A select list from query question

Hello all - I've looked in detail at a great deal of posts on this subject and believe what I am trying to achieve is not unusual or out of scope. Therefore it's likely me mis-interpreting something and I'd be grateful for anybody's input.
I have the following as a column in a report
apex.select_list_from_query( 21,
          'select g.user_name,g.user_id
          from users g, user_roles h
     where g.user_id=h.user_id and h.role_id in (2,3)'
     , null ,
     '- Not Reserved -') slov1 ,
If 'reserved_by' is null, I want '- Not Reserved -' to appear in the select list, otherwise I want the value in user_name. Where reserved_by is not null, I get the appropriate user_name returning the appropriate user_id. Where reserved_by is null, I get null returning null in the select list.
'- Not Reserved -' which is the value I've tried to assign to p_null_text, also appears in the select list and returns '-1' . However '-Not Reserved-' only appears as an extra option, rather than becoming the display value for reserved by=null.
So, if the values in reserved_by are 'user1','user2' and null and the P_query returns
my select list for the row having reserved_by=NULL looks like
- Not Reserved -
NULL (ie blank).
Following a suggestion in a thread from 2005(!), I changed the p_query to
'select g.user_name,g.user_id
from users g, user_roles h
where g.user_id=h.user_id
and h.role_id in (2,3) union ALL
SELECT ''- Not Reserved -'' user_name, 0 user_id from dual',
null, NO'
and set p_show_null to 'NO'. This achieves the functionality I want. So perhaps, though I can't figure out what I was doing wrong with the 'correct' usage. Anyway, I'll post this in case it proves useful to others!

Hi Apex Experts,
can some one suggest me an alternate way to achieving this. I really have no idea on how to take this forward. :(
Any help/pointers will be highly appreciated.
Edited by: Chaitu_Apex on May 13, 2010 3:50 AM

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    -- Notice how I'm keeping the idx value the same as the column value in the collection. This helps to keep things organized
    -- I also apply an id to each entry
    -- I append the error value to the empname and sal
    -- The Seq_id. Usefull when hiding rows (for delete) and then submitting from
    apex_item.hidden(1,x.seq_id, null, x.seq_id || '_seq_id') ||
    -- The Primary Key of the column
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    -- Employee Name
    case when x.seq_id = -1
    apex_item.select_list_from_query (3,
    'select distinct language_name d, '
    || 'language_id r from foreign_language',
    'style="width:170px" ' ,
    '- Select Language -',
    'x.seq_id_' || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'),
    apex_item.text (3,(select language_name from foreign_language where x.language_id = foreign_language.language_id),
    'style="width:170px" readonly="readonly"',
    'f32_' || LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0')
    || err.language_id language_id,
    /* apex_item.text(3,x.language_id,null, null, null, x.seq_id || '_language_id') || err.language_id language_id,
    -- Employee Salary
    apex_item.text(4,x.proficiency, null, null, null, x.seq_id || '_proficiency') || err.proficiency ||
    -- Store the sql action type as well.
    apex_item.hidden(50,x.sql_action_typ, null, x.seq_id || '_sql_action_typ_id') proficiency,
    -- Last but not least the row error
    FROM (SELECT ac.c001 seq_id,
    ac.c002 ceah_people_id,
    ac.c003 language_id,
    ac.c004 proficiency,
    ac.c049 modifiable_flag,
    ac.c050 sql_action_typ
    FROM apex_collections ac
    WHERE ac.collection_name = 'DATA_COLLECTION'
    ORDER BY ac.seq_id) x,
    -- Error Collection
    (SELECT ac.seq_id seq_id,
    ac.c002 ceah_people_id,
    ac.c003 language_id,
    ac.c004 proficiency,
    ac.c050 row_error -- Useful when individual data is correct, however the row of data is not. Ex: start/end dates
    FROM apex_collections ac
    WHERE ac.collection_name = 'ERROR_COLLECTION'
    ORDER BY ac.seq_id) err
    WHERE x.seq_id = err.seq_id(+)

