stack Trace:
            AixStack() at 0x1000a2e94
            CTrcStack2() at 0x1000a2f8c
            rabax_CStackSave__Fv() at 0x1000d26c0
            ab_rabax() at 0x1000cec80
            ab_repoerr__FiPCcT1N22P15RI_Report_Descr14RI_Access_ModeT1Pv() at 0x1008fe234
            db_info__FPCcPPcUi() at 0x1004f84a0
            ab_pginfo() at 0x1004f8cac
            newload__FPCcP13TmpSubpoolDirUiPUi() at 0x100220f54
            ab_LoadProgOrTrfo__FPCcUiPUi() at 0x100220bf4
            ab_LoadProg__FPCcUi() at 0x100220ce8
            LoadGlobalClass__FPCcUiN229ClasState() at 0x10043e280
            excpCladId__F11ExcpClassIdUc() at 0x100435ba0
            ab_CatchSysExc_1when() at 0x1004364a8
            ab_CatchSysExc_1ok() at 0x100436fb0
            HandleRsqlErrors__F9RsqlError9CloseMode() at 0x101652520
            SqlsExecuteCall__FUcP11DynCallInfo() at 0x101650c8c
            ab_jsqls__Fv() at 0x10164c16c
            ab_extri__Fv() at 0x1003997a4
            ab_xevent__FPCc() at 0x100d03b1c
            ab_dstep() at 0x100848474
            dynpmcal() at 0x100ce38c0
            dynppai0() at 0x100ce0d9c
            dynprctl() at 0x100cea548
            dynpen00() at 0x100cdce38
            Thdynpen00() at 0x1000fc914
            TskhLoop() at 0x1001016d0
            ThStart() at 0x100118cd0
            DpMain() at 0x1018c6acc
            nlsui_main() at 0x1019b3454
    The file dev_w0  shows me,
    C  *** ERROR in DB6Open[dbdb6.c, 3285] (END)
    B  ***LOG BY4=> sql error -727   performing SEL on table DOKIL      [dbtrtab#2 @ 3914] [dbtrtab 3914 ]
    B  ***LOG BY0=> SQL0727N  An error occurred during implicit system action type "2".  Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE "-204", SQLSTATE "42704" and message tokens "SAPPRDSHD.DOKIL".  SQLSTATE=56098 [dbtrtab#2 @ 3914] [dbtrtab 3914 ]
    C  *** ERROR in DB6Open[dbdb6.c, 3285] CON = 0 (BEGIN)
    C  &+     DbSlReadDB6( SQLExecute ): [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/AIX64] SQL0727N  An error occurred during implicit system action
    C  &+     type "2".  Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE "-204", SQLSTATE "42704" and message tokens "SAPPRD
    C  &+     SHD.DOKIL".  SQLSTATE=56098
    C  &+
    C  &+     KIL" WHERE "ID" = ? AND "OBJECT" = ? AND "LANGU" = ? AND "TYP" = ?  WITH UR
    C  &+       cursor type=NO_HOLD, isolation=UR, cc_release=YES, optlevel=5, degree=1, buffer_lobs=YES, op_type=18, reopt=0
    C  &+       ABAP location info: 'SAPMSYST', 0
    C  &+
    C  &+     Input SQLDA:
    C  &+                        1 CT=CHAR            T=VARCHAR         L=2     P=2     S=0
    C  &+                        2 CT=CHAR            T=VARCHAR         L=60    P=60    S=0
    C  &+                        3 CT=CHAR            T=VARCHAR         L=1     P=1     S=0
    C  &+                        4 CT=CHAR            T=VARCHAR         L=1     P=1     S=0
    C  &+
    C  &+     Input data:
    C  &+     row 1:             1 CHAR            I=2       "NA"
    C  &+                        2 CHAR            I=5       "00671"
    C  &+                        3 CHAR            I=1       "D"
    C  &+                        4 CHAR            I=1       "E"
    C  &+
    C  &+     ABAP location info 'SAPMSSY2', 14482
    C  &+
    C  *** ERROR in DB6Open[dbdb6.c, 3285] (END)
    B  ***LOG BY4=> sql error -727   performing SEL on table DOKIL      [dbtrtab#2 @ 3914] [dbtrtab 3914 ]
    B  ***LOG BY0=> SQL0727N  An error occurred during implicit system action type "2".  Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE "-204", SQLSTATE "42704" and message tokens "SAPPRDSHD.DOKIL".  SQLSTATE=56098 [dbtrtab#2 @ 3914] [dbtrtab 3914 ]
    M  *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_REPLOAD [pfxxstat.c   4131]
    That doesn't look too good, right?
    From the SLOG
    0001-727  SELDOKIL                                      dbtrtab 3914 BY020100420085557005284000000D0        SAPSYS                          SAPMSSY2                                0001SQL0727N  An error occurred during implicit system action        BY020100420085557005284000000D0        SAPSYS                          SAPMSSY2                                0001type "2".  Information returned for the error includes           BY020100420085557005284000000D0        SAPSYS                          SAPMSSY2       
    My question is what I can do? I was hoping there should be some kind of error message in the EHPI, but that just shows me "running.."
    Should I cancel the installation and restart? If I use the "Stop installation" in the EHPI gui, will that end the installation so that I have to start from the beginning?
    Any thoughts appreciated!
    Edited by: Carl-Johan Cedlert on Apr 20, 2010 9:44 AM

    I'm sorry fro the formatting of the above. Can anyone tell me how to get a new line in the text? As the "enter"-key doesn't seems to work...

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    boot up the machine and press R to get to the recovery mode.
    select the recovery disk
    open disk utility
    repair your disk.
    Erase your disk

  • Dreamweaver script running for a long time issue

    Hi there,
    having a recurring problem with the BC extension for Dreamweaver. Using Adobe Cloud CS6 and a mac. I get the following error message whenever the BC extension is open, and really the best way to get rid of it is to close the extension. I've googled the issue and there's a few things relating to other .js files, but I'd like to avoid having to reinstall CS6 if I can!
    Error msg:
    A script in file Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Dreamweaver CS6:Configuration:Shared:BC:JS:bc_sites.js has been running for a long time. Do you want to continue?

    This might help: http://helpx.adobe.com/dreamweaver/kb/re-creating-dreamweaver-user-configuration.html
    Give it a try and let me know if you still experience the same issue. The article is a little old, so you'll have to adapt the links there to your current install (C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe)
    Kind Regards,

  • After rebooting my Windows Vista 64 bit system, could not access iTunes; after uninstalling I tried reinstalling, but it has been running for more than 24 hrs. Should I cancel installation?

    I had been updating my Windows Vista 64 bit system and as a result of a problem, had to reboot my system. Afterwards, I was no longer able to access iTunes.  I got a message stating that there was a problem with some of the files associated with the application.  A phone rep at Apple's Customer Service provided me with emails linking instructions on completely uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes. I did the uninstall, then checked for lingering iTunes files and couldn't completely remove some, but tried intalling the latest version of iTunes. It has been running for roughly 24 hours.  The status bar is green all the way across, and when I try to cancel, I get the following message: "Are you sure you want to cancel iTunes installation?"  I keep hitting "no," but am staring to wonder if there is a problem with the install.  Should it take this long if I have roughly 134 gigs of music?  I can still see the music in my computer's C drive, so I am worried that there is an error, perhpas because I didn't clear out all the lingering C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\ and all the lingering C:\Program Files\iTunes\.  Any thoughts?

    It is not just the HP. I have 3 HP computes and 2 Dell computers. 2 of the HP and 1 Dell suffer the iTunes internet block. Took me a while to figure it out also. But, the one thing that is different on the Dell, is that I can leave iTunes installed and not open it and everything works. As soon as I open it, internet access goes down. BUT secure sites (https:) works fine.

  • I performed a software update and the system is installing an update but it has been running for over 24hrs and keeps saying "This may take a few minutes, don't shut down your computer" Can anyone help?

    I performed a software update and the system is installing an update but it has been running for over 24hrs and keeps saying "This may take a few minutes, don't shut down your computer" Can anyone help?