    I got so frustrated I started over. I'm following the how to create a manual form.
    The problem I'm now having is even though I display items as hidden, there is a column holder on the report for them. If I go into the report attributes and toggle the show attribute off I cannot reference an items value in my logic. I used /&nbsp/ for the column heading but I still get the little sort arrow where the column heading should be. I tried to toggle the sort attribute off but the sort arrow still shows up. How can I use the apex_item.hidden and not get a place holder for the column on a report? Thanks, Elizabeth
    Here is the code I'm using to generate the report:
    select x.ceah_people_lang_id,
    from (
    select apex_item.hidden(1,ceah_people_lang_id) ceah_people_lang_id,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(2,language_id,'select language_name, language_id from foreign_language') language_id,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(3,proficiency,'select name, id from proficiency') proficiency,
    apex_item.hidden(4,ceah_people_id) ceah_people_id
    from ceah_people_language where ceah_people_language.ceah_people_id = :P152_person_id
    union all
    select apex_item.hidden(1,null) ceah_people_lang_id,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(2,null,'select language_name, language_id from foreign_language') language_id,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(3,null,'select name, id from proficiency') proficiency,
    apex_item.hidden(4,null) ceah_people_id
    from dual) x

  • Select list from query in report

    Hello everybody,
    I want to include a select list from a query in a report's colomn, but the select list should only be displayed conditionally. I wanted to do this with the help of "case when" in the corresponding SQL statement.
    The select list itsself works, but when I combine it with "case when" I always get the error message:
    ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
    The select statement is as following:
    htmldb_item.checkbox(1,rownum) " ",
    from (
    (select case
    when (select name from cn_pl_projektidee s01
    where s01.idee_id = '2') IS NULL then
    (select distinct htmldb_item.select_list_from_query(5,name,'select distinct name from cn_pl_projektidee') name from cn_pl_projektidee s01
    where s01.idee_id = t1.idee_id)
    (select distinct htmldb_item.text(5,name) name from cn_pl_projektidee s01
    where  s01.idee_id = t1.idee_id)
    END from cn_pl_std_peplanung t1) Idee,
    from cn_pl_std_peplanung t1, cn_pl_projektelemente z1, cn_pl_version u1, cn_pl_projektidee s1
    where t1.version_id = '&P6_VERSION_WAHL.'
    and t1.pe_id ='&P6_HELP_PRODET.' 
    and t1.l_art_id ='&P6_L_ART_ID.'
    group by t1.pe_id, t1.version_id, t1.idee_id, t1.l_art_id) x
    order by x.ideeDoes anybody know what could be the problem or what other solutions I could try??

    Found 2 ways to solve it:
    *1. dynamic action (JQuery)*
    $("#f20_1234 option[value=13]").attr('selected', 'selected');
    *2. process*
    HTP.p('<script type="text/javascript">');

  • PL/SQL select list from query

    I am trying to modifying a PL/SQL process. Wherever there was a reference to the Application ID, I wanted to change it to refer to the Application Alias.
    Here is the original code:
       cursor app_cur is
          select aa.application_id||' - '||aa.application_name app_name,
            from apex_applications aa
           where exists (select 1
                           from profiles p
                          where p.application_id = aa.application_id);
       cursor user_app_cur (p_user number, p_app number) is
          select to_char(profile_id)
            from user_app_profiles
           where user_id = p_user
             and application_id = p_app;
       v_profile   varchar2(10);
       v_count     number := 0;
       v_class     varchar2(15);
       htp.p('<table class="t3standardalternatingrowcolors" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">');
       htp.p('<tr><th class="t3header" >Application</th><th class="t3header" >Profile</th></tr>');
       for app in app_cur loop
          v_count := v_count + 1;
          if mod(v_count,2) = 1 then
             v_class := 't3dataalt';
             v_class := 't3data';
          end if;
          open  user_app_cur(:P3_USER_ID, app.application_id);
          fetch user_app_cur
           into v_profile;
          if user_app_cur%notfound then
             v_profile := 'NONE';
          end if;
          close user_app_cur;
          htp.p('<tr><td class="'||v_class||'">'||app.app_name||
                '</td><td class="'||v_class||'">'||
                apex_item.select_list_from_query(40, v_profile,
                  'select description, profile_id from profiles where application_id = '||app.application_id,
               null, 'YES', 'NONE', 'No Profile Assigned', null, null, 'NO')||
                apex_item.hidden(41,app.application_id) ||
       end loop;
    end;Here is my revised code:
       cursor app_cur is
          select aa.alias||' - '||aa.application_name app_name,
            from apex_applications aa
           where exists (select 1
                           from profiles p
                          where p.application_alias = aa.alias);
       cursor user_app_cur (p_user number, p_app varchar2) is
          select to_char(profile_id)
            from user_app_profiles
           where user_id = p_user
             and application_alias = p_app;
       v_profile   varchar2(10);
       v_count     number := 0;
       v_class     varchar2(15);
       htp.p('<table class="t3standardalternatingrowcolors" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">');
       htp.p('<tr><th class="t3header" >Application</th><th class="t3header" >Profile</th></tr>');
       for app in app_cur loop
          v_count := v_count + 1;
          if mod(v_count,2) = 1 then
             v_class := 't3dataalt';
             v_class := 't3data';
          end if;
          open  user_app_cur(:P3_USER_ID, app.alias);
          fetch user_app_cur
           into v_profile;
          if user_app_cur%notfound then
             v_profile := 'NONE';
          end if;
          close user_app_cur;
          htp.p('<tr><td class="'||v_class||'">'||app.app_name||
                '</td><td class="'||v_class||'">'||
                apex_item.select_list_from_query(40, v_profile,
                  'select description, profile_id from profiles where application_alias = '||app.alias,
               null, 'YES', 'NONE', 'No Profile Assigned', null, null, 'NO')||
                apex_item.hidden(41,app.alias) ||
       end loop;
    end;Here is the error:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 153: PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "F109NEWNAME": invalid identifier ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    I think that the problem is in the table/LOV generation near the end, but I don't fully understand the apex_item.select_list_from_query function as it is written (I didn't write it).
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Hi Matt,
    This line:
    'select description, profile_id from profiles where application_alias = '||app.aliaswould become:
    select description, profile_id from profiles where application_alias = F109NEWNAMEif F109NEWNAME was the app_alias. SQL would see F109NEWNAME as a variable as it is not in quotes. Therefore, you should change the line to:
    'select description, profile_id from profiles where application_alias = ''' || app.alias || ''''to end up with:
    select description, profile_id from profiles where application_alias = 'F109NEWNAME'which would make more sense