    Hello cor-el, thanks for your reply. I changed my settings for downloads to desktop and it has appeared on there. When I double click I am asked which program I want to open file. I click firefox and another box "opening install" says I have chosen to open the file which is an application and do I want to save it. This is the only real option so I press save file. I get a box saying this is an executable file which may contain viruses - do you want to run. I press ok and the final box showing C drive file name and desktop appears stating application not found.
    This happens the same whenever I try to install.
    To my untrained eye the application is not being recognised as an application and I cannot work out how to get it to do that.
    My plugin is still showing as out of date.
    Is there anything you could suggest. Thanks for your time.

  • I have Lookout 6.5 running with Windows 7, the process has been running for about 2 months with no problems, but today the Citadel stopped working! I am having a hard time getting it started again, need help!

    I have Lookout 6.5 running with Windows 7, the process has been running for about 2 months with no problems, but today the Citadel stopped working!
    How could this have happened and what can I do to get it running again? 

    Didnt realize there was a response, late getting back to you.
    Save your process files outside of the NI progam directory (you should have external backups already right ).  THey should not be deleted.
    Any customizations to the lookout.ini and lookout.sec file may be lost.  
    Forshock - Consult.Develop.Solve.

  • Attempting to download Maverick it has been running for nearly 24hrs. I have tried shutting down the computer but the setup assistant keeps canceling the shut down.

    Attempting to download Maverick it has been running for nearly 24hrs. I have tried shutting down the computer but the setup assistant keeps canceling the shut down.

    Just hold down the power button for about ten seconds and the machine will turn off.
    I'm not sure how fast your Internet speed is but my Mavericks downloads usually only take about 20-25 minutes for a 5.33GB file.
    No telling what will be waiting for your when you power back on... call back if you can't login to your computer.

  • Installing Software Update has been running for over an hour now, anyone else having the same issue?

    Installing Software Update has been running for over an hour, anyone else have the same issue?

    Hopefully it's been resolved by now - I have no idea how large each one of those files are. The progress bar tells you; FWIW, I only download one at a time - makes it easier and faster and you can choose to do the next one when you have time.

  • I am trying to set up iTunes match on my apple tv, but it just keeps showing that it is loading, it has been running for over an hour, what can be done here, it has gone with no problem on my iPhone, iPad but not the tv

    i am trying to set up iTunes match on my apple tv, but it just keeps showing that it is loading, it has been running for over an hour, what can be done here, it has gone with no problem on my iPhone, iPad but not the tv

    Same here and this is driving me crazy. I can buy, but can't upgrade. Grrr.

  • A job in Cisco Prime Infrastructure 2.1 has been running for 50 days

    I found a job (SAM_Poller_22_15_GETVPNPoller_1878262177) in cisco prime infrastructure 2.1 (Administration -> Job Dashboard -> System-defined), which has been running for about 50 days. Is this normal? How can I stop it? Thanks for any help..
    2014-09-19 01:28
    49 Days 01 : 28 : 37

    Not normal, seems to be stuck. Try to stop (ncs stop) and start (ncs start) the system processes, which should stop this job.
    If it happens again, i would recommend to open a TAC case for further investigation.

  • After upgrading to snow leopard my MacBook Pro will freeze when I go to system Pref or it has been running for 40 minutes-can't shut it off properly...frustrated. What fix can I download?

    After upgrading to snow leopard my MacBook Pro will freeze when I go to system Pref or it has been running for 40 minutes-making it impossible to close app's or power off properly...so frustrated. What fix can I download?

    After upgrading to snow leopard my MacBook Pro will freeze when I go to system Pref or it has been running for 40 minutes-making it impossible to close app's or power off properly...so frustrated. What fix can I download?

  • I am unable to send to an address that I have been using for a long time. All aspects have been investigated but with no solution ,has anyone encountered this problem before?

    I am unable to send to an address that I have been using for a long time. All aspects have been investigated but with no solution ,has anyone encountered this problem before?

    Hi Eric,
    The message seems to totally disappear. It is going to an AOL customer in UK. I changed their address to start with a lowercase letter & the message was returned to me by AOL as undeliverable, I then changed the first letter of the address beck to upper case, the same I have been using for years, but again it disappeared.
    I appreciate any help you can give me. Tks Gord.

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