  • Trouble using pipelined function in an select list lov query

    I'm trying to use a pipelined function in a select list lov query but i cet the error
    "LOV query is invalid, a display and a return value are needed, the column names need to be different. If your query contains an in-line query, the first FROM clause in the SQL statement must not belong to the in-line query."
    my query is as follows :
    SELECT gt.navn d, gt.GEOGRAPHY_TYPE_ID r
    WHERE gt.kode NOT IN (1)
    and gt.kode in (select lov_value from table(RAPPORT_FILTER_PKG.GET_RAPPORT_FILTER_VALUE_PIP (
    SYS_CONTEXT ('rapport_filter_ctx','filter_id'),'GEOGRAPHY_TYPES')) )
    ORDER BY gt.navn DESC
    if i use a discrete values '80' instead of the call to
    SYS_CONTEXT ('rapport_filter_ctx','filter_id')
    i don't get eny errors, but then the LOV isn't as dynamic as i has to be
    any idears???
    Edited by: [email protected] on Dec 1, 2008 8:50 AM
    Edited by: [email protected] on Dec 1, 2008 11:17 AM

    nope that doesn't do it either
    contains a syntax errror at
    SYS_CONTEXT (('rapport_filter_ctx',:P500_RAPPORT_FILTER_ID),'GEOGRAPHY_TYPES'))
    my theory is that it's got something to do with the way APEX binds values because
    the query
    SELECT gt.navn d, gt.GEOGRAPHY_TYPE_ID r
    WHERE gt.kode NOT IN (1)
    and gt.kode in (select r from table(RAPPORT_FILTER_PKG.GET_RAPPORT_FILTER_VALUE_PIP ('80','GEOGRAPHY_TYPES')) )
    ORDER BY gt.navn DESC
    works fine in both TOAD and in APEX but as soon as i replace th '80' with :P500_RAPPORT_FILTER_ID then, apex won't accept the code??????
    Edited by: [email protected] on Dec 3, 2008 7:54 AM

  • Populate Select List from Checkboxes?

    How do I populate a Select List from a checkbox set's checked display values and submitted values?
    I'm guessing I need to parse the colon-delimited values, but I have no idea how to get the display values, or how to put all of that into the Select List.
    Any ideas?

    Every select list item can be based on LOV. You can read more about it in here - http://download-uk.oracle.com/docs/cd/B31036_01/doc/appdev.22/b28550/bldapp.htm#CHDFGFHI
    If you are trying to populate a select list, using JavaScript, you can see a good example in here - http://htmldb.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=11933:37
    Hope this helps,

  • Populating a SELECT list from an Oracle Table

    I would like to populate a second SELECT list on
    a web page based on the selected value in the first
    SELECT list. I would like to take the value
    that the user selects in the first SELECT list and
    use it in a WHERE clause to bring back distinct
    values to display in the second SELECT list.
    I would like to do this all on a single page. As
    soon as the user selects a value in the first SELECT
    list, then the correct values retrieved from the
    database would appear in the second select list.
    Is this possible? Do you have sample code or ideas??
    I can write JavaScript to get the selected value, but
    I cannot get to Oracle data from the JavaScript environment.
    I can write PL/SQL or Java procedure to access
    Oracle data, but I cannot make the complete connection.
    Help, please.

    Unless you can get every combination back in the first SQL statement, you'd have to do something along the lines of
    - Have the JavaScript submit the page as soon as the first pull-down is selected
    - Have the response be a page identical to the first page, but with the second pull-down populated.
    The other option would be to have a Java applet that can make the second query and return results. Since applets can't connect to the database by default, you'd have to have an app server that would do the actual query.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • HTMLDB 2.0 bug - tabular forms - select list from named LOV

    Changing a column in a tabular form to 'select list (named lov)' gets the following error in HTMLDB 2.0 when you try to add a row (to an empty table in my case):
    PL/SQL error at column 133.
    Create a table and then create a tabular form on it. Then change a report column to be a 'select list (named lov)'. Save and run the form and the error occurs.
    Dave Venus

    This example:
    and this example:
    may help you.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Selecting Randoms from Query of Queries

    I can create a query that selects random records
    select top 10 * from table order by newid() <!--- SQL
    Server --->
    select top 10 * from table order by rand() limit 10 <!---
    However, is there a way to cache a query then select random
    records from it?
    I want to cache the overall query that retrieves all the
    records, then
    randomly pull
    from that cached query.
    If I use newid() or rand(), the query bombs on the
    Any suggestions?

    well, it's not really a query of queries... more like a query
    of a cached
    query :)
    "DixieGal" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:ffsn1b$***$[email protected]..
    |I can create a query that selects random records
    | <cfquery....>
    | select top 10 * from table order by newid() <!--- SQL
    Server --->
    | </cfquery>
    | or
    | <cfquery....>
    | select top 10 * from table order by rand() limit 10
    <!--- MySQL--->
    | </cfquery>
    | However, is there a way to cache a query then select random
    records from
    | I want to cache the overall query that retrieves all the
    records, then
    | randomly pull
    | from that cached query.
    | If I use newid() or rand(), the query bombs on the
    | Any suggestions?
    | --
    | Tami

  • LOV an SQL : how to configure a select list to get all records

    I am using Oracle 10g with APEX 2.0.
    Here is my question:
    I have a report and I am using 3 text fields and a select list to search through a join of two tables. The select list is composed of a "list of values" and the parameter, which is used in the SQL-sentence, has a numeric value.
    Result table after the join operation looks like this:
    Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 (By assuming the field3 is the one which used in the select list.)
    21a this 1000 bn
    21a that 1001 vb
    33c thus 1012 ct
    What I want to do is to set another parameter-value pair in the select list to let user choose the "ALL" of the mentioned items in the select list so that the search will return all the records without having taken this select list-field into consideration.
    Is it possible to do it with LOV and SQL? Do I need any other functions? or configurations?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi user630478!
    I always use a select list with submit and the option to get a NULL-Value for such things. To solve your problem do the following things:
    1.) Create two named LOVs. One as you already did and another one for all values.
    2.) Your select list with submit should be configured to show a NULL-Value e. g. it shows ALL with the value 0.
    3.) Create two conditional branches that work together with your select list. One that show the normal results if a user has clicked on a normal value and the second should act only if a user has clicked on ALL.
    4.) Write a process that switches the LOVs in your select list from one to the other. This process should only be fired if the second conditional branch has been actived.
    Maybe if I understood right that's what you want to know.
    yours sincerely

  • How to default a value in a select list

    I have an item on the page which is displayed as a select list.
    The select list has an lov that returns 3 values as follows:
    the sql for this lov is as follows:
    select CAL_TYPE d,cal_type r
    from igs_ca_type
    where s_cal_cat='ACADEMIC'
    It needs to return the values in the order as shown above, however if the user does not select anything from the select list, I want it to default to the value in the middle of the list(ACAD2H)
    I tried using default on the item but I could not get this to work.
    Could someone explain how I can get the select list in HTMLDB to default to the value that I want regardless of which position it appears in the select list it always seems to default to the value at the top of the list.

    Hello Kay,
    A default value for a select list must be set to a legitimate returned value from the select list LOV query.
    The default value should be set in the item "Default" section. In the "Default Value" field you should enter your query – in a form of a PL/SQL Function Body – and set the "Default Value Type" field accordingly.
    The following is an example of code I'm using to set the default value of a select list to be the first displayed option (set by the user, and recorded in the dispord column):
      l_sno  number;
      select sno
      into l_sno
      from mis_mess_users
      where dispord = (select min(dispord)
                     from mis_mess_users);
      return l_sno;
    end;Using the same principle, you can use any query that will give you the result you need.

  • Dynamic values of a select list based on a column

    Is there an easy way to build the values of a select list from a column that contains 'Red,Green,Blue" where Red, Green, Blue will be the values of the select list?

    Next time you could try this for a one row table:
         (SELECT     SUBSTR (txt
                            , INSTR (txt, ',', 1, LEVEL) + 1
                            ,   INSTR (txt, ',', 1, LEVEL + 1)
                              - INSTR (txt, ',', 1, LEVEL)
                              - 1
                            ) AS token
          FROM       (SELECT ',' || YOUR_COLUMN || ',' txt FROM YOUR_TABLE)
          CONNECT BY LEVEL <=
                          LENGTH (txt)
                        - LENGTH (REPLACE (txt, ',', ''))
                        + 1)
    SELECT *
    FROM   DATAOr use this if your comma separated values are in more than one row:

  • Can a Tree be used as a Select List?

    I'd like to use a tree structure in APEX as an interactive 'Select List Item' or a Menu component.
    When users click on a particular tree node, the selection will be highlighted and it's associated PID from the underlying query can be accessed to filter a Report.
    Is this possible?

    Hi Andy
    I had hoped to use the normal APEX tree item to drive interactive user selection.
    The tree report in APEX seems a bit limited for this requirement. I'm unable to click on individual leaf elements.
    The tree list shared component, on the other hand, gives me this functionality. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a way to populate a list from query?
    I've found Scott Spendolini's AJAX tree, which I'm trying to implement and test to see if it suits my requirements, however, I'd prefer to use internal APEX features, if it all possible.
    Please let me know APEX caters for this.
    Many thanks

  • Getting 'variable not in select list' error after extending VO

    My page is based on two VO. one VO has all transient attribute(LearnerSearchCritVO) and used to capture Search Criteria, The other VO is used for query(LearnerSearchVO).
    I have exteneded LearnerSearchCritVO to add 4 new additional Transient attributes
    and LearnerSerachVO and its IMPL class to add additional where clause.
    After substitution and personalization when I am querying through page I am getting the following error -
    ## Detail 0 ##
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01007: variable not in select list
    The query is working fine at backend and the same thing was working fine before instance is refreshed.
    I am not able to find why this error is coming.
    please help me out to sort this issue.

    Hi All
    Sorry to bring this one up again, but I've had a bit of a look around and done as much as I can based on the information given in this and other threads on the subject.
    I'm getting the java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01007: variable not in select list error from my extended VO/substitution.
    The query is based on a view for easy editing after deployment, so could that have anything to do with it?
    Here's the query from the error message:
    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: oracle.jbo.SQLStmtException: JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement:
    OR hr_general2.supervisor_assignments_in_use = 'FALSE')))
    So... What's missing?
    Any help appreciated.

  • How to populate 'Select List' based on Radiogroup selection?

    I've a Radiogroup and on the selection of any of its item, I've to populate a 'Select List' from DB, what is the best way to do this?
    I'm on APEX, and the Radiogroup & Select List are part of a Form Region.
    To be honest, I don't even know whether to use Radiogroup with submit or redirect :-)
    Thanks for the help,

    I have never worked on ver 2 of APEX so i dont know wheter these functionality will work or not..
    Option 1)
    1) Make the Radiogroup as Radiogroup(with submit)
    2) Create a select list with query something similar to
    select display_value d , return_value r from myTable where someColumn = :P1_MY_RADIO_BUTTON;
    Option 2) Use AJAX.. htmldb_Get()

Maybe you are looking for